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skshwo S. P. XWOMM IMMY Ot SdUft at A*684 PwU4t%w &w a twks2st Rw 446 ft MU 0 "a " ammou man am In IAL Sam 11 1 a VOL top W. 20 94pbub*o ZWO W poop a ',IL.' ~if- L: L : , I J )IjLK6F 0 t. Pic I N~, Ili,- HJ I ~tl F 1 L i- 1 - ~ ~- L I j t tl L 1~ 7 ;11 N 611 ,\ p ~- 11 P L ~ . - ~' I u f i I 'I I ) ? L ~il i'# j -o t; " L ~- 1 4 , LJ i i- X I I L 3 " , i Fjl~'-] I -Z -)-%) I Ili- M ZMEMO J. /Awj /--;A966#YMIBMO "M awslol"anfift hwartles or Catkiag as& frm Tricot Abries , pp nsviamc *nogo-um 3-Aug -7 3 Uncl (AWRE-Trans--65, pp 51-54) Geophgsical importance of nuclear explosions. ME ~t I -C. ~LR j ___!2 Mar 1973. 7ranslated from report. NISA 0 Heckelburg, L. Production and Use of Plastic Coated Strip and Sheet Made of Steel. BLLCH ROHRE PROFILLt 1972, Vol.2, pp.53-56. Nf ff -1 M2 8 -4 Meclewski, A. Can the Baltic Sea be turned into a freshwater lake? POSEIDON, No.3, 1973, pp.104-107. ffff-fRWS 1291 HEMWAs J. HTNO Nivm// '/--/1972jVOO27qNO006.. ; ;'t"Ic Decomposition of Toxic Agents, VIT PP 310-314,MC-IT-23-041N73 DETREMION Me= TO US GOU AGENCIEW ,~-edgyessy, Peter Tax Structure in System of Fconomic Management Discussed, 7 PP. PTGYELC, Budapest, ~jo 35, 29 Aug 73, p 3. .7113S ()()luf3 0 c t 7.3 Medici Medici Reports to Accomplishements. 13 pp JORNAL DO 82a, p 10. ins 61485 Congress on Ids Regimels Ido de Jamiro, 2 ~~r 1974, MMINA, LAZARO BARRM //JUV"TUr, REBBIZE// 17Ao/Iq?4~V-vN--v pi) 0006 Progress Report on Development in CwuWeyO 9 pp jpRs 636o6 Madina, lAzaro lArrado Matanas Construction Frogrcss Surveyeda. 5 pp J!RFXW &B&M.. Havanas 2 Jul 749 p 6. JFRS 62721 WAdJmwj, 2. P. ft WON" mosmism at F&VtLdo - -2 nit a ft a rwbvud mm .Dm3w mom UK a I IVA III I a VOL 903a n. - 00o 3s Navbt 39M#, W# "3.W es 1.~, I*dova, 13. 1. Anodic breakdown of CrystaMzers DU4M klectro- slog Remelting. 8 pp RkINIRUYUSKMIL PUBLIPJAY-1, Kiev. 1974, pp 35-40. JPRS 63123 Wovar, B. 1, Some Characteristica of' kZhP of' hotal in Consumable Crystallizers. 6 pp RAFINJEUMCBM fI4r'4-;?WX, Kiev, 1974, pp 96-100. JM 63220 Piedovar, Be I* Electroulag Smelting of large-6ite IAUow Billets. 6 pp PAFINJRUYUSiirIHIyr-I KTIEpwy, nev. 1974, pp 84-90. JPR3 63220 bledovar, B. 1. Investigating the i4uality of w,'elded i1ectroalag Joints of Rotors 1500 mm in IdAuter of 25KKN31ff, 5teel of a-ectroolag and Electrofurnace Smelting. 9 pp RAFT141RUYUSEGRIU, PER1,11LAVY, Moscow, 1974., pp 109-118 J,PRB 63220 NWWMP Da, 14 wftgk at soubluty at HA amukft OM mm. "o auwjm mmou wo Wd va* 80 20* 2j, (29")$ MEDUVARv B. 1. RU ELECTROAAG RLMtLTING (-1 /- -) /~ f'~ -,J f - PRAVDA UKRAINY, NOV 229 NO. 2-13(8726)v 19701 11.2, LUL. 1-5 1"7 f-.S IC-Hr-zj-0396-74 ,',Iedrano, Gerardo Alfredo Government Performance Wring 1973 Analyze-c'.. 