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G02IW9 A& Stress on Observation of Inv wW Order In kIll", 12 pp W.Mumm SIL, M=CM, NO 10, may AM& Pp loom JMMO 001101, //MWNAU ZVEZDA// (a/u/iq?4,v-,J; - -v Pp oom-oop Alitary Pmeautor Discusses Discipline in Arwd Forces 7 PP I II JPF,s 63722 Gomm. A* Go Need for lqraving WitW law and Order. 8 pp 1AWAWTIPUMIKATA UUN=t 1 9 Fmv2tqLywj, %"WWI lW3f, Pp 1 W 152-160. im 620M Gorobets, G.G. Nomographs for Calculating a Deep Anode Ground KORROZ. ZASHCH. NEFTEGAZOV. PROM., 1972, No.8, pp.27-r. A.T.S. RO&GB 1013 GUkUAISKIY, A. Ru DEVMS IsASED 6N THEOILit-LECRICAL PHL-P&PItNA USNOVY FIL. POLYPROWD. I POLYPkLIVOU. Pklb., "NAVKAI't 19661 LH 16, .315-2 FS I L-HT-2-J-OU45- 14 Goro"tz&ly, A. K. Results of the Remote SawdIng of the Atmeophare and Orcean In the InfrarW and Hicrmve Uglow During the 13th byadition of the Scientific Research Ship, "Aka- doodk Kurchatov.11 RUM'W,DISTASTISIOMW ZONDI!PMIYA ADWSPERY I OKLA" v is RAKUSNOK I NIKROVOIMOVOK DIAPAZMM V IIII REYSI HIS "AKAN= URCUMV, Feb. 12-17, 1973, 47 pp. TT F 14,972 &wo*t#kiys r. G. 1. 1 t*ws-speammetrio studies of Uquid-gao equMbria mder #Uvat*d pmesume. A# temary eyetam: Carbon dloxids.,hellwn-ethyUne. ZHMAL PrU=SXOZ K.HZM.IrA vot 46. no lie 1972,0 pp mr-l"I 11W 7&13704-07D Adq*lve Prqpmed 4;Mtrd iSOAM" fOr CUttb% To~j TrajeetoAss Ll=ussWo by 4.3.-o - . G. V& *Uudlt*Pf 7 Ipp. Mooksitiv. nwu* pare 0 Salem* so 30 'far 1973,p. pp 3",, JAB 5w Mw 73 Gorodetakiyo Ye. S. The Use of YAthemdes in the amnomic Saimces. 19 pp VESTNIK-MRLK21SKOGO IMIVBRljkjAO moscow, No 4, ?41, PP 37-49. im 913 GOMWi lovap V, A,- clinioal alpoots of the imwwtmy of twwro. WPM gpLwrr 0l 19" so 3,0 1973" pp A-17 ,A v YIFM3979-06H Gorodi Zova,, V. V. .Ae maotion of delqed Iqlperepwitivity -in pationte with matignant metwum. - VOPRWY ONXOLO,-ZY ol 29, No 3,, 19782 -27 , V pp 23 = 73-13686-068 amaort a.. 8. 28-Nov-73 Unc I RPP-Trnns-139 Individual means of protecti,,n durinq operation In ''hott' laboratories. GO110GINSKI, S.M.: SCIIERBAKOL, V.L. (INSTITUT BIOPIZIKI, MOSCOW (USSR)). Aug 1963. Tranalated from report SM--12!,126. (CONP-691008--19; SM-125/26). 13p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. From Symposium on rddiat ion sa rety problems I n the design and operation of ''hot" facilities; Saclay, France (13 Oct 1969). OGR health and safety; 14 methods and equipment; translationn MM-41 11 NSA (10M A. V. //MUM AMWDal NM SSSIts PWICAL CWMW11 -412/1973^1300006v spmtwmum crystam2ation of Maltal, pp 1353-1356jC M 111~ ') , L! 6~ Soot Carbon in the Refractory Lining of Blast Furnaaosg by A* V, Gorokh, RUSSIAN# per# QgAgMggXZ# No 9# 1964p PP 394-399. NTO 72-10450-11D Apr 72 Gorokbov, A. Grain Transehipmente, 4 pp HM, Holleow, 13 Aug 74, p 2. jpRs 62893 owotb*v,g 89 so Gorokhov, Vq, Psychological Aspects Of Varins Training Discussed, 6 pp KRASNAYA ZYFZDA, Moscow, 29 Nov 1973, p 2. JPpS - 61050 Gorokbovo V6 ve Ca the way to a COMMI ono Branch Automated howement System. 