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21-Jun-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--Z812) Rapid acidification and alkalinization of vaTiadates. SCHWARZENBACH, G.; GEIER, G. Translated by P. G. Mansfield from Helv. Chim. Acta; - ..n ---- NTy 14. 46: No. 3, 906-926(1963). 29p. Dep. NT 07B chemistry ~inorganic); translations MN-4 P NSA 2-May-74 Uncl (ORML-tr-2655) Chemistry of complexes of the me1hylmercury cation. SCHWARZENBACH, G.: SCRELLENDERG, M. TrannIated by R.G. Mansfield from HeIv. Chim._Acta-, 48: No. 1, 28-46(1965). 29p. Dep. N 4'.60-. 07C chemistry (organic); translations MN-4 P NSA 0 Grob, K. I zblw~ Impregnation of Glass Capilicovies for Gas chramatoGraphy 15IMETICA CHMICA ACTA, v. 1965, P. 1-36-2-1370 TC TC-1-0(17c- tll~ n ~, C.~ L T-i t" TIC. P Girazodots A4, Synthosis of sow Arinohydmxynqhthoio aoide cqabZa of having a IlubercuZostatio activity. HELVITICA CHIMMA A--- VoZ 40,, 1966,t pp 471-481 W 73..21351-060 Alilicevic, B. Thermodynantic-phenamenoto,qicat description of dyeing processes, Part 1. Discontinuous modeZ system IIELYETICA CIIIAIICA ACTA., v. 49, n. 4, 1966, pp. Z302- 1318 NTC 73-21694-ZIE 1-'cGregor, R. T'he Clescription of (1-yeing processes, Part II. Continvims irodel s-qteni 1EIVETICA CITTECI ACTA ir ItO, n. h, i.C)66, pj~. F.-C A. Dieffenbacher Proton magnetic resonance spectra of pteridines. Part V. 2-airdno-4-oxo-3,4- dihydropteridine. HELVETICA CHIMICA ACFA, Vol 49, pp 1355-1357, 1966 NTC 72-15137-07C mar 73 x1den, 1 01. Composition and structure of conVlexes of monovaZent copper with imidazoZe derivatives. HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA.3 Vot 49, No 7, 1966, pp-94409 pp 2189-2195 NTC 73-21781-07B Luessi, H. Anionic polymerization of 1, 3-cychlohexa- diene. fIEL EjjCA-CHI-MUA_ACT&, 1967, pp 1233-1,243, V. 50, n, S. NTC 73-12002-07C TA V8Lj P. V. IIIIELVETICA CHIMrCA ACTAII -1--11968, V0052,N---, Fractionation of serum proteins with liquid phase pairs. Com=ication No. 3. Part 1. A centrifuge .-Ji',, for countercuttent distribution. pp 278493,STC 74-11483-07C## TATEL, P. VON. CHIIIINA ACTA// Fractionation of Sernra Prat-cins will-h Liqui.d. Phase Pa-lrs. Coymmu-iicv~cion lio. 4, Paxt, i. Cowitercurreml- Fractionation of Gam-nia, Globulins, pr 1526-157,!'1'C 711-1-0701--Oc,~~Iacl Sigwart, C. Stability ond structure of Cul compUzes of imidazola and hi8t=~ne. Chemistry of monovalent copper in homogeneous, potar sotution. Report No 1. IIELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA Vol 53 , No 1,, 1970, pp 177-185 IITO 73-13497-07C Heimann, W. On the Lipoxygenase-Lipoperioxidase System in Cereals. I. Helvetica Chimica Acta, v. 54, no. 8, pp. 2794 7-809,1971. *NTIS TT 73-58089 may 73 DICA ACTAI Agency: Air Force P.O. ARL 72-0001 72-016 "A Title: Theorie der unelastischen stosse zwischen atomen. Author: Stueckelberg, E.C.G. Source: Helv. Phys. Acta, 5, 370-4222 1932 Language: German to English. Special Instructions: Please translate and type one copy. LIEPMANN, H. W. //HELVITICA PHYSICA ACTS,// 18/03/1949, V0022. Application of a theorem cn the zeros of stochatic fu,--,,tions to turbulence measurements, pp 119-126, NASA TT F 15842@@ STOCKER, 11. //RELVETICA PIMICA ETA// A Mell;hodl. of bleasuring 'L-,he Dz)pinf,-, Profile of Oc!"j.-loonduct-Or Dloclen) p1) I-ri')-2.1.1,-u7.C 7111-101~oil-O"RD3 Peter,, H. Mapwtio supomonduators. HSLWICA PHYSICA AlffAp Vol 44, So 3, 1971, pp 345-35a NT? =74357-20C /z/ 7,c 7 ~2 - 3 2 - 2 (., (, Boner , 11. Susceptibility of the Sneezing Reflex to Antitussives IIELVETICA YHYSIOLOGICA ET PIMIACOWGICA ACTA2 V. 2C; 962, P. 316-323 NTC 73-ii6go-o6o INVESTIGATION OF ACTIVE CARBON FOR USE IN FUE L CELLS AND Alk ELECTRODES '. IN.M4T,A (-,,. i", ), I~c~/ VORKAPICI LAZAR LANGUAGE-SC COUNTRY-YU HLMIJSKA INDUSIRWAY 49/19731 1676-62. FSTC-HT-23-065S-74 IFIC POWER Y OF CONSIDERABLE VORKAPIC LAZAR LANGUAGE-SC COUNTRY-YU HEIvIJSKA INDUSTRIJA N13 3 1974 PP 515-517 T 7 It FSTC-HT-23-0003-75 INVESTIGATION OF ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES 0 F FLUIDIZEU BED ELECTRODES DRALIC D ATANAS LANGUAGE-YU COUNTRY-YU HEMIJSKA 1NDUSTRIJA 4/74 PP 705-709 FSTC-HT-23-0168-75 TETENYI, P. //HERBA HUNG,// --/--/1967,VO006,NO002, The Taxonomic Significance of Poppy Alkaloids pp 123-141, * NTIS-TT-74-55098@@ IVANYI, S. //HERBA 11UNG.// --/--/l969,VO008,NO0l/2, The Use of a New Summarized Index of Values in Comparative Variety Trials with Poppies pp 97-102, *NTIS-TT-74-55095@@ Rothig., H. J. Synthesis of phosphelipiden., cytochrom b5 and P450 ir, thiaminmangeZratten uith treatment of thiwnin. HERBSTTAGVNG DER GESELLSCHAn FUR BIOLOGISCHE CHEMIE0 Vol 353, 1972., pp 1562 r SA TT F 14,989 Agency: Library of Ce,ngress X.,. LB75-1234 Call t3 Title of Article: Hermeneutische Uberlegungen Zur Inter pretition Kirchlicher Dolumente Source: Article Author: P. Fransen Instructions: Translation should include all labels graphs, & explanatory rmterial ~;hich are included in the article. Ship to: Bill to: Library of Congress Library of Congress Receiving Section Procurement & Supply Div. VY 7 - 1 1, c. I i r e r cp I, oiirc k (I. of ai)o,,,c tj-,.J(~ 11 - 75 leare tra:tsIntc-! :;c c D aruct jo[j, tV[)(,. one copy only Mulder, Gerard Gasoline Rationing to Go Into Effect, 10 pp. FERT VRIJ-P! VOLK, Rotterdam, 9 Jan 74, P 7. P Ph. mar 74 -~~Chlcatliol' for ',iys-klcli,,is Avoloilulont, by eev i-onen, 10 iniyon -7aifa, "ilater 1972- ,J13, n-0 lh, 1--5, 211, 27, 51. 