5 i)p iL GRUdSYA, TeCuciEalim. I Oct 1973, pp 1, 2, 12. jii:~b 6o43i. Medricky, Z. Stabilization of Coke in Transit. HUTI-1. LISTY, 1972, No.11, pp.772-778. M-T-1r27T Medshibozhskii, M.Ya. Theory and Practice of Steelmaking Processe. S8. NAUCH. TR. MET. INST., 1911, No.14, pp.30- 40. BISI 12046 rkbuiio~ i 6a /AMUPAI ljRUNUOV// -/oq/lw4ov--,i4ou,)* pp odo-ow I.menociar to Jusj, strong i4heat 1',roductioni 5 pp ji~m 63611 Medunov, S. FtAy Official Reports on bban' [doe., 7 pp SPUTSMA g IYA, Moscow$ 25 Apr 19749 p 2, JPRs 61988 144141M3, J. Pirst contribAlon to the palynoWa study of saw k deposits of t1w lover oretacems of tU baute Vrovenee M29101ii. UMRSMO OM w Scumm I AMU= 0 v. 44, 19701P no 137-142 M 73-13115-ft Xodus, J. Contribution to the knowledge of the palynologe woodWans ftca the rl"lan of the occidotal savaist Wpllfttloa af t1findings t* the prevem region MARUOM. URI ?AM= DO SICOM. AMMO, V. 43 ~ 19n, Vp. 24W49 MC 73-13057-M Problm of fWanists aM Toxicologists., by LL %~Is 5 ppe I R-!T,-,~~ =I -j zasbeuta Moscow* No 29 . peri 1 1973j, i I E. ! ~, .,~p 15-1 JPRS 9172 June 73 Medvedev, A. A Book on the Great ~rien6ship Tenpered in Severe Trials. 8 pp KOMULIA, Moscow. No 2, Jan 1974, pp 120-124. jpks 6149 Modvedov, A, River FABBengOr Services are Discussed. 5 pp VODNYr TRWPORT Moncov, 29 Jan 19?4, p 2. U4 3 Uncl (AEC-tr-743~, pp 185-189) Effects of growth inhibitor,j or vicia raba on the surv;val of Ehrlich's as c it es c arc i no m.3 ci,. 11-~ in vitro. ~17-.DVEDEV , A. I.: 7 , - 1" -F Physics, Y~IKOV A, K~J71~, A.M. 1, In ~; t . of I -,) 10 9 c '3 Pu h c h i 110 O.S S P ) .Translatel from Palicbiologip; 13: I ~~ b - 13 9 ( 1 -)7 3 A* To - // U-Num, I MMMMM// V-0-f on hmum of the is" vdtdmty Samia* in qmUty OmLnd,qstvn 8 pp I* 3"2p fft*-~~711# Medvadayp I. A. at al *Ati-dimaiaead regroodm analyalis of blest momm %mution. j STALO 1973., No. 7., pp. 66oa3. 'Y BISI n877 Medvadev, No ArOblese of Timber Industry are Odlined by Expert 1 13 pp MO-NA QW#JUkTVZ IJOSCOW, 140 10, Oct 1973- pp 17-2-7. JM 60778 RUSSIYU cso: W44/1133 7 December 1973 The Problem of DemocratizaLion and The Problem ol' Mente., by Roy ~edvdev ii'l-A -,, . fl - " No further illro Sl)ccial typc A Do not publish ilraaislatur(s draft plus one ccj~y. Hedvedev,, S. K. Overloads and power losses in capacitors In the presence of high harmonics. I EMMTMWIXA, no 12, Dee 1966, pp 45-48 C. 2. Trans 6212 )EDVIOW,$ s 1 0 1 Mmom-ammuma SMUMMI/ "/-/1972vVa4BMW3t Investisatim at the Mm33al KinwissUon of styrow in the P""nem of Cationic =d Nmolonle amiulftwev pp 169-1729MC 71t-1012&nM Medvedev, V. Economic Policy and Economic Education. 17 pp Kgg=Sr, Floscow, No 11, Jul 74v PP 31-43. j7n-S W9-67 'TDVFj','T,V, V. A. //OjTAL// / -- -- / 1974 , V- - - - , Nn 0 0 S Im-rovement in metal scraD T)re-maratinn qualitv for units -.)l, 424 *SI'SI I257'l,!'