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15-Jan-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7498) Perml9stble dosage of plutonium. FUSHIMI, Y. 11 Nov 1969. TraRslation of Japanese I---- r epDr 29p. Dep. NTIS $3.50. 06R radiobiology; 18J reactor fuels; 181 reactor safety; translations MN-4B P NSA K - Futald, et al Behaviour of Mould Additives After Repeated Uce. D3DNO; Wo7 40, Dec.,, pp 962-970. FIBX-8562 Aug 73 Gabano, J.P. Study of tho Surfaco Properties of Y-Manganese Dioxodc ELUCTIZOD11MICA ALTAR Vol 10, 1965, pp 947-963 *NTIS-'17-74-53122 Gabums L et al VOWY of IdMUnegUan of 4FUlda BystM OD pp Gabasolti It. ot al Thdory of Identification.of Dynamic Systems. Differantsial n e uravneni V4, ~~1-6 n,6.~1211~ -- - y_ _ I I ffe-Ce 1970b, FSTC-HT-23-1183-72 AC31 K-1960 Gabidullin, R.M. Distribution of Hydrogen in Iron. IZV. VUZ. CHERN. 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A. //~wmw. mmism. mT=. mm ii KffDIATM$ MMMMI/ ow/a1w/jm#V,*q*"VNOM1 Kelvin Wave Diffraction by a SadoLiffnito W91 in an Infinite Basin pp 100*107ATO 74-1013-2006 Gabov, S,,A. Kelvin Wave .Diffraction by a Seird-Infinite Wall in an Infinite Basin 8 pp VESTNIKI MOSCOW UNIV., MAnM.-ME-KUM,,, , No 5, 1973,, pp 100-107 CIA-X-7861 GABOVS. S.A. //vr'~s'rfqlK' MOSCO'ei DIN 'IV., MATEM.S MEKIL.// --/--/1974,V----,NU004, pp 0120-01250 Oll Kelvill Waves it, Basilis with Bottom Shelv0s, 7 pp CIA-X-7925 00 M. D. Gabovich Physics and technology of plasma ion sources. 327 pp. FIZIKA I TEKHNIKA PLAZMNNYKH ISTOCHNOKOV IONO 1972 pp 1-304 AIRIFTD-HP-23-1690-72 apr 73 Gabovich, M. D. Neutralizations of ion beam space charge by injected electrons. UKRAINSKII FIZIGHNII ZHURNAL (UKRAINIAN EDITION) v. 16, p. 809-813, 1971 NTC 73-10810-201 4 Q6 1~ Sy ,?o 1P6 Soo 00. cl.) 41, 6 Or 11, J, Al, t'. j e. oj~, of? `117 64"- ,6 e 0 - 1) 1 pe,I". . 01) 4, & r 4'r.0 It, UncLIH~0NI.-tr-533) h1qh-Intensity plasma A.P.; ISIAEV, P.M. Piz. Zh. (Russ. Ed.). Dep. NTIS $3.00. I I - Me V-73 Equilibrium of negative tons GABOVIC M.D.: by S.J. Amoretty 4, 667-671(1970). 201 physics (plasma); translations MN-34 P NSA source. Translated 15.- No. In NAIDA, from Ukr. Up. 11abriel, Franz TDR-CS313 Fconomic, Industrial Cooperation Reviewed, 5 PP. DTF '?JT -RTSUAFT, East Berlin, 110 7, Feb 74., p 23. M, R S - 1 Jim 711, Gabriel, Jean-Claude School Girls Investigate Drug Addiction Problem, 7 pp. III Beirut, 6-12 Apr 74, pp 9-10. XPRS Mr .,,9 T1) 1 7).j. Gabriel, M. Contribution to the chemical taxonomy of the a aricales pigments of boletus and corinaria gg pp. CONTRIBUTION.