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Age Compoeitionp Growth and Ago of Onvet of Sexual Maturity of the White Q.tagnp1h&rZ&ggd" US" (ValO and the Black M11gRharyneodon Dicaps (Rich,) Amurs in the Amur River Bamin, by Es Is Gorbache RUSSIAN, part V2DrQ2Y Ikhlia'02'10 Vol 1. No lp 19619 pp 119-126 NTC 72-12450-06C luly 72 A Gocbctch'~~l Farmera of stavropolloldy gray d1l Grow More Grain, by Iss Gorbachev, 5 pp, Russm, npe &Mdjio I~oscow, 23 Feb 19?3, p 3. ims 38574 Apr ?3 Gorbachev, 0. v Ra tios~ of pairs of.similar.elements in amphi-~ bolite as related to.its origin, pOKLADY AKADEmIi ~ MUK SSSR - ~ PARTH SMENCES. Vol, 208'0 no. 2): 19,i31: pps-472-434 .Ljm,,A(,HLV, V., L I HA N U K I i V, 1 1101 id M I N,',K 1,: J Or- Gorbatenko,, S. A. Caloulatimi tmd analysia of airoraft motion. VO pp RASUIET I NMUZ DVIZIIENIYA LCTAT[,'LfjVYYJI APPARATOV A 19?1, pp 1-351 UASA TT F 757-73 GORSATOV, A. M. //YADERNAYA FIZIKA,// --/03/1973, V00171 N0003v Introduction of proton, neutron,.and hyperon col&ection degrees freedom into the computation scheme of the K-harmonics method, PP 640-5116 AIP~~ wA*tIm's V6 0. Ilava-lim stwo and Nam no I loll I 2-mm mm_ 1974 *2 .16 Aug 1973 Gorbatyuk, V.A. Effect of dysprosium oxide on properties of nickel-zinc forritos. RURUS=VAYA_Mh1ALLU1'.G1YA, 1971, pp 64-68, V. 11, n. 11. NTC 73-12183-11F. NLL INC 746-1284. Gorbatyuk, le. linproving the Quality of Aviation 'fraining. 8 pp AVIATSIYA I KWMQLAVIIK&, r4osoow, No 9p Sept 1973,, pp 1-3. jpRs 6C468 .9. '13. ox-;elat~.on o.,r' somm, ~iaturatod oramic f,,orfq,oujzda,, ~niHatac ble t.',jo catatytic drcav~)ooition oJ' onono in alkaline aqwolo sotutiolir'. XV,'LADY AKADR.'~TY i'lAW 17!7~1,? 1,1.2wi2al cTienrL,'3tr;,,, 1107. 11,110 1110 5, iTw7e 1973, p,,, 11191-11,~13 CP Gorbik, Plachine Interpretation of hateral-Logging Curves. PRIKL. GEOFIZ. No. 39, pp.94-106, 1964. T. =T. -0-:*lr)9-ll 9 Gorbov,o V, V. First absolute "ng of palemie goW-om deposits ol.; the nwWwastem USISR I DOYMADY MADE= SAW SSSR. ELM W1, 207, we - ra pp. 1113 AGr UtLU?At4-On Of Abandaud Vi3~40 Vou~W. by Alekow4r Gorbovalg4o 9 PP. RU33IMt nPl. 17 JAn 1973 1 Gorbovitakiy, G. B. Choice of Receiver For A Velocity-Logging Borehole Instrument. IZV. VYSSHIKII UCHEBN. ZAVEDENII, GEOL. I RAZVLDKA, Vol, 11, No. P--127--136-1- 1968. A.T.S.-R, -5318 Gorbunov, E,, Appraisal of Performwee of Consumer Services. 16 pp V2pRg�x 4MMKI, Ywcowo No 7, Jul 74, pp 57-M, JPRS 63145 Gorbunov, 1o 14. Compensation For Losses In Profit at Industrial Enterprises. 