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Nordwig~ A. Pui--ification of collagenase. Paxt I. AtteiVts to charact,erize, t-he other enzymes -present in crude preparationo HOPa-SEYLEM MMISCIWIT IMSIOLOGISHCE C::-ZZIE~ '~O - 'r. ~L , m). 2-1 17,2C 7-3-122-IC-O,'x% H-41,1SON, H. //IfOPFEE SEYMIRS ZETTSCHRIFT FURR PINSIOLOGISCHE cim, im, // 11031,%N---- Preparation and SLfhstnatc Activi-Ly of an Aminopinptidar,e Difforon't flMii Lcmdne lunino- fvolll Kid.uelr P-a-c"JI.CIC", HEGNER, D. IIHOPPE-SEYLERIS ZEITSCHRIFT FOR PHYSIOLOGISCRE CHEMIE11 --I--11968.,VO349,N----, Ieolation and amount of enzyme of granules from polymorphonuoZear Leuco-cytee of the peripheral bovine blood, pp 544-554, Partial tranoZation of pp 544-546 and pp 550-654,NTC 74-11482-06A## Fink, G. Acl,justment of I-le Substrate as 'the Rate -Determining Step in the Enzymatic Clea-vage of Esters and Amid.cs by Chypriotryspsin A HOPPE-SEYLER'S ZEITSCITIM FUER PI-IlYSIOLOGNTIC, CHENIE, V. 790, n. ll,~~ ll),t)() pp. 1.501-1512. ''' -, I ~2700-0)A TPC 73-1 6 Webe, U. S-ADWlzaercapto Groups for Protecting the SH Fimction of C~rs-".eine. Paxt I. Synthesis and Stability of some 110paL, SEYLE-Ills M120"CHRIFT FUMI Pff-SIOLOGISCIUM, clau, ---71- Cl I n V. 35.1, 3-970, P. 13 , _jjm') TIN 73-LLS'22-060 Weber, U. S,AWlinercayrto Groups for Pcotecting the Sil Fimction of Cysteine. Part II. Thiol-Disul.ficle Exclian,ge of As, L L, .mmetric D-Imilfides of C~Fstpine I-IOPF--' SLYUM'S ZETSCIJRIF~T FUR FIMSIOLOGISCIM' C101-frE, ~'r. nj~l C) 71717 11 197, - -13( 17TC 73-il,~i.T-o6o Scheuer, A. In-vivo effeab of androgew on nwlsic acid metabolism, Part 2, Change8 in DNA and RNA ooncentration in severaZ organe of maturing mate rate. HOPPE SEYLERS ZEITSCHRIFT FUER DIE PHYSIOLOGISCHE CREWE, Vol 352, 2971,, pp 707-722 NTC 73-14707-06P Woenckhaue,. C. Speoifia modifiaation of the coen" binding 8ite of dehydrogenasee by inhibition with the MAD anaZogw (3- (4-Bromoacetylpy,-idinio)PropyZ)-adenosine pyrophosphate. HOPPE SEYLERIS ZEITSCHRTFT FOR PRYSIOLoarsms cum Vol 353, 1,972, pp 55.9-564 ---.j NTC ?4-10141-06A SEILER, N. Relations between P'~lyamines and Nucleic Acids. Part V. Stimulation of Liver Growth and Increase in Polyamines and Nucleic Acids by Perfluorovaleric Acid HOPPE SEYLER'S ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIOLOGISCHE CHEMIE, vol. 353, pp. 623-633, 1972 NTC 73-10330-06A March 73 Rapp, P. Formtion of 51-dooxyadenosyl dorivatives of oobaZmnins- C-lactm and - laotone by propionibacterim ahermmii in vivo and in vitro. HOPPE SEYLERIS ZETTSCHRIFT FVER PHYSIOLOGISCRE CHEMIE, Vol 353., 1972, pp 887-892 NTC 73-14474-06A Rapp# P. Biologicat actiVity of N-alkyl and N-aryl derivativee of Coba&vnin and Bobinamido. HOPPE SEYLERIS ZETTSCHRTFT FUER PHYSIOLOGISCHS CHKWE~ Vol 3.53,, 2072,$ p~ 1141-1152 NTC 