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Apply Dialectics to Achieving High Yields in Grain and Cotton, 7 pp. HOING-CIII, No 4, 1973 SELECTIONS MINA MAINLAND NIAGAZINE, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 ~Vorkers Must Strive to Haster Science and Technology by Yao Chin-chung, 6 pp. HUNG-011, No 4, 1973 SELECTIONS CHINA MAINLAND MAGAZINE, No 7510 30 Apr 73 May 73 To Uevelop Agriculture, It is Necessary to have Great Lnthusiasm by Chiang Han, 6 pp. HUING-CIII, No 4, 1973, April 1, 1973 SELECTIONS CHINA MAINLAND MAGAZINE, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 Learn from Lei Feng, and Heighten Awareness of the Line, by Shen Sheng-ping, 5 pp. HUNG-CHI, No 4, April 1, 1973 SELECTIONS CIIINIA LMAINLAND MAGAZINE, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 it is Necessary to Establish the Concept of Consolidating tile Proletzrian Dictatorship, by 'I'lang Chli-shan, 5 pp. IIUNG-Clil, No 4, April 1, 1973. S 13- L 1; CTI ON,S CHINA MINLAND MAGAZINE, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 'Ftic Essence of the Revisionist Linc as seen from the Theory of Knowledge, by lisuell Lull, S pp. JIUNG-GIII, No 4, April 1, 1973. Selections China Mainland Magazine, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 Learn and Master the Dialectics of General and individual Character, by flung Yuan, 7 pp. HUNG-CIIII, No 4, April 1, 1973. SELECTIONS CHINA ~,RINLAND MAGAZINL, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 A Basic Principle of ~Marxism-Leninisi;i, by Yell C11"un, 0 pp. HUING-011 I', No 4, April 1, 1973 Selections China ~,Iainland Magazine, No 751, 30 Apr 73 May 73 ca Cc 7r7n to plill I--T ?..7,R Ya Mon- 711 rc C7 .7fMr -C 'V T Z-4~ --. ;- 2 - -,.I. .- .. .1-()7.);,, 1 .1) r7 Collf~lnl'llm 1.1 ,,, 1 a T ( R i d 771 ~ - ~ I 1 1 1()7)' 7 -L)p "1-. 1, 1 -- - -5 - . -1 _. 1:~.-Inct.,u))v - ~p " 1 ' .'I .'. - . I. :.. ~ -, . I. ..-.) i~)- 7~, "o-"ll ~- I ("~L . I ~ ~, . . I , . of !.-;castor 1 10711 Q Clin-IV, no 7.7 How Is the Life-Span of Converters Raised? HUNG-CH'I, No. 5, May 1, 1973 8 pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 752 May 29, 1973 Jun 73 Do a Better Job in Publication Work by Cheng Lei, 6 pp. HUNG CH'I, No 5, May 1, 1973 Selections China Mainland Magazine, No. 752 May 29, 1973 Jun 73 I Am Deeply in Love with Every Blade of Grass and Tree in the Border Region. By Chu Klo-chia, 6 pp. HUNG-CHII, No. 5, May-1, 1973 Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973. Learn from Lu Hsun, Train the Young People. By Chou Chien-jen. 7 pp. HUNG-CHII No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973 Youth~Should Stand in the Forefront of the Revolutionary Ranks - Some understanding gained from studying "The Orientation of the Youth Movement". By Van Wen, 5 pp. HUNG-CHII, No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selection.s China Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973 Strive to Heighten the of Revolutionary . Responsibility. By Chang Hung-ch'ih, 5pp. HUNG-CH'I, No. 5, Mayl, 1973 SelectioNs Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973 We Workers Must Strive To Study Revolutionary Theories. By Chang Fu-heng, 5 pp. HUNG-CHII, No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selection-s China Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973 Incegrate Wholeheartedly with the Workers and Peasants. By Yen Chingitlang, 6 pp. HUNG-CHII, No. 5, May 1, 1973. 