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X=s GUDRUM 11ARCHIT FOR DERMTOLOGISME FOTSCHUNG11 -1-11974, VO,0.49.NOOOI, IntracytopZaamle ultrastruatures in peripherat Hood oeZU in Lupua Rr~matouetws pp 3540,1VAS"A TT F 15,,71090 Metzger, J. Behavior and reactivity of heterocyclic ammonium compounds in the synthesis of cyanine and carbocyanine dyes. Part 11. Behavior of methyl-2-Benzothiazolium in a protonic solvent. SOCIETE CHIMIQUE DE FRANCE. BULLETIN, p. 2868-2876, 1964. NTC 73-1.1046-07C lUTZGFR, E. An Instrument for Testing the Vaginal Mucas for rl,~ctric Conductivfty in the Determi- nation nf Estrus in Bovines. ,ZVCKTVYGII-,~~E, vol. 7, .. 56-61, 1972 ~TTC 73-1.q"79-n2F 1. !,!arch 7.1 Metzger, W. Depositing Nickel Dispersion Layers. BLASBERG MITT., 1971, 22, reb, pp.4- *BISI 11489 Metzler, J. P. Plasma Gun Spraying of Oxide-Ceramic Materi- als. Investigation of the Technology of the Process. SCHWEISSEN UND SCHNEIDEN, vol. 24, 1972, No.S PP.178-179. - HB 8996 tburets G. 140wo,vtopoissis and kinetias of Hood mmoMtes in mm. BLEL Vot 248 19720 pp 337-345 NTC 73-43659-064 Mevissen, 11. The monitor software of a local telephone uchange. MMRONICA EN T&E-CW.MICATIE, No 8. p 115-11% 1971 NTC 73-lo412-17B may 7-3 mms 0. Hma. mn*/ "is P,&,* ftvwsol Thoom of Co4iw vita in m I I III w an Impla of Wftfted I - --d - A Ulm# 0 WA95mc 74-ml^-n ma", 0. W. De"lopmuts -in utaintion Of vind pmw .. . ff.m=V= 14 Vol. 16# no. 6A. sept.-oet. J941/42, pp. 109-U3 TMU TT P-15,346 Heyer, Ii. DLUI'SClil-. TIERARNLIME KOCHENSCHRIFT, Vol 78, Nu 3 1972, F-P 57-61 *NTIS-17-74-S3027 Alayer, H. Intwetigations on the Pdthogmesia of Hyponagmsemia I-,- Tetmw DEVTSCM TIMEMMCHE MOCRENSARIPT. v. 75, IgeO, pp. 65-6Z NTC 73-12894-OCE Meyer, J. Chorionepithelioma of the mediastinum in a man. POLSKIE ARCHIWal IIEDYCYNY WEWNETRZNEJ,v. 27, p. 267-274, 1957 NTC 73-10903-06E MEYER K GL ANGMALUU,~ 11,LhAVfUK UF A CULUk DEVELOPER LONTA INING 1-hYOKGXY-~-NAPhJhUiC ACID FUER WIS PHuTU6kAPhIE-PHYSIK-CFlEMlE I?o9 Nu 1-6 PP 39-45 F,-)TC-HT'-23-13fl-,4-?3 -MEYFR K - GF FILM PKI'i( ESS INC, AVi WATFR BILD UND TON 197( NO 6 PP 171-174 FSTC-HT-23-14(18-73 K, mc~ q.eQ ' Raw %terials for the Production of Nickel and Pro- �fT Uad,for it, by K. Me"r. E16 1972, Vol 92, mo 3, pp 113-120., R91 10783 April 73 MeAr. K. Process TechnobW of SteelmakiM from Sponge Iran in the Electric Arc Furnace. STAHL IMD EISEN, Vol. 93~ 1973,, Not 5p ppe W-k4v HB 9011 Mayer, L. Diffustion layer formation between non- alloy steel and aluminum. Formation and properties of phases in the Fe-Al-C system below 1300* C. ALU19j,.IUI,-1-BERLIN, 1967, pj) 733-738, v. 43. NTC 73-12028-11F. Meyer, L. et al Metallurgical Investigations on the Lffect of TiIN Unalloyed Structural Steel. ARCH. EISL1111., 1972, Vol. 43, Nov. pp.823-32. 