73-14473-06A Schweinberg, F. carcinogenic nitroswreLnea from simple atiphatio tertiainj amino-wido and nitrate. HOPPE SEYLERS ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIOLOGISCRE CHEMIR Vol 353, 1972, pp 1671-1676 NTC 74-10222-06A ~12, G. Gundermann, K. Mixed function oxygenation of (+)- and W-Hexobarbital and speotraZ changea of oytochmme P-450 in the Ziver of guinea pigs fed oithout L-ascorbic acid. urmDr cpvrrvfc qrrmcrmz?Trwp PrirIJ7 fWKIMT.7 VOL 5454., 797.3, pp ZM-Z4 NTC 74-10223-06A i 1W, S/I ~- r I ~-- / ~4 F ~ (i Cutbier, A. HORAE SOCIETATIS ENTOMOLOGICAE ROSSICAE Vol XLIJ, No 7, 1915, pp 1-46 and 57 *iiTIS-TT-74-53259 Florinj rotor State Secretary Outlines GDR Stand on -buropean Security, 6 pp. HORIZONT, East Berlin, No 28, Jan 73, PP 8, 9- JPR3 59549 Aug 73 Orr,anization of C'I-Mys Described, by Ilannelore ~-'.-ETITA.Vl, nor, j'(orizont, Mar 73, p-n 22-23. ,P- Rs 58707 lIntermetally Hej7,yi, 5 Pp. East Berlin, No 11, AT)r 73 Profile of Yasir Arafat Drawn, by Dieter Hollmann, 6 lip. G'E'RHAII, 'Der, I.H.orizont, .--il'ast Berlin, Nlo 15, Apr 73, -PT) 14775-- J?Rs 58660 Ai)r 73 Bock, Siegfried OR Ambassador Comments on Security Conference, 5 pp. HORIZONT, East Berlin, No 27, Jun 73, pp 4-5. JPRS-5-9T45 3ei.) 73 Schwanitz, Guenter East German Magazine Publishes Portrait of Chnou-pek, 6 pp. HORIZONT, ITE'ast Berlin, Jul 73s PP 14, 15. JPRS 59710 Sep 73 Faddeyev, H. V. CE14A 3ecretary Outlines Implementation of Comprehensive HORIZONT, East -9 3-4- JPRs 5986o Program, d pp. Berlin, No 31, 23 Jul 73, Sep 73 N.9 lin, Juri '~JATO Pro-oa~zzanda Works Against E'uropean SecuPit-,V, 7 PD. HORI70NIT, East Berlin, No 35, Aug 73, PD 8-9. 7 FR-S- TFT 9 8 Oct 73 Steini7er, '~Ioter Alfons GDR Comment on CSGE Stresses Inviolability of Borderg, 5 Dn. FORT'ZONT, East Berlin, No 38, SeP 73, T)p 4-5. JP TS-76-07 7 9 GMdAN CSO. 8120/1J.52 A 21 Jail. 1974 "Aelson Mandela" by Dr laaus Brade East Berlin, Horizont, 110. 52/1973, 17 Dec. 19731 Spec type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one T. D. 14. Feb 1974 Sieber, Rolf GDR to Intensify Parliamentary Contacts 1,7ith 1~1!est' 5 T)P. FORI7,ONT, East Berlin, No 5, 1974, pp 4-5. J-IRS 61300 Far 74 GEMW tov , ~v CSO: 8120/1754 ~P, P .25 March 19T4 'Horizont' Provides Data on Moha=ad Daud East Berlin., Horizont No 6., 28 Jan 1974 Special type B Do not publi sh Single spaced draft plus one. rx'DR Leader Interviewed About Austrian Communist Party, 5 T)p. HORIMMI, East Berlin, No 7, 1974, P 3. JpRs 7754 Anp 7)-1- Goetz, Jiri C9SR DeDuty Foreirpn I-linister Discusses Helations '-Tith GDR, 6 nT). HORI'ZONT, i-~,ast Berlin, 4 Feb 74, PP 5, 6. ,TPRS 6 11.~4,5 Anr 74 7) e I ~j , 1~- e , rjjTj (~ i t , . . . , n "itlh L"IT' Leader Described, 5 T)n. T10- .~J'~077, -Tast Berlin, No 18, 197). .1 - L, pn 11~-15. 7117-17i ~9' 1- 17 3