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17 71 1; !Exncrt-iantal ~,tufly w~, ~'Ias-.Craelng, in a i' --2t Causuality of tamlar hy Statical [Aectricity Ainlmrt :-I i laganobu Saltata, ' aokl liyavaLt, Kenichi -2:Y."orlta ',a ga ta yurce: Um-,uaf,.a: Japanese IjIlpp; 'Mpp Instructiongi Please type siangle spAces '~:o paste~Upf leave space, translate all captions. masanavic, How Milos YAjdc Dismssoa UN Special Session on Development. 6 pp DLW. Ljublj&ft, 18 "Ay 1974, P 20A. ji,ps 62199 masanovic, Bozo Developmnt of Yugoslav-Soviet Economic Coop era tion Reviewed, 5 Pp- DELO Ljubljana, 15 sep 73,. p 17. W60239 oct 73 .1asano'."ic, Pw'o "'rands in . rade Tle tween SI wonia and ('-."!.IA Countries Analyzed, 5 pp. Ljubljana, 13 Oct 73, P 19. -'TOTI-s "'4p-8 Ja n 74 Masaru, I. Incineration of chicken droppings in a fluidized-bed device. KAGAKU KOGAKU, v. 32, n. 5, p. 459-464, 1968 NTC 73-11008-13B Masek, Jaroslav Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Proteases of Rennets and their Surrogates. PRUMYSL POTRAVIN, Vol. 22, No. 7, 1971, pp 220- 222. FSTC-HT-23-832-72 Masek, V. New Knowledge Acquired Through Investigation of Physico-Chemical Properties of Flying Dust as Occuring, in Metallurgical Works. HUTNICKE LISTY, 1972, No.8, pp.541-546. 1-112-TT- Ifaeouldhi, A. G. rApport; on the aotivi ty of "otion No, 6 (Znt4j*osmwj, a. 0. IloomfohaskiVa Fixikaw). 15 pp. EjELYUMIYA It - wizrryspliyjiv SPMZXOV ZMZ. No 12, 1972, J973,0 pp 939-439 MRIPTD-HT-23-1075-74 DISTREDUMN LrMMD rO V*S* GOVff AOWCM ONLY COPYR[Gflf ZNFORWIONt, OMR MqUM FOR MIS DOCVMW MT 99 NFER&D ?0 FrD. M CMWM OF WS DOCWW ARE SMIONDTO BE SUWgCr ?0 ClOPYRrM PROYAMM, 12 pages L. M. Moseyev Application of the Lyapunov Thewj to the Investigation of Boundm-y Layer Instability. TRUDY MUBKOVSUGO 3MT=A IWZHEMOV 7J99,WOVWOZ- In= TRAMPCMA 1970, VM Tranffporta, No 3611 19,10, p~ 1~14- 0 FM-IJT-23-2425-72 Mikeharipov, R. A Ufferentiating Approach in Atheistic Propa. ganda* 7 PP fmam 91QUI, Tashkent, No 9, Sept 1973, PP 77-82. im 60615 Masbayev t Fe Classification of Economic Sciences Presonted, 9 pp EKONCKCIORM HAUKI, Mosaaws No 12s 1973o pp 3-9. JPRS 61796 Vashenkov, Ve Inartasing the Productivity of IALbor in Agricul- ture. 8 pp Fwavgg. KWZXMSTZ, Moscow, No 7 p 7 Jul 74, pp 78-82. ins 62742 Masherov, P. M* YAsherov Disousses Agricultue in VitebskW Cblast. I&TSTVO BELORMaj, M4nsk, No 10, 2JUSKOU m . 1973. pp 1-5. JPRS 60n5 ','Asherov, P. N .14 .":ash6rov Addrosses Vitebsk Agricultural Sordnar. 