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Matar, Pulad Egyptian Armed Forces Line Up Along Canals 5 PP AL-IJAHAR, FBeirut, 10 Aug 74, p 12. TPM-7jll~2 ~Iov 74 ~~- L 11) 1Q~ A, ~ C., A-a k~, Amerioa,, -Sumit, and Arab League Affairs Are Disoussed, by Putad Hatar, 8 ppo ARABIC n al-Nahar, Beirut, 21 Feb 73s P 9* I " JPRS 5683 Apr 73 Matar, Fulad liar Minister Discusses IJars of June 1967, October 1974, 12 pp. AL-1,1AMR, Beirut, 6 Oct 74) p 12. 71 n, 534 T)ae 74 ,-Iatar, Fivad I patails of Tgaykalls 7,)ismissal From ~Al-Ahrwm, 1'ecountod, Vj- lip. ,~ I AT,-`AT'~ I , Poinit, 11. Fob 74, PI) 1, 0 T., -,, ~l 6 1 _3 vi I ~~) -)r . hopUet'. Trats Us Form of the Intomatimal T"Stys b7 L. N. Hatandffo, 14 pp. RUSUAN, bko Form mabduax9dwoto R2[mm TbiUsi* 19n 0pp 0 390 6(3. im 59340 ~June 73 29-J a n-74 Uncl (ORNL-Ir-2788) Mechanical decladding of staintegs-steel-clad oxide fuels. BOURGEOIS, M. (CEA C!~NTRE DIETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES, 92 (FRANCE)). Aug 1973. Translated by Martha Gerrard from CEA-R--4469. 21P. Dep. 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P r L L I A I I ui~ ff [L-CHN I LAL )tkV D- I NU N A ~- lpLlyKild, I I I If 7/ i 97J PP 54- 5 11 o "S (Al- i ')KA~ A iYA" Matushevskiy, G.V. Angular energy distribution in the spectrum of ocean waves. METEOROLOCIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, No.4, pp.17-22, 1961. *APL/JHU J-1925 Matuska, K. The Range of Stainless Plates and Clad Sheets Manufactured by the Vitkovice Steel Works. STROJIRENSTVI, 1971, No.11, pp.685-691. BISI 10135 Platusov, A.L. Medical Research on Arctic and Antarctic Ex- peditions. HEDITSINSKIL ISSLEDOVANIYA V ARKTICHESKIKH I ANTNUTICHEMO LOPEDITMAKH, PrbceeUi s Vol. 29 Ep" Israel Program for Scientific Translations Jerusalem 1973 Matveyenko, M4 Civil Defense Protective Lquipment Described* 10 pp VOYBNYYE ZNANIU, Moscow, No 2, Feb 1974, pp 30- 32. jpRs 61742 f*tveyev. A. Financial-Credit Relations Between State, Kalkhozes Mocumsed, ? pp 4WKU .9"IsgWo &HOZMTVA, Moscow, NO 101, 19731, pp lz-,U. jpRs 6o6o6 .iATUTUOV. r. I. //STAL// --,./ /1~74., V NP005 Production of steel coopper sheet compo3ites - I 1)n 1435-.1131.1 *BI')I '2572P!! Matyeevq A. B. Methods of miumng liabtiag b3t&UaM=. SMMMMM. 110 No P 1-3p 1971 OTC 73-IOW2--13A PW 71 mtvwpv, E. N. ftm Problem of Plauvout (And Use of Par&- mdftal Permanols, 5 VP- SWMSND)M %MVOgqgA!gM# Moscow,, No 42 19N t~421 MX&O A Ug % Akdv"va, R. G. ftstaZ stnoture of nized alkali-metal totrwr- manates DONLADr AUAWI NAM "SSR sonn M.0% V. 213,0 W. 50 197,3v pp. 564-987 ArP llatvOyevs Eo No Decrease in iqumber of ftramedical Workers Due to Some Reasons and Infliience, Thereof on Duration of Pro- fessional Activities of Paramediml Personnel Of Employable Age. 4 pp SOVUSKOIL., ORAVQOg~MLNIIE, hoscaiw, lio 89 1974, pp 30-33. JPRS 63173 Matveyevo Ee No MaturG and Level of Work Tim 14st and Me- tractions in the Course of the Tear From the PAncipal Work of Paramedical ftrsonnel. 7 pp SOVELSKOTE ZDRAVOMOMENIYE, Eascowl, No 2, 1974, pp 33-39. JFM 61336 Matvey*v, E, N. Investigation of the Nature and Frequency of Interruptions In Professional Activity of PAZ$- medical ftroonnel in the Course of a Year. 5 PP SOVETSEQU ZDRAVOOKHWENIE, Moscow, No 1, 1974. PP 36-39. im 61554 Forms of Foonodc Erq)loyeea,, by 01. Natvgw RUSSIANO, pert Dsnlgl i .1973#-Pp 3-8. JPRS 59151 ~for State )Ank 0. Klialturina, 8 pp. its Moscowp No 10 Jme 73 veyev, N. T. Basic 0 Irections In developing wd introducing aut=ated control systems into the national economy of the ukrainion ear. 9 Pp. NUMVATSM I AVTCW=MIYA UPRATMITA, NO. j-, janary 1M, Pp. 56-53 AIM/PM/HT-23-0252-73 Mw 73