12 pp SOVETSKUYE GOSUDARSTVO I P4VO 10scowo No 5# 1974# q F pp 69-74. ipm 63o26 GORbONOV, N. RU STRUCTURF ANO CHUACTEKISFICS OF STt:EL CHRuMl OM PLATH) IN A VACUUM YEST. SV. NAUCHN. DUKL. NA SOVESHCHAN11 PU PR HBL MOSCOW 1970 PP (8-81) U-SIC-HT-23-1279-73 N. 1. Gorbunoir Y-ray diffmct'don method, 05 pp. I,TTODY NITTERALOGICIOSKOGO I UUMOMORFOLOGICITESKOGO IZUCID- UYA R)Cf[V, 1971, pp 16-70 AIR/1"TD-14T-7:74-72' ft-PI-73 COMMOV, V. V. IMUNA GORWYA r vznrvA// --112119710VOWON00040 Vie huming of mmine pozvhZoratea (H) nicket M) cmd oobtat UXT). pp and nitrates of cqqvr .5 pp,, . Gorbunovp V, V, Combustion of Mixtures of IlighwCalorific Metal Powders and Water 6.pp LZ VUZOV& KHIMIYA I KIIINIMESMA TEKHNIKA Vol 12, No 9, 1999, -pp 1171-1174 FSTC-IIT-23-2272-72 comumova V. V. IIPZZYX4 OOPENZYA X MYVAII -11211V?2j,VO008#fflO004j* As embuotion of salts of totraomtm pp mpper(TI),p 5 ppo Gorbunovs Yu* A, ftak; strwkm of the Nd-So pormwto Na Sfa DQUADY Kr SSSR. SOYM PHYSTCO VoiC#401j. ..0 RAUX aga..L - .0 va 2110 so 'fuly 10738 pp 6oz-uf UP Garbunoug, 2. H. PaZygorokito in 8edimnto frm oms obtdnod in Aw osa dritling in Ow paoifto . . VOCADY SAUK SSSRb, 9AW 5 ~vol. 247* no. 2, U72, pp. 430...432 ACI Gorchak, V. New Approaches Neodod to Bandling of Imury Itemso 6 pp 0,0013KAYATO~GOVjAA, Vloscaw# No Ilt Nov 1973, pp 25~~28. ,jviis 0887 Gorchakov, P. Ideological Conditioning of Leading Personnel Stressed. 5 pp Komugu VOD1R2WNYKH SIL, Moscow, No 22, Nov 1973, pp 18-26. ims 61c67 GorchakavsUy. P. L. Urgent Problems of Contemporary Taxonomy, 6 pp VESTNIK AKADWIII NAUK SSSR, t,,,oscow, lio 12, I)ec 1973, PP 48-52. im 61461 om*evv V. 14 oord"Yo V.,xv Q*rd*Mo 1. 0. _.-_~ ~ . I Nmalma scluftan of equatiom of tidal 4poles In the gIdAI o&m g2m, M.Mm wx moll, um !am Vol. mos no- 2. 175, VP. 345;3U- . "AM - ~klfif_)L_ I ~_ - ITV QOrd9yev6 V, Conclusiont Execution of Econondo Agroemants Analyzedo 8 pp BOVLTSUU A, Moscow, No 7, Apr 74, YUffITSly pp 18-20. im 62431 Gordeyev, V.E. Simulation of Detonation Spinin Nitrogen DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK.SSS-R,- M.VTZ!ALTICHr=. Ry V61.211,-Fio.4, pp,M-484, August, 1973. CB Gordillo, A. L. Chromatogrophio pwVtion of fatty aoids - eonif-vWoro mthad to dotormim wida of ow to ton oarbow. . WC , MPAD =NrZPZCA. ARQWrNAP VOZ 1?0* 1980* -PP 63-67 rm 73:1113m?c Gordiyenko, B.A. Computer solution of Problems ofliapact.. Buckling of Llaotic Systems Using tho Method ~- of Finite Differences. AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. IZVESTIYA, MEK14ANIKA TVERDOGO TLZ, MAY-JUNE 1976, pp.141-149. NISC 3466 Gordiets~ S4. F. et al Relaxation Processes and Inversion of Popu- lation in C02 Laser. INTERN. CONF. PHYS. EUCTRON.