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GTigGrOV, N.L. Instrument to Record the Fluxes and Energy Spectrum of Electrons with Energies Above 108 ev in Cosmic Rays 6 pp GEOMAGN.J AHRUN, Vol 13, No 4,, 1973 pp SOO-584 CIA-X-78SS Odgorov$, N. L. Oonective Interactiom of bevy Nuclei Nucleom wd hig"auW CoNde RVO t DOE= ~U~ j V- 2M, 1972P VP* 65o9 am MR. WC 73-12bW-033 NM V2-27832 GRIGUROVt N-v I RU LXIILRIMLNIAL LNVESIIGATION OF THL PROCESS UF TRANSIHON OF SCILID AEROSOL PARTIC /,Cj VEST. LENINGkAD UNIV.s NO. 161 1971v pp 48-56 FSIC-HT-23-0411-74 wumv X. li, Cbllm*IVIR -, -sum of _tbo Malmo In hemy 'Coll" lk". NW" 4t - -I am AUUM Wa MONAM Bmip Va. 202o 1 we Is WXNWO WMR: P. M~~ m Grigarov, M. L. Me obsteAdemooff satellius otu&j dwrAo rwo. MXRODA, 14MCOW. No 10,m 1972;, pp 29-se WC 73-13901-20H Ic :C,-g - -c- 2 7 -) :) GrIgorov, TI. M. ~!ow !,rater Purification Facility in Kalinin Ta Discussod, 6 pp. I 'TITTIMICT-111TOYE, I 1~0mIgpIALITUOYE, KTIOZYAY,-,TVO, RF-SCOW, 76 11, 197375P 7-9o. ,TPRs 61286 ma r 74 Grigorov, Nikola Soviet Aid to Bulgarlan 9 pp. 'WLEZO-PUTEIT TRATTSPOR"j. 19741 115a 4(1)-50. JpRs 6S4:L? Railways Douaribed, Sofia, ',T0$ 7, 8p 9, Onn WGUIvot 0. R, MbdndtzG Sdf-b&xud VIUMUON an to rAcuta mmm MMM mm ik!M P-X.M~=~ ~ vcd. 9MI, DO* 1. AmilWo Mo P- T6-77 Cb GAgoroviohj, V. V. Effect of the Jumsia se(Ementary cover an pre-late OrwWOO low0winal and 00600me f0ming and ths lowUmation of potymotat oiinsratixadon in the c9gorta mowitat" DO"UDY AXAMMU SAUK S.S~R ' SCISSMI, vot. 207, ._a RARM no. 5, 1972, pp. ZUZ-ZI93 AOT Grigoruic, V.N. Some Features of the Distribution and Origin of Zones of Elevated Gas Evolution in the Khiby Alkaline Massif. IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., GEOL. RAZVED. V.159 My$ . 7, p~.75-80 A.T.S. RO&GB 923 arigo0yan, F. To. CLICUUtion Of ManoWs of the lambated type With smn Air Gaps~ 12 pp jamiclam" W.4marm Maw, am t Bulki s EMMA.- I VI&WSMT FA KB.S= v Lftingrad, 'to 171,, 19739. pp 21-34 ipBs 6o6o5 Grigorlyan, Fe Tom Attenuation of Sound in Channels of liaminated Silencers With S=U Clearames. 23 PP JEMICUEWA W8699AMU M11000 EM, MIA-3 SHUMOM I viamalm MA MRSKIO MUDAM, lie ,,"rad, No 171. 19?3. pp 31-49. j 005 Grigorlyang Fo Yee Attenuation of SowW In the Chumele of Lamimted Silencers Atb a Cellular Urdn. ? pp TEMC MF=A-TSITA MKCQO UBA. BMIIBA 3 BROKE I VIAMAIM ALMMUKH-SMM. TAnImrado fib 19,1* 1973o PP 49-34- -JP-ES 10605 Grigorlyan, F# Too The Noise of Shipboard Navigatioml InArummto, 13 YP -07ral""m ~z MEMO 11 0 a I. a I W lmdagrado No In* 1.973* pp 62-73. JPRS 60605 Grigoryan, G. K. k,roductivity and Quality of short-Stalked Vari- eties of 61ioat After Autum. 5 pp gUQJU I SEMMOV21MY2, Moscow. No 3. 