--A--LA CHIMIOT6XINOMIE DES 4ARICALES PXOMENTS DES BO 'ETS ET DES M - CORTINAIRESp 1965, p. 72 NASA-TT-F-14865 16-Sep-73 'Incl ,U':?,L-Trans--1498) Study of the distribution of potential on the surface of a ring-disk electrode. ABRIELLI, C.; KEDDA.4, M.: TAKEDIDUTI, H. Translateo by ~.M. Monr, Jr. from J. ChIm. PhVs.; 69: 739-740(1972). 9p. Dep. 'MS $3.00. 07 chemisirv (analytical),, transistions tAIJ-4 P Nsh 0 . -- - Paws o" HAOCIPM, flwg&== 11129MMINVII -1--Aqvo,wm9A---a# To M eel 11.2 - ad loud Ufsou at m on tw.. mm" r pp 0*4%0= 744001-000 (34bridly(m, A. C. Ilauins of oil and gaa forw*ion in the Mcozoic of t1w Laver Volp reqton. i UP ITGAZOV. OOL. GEOFIZ . No 11,, 2972j, pp 21-05 AT,rj' RJ-6006 GAMMIZAV K. E. //IZMTUA.,. UPAMO-SDMXCE GLPOLOGICMSKZ T----rI9nIVO6l#M3x Contribution to the Stud4r of the Coz-al Fauna from the Lower Cerbonifierous Deposits Around the VinW of PayM on the Tom River$ pp 1-48l ruterUbrory tool v. S. o. s.0 National centsm v C.1 7 -J11; 1171. il I S '1 73 0 7 3 A;,r, 7')' oaohter, Rene 1972 DetormInation of the ftily rates of the primary production of plankton. Modele and meaLaurements in I tA (Die Bectiumang der Tagearaten lop plat~:tlsohen Prlxi~r'produIctlon. Plodalle und in-el-t%j Memsunzen) Resorrah paper from the " 3eenf cps ahung5 -Laboratorium der FAWA!"' (Eldgenovelache Anstait 6ir Wasserversorgung, Abwasserminigung und alwWamoroahutz, Ridgenossische Technische floobschule, ZUrloh). 65PP. In German. Unedited transl. by Txsnsl. bur., Fgn. Lang. Dlv-, Dept. or Sao. of 3tato of Canada, for Dept. of Snviron. Camda Centre for Inland Waters, Box 5050, Durlington, Ont., 1973, an Tranal. No. 141,,48, 65P., tYDescriPt. Clriqinoi Articlo ChockeAe GAIMIMp It Do //qIGMM I SAIMARIYA// -'/-/197.3vVM38tWM3p f the Blotromf=ation of Bazene In Young ftbbits, pp 30-32tMC 74-10685-06M M. GAN The Infrared Spectroscopic Quartz Determination Especially of Mine Dust. STAUB - REINUALTUNG DER LUFT, Vol 21, pp 353-357. 1963. NTC 73-10318-13B Mar 73 (',adea, V. llatn on Dosign Institute for Flkolling T-Tilln, i) PP. Bucharost, Sop 73, PP 536-539. TM7 61597 A or 711. IGA DIEW I KM, T"T A /AIIADOMOSCI STA"'YSTYCZIIT-',// --/10/1974,V----,NOOIO, pp 0007-0009 1973 Household Budget$ Analyzed 6 pp ,TpRs 63585 Gadner, Eduard The Berliet!GBC 8 MT Cross-Country Truckw TRUPPENDIENST 4/1971. -HT-23-1543-72 ACSI K-3039 Gadzhiev, A.N. et al Hydrogeology of the Cretaceous Deposits of the SouthEautern Lnd of the Greater Caucasus in Relation to the Presence of Oil and Gas. IZV. VYSSH. UCIIEB. ZAVED.R NEFT GAZ, Vol. 15, Ro." 7, pp.21-6. 