91 1121T'-'- L. ~ icycr T -- scoliotic Skull. AjUlIV RIER PSYGIIATRIE, UND Vol 111)~ PI) 109-1,30, 1979 N'TC 72-1S216-061" i. u r 73) r.ifhAr-lr.e of '"cathor "onclitiolls 0", lc r ',-~Lirst s, b*N, 7,% Vaeyer, 21 -or, ilit:~:ortechnilc, - ast I b '"7 mms W. /AAM~~ m Im = z 1 11,H I - wdaft"ruwuw* am* ad Mp Vi-*MC 74-UO59-UM ~.'eyerovlch, V, Go Turnover Rate, Production Indexes Affected by Sectorial Structure. 11 pp INANSY S55R, Moscow, b0 3, 1974, pp 29-33. JPRS 62722 ,~~--ycr-,Schwertz, iM.Th. 1,-t'fects of i,wu Types u~ Nuise on the Cardiac I~iiytiri o~ Restim, Man with kequirecl sustained Visoal Altention 34 pp Ak(,'jJIVF,S [11-1t- ~'-.)CIENCES hlY6IGLOGI;ZU2s Vol D, 1.963. pp 19S-22b i,lA'(."-ll'r-23-260-71 LP"ll'I'Ll) TO U.S. GOVI, AGENCIES nqorsm.t F* zo iblaaulw awbwdm of adWstlan to hypmEla. so 6" 1973j, pp 74-ft 1-150058 Meyerson, 1. L. The use of variabl,,3 pit--h in alignment units of a compressor for reducing rotor vibrations. 15 PP, PROCIMOST I DnAKM AVIATSIOMM DVIGATEIEY, No 5, 1969, pp 102-112 AIR/FM-IIT-23-339-73 29-Nov-74 Uncl (LA-tr--74-25) Behavior of powders in a plasma beam. MEYR, H. Translated from Ber. Deut. Keram. Ges.: 39: 115-124(1962). 29P. Dep. NTIS $4.50. 11B ceramics; IIF metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 0 :~'ezunov, 1. 1-. Insuranu. Uporations in [krainian SSR Uscussed. 9 pp FINANSY 5661i, ~Iosclx,,, Fo 10, 1973, pp 47-53. J116 61OT2 Matentsev. P& Ve Scleme HuA in Hand With Trade* 6 pp ALWWKY UCa-T, Moscov. No 1. Jan 1974, pp 62-64, im U974 RoU a AmAcm VAmpAw in Wmt rwope outlined, by T. Nesemt~j 12 pp. RMSMO I ~ ~~ I No - per, ....................... ...... .- M~~.* 3s Mw I.Mv pp 222-227. jp~qs 59093 W 73 Mo2mv P. 0. Coolable CsUW%ting BuIstance as Ndoe Tempa*two Stgadord went saling yo 16v no* lot 196Ps IPP 386w391 MA TT, P-15016 Mershberg, Tu. Scientific conference on Agrarian-Industrial Integmtion. 6 pp VOPROSY EKOWUKI, Moscow, Ilo 4, Apr ?4, PP 153-156. ipps 62350 Abxhimv,p M. S. Formtion of oplented stnature in polyaorylonfWU fOo" dw-bW FM99pifttiM. PROMODMO RNMXCHWUM VOWKON IM's pp ISS-Is? V Pr M.