5921 9 .Rin This is Ilindronor IIINDRONOR (IJIDROELECTRICA NORPATOGONICA) , L968, No I TK 36, 11 63, No. I pt,h~) Research Program for Water Use and Protection, by E'manuel Blitz, 7 PP. ROMANIAN, per, Hidrotehnica, Bucharest, No 10, Oct 72, pp 517--72 . jpRs 58539 Apr 73 Progress in Construction of Water Purification. Stations in the Cities, by Mircea Favloff, 7 pp. ROMANIAN, per, Hidrotehnica, Bucharest, No 10, Oct 72, PP -537-540- JPRS 56545 Apr 73 Problems of Systems for Combatting Water Pollution, by Ion Pislarasu, 14 PP. ROMANIAN, Der, Hidrotehnica, Bucbarest. No 10, Oct 72j PP 541-546. .-T.PRS 58539 Apr 73 Mantz, Nicolae Recent Land Improvement Projects Discussed, 15 pp. HIDROTEHNICA, Bucharest, Vol 17, No 12, Dee 72 nn:-),939-645. JPRS 5b44 Jul 73 Manoliu, Ion Navigation and Ports Discussed, 14 pp. HIDROTEHNICA., Bucharest, Vol 17, No 12, Dee 72; pp-746-655, 671. JPRs 59344 Jul 73 Blitz, Emanuel Water Supply and Sewerage Works Since 1947, 10 pp. HIDROTECHNICA, Bucharest, Vol 17, No 12, Dac 72, pp 656-661. JPRS 59344 Jul 73 Need for Protection of Water Resources Stresse by Nicolae Glimbovschi, 9 pp. ROMANIAN, per, Hidrotehnica, Bucharest, No 12, Dec 72, pp 667-7r. J-PRS 58633 Apr 73 H7draulic Research Since 1947 Described, b7 Dumitru Cioc, llp pp. ROMANIAN, per, Hidrotehnica, Bucharest, No 12, Dec 72, pp 672-377. Z)Rs 5861~ Or 73 Statistical Mathematics in the Analysis of Meteorology in Romania Discussed, by Nicolae Ciovica, 9 pp. rZOj.TA~TjAj.T, per, I No 12, Dec 72, JPRS 58615 Hidrotehnica, Bucharest, --- pp 7 Apr 73 5-Feb-74 Uncl (JPRS--60685, pp 21-30) Determination of admissible radioactive pollution in water. GASPAR, L. 4 Dec Iq73. Tranflated from Hidrotehnica; 18: 245- 241)( 1973 ). NTIS. Translations on eastern Europe, scientific affairs No. 371. ~K;A 0 Nitescu, Speranta Romanian Research for Removal of Iron and t1anganese From Water. 24 pp BIDROTEHNICA. Bucharest, JulY 1973, pp 347- ins 6 o7z4 Ion a t,, c, r 0 c r APOPS 10 Op. 74, pp "Ov NAKAZDIA, T. //BIMEJI KOGYO DAGAYCU ni= HOKORT// --/--/1q,;6,vooo6,N ..... Oxidation reaction of xylene isomers and separation of the products, pp 92-(,)7,NTC VI-20040-070012 11!L do- ~c~ cTUOC, i0 0, brpul -,-, ol~uo,lj-l E slab on ji c-.,.r' T tom Ile ~7 r,) -n T7 "T)j -7 r7 Schulz, 11. New aspects of the origin and ultrastructure of thrombocytes. HIPPOKRATES, v. 39, p. 909-914, 1968. NTC 73-10856-06E. Wolff, Helmut H. 1965 .Selective demonstrntion of th6 ttxrrotrophin seareting cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland of the mt with dichloropseudolsocyanine (ElektIve Darstellung der tk,-reotropinbildendon -ellen im 11,ypophysenvorderlappen der Ratte mit Dichlorpsou,iolsoo.-vanin) IListo)hejide, 4: 380-`,96.. in lem~an. Tranal. by Tmnsl, ;~Ur., Fg1l. bang. Div., Dol)t. of 3ec. of State) of Canain, for ')opt. of Environ. , YVIT Halifax LRb. Halira:~, N.S. , 19.7", av Tmyzl. Series Vo. 2590, 13P. , typ'escript. Avail. cri Loan Wash., D.C. OrIgInal Article Checkodt Wetkiewaki, M. Effect of various activators cod inhibitors on the Zocation of unspecific esterases in nomal liver cells wid those affected bu BeCln. HISTOCIIEPUE, Vol 11, 196?, pp 223433 NTC ?3-13821-06i1 DENIMRS H. W. 11HISTOCREMIE/I -1-11971,VO25,N--, Enzyme topoahemistry of the early development and iiTtantation in the rabbit. Part 1. Metaboliam of glycogen pp 256-2673NTC 74-10151-06P09 7-throu f 01, 1A cytoplaoto"110-1, ce.,LL j?O.