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ZtMhws A* II am"* a& swat 4t D*M*rw.slud .. as . . --- To 39* so 40 1*0 pw W-W Fischerg Alfrisd J. Golda Moir on Brandt Vlaitp Interrational Relations,, 7 py. VORWAERTS# Bonng 13 SOP 73,9 Pp 17t 18. 7PHS 6um Nov 73 ,- e -- No r- 4 Uncl (HNWL-tr--IU8) EIPctron akicroscope contribution to a iturly of the agfjrvtjat Lon of holes in the form of vacuumn, neutron-i rrm(.11 ated n IoM uml nickel ti~mperjnj). 1'I!1Cj1ri?, c. ((;w~Nmlml-i tj,~[Tv., 'm (1-1"ANCF. ) ) .J n 11) 7:5 .'rrnns In t ion of Thc!i I -i presented to Univ. of Grenoble, Prmnee. 47p. bep. PTIS $4.50. gsics ( sol Id-state); radiation 201. phi tranglationg MN-34 P NSA 28-11 a r-74 Unc 1 143 Adjustment of qroup cross sqctions for fast r~?aclor calculations usinq integral -lata from critical --issejnblic!;. FISCHER, E A N ~ UP Aql,,~RuflE: (F.R. GERMANY). INST. FUD? .J~G---WAQ:)TE SYSTEMTECHNIK UND REAKTORPHYSIK). Oct iv~. 4)0. S i-K - - I H 7 Dep. Nils Fnleq "Inly) 30 WorK t'erfo~w-~d u, ll~r Uni tv-I ~;tm t,-j--:-.u Pat ow l'?i-;t i t -) r " x r I i i n q e V P r a m - r 4- 1 rt o r 1) t 4 ~j c n 1. r t or 1) )we r A 11,11,13c"It"PSGI 7,,',,,iTqcvj?rkv, TWINISCIE jYOCUSCflVU,' FUFJ7 -1--11972, V001301VO001, l7ie chon,~ziti~j mid photogr(;phic activity of Me tmazaindoli.nines, pp 71-?5,PITC 74-11718-07CIIII Pischer, H. &xporiawe with plastio ooated ste*Z pipes. CAS) UND ASSIRFAamm"ENDCAS VoZ 1134 So Og 19720 w PP 283-200 NTO 7&1417?-Ijg Fiedw. H. Vm fIdYA mnduWtptty &taotor. CUMMMOMIZA. Vot S. ion, pp tumm 07D 11 - G - Pi ocher Case StuOy for SlmUation; Fxpwsion of an Wiludir% Facility. TKHK XMT pm, Vol 30, No 1,, 1972, PP 13-18- D=1310 Sept 73 rischur, P. Single Screw Extruders-New Knowledge of Design and Operation. ICUNSTSTOrFTECLINIK, 1972, No.11, pp.283-288. RIT"IT-1-f 675, j-*,----, rischer, P. New Developments and Techniques in Single Screw Utrusion. STAHL UND EISEN., 1972, Vol. 92, pp.840-43. BYSI 11597 lmsul-rl?" V. AETIZINISCHE WOCHR3SCIPIRI'll 7,"$ V0114,Pl----, Ideopathic nccivs~a of the head of ti.,c felliar 7.'n t ,-YtuZto aith hyperurfcaarr,.*a rmd pp 1937-1941,JPC 74-117.97-061.'fid Fischer, W. High temperature fuel cells with ceramic electrolyte for the conversion of cheap fuels. Part 1. Manufacture and present state of development of singel cells and small batteries. CHEMIE-INGENIEUR-TECHNIK, v. 43, p. 1227-1232, 1971. CRL-T. 5021. riscams W. //A=a~ rM DM EnMMMMMMM// ft-/-/1973fVOAjwO002# The Effect of A&Utions of Rare Farth Met&U on the Properties of Structural Steel Type ST 52o% PP 97-109,mc 74-lom-nm Fiiwh*r, W, Physioat pmparties of polyurethms paftnt JYtrm as a fuwtion of ahentoat ea"iUm and tv"rature. MXX UND MUUMUU WT 4LBSEN W=811SCRAW WD PRALSO Vol ma No Ira Yff, pp 3157324 Fischer, W.A. Investigation Into The Oxygen Solubility and Phosphorus Deoxidation in Copper Malts. KETALL, 1972, Wo. No. 11, pp.1123-1128. JBISI 11440 Fischer, W.A. The Deoxidation, Desulfurization, and F.1ima- nation of Nitrogen From Liquid Iron Contaning Oxygen, Sulfur and Nitrogen by Additiona of the Rare-Earth Metals Cerium and Lanthanum. ARCHIV EISENHUTTENWESEN, Vol.44, 1973, No. 2, PI) -TT-Tb-. 