1 72 A.T.S. ROM 899 Gadzhi-Kasumov,A.S. Geochemistry of crude oils from the productivo serios of the lower kura basin (as exemplified by the kyurovdag-neftechala anticlinal zone). IZYESTIYA MISSULKII-OCHEMKII ZAVEDFNII.. INEFT I GAZ ', 1971, pp 7-11, n. 11. NTC 73-12004-08D. Gadzhiyev, A. A. Functional and T-lorphological Aspects of Protecting the Vocardium `4th Stabilized Autoperfusion in an 1901Ated Heart-Lung Pmparation. 5 PP V11MIR AKADFAII 14EDITSINSKIKH NAUK SSSR. Moscow, Wo 12, 1973, PP 35-D. jrrL3 61n9 (,A 0 /ii I Y~ V . ~' . 4 ;" U (j I I 1 1, ;~,, ~/ ~Jq I ~t , 11 i q) f N Ito V I ,I I ,~iolj S A I.',iu So (I V Pyl I X I li I " i (~ I~ I / t PAC KA6 1 P46 Ki;i,J',l kVlo~YA I IWAYA P~WMYjHLcNN I K-, I ' ,I / 13 * P P 1 1) - I I . F'1 T(.-'ri f -/ i-o.," I- C, Gaebler, Klaus Idoology Must Play Gpoatov Part in Political- Econ=ic Follcyj 7 PP, ,,,,pw,,Tn-, Fast Borlin, Jun 73, pp 696-704. r ftt*a 'InIA Ili Gaek, Yu. V. Motion of the walls of a tube under axisym. metric impulsive loading. . FIZIKA CIMIYA I NVOYVA, 1967~ P. 432-44o., n. 3. nTC 73-12171-19D smw~ " 1 0 - - ---' --- Im ONOMMY " doe 9631 .,&a i at re and bkowtic Proputlas of Thin ROW Lqm from Catbafte Vow Dopositiong VP 380-389#IMC 74*10674-IUW ~ C) (i F L) Soviets Critic so Professor Rakovskqa- Hucatcae's Books by Bo GefUrms 9 pp. 4 RUS". per# 2gM2~ Homow, No 10, ' r 1973, pp 7-8. JM 58691 Apr 73 GatuMv Khe M, Role of Credits in cotton rarowing Discussed. UXT T LID11IMP ==, Hoacow ~ -- 1 NO )v Mr 74, pp 8*15* JM 62694 U. 'G. mUoular nwahmism for the stmngth o,,-" orystdZine polymps by orimtation -2MM "ZONAL MI.CCAfl PIWIV ~CONPSWCV -Lin, Ili, JO-aj trwo 987Z JVC 73-13M-119 Gafurova, N. S. Combined chemical aging of photographic emulsions with different degrees of dispersion. ZHURNAL NAUCHNOI I PRIKIADNOI FOTOGRAFII I KINEMATOGRAFII, v. 17, p. 164-167, 1972 NTC 73-11172-14E i , ( ,-7 e. . '- / C i c,-,, () U 9 (~. j e K, ( Develo=.Snt of Air Transport Analyzed., by Czeslaw Gagajok,* 17 PP, POUSHO part PrzogLd Kcv=Vmq7jPj,, Vlarsaw'. No 21, rob 739 PP 0-100 JM 58715 Apr 73 4 CAVat #V=o A. r. 74wM hm"mm 21 Son= GOMMY 1974 $32 pp "CW4="WMWA-M"iw1p~wvm pjwsv *rp,-~T GAGNE, PIERRE PAUL 111A PRESSE// 16/11/1974,V----#N----, pp 0001 also pp 2 mebec Party Holds Fifth Congress 8 pp jpRs 63~35 ,~ajrovic, A. "so and !.lalo of Drugs in Belgrade Discussod, 6 pp. APTT.TV ':A PARMACUT, J"olgrade, NO 3-11., 1973, pp