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14 i rN c-enL- i2~4 et I r,,-,cl- n ciouls of chemical rudustry In 1973 "OVIOWOds by Vinoene Fuctmano 5 ppe 4OVFqV",-T!',,:,7 ONLY MOt SLOVAI~s per# Chawto~z PEE210, ?rAgasy Ro Is 1973P P-D 1-2, 'YPPS/L "g ~,nr 73 25-.hi 1-74 !nc 1 (14 W L - t r - - ~. 8:~ G Alternate torgion of austenitic !, t a i n I e q j m t ce I . n t v I e Ij a t (! (I tewpornturps. 11 a r t I . Mechmnical responge. FUENTES, -ML_ Treinslated by R. G. Mansfic i,i r r o,- Re v . M. e t . ( Mi d r i ~J ) -, h -. N o . 2 , 9 1 - 97( 1972 ). lop. Dep. KTIS :4.04). 11F metall,irgv; translations MN-25 p NS A revisfort Puernborg, Priedl CP Chairman VOLKSSTIMME, I - pp 2.2. SPRS 63372 Franz Muhri Biogmphy, 5 pp., Vienna, 19 Oct 74, supplemonts Del" A Fuhrhorre, Viliam Caschoolovak Role in International Student Orgaido mation.' 9 pp INA, Bratislava, 4 May 1974, pp it, 2.. im 6z159 Fuhrmann, J. Recrystallization and =It initiated by diffusion of solvents in polywre. 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