11B 9004 Fischer, W.A.. The Electrical Conductivity and Themoelectric rorca of Pure and Calcium Oxide-Stabilized Zirconium Oxide at Temperatures Between 1000 and 1700 C and Oxygen Partial Pressures Be- tween 1 and 10-16 ATM. ARCH. EISEN, 1973, Vol.44, No.4, pp.251-259. plgi-1-1-56-1 Q\ Pisohgoy. 11. . I I. The DnWowwr. JOURNAL DF RADLOLOOZF DISLECTROLOM ET DS ~MCME ,, 4 ~ MUCTAM -Vol Up No Is IMp pp 1-5 082-069 ! lsoli" oulmrl ;--i,astdont Ts 14it-lona) and Abovoboard In Cll-qis, 5 -,)n. Tzmir, 3-9 Doe 73, pp 12-1)~. T, 71 -~s- f, 10 9) ~ Fishbayn, A. Xotor Vehicle Depreciation Sy5tem Criticized. 3 pp AnyonL6 I ZUIZN" usbkonte No 4, 1974s pp 63-85. JERS 62883 Fishcer, W. A. 1"Ite soLidilication structim, of iroll. Part 11 . jilfluence oF rate of solidifiCzIti-Oll 111(1 concetitration of tho companion clemonts carboii, sulEur, iiitrogea, oxyi,en, phosphorus or silicon oil the forut Ot the microstructure of pure iroa. AFT111V FUHR DAS Vol 42, IT.- 55741--540, 1971 IIB-3601 vi,,i v 77, Fishman, A. Ya. Effect of line defects with heavy impurity atoms on the sepctrum of elastic crystal vibrations. EIZIKA,,NIETALLOV L-METALLOVEDLOr-, 1972, pp 36-43, v. 33. NTC 73-12044-11F. OA-11 - -71~-3-ISI Fitedre, 14. Acoustio Wam ftoitagm in a Flow CHMOSLOVATSM Pl'ZrCHRSXrr ZNURNAL4 v, 220 Z9?2,o pp. 89,&3#7 NTO 73-24M-20A NTTS Nn-aieio FITIUGOF"V. 1B. //VOPROSI RADIOBLEKrIZONUI NAUCHRO-TIMICIDZUY SBORIII, SUMA OBSBCHnEWICJWKAYA// -/-/1968qV-,NO003q pp 0036-0098 nuatuation Mrrois in a Quadratic,.Phase Prequeney DiscrivAnator 16 pp GUO Jam L/3n5 f FTTZER, E. Hum Emmmmn=.H ~/--/1973sVOO44*NMt Classical GintmriWt Remativi Sinterings and Not himing of MSh-M*1tIWPoInt A32 ftrd Alloys, PP 703-709OBB 9186m Fix v W. Cwr~ =tbod fw detant3ation of WroM in b2ot-ftmft slop. AKW PM DAB EIBENHUETTOMIN& Vol 43P P- 251-253* Im M-8749 =W 73 FXZLrm,o, S. Z* .I ... 11NUMCUO-6NAMPOVOCOM PRO12YOX7VOll -10q11q?s,T-,Ifooo#,v Advotooe of hot Uothemal stoping, 8 ppo pp 8.9,,AZRIMRT.23-1584-7400 3-Apr-74 Uncl (SLA--74-6010) Influence of the gamma-phase cooling rate on the structure of uraniurn alloys low in t i tan i um. FIZZETTI, C.; Y'RANICESCIIETTI, G. Aug 1964. Translation of PT/MET--(C,4):3. 16p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 111' metallurgy; traiiilatinn.,3 MN - 2,~ 1) Nf,A 0 1". -.Ino of Oil popi ')Y. 1NAC'hRI('dTtJNG UBTP - .. -...... - - I ...- - ~-! 6 -- -,- -1113 ~ 1113-1118 . U.11, 193G, p1p.130-137-. 