!! j ~,l (, c i Ve ( k ~)V~ Location of Beloms" SrAdl Ana]pWv toy V. hedvadovf Is* IdUmoviabs 3 pp# RU&Um. perb,ugummeal jjkjjw&fAuf HIM 'o, go 1# Jm 19?3v pp 59-60. JM 38926 y4y 7 3 XMIUM V ka Zlqwl~) 0 baplu In Nmd** Md D*M&W* N" Teftou4m, hoonam in ftoauwdm to lmr,m st"a qmutyl, PP L*-MX" 23M Medvedev, V.A. A Discussion on Development Trends in Contin- uous Steelmaking. - TALI ~_ , 1973, No.5, pp.414-415. BISI 11G90 Medwdavo V. 1. Pardwtion of time its the hww oditm Bystem DOXWY AX4MffZ SAUX SSSR. RZOLOUCAL gczsNcw. V. M, no. 5,0 19730 pp. 1261-IM CB Medvedevo Ve No Moat of Muidom Rdso Sequaws, on a System lAviM a Cadence Mods of operation* 2 PP =vu- VSMMKXI SAMITIAL WODY -MM_STAVLEIIIYA I O-PAPATUMIL&AUZ SLUCU= PRQTSgSOv I ZW, Novosibirsk, 1968, PP 134-135- jpRs 62432 G-Dec-73 Ljnc I 'I-A-tr--73-40) And wfiat if we were to switch to hyd r 0 g e n .JEDVFrjFV, 0J.: MUSLIN, E. Translated by A.P. ~,,rni:,ek ( , 1, r) r, 4 1-imos ilripntific Lab-9 N4)~ from lzo~)ret. Pit!~iun.; ND. 31B, 4D-44(197-1). 25P. Dep. rj r T s 11 . 2 5 . 1013 ener,ly L3ourceQ; translations M14-311, p Ns~ rev is ion mmmys Tu. V. . //UV. vmm. nFlins Ill op r=wv/ "/-/19M#V--JPDMOS Awayda or the Opustice of a SqWbl& ftwpwu7 pbr I., in 1 a , i - - - - - - avity Dateftwo 9 rp. PP 93-ToFSTO-M-23-1775-730 MEDZHIBOZHSKII, M. YA /jIZV VUZ CHERN MET// --/--/1974, V----, N0002 Detailed explantion of the basic law of kinetics of the solution of solid bodies in liquid pp 53-57 BISI 1234300 tied zhibo zfiski i, M. Ya. et al Approximate Process Modelling of the Assimila- tion of Lime by the Slag Process Phase. IZV. VUZ CHLRN. UT., 1973, No.8, pp.41-45. N=TTI~ HedzhibozhskiY' M. Ya. et al. Rate of Fusion of Metal Scrap in Open Hearth Furnaces when the Bath is Injected with Oxygen. IZV. VUZ OHERN. MET., 1972, No. 11, pp.39-42. BISI 11190 Medzhibozhakiy, M. Yd. et al. Determination of fume distribution inaan 01i furnace during cha'rging and scrap preheating periods. STALI 1972, No.11, pp.984-5. fa-TR 11201 Umbadho V. Dmlqpwit of ccma &wt explodons In unftrpmd test plieries aw tatlag of mplostan control an- sures ~N I STAUB (IMMAMM m IM)p vt 31~ n* n* imp Vp. 44t5-451 11TC 73--12815-081 NM 8313.4 (6i4h) Annmj, P. Z. On Xrf*A at bdiximy CbU w Aiw*dim an In D&Vdapw* 4c --- --- FAwke" am ARM m Im no==& am- wav gwt W. % amt IMP W* 3943,4M CB M~v rib Z& M mt--et PlalbdoW Adetedw I* tU =ft - 14 W no - du to w-- A &S ad Uum rabol"a $A 00 1 ov,W~wWollm afttv ovagmeaft at as Bmt TM* =9 20o 4# AlWo M3P Wo W91-M -,-- cs r, A. IT -I !l'UR JM, PAlIMPAITIRT !W~ITIITLIT ERG UV-,~ -,-:L--v'PHc7CF-.E IiXTRIEBIW CnIc-Lilatlion of laductivo -Vla3T,2a Aucoleratoro with '-Anusoid-al, Zlectrwnagnctic ~A-sundiiip,- i.- ,.'~~vcs fr'or Coutimous !-~'-nen-y Supply, 42 1) P !deport 2 L News is Oemlatiom of Stars by J41ter CM9 Parlay To 86s IM Me 223-M WR 73-2150,22-03A MIS 373-1086? Ml=4C=s L -0 ----- -- m mrv= im MO// 400 00 on)44A---*# rM Un of YAUIVO DOM ad I LgIripboopi ado In the Tnatalut at Dom Saud TMMO pp 3307-332081" 74-11U5.06M Meffert, II.E. ZEIT. FUR PARA.SITENKUNL)f*,, Vol 14, 1950t pp 442-498 *NTIS- I'T-74-53018 Meguro, K. et al Change in Surface Properties as a Result of Crystal Transformation. Part 1. Crystal Trans- formation of Copper and Nickel Phthalocyanines by Treatment in Trichlorobenzene and Changes in Their Heats of Immersion on Crystal Transfurma- tion. KQGYO KAGAKU ZASSHI, Vol.69, NO.9, pp.1724-7, A.T.S JJ--4694 '~Jehes, Lujon Ways of Pnhancing Influence of 'rrade TTnions SugRested, 16 np. I-' S7FMI,- TI, Budapest, No 29 19714, pp 54--b5. JPPS 62122 'Pl, 711 8 CI 18 310 3 E-T F.Cli H I K 1'1~~4'orminrat~()n cf air exit conditions in the L of 5,wq!)oritive. cooling to,.;orr-. 