-pulations 7- r T1,11 -1 HT. C ncrclltold, J. P. U.T+",Etructv,rv-1. Localization qf the /Okalino rhosphatase activittly in tho Interreml CcIls of the Tailed Amphibian Triturus Cristatno HISTOCTDTI=, v. 26~ 1971, 1T. 258-2165 IJTC 73-219T-06C 1-713 372-?PI-04 26-Sep-74 Unc! (LA-tr--73-54" lnvest.,,,ation~ :.tto the re!!nt!cnshIp bc'.,.,en DW. cunl,.~." und orbscence Intensity !n cc'I3 ~;,alncd with flu.,;rochrome5, HAAG, D, Trtnalated froz Estcchemle; 3G: 283-291(1973~. 13p. Dep. NTIS $4.00. 06 biomed; translations MN-48 p NSA D. Haag On the suitability of ethidium bromide as a flourochrome for the quantitative determination of nucleic acids in histological specimens. HISTOMIE. BERLIN, Vol 27, pp 119-124, 1971 NTC 72-19233-06A may 73 CORON, S. //flISTOI!U-, STRUCTURALE DU GOLFE DE CASCOGNE// Gravimetric Study on the Bay of Biscay and the Pyrenees pp IV.9-1 to IV.9-15, *DIMAAC Date - after 1970, DMAAC letter 21 Jwi 74@@ 1-,TC 72-12,75n--061, DuCoureau, ouard //HISTORAA-IA// --/--/1974, CSO: 8001/1144 B 16 December 1974 V----, N0010, pp 42-48 Paris Mao's Secret Services World Special Type B Do Not Publish Single Spaced Draft KxNx Criss Cross the plus one -1-D; /97,9~ FRENCH Fejto, Frandois //HISTORAKA// --/--/19743 V----, Rxxis Paris Pekings Tactics in 12NNXN Special Type B Do Not Publish Single Spaced Draft -F-V .: ;2 CSO: 80tg/1144 A 16 December 1974 N0010, pp 49-55 Biological Warfare plus one Twmira, Z. Deaulfurization process of flue gas by active carbons. Continuous process; Hitachi process. HITACHI MYORON (HITACHI REVIEW)o Vol 49, No 12, 19670 pp 53-57 STC 73-14403-07A Nagasako, K. Advance control of electric power fluctuations in steel mills. HITACHI HYORON, Vol. 53, 1071, #10, PP. 953-957 H B 8- 77-3- T Sakura, Computer control equipmeDt for automatic restoration and operation of a substation HITACHI HYORON) Vol, 54, No. 6, PP 505-510 (June 1972) C. E. Trans. 6205 Sakai,, K. Measurement of Environmental Pollution and its System*zation HITACHI HYORON v 54 n. 6., pp. 562-567.,1972 NTC -134262L51-Y38 & .0 Tomaws A. PaAing and assambZy of D20 eZoakrmid switahing system and its oomponents. HITAMI HYORON (HITACHI REVIEW). JAPAYP Vot 54, so z1o 1072j, pp 1009-1017 NTO 734Z953-09A ,,Ioszaros, h. Capture and ~-Icasurujiient of Aerosol Particles 6 p~, IJIVAT. KIADVAINY. ORSZ. METEOR. INTEZ. , 27 pp 72-76 FSTC-111'-23-1228-72 ACSI-K-1805 lvlucthrich~ B. Scrai-Depot Bxfracts in the 5pocific Dmsonsitization of Allergic Discasns of the Rerpiratory Organs Ilasc-n- und Oh.