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Work -yerofeyev, 1-511rvey Of patrojeulft f Geologlca Results 0 -111 t,,- 1974- ,(,t,oleuTa arcl Gas - d Taslcs for 1973, aLl 1~o 6, Jwl 74 pp floscows lo PP GL'apalu k935 L;emenovich, v. V. vvays to 1 -prove The Proc6dures of' 6urvey and ~xpjopgtoj,y Drilling for Petroletun, Cias. 17 pp GWLC)GIYA NEFT1 I GAZA, 1,10scow, 1~0 7, Jul 74, Pp 1-11. ja6 63030 Anikin, Yu. 1-;achines in viarehouses. 5 pp SOVIUSKAYA LATVIYA, Riga, 24, Jul 74, p 2. jpRs 62927 Socialist Obligations in 1974 For USSR Ministry of Geology Workers. 5 pp GEOLOGIYA NET~TI I GAZA, Moscow, No 6, jun 74, PP 15-22. JFI?15 62909 i.on or in ~ernlhlios T 03 'po 1, 7 1 Agoacy: AEQ~Tcnn. 11 .314 ~ftjt, -;1vanor: 4 Fab. 1974 Tii;lo: U13 UTIMOVOM URLUD&UMNII V r.=WARiYiaI (AsMiamykal PORUDAM. Aa0w.zz: V. 1. ilaitchev) c~-- i,,I. Source: GCO-1. Rud. licsturuz,11O.; No. u, U e~,~ ~) 6 Russinii S'lecizil Ills !xmi:iUlls: I'leaso Lxauslai--c :.~Iwl Lype Dric Copy ouly- 'i)q)e single suace, all paste-up cwtiorin ready copy, Intorp.Tated text. OSIPO V, N. K. 11GEOMAGNETIM I AERONOMITYAII -1-11963,V0003,0002, The nonpotential part of the permanent geomagnatic fie Zd pp 383-365sNTC 74-11641-06E## KUANTADZE,A.G. IIGEOMAGNSTIZM I AEROHOMIYA11 --I--11964,VO004,NO006, on the wwtruotion of a magnetohydmdynau~c mode'p' of a oyclow. Part 1. pp 1020-1025, NTC 74-12639-04B## KHANTADZE, A.G.. 11GEOM40YETIZM I AERONOMIYA11 -1-11965,V0005sNO0030 On the oonstruation of a magnotohydrodynamio modeZ of a cyclone. Part 2, pp 423-4160SYC 74-11640-04B## YSANTADZE, A. G. IIGEOMAGNETIZM I AERONOMIYA11 --I--11965,VO005,NOO03, Two-dimensional flow of an eleotrioity-conduoting medium in the presence of mass forcas and of a plane magnetio field pp 41?-422,NTC 74-11642-08E## Troitskaya, V.A. et al Micropulsation Excitation Characteristics in a Solar Activity Cyc.'e. GEOMAGNETIZM I AERONOMIYA, Vol. 9, No.1, pp. 129-34, 1969. A.T.S. RJ-5298 Gogatishvili, Ya. M. Variation of Geomagnetic Field Pulsation Oc- currence Frequency with Level of Geomagnetic and Solar Activity. MW, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp.181-3 A.T.S. RJ-5299 GEOMAGNETIZM I AERONOMIYA lvanov, K. G. Rotating Discontinuities in the Solar Wind MEOMAGNETI71.1 I AERONOIJIYA, v. Il, 3,971, mn. 765-770 1-ITC 73-21561-03B ITITIS 1172-37P-r- Krasnopolskii, V. A. Vaxiations in wid no eu loo-250 P-Ititutaes GEOMAGMETIZ14 I AERUMMIYA, v, 11, n. ~-~ IWII) pp. 825- 31 NUC Decameter 11ad'O of Iligh VC.I.Ocity Fittzer, .O'tcr US an tjIc solar 1.7411, of 'T' silo cin -G-BOM-Ar RrLP I, I,,' 'ROTTOI "I"C' aYA T172 shavrin, P. 1. ,veutron monitor on mi artificiat earth satelZite with a highly elliptioat orbit GEOMAGNETIM I AERONOWEYAO v. IP, n. 2, Z972, pp. Z84- t87 NTC 72-L513348D Skriab-,'n, N. G. Method of caZaulatin~ the energy apectrvm characteria- tics of albedo electrons by means of data from shie'Ided gau-diiiha3~~qe cowiters GEOPIAGNETTV-1 I AERONOT~jT.YAV. LP,, n. 2, 4972, pp. 188- 192 NPC 72-15Z34-POll Ko Ichim, A,. A. Some aspects of measuring the differential spectrum of cosaic rqys ZOMAGNETIZAI I AERONOMIYA, v. 12, 1,972, pp. 392-3~177 NTC 72-15342-20R t~7 Geomagnetim!