6 pp XESIWIK ~VUZL Moscove No 5* May 19?3. pp 37-38. JM 60642 Go"khover, Io At Sconoadc Evaluation of Eynamics of Morbidity InvoIA4 Temporary Disability Amg Industrial Warkerso 5 PP SOVESKm ZPRAVOORW~Qgj Moscowt No 2o 1974s PP 8-11 - im U556 Gorokhovskiy, A. V. Television technology, 529 pp. TELF7121ONNAYA TROIKA. 1971, pp 1-456 AIRIFTD-IIC-23-739-72 ~uKUKII 10) ~~'jUuUL A I i UN I kiAN-Si-t k FUN~ I IONS di- Ti I L SYS I E-M 11 PHUTUukAPrIlt. mAILKiAL-bf-VLLUPL-R" 114ILRINA11UNAL (.ON(jkE~~ uJ PliuluGi~APIIIL SLIENG L JULY 1910 jl.(- IT 16-3-o I GOROKHOVSKI, YIJ ku MODULATION TRANSFER FUNCTIONS OF THE PHOTOGRA PHICMATERIAL DEVELOPER SYSTEM9 DET ZH. NAUCH. PRIKL. FOIDGR. KINEMAT. 11970 15~3~ PP 196-203 FSTC-IIT-23-1313-73 Yu. N. rcyjwrt'~!,; 0~' I'Li:NOK A. 1370, 1-")87 comkiwookiyo Yu. S. photogmphio wtMlopy. ZSPXW MAUMOT PMOM"Zr vot is, 19M, pp le&.19S MV Mole-Oda . 17TI9 87&10615 GORELOV, D. N. //ZIIURNAL PRIKLADNOY MEKIIANIKIII TEYIINICKESKOY riziky/ V---- jN---- I Nonstationary gas flow with compressioh shocks in the cascade of a supersonic compressor, 12pl pp 41-47, AIRMD/H(j.,23-L384-7.400 Gorlanov, I. Coments on 20 Years of Virgin Land ~ovolopmehto 7 pp SELISMYA~ ZIgZNI, Roscow. 1 Aug 74, p 3. JPRS 62985 60kGSHKO, b., ~ RU LXPERIMENIAL INVESFIUATILN OF Alk PULLUTION I N INDUSIRIAL REGIONS Sb DUK NA MEZHU SIMPUZ 7/#68 METEOROLOG ASP Z A6R AIM L 171 ?,~7-37 42 FSl"C-H]-.e3-Ub~7-74 B. 1. Goroshkov Structural diagram and properties of a coherent analyzer. 46 pp. STRUKPURIVAYA SKREMA I SVOYSTVA KOGERENTNOOO ANALIZAPORA, t 1972P 56 pp. NASA TT F 14,595 apr 73 Oombkoo B. I - ~ I The Optimm Wtuber of mooling Stations and the s"PlIng ft*Tmcy for lklu"rwng M4= Air Ponution GIAVWA eg!IjIMUM-2~~A ~ I -BlaWy - %-M. n 2547 lqn~ pp. t'140-150 Goroahkop, H. 1. struetml diarm and P"Pertiss of it cohemnt analy, USSR, xMiTUT FOR SPACE, RXSKARQ? Report PR-97, 1972 MrC 73~-MZ914-143 - CoraMovekilf, Yu. N. 1. . .. . I. Experimento of maow-!PV the optical 4miti, of -the photovdphio uttmt inve. vo; IT& No Is 10730 PP ATC 7&13092-14E Co"hkiva, A. 0. Ptux demities of dleomte mdio vouroee at S.Sow. Pt 2. daMMUM P5-VK it No 645,6,19700 pp 1-3 ,~ L.. ,q OrRO-t2wo-21333 CC 7&13320-03B I I -0r. t-74 tin r C.", I RO-- frang- 11 3,~J 1Flux densi f Irv of (]I ncretc radio sources it 3.5 cm. I I GORSHKOV, A.G.; SPANGENBERG, E.E.; VALTZ, I.E. ; G!N[)lI.l,',, L.M.; KONNIKOVA, V.K.