-ATOMIC-COLLI- SIO14S - Sth, Mninarad, July 17-23~ 19677 T_.TT RJ-5243 Gordiyets, B. F. Coupling of the Upper and JAwer Atmosphere by Infrared Radiation amd the FosvibLUty of Foro- casting Pressure Variations at SeA Level During Goomagnetic Disturbances. 6 pp DQUADY AKADMI NAM.~~SS s Moscowe Vol 212t No 2t 1973, Pp 341-344. j?Rs 61096 Gordievskaya .- --V-. S-. Shark Flesh in the rood Industry. TIKHOOKUNSM NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATLLISM INSTIT UT RYBNOGO KHOZYAISTVA I OKEANU-GRAPII (TINFOF$ Tsarel PFO , tif -C rand adtf ono jerusaloln 1973 /~, / - 09-1 Y Gordiyonkop A. T. Uhtinlan Conference Reviews Pole of Social Sciences in Bd1ding Commism, 10 pp ACHMMM RMQj, devq 14o 10 Jan 19741, pp 62m67, im 62132 owdlyeftl v0 V* GOMM., D. A. //DOM= AX9Wl HAUK SSSlip HWIM MWMRY// -'/11/1973#VW13,MOCe# Bolld-Mus Homawr-towftAlcal Addition st T70r, Under the Action of Ionizing raftatical vp 368-37lvC='. Gordon, L. A. Workers I Wea-fare Umder Leveloped 4 28 Pp RABMIaY aASS I SOVR-E:iUJNYY MIR, mar-Apr 74. PP 53-72. JPRS 62952 Gordon, L, A* Workers' Welfare Under Developed 5ocialiam Dfiscusisedo 28 pp RABOCHIT MWS I S-QvRmfjly ME, MOSCOW. No 3. may-Jun 74, Pp 15-33. JM 6) 008 Gordon, L, A* Workers' Welfare Under Developed 6ociallam Discussed. 28 PP RABUCHIY KIASS I SOVREW NYX ~aB, Yoscow, No 2, Mar-Apr 74, pp 53-72. JPRS 62952 Gordon, Lo A* Workers' Welfare LWG? D6VGlOP6d soolitliam Diamonds 28 pp w2gHil ii-AN, I SOVR94MNXX 81R, Moscow, No 3, May-Jun ?4, PP 15-33- JPRS 63008 omot L. .: xm* II . . I L/Yfr AUn=31M MR,, WON= SCEGM// 97 , I ~ft I 973vVMU on tse PrIm or the hflwmoo of ftlelm 0A tb* ftMObility Of bOt COUN t0 WMio pp lw&14689cm , Gordon, M.M. et al Problems of Unsteady Thermal Conductivity in Massive Plates Solved with an Analog Computee IZV. VUZ. CHERN MET.., 1973, No.4, pp.158-162. BISI 11625 96 PI). Accessorics, and Do-vices for Agricultural over- head Power Lines Undor 10 KH, by S.V. Gordon, RUSSIAN, ocir. Izdatol'stvo Enorg a, 1971. LY-- ACSI-K--1813 FSTC-11G-2 3-119 9 --7 2 :'.1,a r 7 2 GuKfjul,,, YL). ku it t~ F I LL A KY Ri CkNN A I SS A ijLL AM ILL;'k I Y.I)KAYA iAl VH'KA VOYIANOYL libitiLLOSTVut MUSKVAt 19719 21~)PP Gordon# Yus lie Plarudng and AnOvois of Amicipal Polyclinio Cparation Indices. 