138 anc! 149-1S2. *,,;TI'I')' TT 74-53053 Vw offeat of orgmia matarlats m the upb** of iwmania AGMDfICAP VOZ so No is 19820 pp 251-264 NW-MIT1.9 CS,tRO-trow-IISS6 Flakeerman, I% N. Technical Progress in Thermal rower. 6 pp FNQGFTj&, ~bscow, Wo 8, Aug 74, pp 3-5, JPR3 63023 FUksorrmn# lue No Economics of lbargy System Developmmt Described. 5 pp kN MajK, MDSCOW, 110 6. June 1973. pp 21-23- JPRS 39633 0. F L a re) o, P~ +- Slldl=ity temlynis, by C. lilaiwnt IM,-'RCIfq per, pql I- ,,&=a Brwa2jg, 22nt= jkL:~Ntwaa. do ~echo=hq UL=2401101 ~&UeE& Vol 4. No 2, 19621, pp 63-77 NTC 71-1521~ln rox 7 2 FLAMM OSWALD GE ULVELOPMLNT OF OPEkATIONAL CHARALTERISTICS OF SHIP PRUPELLEkS SCHIFFBAUTECHNIK GESELLSCHAFT JAHRbUCH 4 9 19 08 F ~)TC-HT-23-0903-74 FLANDFRIV, a. flEvo rRA!.,,cAi,-,,E D,u,'mAToLo(-m,,11 -- /- - /l. ,174)", vo o I 3s Noo o o " 1"cary CaU loukeraa (Tricholaukocyto Lovl,,crqa) Olillic(ll (VIII crdtOZqfiO tltlt,~Y Of 56 COBC11, lip 609-640,11MC 74-11412-069i,?# FLAPAN, SIMITA //NEW OUTLOOK// pp 0034-0040 wolear Power in the Middle East 7 PP jpHs 63459 /I 114 n 711 put"s Perlphomt faetat pardysis with retrograde mmn degeneratim. A oontribuHm to thp- wwmZ and pathalveeaZ miatoW of the Nn. Fadatis. mohZearle and trtgemInus. ZRIMCHRM MR !Lz~sxsw, la"WIP vot $20 1897j, pp MZC 74-20072-06B ON LOAN STRUM CHARGF, u0 11, 1 A ?j v i, N 11 `~-NW ,iuo 1 1 L~ I I; Uo.1 id:) ![.A lid ) A j I r, plia 110 f1jo -Qc-~$ STIN -dau - d I; I '( q9(, T rir).r LV ) L, I wUD woj 1?1i;JLw AQ PJ;LIsuel 'r '13NNOU 'd i1vij -jalem PUQ splop D!jl!u pui; o1jokidsolid jO PI)SOLJLUO~~ qajn;xl(b jo .ipiT.Lo;Dafvjj do I ~ V I I I i r, ! ]i U.JIEAt; Ajulltal atil jo unliciTlinba jodPA-p!nbf,j -I I- I w1c. I OU(I ~I-jdij-$?T Flaumenbaum, b.L. New Process Ifor Storilizhig Cans of Apricot RMPurce 3 pp Ko,N6FRVYSAYA I OVOSIRAWSUSHILINAYA PraTni I MIN09T I No 3. 1970, ~pp 18-20 l,'STC-fil'-23-2206-72 Fleeko .7. ChlomW slootroksia. azz Vol 48 * No 44, 1971" pp 273477 WC 73-14342-07A Fr,l,.'I,', (-,. Plre.'R PHRIUKALL509 MEMIE. bEIPZI,-,Il --I--11972,110250#N ---- s Calculations cmicenzing the trerwition atate in the radical addition on athyZene pp 361-96,3,4TC 74-114.59-07D## Fleischer, L,G. Changes in Quantitative Condition in Homogeneous Thermodynamic Systems ~ 6 pp C1011SCHE TECIINIKI Vol 230 No 6j 1971,, pp WI-363 17STC-I]T-23-2275-72 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S, GOVT AGENCIES lnznmxo u, //JMML at its amemm m nomwIl -4/--/19741 VMAOA IM ftrial pwimtry %" vp 1-35 WAA&TC-M3#f Fleischer, U. Shipboard Gravity Measurements I rv, JOURNAL OF GEOPOYS 'a Vol 40l No It 19740 pp 1-35 *DMAC - 2 May 74 Fleischmann, W. Refractory mixes KERAMISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, Vol 24, No 3 pp 138-141, 1972 U.T.-Tr-ans 617U may 73 W. yleiscb~ sod 3. 0. Schwus XaltorhV of St*m TurbIms SUN= Zgn%CMUIT, Vil. 39, im. lo45-lo4g (Sept. 1965) U Tram . 