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~ Notea on the Glinical Use of Dixyraminop by Fouka. FRENCHs per# Angalas Hadiao- Pgrahologiguga, Vol 120, 1962, Pp 392-3" NTC 72-11420-060 Juno 72 Poundoulis, Mm. r,',xploittltion of Fili poi Peat Dopta for F,norgy Production Opposed, ~ PP. 0 01KOU0741KOS TATqTYDROMOS, Athens, 14 Feb 71~v T)p 1:5,=-, 21. JPRS 61531 A pr 74 Poundoulls, NI. Study Questions Value of Alcoa Plant to Greece, 21 pp. 0 01KOITOMIKOS TATUIYDROMOS, Athens, 20 SOP 73, TF 13-16 - 'mRs 60395 '!ov 73 Foundoulls, N. C,reat Richos Tilddon In Greek Bauxite Claimed; Prudent TEXT)loltation Contracts Urged, 14 pp. 0 OTMNOTITKOS TAK11YDROMO-11, Athens, 22 Nov 73, FP 15-18 ,TPRS 60936 JA n 711. Attribut" of the *Z"trm tra"Part Systm of the, pmtkrtas aomthmweba owtetlaRii naffs odtoohmdrf4. Fhrt 1. DtWbitor offoot on afferent aomptor system tested by a "lied thwtbarg Uohniquo. MURUAL OF Pwroz2ges Vol 20,p So 2# 1973# pp 328-332 Fouquat I o 17, Pmparties of the steetron trowport oyet#m of rlm*toohondr-la in Me protistan aomthmmvba.owtottanii neff. Part 2. Purifie4tion md proportUs of XaA aomptor oxidoroduotme of tho sloctron trwwport oystam. WOURVAL OF PROTOZOOLOGY VoZ 20* No 2,p 1973j pp 331-335 IVIC 73-14238-060 pomp re . I //C=dUUM (ND TXMUW-WdXMM94== m Stff#mm P= w am= - rilill - - I Ilyw -/-/1973*vOO23#lr--* ftdjlwUmtwlMp, 9PI=W-t=tMlft# W*tmv-tsxt=lJW* Pp 538-545pZC 74-10300*UM Fourne, F. Experience in hot setting of completely synthetic fibers. Part VI. TEXTIL-PRAXIS (1~jTERNATI.ONI:%.1-1~1 v. 12, n. 9, p. 898-904, 1957. TC TC-12607 Fournev F. Enwriewn in the hot getting of completely Whetic fibers. Part VIL kZ=Sq VOL 12* 19570 p. 1014-1019 TC TC 12609 . Some Reflections on Imntion In an Would Gam- ~ p,w Using Creuwt-Wre as an NmVlel, by P. M. Fourt. AMMM DES WNES, 1972, Feb. pp 21-32. BIST 10955 P) m - Fov)TT ApTil 73 ftx.. V. A. A"llestlon of Laplwe 2mmformtIon to Prbbl~ In theOX7 of ftuatico 14 Rp US"., WA-90-ftts Now-Wi No. 161, swra new I awdl imm 3, 105 IM-W-93-5714T3 Fraczok, Krzys%tof T.T1.1ifonj Systom of Floctronic Digital CQmputors, 7 Pp - IITFORMATV'A, 1~,Farxsaw, No 4-, Apr 739 PP 1-41- wo 511m1- ,Ail 7 3 FRAL)KIN, G.,% R U KAL)1(j1xAtIPL- e-LLLTRIC IJU'WER i*"AL) I u I tt~ I LIPNY Yi- I S I LILHIq I K I LLEK fi~ I LHE SKOY LNL kul I )JUIMILMI vlUSLLj~ 1912 r,~PP 22-Jun-73 Uncl (AD-755834) OpPrationn) characteHstic!; of the heto-1 and fleta-2 Inotopic thermoetectric qencrators. FRADK I N,_ Gjn. : K 0 DYUKOV, V . M. ; VAGOZ IN SKI, P I.; OROTKOV, N.P.; KAZAKCV, E.A. Jan 1973. Translation of Rugsian article. (PSTC-HT--23-1044-72). 