-A. _154J4-219 -UT~', T. 111V 17ITT-l'iATTMIAL TUIIDICS CONFERENCE// !1^17111 v - . I; --- iive,;ti-~,at~oon of fluid elements m~ 1 ~.a 3 1 P, I P - -7 3 1972 ~71! Mianchenco# V. 1'6 --U74 MMmoval L. A. Local stability of cylindrical shells during heating. INZHENZRNYI ZHWAL - XMIARM TV=OaO TEAS NO L's 19M,, pp 130-M- NAL-TR-18 p Re Me 1= NSV TEADUBTE~ CIEOLOWIA IIUTnw// ", -,/196l#Vooo6gN-# On the Morpbology of the order Trapostamt& (Dryozm), PP 113-140#lnt*rlibrar7 Loan,, U. S. G. Be,, lational canterm Miasilikovs A.A. Principles of Coal Mine Ventilation Plamiin~ OS.NOVY PROLUIROVANHA VENTILIATS11 UGJLNYKil 611AKUT 1971, 231 pp *wris-rl'-74-52040 Hicha, J. at al. Notch Toughness Values of Low-Alloyed HAWnese Steel CSN 42 2710 Used for Steel Casting SLEVARENSIYL., 1972, Vol 9, pp 379-381 BTST Tfff' 15-Aug-74 Unc I (ORNL-tr--2839) Precipitation and hardening mechanisms in Fe--Cr alloys containing Si and 71. MICHAEL, ll., GANTOIS, M. Translated from M. Gerrard from Mem. Scl. Rev. Met.; 70: No. 9, 669-682(1973). 23p. Dep. NTIS $4.25. 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 0 M I i-HA I LLjV i V . K 6- uj'4 I tiL )I A c, I L i I Y i, i- olk - o LA i~ I i ON IRANSi-LK FUNL i I L,Iiz) J ilil,] Lj~,IkAfl 1-11 L I I Ll'i,) UNULI~ V I -~ I i-Rwk 1 1 HkAL '.U";LA~ [ -, ) Li 1 1) [ILJ I IL SL I t [,lL L -~I' j S C I , . j 01- yil) i._ ill, I -l I- ) f- S I L-iA I -': J- 1 41 1 ~- IJ a I call,, "'Va L 01) 1 UIK I ch, ' Ocou i letic Instruji,ents o 16 pp 1)1~ i I CKY -k Kjkj)T0U,'AFj UY 06ZOR IZOCNI K 1(,/S' of V70, pp 17-1,19 FSTC-li F- 23- 632- 71 AC,-; I - K- 00 michane, M. Making iron and alloy powd em by pul- verizing molts. MOWN= sn" I I A-f T,..- W- b1fi PA'' A~. 1958, Vol-I n. 4- NTC as 73-1;477! way 73 mimmal P. IAm..Rw2zm=H /--/1972pVW14jxooloj ; ;Zqment and Present Btate of the Nwdestructive Testing of Semi-Fial~W Productop pp 329-334,mB Trus. Wip !"Allf"PUll ACADF,"TE' 73 a-, to z"""tat!"07 01* t'.,e ~pl 13 4d 7- P) :VTC 74-11703-017.1 Michaud, Alex Diving Lxperiments With Animals. AGROUPE D'ETUDES ET RECHERCHES SOUS-MARINES, No 01 G.E.R.S. 1973, 171-140) NAVSHIPS TRANS 1425 ~,OFFICIAL USE ONLY 26-Mar-74 Uric I AI-C--t r--7494 Tests of fuel assemblies under s ),I j u iii i ri t lie Nla,-i I oop of CE'J/SCK . I~o I MICHEL, A.: R CHATEL, I NI T E R NA. T 1,D ~~A L A T 0 M. I C ENFQ~';~ j~GENCY, VIEKJ.FqA ( AIJ~TP 1 A I'l 7:3 - Tra, 3 1 a t ion , ( --D' F-7-5 )f Dep. 'ITIS 1.4-0G T rw~L '~Vmpo-.i iiii CR fije~ and elcmpnt~; for fact -.,,Ictr)r,; He I , i i ru -.3 s e t s, iLim ( Z Ju t 1973 I -~! reac t r iiq i neer i pii : IAJ reactor Np. I I IL reac t ors- ,uwwr; t r a n,i -i t i oi, s Aflohel, A. A wto on Me PwruU of Palinurldao md the ftllosom Lamm of Panutirw Hanarw W. A key for Phyltmomm Lar" oolteatod in the equatoriat md southem tropfeal Paoific (Doo*o&). pp fwq;,j curRo-?rww-ll298 NTO 73-14147-08C W-ohet, a. HoZogrqhy ao an aid in the inveetigation of mtct&av grading in intsmat-sombuotlon mW(jw and gm twtfl"" AIM ZU=RrFT 328, n. 7s 1971j, pp. 262-255 WC 736-14037*21B I~IICHFTI' i - //"bBORNIK VST YOSYCE// -. ~ / . /lq72, "I - -.