6 pp QQVIESILU Moscow# tio 30 19?40 pp 1~-17- jas 62aw YU. Ii. //6UVL,TSXOYI-, ZDhAVWUIWWJIU/j -/--/1974,V--,NO010, pp 0025-0031 The Uspensary method in the Work of Ustrict General Practitioners w'ith specialization of t',cdical Care 10 pp jiT,,s 63692 Hieb-swItIng oxide and cu-bide materials In the electrode mlls of M purstore a 24 pp. PWCMM Of TM SYMMM ON HAMMMMRODYMO UZCTRIM Pown GZMMMOK, XNTMM"NAL AMC at Va-r"s;v-- Emu MM , Vol 5t 1968t PP 3031-55P. AIR-FTD49-24-770-73 Gordon,, V. 0. The Id2mos of & Pwd WIM vith NI" sate adftd 1 W VrtaboUft In t"t,AZIMIS PASMI$la MA=Ap ke 5s 1969p po 167*17po BTU 73-IltRr3mW Gorecki, Penryk The Theory of Control and Optimization, 29 pp. ARCURRM AITTOnATYI(I I TFLUIECITANIKI, Warsawp Vol lbt 710 3P 1973,- PP 153-1'(3. ,TPRS 61413 An?' VII fdli,3t. 11oligh j,J.(jjjjd ~jLril-er, Pin. ""T T A T '70")P0I)A-,i'-FA KOE',~7):,A , (-,dansk, Flar 775--~ 177 Gorelik, A.G. The~Posalb'il-itiiw of the Identification of Precipitation Zones with Miaz (Meteorological Artificial Earth Satellites). TRUDY TSIENTRALINOY AEROLOGICHESKOY OBSERVATO- Rfl. SPUT-NIKOVAYA METEOROLOGIYA, Nr. 103, 1972 pp.31-41. FTD-NT-24-699-73 QWSMt Ao Ot Gorelik, A.G. Measurement of Radiation of the Atmosphere in the 8-12 Micron Band. TRUDY TSENTRAL'NOY AEROLOGICHESKOY OBSERVATO- RIX. �PUTRIKOVAYA FIETEOROLOOI-YAt Nr. ITY-l'M2 pp.�l:q3o A FTD-MT-24-701-73 Gorelik, A.G. The Determination of the General Moisture Con- tent of the Atmosphere from ito Intrinsic Ra- dio Frequency emission. TRUDY TSENTRAL'NOY AEROLOGICHESKOY OBSERVATO- RIIs.SPUTNIKOVAYA METEOROLOGIYA~ Wr. lU_3_,_W72 FP -.5 -n -. FTD-MT-24-698-73 Gorelik, A. G. Relationship Between the Fluctuation Spectrum . of a Radar Signal and the Motion of Scatter- ing Particlea in Meteorological Objects. ~., Vol. 140, No. 3, pp.679-82, 1961. RJ-S34G DOKLADY AKAD. NAUK SSSR UoreUkl 1.1, Norms for Economic Aosimulation of Now Capa- cities and Their Application. 5 pp USTHIK SVYAZI, Moscow, No 10, Oct 1973, pp 26- 27. 4r,ps W65 Gorelitj V. S. Inmuptim Of.tbe ACCU*QY.Of Tempac-Steel-Tompac Bimetallic Strip Rolling IN, VUZ CHM. =It 19T3) X04 39 PPO 9T.101 BIBI 11523 Screened Van Nr Weals ftroes ft, Electrolyte. Solutions DDKM X ICOOTHY A Om XW. 8SSRm PWICAL A Vol. 3, Jm=7 19720 pp 635-635 CB Gorelov, V.1 I. Operations of Gas Turbine9j. EKSPLUATA'MIYA KORABELI Val. GAZOTURBINNYM USTANOVOK2. Hil. Pub. House, 1972, pp.45-55, 125-16'5 and 270-297. *NISC Gorelov, Yan NGw System of QualAty Control &pWned. 