10p. NTIS. N15 A 0 Fradkins G. S. ktospects of Zapadno-Vilyuyskaya Pertrola=* Gas Bearing F*ion. 6 pp HWWAZMMUjRjQW_U RBQFIUU# Moscowt No 12s 1973# PP 3-5- JM 61631 FRADKIN, V.-A.- //VRACHEBNOYC MLOI// /08/19701 VQ NIOOOB Materials from clinical study of the biological activity of tsuverkalov dysenterin, 5- PP pp 142-144, AIR/rTD-HT-23-1264-74Q~ M. S. Fragin Jmproving the response of steam turbine governor systems in the case of large diatrubances. ENERGOAMSHINOSTROENIE, Vol 16, No 7, 1970, pp 41-42 CE trans 5581 apr 73 FTIMAI, NORBERT BEYVAIM //PROGRAMME INTEGRE DE Dfl, VE' LOP PlIMENT I)U BASSIN bU SI:141,,"GAL// --/--/1974,VO007,N ---- I litterrated Developmental Prorrain of the , Senepal basin, ll~ jv~ OACSI-K-S289 FRANCES, PATRICK //LE MONDR// pp 0005 10-11 Nov 1974 Budget DobsLte Pocuses on Conditions of Military servioe 6 pp ans 63605 P Fmovedhivif,, P. Fining md awterating agents for matting VATRO E SILICATI. n. 0, 1960, pp. 71-TV M1355WITY lu~_- 6 I Effoot of Copper Prices on Boonomy Exmined.. by Paul-,Tean Franossobintp 5 pp. Lo Mondel Paris, 3 Or 73s pp 17* 2D# ~ ft __ __ __ 1 3m 58W Apr 73 FramseMs Zt. Cbl. ftdwlav Avowed IlOrsamwl CuTlar - MAY426a Combat TOM- - 1819 im sm 40 1971* Vp 2048 YSW4ff-23-Qh-r. Ow aei4 "ing of glass. Continuation. vmw 9 SZUCAT~ VOZ 14, No 4,, 1970,* pp 10-16 Franck, H.H., et al The Crystal Structure of Calcium-Nitrogen Compounds NATURWISSENSDAFTEN, BERLIN Vol 21, No 18 1933 PP 330-3 1 *AFSC (6 Jul 73) July 1973 Francke-Grosann, flolans MATERIAL UND ORGANISMEN, Vol It 19660 pp 503-522 *NTIS-TT-74-53349 FYIAVOWs Ao //4xjpkt Ix PS30M w EKWM// Xtred or biww" =A bulategmtors an t1w Tfttwo of TebMU No" an 0"= M 1- 1 - i pbopbsuo PP 187-MMO *10%9-06W Jean-Traneolm do Belleval ftrementation of hot Jet Turbulence by was of its Infrared knission gmCS WOM DIRMN IT M FECRKRCM ASROOPATIALESO Mr- Irm. 14719 92320 Chatillowo Francao Septa T. P. No, IM- 10 pp =A TT r-15,23.1 Franconi, C. Investigation of the peptide link4ge with the aid of nmr spectroscopy. Part I. Rotational isomers of N-disubstituted amides and the measurement of the potential barrier restricting rotation. SCIENZA-E TUNICA, NEW SERIES, 1960, pp 183-197, v. 4, n. 4. NTC 73-12315-07C. fi A) / C, ra ~ 11 ~ (): Views of Al-qadhdhafi on Various Topioss by Ants'Pramos. 8 PP. I VISIt"MNT USE ONLY n=11, or, :0une Afrijus pp 12. - ..t Paries 24 NO 73v JMA~-'040 Apr 73 Francos, Ania Roumedlenws Profile Seen to Belie Cliches, 7 pp. GOVERMIENT USE ONLY ,711TNE AFRIQUE,, Paris, 29 SOP 73t pp 54-56. ,rRglt V02 .,f,., 11. Q Frnneo.q. Anin Tslnmic Conference Focuses on PaleStine, Oil, 6 -op. I NfIll" W!LY Af,'T~T,(MTO, Paris, 9 Mar 74, pp 18-23. .TT-,? 11, 7 -T, 7t-6 ? 2 - A-1. 