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Sebiddtt V. on itbe =KAllwor of oibmrpd we Aa-- SCIMMEN twl 13CHimal 'M 2% p. 22- ; .19a =9 . 1 mw,73 scmm,v V. /litmcm-- W), ",a,f-/1q63vV--&NOW* M? ODUO-M4 Thik use of poctlea cormllum womelmts W; 74.2*14D , FMI1.0; 1. k" - I 11ITTAllf, rx"Ill"Pill --/--/1971, VD091'.u009, L~vtincerlng rwarwrea to reduce, noiee in large planto pp 491-487,BISI 1231410 ScNnidt, W. Scatter in notch toughness tests BLE140H ROHRE P WILE, No. 89 pp. 301-311 (1971) ,FTr-&n-S.-M2T- SchmAt , W. Constitution of Solid Drawing compounds and Requirements to be Met by Solid Lubricants Durin,:, Wire Drawing. STAHL UND EISLN, Vol.91, 1,971, No.24, pp.1374- D H3 R673 Schmidt , W. The Effect of an Interruption in Mechanical Loading on the Creep Behavior of a High Hot- Strength Steel.. ARCHIV USENIRITTENW., Vol.411, 1973, No.4, pp. 291-296. D 13068 Scbmidt, -W. hresent Situation Amd Puture T&sU " Reprds BrOlft 4kb&t=O'At IU th* St,401 IMU61tVy 9.17AHL EISIN, 1972, Vol 92, No. 6. Mr. 16, pp 238-45- IIISI 1.1124 Soh*dt~Hatting n ,, bl. M10HOVO of measurwUnt toohmiqw in the flefferaktio extrwtion of atuminw6 zlrxrscHl?zpr MrR afimfimll WD AgrAUJ&WMMV ToT 14, No r. I . pp sor-all ...... 0 Nrc 73-132896-111F Schmidtmann, L. The effect of sitrain rate on the characteris- tics values of the linear-elastic fracture me.cAanics determined on large and small speci- ment; . TIATERIALPRUFUNCII, Vol.15, 1973, pp.73-81, No.3. r 27-i eb-74 Uncl (ORNr---tr--2756) Effect of high elongation rates or) ~he development of the yield point in ferrit Ic steef s in the low-temperaure region * ~CHMIDTMAMN E.: RUSSELL, D. Translated by E. G. Silver rom Arcn. Eisenhuettenw.; 43: No. 10, 781-788(Dct 19?2). 32p. Dep.- NTIS $3.75. 11F metallurgy, translations MN-2~5 P IISA is sdmw~p 1. IdIms" of ISO eds" awe" 43 go lumoftm tL4& IMMUM at wh"Is M. IF-M-u Mo vmf 40 lbo 60 jr *om rT5i- M schmidt-flatthiesen, fl. 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InxEcmmV/ //IFASEwRscffmiG M TEX7 /-/Iq66vvOOl7sNOOlOs The Heterogemems Reaction Betwm Aqwoum Nams Cubca Dism1fide and Cellulose in the Pftsmce of Tensides. Awt IV. The Interfteial Twsion Betwoen Aqim:ouji N&OH and Carbon DimulMde, pp 46P-466,DTC 74-108?7-13AS ScImic0leknecht, I-Inrtin i.~orphulojcal Studies un the k2uestion of Stmin Forwatiuii iii fioltiinthosporiuni Papaveris ARCHIVES FURI NIHOBIOLOGUE, Vol 28v 1958, pp 404-416 I,. NTIS-I'T-74-53-45 Schmioderi Dr. 11. The VEB Carl Zeiss JENA at the IAipzi& Spring Fair 1972 16 pp RANGERATLISCIINIK. No 4. 1972, pp 14S-ISO FSTC-1IT-23-136-73 U.15TRIDMION LIMITED TO U,5, WVr AGUNCILS Scaqdtlbals, P.U. Development Trends in -the Steals Finishing In-, dustry. 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