-- i Aeronomdya, Vol 12, ilo )i~ 1-97P. CIDVel.'-tL)-COVOj' by The Anierican Geophysical Union Avp,ilable at Lv 'I'lerial-s Apr 7~ GEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY. Vol 12, No 5, 197P, pp 663-841 T-giish pages pp 785-965 Ruspian pages COVER TO COVET AMATICAN GFomysICAL UNION Avail Ly Serials Ershkovich, A. I. On the excitation of natural oscillations of the earth's magnetic tail. .GEOMAGNETIZ T AFRONOMTYA- 1972, pp 877-881, v. 12, n. S. NTC 73-12041-08N. (~I'le , ~ /,/ - - /S -- Vol 79 Tyurmino., L. 0. Description of Eaxth's koincipal !..agnetic Fi.cId GE0116GIOTIZ14 I ',,. 12, '1. 41, 1972, 1). 67,6-6)(07 , -- T,,7Ti-,--- c c I ~-rld t 4 I'T 1 - T, r c r) 79 Dolginw,r, Sh. t3h. Equatorial Currciat jet from Neastirements, on the 111" , _,,! It =Mos _),.I I GEOIMGIII.-~TMI I I ROIJOITZA, v. L,, ii. 4~ 10,72, p. q-70" ~)O., U IN 73-116117KI 71,1,- T'.) I 1 14;' Ershkovich, A. I. On the influence of inbomogeneity of the magnetic field on oscillations of the plasma layer of the magnetosphere tail. ,QE,OMAQNLZIZM I A~ROINOMIYA 197P, P. 945-94-73 v. 12, n. 5. NTC 73-12043-201 Kovner, M.S. On tho dependence of the magnetopause location on the orientation of the intor-planctary magnetic field. GEONIAGNETIZIM I ALIZONONITYA,-1972, pp.947-949, v. 12, n. S. NTC 73-12042-04A AT. ?'JNJ 01 GEOMAGNETISM ANO ACRONOMY, Vol 12, Plo 6, 1972 RUSSIAN PA,,E,17 996-1135 ENGLISH PAGES 843-986 FuZZ translation by SCRIPTA TFC11NICA INC FOR THF AMFRICAN GrOPHY.,)ICAL UNION Avail in Ly Serials On Oscillations of the Earth's Magnetic Tail in the Quasihydrodynamics Approximation, by A. 1. Yershkovich 6 pp. GEOMAGN. i Aeron, No 1, 1973, pp 110-11S. CIA-X-7764 June 73 GLOMIP~GNL'iT)'il AND ALEONONY, Vol. XIII, No. 1 C'uvc r- to- Cover Americian Geophysical Union Availa"de at I,y Seridl,5 I !'I I A~#i, AL:!'ZONIOI,tD*,' Vol. 8, No.2, 1973 RUSSIAN PA(-',LS: 201-388 Am(~ricaii Geophysical tjrdo.-~ Avail 1,v. Ser P**Wv,, A. Absorptf4n of k;drawimetio the mqgnstosphAre tdI. LTOMAON87ZSM I ARROONOWYAP pp 377-sro ITO 73-13915-OON waves in the pUwm4 lmjer of VoZ 13,, No 2. 1073* Migmov, V. M. on arrom in detsmining the ionoophors parawtom and the charwteriatim of ionospherlo inhomogeneities by aignaZe f~rom the sate Ilite-mounted radio station mMaiakff. GEOMAGNETIZM I AERONOMIYAP Vol A13, No 3, 2973, pp 411-415 NTC 73-14477-04A - -L - Dxhordxhio, N. V. Measumments of aumral ionixation at high lattitules on ths IvXosmw-348m. GBOMAGWIM I ACRONOWYA, VoZ 15, No 3, 1973,, pp 437-441 NO 73--R478-04A - 2-- fulinov, V. F. Soft electron fluxes in the -. Polar regions. 