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Korenavekaya, E. I. Methods of improving public builtUnga. GIGIENA I SANITARTYA, TTC -73-14640-13A the microclimate in residential and Vol 38,, No 4,, 1973,t pp 81-85 At-e-neys HE1410U. Of Foods Lib. 9544/2627 P.O.No. ~A-379345 3 Deco 74 Title# K MeRharAzmu Boudknoventya PisbctwqM Tokelkoln- fektoiy pri Molochm Faktom PeWacht Dizenterij J Kisbecbnoy Relt-InfeAsti. Authon VsNaKolesova 3ourest Gtgiyer&a i Sanitartya 38, May 1973 Languagev Russian pp26-29 Instructionst Type single spacej, all paste-up# paginate 2 cps. MILLER, S. V. //GIGTENA I SANTTARITA// --/--/1973,VO038,lqOO05, Experience in Organizing Enviromeiy4tal Air Control in Electrolysis Shops of AlLuainmi Plants, pp 101-102,ITTC 74-10281-13BGG f,aLM,Rl S. V. //GIGIMITA I SAIMAMA// --/--/1973,VO038,DJOOO6', Maximum Pena-issible Content, of Not in the Air in ElectrolysIs Shops of Alimimun Flants~ pp !.,~-Vc-p'-ITC POPOV, V. A. //GIGIMA I SAI'TTIARIYA// ---/--/1973,V00-')8 ~ 71TO006D) Enviromi,tental Pollution by Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PP 85-87;NTC 74-1-0683-06J~Zi- Sidorenko, G. I. United States Collaboration on Environmental Fygiene, 5 pp. GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA, Moscow, No 9, 1973, pp 3-7. jpRs 61o48 Fe b 74 ~Iiroshnikov, M. P. Personality Development in Students. 5 pp GIGII&4A I SANaTARIYA, hoscow, No 10, 1973, 5-3 ~- 3-8 ' JPRS 61305 ROWZINA, YE. M. 11OXaMA r SAUTARTYAll -10511074sv.,10006,0 on the pmbZox of sslf-purtfioaN~m of the air in ##aUd oaMarbunts with lintitod vantitation, pp 43-4501SASA 2T F 159230 M. N. SadclAkova. Contribution to the clinical picture of the chronic effect of electromagnetic centimeter waves. GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYA, _ 2, No 1, pp T-6-22, 1958 NTC 72-15219-06J mar 71 Khavtasi, A. A. The possibility of chronic manganese poisoning among workers in manganese mines. GIGIENA TRUDE I FROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYA, v. 2, n. 4, p. 36-39, 1958 NTC 73-11086-06J 1. V. Roshchin The hazards of occupational vanadium intoxications in boiZer cleaning operations at electric power stations, operating on fuel oil, and prevention problems. GIGIENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONAME ZABOLEVANIYA No 5, 1962, pp 17-22 NTC 73-10437-06J Roshchin, IN. Vanadium Yetallurgy in the light of indus- trial hygiene and questions concerned with the prevention of occupational diseases and intoxication. jGI-GIENA- A TOXTAINTVT~ A- 1964, pp 3-10, n. 9. NTC 73-12100-06J 1. V. Roshchin Research into effects of vanadiwa trioxide dust on organisms. GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYA, No 4, 1964, pp 25-30 NTC ?3-20650-06J may 73 WLNIKOVA., M. A 11GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEYANIYAII --I--11965,VO009,,NO004, Minioat pattern of chronio oarbon monoxide poisoning pp 23-25,NTC 74-21685-06T## M. N. Korshun Prevention of air potlution with mercury on the premises of synthetic fiber combinea. G.TGlENA TRuDA i FROFESSIONALVE ZABOLEVANIYA, No 12, 1966, pp 18-22 NTC ?3-10434-06J