-. KOPTYAEV, 'V.1.; XIiSEEV, I.G., NIKITIN, V.V.; SOGLASNOV, V.A.; rSNOVA, V.A. Trnnslated by M. A. Hintze from Astron. 1-.,jrk.; No. 545, 1-3(1970). 3p. Dep. NTjol (US Soles `;i,ly) $4.00. 2011 coswic radiation, tr~%w,kif Ions MN-34 6 NP N!;A 0 O~JkStW~Vv 14. RU . I ,I11./) UNI t~ I LO COMPU I i 1~ SY~) i LM .1 .." I 41 -if., I I- K I IN I K i.IN i4 u I< ;4 .i~ I ) .1 1,)130 P 1) .b- 9 I- .) I (. - H I - &J - 1 ~),2 4--1-3 Gorshkov, 8, Gorshkov Ditsemses EUck Sea Fleat Cperations During World War IL 16 pp XOMNO-ja2aCWQX KRURNAL, Moscow, No 3, MAr 1974p pp 14-260 JPRS 61911 e- " 6 - 0) 0),-' " h k,c) V, gorshkov Assalues Naval OPOIstiOnS &W DOvOlOP- mmtol by So Go GorsWcavo 19 ppe RUSSIM. per. AM Moscow, No 2. Feb 1973. pp 13-25, JM 56768 Apr 73 Naval Cruises Play Vole in Training,, Intemational Relationss by 5 G Corshkov 5 PP. 1 U.S.SIAN, per., Blo)cnot AgitatoraS MoBcows No 8# Apr 1973m n~p 3-6. JI'R,", 59072 May 73 Gor3hkov, S. G. Admiral Gorshkov 5poakB on 1-4vy Days 6 pp ,WVL76611 VP2. Hosew, No 13, JulY 1973, pp 2-3. JM 60090 Gorshj,ov, V. A. Device for Measuring moments of Priction in Bearings, 5 pp. 7 J"Aq`,STIYA VTJ PRIBOROMIROITITITIT',, Loningrad, ,. A IrOl 16, 110 4, 19T3., PP 04-07o .'n'RS', 59498 Al 1 7 3 Gorskaya, A. Devoloping, Pla-ming as llrhao Pactor in "oonomic Mallagonlont, 18 pp. PTAITOVOYE 1-1101MYSTV0, Moncow, zio 4, 1973, pp 90-102. J-oRS 590.6 Ju" 1 7 3 Gomm, 1. 1. //sBomn vsuormrfz womoicusin nvT=m,, XATERZALr: PAIRONT014GM I STPATIGHOW// Stratigrghic Stgnificance of the Rwu Corals$ Exavl1fled by the fter Mamie Coral Famm of the Urals$ pp 104-1188 MOMMY IMNO U. S. 0. 6.~ National ComterM owd"t T, so -1 FASOAdMoom now , Aingwouvow imm moqw~ - -~ 30K.W " Val 9M v w-*vf-w"*W* IM4, goo **am a V. 6. Gorokly First-Order Simplex Plans and Related Swoud-Order Plans ISTC-UT-23-478-72 Goretkin, I, Ways to Increase Effectiveness of Sheep Raising. 3 pp NKONOMI6A I MQUI, Tsahkonto No 5a, klay At pp 77-78. JFRS 629?2 ilotas oil ~uperwnductlon Under the Influence of Ifigh HoZnotlc Flolda and of Groat O=ont Donaitios# by C. J. Gorter C UM.W', por, Zoitschr.Lf t - f wr Angeum-ndta 11gsiTil Vol 1410 1962, pp 722-725 iiTc 71-15271-ZQC ar 7 2 Ooryaobmkwt (it %Lobin adsm" cmtNA4 m4w oduciwq 5 pp LANINSOM Uim$ MONOWs 23 MY 1973s, P 2- im 39W MYACHEVt A. M. /YADERNAYA FIZIKAt// 403/1973, V0017, N0003, Sant dipole remonance in Nuclei of the transi- ional region around A-190, P 463-4M~ AIM 60N Y AL I I IV 9 b . t It U SkTISrlGM- Llhkl~ACILkISTILS OF IIIL PASSING fZA WAI lu!,~ IN AAT1L-+AiNb I-iru.