8electioHs China Mainland Magazines, No. 753 June 4, 1973 Thinking Must be Adapted to the Development of Objective Situation - a study of the preface and introductory notes to "The Socialist Upsur ge in China's Countryside" by Chi Yen, 6 pp. HUNG-CH'I, No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selecteions China Mainland Magazines, No. 752 May 29, 1973 jun 73 Chuang Ning Criticizing revisionism and Rectifying the Style of Work Is a Profound Socialist Educa- tion. 6 pp. HUNG-CHIII, no S, May 1, 1973 Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 752 May 29, 1973 jun 73 It Is Necessary to Concentrate Forces to Fight a Battle of Annihilation in Capital Construc- tion by Kuo Chien-wei, 6 PP. HUNG-CHII, No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selection.s China Mainland Magazine, No. 752 May 29, 1973 Jun 73 Historical Experience Merits Attention - On reading some modern history of China, by Shih Pin, 10 pp. IIUNG-CHII, No. 5, May 1, 1973 Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 752 May 29, 1973 Jun 73 Organize Social Investigations, Give Impe- tus to Penetrating Criticism of Revisionism. HUNG-CHII, No. 6, June 1, 1973, 5 pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973 Yun Lan Learn by Summing Up Experience. 7pp. HUNG-CH'I5 No. 6, June 1, 1973. Selections Chind Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973. Yu T ' ung Strengthen the Building of the Cadre Ranks. HUNG-CHII, No. 6, June 1, 19739 6pp. Selectio'ns China Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973. Kan Ko Learn to Correctly Handle among the People. HUNG-CH'Iq No. 6, June 1, Selections China Mainland June 25, 1973. the Contridictions 1973~ Spp. Magazines, No. 745 Ch'ing Yen Mastering Policy Is a Basic Task of Leading Bodies. 5pp. HUNG-CHII, No. 6, June 1, 1973. Selecti s China Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973. Chi Pling Consciously Transform the Subjective World. HUNG-CH'I, No. 6, June 1, 1973. SelectioiTs China Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973. Ch'I Wen-te Continuously Press Ahead in the Direction of Serving the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers - a study of the "Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art" HUNG-CH'I, No. 6, Junel, 1973. 6pp. Selecti China Mainland Magazines, No. 745 June 25, 1973 Education in Line and Policies Promotes Agri- cultural Development. HUNG-CH'I, No. 6, June 1, 1973, 6pp. Selection's China Mainland Magazines, No. 755 July 2, 1973 Stand for Production in the Countryside, Do a Good Job in Purchasing-Marketing Work. HUNG-CH'I, No. 6, June 1, 1973, 7pp. Selection's China Mainland Magazines, No. 755 July 2, 1973 Lo Ho-shan Search for Laws Governing Pest Control from Practice. HUNG-CHII No. 6, June 1, 1973 5pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 755 July 2, 1973 To Learn from Tachai, It To Learn the Line. HUNG-CH'I, No. 6, Junel, Selection-S China Mainland July 2, 1973 Is First Necessary 1973, 5 pp. Magazines, No. 755 Use Dialectrical Materialism To Guide the De- velopment of Water Conservation Construction on Farmland. HUNG-CHII, No. 6, June 1, 1973, 6pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 755 July 2, 1973 Work Hard~ Run the School with Diligence and Economy. HUNG-CH'I No. 6, June 1, 1973 5pp- Selectio China Mainland Hagazines, No. 755 July 2, 1973 Chung Shih Firmly Bear in Mind the Party's Basic Line. Hung-chli, No. 7, July 1, 1973 7pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 756 July 23, 1973. Pa Shan Safeguard and Strengthen the Unity of the Party. 7pp. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 756 July 23, 1973. Chang Yung-mei Fighting on the Plains a modern revolutionary Peking opera. 58pp. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 756 July 23, 1973. Hsin Wen-t1ung The People Are an Unbreakable Bastion of Iron - Comment on the Modern revolutionary Peking opera "Fighting on the Plains" 6pp. Hung-chli, No. 7, July 1, 1973. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 756 July 23, 1973. Actively and Correctly Carry Out Ideological Struggle. 5pp. ~ ~ -ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973 Selecffo-ns China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Chung Yen Fully Tap the Production Potentials of Indus- try. 7pp. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. _~_e_1e_cTi7n_s China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Hsiang Hui Work Well at Either Higher or Lower Levels, Work Well As "Officials" Or As Common People. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. 5pp. Selections Ch4na Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Hsien-Run Industries Must Serve Agriculture - An investigation report on Lunghai Esien, Fukien. 5pp. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. Selections China Hiainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Do a Good Job in Developing New Party Members. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. 5pp. S-e-lections- China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. When the Line Is Correct, the Outlook Changes. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. 6pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Organize Party Members To Read and Study Se- riously. 6pp- Hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 1, 1973. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. P'an Hei-yinc, Persist in Taking tive Labor. 5pp. Hung-ch'i, No. 7, Te~lectioiTs China July 30, 1973. Part in Collective Produc- July 1, 1973. Ilainland Magazines, No. 757, Allsiac Vung The Development of Man's Knowledge of the Uni- verse. 12pp. hung-ch'i, No. 7, July 7, 1973. Selec:E-ions China Mainland Magazines, No. 757, July 30, 1973. Factories Nujt Also Pay Attention to Training Tlieoreticaj Contingents. Hun -cii'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973,5pp. 1ecf1'_&n_ China Mainland Magazines, No. 758 0 August 20, 1Y73 Chu Yen The Far-reaching Significance of Reforming the System of Enrolling College Students. Hung-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973, 7pp. Te-l6c'f-ions China Mainland Magazines, No. 758 August 20, 1973 Chung Wen Run "May 7" Way. Hung-ch'i, '~~e-iec':E'IoiTs August 20, Cadre Schools in a Still Better No. 8, August 1, 1973, 5pp. China mainland Magazines, No. 758 1973 Hsueh Lun Communist Party Members Must Forever Be the Advanced Elements of the Proletariat. H~jaa-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973, Spp. nlecFi-&n-s China Mainland Magazines, No. 758 August 20, 1973 Li Chien Attach Major Importance to the Revolution in the Sphere of the Superstructure. HUNG-CHII, No.8, August 1, 1973, 6pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 758 August 20, 1973. Vien Chih-sung Persevere in Reading and Revolutionary Struggle. ~ung-chli, No. 8, August Selec:Ei-ons China Mainland Study in the Midst of 1, 1973, 5pp. Magazines, No. 758 August 20, 1973 The Workers Have Boundless Creative Power - Investigation report on the No. 1 Blooming Mill of Anshan Steel Complex. Hung-ch'i, No. 8, Augusut 1, 1973, 6pp. Te-lections China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Carry Out Well Struggle-Criticism-Transforma- tion in Rural Commerce. Hung-chli, No. 8, August 1, 1973, 6pp. !Te-re-cfi-ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Conscientiously Study Chairman Mao's Ten Major Military Principles. Hung-chli, No. 8, August 1, 1973, 6pp. =eections China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973 Study