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Idbelic, MIh&j1o National Deferise Treatnw)t In Rev Cauxtit-utAftm sumdeed, 6 pp OLBFQA I WTITA. Belgrades, SePt-Oot 1973, PP 3-6- JM 60755 AAIN FLAFUk L "', AwD APPLILATIUN~ Uf- AUfrlLjk ------- Mllibu, L) AbTuf4AIlCA Sl LLELIRO~'IILA9 VUL 11, ;`iUl, JAI'J-I- rt3, IJ,PP 143-47 Ach-i-m Poil ',-'ovoals for as Y, T 'LlI 'ucrati-ve --,Irofasqjo,,A, 6 n.0, A .)CjCIAT,nPA, 777 71- TO -- .T'.')-(S 59710 Anr 73, xm v p //A U'06MMA UM. M WMM# BI DWMMWI. ~~/05/1973VWWV116-v mqpvmmmt at Ilootdc owwadwixti= at lmd Asamistaris UWW the AcUas of MUMmAeg pp 2Q3-*SNMWft-r-IW3W KM V. P, //A U OWAnTA Wa. M AMMU, I$ UM ~WO5/1973,VODoe,x-, Some AIPOCU at Valft Mtrafoobb to lopm" onu*m ming"d notsum Teawmicat pp 151-156$XAU-M-7-156630 Milic, Djordjo Agriculture's 1972 Year-End Finanoial State- ments Analyzed, 18 pp. ENONOXIM POLJOPRMEDE, Bolgradep No 7-8t Jul4ug 73s 0i 51-67. JpRs 60253 Oot 73 GOVERNMENT USE ONLY Mikaelyan, A. L. Achieving SWe-,Mode Operation in C02 lasem 5 PP VopRosy RADJOLIMRONIKI. NAUCHNO-TOWNICUSIM SBORNIK. SERIYA OWSHCHEMMICHESKAYA. Yoscow, No 5. 1968. PP 30-33- JFRS/L 5110 GOVNMEN USE ONLY IdYcaelyane A* Lo Holograms on ilbotochrome Materials. 3 PP Mawy PADIOLIEKTRObilam NAUCINO-mMWICIOLLY SBORNIN, SEUTA QVIC gWjCkWKAXA, boscow, No 5, 1968. pp 14-16. JPRS/L 5110 Mlkalyunaa, Lo Management of lAthuanian 6upplies Discussed* 4 pp WERjAfNO-TKKhiJCRSKOYE SNABZRL-NIYE, hoscows No 7, 1974, pp 49-51. JFR5 62897 MICRUbiULUUICAL 0lSPijz)i~L uF~ WASTE i-'UNTAIiiiiNG III 6HCUNLLl-ATkAT 1(,,N A MTRILE~ PT I Aditl,jl- -- ------- HIKA,41 :~ El AL IR ~ L)3 ~,Dz 73 LUL'J~,Ur~l- PP 52-!)-~ F ~. TL -H 1-2 3--U2 --- U.- 14 Mikami, Hiroyuki Studies of Deep-Sea Receivers (The Hydraulic Properties of Deep-Sea Hydrophones Using Cy- lindrical Ceramic Piezo-Electric Vibrators) BOEICHO GIJITSU KENKYU HO-MBU GIHO, (Tech- I- e-fense nical Rep--s 0 b AjeWncy Technical Research Headquarters), Vol.9, No.85, 1970, pp.53-71. NAV/NISC/TRAN-3474-73 N ~J/), F,5 ivr o-rirmnlsts Pross uestionof on J,rab israeli Citizens, Tol Pkiriv, 20 77.1,i 7,T .7 ~Lostrictlions 5 pn. Tun 73, 2, Mikhallidis, IMambis Price Increases Have Serious f,ffects on Agricultural sector, 5 pp. TMARAVGI, NiCoSiR, 10 Feb 74, p 1; 13 Feb 74, pp It 6. JPRS 61408 Akhalkevich, V. Pension Idked for Disabled, Famdlies With No Bread. winner. 6 pp OKHMAJ~ I aSM'NOYE STRAOUVANIII, Loscow, No 6, 1974, pp 36-37. ims 62699 NIKMAYLOV. YU. I. //7!1. NAUCH. PM(L, MOOR, 1-10003 T"fect of a pulsed (electric of a latent image a n (-I , I 4 1 V,~ r, (:) M ~j I a t C, 0, 1) 1) 2,70-174 AP~'~/FSTC/lit--?3-13fi5-73i',,!,!,' KINEIIIATOOR// field on the in lead iodide Ylkhotylovp A* N. The 40th Anniversar7 of Gidrometeoizdat. 