4ommmrgm i AgRoyomm, NTC 7S-14476-04A upper atmosphere of the VoZ 13, No 3, 1973, pp 513-514 Grigorov, N.L. Instrument to Record the Fluxes and Energy S ectrum of Electrons with Energies Above 109 ev in Cosmic Rays 6 pp GEOMCN. 1 AERON, Vol 13, No 4, 1973 pp 580-584 CIA-X-7855 0 EAMV07T ; - -01'ro?' XTD Au7IM !Oj,.fL, C 'C n~ Volodichev, N.N. Physical Characteristics of the Complex of Scientific Instruments Recording the Ionizing Component of Cosmi- Rays on the "Prognoz" 9 pp GEOMAGN.__I AERON., Vol 13, No 4, 1973, pp 590-598 CIA-X-7856 Khantadne, A. G. on hydromagnetic gradient waves in the ionosphere. GEOMAGNETISM I AEROSOMIYA, Vol 13,. No 4, 19730 pp $23:830 NTC 74-10227-04A 1 --/y - Y- - TURBM, YU. G. /l/GBIOMAGMYTIM I ABRIXIONITAH /--/1973,VO013,l'T,')004, Auroral Electrom and the Mag-netic Substoem -).C .Inl,9, December 1.23 "t-) PP 7a.6-722,FTC 74-.-t.oYl~-7-04&aLl, Rybin, V. A. Deterodnatizm pf the diffemnce in g2vkv pathe by the method of frequency-dIver8ity mception. 6BOMAGNEMM I AERONOMIYA, VoZ 13, No 4., 19730 pp 749- 752 NTC 74=10218-04A C. Z7,9 - -K - ?~F 4() RUSSIAN " CSO: 8344/o482 /4-~xx Q 12 fttenber 19T3 on the informtion Capacity of the Gradient Method of Measuring the FArthlo Magnetic Field, by Ye. N~ Roze Moscow, Geomagaetizm i Aeronomiya No 4,, Vol 13) 1973., YP 762-7VF- Please publiah this article with repro equations., you my cut up attached copy. Please provide JPRC/Ad Hoe with advance copy by T/D: 21 September 1973. , I M., B - 'S . I.- /'/'G EO Lip J~jq I 0:11 IT 7 Volodicliev., N.N. Scientific Apparatus to Study Cosmic Rays on '.,lie "Prognoz" Satellites 11 6 pp GEOMAGN. I AERON, Vol 13, No 5, 197~, pp 801-06 CIA-X-7889 Lazarev,, V.I. Low-Energy Electron aad Proton Spectrometer on the Molniia-l 5 i-lp Gi,OMAQ~,. I AURON., Vol 13, No 5, 1973 pp 807-811 CIA-X-7869 Ivanov, K.G. Interplanetary MaLnetic Field, Reconnection wid Structure of Magnetospheric Storms 5 pp GEOMAGN. I. aeronP Vol 13, No So 1973, pp 891-5 ClA-X-M7890 Bliudov) V.A. Device to ivleas,,ze the Fluxes of Cosmic Ray Protons and Nuclei with E 500 Mey per Nucleon on the "Prognoz" Probes 5 pp GEOMAGN. I AERON, Vol 13, No 6, 1973, pp 1029-1032 CIA-X-7891 Ivanov, K.G. Boundary Discontinuities and Models of the Flow around the Magnetosphere 7 pp GEOMAGN. I ALRON., Vol 13, No 6, 1973, pp 1069-1074 CIA-X-7870 I VAIVO V, K. G. 11GEOMAGNETUM I AERONOWYAll --I--11973,VO013,NO006, Boundary d-~acontinui ties and models of the flow arowid the magnetcephem, pp 1069-1074,NTO 74-11651-0*## . j_ VARIOUS /GEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY// -/--/1973, V0013, N0006 eomagnetism and aeronomv ,nglish pp 923-975 ,ussian pp 969-1134 Irans Fuil American Geophysical Union ,vail Ly Serials## VARIOUS //GEOMAGNETISM AND AEROMOMYI/ --/--/1974, V0014, N0001 Geomagnetism and aeronomy English ppl-154 Russian pp 3-180 Trans Full Amerienn Geophysical Union Avail Ly Serials## RUSSIAN ~~ , V , qO CP Geomagnetic Puls&'Aons~ CSO: 8344/1762 25 March 1974 by L. L. Vanlyan et al Moscow, Geomagnitnyye Pullsatsii, 1973, pp 12-192 22-24; 2b-31, 3b-45, 70-71, 77-bb Special type B Do not publish Single sDaced aaft plus one and include reDros A. P. Tishchenko Geometrical methods of space geodesy. 