of Agricultural Science Must Face the Countryside. Hung-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973, 5pp. SelecT=ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Hua Lin-mao Pay Attention To Protecting Forest Resources. Hung-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973~ 6pp. ~e-lec777~s China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Chi P ing Party Cormnittees Must Grasp Important Matters. ~unq-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1573, 5pp. Selec=ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Hung Ch'eng Wise Strategic Planning - Study of "The Con- cept of Operations for the Peiping-Tientain Campaign. Hung-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973,6pp. iTe-fe-c~Fi-ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Chi Po-t'ao A Strategic Change of Historical Significance - Some understanding from a study of "Problem of Strategy in Guerrila War Against Japan" Hung-ch'i, No. 8, August 1, 1973, 7pp. ~-elec:E~ions China Mainland Magazines, No. 759 August 28, 1973. Unite, And Donj~tSplit - Criticizing Lin Piao is crime in sp i ting the Party. Hung-!~tLi, No. 9, Sept. 3, 1973, Gpp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 760 Oct 1, 1973. Strive to Fulfill the Historical Mission of the Working Class. llung-~hi, No.9, Sept. 3, 1973, 7pp. Selections China Mainland Magazines, No. 760, Oct 1, 1973. Ch'ang Ch'ien Imperialism Is the Eve of tion of the Proletariat. jj~Ln~-ch'i, No.9, Sept. 3, Selec~H_ons China Mainland Oct. 1, 1973 the Social Revolu- 1973, 8pp. Magazines, No. 760, Pao-jih-le-tai Penetratingly Criticize Lin Piao and Rectify -the Styte of Work, Speed Up the Construction of Pastoral Areas. tung-ch'i, No.9, Sept. 3, 1973, 5pp. Selec:E-ions China Mainland Magazines, No. 760, Oct. 1, 1973. Kan Ko Lin Piao Was a Despicable Renegade from the DictatorshiD of the Proletariat. Hung-ch'i, ~~o. 9, Sept. 3, 1973, 6pp. 9'e-lec~-!-ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 760, Oct 1, 1973. Yu T'ung Be Adept at Recognizing the Enthusiasm of the Masses from Its Very Essence. No. 9, Sept. 3, 1973, 6pp. SelecTi~ons China Mainland magazines, No. 750, Oct. 1, 1973. Vien Chih-sung An ImDortant Historical Experience. ~ung-chli, No.9, Sept. 3, 1973, 6pp. SelectiE-s China Mainland Magazines, No. 760, Oct. 1, 1973. Chiang Hsueh-yuan Party Committees Must Practice Democratic Cen- tralism. fllung-ch'i, No. 10, Oct. 1, 1973, 6pp. Survey China Mainland FVX:(X, No. 761, Oct. 29, 1973 Kagazines Wu Cli ' Un hegemony Cannot Decide the Destiny of World History. 11ung-ch'i, No. 10, Oct. 1, 1973, SDP- ~~-urve~-China Mainland RrgK;J, No. 761, Oct. 29, 1973 Magazines Chung Wen Run Well Study dier Cadres. liung-ch'i, No. Survey China 1973 Classes for Worker-Peasant-Sol- 10, 1973, Hainland 6pp. RXRXN, No. Magazines 761, Oct. 29, Ch I i Yung-hung It Is Necessary To Attach IMDortance to the Party's Basic Line. Hung-ciii'i, No. 10, Oct., 1, 1973, 7pp. Survev China Illainland RXXAg, No. 761, Oct. 29, 1973 Hagazines Sun Chi-ch'Uan Some Understanding on Stidy of "On Strengthen ing the Party Committee System. Llu!jg-~j~, No. 10, Oct. 1, 1973, 5pp. Survey China Mainland Ilagazines, No, 7619 October 29, 1973 Shih Lun On Worship of Confucianism and Opposition to Legalism. Hung-ch'i, No. 10, Oct. 1, 1973, 14pp. -~u~re~~ -China Mainland Magazines, No. 761, October 29, 1973. Chiang Han It Is Very Beneficial To Do Good Analysis. flung-ch'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 9-e-lec'E-ions China Mainland 1-1agazines, No. 763 November 26, 1973 Jutzu T'uerhti Only by Dealing with the Masses Correctly Can the Correct Line Be Implemented