8 pp MErEOROLCGIYA I GIDRCLOGIIA, Moscow, No 2. 1974. pp 3-5. jpRs 61869 4 TK jlAYLOVA.YF. M I --/9 S/lj 73.0 tl----.P.,,'ODO 8, OUtull' ~?.roace (mc cruqtaZ riovcr,,.,cntr,, PI, )0-,) C, F .159540 MIKHAYLOV, 008k bu MEASUREMENT OF GUN (,HAM8ER LEN(;THtl '% I I ~ f! /.!!, VUcNNA TEKHNIKAY Nu. 4y 1~73Y 28-29. IS K-H i-23-Obb6-74 Akhat loz~, 1. D. 2%e inflwnoo of terminal atom on tho xme ortrua*m of pohmpto mWetats with oaVugated bm&. VYSOXONOLEKWARWYE SORDIMXYA, Vol 14Bp 1972* pp 91-93 fiTC 73-1379&.07C Mikhaylav 8 K. Natiorial j~aammdc &Ubit Achieveamts Deacribedo 6 pp K"QECRSKAU GAZEU, Moscow,, No 259 19?4# p 246 JFRS 62675 Odkhailov, Konstantin I. ldrector of US5R Exhibition of Bcono.-de Acl-deve- ments Intervi6wal. 6 pp ~EMJK, i"Oscow, No 20, 9 cict 1973, pp 2-5. jpc,6 61o66 Mikbaylov, La Timber Industry, must Inak for Neu relicies, 5 pp MA IUVD XWO"'~ A, Moscow, 28 Sept 1973, p 2, JPM 6ID?48 ,,,,ikhaylov, L. Autoir.atcd Control of i~erchant ilect Being Developa'.. 1 5 pp I ic Ok JYA ,'oscow, NO 49, 3-9 j,'ec 1973, P-P 4-5- 17 AfikhailoVo L. L, caZOU&Itim Of resermir fmotwv Pompitiee On the boi4 of Pm&dwvcty ix&m. RIMANIT nOZYAZSrVO, No 1.0 19820 pp $8-39 N.-C-73-21838-08T Protection of Commdoations Lines Fi-om the Galvanic Effect of Electric Fower Transmisgiim Lines, by M. 1. Mikhaylov, 10 pp. RU,5SIAN. port, Ye a _gtgk �MA, Pbscow, No 1, Jan 1973, pp 21-24. JFRS 5W5 4r 73 aftufft N. T. :iioqlllwm" ftft allilliplillir" 4cnaillao Owd.Flbw *"*daft ftymbn ftmft Avow " Id"tm Orin- - ONIOU" - - -2mo A* ho Imp No g6&30 nmwv, N. V. //VYSWU===AR= sccDnm=// -'/-/lqV.ovol4Bqlf---j Strueturo4krphalogical InvoAlgation of Fibers Nads ftm Mixtures of Rydrate CcUuloot and Pblyacrylonitrile, pp i47-A%NTC 74-10895-11W xamuwvt No V* //bmaamin manw/ :;-/-A969vvft-d-w#wooh# C*UddW ftft* Of Rigl&Catn POIMM #Ad P=ible Use of thodr Aquwm Dtapomiam fbr VA)UfVin ths Proper lea of Omdml Plbws,, nim wA otbw polymic Nstdi&U pp 32-35,,NZC 74ZO43-11M Hikheylov. V* SpeclaUsW Assoolatim Formod to Inoreave Con- taber Shtpmts. 7 pp RBCIMOY IRA M, momow. so S. 1M, pp 3-5 JPRS 39357 Althaylov, V. G. Canada's Probloms in the 1970's. 15 pp ~bA: ELONWUS. POLIT~CSI IDEOLOGY, Eoscow, No 7. July 1973, pp Y~-4- JPRS 598o,6 13-Aug-73 uncl (~-'--C-tr--74330, pp '16-20) Activity of p9ncreatic amylase in wnole-bod, and local irr-idiation. 41KHAILDV, V .,I . I "ent, ra I -,,: i ent if ~ c Reg e arch :~oen tgenor aai j "is ', . ,Len i .qr ad). Trans I at ed from .'