7h LaCk Of '~.'thica of SciontLv'~,'' Criticized, by Potro 11'. Frp..1 , rrqp.o 1, 6 pp. Era 3-6cialista, Bucharest, -o 5, Mar 73, T)P ~4-75- ,TD,RS 59132 7 3 % Problems of Palestinian Romistance movmont, by 3mIr Franjlyah., 9 pp. FMCH, rMis LIOViont-Le. Jour Bolmto 3 Apr 73# lyp 10 Apr pp Apr 73, pp lo 8. 47PFM 5M Apr 73 Franjul, 1,11gual Santiago Accord Plans Meeting With Government, 12 pp IISTIN DIARIO. Santo Wizingop 21 Aug 74, pp lo 2. JBB 63108 Fmjd, Miguel Government Urged to Remove obstacles to Cooperation, 2 pp QJIN Rk , banto Domingo* 21 AuZ 74j pp 10 4, WO JFRS 63108 15-Apr-74 Uncl (RFP-Trans--152) Preparation and properties of films Of Y2'33 and rare earth oxides on glass. LaAN&4. B. - GRUTII , R -Translated from Thin Solid Films; 3: 41- 1'6 1 7p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 5j 1 (1 (,9 ). 2C physics; rare earths; tran~;Iatioris MM-14 P qqA 0 nndsmt&U Of t1w micuution of latersa dAvlae*- mot force eurm of tim ND U gM2 Mj~,, v. n. hs*o Y. Th* sbqw,or is-owtiom of cmgoUyer and raldW tire;o. Part M zv%.Ama^s Vo I n. 112, 19?2* VP. 23-33 IM 73-13026-ILT 25-0c t- 74 Unc I A NI.-t r--567 ) Absorp t i ori and ref I ec t i on of u i t ra.#,, netitrong. FRANK, I.M. ( JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA ( USSR ) ). 1974. Tranal-itea by S.J. Amoretty of .11NII-113-7810. ?,2p. Dep. NTIS $4.~5. 20 physicu; tran5lationn MN-34 11 NS A 0 r In, 7 ~aj -. f on the 0.01, 04", .Lr,, on culturf-.,i of rat 1!)7,,', pp 390-30.0. Vol 70$ 'Frank, Z.R. A Rot of Grouadnut Pods andthe Role of Pythium in its.Etiology. Ph*D. Theuis. The Ifebrew UniVetsity.of Jer_u- salem, Israel, 1971. SUpp. *NTIS TT 73-50024 Franke, F. Adsorption cokes from lignite for air retention. CHEMIE-ICENIEUR-TECULK, v. 43, p. 1017-1022, 1971. TC-12659 Franke, It. Hearing Loss and Recovery in Guinea-Pigs Exposed to Square Shock Waves 20 pp ftanco4orman Rescarch Institute of Saint-Louis i.,in-ilT-23-701-73 Dis,rmBuTiON MaTED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES Franket W. InvIromostal protection to textile fisimbing, pwiffeation of waste sir from textile dryers. TXXTjhYjIERM# v, 6; p. 709l 1971 RM an 73-10644-111 may 73 PA"k*s W. On the retationship of sato*owt4 to the asvimttatifmi , of substown through ?*am*. PLANTA. Vol 55,0 1960,0 pp 53&641 ?IrC 74-STO-18-06C Fhmkena, A. Precautionary manures for tho preWation of screens for semen printing. SPINNER ME]? TEYTILVEREDLUNG, Vol 83. So 240 19658 pp 142-112 it T S 1566-Gr Fmakhauserp F. Perimetry, automation and information theory. olfthaigoLoAica 19T2,, 164-65 *NASA TT IP 14 v 0 maq T3 uncl"~(,, -(AEC-tr--7406) Calculations of the lifetimes of prompt neutrons fn a reactor by the Monte Carlo method. 