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~l Z. u r v c c o ljG3 i iJI, cj-~ i I,J i.L C L jS, v i,-C~, Vol 3 0.1 1 1121. 74 Malyshev, S.I. REVUE RUSSE DIENTONOWGIE, Vol 19, No 1, 1925 pp 21-26 *NTIS-TT-74-S33ll Malyshev, S.I. BULLETIN DE INSTITUTE DP. SCIILNCE, Vol 8, 1924 pp 251-265 *NTIS-Tr-74-53300 Aivskovs ,H)c Nestin;-, ot, culictes id,Vljl~ Vol 16, IP,23 q; 103-124 i 2-Ju 1 -73 Uncl (KFK-tr--425) Equation of state of uranium hexafluoride in a wide range of parameters of state. MALYSHEV, V-V- Translated bv Rosemarie Cors~en (Yernforschunq9zentrum, Karlsruhe, W. Ger.) from At. Energ. (USSR); 32: No. 4, 313(1972). 17p. (In German). Jep. NTPS ( U.S. bales Only) $3.00. T h i 9paper wag summarized as paper No. 577/6423 with full copy held by TIC. 07D chemistry (physical); translations MM-4 NP NSA Malysheva, T.V. Pickling of carbon steels in sulfuric arid hydrochloric acids. LILTALT-11RUCHESKAYA I GORNORUDINAYA PRO1,14YISHILE11- MOST ~ jCHNO-TLKjiN C _51SQRTqIK-,-T!r77, pp 82-83, V. 13, n. 2. [1B-8887. MALYSHIEV. K. A. /IAKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT METALLURG11 IM A. A. BAYKOVA VYSOKOPROCHNYYE NEMAGNITNYYE SPLAVY// --/--/1973, V---- t N---l-, Strengthening of nonmagnetic alloys by the methods of dispersion hardening and phasie hardening strengthening of austenitic steel by phase hardening 9 pp pp 3-12 AIR/FTD/MT-24-1715-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY: COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: OTHER REQUEST FOR THTS DOCUMENT MUST BE REFERRED TO TI'D## , ialyshkov, ?. Aandards Ufficial uonimcnts on 6brk to irprovE., Aandards. 6 pr) GA&IA, iloscow, i:o 25, Jun(~ 10/T9f p 7. im 6oo3o 25-Apr-73 Uncilio-(I)CRI.-Trans-10675) Blogeochewistry of mercury In soils and plants. MALYUGA, D.P.; KAKHOVA, N.N.; NIKITINA, R.G. Translated from Tr- Heryat. lost. Esteatvo Naukv Buryat. rmal, Sib. Otd-, Akad. Mauk SSSR; No. 2, 190-194(1969). 10p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 07 chemistry (analytical); translations MN-4 P NSA ,.4LYUGA,p 0. A. 11LOrNGRAD. NAUCHNO-rSSUDOVAMPSErY MSTZM ANT.[BrO2TKOV, M=RrALY X-Y K09PKJWrMlT AVLODUR UCHMXH LENZYGRADSNOW DRUM ANMZO!FZXt7VII Effeet of LevoTestin on the tronefompkion of StrsptaWain reatstmm in StnVtomm., 3 pplo pp 5547,04-59une l984sAZR1FTD-H?-23-97&?4*f An EXPOAMent in fty m4 r-r4)dudlvlt.Vo by vo dillv&o 5 PP* RUSSI". w. Ekon"ohookm Gas-49, Mosem, tio 13, w Im, pp 9~9 JPRS 59M8 Jme 73 Malyutina, E.T The m3rpholD,,-,y of parts of flowers in some species of the Genus Salix L. and possible ways of their evolution. S&II.. ZHURNAL 1972, pp. ~-24 - ~BCTAN.ICHE :) -530, v.57, n-5- NRC C-12039 hLlyy, I. Metodology for Computing Value Indicators of In- dustrial output Considered. 