may ?3 Dumkina, G.Z. Some Clinical and Physiological Studies of Workers Subjected to Stable Noise 6 pp -0-1 GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFZABOLEVANIYAO No 12, 1966 pp 23-26 FSTC-HT-23-2405-72 Aibin, L. S. A case of major injury to the cardiovascular system in a person suffering from chronic manganese GIGIENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONALVE ZABO&EVANIYA, v. 11, n. 3, Z967, pp. 51-63 NTC 73-Z3071-06J Bon.darev, G. 1. The question of the affect of cwnulative vertical vibration and noise on a series of protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. GIGIENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONALVE ZABOLEYMIIYAO No 10, 1968, pp 58-59 NTC ?3-13378-06C Brakhnova, 1. T. Comparative Evaluation of the Influence exerted on the Organism by Borides and Carbides of Transition Metals with consideration of the Characteristics of their Stectron Structure GIGIENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONALVE ZABOLEVANIYA, v. 13, n. Z, 4969, pp. 26-31 NTC 73434080-06C NTIS N?2-22078 ICLKOV, L. YE. 11GIGIENA TRVDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYAII --1--11969,pYO013..NO006, Health statuis of workers ezpoeed to affect of phthaZate plasticizers in the production of artificial leather and film (on the basis of PYC zvoins), pp 14-17,,NTC 74-11477-06J## Kurysheva, N.G. T4e inclusion of,hagged amino acids lysine C and glycine C in soluble and insoluble lung pr6teins during experimental beryl- liosis. 1969, pp.51-52, v.13, n.7. NTC 73-12254-06E DUYEVA, L. A. 11GIGrENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYAII -1-11969,0013,N0010, ExperimentaZ assessment of sensitizing and ir.-itating action of phthalate plasteieizera on the skin, pp 17-19,NTC 74-114?6-06.T## B000"foutso N. M. rhd problem of skin disemes in workem engaged in the maohining of ahromism alloyed steels. 5 pp. 0I01YVA TRUDA I PROFESSIONAL INYYE ZABOLKYANZYA,, Vol 24, No 9, Fob 1970, pp 5&55 AIRIFM-HT-23~-1265-74 Petisova, A. A. Allergenic properties of the dust from cotton- mid fl=-spinning miZ~s ? pp G.TG.TYENA TRUDA _r PRoFEssYbNALNYYE zABoLEwayA, VOL. Z4, nr. 5, Alay WO, pp. 1.9-22 AIRIFTD-HT-23-4U-74 - H I/- -) V. Nikitina, L.S. The status of certain of the mineral metabolis indices in persons working under conditions influenced by beryllium compounds. GIGIFNA TRUDA I PROVESSIONALNYE 7AROI,RYAUYLV 1-970, pp 52-54, v. 14, n. S. NTC 73-12260-06J Pav lova, 1. V. The otatuz of protein metabolism during experimentat berylliosis GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYAs v. U, Z -5,LM, pp. 56-5? NTC 73-13074-06J Vasiteva, E. V. The effect of the autoimmmity process, directed against cardiac tissue in experimental berylliosis GIGIENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONALYNYE ZABOLEVANIYA, V. 15j n. 3, 197t, pp. 54-55 IVTC 73-Z2964-06J FILATOVA, V. S. 11GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALUE ZABOLEVANIYAII -1--119 71, V0015, N0004, Dynwitice of hygienio working conditions and occupational diseaae incidence =ong workers in auapensi.on polyvinyl chZoride