[A WITH S I I V . VY A. I t L- li . 'L Av LI I L i KA 1 4 2 ( i 2~) 1 1) 13 GazlAcm. 1. m //VOM06Y RADIOMMONIKI NAUCHRO-UMICHIMIX SDUP'NIKO SaITA --/-/1968vv-sH4003# PP 0034-0050 I'Tablems of the Design of Safalconducting Acrowavo Regdators for the Groatest Operating Power 20 pp GUO YACHEV YU M RU THERMOELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF CERAMIC REFRACTO RY SEMICONOUCTORS 4TH CONFERENCE UN CERAMICS FOR ELECTRONICS,SP INULERUV MLYN IZ-14 MAY 71. r FSTC-HT-23-0005-75 Goryubsvp ya. M. Electron apft9rum and pbyeleal Swagartles OR dadftabarldes. MUM21W M27.0 a. 37p p. 29-36p ZM we as TS-IOW2-117 may 73 CoryachkiA, V. I. Solubility of Metal Sulfates at Elevated Tem- peratures. U. Nauchn. Tr. Gos. Nauchn.-Isslod. Inst. Tsvetn. FIMI. A.T.S. RJ-5288 Goryachohenko, Ve Bo Investigation of the Parauters of Desium and Rubidium Absorption CeUs. 8 pp &OFILICUBWA APPARAT-MA, ImAMrad, 1973,. pp 16-23 jpRs 62915 Goryshin, V. 1. Mass-Production Model of Automatic RDV-1 Photo-.' meter for Measuring and Recording Atmospheric Transparency Aktinometriza atmosfernaya o2tika i ozonometri- y7Tr,_f_avnoye upravleniye gidrometeoroloEish-es- koy sluzhby pri sovete miniAtrov SSSR - Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni gIaVnaya geofizi- chesXaza observatoriya - Trudy) No. ZIU~ 1968$ pp. 48-58. FSTC-HT-23-1062-12- GORYACHKIM. V. P. I. //SOBRANIE SOCHINEHII V TREXH TOM M // V0003, N---- Theory of reaping machines ppl-35 IPST19 GORYACHKIN. V. P. /ISOBRANIE SOCHIMENIT V TREKH TOMAKH// V0003, N----, Theory of harvester knives pp 36-68 IPST## GORYACHKIN. Vi--P-.- . I //SOBRANIE SOCHINENII V TREJKH TOMAKH// V0003, R---- Theory of straw cutter and silage cutter pp 69-118 IPSTO# GORYACHKIN* V. P. //SOBRANIE SOCHINENIX V TRE*KH TOMAKH// --/--/1968, V00031 N---- The,work of straw cutter rollers pp 119-125 IPST#1 GORYACHKIN. V. P. //SOBRAINE SOCHINENII V TPXJYH TOMAKH// --/--/1968, V0008, N---- The theory of manual shears and the basic principles of their constouction pp 126-159 IPST## GORYACHMIN, V. P. //SOBRAINE SOCHINENII V TRE~M TO'MAXH// V0003, n---- Theory of the drum pp 160-193 IP.ST## I GORYACHKIN. V. F. /ISOBRAINE SOCHINE]Nxr V TRE~KH TOMAKH// -4-41968, V0002, N---- Pneumatic dressing pp 195-212 IPST## GORYACHKIN. V. P. /./SOBRAINE SOCIIINENII V TRE~Klf T014AKH// V0003, N---- Investigation of an apple sorter pp 213-221 IPSTOO GORYACHKIN. V. P. //SOBRAINE SOCHINENII V TR4XH TOMAlai// V0003, N---- FanG pp 222-2351PSTN# GORYACHKIN.,V. P., . . //SOBRAINE