160 pp. GEOAETRICHESKrYE METODY KOSMrCHESKOY GEODEZ11 1971, NASA TT F 732 apr 73 WIERCZEYKO.E. 11GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING11 --I--11972.,VO020,N----, Echo-log, A geophyaioal mosuring wthod for the determination of the form of leached cavitiae in aalt fomations pp 649-664,NTC 74-11769-081## BOIS p P. //GEOPHISICAL PROSMCTING// --/--/1972,VOO',)O,N----, Sequential Analysis, pp 497-513,NTC 7)1-l0060-08I@~j Application of Kalman Filter to Navigation, by J. P. Fail. GEOPHYSlCAL PROSPECTING, Vol 20, No 3, pp 665-699. *D%,IAAC April 73 Gnibidenko, G.S. UVIM Tectonics of the Bering Sea Floor 27 pp GEOTEKTONIKA, No 4, Jul-Aug 1971, pp 94-108 DMAAC-TC-1979 Gnibidenko, G.S. Tectonics of the Bering Sea Floor GEOTEKTONIKA No 4, 1973, pp 94-108 *DMAAC 16 Oct 73 Pushcharovskiy, Yu.M. On the Tectunics of the Eastern part 'I'a H of the Indian Ocean GEOTEKTONMA No 6, Nov-Dec, 1973, pp 3-19 XMAAC - 4 Feb 74 ~M_ A &V 4 The Role of Convection in the Formation of Geothermal Deposits, by Jean GOgUel (;1:0Tlil:Rl',11CSP No 2, 1970, pl) 615-621 U.S. Geological Survey Lib Reference Dept. LU,uo, JETTO 11C 'J"Col-ij "m Driver cbi 11 s Noise Rescarch oil Gear Drives ('jEi~AUSCilUN'1'1'-116UCiltJNC,L-*i'~ XN IZAHNRADGETRIEBEIN NAVSHIPS Tr-1392 GOV ERN MENT USE ONLY May 73 Sch.m)der, W. On the relationship bcti.,onn Mcsospheric Circulation and the froc[II-Incy of Noctil.11cont clolids GERIANDS BEITRANME ZUR GBIGPIM31K. v. 77, l~,.P, PP. 303- ,:,0,9 I,TTC 73-2.1,574-04A 1 YT T S 1`72-~21,1.0 Schroeder, W. The Kinemetics of noctiLucent Clouds. Gerl-anqs Bre~traL2 zur GegjjL~Lik, Vol 79, No 3, .,9TO) pp 229-235 *NASA TT F 11~,928 m'v '(3 Schroeder, W. SOME OBSERVATIONS Or, WIGHT SKY UTUNESCENCM IN TBE LTPER ATWSPIIME DURING IQSY. Gerlands Beitrage zur Geopf~ysik., Vol 80, No 1, 1971, pp 61-64 *TWA TT F Ilk, 927 mY '(3 Schroeder, W, -joll seasc"lal bra?,slLions "iOlt. I d C e I'l, 13 J'~j r, tu- 0 I--- I " s IL kVo L 8o j-), ~ T 11-1777~7 ~1-1 I U~elhl Nu I, 'X-NASA TT p )-( I i) )21~ J'ay '(3 Comments on the Geodetic Reference System 1967, by V. K. 11ristov Gerlands Be-itrage Geophysik, Vol 81, No 3/5, 1972, pp 254-258. DMAAC-TC-1920 May 73 Agencys Transportation 9720/1630 P.O.No. PS-40013 (G-20) I May 1974 Titlei Zu den gesammirtschaflichen Auswirkung der OIkr Languages Geman 22pp Instructionsi Please type double space. Schuetz Overall airframe fatigue experiment. 