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8, C& 2 F, IN, P f. 11DEUTSCUR FOR5C7Ib?JGL"J- WD VEMUCHSANSTALT FUR LUF.P- UND RAUAIIFAIIRT INSTITUT PUP DYNNILM PER FL Urqys TEAVI // - -/0 611.0 ? 4,, V- - -,q N- -,, Iiiprovement of oanvergence in orbit determination of artificial satellites, 30 pp, Report [Itmber DLR-FB 73-95,, SUM TT-720 ORDER MOM NTI,13## Bdellgauzo G. Factor Analysis of Economic Phenomena, 1z pp VWINIK STKTj�AQ, Moscow, No 7, 1974, pp 20-28. JM 62975 '. C M av - "' 14 I-) or .1 1 .~ I-wel I I Oil c I hilb hki 1 f Lj r v x 1w r m, -i t i il mmr rw -i Lin, I fil I, Ih i I 12 o De j . N T 1 .00. rw -ir,IV ;j r, '30 -Ma V- 1/1 unc, I ( AFC-t r--7'A I ) -';t4ldv )f I 1 3 1 ocat i on c I i III) bv me .) n s I r a i f r I, .~ I r) In , I c7 reel, .x 1?vri ment 9 In Pia cine n I um . I . :)~, r(~rrua I I on v 4, r .1 , ri i, fl, . F 11! 1. J 1~1 , G. ; POIRIER, I . P . T r n In s 1 ,j t i - (I f r om I, li i I . M.1 fl. ; " P : "'o. 6 , 1203-12 10( Der 1 'IT! ) . A iy , Po, p . rl T I J 1.4.00, . 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