1973, pp 51-53. jpRs 6o221 Grigorlyang Re As Neurophysiological Analysis of Neuronal Reactions of tho Catts Cerebellum in Response to Adequate b'timulation of the Vestibular Apparatuat PI) FROBLVNI U12Z_AVLMIYA RkJKTLS .IYA141 OLrIANIZ~ GIN&MA I ZKVQTLJY_K_jl, Moscm, 1973, pp 145-149. JPFS 59818 orii;oryaa, i,".k,. C'ellU105C With I01)'-J, 1, AKAFAI 7, L-00, Gwigoryan,~ S.S. Effect of a violent underground explosion in dense rock. DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK, SOVIET PHYSICSA_ V.212, No,21 1973, pp.337-340. AIP TR CHECK 23-04.4 T~39 PROBLEM OF SUITABILITY OF THE THEORY OF ELASTICITY IN THE STRUCTURAL ME, CHANICS OF SM GRIGORYAN~ S S UR: MECHANICS -0Y A CONTINUM AND 011' ANALYSIS OF RELATED PROBLEM4 1972) pp. 163-169 FSL 9032 Gluoltym, MIOLOGICIUSKlY ZIIUINAL AIMNIX// --/-./197le V-240N-10, Effect of the Temperature Factor on Retention of tho Physiological Proporties of Proservod Blood. pp 101-102,*ACSI-K-487509 GRIGORYAN. V. A. IZVFST, VUZ CHERMT MET NOVOS Dynamic gurface effect of dissolution of pyrographitc., in Fe-C and Ni-C melts I pp 55-58 *BISI 125791,111 Griaorlyov. A. Fmblems In Activo Duty Scientific Reseamh. 5 pp KWN , Yoseaw, 14 Aug 74. p 2. JPR3 629 Grigorlyev, A. bzakh TransportatiOn Institute Shifts to blev 1,.'ork Conditiona. 7 pp NAROMOU KLIMALS-TV0 WAIGZAA, Alma-Ata, No 5, 1973, pp 2(~-23. ~PRS a303 and IndwUW CondmaUen x2twia 2. by pp;' loam#, 0 OVAMMquo Im pp t4 Grlrorlyov, A. PI. An Important Landmark In CCP History, 19 PP PROBUNY WNEDO VOTO-K49 Moscow, No 2, 1973, pp 99-lu. ins 59716 Gr.igor'yev, A. PO Kinetics of crystallization of sillimanite frol. corundum and qpartz DOK LADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, SCIENCES SECTIOU pp. WLWa IMIOC-l dd gmv* *=A VOTNWV =wpm m sqen Aupwas XrkU-TSM M w noTmaX swqdnM M jo =;Vft,4n=l fZ=W-A4CJ&1-1-n /PM OUM MU 'A&// NY s0 #AXRMD I . - '." - I. ~~ . ;.~ (., C.- , '.~ ~ , V i Autorotation of Coaxial Helicopters, by I. Grigorlyov, 8 pp. GRAZHDANSKAY AVIMIYA,, no 6, 197o. mVmd7HT-?3-4W-72 Ap). 7 1 Grigorlyev, M. Wellonce in Cmund Training btressed# 6 pp IWHAYA ZVQA, tiosomp 21 June 74# p 2o ipp.,.,) 62621 Grigorlyov, ;.'. b~eftelcamsk Introduces New 'rechnoloey. 5 pp ~RQLODIL, Aloscow, 114o 19, 19 June 1973. p 7. JPRS 59892 Grigorlyev, P. F. Methods of thermal-strength testing of the nozzle unita of turbines of aviation WE. 6 pp, PROCMOST' I DIM= AVLA"rOMMM MOSEMS SBOMM STATEYj No. 6, ITI. AIR- M HT-23-797-73 Grigorlyevk Vs. No CLU ftodardiution in ~iaohine construction. 9 pp I KACH& 0 STANDAKI 2 , Macaw. No 6. June 19?4.. pp 19-21, jpRs 6263'0 25-Apr-73 Uncl0U(UCRL-Trans--149l) Stability of the focused azimuthal-homogeneous electron beam. GRI-GOREY, V.P.; DIDENKO, A.N. Translated by G. Brodell from Izv. Vyssh. Ucheb, Zaved., Piz.; No. 7~ 32-37(1971). 