11 2 1 ~ 7 C . F . TP 4 1 P 41 Mehlitz, Dieter INCRUSE IN 7HE Performance of Gun Tube Weapons Internal Ballistics 10 pp WEIIRTECHNIK, No 10, 1972# pp 409-411 FSTC-HT-23-1081-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES MWRTj H. -//mmcm zm-, MM).= /--/1972.,VO()5".,N---, p 00,13-OM2 A contribation to the surgical correction of deep overbite or an open bite NTC 74-119,69-0& f Meier, C. Explosion hazards and thermal behaviour of electrically heated riping. ELEKTROWAERME (INTERNATIONAL), v. 29. p. 655- 660, 1971. NTC 73-11034-~OM o r o, Lrau t on TT~-- I! -as[. 7.- 777 7),~3 _;ocir-list -Bole i-n S"-,d-.! oorliny Tom 73, 70~-.712. -,,on Meier, V.A. et al AMK-T Transistorized Apparatus for Logging Mag netic Susceptibility. UCH. ZAP. LEWINGR. GOS. UNIV. SER. FIZ. GEOL. IIAUK, No. 13003), pp.267-73, 1962. 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ACTION FADIOPROTECTRICE CHEZ UN ANVAL SOUAIS A UTTE 11PADMICS =24A GLOMW- TETALE. 29 SePt ITP- ACST 17-31i7~, uslawa, R. swmhtlft%lw~~ qpuwue ease" Md the unwanA Mood lov*U U"EK"M rxj~~ VOM NNJINBM vo U5, I-Wit IFP- IL74owu we if-~9-060 Meineri, G. SubgrWty effects and simulation methods in laboratory situations and In flight. RIVISTA DI MEDICINA AERONAUTICA E SPAZIALE (ROMA) vol. no. 1, 1963, pp 80-98 .4NAGA TT F 14, 934 rany 1,973 wrmm, X. Hpw. Cwt ~/--/1973-*V;2I,,W03-4j, mathomtical Evaluation of Cccplox Consecutive Equations Using A "cial Approxtwtion MetW (U)I, 9 pj) pp P-57-264.ACSZ-K-2631.,nTC-IM-23-2076-72 DMRnMION LMTED TO M GOVT AGOMESM Meisel, T. Process for the determination of phosgene. MA9YAR KENI LAPJA, 1962, pp 421-423, LKUSDI- .1. v. 17. NTC 73-12355-078. MIBIL, W. )IAMRMTOM M mmol(w// .-/--/19709VM#NO004p Y449bauer SPectrometric Meawwwasat of Corrosion Ylimat pp 24c,)-253sBB 2rww. 819599 ,'-fsiron,, D. Ve On the mechawlam of actIon of Fluorofur* a now Antineoplastic agent. YOPROY MWITSZ=or YJUAffr, Vol 180 so so 1972* pp SONY NTC 7343977-060 1-kiael, W. mosebamp epeotjvmtrie maewwmt of oomwion film. WERMTOFFE VND KOBMION, Vol Us No 4,, 19708, pp 940-263 HB tAw 8195 Melasner, S. On the bucklim of circular discs. SCHWEIZERISCEM-3AWZBMG VOTIOIP NO at F-*F-?-TT9-3.1,, pp 87-89. NAL-TR-45 Alsioamn, T. &tmional bahavior of poZyethyUns wlto. MWOLOGMA ACTA VoZ 10, 1971, pp 2.V-242 = 1winatril fjoismur, J'a Mwoster for Om investigation of the dofomation meohanistio properties of ptatic melte wider deflud Mmi to a tress, RUO=CA A VoZ 8,, No 1, 1969. pp 78-88 YX 73-14384411 "Isister, H, Proteatien of travoRCtUr iftstallatims egaInat ughtning. THMIsaw Aff=ZLVNM P27, Vol $00 1972.0 pp $28-534 Iffe 7&1475849C Meister, H. Skin changes in monocytic leucosis. FOLIA HAEMATOLOGICA. LEIPZIG, v. 96, p. 156-166, 1971. NTC 73-10906-06E. Meister, R. Oxygen addition in the heating of glass 0 tank furnaces. GLASTECHNISCHE BERICHTE,v. 45, n.6, p.251- 260, 1972. BGIR BGIRA-890 9 7 L ' '/ 1)' - / ~ I - -~ '7; 5 '- // h' lfeister* S. Speoifie pZwming probtem d-irIng the omwtrwtion of nalt anvm atom#"* E L N AS WFT I'VER BOHR-tWD ..j Z9175C .