~ ad i obi o I ogi ya * 13: No .I , 57-90( 1 Q7~ ). ,N.S A 0 IMIKHAYLOV, .. //PROIZVQDSTVO .MONOMERNYKH I POLIMERNYKH KREM- NIT-ORGANICHESKIKH SOYEDENENIY// -.-/--/1973' V---.-,N ----). Production of monomer and polymer organosili- con compounds (chapters III & IV) 98 pp, pp 40-106,AIR/rTD/MT-24-717-74@ 14khai tovs V. N. SWersoupt fZm in a oomer formd by lInterse"ing purt" AX4DXWA MAUX SSSRw ZZVSSTZM W6WNXKA X WZDKOBTI I GAM n. 4 1078,9 pp,. 162-166 NW 73-2Z583-20D MTrS N72-3230Z IITDAYWV, V. V. 11VOPRWY AffDrTSIWSKOY nr?alll -/-/19708 voolessoools Fwwtional aignifiamm of loeaUxation of chang" in catooholamine mtaWtism in As amtmZ norww systm dwring pootdiphthartal polyn*WtU and eqvrbmtat atUrgia oneophaZomystitio. 7 pp. r1p 46-52, Jws-Peb 29708 ArRIPIT-HT-23-580-7489 wv V. V. =6 zHrMTT I GAZA// W /--/1973pV---#NOD04* ;low Aromd lxponential Bodlos vith Strong Cowpmasion in the Shook lmrwp pp 104,wll?sAPL/JM T-2850M mmallovs V. Y&. Effect of develqpont amUtIms on the trmsfor function of mial pbotapqUe film. ZHUML NAVCMM I PREaA=M FMVWn I IrMWO- Offn Vol 26t No 3 Igns pp pir-217. .4 9 NTC 73-nm-Az ,ii.linylo'.7, itally ~L-.! A~,; . rott:4A , .'I if- -,-,i Ll. , o t . 'j p p U,Al PA, Wiinf-ravil , 20 . ec. 1,),i), p 'As "ll"lly I ~ I , )tLkhqlov , Yoe At the sources of Maoism. 6 pp HIROVA" MCN%IIKA I & IWUNAR24YYL. NN LSJQIYA, Hoeccrw,, No 50. my 740 pp 141-144. ipps 62528 Mtkhaylovp Yen Do DemograPhy and PoUtics. 15 pp S%l M - =(;So IDEWL mucow, So no Nov 1973. PP 17-27. JM 60668 MIKHAILOV, YO. Ru E~FLCT OF A PULSLO LLLLTkIC FIELD ON THE FuRM ATIUN ~F A LATENT IMAU IN LEAD iJ ZH,. NAUCH. PRIKL. FuIOUR. KINEMATOGR. l6f4 1 911 PP IIU-74 F,,) TC-HT-23-13t,5- 73 I., . I I !~, 1-dkhaylov. Yu. 1. China and Western i~iwopean Integration. 14 pp i,riommi D"Ni~m vwT(jKA, f4oscow, No 4, 1973, pp 152-159. jptLg 61254 24-Ju) -74 Oncl (AEC-tr--7548, pp 78-83) Influence of radiation and the quantitative ratio of interacting cells on the effect of stimulation of the synthesis of immunogiabulins in a mixed culture. AL!~ ~ILOVA~-_A.Ae (Inst. of biophysics, Moscow). 1974. Translated from Radiobiologiga; 14: N'o. I , 63-67( 1974 ). NSA 0 MMYUWAs 1. A. HDOMW AtMal NAUX OSSR, EMN S=CZ11 .-/-/19'73PVC210PN0005v Protoconche of Ammites of the Genus Anshoplites I"tt (Amonoideep Hopliticeas),, pp 1197-1199,,AGM 13-Aug-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--743D, pp 14-22) Influence of ionizing radiation and beta-mercaptoethylamine on the incorporation of I-11C-DqL-1ysjne into the protein fractions of i!3olated nuclei of the rat spleen. M'KHAILOVA, L.P.; BLOKH1.14A, V.D.; R3MO.N'TS---V, E.F. (-Inst.