24 pp SOVITSKAYA JJUkRRSgjA, Idwk. 28 Aw, 1973, pp 1-3. vmzs 60152 Masherov, P, M. Masherov Speech at Minsk Award Presentation Ceremony, 8 pp MRSWA BEWRUSSIYA, Awks 15 Nov 19?3, pp 3.4, JPR5 60694 Masherov, P. M. Aasherov Addresses BeloramsLm Party AUIV Meeting, 23 pp SZETSM14 BLWRUS�ZYA, SUak, 17 Nov 19'0, pp 2-4. JFRS 60694 ~-Ashezcrskayn, L. Ya. Teachers on Strike. 5 pp USA: ECUlWICS. POLITICS. IDWIji1v No 8, Aw 1973. pp 62-6-5-- jiw 6oo25 MUhit4s T. The eandemed sabible wet scraMw muh4ne. Kma TO F Wo Vol 7s, go .10,, P. 573-574, 1971 A ___ ETC 73-10636-13B my 73 Mashkevioh, H. G. Strucutre of Country's Grain Plantings Described* 7 pp ZERNOVOYE KHOZYAYSTVO, Moscow, No 2, Feb 1974j pp 16-18. JPRS 61816 Ti)cory of Cross-l!.claxatiw. due to Resonmice Trans- i,.Ission 01 I.Xcitations ill S;,Octral 11111w1w,"encous i;cdlum, by V. UK FIZ "h Vul 17 ";0 IU pp 1668-1665, 1972. NAV4/APL-JIJU-JI83o 73 'Hashkov, A.K. Special Features of the Breakdown of High- Strength Cast Iron During Thermal Fatigue. IZV. VUZ. CHERN. MET. 1973, No.6, pp.114-117 3131 11781 NUU*dcbt 8, A* yw*mt for ow &raw Jwloft at lavoosoas Ooqpmmft at Atmpbwlo Mradatim = to bade or a noatmw ftedala XDftj 19 w "m v no ~~ - - - MM 8 OTAM OEM 9~ ~ nro 2v JL9729 We 426054 AMVlTVwff-23mw3-73 " *~v-,-Awmgk Mashkovicht So A, Symposium on Difference and Spectral Methods of Solving Atmospheric and oceanic 17namics Problems. 6 pp MLTLORQIWI'XA I GIDROIMITA, Moscow, No 2, 1974o PP 118-1a. J?Rs 61869 m0mvicli, $~ A. UMUSMIX51YA I MDROLWIW/ -/-Ag?4,v-Aoao, Pp mn." Conferencesp Meatinge and Swins" 7 pp ipris 63?w ff 15-May-74 Uncl (CONF-700681--, pp 1-3) Pharmacology and toxicology of mexamine. MASHKOVSKI19 M.D.; ARUTYUNYAN, G.S.; ROSHCHINA, L.F. 1970. Translated from Materials cf the first all union conference, pharmacology of antiradiation preparations, 2-5 June 19709 Moscow. From 1. all-union conference on pharmacology of antiradiation preparations, Moscow, USSR (2 Jun 1970). IJSA 15-fiay-74 Unel (CONF-700681--v pp 7-9) Pharmacological properties of tryptamine derivatives. MASHKOVSKII, M.T).; TRUBITSYNA, T.K. 1970. Translated from Materials of the first all union conference, pharmacciogV of antiradiation lyreparations, Z-5 Jun~-_ 11709 Moscow. From 1. all-union confercacc on pharmacoloqv of antiradiation preparations; Moscow, USSR (2 Jun 1973). NSA 15-May-74 JrIc I (CUNV-?OC6B1--, pp 13-14) Pharmacolo( ,)I ca pj-Dpe rt i .,q )r se rot,,n i i dd i pi n~i I kind other organic salt, of 5-oxytrvptnmine. MASHKOVSK I I , M.D. ; SOVOROV, N.N . KAMINKA, M.E.: MUROZOVSKAYA, L.M., SOROKINA, 'J.P..