17,rank7Xame,nr-tzlsiJ - A.,D, ; Yudkevich, M.S. (INSTITUT ATGMNGf ENEPGII, MGSCGW (USSr,)). Translation of report IAE--2155. 1971. 12p. Dep. NTIS. lBK reactor physics; translations MN-80 P NSA REVISED March 19, 1973 0 froutlut Awl"reb low the istrokatiock of 'Low Moy fteel Obmt Proftettan at the 0"1 Bt"l Works Me. W.4 IM 129 pp =1 1051if Frantiu, I. Operati~a estimation of slab thickniss In view to obtain stainless steel sheet. !ILTALURGIA, 1972, Vol.24, No.11, pp.732..4. ISI 11232 Frantiu, 1. )"stimation of Rolling Forces in Manufactnring Austenitic Stainless-SteGl Plate. I.IETALLURGIAo 1973, V.25, N.3, pp.119-123. !JYTT =19 4 a Adsorption of,llydmqex# o*gats, and is trogemI malsoako and atomio form m ths.(We)~ PrIs"O Puns df an a -A Z 0; timoarys tat 2~ DY dg&NTr NAUK .88SR YSICAL MOSSY id, 2ZIS. a no. 1, 7.973, July, pp. Wl,-Wf Is . . -,Ala to X# lhh ~~ I - - 11, L~ Io - is. rRANTZEN, B. S. MIZIOLOGICHESKII ZHURN.AL SSSRI,// V00441 N0006, Alterations of colour sensation under. hypoxic conditions pp 519-625, *NASA TT r 16879~~ Franz, E. -D. Stoichiometric chalopyrite, stabilized by replacement of sulphur by selenium. NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER MINERALOGIE. MONAT- SHEFTE, n. 1, p. 11-18, 1971. NRC C-11915 Franz, E. -D. Cubic stannite and tetragonal stannite with the structure of chalcopyrite. NEUES JAHRBUCH FUER MINERALOGIE. MONAT- SHEFTE, n. 5, p. 218-2231 1971. NRC C-11916 Franz 6 11. Model toots of the ustachrome I AM EM , IM 7351147#1-w cause of the toluidin blue Vol. 41. 1971* p. 120-124 Franz, H. on a mv sesbauLas for w"Opolyssecharides. ACTA HIlmod. Vol. = 73- 14W-06A the preparation of acid 41,1971, p. 115-119 II.-D. Franz Toxicity of Soma Trace Metals. GERMAN, per,, MOM-Schmiedeberg's Archiv &er fterimentelle Fatho~aie mid Pharmkolode, Vol 244, 1962 p pp 17-20 MT 72-13143-06T sept 72 ZI-Jan-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2'179) Undevei~,ped energy reserves ror p rodtw t I on or a I cc t r I cn I power. At tefli p t 6t a r ell I I qt I c awthod or cconnidera t Ion. ; M F R T 0 N , A . INSTITUT VIJER WAKTORSIC11FINEIT DER MCIINTS(AWN L:-V-, COJ tjL ~Jj' r;['I?MA!JY)). S-ap 1972. Tranglation ti~j R.G. ~innijripld of IRS-S-7. 2,3p . Del). NTIS $3-25. 103 energy sources; JOA fusion dev(ces (thermonuclear); tranglatioris MN-2 P NSA 27r -A u L Uncl (LIB/Trans--499) Irradiation capsules. FR A NZETT I, F. : LATID91;7, A.; NECTO I: X , 11 . ; PEP r( I N, J . (COMMISSARIAT A LIFNERGIF AT -)M IQ U;-' , S A CL A Y ( FRA!?Cr- ). CENTNE 1) 1 ETLf[)'-S N U CLE A IRE Ff'JP.!' ISSAR I AT A L I ENE R',, IF ATOMIQUL, GRF14,J;iLF ( FRANCE CENTRE DIETUPES FAIRCIS UMM I SS A R I AT A P FNERG ! E A i0l I QOC, FONT-N A Y- A U X- -I JS,-S FRANCE ), CENTRE LO ETUDES NUCLFAIRES Mar 1'173. Translated rrom STI/PUB--316, pp 1105-IZ7. 