- 11 I TI;e effect of -rc(-Pcliw7 (leformat3-on rite on ~,tatic stren7th nrope rit i f, S rf ciirbon steels -p 1.117 )LI3 7ISI 11871~11 Nichel, J. The Dynamic Strength mation Hardening of SBORNIK VST KOSICE, jisi 10651 Properties of the Defor- CS14 12 013 Steels. 1970, Vol.2, pp.181-190. 24-Aug-73 Jnc I 1,L4-tr--73-23) Shock waves and matter. MICHEL, K.W.~ WAGNER, H.G. Translated from 'Jaturwissenschaften', 58: No. 2. 55-77(IQ71). 45p. Dep. NTIS $4.25. 20 physics; translations MN-34 P NSA 0 Michel, R. Effects of flow turbulence and noise on aero- dynamic phenomena and measured quantities. EFFLTS DE LA TURBULENCE ET DU BRUIT SUR LES PHENOMES ALRODYNAMIQUES -ET-LES RESULTATS-7- ESSAI EN SOUFFLERIE, VON ARMAN INST., RHODE SAINT-GENESE) BELGIUM. 31 Jan. 1973, 12 pages. *NASA TT F 14,833 V. Michet Condensation of the gas phase of a fast-fZowing one-component Liquid metal droplet gas mixture. 113 pp. GERMAN REPORT DLR-FB-72-01 NASA TT F 14,609 apr 73 ~ I I i (.~t al j I , L 9_ _L t 1, ~ j. , ,'. 'r I p~ , z ; t ii 1C;; --m- Tr.!Cl,ii~o, ..-(~-..'-,-3-..- ..1-w,-1..- I.-") --,-- . - -.. -I I-4-~-![I F-ol-I- - .---- ,*., i, -, I - -- . -,r- / I I , ;. I li I L ~ '-,. f; 7'.) ,Iclic ilsen, Alfonso Lopez Lopez .,.tLchelsen Addresses Uberal Party Wnwintion. 11 RI VANGUARUA LIB~RAL, 8acararanga, I July 1973. 9 10 Jm 59615 Micheva, El. Non-aqueous titrations of aromatic amines. KHIMIYA I INDUSTRIYA, SOFIA . 19712. pp 327-328, v. 43, n. 7. NTC 73-12353-07C MICH= V L. //INMTR3ES ALDMUAn= ET AGFaOOMS// -'/--/l972,VO089tN-.. p 1349-1356 A biological method for deturdning sterilization levels in "appertized" ewmed goods NTC 74-ii8o3-o6H Hichnik, (-,'. Prices for Servicea Uscusueds 5 pp Lwovoyb K&WAYWO, kloacow, NO 1, 1974, PP 74- 77- JPRS 61533 ml I, fl, Wo M. //Mm. I MMW/ MWIC V" of D~bV&N*4d VqPtA3AW MA CHROB in Vitodn owtmt Veft ftmmps 8 vp. VP Vatnmvl=~R-234M-73 "Mqv'(UUVM ?a)= TO W OM AOINCIM ".. O-WWOW.W*6 , . MCW"A, M. //CWJUL MDICAL// .-/-/Iq7?,voo45,NOOCe-0003, p o4gg-o5o't Why patients with breast cancer delay medical consultation M 74-12W-o6z WO~ ELo M i (-'&(-e-&Co Modernization of Agrioulturs Discuss.edo by Angelo Miculescut 8 pp. ROMA41AN,, perp F14L Socialista, Buebarest, 7 (15)/19720 Dec 7-2j, pp 30-32. PRs 58523 Apr 73 Nit"Jo1schulte, E. 