27 pp. GESAMTZELLEN-ERMUEDUNGSVERSUCH F 104 G FLUEFELLASTEINLEITUNG. Nr. 81/04, 22 September 1972, 1-33 pp.1-33. AIR/FTD-HC-23-422-73 Distribution limited to U. S. Gov't agencies only; Copyright Information; Other request for this document must be referred to FTD. The contents of this document are suspected to be sjbject to copyright protection. Chlorine mid hydrochloric acid. Die TESCHAEDIGUM DER VEGETATION LURCH RAUCH,, Chm)ter 0',, 1903, pp 230-256 NTC 73-13855-OOF GEISLER. WLADYSLAW //DIE GESCHICHTE DER ENTWICKLUNG DER RAKETENTECHNIK UND ASTRONAUTIK IN POLEN VOR DEM JAIFRE // --/--/19749 V---- ~ N---- History of the development of rocket technology and astronautics in poland before 1949 7 pp pp 3 pp NASA F 15744## 24-Jul-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2831) LGH-G: a program for the calculaticn of gaaaa radiation through partially shielded gaps. FIEBIG, R.; RYBACZGK, P. (GESELLSCHAFT PUER KERNENERGIEVERWERTUNG IN SCHIFFOAU UND SCHIFFAHRT M.D.H., HAMBURG (F.R. GERMANY)). 1973. Translation by E. J. 2uckerman of GKSS--73/E/17. 50p. Dep. NTIS $5.50. 20 physics; 18F radiation shielding and protection; translations MN-34 P NSA 14-May-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--1658) Shielding experiments in the Geesthacht research reactor. Annual report# 1965. BAGGE, E.; FISCHER, E. (COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, BRUSSELS (BELGIUM)-, GESELLSCHAFT FUER KERNENERGIEVERWERTUNO, IN SCHIFFBAU UND SCIIIFFAHRT M.H.H., HAMBURG (F.R. GERMANY)). [nd]. Translation of _--UR-- 2960. 197p. Dep. NTIS $13.00. progress reports; 18F radiation shielding and protection; IBM reactors-research; translations MN-34 P NSA FIEBIG, R. //GESELLSCHAFT FUR KERNENERGIEvERwERTUNG IN S(21IFFBAU UND SCHIFFAIJRT InbH// A Program for the Calculation of Gamna Radiation Through Partially Shielded Gaps 50 pp (GKSS 73/E/17, AEC/ORNL/TR-2831-73@@ 27-Jun-73 Uncl (GSI-tr--72/15) Remote control system for an [on source at the preinjector of the LINAC 1 100. MALTSEV, I.G. (GESELLSCHAFT FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG, DARMSTADT (WEST CERMANY)). Jul 1972. Translation of. (INZH- 71-82). 8p. INIS. NSA 0 I-Aug-74 Urcl (GSI-tr--7A/4) Application of heav,~-lcn bearps ir fields related tc science and technolagq. FLEROV, G.N. (GESELLSCH I P - 1 .11, 11 -RMSTADT (F.R. GERMANY)). Feb 1974. 17p. (In German). INIS. 4 fiqs. Translation of the Russian repcrt JINR-P7-- 7571. NSA 23-Aug-74 Uncl (GSI-tr--74/5) Preparation of cyclotron targets from transplutonium and rare earth elements by electrolytic deposition from Isobutanol. KOROTKIN, Y.S. (GESELLSCHAFT FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG M.D.H., DARMSTADT (F.R. GERMANY)). Feb 1974. 20p. (In German). INIS. 11 figs.; 10 refs. With abstract. Published in the journal 'RadioNhimlyal. Translahed from the Russian report JINR-P--6-7400. Available from ZAED. NSA revision 19-Sep-74 Unc I GSI --t r--11/7 Prospects for the developmeot of cyclic hiph-current accelerators and mesotron factories. DSCHELEPOW~ '~'-P-; VIITRIJEWSKIJI W.P.; KOLGA, W.W. ,CESELLSCHAFT HER SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG M.B.H., DARMSTADT (F.R. GERMANY)). t,y 1974. 