~ W Vol 88,, 2972,0 pp 24&.257 NTC 73-14180-081 Nleitus, V. YU. The Structure and Modelling of Robots 14 pp BIOLOGICHESKAYA I HEUTSINSKAYA KIBERNETIKA, #7 M, pp 41-50 ESTC-HT-23-2262-72 MEJIA. L. /iESTUDIO GENERAL DE SUELOS// --/--/1970, V9001, N0001 General study of soils pp 109-191, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ON LOAN NATIONAL TRANSLATION CENTER##" MBJ I A. L. //COLOMBIA GEOGRAFICA// --/--/l970,V0001*N000l* General Study of Soils, pp 109-1910 *USGS Library, National Center,, RestonO The Meet of lincertaint-y in thp "ituation Involvin~ Chaw-e Fro:- tWin' to 'Lose'. The Rtdp. of Prontal Segrvnta of the Neocortex, by A. Ya...Mekhedayp, 22 pp. PYSIAN, per, Fiziologichrskiye Osobennosti Polozhitelln~kh i Otriteatellukh Imotsionall-wk1i 00SLO ani . Moscawo 19722 pp 89-109. llay 73 D. Azcjrbaydzh&n ktformation Service to I*rove, by D. Mekd*Ayov , 5 pp. IL _ ~c, Baku, 25 lob 1.'USSIANg np, Aagmld-zl~,,~o 1973, p 2. iihs 53642 APr 73 Mekhtivev, V.M. Heat Excliange in the Separate Hovement of Two Viscous Liquids Between Two Parallel Plates. IN. vySSH. UCHLB. ZAVED., NUT GAZ, Vol. 15~ 11M N6.5, pp. 87-92. A.T.S. RO&GB 920 Mekhtieva, S.I. Effect of Addition of Cadmium on the Electri- cal Properties of Selenium. IZV. AKAD. NAUK AZERB, SSR, SER. FIZ. TEKHN. 171AT. NA~K~. MST=~, pp.B3-6. A.T.S RJ-4719 MPllP'PlY!,',VA, l1. A. V //T'~VT~'SITTYA V~ADTTMTI TIATT?. A71-:1HPAYWHANTSKOY SS9, SERTYA BIOLOqICN!,P')"'lKj) FATJKW --/--/197k,V----,NOOOl, PP 0030-0032 The Role of Scienll-Ists of the U3SR Academy of ~',clonces In the Devolopmont of microbiology in Azerbaydzhan 3 pp JPR,.-~ 63689 ;~ieldltizrldo, -~* Lelucational ~a,r_lforms in Azerba~dzhan. 5 "-)p 'IjWdi~6Q iab~XUi, i.lakm, 31 Allf" 1973, p 2. l,iu; u 37)o, j 7 ~EKSHCNKOV ' M- I. //DOKLADY AKADET-TII NAW, SSSR BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Sl~ --/05/1074,V0216,N0O0lJ, pp 065~-0622 Reduplication re comb inat ion and Zeno ac(-,ion in the deveoopmental cycle of the affspri-nG of phage one fourteen mea~ozygotes CB MEKSHENKOV, M.R. //DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR,// --/11/1973, V0213p. N0005l Complementation and phage transforsation using chromosome fragments of bacteriophage ND pp 1187-1190, C3@@ Wamsd 0 M. M. aanning adldings of tho Volga Automobile Plant. 10 pp MgM,Hl~kJLN- SMOITa'STVO, Moscows No 8# 1968p pp 3.1-13. JPRS 62151 PVlmed, V. G. Dynwics of the teqvmtm fietd of a t&ular ittirwive in whioh the solidw teqvra6um is varldto DOYMADY AKADSICr NAUX SS VOL so?. ,4~~A RAM SCIENT, no. 6, 1972, pp, 14344436 Arel