* TSV-,TKOVA, G.N. 1976. Translated from Materials of the first all union conference, pharmaccloqy of ant t rod i tit i on prepa ra t i ong i ~--5 June 1(17j, Mosc ow. From 1. all-urii~)n conference on pharmacolog,,4 of ant i rad i a t i on prepa ra t i ons ; Moscow, USSR f 2 Jun 1970 ill a V -74 U ri c. t X)IN F - 7 ~ j " 8 1 - - j) 'ompdrat ive k!ffects ii x am in~l ,~ P ro t On i n n i h, c irc u lation in the b r a i n 5 i I h 9 v I I , '1 1) . ; 1. A N S I , V.P. 1~'?D. 7 ra n 5 1 ii t r r orn ~' a t r i a I s of the firg t a I I u n i or, conference, ph a rma co oq. V i ji t i r ~l :1 i a ti _~n p r e p a ra t i c-, n q 2 - -5 J u n e i 'J 7 0 , Mo ~;c ow F r om 1 . a I I -tin i on cor, forem, e on fA,irwacol ogy of .fitiradiation preparations; Mofcow, USSR (2 Jun 1970). NSA Nashnin,, S.V. Electrical Proporties of the Diffusion P-N Junctures of P-Type Gallium Arsenide S pp TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1970 sullatin 30 pp 281-284 FSTC-iff-23-2243-72 29-Oct-74 Uncl (AD--775118) Status and perspectives of the radiation physics of semiconductors of the A3 B5 group. MASHOVETS, T.V. Transiated by F.C. Vaughn from Radiat3. Piz. Nemetal. Kri3t.; 3: No. 1, 5-28(1971). z8p. ~i FTD-HT--23-93-74). NTIS $4.50. 11 i NSA 0 ~~Ashtaler, 1. A. Use of Credit to Almflate Individual jjohjct Construction Urged. 5 pp LIvAt4sy Moscow, No 8o 1973, pp 51-54. JPPS 60022 Masino, M. A. Automotive Materials. A Handbook for the Mecha- nical Engineer. Avtomobillnue Materialy. Spravochnik Inzh6nera. Mekhanika, 1971, 295 pp. FSTC-HT-23-1050-72 :'I -Na~ -711 -t r--71157 I eii. -1 ?It~ ilF. I a I i ve b i 0) Og i ca I c ff., c t i v i: rl;13 1 ft r it i :-) x i .1 o. A SY. A L E V ,Y 11 . I.; 7 'IIR~Vl,~V , V F AL I ~;TP ATOV..'i V 5 1 : ~l Pl I NA , P, G T i iv I . :1 ;J VA , ~j A i 7~ . T r a n a t e f r a m 1 12t7. of 1~ iAo,jicfkp-,-AoV~, deilstviye vrik~shrti~.h vDutreniii~~i i-3 t ~-i r. h i, i~~ o vr i t i -it i i M e ej i tsi n a M"laakap A. The ImportAum of Coars"re4ned Components of Sinter Mixture " Pellet Nuclei at the LAtial Pelletizing. IIU=s 1969, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 57-62 BISI 10727 ;,%slenikov, V. N. 4-rofitability Relat6d to Accouridng Mces. 13 pp FINANSY Moscow, No 12, Dee 1973, pp 29-35. im 61189 Xaslenkova, No Ve Scope and Nature of Work Performed by I-Voici&M and Nurses in Maxi3lofacial Departments. 6 pp 40vaSKOYE 9DFA-VOQKHWaIXL,;, Macow. No 7, 1974, pp 28-32, JM 62929 A. ontributio,is to the Study of Consurier Donand, ~rOift,L'-S'W1T7-, vi I" , Moscow, "Ic Bt Apr 73, ,J-~ 'S, 59504 TP, 1 7 3 ilaslennikov, 1. CE-11A Intog~ration Measures Described. 