14p. (!o German). INIS. 3 figs.; I 'Ab.; 19 refs. Translation of the report JINR-P9-7C~-'I. NSA 11-Sep-73 Unct (AEC-tr--7443) Storage of weakly radioactive wastes in the Asse salt mine. status: 1971. (jqESELLSCHAFT,FUER STRAHLEN!t VND UtWELYFORSCINUNG M.B.H., MUNICH (WEST GERMAVY)). Jul 1971. Translation of a Germart paper. 2p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 16G radioactive wastes; translations MN-70 P NSA I I -Sep-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7441) Conditions for the storage of weakly radioactive wastes in the Asse salt mine. Status: July 1971. (,~~EBZLLS-CHAFT FUEk-17RA11LF.V-. JND, JMWELTFORSCHUNG M.B.H,, MUNICH (WEST GERMANY)). Juj 1971. Translation of a German paper. '2p. Dep. 14TI-5 $3.00. 16G radioactive wastes: translations XN-70 p ~JSA 11-Sep-73 Uncl (AFC-tr--7442) Proviqional conditions for the trial qtoraqe cot medium ri,lioactive wastes In the Asse salt mine. Status: September 1972. (GESELLSCHAFT- PUEP STRAHLEN- UND-UMWELTFORSCHU14G M.B.H., MUNICH (WEST GER4A-NY)). Sep 1972. Translation of a Serman paper. 11P. Dep. .14TIS $3.00. 1BG radioactive wastes; translations MN-70 P NSA ENclosure to: IR 2-218-3214-74 GESETULATT, Part 1. No 58, 21 Dec 1973 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Olecree on i-,'unctions ht s Outlies of S Combines, issued, 29 t der Joutsclicii D-emol,'ratisc'hen .7-57)Til~-' -Z~s-F 'Terlin, ral-C, i, :~O 15, TIPF73, w~ 141. TPRS 58960 ll~" Y 7 3 I-io I On ismsition, C , A~ k, Tmoic)-acill-Rit-1011 Of ISSI)c cv, ~tcso'-,,.,blatt dell '),oulschell 0 Mo r a t i s c Ii e n13 11) M10-1-111, a s to F1r T-), r~z-)r ,2. 7, 2 Functions of GDR Ship inspection and Classifi- cation Agency Detailed, 5 pp. GESETZBIATT DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUITTR, Mst BerilF, Part I, No 3, 22 Jan 7'3, pp 2-43. im 59344 J~d 73 Decree on Model Charter of Artisan Producer Cooperatives, 13 PP. GESETZBLATT DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOIMATISCIHEN REPUBLI-K, East Berlin, Part I, No 14, 2- 14ar 73, pp 121-125. JPRS 59405 Jul 73 Decree on Charter of Be7'Lrk Artisan Chambers of Commerce, 6 pp. GESETZBLATT DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKIATISCHEN KEMBLIK, East Berlin, pa-rT 17110 14., Mar 73, ~p 6-128. JPRS 59405 Jul 73 Opdcl, On of m). !,~or, 'Ieso--~~blatt der Deutschon 7 ~Icr Derr ratischon lill, TO 17, nr 73, 1)5~1)r i-i. - ,) -1 7 3 Tu Resolution on Director for Annual Draft of Collective Labor Contracts Issued, 12 pp. GESETZBIATT DER DEUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK, East Berlin, Part I, No 25 May 73, pp 213-216. JPRS 59454 Jul 73 Directive on Preparation, Implementation of 1973 Grain, oil Crop Harvest, 9 pp. GESETZBLATT DER DEUTSCHEN DEM01MATISCHEN REMEM NSE Berlin, Part 1, No 27, 17~ Jun 73, pp 65-266. JPRS 59507 Jul 73 Implementing Regulation~ Announcement on Parcel Post Issued, 7 PP. GESETOLATT DER DhUTSCHEN DEMOKRATISCHEN REPUBLIK, ERst b`bifln, P rt I, No 23, 21 Jun 73, pp"271-272. JPRS 59678 Sep 73