'nic i:conor,~ics of Grain aud Corn Productiml ill Nordrhein-4'esttalen ZUR JKONIU.AK DUS 1,011,11HORIS-ANsBAUS UN 1972, 239 pp - - *,WFIS-11-74-S31 11 MIDDENDOPrT. //PFLUEGEiS ARCHIV,// --/--/1974, V0349, N0001, Approximative calculation of the buger base, the titration curve, and CO-2 dissociation curve of brain tissue, pp 1-8 #NASA TT F.15877@~ Miedzybrodzka, A. Studies of the influence of school meals served according to a prepared plan, upon the somatic development of 7-14 year old children. Part II. Estimate of the effect of meals on the nutritional status of children. PANSTWOWY ZAKLAD HIGIENY. ROCZNIK1, v. 19, p. 739-747, 1968. NTC 73-10920-06E. Weak, K. -P. ReouZte of an inv##tk,,xtfon into the owes ~t.fatigw and rWture in tire cordo FASERFORWROG WD 2TXTXL2TCHNrK, n, 1,, v. 16,, 1066, pp. 16-20 ICC 7343080418 MIECZKOWSKI, K. T. //WYCHOWANIE FIZYCZNE I SPORT,// --/--/1965, V0009, N0004, Field of Vision and Simple Reaction Time during recreative exercises at work, pp 413-418, NASA-TT-F-15828@@ Mieli, Pablo PCI Plans: I Now p I f 1-10 W e re i ri GoVernment . 0 q1.9 10 pp. LtESPRF3SO, Pome, 15 Sep 74, pp 9-12. JPRS b3104 !-~An 711 Mielicki, B. Machines for the Construction and Building Materials Industry. DIE TECHNIK, Vol. 26, No. 9, Sept. 1971, ppS60- 563. FSTC-IIT-23-1168-72 ACSI K-1748 Minn I H. Mwimm MMCMU// /01/19720v-.PN ----S On Climatic Conditions in Containers During Trwsport in or Through the Tropic# 12 pp. PP 1-5lAtSl-K-24MISTC-19-23-1937-72 DISTRnUTION LDaTED TO US GOVT AGMCUM MIEFUTIKs STAMBLAW //POLDWY-TWORZYJA WIFL'KOC7ASTECZMWE// GM1O?1lcY74vV-..M----s, pp 0286-0289 Development Trends in Polywer Production,, Processy 8 Pp, JPRs 637 3 #I Mies, Herbert West German Constitutional Anniversary Speech by Herbert Mies,, 14 pp IMSEM ZEIT, Duesseldorf. 28 May 1974, pp 10-12. JM 622?3 -Ias, 'I.i,-nif'!c8nco of the ~jarty Comrross of' tile In 'Inmbun7 11-scussed, 8 "T T, i , Prankfurt arn ',Ia 1 n, .IA- T-7 Tl:',CT7- TITA 1-1 'T,~'v --"e c -7-T, 77, 7-T, 'Iesowic7, vinrian -.iiclear -~Ihysics Develorment Outlined, 15 pp. 1, ~ T .1;' .. I -~A arsaw, 1, 1 .. J, I'OLO p To 5, ~;ep-oCt 73, Pp 1,11-5- T57~. -- -- T-?'~:'. ~)118'( li. "ieocner A-oao to caliviaLn caused kti ir~luabry and technoZogy. jE If' TIERAE,",ZLICIE. WOCII PISCil I - , T., F~ p T"Lp Vol 3.11, 1931, 11, 340-34.5 i7TC 73-10555-OOIE :-Cl)r 73 W40imakis X. gffoot of om-iow astimtom ood inhiUtom on the looation of waptaifto "tomes in normt Uvor o*IU cotd tlwse affooted by Beet2* Vot 11" 19674, pp 223-233 NTC 73-13822-06A mil-'achcv. b. /1973 j eTrine-rature "Ictal", -to f 11 .9 9 - I - 1 10 1.) .I. V !3",,!C(! rclati.onship of DlaL-,ti(' (_l(-;,.fOrMFltl 'I T3 I S 1 12 2 12 !~' il the resista 14igachev, B.A. Temperature-spedd relationship of the resistance of metals to plastic deformation. STAL L973, No.12, pp.1108-1109. *131SI 12212 Migals, N.K. Differential Formulas of Height System GEODEZIYA, KMTOGRAFIYA I AEROFGTUS Yeska Resgublika"Hy WAOuVedopst!