production over a number of yeam,, pp 32-34,NTC 74-11653-06,T## Ivanova, A. S. A change in the protein-carbohydrate conponents of the pulmonary conneative tissues in experimental berylliosis GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYA, v. 15, n. 6, 571, pp. 32-35 NTC 73-Z2963-06J Suehchenko, A. V. Qu"tione of work hygiene in hydro-mtaZZurgy of oopper, nickel and cobalt on a sulfide om Moe. G,ZGrENA TRUDA I PROPESSIONALNUM ZABOLEVANIY VOZ 26* No 2, 101, pp R-4S NTC 73-14607-06J Yashina, L. N. The Lffect of a Low-Frequency Pulsed 1,Agnetic Field on the Activity of Oxidation-Reducti.on En~ymes in the Liver of Albino Rats (A Historical Study). 5 pp GIGIMA TRUDA I PRUESSIONALINM ZABOLEVAINIYA, Moscow, No 16 (2), .1972, PP 5-31-56. MRS 62865 Chayka~ N. A. Occupational fungal allergy and ways to detect it 11 Pp GIGIM- -A TRUDA I PROFESSIONAMYTE ZA13OLEVANIYA, nr. 3, 1972, pp. 32-37- AIR/FYD-HT-23-380-74 IVannikov, A. T. Comparative effectiveness of some amino- alkylphosphonic acids in excretion of berillium from rats. GIGIENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYE ZABOLEVANIYA) v. 16, n. 4, p. 55--57-,-fO77-. NTC 73-11087-06T. Kogan, P. M. D~ynwn~cs of asbestosis mid asbestotuberculosis and certain factors which determine it. 7 pp. GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALME ZABOLEVAIJIYA No 103 19?2, pp 4-8 AIRIFTD-1IT-23-378-74 Institute for Cteupatto"I safet)4 HeAth 9544/1218 7 Jan 1974 fittes Pranitsayewst" KapillyaM pri vibratsionnoy Boltz ni Audwra D.K.Abrawwith-PeAgakov Somai G14ijew TrWa i Vol lot October 1972v M4-17 Langages Rusemn Instruatie"t PIMU type st"Is space Tarwenko, N. Yu. Effect of boric wid on the geurative funotion in males. GIGISNA TRUDA I PROFESSIONAL= ZABOLEVANZYA No 22 pp Ir- 16 p 2972.p NTC 73-24788-06P PETROVA, YE. V. IIGIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALME ZABOLEVANIYAII --105129 73, V---,NO005, Antigencity of a lung in an experimental aeb"tosis and siliomis, 5 pp, pp 19-21,AIRIFTD-ET-23-1893-7M RUSSIAN Oso: 8344/OP-67 w 7 August 1973 111he influence of a meter-band electromagnetic field on the nervous sustem of animals, based on physiological and biochemical studies, by J.N. Goncharova & L. I. Mishchenko. Moscow, Gigiyena truda i professionallnyye zabolevaniZa, No- 71 1973, pp 22-24. Please publicli I,yakh, L. A. Investigation of the Alkaline Phospl-atase Activity in Persons Dealing i~hth Electromagnetic Dnission Generators of Ifigh, Ultra-High and Superhigh li~requency, 6 pp GIGIMA TRUDA I FROFE5SIONAL'NYYE ZABOLE-VANIYA, Moscow, No 6, 1573, pp 23-26. JM 59690 TIMCISNKO, A. N. IIGIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALNYTE ZABOLEVANIYAII --10812973.0 V---.ON0008, Materials on the hygienio atw;dardization of duet of aerosil modified by butyl aloohol and dimothy1dichloroniUme, 6 pp, pp 47-49,AIRIFTD-HT-23-2152-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVOT AGENCIES ONLY COPYR16UT INFORMATION, OTHER REQUEST MUST BE PEPAERRED TO FTD## RUSSIVc X, Coo: 8344/0W3 55 5 raymber 19T3 4th Synosium for Labor Nygiene and Biological Activity of %Lectrom~petic Radio PreVency Fieldaj, by P.P. F*alova. Moscow, Gisiyena Truds i Professionallnyye Zabol=!