18P. Dep. NTrS $3.00. ZOG particle accelerators; translations MM-28 P NSA FRO Public and Hadi& Propen for 13rezhnev Visitj by Ye. Grigoryev.,, Yu. Zhukovp 5 pp. kSkiNg np,, Pravda# Ymeowp 18 Aw 1973j, p 4. JM9 59129 iOw 73 beft" VISIt Starts New Era WaRtiona; bw U; qs, o Ov ,q ,~ .%q RMSM; apt' Piiiiij cw~ m 59n9 In Soviet-no 5 w 17 MW V7310' p 4. MW 73 Grigorlyev, Yu. A# lee and Thermal Regime of the Reservoir in the first operating le&rs of tho Krasnoyarsk Gos, 7 PP GjDROTBKIR41CIIUAOYj,; �XUTELI~TYU, Moscow, No 10, 1973. pp 30-32. jpHs U869 crigomv* Yu, 00 Grigorlyev, Yu. G. Cytological and Cytogenstic Effects in the Cells of Bacteria and Maiwals Under the Influence of Aocelerated fleavy lones 8 pp MMUMMM K2MRIM I AVIMMICIOSWA WrOPATMA Awswas Moncowe Vd 8# No Zj MaroApr 1974, pp 3-8- jpRs 62o82 GrIgorlyeval A* Go Fliscal Problem Of COOPeratives Discussed. 3 pp kIAtJQV ...-USUR, Hoscow, No 2, Fob 1974, pp 46-48. JPRS 61b41 GRIGOR'YEVA G. M. etal //UAUKA I TMIMIKA, investigation of possibilities for imprpvem~nt in stability of photoelectric characteristics of irradiated ailicon p-n,junctions, 8 PP pp 167-113, ACSI k 1982, FSTC-IIT-23-1436-72~@ Grigorlyeva, 11. N, In the Name of the Health of Soviet PeoPle, 7 pp SOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOKHRANETUYE, Moscow, No 6, 1971G, -P JPR,,3 629561-6. Nov 74 Grigulavich, 1. R. Cresconcio Perez Speaks. 8 pp LATiNsKAYA, Aggag, mosacm, flo 4, July-Aug 1973o pp 197-204, MRS 59976 orms,I)s .I IM-1 -0 now as -44 - Imm" NO" ~ aftw ft*=N ~ le ,592 mum -To 950 2*0 lps U50M WC T3.12ww Mno tmwmo j" xt J" 73*Uraogi -(AveSIOU ft loft) Grim, 0. Articles on SUbmarine Design and Construction. SCHIFF UND HAFEN, Vol.25, No.9, 1973, pp.727- TSS. NAMUSUTRAN-3509-711 ar-Ir"r* 0. SaqpUng agid matysis of polyayotio amwtio hydroaarbtm in autowtim vsUoutw- exhawt gags&* Part lo Opt.fnd- wtim of tho oolloogq &44* - enrichmni, Of the polypyotic aramNo hydroozmbww. RNMI, IND MRIUS PETROCRE14M (VSRRZNT(V WT aMN52wr- V04 260 90 of 397as pp qqzfgp- w,ml4l97-0?C N C~- - ) 3 -t / 3 (~ 'I Orimmr. rr. Swplitig and cmalysis of poZypyatia arowtio hydm- wrbons in autoviobiZe exhaws gco. Part 2. SspwabiUty of the orixturs of att potyoyetto mwtie hydroowbou mprodudbiZity of the method - disawsion. ERDOEL UND KOULE. RZEM, PETROCHSMIJ? (yyzrcT Aar DRAWNSTOFF-oswes Yoz 15, lon, pp ssi-w M pr-Ilawl" GRINTI-IR, r. Carcinogenic Ilydrocarbons in tlie. Iftiman Environment ERI)Orl 111,41) 110HU., ERMA',. PFITROCITMIE, -F ---- -(VUENICT MIT BRENNSTOFF-CIORE),vol. to pp. 578-533, 1966 14TC 73-10153-06E March 73 Lichen Sclerosus and