Hung-ch'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 6pp 3-eIT-C-Lf6`ns CIdna Mainland Magazines, No. 763 November 26, 1973 Rely On the Working Class To Speed Up Coal Production. Hung-ch'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 6pp. ~~-e-iecfl'ons China Mainland Magazines, No. 763 November 26, 1973 Educate the Peasants in the Party's Basic Line - investigation report on Hsiyang Hsien, Shans No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 8pp. Selections China I-,Iainland Magazines, No. 763 November 26., 1973 Sun Wen-kuang Persist in 'Using the Class Viewpoint in Studying "The Dream of the Red chamber" Hung-ch'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 7pp. gjl-ec~MTFs China Mainland Nagazines, No. 764 December 3, 1973 Yen Chih Be Promoters in Helping Educated Young Peo- ple Settle in the Countryside. 11ung c;j'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 8-pp. .1 _~-elec-fEo-jis China Mainland Inagazines, No. 764 Deceiaber 3, 1973 Chai Ch'ing Popular Science Readers Should Vividly Disse- minate Materialist, Dialectics. H~ing-ch'i, No. 11, Nov. 1, 1973, 5pp ~CljcTTO-ns C~dna IMainland Magazines, Ilo. 764 December 3, 1973 Chung Tse Is Sucl-I Ali Appraisal Consistun with Histori- Cal Reality, Hung-ch'i. No. 11. Nov. 1, 1973, 7pp. China N.'ainland Eagazines, f4io. 764 December 3, 1973 i,'L 1..i,2 Cours,2 of overcOR;in7 An- C) r-n- I I CI -;~ ,,,I t ic it i,,--)Iis 1., L~72. S-op 764, 3 .1 19 7 3 Ch'en Yang-feng Why Did Lin Piao CUPSe Ch I in Sliih Huang? lii~nE-ch'i, No.12, Dec.1, 1973, 7pp Selecf-ions China Mainland Magazines, NO,766, December 27, 1973 Chlen yen-sheng The StrUp -T I e between Materialism and Idealism as Seon from the Theory of Evolution. Hung-ch'i, No. 12, Dec. 1, 1973, 11pp. China i1ainland 1,1agazines, No.765, December 27, 1972 Chili w(A Continue To I-lake a Success of the Revolution in Health Work in the Countrvside. Flung-ch'i, ~4o.12, December 1, 1973,6pp China Mainland Magazines, No-765 December 17, 1973 Chung Shih Carry Through the Proletarian Revolution in Education to the End. Hung-ch'i, No. 12, Dec. 1, 1973~ 5pp '=Ljc:H-O-ns China l4airiland Magazines, Wo.765 December 17, 1973 Fang Yen-liang Going Agairist the Ticle Is a Harxist-Leninist Principle. Hung-ch'i, No.1, Dec. 1, 1973, 5pp S'6--fe-c'HQ-1-ls Cl-iiiia Mainland 1~lacyazines, lHo.765 December 17, 1973 Hsia Ping Make Lneegetic Efforts to Train Women Cadres. ~unE-chli, No.12, December 1, 1973, 6pp Selections China Mainland Magazines, No.765 December 17, 1973 Hsiang Hui Protect the Environment and Develop Production. Ao.12, December 1, 1973. 6pp SelecFEE's China Mainland Magazines, No.766, December 27, 1973 nsin Feng The Philosophy of "Reversal" and Restoration of Cai)italism. flung-ch'i, Ho.12, Dec.1, 1973, 7pp �e-1j'c---Lions China i4ainland 11,11agazines, No.765 December 17, 1973 Li Feng DeVelOD. Industry to Support Agriculture. Hunp,-chli, No.12, Dec. 1, 19737pp ~ffa-e~ciliji~s Caina 1,1ainland Hagazines, No.766, December 27, 2.973 Pa Shan Speed Up Agricultural Construction in Mountain ous Areas. flung-ch'i, No. 12, Dec. 1, 1973, 6pp ~WfEc~-J(5-,is China Mainland Magazines, No.766, December 27, 1973 Yun Lan A Strategic Neasure for Consolidating the Dic- tatorship of Proletariat. llung-cn'i, No. 12, 1973, 7DD ~,fe_cll_oFis China Hainland Hagazines, No.765 December 17, IIJ73 ull. L i Llic b ic La L c) r slii 1) of Lhe i1rcjiu-taria L Dec. i, i)73,~'pp. lluii--, ocjecLiow,; C;dnA 1 mainland tio . 76 1) Occuml)cr 17, 1~173 Pass on Forever the Revolutionary Spirit of ilard Struggle. tiuK-ch'i, No.1, Jan. 1, 19711, 5pp ~Wleciljn-s Clhina Mainlaiid Magazines, No.767 January 211 -, 1.974