SOCHINENIT_V_TRE~KH TOHAKH// --/--/1968, V0003, N- - Analysis of the elementary theory of radial fam pp 236-2891PST## GORYACHKIN. V..P. //SOBMINE SOCHINENII V TREIMI TOMAKH// V00031 N ---- Processing,of the experimental data on agricultural blowers with radial vanes on the basis of elementary theory, pp 291-299 IPST GORYACHKIM. V. P. //SOBRAINE-SOCHI-NENI-I V TREKII TOMAXH// V0003, N---- glowers in agricultural manhinery pp 300-308 IPSTOO . GORYACHKIN. V. P. //SOBRAINE SOCHINENII V TREKH TOMAKH// --/--/1968, V0003, N ---- Grain driers pp 309-344 IPST## GORYACHKIN. V. P. MOBRAIRE SOCHINENII V TREKH TOMAKH// -4-41968, V0003, N ---- Material on the theory of driers pp 345-407 IPST## acusis of NorWak oWpor-nofkal deposita ao reveaUd by Me internat struetum of om bodies in ths TaZxkh WKUDY A"XAffX SAUX,58ARS zard 8_=__NC_v vot. 207,0 n 2, pp. 425-427 Aar Goryukhovs 1-4 Conforonce Held an CompLUng FingtnoUl ailmoeso 6 pp YESTNix 1211K.1, licgccwp 140 1, 1974s PP 71-73- JPRS 62457 00"Myt No it propwUss or tvandstom &Ulm O=tiumn opm.4tim and st*Mp 1310 I&M.n PO agma-mm. 9-y-OTO-T-vi rounmormy. W. 23s 1970 pps =103 - A:"D-Wo2 35-74 GURYI)NOVA N A RI) A b C SLMICONDUCTORS POLUPk0V0DNIKI A 8 C MOSKVA "SUVETSKOYL kADIO" 1974 374 PP FSTC-IIT-23-0400-75 6dRYUNuVA, N. N R U SLMILJNlJIJLTLj[,, L)iL)t;LS AND NANO'ISTUkS HANDBUUK , ZNJ LU. :. / , 14, , ///.) .; : , . I I I. "C:NLRl-,IYA", MJSCL)W, 166, J52PP. Gose Zoo K. MWYMW )'?ff AaUrrCA,, Vol. 200 Z968o pp. 324-333 ONMA 27 ~ 15,594 I'k. ~ I p ~' *~ -~~414,, W- -647LO-f ?- I P-11 s A T *cl,,IP(,T 'IL6T 'tiVIO'4H~' VAVII~VAis AOIV I M I VW ll'qAN i 'I ~l I W~~U S IDIT T-1 ~W) NVII)l rIA t ~riu 7 1 Pld ,~IvDiltvw NOTI-MitsNPI ~IWV~M 10 N191,110(IMId nm 'VA 'N 6NIS09 X" .1 '~~ '~ -~ , " k"" -, K,- Over-Tension and Interfacial Chemiritry, Translat,1011 of mono., by K. Gossner. GERMAN, per, Doctoral Thesis Presented at Munich University, 1965. NTC 72-10504-07D Apr 72 Gostian, L Italling of Steel section on Hicro-mills MLI'rALMtGlk, 1972, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp 553-557 BIST 11003 I Watintsev, Yu. A. Noastationary Pivaimiaw durlag the Burning of Powder - 9 VP Gomm I VZffV 1972j, IV- 87-93 AD/M-HT-23-631-yli Gostintsev, YU.A* Swirling Flows with Multiple Calls in Ducts of Simple Shape. -1) XZV. AN SSSRA NEKIIANIKA ZIIIDKOSTI I GAZA, NO. pp.32-38, 1973. APL/Jf[U T-2801 Costint"V, Yu. A. l4vamotio wam inetaHuty of pmowm in a sotid fawl owns FZZM WIRBSZYA I I nUVAM ve 8j, n. 2., 1972,p pp. 373- 2 7� = 73-43?29419 C. --,- /,q -,X, - z .7 6 e) The Effwt of Pmteo4uo 4vvw~ an Hmmentien of svpmtive Wows in Qinical