21p. Dep. NT IS ( U . S .Sales Only) S3.25- 14 methodi m,;d equipment; 18m reactors-re5earch; transIdtiong 1, 'i S A Frappat, Bruno study sbows Addiction Threatons Ifigh School ~Itlldents, 7 PP. LR MONDF, Paris, 3 Apr 74, P 10. , ift,'3 6 1 10 T', I ~ 7) 1- Frmeiv 0. A. oWoat tmabmt of the ma:bzmg deforprity. VVERVA OMMUCA Vol IS,, 1961,0 pp 661-688 nre ;P4.2004tFoi2~,"ON LOAN 67 MCI CRARGE ,Prat-,ric, T. I?xnert Discusses Environmental Problems, 7 pr). '!!~:'DrUTA PRAVDA, Bratislava, No 2, 11 Jan 74, ;'M r) I t. 61111 . 0 V 7~1- Fratrich, L Hyst aspects of protectinS the envfto=wnt from pollution. GIGIENA I IMUMI It n. 2v 19720 p.89-91 ITC 73011239-06tr 2-Jan-74 Uncl (NRC-TT--1699) Determining the economic size of a pressurizer for a pressurized water reactor. FRATZSCHER, W.; BOCK, J. Translated by D.A. Sinclair from Kernenergle; 9: No. 9, 285-289(1966). 15P. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only) $3.00. 181 reactor economics; 181 reactor engineering; translations MN-711 NP NSA Fredenhagen, H. Adhesive Additives to Rubber and PVC Mixes For Textile and Metal Bonding. DAUTSCHUK UND GUMMI. KUNSTSTOFFE, Vol 21, pp 437-442, Available on loan from NTC 73-10791-IIA way 73 43 Ana I og mach I ne study of a pul,3ed nrloptivel,l working pneumntic servo system. 1 red r If, ioTt Ij. ( Vof-. r!;v,~j re t,i Var5:ow, J nf,,f;ans t a I t , Stockhol m SwPoen ). Translation of FOA-2-C-2176-54 19P. Dep. NTIS $3.00. instrumentation; methods and equipment; translations 18D, 14 MN-38 11 14SA vr*ftqA~.Y. G. Byw"Of engines 10 PP GRAMMM YA,AVIA"IYA nr. 69 June 1973o, pp. 24-25 ._M_ & ATRfftD-Iff-23-53?-74 Fredudenberg, K. Draft of the lignin constit6tion scheme of spruce HOLZFORSCHUNG; v. 18, p. 3-9, 1964 NTC 73-109YB--lll, Freeman, Harry Friends and Ehamies of Detente. 8 pp USA: ~CONOHIW, POLITICS, Bki2m$ Moscaw" No 12, Doc 1973, PP 13-19- jas 60933 Freidenzon, M.E. Variational-analytical method of solving variational prcblms In the promssing of metals by pressure IzV. VUZ CHERN. MET., 1972, No. 10, pp. 81-86 MM'Mb June 73 F74ddb a Lq ZIIP*MhgW I and bmaunk MoUl Worb C=Mw. 3 pp a" A I , nove 25 Oat 19739 p 2, im 60003 Freldlin, G.N. et al Solubi.lity of Acetylend in Dimethyl Esters of Dicarboxylic Acids. M. PRIKL. KHIM. Vol.40, No.7, pp.,lS97-601, A-T-S RJ-5829 FO,,e-IdLi Ilsohwdm of ths VWa-Rwm D*WdMUOn of ISO- pontoyl Alcohols In t1w PftmWQ8 CC ACU G4a4vtss by Le Rho FVGIdURj# Ob Sle IUSSUMS per$ alumm" vd 4, No 49 1964s pp 6og-6i7. NTO 71-14394-07C Fab 72 L. M. Freddlin .