5 pp LilkaauRNAYA GAZErA, riosoow, 28 Ncrv 1973, p 10, MiS 61005 atoren, David The Development and Status of the laraeli Minorities, 17 pp. fAL HAMISHMARO Tel Aviv, 28 Apr 74, P 3. M� 62%6 T-TnV A Goren, Mrium The Tlead of the Women's Military Corps, 5 pp. I DAVAR, Tol Aviv, 26 Dec 73, P 12. .TPQS 61212 ~Itlr 7)t mas]"Ovs GI K6 11PRo3LL,m,7 icriwar i K4TALrZA. XV, t-PKHII;IZ:.,' r KINETIKA OTEROONNYM RP,'AKTgIYII --1-119 73.. Stcq)t,;iae acchaniono in catalkytic ox~datiaa '? o mactiorwo f, ppp lip 27-30,AIPtIFTD-i,T~-24-1?47-7411fI GORIV, 14. S. //WILTN0STROIThI'// --/-/1974*v---oN0aIj Pp 0002-0003 Progress in loprovim the setting of labor Output W066 7 PP jpRs 63828 f Gorev, AlIchall St6panovich Socialist Competition in the I-,otor Vehicle Industry. 6 pp gA RULER, Moscow, No 12, Dee 1973, pp 1-2, JPRS 61CIL6 OORIVA, M. M. //ZHUML NXMPATOL4"Il I PS=HrATRIX IMM S. S. WOROAKOVA// .-/--/1973, V----,NO005, VP 0753-0757 Competence arA Questions of Posoolalization fo Schizophrenics 7 PP JM 63749 Aproi tadw, G. r. Effeat Of '"eirlotion of movemnt on habituati.on by Vw matibuuw appamus DoxrADY AK4tvmrf kAux SWR. BYOWarCAL soxam V. Ma, W. I." Ow. W." roos-zooe Gorbmanp R9 An Soviets Claim IA&d in r1rigiblon for ftstruotion Work* 8 pp I OTAZBNXXE I RPBTS $LIM, Wax V =OITEJLS~ Fmcow. No 5. 1974. pp 1M0, jFw 624n Gorin, V. Y6. Holicy I-Astakes in ClAnese ~',,etal'arr A y and Their 1,11'esults. 13 pp MUL1,11Y DALIDWO VOSTOKA, eloscmi, No 3, 1973, pp 53-63. jj-,Rs 04~1 Gorina a G. Consumers Want blYle, Quality in Apparel* 3 pp SCNj,2SMyA GORSOVIy lo 5, ,,.V 1974# .A, ~joscow# I Pp U-13, im 62316 as mwus -of the ltmfto Idd9fta ZIPWO at ftba*v%mtj* fwm Ind" MUM ME M g OW Va. 205, lWo 4s AqMtg IM20 pp. MO.M4 CA f ~ 23-Apr-73 Unc I SLAC-Trarts--153 Differences In total cross section for momenta up to 65 GeV/c. GORIN, YU.P.; DENISOV, S.P.; DONSKOV, S.V.; PETRUKHIR,---A-. PROKOSHKIN, YU.D.; STOYANOVA, D.A. (GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOLIZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGH SSSR, OBNINSK. FIZIKO-ENERGETICHESKII INSTITUT). Translation of lFVE SEF--72-59. 1972. 44p. Dep. NTIS $4.25. 20H physics (particle); translations MN-34 P NSA Omms W. . IIFA* twD UCK// 40 ~/-/1973MMA-S stmuen fa OPUMI Orlaft" stock ftnution or mpmt &atm hr tu Owd lano m 99-107JM 1?4-109M-UM Gorizontov, 13. Socialist Intogration of Transport. 