n27-~32. ,TT,rm 61920 JIII 74 GAIDA. K. //RASTERELEKTRONENMIKROSKOPISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN DES PORENRAUMES VON SANDSTEINEN// V0089"N---- Scanning electron microscope investigation of the pore space of sandstones pp 336--343 U. S. GEOLOSICAL SURVEY LIBRARY ON LOAN NATIONAL TRANSLATDON CENTEM 04idcvjwtkq,o V. 1. RepuWvs intomation potential of S2 molscuZee with Ar atom* DOXUDY AKADEUrl SAUX SSSR Jul~ r97J, pr 67068 A SOME Vol 211, No I Arp ambe 6ux, V. V. An infonutioma Ultramic Trmsmitter for Biotalmetric investiptions BIOIDGM VNUIMW -KH VOD. INFMIATSICtMI BYMLUM, no. 12,, pp. 11-78l 1971 NIC C-IM9 %rch 73 Gaigilebet, E Lxl4usive Circuit Breakers Allowing the Transfer of an Enorty of' Two Mcgajouls, Inductance la an Arc 7 I,p REVUE GWAVUl. DE. MLECTRICITE Vul 900 no 11, Nov 7 , pl) 869-872 VSTC-HT-23-2216-72 DISTRINTI(A LIMITH) TO U.5, GOVT K)BULS Al"toAAN~. I * "m ow 9,1"5 AM& f . mactried ft"AWAM of Olus malting raums idtb HaboaW Moctrodes whieh do wt ComVistely ftwx the Bath 7P 5"TMC 7j~IOIOWW GAIIX, A. A. //ZHURNAL PRIKLADHOI KHIMIIt//, --/01/19742 V0047~ N0001 Selectivity and solvent power ofextractants. for aromatic hydrocarbons, pp 191-194, CB@@ A opow a W~ a in AlL G &m# 0 //qmp TZ 33lig 11111111111* a= am=// wob"61/19"t" 0066"0f ftmmal codammAlow an tu ftloo of Afteaft" "a 2bd A4$WtAmtt VP 107-3356s= 74-11OV5-WASP --------- 11-4 0. Pm4ficatlem or Vats* Watwo rrce the rabricatica of VIsome Products p v. 18, n. 15, 19709 p. 31 ZABTVA KLflq2MU .35 Available on law ftm = 73-n92&:L33 GAJOVICiJ sc CAUSES OF WEAR ON SUS ENGINE PARTS VOJNOTEHNICKI GLASNIK JUNE 1972 PP 522-525 FSTC-HT-23-0569-74 "olish Coniputor Industry ~Stwvoyad, by Forone ~,P-LL 7 P-,) - I I T'~Tf , -~ A li I A7. T, per, sz-amitastechnika, Budapest, ~yo 3, Mar ?3) TUIRS 59114 T t,Tay 73 Gall, V,V, Spreading of Low-Mo I ting- Point Metals on the Surface of Copper FIZIKA I K111M, OBRABOT. 141U. Vol So 1970 pp 49-54 *NTIS-1"r-74-53074 i,,AI-A;3dRl~Aj M. A r'~ U 1) ~ i i:,i,) I ~'o I I kjN .+ ThL OYIC011L Y I i:LD : . U I- ~tc, ~ I At -I ,k L,~, OIJ:~ I NO o 11 AX I AL LX I ~~ I :,:) 1, 1 ~4 - H . I I I Al. !~0A'SL,)SOV PL I ,) T I 1~ TruHMIYA METALL. i j NJ ,;~ ~ , I 1~ A I M . I I I I I I ~ L) - .3 1 . I L I , 1 11, -I i I -- ~ -1- 0 1 i ii- i "t GalakbjDv & G * Principles of bterbrahch BoUnce UUUzed in Branch Planning. 12 pp -WqVmE KHDZRYAU. Moscow. No 1. 1974. pp, 49,. 67, JPRS 61533 Galakbov,'r*, V, The Twmty-Sixth Intermtional FaUic Halth Assembly. 