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FMMM// Intraaft"d T"U 0*81tv amw ad GOTTSCRALDT, M. Discrimination ~Ieep Phasea by Automatic E' EG- Intervn I -F% prec t ruin Analysis (ETSA) ACRESSOLOnIE, vol, 10, pp. 625-629, 1969, Supplenent 'tftCi3---iOl38-06P Ifarck 73 outteowako 0, Mum "pecU of analysis. Moftm priulples and &I=. p Vo AS MALUUM COUt Vol 258~ 1972o "M Tr T-15,030 Gottschalk, G. Systems theory analysis ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ANALYTISCHE CHEMIE, v.256, p. 257-270, 1971 NTC 73-11176-05B The Generalization of Isulincs as a Result of tile Cencralization of ziurf"cos, by H. .1. Gottschalk. ZJ-.'IT - Vol 97, No 11, 1972, 7 p11. pp 489-4949 ONAAC-TC-1895 U-S. GOVERMAENT LISE ONLY Jun 73 GottschIlebt G. Progress Achieved in the FIddd of Host Treatment and Surface Treatment of Wive I)RAftl-WELT, 1971, Vol 57, No. 11, pp 559o567 Disi 11146 OOTZ. A. //ATOMWIRTSCHAFTI/ .--/06/1974, V----., N- .. .. - The first overhaul in the stade nuclear power station pp 302-306 C. E. 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