12 pp KU-11-IM41ST VOORUZfihANYKfI 61L, Iloscow, No 23, 1973, pp 9-18. JPRs 61258 MRslennikov, F. 14. Training 'workers In Etonomics, 3 pp 16 gAZgA, moscowo No 24, June 74, MONMCHWU p U. jpRs 62" MASLENNIKOVA. V. A. //DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR,// --/11/1973, V0213, N0002 Effect of ecdysterone on diapause determination in FIteromalus puparum L. pp 480-482 CB@~ Niaslennikova, V.A. VEST41-11' LENINGMUSK UNIVERSITY, Vol 3j 1958 1 -96 Ppp 91 *j'lTfS-TT-74-53266 The RoU of the Uldvarldtiffil in thO IRtftntim - of Sciews wo Frodwtionj by V. I! WoUmikovi . r A. IN ~7 DIYAOV~ 13 PP-' iiSiAif peri USAs Egonvides, Politics* ldooloffp. mosom; No 5v~ Mw 3m, PP It;--,7- JMS 59135 Jim 73 ?balomikov, V. N. Com"Ution for Differences in cattle PACOGO 12 pp 'INA.1*5 , 1-~Oxoow, ho 12, 1972o PP 80-65, JPR 9 2& I Maslennikova, V. N. Vorticity decay rate in a viscous liquid for two spatial variables DOKLADY AKADEFIII NAUK SSSR2 SOVIET PHYSICSI , no. 4, 1973, pp. 8311-M AIP MASLUMMIs G. W. /AMMMMA// --/--/1q%jvOOb6#WOOOIv Production of Aromatic Wdrocarbons of C Composition by Catalytic Reforming of Gasoline Practions, pp W.46ATC 74-1o63o-o7A~~ Maslov, A. The influence of the shape of the channel in a plate-type heat exchanger on the critical reynolds number. l!"OUNAU P , 1963, pp 17-18, n. 6. NTC 73-12342-07A. MASWVs A. M. ITA OST// ~~T-L-rI937 mV p Flow Resistaum and Reat Transfer in Heat-Exch" Apparatus with the Plate of Crosa Corrugated Typej, pp 2042ONTC 74-10795-2%M Maslov, A.M. Hydraulic resistance of channels between plates of plate-type heat exchangers. I fLqijLjL-YAYA TEKIINOLgg" 1964, pp 143-147, n. S. 114TC 73-12343-07A. Nulart A. N. Bed t"Oft in pide bw Mhoom &rim 1"Imr fim Of VISMW llqtdds simmiml III only* 11- 9t 1971a pp. 2944 WC T3-130204M m m 7504 Mas lov, A. M. Presaur* drop plate heat exchqnp s. IZMWITA VYWHM UCHCKff M ZAVKMII. PIBWIWAYA TMO=Mv No 5P 1971.. pp 131-134. M 73-11265-,-~IOD MUlows, A. N. II I -~ PbOdkil"Sum taft Nwhims mt ApOuld" 740*im EM ~ M Mp """' MMM& wl- MY no. 50 AIV116 WM# lps IMVwM 0 Mao lovj, 1, A, *ntal states protraoted hypokin"is YITl WVRNAL NEV"AMMI Z rSTWAnri. 00 . 68r ;pp. 1034 1% F #ASA 2T F Z5.585 MASWVOLA. 11SUMME GAUTUMMYR WrANOWr11 marine gas turbine plants pp 314-326 A 338..359,gSISC tr 3,6820 21 ".1 '7'y Voll d 4, Jwul 1973A W-8; 3 Haslovs V. I Ways to Improve Soldiers' Lagal Knowledge Reported. 5 pp i1ST VOORNHENTO SILs Moscow, No 5s, 19740 PP 00-00 0 JM 61753 Maslov, V.A, Pattern Recognition Using an 0I)tico-Electronic Analyzer S pp VY01131, '11KIN. I VL)111'%()SY No 8, 1971 p1) 148-153 CIA-X-7887 thslovp V. 1. Investigation of the Pro-conations of the Pmlsstlon and Noln in OW&Uon of Rdtilet Weetlon Burns" -- 1 1 1 a no 8p 19no Pe 2&30 m TN~n~~ I LU 10 7187 - 271 pages VsL-.rolod Vasil lye-vich Haslorv Electrical Equipment for Tropical and Cold Climates. EIMMOOBMMMAHM ILYA TROPM:HRSIM I KHOLODMW KEMMj, 1971, PP 176. FSTC-ET-23-2249-72 Aut, Y 3 !