&2~ No 10) 19T3) PP 5T-5b Special type B Do not publish Translator's draft plus one copy. RUSSIAN CSO: 8344/2271 24 June 1974 Disturbance in Metabolism Under the Action On the Body of a Pulsed Low Frequency Magne- tic Field, by G.I. Yevtushenko, S.R. Frenkey, F.A. Kolodub GIG Tr Respub Mezhvedon, SB 6, 1970, pp 70-76 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced draft plus one I.Sipo"ll. Yu. f (ITY11"CE-V T;.A'i,[D:", PUMP,, ivo '~DT~CIIAMN)T!/ ------ lip I;t*j,~r Ityi,,lone and theoffect or rndioTre,jile~lc,,r clectormugiletic field's On RUSSIAN CSO: 8344/o256 w 3 August 1973 1~ygiene problems in the effect on the body of electromagnetic fields of the super high frequency range, by M.P. Troyanskiy. /,~ -1~1 Gigiyenicheskiye Voprosy Vozdeystviya no Or~anizm Elcktromagnitnyhh Poley Ovch Diapazona pp 87-92. Special type B Do not publish Translator's draft plus one copy T.D. 10 August 197-01 Hisao Yamazaki et al Performance Testing of Combustible Shell Cases for 90 mm Tank Guns, First Report 55 pp GIJUTSU KENKYU HOW GEPPO Vol 9, No 80, 1970 pp 37-79 FSTC-I]T-23-319-73 DISTRIBUMN LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES Lipinski, A. A case of cervical pregnancy. GINEKOLOGRA POLSKA, 1971, pp. 239-241, v. 42 n. 2. NTC 73-12192-06E NLL RTS 7402 rn lxrow-flri, J. Vazin--I- Elcctric PolcnLi,).Is aftnr Total Hysterectaw ail , id AcInexcctorny GINEEKOLOGIA POLSKA, v. )i"', n. .1-0, 1.971, pp. 122"l-1-229 j TrIC 73-1"415-06E 1-711 TS T'Sno MALOFTEJEW s M. 1,1GINEKOLOGIA POLSKA11 --l-119?2,0 V04-5.,SOllj Effect of prostagZandin A2tPOA2) on the contractiZity of the rat myomtriwn. pp 1289-1294jNTC 74-10220-080 MALOFIEJEW, M. 11GINEKOLOGIA POLSKAII --I--12973,YO044,N ----P The effect of A2 proatagZandin (PGA~) on alootrobiological phenomena in the loolated tat njomotrim, pp 225-229,NTC 74-11654-060## 1"lai-mo, E. I~Tolivid and YVpo chole sterol Activity of of Tetracthylenc Penlu-m-ainc and E-pichlorohydrin GIOMTALE DBIVARTIMI~SCLEUZGSI, v. 8, 1970~ I)P. 2~n- 7'1-" ,2 A-!a~lablc on, Imam 11TC 73-124.921-060 I 5-Ju 1-74 Unc I (AEC-tr--7553) Some considerat ions or. the units used in rndiat ion pratect ion dosimetry. R Pj D I, A F-11. Translated bv M. ~-. Rindi frow P P-4--y' I G :No. 4, 11P. rep. NTIS $4.00. 06P dosiFretrV; 06P hPalth and safpt,j; translatlo rN-4 1 P NSA GIOPNALE FISICA SitNITARIA PROTEZIGNE CONTRO LE-kAWIAZIONI JOHANNES, K. Alcoholism in old Age. The General Pathology of Chronic Old Drinkers CURNALE DI CERONTOLOGIA, vol. 15, pp. 136-144, 1997 NTC 73-10211-06E March 73 Tonelli, I)'- -loll c L11, . cac~.,X. Lij old jjaLjert-. 