-~-f Piophysics, Mowcow). Translated from Radiobiologiy8; I,: No. 1, 12-18(1973). NSA M=An4NAo T. P. llbwm Axam am mit, murAL am==// "AD/1973pVW12dDW6v The Activiq of ftwth sWoteam in Td)scoo Idwnw in lAdatim to their Age and Tier Pbeltlon on the ftemp vp 140-ilraxm KWUMA4WANWAO V. D. //BCD.= AUDW I= MOW/ ~;-/OrAMOWAWS Irfect at Waft a dy I ... pwa on" am the Kadsowe A#Uvlty of the ft= bib# 5 vp. 3m fta-6742=um to vB am Ammm M1MWZomkfy, A. B. The th&M of lowl hydmomynotio st4NUty of tozvi&t p1mma OoRtiourau-mis. 19 pp. ZUURVAL SERLBIMMAMOY Z 3-6007remx0y Pr= itt OZ 110 2, 1075. pp 5M.547 Mikhailovskiy, U.N. et al Joint Electrochemical Protection of Gas Lines and Communications Cable. DORROZ. ZASHCH. NEFTEGAZOV. PROM., 1972, No.7, pp.17~18. A.T.S. RO&GB 1003 V. P. Mikhalchenko Use of the characteristic x-ray temperature of vanadium for the estimation of interatomic bonds in its crystal Zattics. 5 pp. FIZ. METAL. I METALLOVED. Vol 32, 1971, pp 1300-1302 NASA TT F 23~9 913 1 7 (" I -z - / - e / '/- I"~ - -~ 0 ~~, apr 73 Mikhalev, V. Electroaerosols in medicine. 5 pp. VDKKH SSSR. INFORMATSIONNYY BYULLETENI, No. 3, rr-rch I 9w, pp 3b r,R/ffD-HT-23-295-73 may 73 Mdkhalev, V. Economic Analysis and Its Role in Management. 13 pp PLANOVOYE KHOZYAYSTVO, Moscow, No 6, 1973, pp 110-118. jpRs 60505 MIKHALEVSKII, V. S. //IZVESITYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBYKH-ZAVEDENII, FIZIKAI --.04.1972, V----,NO004, A model for explanation of rtherford's expemients on alpha particle scattering pp 147-148 CB~@ I )Crcj,~;, - /Of hCdk,(:,V Writer's Lbion Official"L Role of Soviet Writers* by Sergey flikWkovp 6 pp. A, I-bac RUSUMO npo fka owv 11 Fob 1973# p 3. yd JR5 5364, 7 Apr 7) !1-11--hry . ylov , l-,orls .I e "T . . Labor Code Problem Discussed, 151 -~r. "'OT"UM ";A Sofia, '.Io 4, 1973. 'T " ri s5760 I 7~ 14ikheevl, Yu. A. Fbmtl0n Of UhS&tWMW CArbob-Carbon Don& ft the PhA01"Is Of My (NOAWI ksth"27.late) aMM AM , Vol. ._.M X= =m, MM MIMOTU 21,Dp nOl.9 NO 1973P PP- 1415-150 ca Mikheles, Ya. S. Production Cost AcommUng at YAchine Building Hant E)mrdned. 7 pp saamKOYE I NEFTUNNO)j MUNOTROYENIIJ, Moscove No 7, 19741 PP 33-34- JPRS 62866 XDMW# As A* //Deam- Anwo =m swo un SC=M// ~-1-Aqmvvomjmoml ; ;Wvglm Of I&. ~ RPM Ibco Bob Xw the NMtbMst MrgiU of the DodW Bond an PkIMIQOC Ddal, iv 173-1769AM Mikhellson, V. A- Clinicoenephalographic CharacteriBtics of Pen- thrane Anesthesia in Children as Related to Con- centration of Anesthetic in Central Venous blood. 