/Aslova, 1. So Use of Labor Resources Under Intensified Bconorde Growth. 17 pp IZV&13TIYA AWEMII 14AUK SSSR, SkRIYA BKONQaCHI:;5KAYA. Moscow. No 3. 1974. pp 54-64. RRS 6)210 mmawas 1. 36 UmdtlM RqWtUw at savftm ct tW Sat== Zqoao tion Baum am m M& molm I * 2wo nos 4. Fobrawyp ITZV lp. wo-m ca .-aslova, T. i,,. Behavior of S. Flexner-I Strains Differing in Cytotoxicity, in a Cylture of Guinea Fig , eritonarel Nacrophages. 10 irp J& AKAVUJI F21)ITSINSKIKH NAUK SSSR, Nosco ~:o 11, 1973,, pp 15-23. ji-v,6 6o.,~~ MLOWIM, J, //PUMA- LUANW/ a-/-A970#VOW6*Wft,p VAKUl TWO OmmorlIft the 080%stim of Paland not awforod by the Nafteal bmlw# VP U3DMC 74-nO24-06M C I lasol, V. Feats, Faultz fo riki-,Iinian ;;achinr: rhalding Eiscusscd. 14 pp EX(VOMA SOVETSIKUi UKTAINY, kievt '10 9t 19739 pp 19-28. JMS 60340 al-Maeri, Shafiq Administration, Unions, and Inflation Examined# 16 pp. AL-TIAMR, Beirut, 1 Sep 73, P 9; 4 Sep 73, P 9; 3"Te-P--j' p 10. JPRS 60237 oet 73 MASSALI\BOV. K. K. //SUPOSTPOYENIYF// 110011 oand"'ie"ll ',lull strucutro usin's7tul-)ular frame made of fiber reinforced plastic 11' -tic 1AV/HISC/0j,,lI/HT--30 -111-75"i" mus""t, S. Humlessman of bafttuntat fbr the livor DO"= -1 ~ - - --. - v. 95, 1970, W. 16 0 b vie 73-moi-o6o Massazza, F. Use of a date acquisition system in calorimetry CDIENTO.'-(ARWO), n. 3, p. 117-122, 1970 NTC 73-1080 =-, 17-Jor-74 Uncl (BNWL-tr--95(Pt.3)) Manufacture of the first Rapsodle core. Third part. Special technical problems. ~Aqg~QT, Y..; BATALLER, S.; GANIVET, M.; GUILLET, H.; ROBILLARD, A.; STOS5KOPF, P. (CEA CENTRE DIETUDES NUCLEAIRES DE CADARACHE, 13 - SAINT-PAUL-LES-DURANCE (rRANCE)). Mar 1973. Translation of CEA-R--3501(3). 30p. Dep. NTIS $1.50. 181 reactor engineering; IBJ reactor fuels; 18M reactors- research ; tran gla t ions MNI-90 P NSA revision 5-Dec-73 Jn C I F):IJL-t r--95( Pt . 2 Production of first Rh a psod i e core Part 11 Results or production. MaSSELOT, Y.; S. ; GA.NTIVET, M.-, CUILLF-T, H.; ROBILLARD, A.; .'T -, -,~,rETF,F F R A .1 u n 19 t - i f r)r 67, ,) ) . NTI-~ 181 reactor JBJ reactur fuels; IeM reactors research; translations MN-80 P NSA rpvi,ion Massini, R. Influence of Steel Composition on' the Corrosi- bility of Tinplate in Weakly Acidic Media Con- taining Organic Acids. 114DUSTRIA CONSERVE, 1972, Vol.47, No.4, pp.255.