Pneueso". Amordb* to (~t~ftj W CytocWqa find.. ings, 17 V.,X. GoAlalwheve A%,G* kamnin, 10 pp.,,. RUMIM. per. Akjd~ _bL~~kh 5RI 3# Imc pp 34V5620 ms 4Y 73 Gotlibo,TS. A. and ftkopov AUStion of equilibrium of a plate of variable thickness. AW,WR I FRIM"ALA HATMT-IKA- 1. !SKMIKA o Vol 34 v No 2) 19TOP vp 332-330. NAL-TR-115 Gotlib. I.L. llydrological Field Investigations for Designing Hydroelectric Poworplants NATURNYE OLWOLOGICHESKIL; ISSLEDOYANIIA PRI PROTIRUM11 MS 1971 268 pp *NTIS-I'f-74-S2003 GOMB, V. 0. //SOVLTSKOR ZDRAVOOMANEKti;// -/-/1974,Vwwmw,NOOll, PP 0092 book Roview 3 pp iffis 63798 G*Mbo Ve Oe Flvquently Sick Children and Taske for Fwtiatrio PolyalWoo PortAirdng to Wical Care Thereof. 7 pp aqvETsx,o,= 7,pFAvoqKwwENJ;V,,, Moscow# No 20 1974p PP 53-58. JPffi 61556 Goto, H. Rapid Detormination of Hydrogen in Metals by Argon-Gas CarrierTusion-Gas Chromatography. NIPPON KINZOKU GAKKAISHI, V.35, pp.16-20, 1971. R-9-8-0 _4 - GOTOBI T. //W"U// 12/06/197k,v----vl?--* pp 0002 also pp 4 Decrees Of POOPI913 Great Eural Presidium Approvad 2 pp JPRS 63274 Ay M. Gotoda Studieg On RRdiation Curing of Mixtures of Diallyl Phthalate Prepolymer and Monomer. ENGLISH, per, Japan Isotope Conference (no, 9), 1969l P 490 NK 72-12883-07E sept 72 GOtqOkitA,O Yu. V. Pmetration of Solar ooentle rwjs X061VICHESLV ZSSLLPDOVANZYAP Vol PP WIS.-Oll YTC 74-202M-04A into earth to polar cope. 11* NO 40 29780 C / /I - Y - 7 K "/~A Gotmov, Yordan Technical State and Maintonanee of Rail Tracks Viewed, 10 pp. 7HELEZOPUTEW TRANSPORTO Sofiao LOS 7., 8# 9,, 0 - 1974P P 63-74. -T?R3 6342 Pen 7h Differential hquations of the Thermoclastic State of' !,Iiclls Under Therwal Uipact on the Surfacc, by 1~~--A.--Gptsuliyak, 9 1,11). PHU. 1.1-Kil, Nu 2, 1973, pl, 32-41. CIA-X-7T6-8 .Julie 73 Gotpulyak'r S. A, Differontiat squatiam of the themoolmHo, a taW of *hall# mm&r themat impaot on Me surfooe. PRnM&WArA MEANZXAp Mys, Vol go 'No 2* 19730 pp We Gott, Vo~ Genaml Scientific Concepts and Their Role In Wdedge. 14 pp KCMIMIIU,, mosoow, No 9t Ame 74# pp 75-84m JPRS 62394 GOTTBERG HANS V GE ORGANIZATION AND DUTIES OF THE TERRITORIAL CO MMAND OF SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN DBVb TRUPPENPRAXIS 9 1,973 PP 659-673 i FSTC-Hl'-23-0486-74 Gotthard, U. Contributions to the characterization of viriyl coVolymor latexes. Part 1. A method of dctermining the stability of latexes. MATERIALL PLASTICE? 1965, pp 383-385, v. 21 6. NTC 73-12327-11J. Gottlieb, J. On the Laws of Conservation in Physics. Buletinul Inatitutului Folitachnic,Trench, .1.1 21 aune D98, ~p 1:15::137. FSTC-I[T-23-1153-72 ACSI K-1866