6 pp VkZTNjX AWMI MITS114SCU NAUK SSSR, moscow, lio 7, 19741 pp 5z-56. ims 63485 Mikhellson, V. A. Clinicoancephalographic Characteristics of An- thrans Anesthesia in Children as Related to Con- centration of Anesthetic in Central Venous aood. 6 pp VONIX AwEaI *LITSINSKIKli NAUK *SSR, hoscow, No 7, 1974, pp 52-56. im 63485 Clirde4a bmlvstion of ftecle Rolwmts ln the 06TrwdUle Acid Gvm,, by,K--A---4W4-'-sm--s 8 pp. Missil" I per& A - - -Luuusddmm 1 9mumet OjgManjhqMn k1d" mmove 1970o ppp 83-91. jaw 58949 MY 73 M I ikheev, A.A. Effect of transition zone on mechanical properties of high-strength clad steel. EILIKO-KIIIJIMESKAYA MEKIIANIKA MATERIALOV, 1971, pp 11-14, ri. 4. NTC 73-12179-11F. NLL IINC 746-1323. Mikhallsons K. L Solution of the 4fte - bwba *"Alom for Wfuti. ad parti" In mobition DQUADY ATAMM NAUK BOORS .SMOMM Yo Mt no, 4ip IW311 pp,, 93.1-914 CB 24-Ju)-74 Unc. I (C,,RNL-tr--2R3( 1, Cxtrewe sensitivity of hum6rk relIg to Ionizing radiation for a rcrm of hereditary ,: I se a se :xeroderma pigmentosum. P study of single 9t rand break s of DNA and ch rrivo scme aberra t i cii S . N H_~_L S L N HAIKASYPN, E.V.: GENTER, E-1. , VUSKACH, N.M. Translated b.V P. Gerrard frorr 731tolc9iVa; 16-. No. 2, 20:3-210( 1974 9p. Dep. NTIS $4.C0. 06R radicIbioJogy; translations PN-48 F NSA "ih~ Uhcrdsti- y of Transurmdum tlf-!r,,Lnts, by 1~. U. _dkhc'Yev, 5 p-,,). lkobzjiAj." er, Astmjk, mqcleltdi I~alll.c L~ I,-,-4"!'-$ OSCO'.7, i '40 3, -ar 1973, PP 1(K1-111. j4;%6 59000 , ay 73 ellcheyt-ir, ' V 0 Sociopsychological Aspects of Sovjr~t Administration. 1) PP kjUSKUV5WA PRAVDA, I'lloscow, 30 Aug 1973, P 2-- JPM 60463 Ilikhoyev,, V. P. On Of SPSOW Fsaftaw of Zgniting PakUr vith a Not Gas 7 pp GOAWIIMZ VZRYV 7.9720 pp. 54-37 nMW-71F-itK ?,( -- I YAWMws T- I* rw bamm at Kvwtws md - it If -AA of Stream an So Mdodma *WwtW I of AUMP 0t Vw fl-?&4b ftvtft- 6 vp sm 11 m w omv=-- - V- WN IYM# lp. n3- AnIffba-93-139-0 detorleal agniflome of Caution of War In Vietnam. by lu. Ya. LUbsyn. 13 pp. IIUSSIM. per, a hoscows No 4. Apr 19?3, pp 3-12- Jiffis 58948 ~ay 73 Nikhlin, D.M. uxidation of' )V!iao Acids by the Lipoxidase System BlOK614"IYA No 14, 1949, pp 141-144 0 r *NT I S- FT-74-53281 lilkhneaahs V. V..,. 2%erw4noio MarmUrlstim of . . . Venus 4 int*p- P&netary probe FXUXA LVINY X PUW. Mmka Pmas. Z973. pp. 261-254 TIMI" FY F-ZSVP" ~Mmwcffs V. V. IINFIZZXA LURY X PUNT0011 ohowtorletim of the law atmphom of mw amwdixg to the Mults Of f4vP(m"t0 bY the desomt modul4o a= of venom-4* 0 pp pp 251-254ONASS 27 P 1642900 MilKirk-At A. i