- 264, BISI 11910 MASSIP et al //STAHL UND EISEN// --/10/1973, The properties of Mn-Mo-Nb high strength stee strip with shear ferrite, pp 1051-1053, *BISI 12398@@ Ma s smann . H. Atomic absorption analysis of solid samples with the aid of hot cylindrical cathodes. SPECTROgHIMICA ACTA, Vol. 25B. n. 8. 19700 ~. 393-404 NRC C-11880 Masson, A. Brownian migration of crystalZites on a surface and its reZationship to Epitaxy SURFACE SCIENCE, v. 273 Z971, pp. 463-482 TIPC 72-15209-20B Masson, A. About a new isolation procedure for salmonella in highly contaminated waters applied to water of a klong in bangkok. PI%Tll()I-OC,IA-EIJ,JlflQDIDLOI~I.A-, 1972, pp 39-40 V. 38. NRC C-12091. MASSOff, AUM 11OFFICE NATrORAL DIUORS ET DR RECHERCM ASMSPATrALES ONERA-IM-26111 PMelUr tate itt Me ZmVe sonia wind twmel of Modww-Avrf*=,o 35 ppo *NASA 27 F IS.704628 GOVERNMENT USE CNLY ~Astrorillie Carlos P, Idstory and Doctrine of Brazilian Geopolitics. 30 pp PI TEG , Buenos Aires, Nov 72-Feb 73, PP 37-69. I.-P-~4 FRS/ 1, "Go Masud,36 K. ProsteWlandine - TUir offoot on Me infkw cmd outfUe of tho Aqueoue hunw in Rabbi~v. SMON GMXA OAWI ZASSHr VOZ 78. 1972,0 pp 864-488 NTO 73-1737Z-060 _.j N. Masuda Electron-Beam Curing of Paint Film. ENGLISE, per, Japan Isotope Conference (no, ), 1969, PP 486-489 iM 72-12883-07E sept '12 )(AS=# 0 * //rWAI ==// -/-/19n#V-MOD4v gLwtric Dust ds'lactors, pp 27-55*]RC 74-10233-13W S. Masuda Fonnation, and Control of Particle Beww. Dmil SHWIMI, vol lo, No 4, lgr7l, PP 118-123- ATS JOB 356 Sept 73 S. Masuda MaEturement of Ele&zIc Charge on a Powder. ERNSHI BILASHm'. Vol 11, No 1p 1Q,72, PP 33-8- ATS JS-339 SePt 73 momp $a //mom- mom aun=Wl ~~I-AqAvvooe6mmi, Traeuve AWJv6VAW~--- - - of Vhwl-Tm- Tftetw. part V1. 2bowet1ftl AmlymU 4W the stre" Distributim an the lug lwftoi by tbo ftil# pp 9-13,NM 74-IOM-O&O Kpm$, S. //Mp- mm QMMW/ ~4-AAvVOW60=Mt Trwtlv* Pwft~~ of OW1,41y" Tractor. Part V, Smiewdim an the ftil DefonmUou by the Tractw Owel and $I~ of the Vbwa rag in the $out pp 5-8MC 74-MM-MM VAS-JDA. Y. /IJVAN ANALYST// .. -/11/11173. "1). NVIl Quartitative determination of nerizo -rr) 1424 11127 NASA TT F 151)83P'l ~ho uhro D. BrIquato mad* Jloom Zino-flux mixes for aoo#Zerat*d elag bullding STAHL UND ErSES, v, 9ts, t97Zs pp, ZZOS-ZZ09 HB-8iTrs flasui, A. et al Hydrogen in Electric-Furnace Steelmaking. TETSU TO HAGANE, Vol.59~ 1973, No.4. J-ff 9161 -- ftsmotom 1. et al. MwWritater wel4tra TMEW NEW BRTt 19rao, 40t (7),t 681-93 MST-101191c, - .. - .. - I - Hasumoto, I.,et al Underwater Welding II - The Origin of Blowhol- es in the Weld Metal. YOSETSU,GAKKAI SHI, 1971, Vol.40, No.8, pp.748- ~74. BISI 10192 -1, 1-n a,5 4//)'