= Naikhno Tekhnictiesily boorn" issue 15p pp 5055r-1972 ODMAAC-27 Nov 75 M -,;ICZxj Hignosi. G"pare The Indeterminate Linear Equation 8 pp PERIODICO DI MATEHATICA WAy 1907 FSTC-IIT-23-151-73 DISTRIBUTUIN LIMITED TO U,S, GUVT AGENCIES -Atruca ti, Bmjamin ~W Head Oatlines Reorgardution Proposal. 5 Pp ?RhSEAN~IA, la flaz. 28 July 1973. p 3. MRS 59915 TM '!?(,.TP 7r,, 700,00, ;1C 415-4,35,."J 74- 11 Agulin, V. V. Radiopbysical Methods of Investigating the Ionosphere and Circumterrestrial Space. 7 Pp V=NIK MAD41 NAUK 0a, Moscow, no 8o Aug 1973, pp 9-14. JPRS 60575 "figunov,, V. H. on errors in deternining the io"OePheve PmvmtOrs and the ahametertatic.9 of imospholoto inhomogeneitise bY irignate f~-om the oatalUte-mounted radio atation vAclak". Gsommurv r AEROffOWfA. Vol 13,, No 30 1973a pp 411-415 NYC 7S.14477-04A -~cf-6~4 Wguta, A. X. Analysis of aUavateristim of Me proaces, of endogemia rarf-matal om mineratimaUm. w -vo*aZ*d by ootwut&r rooognition of soale of ome bodies DOYMADY AUXAffZ MAUI SSSR, HAM ool, 207,, w. 3, 1972, pp. 686-689 AGZ Mello, Mael Role Of OPStina-LOV01 DefOMO Advisory Boards Reviewed, 9 pp. ODBRAI'M I ZASTITA, Belgrade, 'To 3, May-Jun 74, PP 49-52- JPRS 63390 Doc 74 ',111ha.1lovic, -Pragan !'orsonal Tncome Tax 3ystem Doscribed, 13 PP. -T~OMT77A, Belgrade, Peb 74, pp 12-17. ,r7m, ~s 18 8 5 ,Tail 7)1 Ida, ano Vera Rajmki 1960 'rhe applicstion of totenone~' for the exteruination of the indigenous fich ztoak in vaterB where IntenBlve fich tarr,ir~7 Ir to be Intmduced (Fr!merw "Rotenong" zs 1,Akoren,'iv,,rQe riblje faune A Yoder., gdo se uvodl iLnic-vanje) lb. Z-ereb. -11 SlovenlIgn., n7trrz I PP (or Oct. 19"(3, lp. , typeacript. h. o v ;.n ,.-h lec1lo, Fiori, gtorLd7 -,rodl,_ct4.on DOV010-P.Ment T-rP;,'0"19 5 T?-P* i re .3, P- 3, !, - ~TIATA VC0770"IMICA, "lu("'-a st' 6 ~-Rzl 7 11 7-f*lZ3-, ~57 ~;oi ,, P 7 3 Mibabobs, Florian Delays in Capacity Starts Decried, 6 pp. VTATA ECONORICA, Buebar"t, 3 Aug 73,, pp 3P 4* MIS 6UP53- Oct 73 Mthdache, FlorUn Incrused Self-SjuipplM Activity Urged. 6 pp VIATA SC(291Q. ftabsmA. 28 Sept 1973, pp 4-5- JPRS 60614 ilil!allc, -'~Ihojlo T'efense in nrafts of -,7ew Constitutions, 8 '.)P. -'C~ TTT Relffrade, 7ov-')oc 7", np 8-12. 777-7-3777- MIHATOIU, 1. //STUDII SI CERCETAKI DE MECANICA AGRICOW/ --/--/l97OoVQOO4oNOOOI Contributions to the Study of Soil Pressure and Tractive Power Components of the Crawler Tractor pp 23-33# *NTIS-TT-74-5508340 0ii t Thew-> fur tac )iioulttjncous Lvalwation of Acri;ii i'CrrCStl'l3l i"rIVII.Wtl'lC Datd, IPY 123 wries C: Pi6scrtation N'o 172, 1972. Is7l