Atrophicus, by 11. Crimmer, 8 pp. ZIT[ IIAUT GE60ILL-CKI'SKItANKIIF~l'i'l,:N, No 45, 1970, p1) 535--542. NAVY/NNTI-1647 June 73 awo. V. 1. //MW,=- -M-M= ==N goo am ov-.."Awo Idlaft Oidticif fOr OPWft of 1&t!km Pmctimm Of Xeladc W*ms " "in Tl*mvh4m* Grinberg, B.G. et al Electron Probe Micro-Analysis'on the Diffusion Layer in Titanium-Steel Clad Metal, UV. VUZ. CHERN. MET., 1973, No.7, pp.133-135. BIS a GRPMM, D. L. 11STAVII -4-4103'.W-ONW101 Jet Control of the Thialmass of a Me Coatb*,, pp 920-922"BIGI 12101M 0 r 4 11, 60 ~0,0 ~A 6 4,jtv vp j.,., 4 % L.A vp ';1 0 IVPP 0 ,,A' % VA ti K i-, I% 1 4\; t* I b 5 5k V";s , v % % ~A t _, ~~ I ~.l $~ 00 0 "I VA I % v b It G. M. Grinberg Leveling a Block Net In Tbree-Dimensional Phototriangulation GMWITA I KARTOGRUITA 0 No. 11, 1971, pp =2 C41T.23-1887-72 L)1.. I I 40t,tNkj I U. 1%. ).1' u ILL, I I -A kj L U~A L, i- I HL L i~ L t. L) k, Z I I Grinbargs L. N. ChmaW In tba re*ratlon of vat Ilver idtachon&la at wolon"d )Wpoklnoola =III vs 16P 19701 M 38T-90 XP.M'r SEEKS fM TT F-1306b rlPINDMI. 0. IM. f //AKADrTIIYA 'TEI)ITSINSKIKII NAIIK SSSP// I - -/1173, V ~ - - , Auton,tatic mathematic analysis of 'the human eefy, focal 1"sions of the brain 63 pp T)p 2/86-319 AIPUFTD/lIC-23-20444409 Grinday, V. N. Pocularitlas In tb* famtion of sustenite dm4m the qvIck beatins of o46-vorked steel VX-42 (42WIMM) 16 vp XffAUWnMCAj Vi).VO RAVIWA MW* Uevp nro 40p 19M1, pp. 37-43 AVX~--W-24-M-74 GXnWW9 Vo A* //DOE= AUMI NAUK -'-/-/1973sVW1OtWOOO2,, Sulfur Isotopes in the Russian Platform,, pp 445-448OAaim 888R, EARM S=CR// Sedimentary Mantle of the r7rincva,, 0. V. Cytochraw cmponente of the m-spiratoivj oyale. of the . tochondria of corn roots taider conditions o' root wf i hypoxia. DOKLADY AKAM-'..NIIY NAUX BOTNIXCAL SrIENCES, Vol 209 No 3, ! 2973, pp 746-748 C3 GRINEVICH, YU,- A. //SELSKOKH02YAYSTVENNAYA BIOLOGIYAt// V0004, H0004, On studying allergy in patients with rheumatism by means of in vitro leucocyte injur reaction, 6 pp pp 73-76, AIRIFTD/HT-23-1833-71M r,rtngaux,, K. 1. Zonwheris investigations oondtwted by using the lintsk"OW-2. Part I .KOSMrCMM ISSUPOVANZYX ....A v. U. n. 1, WSO pp. 96 fro NTC 73..13724-22A OrImant A. S. Strdctw* or the emataMme bummant of the amoian PlAftm at #0 tms&wy with Its folded moon DOWN RAW am c ..46 a Im" LIMM amma V61-0, $1 a-o-,p 10 1973t VP- 170-173 i= Grinvalld, P.A. et al Experiences of Two-Stage Gas Purification Be- yound an Open-Ilearth Furnace. STAL, 1973, No.11, pp..1058-1059. NM 12142 G. Gr~j~paudo ,,;tudles an vanacEum and eqvrimantal earias. ROVIOL) am! cor-wifiniz, on data from literatur-o. 01 STO,'fATOLXIII; Vol 15, 1966, pp 87-94 .r I a ~FTC 75-10439-061E 7,5 (,*. Grippawio t-vid a.