1425 Flowing* C. Katboootical mapping of long-term fume immis- sions takine winds climate$ orographics and biololical 7aetore into consideration. a g JJJCHII gUMITAIST. TIP Vol* 169 n. S. Lye/ LOW-LD NTC 33!i1232-049 Flemming, G. Mathematical cartographic evaluation of relative sulphor dioxide values in the smoke damaged area duebener heide. ANGEWANDTE METEOROLOGIE, v.5, p. 44-49, 1964 NTC 73-11091-04B 11TRUDY GMUDARMENS000 MANOMMISSX000 INSITTMA OZD)WM"OROLOatalM= KNOW SSSR11 -16-11932,V0002.0001, Uat of atom of Noonya Zemtya pp 46-I&HAVY 1100 NIO Forwrly Uot*d as MOO rmns "; 549## 29-Oct-74 Uncl (GSI-tr--74/16) Experiments concerning the search of spontaneous fission nuclides of superheavy elements in nature. P. 2. Search for the heavy homologue of lead In lead ores and minerals. FLEROV, G.N.; TER-AKOPIYAN G.M.; GETSKIN, L.S.; GONCHAROV, G.N.; POPEKO, A.G.; SKOBOLEV, N.K.; GVOZDEV, B.A.; TSYB, P.P. (GESELLSCHAPT ruER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG M.B.H., DARMSTADT (F.R. GERMANY)). Jun 1974. 9p. (In German). INIS. I fig.; 3 tabs.; 15 refs. With abstract. Translation of the Russian report JINR-P--6-7759. Available from ZACD. NSA I -A ug- 74 unc) (GSI-tr--74/4) Application of heav,.4-ion bearrs in fields related to science and technoloqq. FI-FROV, G,N, (GESELI.SCHAFT FUFF SCHWER1ONrNFGRSC11UNG M.B.H., DARMSTADT (r.R. GERMANY)). Feb 1974. 17p. (In German). INIS . 4 fig-j. Trnnslation, of the Russian repcrt J10-137- 7b?1. NSA 29-Oct-74 Uncl (GSI-tr--12/74) Practical application of heavy ]on bedins. FLEROV, G.N.; DARASUNKOV, V.S. (GESELLSOAFT FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG M.O.H., DARMSTADT (F.R. GERMANY)). May 1974. 42p. (In German). INIS. IS figs.; I tab.; 39 refs. Translation of the Russian report JINI?-PI4--7754. NSA 8-Nov-73 Unc I (0RNL-tr--2711) Spontaneous fission of kurchatovium and nilsborium Isotopes. FLEROV, G.N.; LAZAREV, YU.A.; LOSANOV, YU.V.; OGANESYAN, YU-TS.; TRETOYAKOVA, S.P. (JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RE'-,rARCII, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS). 1971. Translation by M. Gerrard of JINR--D7-5769. (CONF 710209--S). 13P. Dep. NTIS $6.00. From conferenci, on tkcav~ Ion plq3ict; Dubna, USSR (11 Feb 1971). 20H physicoi (nuclenr); translations MN-34c P NSA PIOUIV, 074 -P4 Cellular po~ywethane materials: .71tair uae in themal insuZation. IND , GAS-EML Vol 40, ?lo 0, 2972, ._j PBTML, EUROPF pp 61-69 ATS 25?1-FaT I-- I (f -j 5 V% n') (, t J\.) '~t, V. $me ~r cc cvtww~acll &r LOWWAS. by U. V-~ , ophans, 13 pp,~ RWSIJ~q-porq lw*jdk Akw2dA Lwa*BONE4 fiffifAk AML V. me 30-973o, pp 59-65~ im-5m - I'Aly 73 U TIC I (ANL-I'rans--950) tLtnperaturv of an i rradiated monitors. FLIPOT, A.J.; Translated from J . NUci - 17p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 2-Mav-74 Determination of the operating fuel by means of