15 PP ILOP805Y EXIM19KI, Mosoow, No 9. SoPt 1973, Pp 90-100. JPRS 60465 GURIZOum" B. //vOilm3y mowl,111,1// --/09/1974.V--ON0009. pp w6mm CkMA Countries Protect 1~-bvironment and Natural Rasources 17 PP m?s 63698 golls"to , P, Do Mdatna =A Atn~. PzdP3W= at GMSM% IWADUAW tWISM, offill, Pil ryana-MMEOLMN.Vio. i 1973-i vp 7633 f ~-u Tr 7.159YA I ow o 0 to V. a Fl, CoUtIM SOMA br M6W=l UMA adiatift 11,11 ut ---Nmmmm amm am Moo 7=- W13i FP. Immmum WTI "a . I k.: 1, 101, k I ) : , 0 ,; I i It L r, ka I i:~111~ illc~s, I S,jilv f I ,)1,1 [11% I lAlf-AR11- vyi~wik~ if 1~,7o Vo C('-; i1'- 2 3- 12- 7~ Gorlanovq I* Protein Production Problems Discussed at Vaskhnil Session 8 pp I I f - ZgZN I MO cow, 4 Jan 1974, p 2. - . -~v JP Fib -&-L4 -- 13-Aug-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7430, pp 201-205) Influence of gamma f rrad iat ior of seeds on the u1 traweak chemi I uminescence and antioxidant activity of wheat, corn, and buckwheat seedlings. q-g4W~j KDKOREV, YU-11- CGDrky State Univ., USSP). Translated fropr. Radlobioloolya; 13: No. 1, 145-148( 11173). NSA 0 t--J kin -4 llpkk~ I AEC- t r-7-011 ,I)p I ~W Chantic i in chl orophy I I ,'n4t i tn r,' I ~ t,. r t i e ~ i n t h E, I p m v p sof root i nq ~j Anev bean t Ii nt),,i I Ily om f rom i rrnd Ib t ed n cc j 9f;')RL A NOV N.A. (Gorky State Univ., USSR). 1973. Translated f r o nk 1, a d i o b i D I oi y a3, No. 4, 034-636( 197,~ NS A Owlino as M* Effect of kdtid turbulenoo m the flow arouud bodiso and on their aero4nwla chmateriatiou, J? pp, UUME, UWAo I&IIIN lQUOlUs No. 1# 1970,0 X-ow I /MHT-a-WINV my 73 Thu Effect of the External Flow Turbulence on Boundary. Layer Flow, by_S 1. Gorlin- _t I_L IZV AN SSSR, MEMANIKA MID I CAU, No 4, 1972, pp 52-57. NAVY/APL/JiIU-T-2727 April 73 Gorlov, S.M., 'et al Quality of Continuously-Camt Sbaped (Steel) Stranda. MLTALLURGI Vol. 18, 1973, No.3, pp.15-16. ITB- goJo GORLOVSKII, D. M.. //ZHURNAL PRIKLAD1401,KHIMII,// --/01/1974, V0047, N0601, Weight ratio of the phases in the equlibrium liquid gas.aystem MH3 - 02. - CO)NH2) 1120 during sythesis of urea, pp 208-211 CBOO GORLOVSKIII D. //ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOI KIIIHII,I/ --/01/1974, V0047, N0001, Equation for the dependence of the equilbrium urea yield by the bazarov reaction on t temperature, composition, and reactor charge density, pp 229-230 CB~@ Gorlovskil 0 S. surface-acti" substaDcom an flotatloo agents. vszsoyuzNoa luxulsom gnommo 1 16 V 0 Al It D. 4, P. 422-425, IN6 7U-12* mW 73 GOBNAGO, V. A. //K0SKTCIiLSKAYA MOLCGIYA I AVIAK0.131=111INMAYA ../-/1974,110008.0005, pp 0073-0075 WI-ARM OF ANTI-Ct SUIT BY K-RSONS WITH RENCED ORTROSTATIC iTABILITYs 5 PP jrf,.s 636o3 R U I-ORLIGN HANU-Ilf LIJ LL~LTRIGAL TOOLS ANU PAINTI NG LQUiPmLNI A) fHE ULKIko-72 EXH STROI f( I..' NY Y I I MAW It IN VY I: MASH I NY NU 1 1973 IIP 24-21 F S I C - H T - 2 -5 -0 0 14- 1/ 1