1,~jtlj ixcatled -witb mcda-()~~y- proce,steroiac o.cctatc GIOMILE Di GiLLOITTOLOG J~! W Y_Q F. L. Petrilti The practical aspects of air pollution: Study of the relations to health. GIORNALE DE IGIENE E AIFDICINA PREVENTIVAA Vol 3, 1962, pp 3-23 NTC 73-10556-06F may 73 ITAUAN CSO: 8028/0590 20 SePteuber 19T3 China wd Russia, by Roberto Mazzetti Rome, n Giormae D'Italial 23-24 Aug 1973 Spec type B A) not ptibUsh Camera ready copy plus one - type sin4e space T/D: 1 Oct 1973 ITALIAN, DAP-' "P CSO: 8028/193k 19 April 1974 The Soviet Pincers, by Paolo Senise d Rome., Giorgale d'Italia, 19/20 Maxch 1974 Special type B Do not publish Single spaced camera ready plus one T/D: 3 MaY 1974 CSO: 8028/1938 ITALIAN 19 April 1974 How One Lives in Russian Camps by Gianni Sarrocco Rome, 11 Giornale D'Italian 24 March 1974 Special type B Do not publish Single Opaced camcra ready plus one T/D: 3 May 1.971, ITALIAN CSO: 8028/0541 U '#1 20 September 1974 1) The Pastoral Way to Socialism, 2) From Feudalism to the Soviets ISeries of two articles under the general title "Trip to the People's Republic of Mongolia," by Egisto Corradi. Rome, Il Giornale D'Italia, I Sept. 1974. Special Type B Do not publish Camera Ready T/D 3 September 1974 THIOVOLETs J. //GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA,// --/--/1970$ V0109s N0003, Immunoflourescene in field of lupus erythematosus, pp 187-90, 1 NASA TT F 15876@~ CAPUTO, R. //GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOG3;A,// --/--/1973, V1109, N0003, Problems of paramysovirus in autoimmune disease, pp 195-96, *NASA TT F 15878~~ IPPOLITOI F. //GIORNALE ITALIANO DI !"ERMATOLOG!Ag// --/--/1974, -F,109, N0002, Antinuclear cutibodies in photodermatites, pp 124-259 NASA TT r 15844@@ Luca, M. de. Chromosom study in psoriasis patients treated with Piethotrexate. GIORNALE ITALrANO DI DERMATOLOGIAMMERVA DERHATOLOGICA Vol 45, No 3, 1970, pp 153-156 NTC 73-13459-06E Iflisso vriter --Lans ~)eluded Italian Comunists, C~ -nn. - -t -o ,10, 1 T 1~7TOVf,,, :iome, 22 Aug 73, , 9. JP-~S 60~.1~4~L - ~j ov 7 3 Dg.jolo, Davide China-TTSSR Snlit Criticized Severely, b np. (1j.jO.Ij!',Tj - *,III,; ~TTOVI~~, Rome, 26 Se-o 73, pp '10'-13. HM9 00543 T " .0v '73 Gianola, Franco how a Working Woman Lives in Revolutionary Cuba. 6 pp GIORIII-VIE NUOVE, Rome, 6 Feb 1974, PP 36-39- jpRs 61 77 Gianola, Franco Italian Journalist Reports Social Ach-!,vxL.,,iicn1U.,;. 15 pp GIOBI-VIE NUME, Rome, 13, 20, 27 Feb 1974. jPRs 61749 ITALLAN CSO: 8028/1786 i April 1974 Alexander Dabcek: For the First ATime Since the Dramatic Conclusion of the "Prague Spring" there arrives a Document Written by the Man Who Was Secretary of the Czechoslovak CP /,) A/6 Rome, Giorni-Vie Nuove, 20 March, 1974 Please publish in ED, Political under Czechoslovelcia. Fleaseprovide JFRC/Ad Hoc* with copy of report and advance copy. T/D: 5 April 1974 Lucas, Mano Officers Reveal Coup Details, Personal Attitudes. 9 pp GIORNI-VIE NUOVE, Rome, 22 May 1974, pp 19-26. jpRs 62264 ITIMAN -1, CSO: 8028/0543 14 September 1973 Snrkovsky Was as Serene as His "Spring!', by Davide Lajolo Milan, Il Glorno 19 May 19T3 Bpec type B Do not pablish I 1 11 Cr r& ready copy plus one - typed single space T D-. 