5 PP V43TNiK 57AT15TIKIt Mocowt No 5s 1974# PP 3-7, JPRS 62828 Mamadaliyev, N. Two-Component Supersonic rlow Around Sle-nder Bodies. TEPLO- I MASSOPERENOS PRI VZAIMODEYSTVII TEL S POTOKAMI ZHIDYOSTEY I GAZOV. Minsk, I.IT6=, pp.189-197. NISC 3472 MAMADALIYEV, N. A. //VOLNY V NEUPRUDIKH SREDAKH AKADEMIW nauk MOLDAVSKOY SSR,// --/--/1970, V----, N---- Flow of a two pbase medium wtth solid Particle around a thin profile, 8 pp pp 146-152 AIR/FTD/HT-23-1474-74#0 148maev, 0. A. Catalytic cracking of the 4M-45d C fftation or stavropol crude over zedlite-canWning astalyst ASMB-3. MMMA I TMOHOLDGIYA TOPLIVA I U&SM, val 16~ so. 80 P. 7-0, IW ATS OlAlVR. mw 73 MANOV, V. M. //DOMPY MUM NAUK SSSRI PMICAL CIMSSTRr// -/11/1973~V0213jW002S Fdmj, ft-mnts and MWetic Shielding of C13 Nuclei, PP 386-389,,CBT,,,. ,7amarij ,Tashnor J-ruc,fde. to instill ~Iovojj i ~.Il io nary Attituiles .1 11 Continues, 6 pp. '-~PT T POP7,1j:1 , 'Arana, 23 Peb 711., p 2. .T- J'~ ~'~ -h 17 13 7VATKIKA, E. G. //DYV'LT, ~':05K OBSHCH ISPYT PRIR OTD BIOL// . / - /].~70 , V-q075 , NOM Ti,t,,~Tisity of reproduction of Wnd and sovkhoz :,~-i-iilation of sables 121 pp t. . 1,) 1-1;'--151 HTIS TT 72--~1086#4, Mmmatkazin, M. Problems of Auto Tran8port Discussed, 6 pp kVTOMOBILINYY TIUNSM, ?~osccyw, No 5, May 74t pp 1-2, ipps 62424 lhc i-lational anc~ the Intentational J-n oovict ~-,ulturc, by ~,. ,,,hop - amvatov- 6 3)n.. ;i0 197). PP 59000 73 ARMaYev, A, Le book Dcscribos Alltary-thtriotic Youth Indoctiqn- ation in DCGAAF Organizations. 23 pp VUENNO-PATHIMICikSKOU V95RIMIYA MOLDkZfll ~ ORGANIZESIYAKH-DOS"Fl, moscow, 19?3, pp 1# 2p 95# 65-93- ji~Rs 61436 MAHAYEV. P. //SEL'SKOYE KHOZYAYSTVO KAZAKHSTAMA// 06/06/1974, V----, N---- Euviromental protection in alma atinskaya S pp pp 56-57 JPRS 629940# ftwbanko. A. hirty officials Involved in lAw Violationee 7 pp PYAVDA UMI Kiev, 13 Oct 1973# P 3- JM 60743 HE"dll,O 1. -h-), Stao"s "llamlity of majoAty stmetum with refftoratim. 14 pp. VTCMIMIIUTA TMaNM V HAUMV,,Mjjo Dsmdmwr--l%#f pp. =7155. AIR/MM23~3"-73 MAMEDOV. A. M. //DOKI,ADY AKADEMIX NAUX SSSR, 4-/11/1973, V0213, N0001, Electronic digital computers data on different functional links and phase changes in the rhythm of the projection regions of the cortex and hypothalamus during the development of algesic stress pp 242-245 CB@@ MwwdoV, A. M. c~vao-omwtWon aRatyrie of wltap P4thw ol varlow oor#bwt struatums inwIved in fei"ittion Of thaa dafensive system DOXWY AUWrr SAUK SSSRS B.TOW(,7CAL SCMCKS, v. M, w, 4t 1,073,0 pp. bul-F-Orap on !-Amedov, A. `i. ~ross-Correlation Anal~sis of' 'trcss !"hyth-n Oiring Action of bti-midi o:; Different Jiolor~ic,.