dispersed COLLIGNON, M.; SMOLDERS, A. Ma t e r3?, 2 6 6- j.' 80 ( 196 9 11B ceramics; 11F metallurgy; radiation effects; lai reactor fuels; translations MN-25 P NSA FZohn,, 11. Are wo prodwing our am otimate? .WXOfiOT,OGZVCHS HODSCHAU . Vol 230 no es 20700 ..p pp 16146f ICC 78-14321-04B Floralris, Kharilaos Communist Party Leader Scores Ainta, 5 pp. UTTSIME 7EIT, Duessoldorf, 27 Mul 73,, P 6, JPR,'3-599u7 -- Oot 73 YLORI,,'A,Ao 111IFTALURGrAll -1-11972, V0024,nooos, Optimtning of tho flow cheat for tho 25-ton rirrdng ingot soLid-thing, cooling mid heating pp 532-534,,BIo"I 11004## Floreft, L. !,'fforts to Provon4- ., Described, 5 pp. I-TUNITCITORUL SA7,TPAR, pp T, 3. ,TPRS 59511 Combat TLIberculosis DucharoatD, 8 MaY 73, hil 71 FLORENSKII. K. P. //DOXLADY AKADEMII 14AUK SSSR// --/01/1.974, V02111, NOOOI Ocological morphological analysis of study area overed by Lunkohod-2 p~ 75-7B AIP#9 mmenwit X. P, auuctvn MA 480WOON311hawftl v4stum ot the am" Wwo talow Imig" FWRMII, K. P. Difterentlation of Meteoric Mattert the FAIrth's Atmosphere 14ETHORITM, nal. 30, pp. 104-113, 1970 NTC 73-10285-03B Harch 73 Flormskiyo P., V, DoaipberlM the Deep Structure *rA Local upUfts by Space Antographs of the Turan flatform, 8 pp, nVESTIJA vUz-2ENMjX&.1--w-ymU$ Moscows, No 7s 1973, pp U2-n7. im 62383 Florewdyl P. V. The oUWI* triusaie basin of mmWvWk and motern I cloommis aqua amm RM MR, He glome VOL 20~v no, op IM# pp, 1401-1404 AGZ FloRmouvot I.. Usovasian momy"I// -inAm,,o~ Pp o066-ooog Psysit Agrimature IInlsUr Coumts on Non-EUck Earth Pmrim 9 pp JPM 63760 f F2orentlyev. L. The Gmin R"omves of the Russian Federatione 20 pp M41UNK. Moscow, go 10, JWy 1974, PP 32-44,, JM 62? Florentlyev, L. Future Non-Black Arth Zone Development., 9 PP KOMUNIST VOORUPIUM SIL, 1,bacow, No 15s Aug 74t pp 33-39. jpRs 63u3 aorentlyeve Le Agricultural Development of LWls, Siberia Desoribed. 13 PP EKOHOMIKA SaISKOGO URYA=,, moscowo No 4p Apr 1974, pp 14-21. jpRs 6209? I T. - V " //1 i)p 0())q-O(YP9 k;,,ricultnrc I'Anister ComicnU on t,:oti-!flac-,k ;Iarth Bolt 1rol,ram. 15 m) JP4)S 63e23 FLORES, CARLOS VARGAS, //EVALUACION GEOLOGICA-FISLOGRAFICA DE I14AGENES ERTS DE UN AREA AL.ORIENTE DE,BOLIVIA.: Y PARTE DEL BRASIL, SERVICIO GEOLOGICO DE BOLIVIA, PROGRA14A DEL SATELITE TECHHOLOGICO DE RECURSOS NATURALES, LA PAZ, BOLIVIA,// --/--/1974~ V---- tiq---- I Geological and Physiographical evaluation of ERTS images of an area in Eastern Bolivia and part of Brasil, pp 6, NASA TT r 15857~0 Role of Banking-FirAnae organs in International Econm.lo Cooporatlon,, by Constantin IT,, noreacut in pp, ROMANIANy por, Revista Romam do Drept, Buebaresto Nov 172; irp r7~510 ------- Pns 5866o Apr 73 Florescu, Emnoll Greater Sfficlency in Construction Design fted, 8 pp aA �291AUSXA* BOM"st, No 17, SePt 1973, pp 13-16. JPRs 6o67z Flor"OU0 Mthall Aohlev~ntx " plaw ~ of Chgaica]. :Endugtry DIWOM" by WMIlter,, 21 pp. i M A D$ ORMEP BuobU%st,, ITO 2, Fob 74, W -- - --Wj; -W* " JPRS W9 AUR 711. Florescu, Milvill :1 Ministers comiont on Ministerial Ro- or~tanizatiollfl, 11, D?)d liTA""! `-TOTTOTAICAP P!,,cliarost, 11, *MRY 73, PP 1, 10, 11. jpRs,, 593L'~-"') .'Dtl 71 Floveneu, Iffhail Chemical Industry Progress Outlined, J~Jore Urged, a pp. VI-ATA PCONOMICA, Buoharoat, 13 Jul 73t PP 1, be JPRS 59978 Oct 73 FLORESCU, MTHATL //ERA SOOTALISTAH --/09/l974,V----,NO018p also pp 37 Soeial. Role of Chemical ,TpRs 63481 pp 0026-0028 Industry Cited 12 pp FLORPSCU, MIIJIIL HRMSTA DE CHIMIE// --/08/l974*V----PIT ---- s Development of Chomical ,TPRs 63702 P PP 0605-0611 Tnduatry Reviewed '? pp Florin, C. Contribution to the Creep Rupture Strength of Chromium-Holybdenum Vanadium Steels.for Turbine. Manufacture~- ARCHIV MER DA� EISMIUETTENWESENO V.41, pp.231- 236, 1970. HB 8665 Florin, Potor 3tate Seeretary Outlines GDR Stand on ,~~uropean gaeurity, 6 pp. HORIZOIlTs East Berlin, No 28, Jan 73, Pp 8, 9. -I?R8 59549 AtIf" 7~ ,,&. --/ Behavior of Turbine Pumps of High Pover or High Speoific Speed During Start-Upo by Do FlorJancio. GERKALNp per, Varall Dautachar 41aganisuce. Barlght2, No 75, 1964# pp 27-36 NTC 72-12243-130 July 72 G~ I F L o (~, ck s The Lqporbance of Hydrolysis In Aquous Mapeniona on Vkyl Ebter and AW31c &ter Fb4mm in Faint Mm., tV G. ELorm. EUFDPFANg rpt., E=IE* &jKjacm d-lAngoglaUgM do Todmicians dm LmhurtAw dm Pointurm. Vwnia. NTC 7-145680-11C TUr 7P Framml R. //STAM UND LIBYA// -'/--/1q74jWO94vM3# Stress Corrosion Craddmg in lbt Staws for RI& Blut Tomperatweep pp 8h-86,,mB gaoW r1ourens, 11. Experiments on the Semicircular canals of the Ear in Mammals. MEMOIRE DE LIACADEMIE ROYAIX DES SCIENCES$ 1830 Pp. 467-477 14ISC 3443 fAuckj.~ n', j~-. Atimit I)c L~,,Qcn yethylew., Liv:aiiatud Caitoits with ~111ki 'CuAiill.~ 9 ;y R"mis Voi J5, No 9S, VJ70 i),o 7,59-700 1 -j iT- 2 13 S - 7 3 i ' I U.,~ 1.1:: 1111) T o I nowi,,L A. --too Fluoago, G. omfosion during opal-gottiv and.00"tvYingo rZtWOfAUF Vol 108,9 No 110 19?lo pp 426-431 Ilm ml rlmklmo as Ias bwpwtr loom at go gm-01,141"In FAWN i" In as mmobdowmPlauWAR mom "- =8 - OW ME& To 31j, =h 29 An& IMs pp, m w 2z4 WAA 7T Y 35IN MAINKCRT. r. ot ai //VC,13 rl',17,I)WATEP CONFFTZFNrEll . -./-, ~M72, V - - - 1 11 . - - Lxpericnce with dinterinination of very small cation and anion ooncentration in '6e water steam circuit of 11. P. steam grenerators ?p 714--80 C. F. TRANS6534111.1 ~111 (,.Il;it cumputatiun 01 Gcos tilt iollary 5ate'llites, 1)), wilter Flury UJAT~A'IAL MLOIANICSS Vol 7, No 3, 1973, pl, 370-383. fWAAAC -Tin- 04pi .JLIII(,' Ti ~Iuycr, F. 5, mtorot W-ns FmIuced by Staphylococcus anti iAcillus Camuso 10 PI) VUSTNIK AKADDIII ;~~BDITSTNSQHII M_U~ 3,53- 9 kloscowe N, o 12, 1973, pp 61ZT. - - - ji--Rs 6u19