-tenaer,122, "'. 3.8 11. 3,10170, Iwo (H 'r ml -- G7-M, - ETC 73-IP701-06E Trinh, Hoang Structuralism, philosophy, 15 HOC TAP, Hanoi, jpRs 5 58 a Variant of Modern Bourgeois PP- No 12, Dee 72, pp 66-77. J~a 7 3 Develoring the '.-great Strenp-,th of the Socialist System in Tjorth Vietnam to Defeat the U.S. Pirate Aggressorsi, 11 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Hoe Tap, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 73, pp 4-13. jpRs 53IL72 Apr 73 A Year Filled Ijith Brilliant Feats of Arms by Heroic Military :,-Jone 4, by Le I,,juang Hoa 9 21 T)-D. 'i aT) V I'.E,T,-,rAMEST,,, i)er, Hoc T - , Hanoi, 1-1o 1, Jan 73, pp 1IL-26. JPRS 584,72 Anr 73 ','hat Is -America Plottin~7. in Refusir- to Sign the ~ J, - . I Treaty Aqreed to on 20 October 1972., by Huonrr '~Tam, 9 pp. VIET MAM, ES E, per, Hoc Tap, Flanoi, No 1, Jan 73, pp 27-32. JPRS 5BIL72 A-or 73 A Doctrine Unable to Find Vitality, by Thanh Tin, 10 nu. VIETNAMESE, per, I-loc Tap, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 73, PP 33-41. JPRS 58472 Apr 73 All Man',ind Is oriented Toward Us, 6 pp. VIETNMESE, per, Hoe Tap, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 73, pp 42-46. JPRS 58472 A-or 73 Endeavor to Promote the Production of Artisan Industry and Uandicrafts During Wartime, by '-Po Thien, 11 ppe VIETI-TAT-11-ESn'-, per, "lloc Two, Hanoi, No 1, Jan 73, PP 47-54- - JPIRS 58472 Apr 73 ImDroving Leadership in order to Carry Out the Pressing Jobs at Ijand ~,,7ell, by !-,Tguyen Huu Doi, 11 op. VIETIT'APISSE, per, Hoe Tap, Hanoi, I-To 1, Jan 73, pp 55-61. JP,is 58472 Apr 73 Archaelor,,y and the Ilung, Un,-rs, Period in the Nation's Ijistory, by Pham Huy Thong, 12 pp. VI'l~T1,11IM-S-, per, Hoe Tap, Tjanoi, No 1, Jan 73, .; - 1~1 L~ pr 62-71. ,T,DRs 58472 Apr 73 A Historic Victory, d pp- VIET';'TAKIIES-"~ "Oor ljoc f ao, Ilanol , I!o 2, Feb 73, 1 11 ". I - pp 1-9. X'Hs 5861~0 Apr 73 Am)eal of .1ictnam Lao Dong Party Central Conunitteo and the ~'-!overnmcnt of the DRV, 5 -0). VT"TIT M-ES.v,', nor, Hoc Tap, 11anoi, No 2, Feb 73, " -A - - r- pT) 12-17. Ji'lE 58(0,1..LO A-)r 73 -he Appeal. of the Central '.7ational Liberation Pro-it Revolutionary Government South "J'ietnam, 5 1, - MIES,,' TM nor, Hoc Tap, Feb 73, pp 18-24.-- JPHS 58640 Committee of the and the i-rovisional of the TLepublic of J To 2 lanoi, Ai)r 73 'T[lhe '.-,orld Celebrates OUr Peon3els (3reat Victory, 29 -m). r ner, Toc Tan, Hanoi, I-To 2, eb 73, i. r TM ) -89. 67 JPRO", 58040 Anr 73 T) Lolitical Flurcau Resolution Concorninr.-, Cadre Activities ill the Know Sta~-e, 12 pp. per, Hoc TaT), Eanoi, No 3, 1-far 73, PD 1-10. ,TIPRS 59055 1.1'ay 11. 7 3 Some Problems the Socialist V I ET ,TAMES',", p3r, nD 11-39, 51. JPRS 59055 on ~Oadres and on organization in Revolutiori, by Le Duan, 34 PP- Hoo ff-an, lianoi, ',,,o 3, Mar 73, ---- 1,lay 73 "he Historic 1. i J;'~'COU'Iterj by 710anr.r, Tun,-r, 17 ni~. I IJ, S~,, 'Der, HOC 'i, . , '~; " , -az), 'Hanoi, NO 3, Mllar' - LL pp j0-51. 