~Tm-irxpstal oarles. Par-t 4. !~fj*act of vanadizve: on expcy-~vicistal carien in licaneterr. ANdALI DI STO,~-IATOLWYA VoZ 15, 1068, pp 383-390 :;;j JT61 73-10057-00F M(I.;( 7i u -J ut- ,/4 On C I A L tr--7534, p p 1 4 7-150 1 n r I it e n c e o f s e r it in p r o t e i n frac t I on 3 ob t a i nel f r o rr, Immunized and i rk t a c t in i m a I ~ on hp. ou tmme of r a d il at ion qickneg,, In rats. GH 15 HC H E IJ K 0 A . M . (Scientific Research Roe n t (jenorad i o I 0g i ca I mnd fl. n c o I og I c a I I n i3 t . , K i e v May 19711. 1 ra it !i I i t e d f r o it, Pa - J t o b I o I of I a , 13 : No. 6 923- WNMv A* 2. MMOSMA, MVJ/ ty""Olms mftl of t1w CorIng of FNM# vp 57-59own Th-low-mm .I 0m GRISHCHENY.O. L. 1. ClinicomAnatomical Characteristics of Inflammation of the SvimUladder of Carp VSESDYUZNYI NAUCIDO-ISSLEDOVATFLSKII INSTMJT PRUDVOGO RYBWW KHOZY AISTVA. TRUDY vol. 18, pp. 46- 51, 1971 NTC 73-10340-06C March 73 OrUMns A. N. Jbtbod flor datusuft.tbe Wtaftive rMwMklfttlt "muds fw NOW sell no aftsim Mkoft nrff?.AIW A - - ---- Zug Sm. sovm_-Pmzm " Val. v "00 -10 %IOWip J,')72# YF* I . I CB fITISIIIIII . 10. 1) . //PLA7 ,'11.]NINM IJ',')KORITEI,I// .. - / - - / 1 417 .3 V - - - - , fl - - - - - I'lle ljs,~ of ,plasma acclcrzitor!~ in technology I ~ -- 2 r Al ~ I 1 7' 1 7D / 1, IT .- 2 it - 10 4 3 -- 7 4 1 10 GUSM, S. Do 11PLAMMYS US)fOfffgLrll mosteratom vith a oUved halt ourmt,, 13 pp,* pp 5"JArRIFTD-0-23-1047-74610 rjrisbln ftlats Oft MW for kar4to Immsed AttmU(s to CAUdin, by.1.6 GA#4s 10 pp. ,--i . 7- RUSSIA16 pero 04umn RAMIL" 0 Moocows ft 5,0 Am 1923. pp 10-26- JERS "53 AP 73 Book Describes Foreign S. V. Grishin, 5 pp. PU&SIAN., bkj Taktiknp 316-317o 319. imo'- 59072 Viows nn Tactics,, by Moscaws 19'120 pT) Is 3-5s May 73 Irishin. V. .~. 19-11 EquJiment for opectrol analysis of the OcOUBtle SIFPAIB of martne aniuals (Apparstimil (ilia apektallitogo analiza ak stichftsVikh ui~p)alov morskiklt zhivotriykh) ~,orfoiv4ila i el~.okobjla morokilch Sokolov, e6ttor), Inst. evollutalonnof ivrfoloiill. lm. A.!.'. Severtso"re , Ahz..~.. na tk. 3~'ISR, izd. rjZq]M,,I 121 -12~. ~n Ruanina. Trarml. by 19"'1" pp, fri 2-?R. alld Foolo,%,.! of ilarinf, lawmls," lu'Afri, (w 114)811-11 11,111i'd Ave. , 1". Avail, on :,oaz2 4arli., II.C. Grishin, V. M. Thermoluminiscence of quartz from priwry gold do sits of northern Kambaketan. vSrSOyU NEWAISMKOE 0 RCHEILV2, ZAPISKI, Vol. 1000 a. ZO 19710 p. 153-162 M-C-11864 Grishina, R. Saptmber 1923s The First Peoplela Antifavelfft upria1w. 7 PP KaiWa, Moscow, No 14, Sept 1973,p Pp ?M7.% JAS 60631 Gkotahkoo H, V, DeUrwination of optinm ahoweteislettee of ma extraftt system Wth random disturbanwoo Part 1, AVMWZIfA I rSUASY"ZKAP VOZ no so 8M 1961,P pp Mr-POW firc M21961-12D crison. 