95 Sept 1973 BEREZIN, I. P. //GIPERBARICHESKAYA OKSIGNEATISYA// --/--/1974, V----, n---- hyperbaric Oxygenation pp 1-128 NASA TT 15986## Ogloblin, D.N. Gyrocompasses in Mine Surveying 99 pp GIROKONIPASY V b*RKSIIEYDERSKOM DELE WWWOV 1970 FSTC-IIT-23-0920-73 BOGDANOV. A. D. //GIROSKOPY NA LAZERRAKH// --/--/1973, V----, N---- Laser gyroscopes 52 pp pp, 1-72 NASA TT F 15641## Maier, K. water-Soluble Filtcis pncl. their use in Bacterial Counts GIT (-,L~S-INSTRQZ-;IlTh-N-TECiU,,TIK),, i~965, PP. !111-126 IVC 7-3-21503-061-if NTIS IN72-1)21-11. Rapid Determination of Silicon in Grey Cast Iron, by K. Dahlborg. GJUTERIET, 1965, Vol 55, No 5, pp 87-90. BISI 936-8 April 73 STEFANOVIC, D. //GLAS// --/--/1965,V----,NC)027, Preparation of Chromatographically Pure (+) 12-Acetosy-CIS-9-Octadecene-l-OL (Gyplure), 16 p1) pp 175-190, NTIS-Tr- 73-5601 Oil 11 On the Synthetic Sex Attractants Gyplure and Gyptol, by G. Stefanovic. GLAS, Vol 276, No 32, 196 )9, PP 11.3-117. *T"IS TT 73-56oil Fob 73 'Banned Article by Serbian Writer Assails Renression of Dissent, 10 pp. GLA3 KANAT)SKIII SIRRA, T-7indsor, Nos 2093 and 2094, 1973, r)n I-It. JPR3 60950 JR n 74 Catholic Bishops Denwince Unconstitutional Actions in !~',ducatlon, Personal Rights, 9 pn. kGlk~ T~ONCTTA, I,arrreb, 28 Oct 73, P-n 3-5. JPRS ',~,05 =. vov 73 Commodity Trade With USSR Discussed, 12 pp. GLASNIK, Belgrade, No 3, 1973, PP 31-35. ill-R77538 Aug 73 Kustrak, Ivo Long-Term Developmental Policy for Agriculture Discussed, 13 PP. GIASNIK, Belgrade, No 4, 1973~ pp 9-13. 7PTS- 59559 Aug 73 Cvetkovic, Vladimir Fluture Exports of Basic Agricultural Pood products outlined, 13 PP. GLASNIK, Belgrade, No 4, 1973, Pp 51-55. MS 59559 Aug 73 Bulletin of the Chemical Society B,61grade. GLASNIK HEMIJSKOG DRUSTVA--BEOGRAD, Vol. 36, No. 5-6, 1971. NTIS TT 70-56084/5-6 Bulletin of the Chemical Society Belgrade. GLASNIK HEMIJSKOG DRUSTVA--BEOGRAD, Vol. 36, No. 7-8, 1971. NTIS TT 70-56084/7-8 Bulletin of the Chemical Society, Belgrade 119 PI) GLASNIK JIDUSKOG DRUSTVA-BEOGRAD Vol 37, No 1, 1972 NTI s-,r'F- 7 1 -S6007/1 AVAILABLF LY/SER Bulletin of the Chemical Society, Belgrade 71 pp GLASNIK HENUSKOG DRUSTVA-BEOGRADE Vol 37, K-o-2, 972 NTIS-W-71-56007/02 Available CIA LY Sindolic, Slobodan Food Imports Increasing Faster Than Total Imports, 8 PP. GLASNIK POLJOPRIVREDITE PROIZVODNJE,, PRERADE I PLASMANA, Belgrade, No 5,-Apr 73, PP 4d-51. JPRS 5977 Se-D 73 )tahnn, Josin roevelooment oi' l,'oo(-l Consumption for 1970-1985, P nn. N1!'" POLU PI -TAT Top fj I V I ADE Nlo d09, Aug,-Sep-73, pT) 21-77.- ,-T.ns 6o460 NOV '73 Sindolic, 31obodan Recent Development of 3elf-T-Jana~-,,ement in Farm Cooneratives reviewed, 10 i)p. G LAS?~! 1 0 L JO "' R 111 R 1 i; Dllll,~ ~.:F, A D,-~' i PiA T" NA , Belgra s Dp 62-657. .Tpi~s 6olL60 Nov 73 Fiand.jelovic, Viden Some Economic, Production Characteristics of PrlvRte Farms in 3erbia, 16 pp r,]',ASrqIK POL-TOPRIVREDNE' PHOUVO'Lu-E, PRERADE I PT-A3MANA--7-eTR-r-aTe-, Nov 73, pp 22-27. 1 - eQ ,TPRS--6-TO5d Feb 7h. -Ono T-1-7 Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade 197 pp GLASNIK PRIRODNJACKOG MUZEJA U BEOGRADU (Iliological Sciences) Series B, Vol 23, 196 NTIS-'rT-71-5609b Ly Serials Bulletin of the naturaZ history muse= in Belgrade, 159 pp GLASNIX PRZRODNJACKOG MVZZJA V BEOGROV, VoZ 24., Seriee A,, ID69 NTIS TT 71-5609? Teell lav, i (,.-S r-, 1-icats anil. entropi-es oV vmte- O'~ (C',ft, 77) Toilite SRIISKO