73, ,TPRS 590555 J:aY 73 .;e I.,.Tainly *,.-ilelcome the Great lictory Won by the People of Laos, 7 pp. Ir I En~T PIESE, ner, Hoe 'Pa'p, Ilanoi, '10 3, Jjar 73, pp 52-55. J?R3 50/055 !.Illay 73 Af,;rcemenL on Restorims-, Peaco and Achievinf, ,Iational Concord in Laos, 7 Pp. VIETITAME-3-E, 'oer, Hoc Tap, Hanoi, '.,'o 3, Idar 73, pn 56-59. ITHS 5905-5 may 73 The Sabotours of tho Poace ':~Ijll Defillitely Be Defeated, 6 pi). VL;,'TNAMlE5I,I", -per, ",~oc '-~.Iaz), I'llanoi, 7.10 3, 14a r 7 3, pp 60-62, 70. PIRS 59055 I I-lay 7-3 ',!here Is ?othi-m- Hore 1-1recious Than Freedom and Indenendenec, 1.-,~ay of Lj,fe of the liation, Truth of ,history, by Phan Euy Lc-, 11 :)T3. anoi, !.',o 3, Tlar 73, fj-,~'107T! T, nor, Toe Tap,I ,- - I I IT np 63-71. jPF1.3 50/055 !,'a Y 7 3 Ideas on HoC, Breeding in by 7"I'lan -'he 10 py). V II T)erj ~foc 11. 3 1 ,m) 72-79. ,P2?,s 590155 the Years to 001.qe, -- ~.,.anoj, ~;To 3, HfIr 73, llewsnaner 'Thalih and thc~ Propa~,ation Of ~7-all-:isr.,i-Loninism ill, ictilaill, 9 V!' n er , ITO c Tap , TrTanoi, 3, 590-5,5 la 7" ,k VictoPY fol' j1he Democratic 1,1ovenient in France, by -uy Ull, :)P. an a m nor, Hoc T II-noi. 0 3, 1. a" 73, pp 85-89. ;MRS 5,9055 IIIjaY 73 r.-i 1 :-'conle of the Vietnanjes. Man, "Rve Created the Glorious --jictor7 of the i,'csistance A-~ainst tjc ji.S. for ,atiojjtjj Salvation, 1.1 pp. "T Hoc !Ianoi, I~o Apr 73, nn 1-10. ,1TIRS 59150 Jun '13 Our "Iery -r'reat ViOtory and C)ur I by i- .10,Inf-, 12 T). loW Task, '-I! POP., 110c llanoi, "TO nn 4, ApP 73, ,TP--~S )glr ,o Ali, 73 "T'his Feat of Arms Is 1,11ankind's Arms . . . I ,by Dlu J i ,:ay Iy, 13 PP. i)er, hoc TaT), llanoi, nn 19-27. - J,F-R3 59150 Feat of -.-Io 11., Apr 73, ,Tu n 7 3 The Final Phase of the Liberation ~.,'ar of the Fifteenth Century, 21 DD. VIETITAMES z)er, 1-oc TaT), hanoi, 1,10 4, Apr 73, PP 30-1~2. - ~TPRS 59150 Jun 73 carry out 17oll tho Tas!,, of Gadre PlanninC, by Vu ".Iron,-,, il"bion, 10 pp. J IET ~i 1,3'." , T)er, Hoc Tian, j[anoi, No 4, kDr 73, no 43-51- JTPRS 59150 jun 7 3 Di, Hoang Ngoc The Trend of Development of the k1odern General School (The &periences of a Number of Socialist Countries). 7 pp HOC TAF, Hanoi, No 4, Apr 1973, pp 46-520 89. JFRS Z2-i4l Ideas on the Rolationship Between Politics and -5,'conoray in Our Dictatorship of the Proletariat, by :TF , Uyen Due .9inh, 9 Vjiw-~TITAME3E, per, ~-Toc 1.1,aT), jianoi, 1,1o !~, Apr '(3, MD 52-59. J'-DRS 59150 Ju 11 7 -')) CO~rOctilt)~; Its '31hortcomings in a Timely Planner, Trung, J10,1 Cooperative Has 1-c)l,ost)()Ct,9 for !,-ven More Advances, by Le ;Iuanig Tuan, jo ,)p. III-EIT:MPI SE,-, i.)er, HOC "Llwo, 1jaijoi 73 PT) 60-68. 1 1,0 11., An,' 73, JPRS 59150