6 pp S - VETSIRU. Z-DRAVOOKHWjUj Q go Mo3cows No4 1974v pp 92-96s JPHS 61534 Cklakhov* Is# V. The ftlolAfm of Tralniag ~M Using Personnel of the Feldshor Type (Aacomang to rAta of wHD). 9 pp Soylag -ZRA&VOO!"f&", Moscow, No 2, 1974, pp 87-91 " jpRs W56 Methods of Detailed Objective Annlyris of Geopo- tential,, Temperatm-e and Dempoint, Fields at the 850 Millabar Level# by ..... .Q4~~hova, 7 PP. RUS."JAN, perp Neteoreloglya i ClidiA6E~y " MOSCOVI.. Nn 3., 1973,, ~p-ITZ-I- JPRS 59052 May 73 Gataktio"OV* V, 00 C4wbitfty Of nomwhages to i"&qv,= imam mpowe its opgowle md wormae Ommlifim, foltming MV00" 21 AKAVSW SAUX 808B VICAL Mr.ENCKS, M j VZOU 2 213,, 1973,, pp..?SZ-758 en ' ffucL, of INmanont !Iaprtic Yield 111) .1.,j hP500 oill .Dn teh(- IiW otic iletivity of' r,orvrai i,,juraial colit, in ',.-ico IV. ';AALionova A.D. Strzhivhovskiy, ioloijja i Meditsina L 7) No ~x M, -!~pr 1.973, pp 10-51. -Y Gatmd, J. AppUoation of gwsow ahmmtography to Me diagnmia of degradatiou in As ineutation of eleatrieaZ eqkIpmont. MVLW (WERRAW DLIL-r-MRSMITIO vot 81j, so 110 1972* pp PIXIN RTC 75-14154-07C jr,41.)S 3j1'-15 Galanonko, V.B. Measuring the Probability Characterietics of Random Acoustic Fields. AKUSTICIIESKIY ZHURNAL. Vol. 19, No. 20 1973, pp. :1-4 -149. - NISC 3469 GL'Umwlko 9 V, B* Optimal Time-Space Prwassing of Signals in a Gaussian Noise Fielde 10 PP , TIZI�X.1&&M TUTIM Vj5M2ITJZN0Y -SfiKII&WMMA & QIATlSU2WXOX qjR&0A=KEs kbscows 1972,, PP 146-1360 JPRS 62571 Gaimwfto V. S. Statistiol ArAlymis of RMadom Bound Fields. 9 pp Imay P2 Taal Ul- vamma PO MT L"Kox GIDEgAMIU, Moscow, 19?29 vp"IY~5 0 aRs 62571 Galanenko, V. B. Correlation and Directional Propertioa of the Fields of Nonstatimary Nonm1fom Sourcov. 20 pp TUI5X 2&QLV TFO'JU--V5ES2MNQY SHRIA-6EMINAM POUTATISLMOX01 OIRWAMTIKE, bbscowt 1972, pp 21-30. 1 JPRS 62571 :T' GQ/~S- Industrial Measurommts of the Mhgnetic. Ptormties Test Bars, t)3r j. rulu. IMN. LISTY, 1972, No 2, pp 124-129.., B191 law April 73 Galashova, Vo The Operation of Poultry aantoo 9 PP VMFNIK-.5jATI.'?'TX,U, Moscow, i4o n, 140 V, 1973, pp 49-53. ims 6wo CUNNELTION (IV ELLUROICS ANU PRELISIUN ML-CHA NICS IN A SHII-ELECTRUNIG OATA Pkj I r-4 -',,--k lb /, /V AO muk ------- GALASKL f v FINUMMELHANIKA MIKKUTELHNIKA IZ 1973 FE13RUARY PP 60-63 FSTC-HT-43-0467-74 Galaziy, G. 1. Ummology and RX of Substamep in Industrial Aste Dminso 7 pp vomm -WL MSCOW* No 49 1973, pp 140". JFM 60749 Calba, .1ozer A Study of Surption of Arsettates in Soils. III POLNO11OSPODA16TVO; Vol l8j, No 12, 1972 Vp 1055-1061 *,NI'IS-17-74-53056 Galba, Jozef Desorption of Arsenates ituder Water POLN0110SPODARSTV0, Vol 18, No 11, 1972, pp 945-952 *NTIS-I'T-74-53058 GALMIENKO, YU. A. //FIZIKA GORENIYA I VZRYVA,// --/--/1973 'V00009, N0001, The ignition of aluminum in carbon dioxide gas.. 7 pp pp 115-110, AIR/FTD-Ift-23-12411-74 Jan-reb 197300 GALDA, K.H. //DBUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUR LUFT- UND RAUMMIRT INSMUT FUR WERKSTOPF-FORSCHURG// --/06/1973,v---- ON ---- f Inventigations on the Influence of Temperature and Specimen Geometry on the Fracture Toughneas Properties of TIA16V4, 44M 124 Report No DLR-FB 73-107, ESRO-TTC,75 available at NTL; Galdin, N.E. Structural particulars of the Belousovka De- posits in the Altay, AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSRt IZVLSTIYA$ SLRIYA GEOLO- CIIYUKAYA, No.4, 1957, Pp.66-H. Survey Bradl Charged With D"uwAo Invmdon of Ahx~o by wuuto rNassno, 7 pp. SPARSH, per* jAjgWZW &Uwe No 839 1973o pp 3-12. JMS 59226 Jme 73 ~ I q a I(~ 6k L e j Arab Labor * a Profound -Tffect Agricultizral ~-oonomyp by Ytgul WBRI'Me,'m per', Samahtneh WO;AL, mo 6. (256)0 1 HiF 73s PP 3-5. ms 5065o on Israelis 6 pp. T01 Aviv, Apr 7.1 qqmi, xt pt //*"* PMEMMNW// do 0 vp W-49in 74-U07-07A66 Galetskos. R. Turkestan Dom*nph Situation mid Wwr Rwoumem RepwtWs ? pp law ZKOUCKII, MOOOOw* No 10s 1973# pp US-W,* Jm 60(503 Galot$kaya* R. DONMraPbic ROPOK 15 pp x0fROSI OgQ I pp 103-U3. JPRS 62086 On CEMA Utlow Frasmted4, Moscovs No 44 Apr 1974o GALETTOs R //ISTITUTO DI GEODESXA TOPoGRArIA,E rOTOGRAHMETRIA "GINO CASSINISW~DEL POLITECNICO.Dl MILANO// --/--/1973, N0004 Aerial analytic triangulation with panoramic photograms 79 pp pp 1-47 AIRIFTD/He-23-1623-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES ONLY: COPYRIGHT INFOR141TION OTHER REQUEST FOR THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE RErERRtD TO rTDf# Galeyov, A. Improvemento in Material Incentive 5ystem For 1!ngineering-Tochnical Personnel. 9 pp gwomm 52YI-amy UKI~Gkjx, MOSCO1, A 10, Oct 1973, pp 83-87. jpRs 6m1 ftlfsMt 1. T. . - Influence of on the content of 5- aswiertasins the doom at block sx-rugamat F& Nor$ 04A4%0 4v% 1.06t 14vav. I - . of wrbddlne in rat 11"r ~ ~- -1 -- -- mamml . Vol -I - -- I- -, -,- --- 1. .-- mg*-mmx w9 TbB "ptooldy *Lck F64037 R$Ddw# 'Uiqu* a"%- TUN p by, Ram 04agdmr.4 8 pp. -V-'MMMP RUNW. por'o Feamt No I "Ar 19"s pp 38-U. JAS SW3 bay 73 GALIC, MUND IIVJISNIKII 2?/UA9?4,V-,Ii pp oao ftyersity Party Ofielal k*Uzes RighUst Reisista=v 5 PP ino, 63769