4 AppZioatim of atomia aboorption "otro-phot"try in industriaZ pmdwtion quatity omtwZ. GHZW ANAUTION. P.ARIS Vol 61. 19090 pp RM812 WR YXIB46-07A ...v Grisyucko N,M, . BYULLETENA MWKOVSKGE OBSUGMSTV0 ISPYTATELEL =ODT - WDEL HOLOQUIESKIls Vol 64 -2, l9sq pp 117-122 *NTIS-TT-74-53287 Gri3yuk# MI, BOTANIOIESKIL ZHURNALI Vol 43, 1958,, pp 1488-1490 *XTIS-TT-74-53297 Grishchyk. P. Training in Naval Clubs and ~choojs Discussed* 6 pp VOY WIM ZNANIYA, I-loscow, Nlo 12, we 1973. PP 36:~3-7- JFRS 61288 Grisimova, Yes Forecasts for hatioW Economic Requirements in City Telephone Communications by Logic Simulation. 3 Pp VESTNIX SVYAZI, v4soow, No 8, 1974. pp 24-25. JPRS 33518 Gritsonko, A. A. Socialist Competition Among Ukrainian ljetaUurgical Workerso 5 PP ALLURGICM&AYA ILO U AYA MQ4U5ff4jCST" & L_ - Mqk_R Dnepropetrovsk, No 3. W-Jun 74- PP 1-2- jPR3 U791 Gritsevokly, 14. A. Aralysis of apectation bUto in the Work of an Operator in the Chemical Industry. 25 pp ,PSjlGgL0GIChLb4llF, VQPROSX RMULYATS11 DEXAZW~W:U.. moscow, 1973# pp 95-126. jpRs 61315 Grlic, Lj. oversights of Now Narcotics Law Criticizedo 5 pp. WACKUTSKI GLASNIK9 Zagrobt No 10o 1973, 309-3'91: JPR3 60458 'Now 73 GTiMMOTI G. Isolation of two antiphlogistically acting fatty acids from muscle and fat tissue. NATURMSSENSCRAFTEN, 1961, pp 718-719, v. 48. NRC C-12073 Grishin, A. 11. "I no vio Hdtmpwow-Hovpmw rodUm of a modng Plate in m Oxidf4w FIw , %,~,.a pp ORMUZ x VZRYV Z972 pp, 88-05 " Orob* K. ?eohniques of o4pilltvV g= ohrw4tqqMhV. Poosibilities for the fatt utilixation of high-perfornmos wtwm. Part 2. ftnipulation and qmratim. alROAMIMRAPHIA, Vot S. 10728, pp $82-391 MrC 73..14490-0?D ('~,OBOV. 0. F. //TPUDY VSES ITIST EKSPI VET// V0020, v~ole of the tick phipicophalur, bursa, can ot I P raj i --,77 iii transmitting thn apent of bovine allar)lilf-,mosin 9 pp T) 1) 2.01-906 HTIq TT 72-510920# r. me"Mmat of h7IM QrllrAiw Oaft,-d Tematm wlth a radstam ThawmeW 19%# p. 22 Grobs K. Techniques of capillary gas chromatography. Posetbilities of full utilization of high- performance columns. Part II. Manipulation and operation. 95filumsfimAg Vol. 50 n. 7. 19729 jot.-.37S, C 73-11389-07D 4 Grobov, V. A. MonstationaV thme-dimensionat motion of a fZying vehiaZe en4ring the atmwphare at hypemonfa vezodity. PftrgUWAYA ICKHANZYA. WVv VOZ 8s No 12j, 19720 pp ff-M h7c 73-14021-20K 'X- Grochal, I'ugoniusz Trade Union Vico-Chairman Address on Labor Code Noted, 8 pp. GLi~,S PRACY, Warsaw, 21 Jan 74, P 5, JPRS 61372 AP r 7~- Grodskiyj, S. Mathodology for ArAlydM Indatrial Con- centration and Spsaialiution Aired. 9 pp VESTNIK 51 "TTIRL, Moscowe No 6. 19749 pp ?-14* JPRS 62828