*,Ianufacturc of guaiacol by catalytic dchdration of pyrocatecliol-metlianol aixture. NJA,SLOjIOj,IjO-711IROVAYI% PIMSIUMOST, Vol 26, No 10, pp 24-27, 1960 :IfC 72-15182-07C may 7-" ) Freier, R. K. Thermodynamics of protective film formation at low temperature - operational experience. ALLIANZ BERICHTE FUER BETRIEBSTECHNIK UND SCHADENVER- HUEjUNG n. 16, p. 8-l3-,-l-9-7T- j_ NTC 73-11035-13A Freiesleben,, Hans Christian 4 Hach,, J-8 Radio Navigation TECHNICALINFORMATION SERVICE AMICAN INSTITUTE UF MON-AMICS 4 AST Ics (ARK-N 73-2WZT- Vol 115, No 3 pp 214-219 Fob 1973 *DMAAC (17 Jul 73) July 1973 Froler, 2. t. Freiwillig, R. Effect of Stop Transformation on growth Kim- tic of Bainite. KOVOVE HATERIA ~ 1972, No.51 pp.443-456. Bil 194-- - 0. Frejaville Activity of corrosion products water of the Chooz reactor. 4th INTERVATIONAL CONFERENCE ON 9-13 Oct 1972, Paper No C2-5, CE trans 6143 in the primry circuit REACTOR SHIELDING, PARIS 8 pp. apr 73 Fromr, Jirl ,~mpjoymoijt and Wages in First Quarter Roportod, 6 pi). i RACE A TrZDA, Prar,,uo, 1-.7o 6, Jun 73) pp 272-275. SPRI MOT- F)ep 73 Pr4mat, P. st al. The SffWt of Vsmftm an the rn&ms in Abromfoa Doolsta" of I*Adwltlo Mroldw ftnU guomTvt. 19719 (n)# vp W"70 BMI-10228 ~rclnkpllo Le Revision Of Wage and Salary Ratea Otplained, 9 pp i~AQNMICIIF'1XAXA GAZETA, Moscowo NO 32, Aug 1973,, p 8. ims 6o3ig no 0 M. //i=RWW TZMCMT M IMMWM=// -/-/196gpVoWjw---, Vp 05*Mla lecheo,az mlitle Moving salowdstur bance of howt r)Wtbm in WjI819.061 hvow* pe St4 of the pmwtmWon, d1stributim and ftux of aamoots in Ow reeptr4tory tzwt by mAing we of "fwm-A?A1n r adioiw Be Foulljos LD. MUR) 1 20, So 8" 1970,1 pp 089-1190 NX 7&15868-06iT .01 v0 84mr(matalstageir im,tlw influm" of 4vuw not** on tw4ow hum= elmulatory vahm. DRUYSCHN VLJNpHxZww~u VOZ 25,0 1070,0 pp 10514954 Fmmdor.b#roo. 4 91-Feb-74 Uncl (EURFNR--1112) Designp irradiation, and post irradiation examination of the U02/PU02 fuel pin Irradiation experiments of FR-2 Capsule Test Group 4a. PREUND~ D ; DIPPEL, T.; GEITHOFF, D.; WEIMAR, P. (KERNFORSCIIUNGSZENTRUM KARLSRUHE (F.R. GERMANY). INST. ruF,p MATERIAL- UND FFSTKOERPERPORSCOUNG). Apr 1973. 237p. Dep. NTIS $14.00. Work performed under United States-Euratom Fast Reactor Exchange Program. radiation effects; IBJ reactor fuels STD-79b P NSA revision R. Frewid 0; tabte oalf foor. 21 pp. ARCII. BXP. PATROL. RIARM. (LEMIG), Vol 06,, 19130 lp 295-338 ASA TIT F Id,677 apr 73 Freund, Woldemar ?roblems in Preparing Operations at llagenwerder III Powerplant, 5 PP. i7:`TRRCTV~TFClPTI'K, Leipzigp Aug 73) PP 350-352. ~Tlo' r)967 'Tov 73 Fray. Tibor The Developaent. of the Csepel Container Terminal KOZLEKEDUSI KOZLONY No 400 1971 pp 717-720 IIE7, 9889 No 40 (MIA-Topographic Center)