-Jl ,-,ni fi call C pp -,oscovz, 19'/2, p-p 232-2~10,, j I FS 0091 Mamedov, A. M. Ldgital Computer Data on Different Functiorma Relations and Phasic Rhythm Changes in Voltage of Projection Zonsed the Cortex and Wpothalamus in Formation of Algesic, Strome. 5 pp DOMOY AUDEKI-NA( SSSR, Moscow, Vol 213t No 1. 1973, pp 242-245. ims 61748 J','amedov, Dzhalal binister Conservatism of Azerbaydzhan Fictionall Character hito 5 pp BAK~ASKII RABOCliu, Balm, 16 Jan 1974, p 3. ji,,is 61419 24 -J u 1 -70 Unc I (AEC-tr--754.91 pp 192-197) Influence of gamma rays on the growth and development of reciprocal intervariety hybrids of fine-fiber cotton plants. MAMEDOV, K. (Inst. of Botany, A,3hkhabad, USSR). 1974. Tr_r3_n_sTa_1_ea_from Radiobiologiya; 14: No. 1, 150- 154( 1974 ). N5A 0 ~,wmdov* R. A. .. Ztttwtiqa*fon of trmsiont proasimm in trmisikov durLV the pul"d 4oUm of pmtrding ra&HOK, 6 pp RALtrAM.rONAYA FlZrXA WArAurawam )Y. am STAMT. Vol. 40 so 28, Z.971a,pp ZU&-223 AXAMD-ST-23-95-74 MAMEDOV9 M. F. // U.TMMMMKA I hwx mmm. 1108COW// --/-/1972~V--XM3,. The Preparation of Water-Soluble Polywra Based on an Acrylonitrile Polymrt PP 37-39,NTC 74-io4r-il m Mamodov, 11.K. et al Dependence of Natural Reduction of Oil Pro- duction on the Conditions of the Pools in Va- rious Periods of Exploitation. AZERB. NEFT. KNOZ. V.52, 1972, No.8, pp.6-10. A.T.S. R09GB 1027 MAMLIMV N 6 K U L y S !- H i L Lj I ~ LUC TU I' A% C Pi,Gl ~ P L C I iF UK I H L iN NAmAi ib Pi~tjoL~ MUSK IN-A LLE KIMil'i I,KH 1)17z. O' m=dov* R. A. Investigation of somicondwtor devices in linear ol 4"Anuto". 6 pp. SUMVIONAYA FnW NSWALUMEMN WSTALL714 3"m SUMA Vol 1, 16 2, 1971, pp ArR1F-*D6-fiT-2 S-94- 74 64 %A0 t" I V 0- $1 1 ki , I k% i Vo Is 13 V ~,g I 0 v .4 I 16 I Vol t i W4 I wy 1 " I \9 - 0 1 .01 1 14 'i I 0 ,4 Prodwo hv=roa$Dt WA Stonge AeUvity Do- Uiled, p, Mamd(me 10 PP- RuMal npt WE - T~ ~ov ~, mosem. 16 . Jan 1973s P 3- ims5ad? Apr 73 Mamedov, T.A. et al Lithofacies Features of the Danian Stage De- posits of Southern Caucasia and the Nature of the Contact with the Paleogene. IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED., nrl' GAZ, Vol. 15, 140. 7, PP.16-19. A.T.S. RO&G8 8q8 Mamedova, L.D. Paleobionomics of t4e Early and Middle Miocene i3asins of Northeast Azerbaidzhan. AZERB. NEFT. KHOZ. Vol. 52, 1972, No.7, pp.6- 8. A.T.S. ROOB 1015 15-Nov-74 Uncl (AD--77961.3) Radiation safety in the design and operation of high-power betatrons. MAMIN, E.B.; TERMAN, A.V.; CHISTOV9 E.D. Tran3lated by E. Weppner from Gig. Sanit.; No. 4, vp(Apr 1971). 8p. (FSTC-[IT--23-l790- 72). NTIS $4.00. NSA 0 13-Aug-7~ Uncl (A---C-tr---743i, pp 179-184) 4[IaRtltatiVe histological analysis of the !tction of gamma irradiation aRd cysteine or~ mouse testes. MA-M-INA, V.P. (IRst. of the Ecology of Plant s and Animals. !~-vW~rT-6-vsk, USSR). Translated from, P5diotiologiya: 13: I.o. 1, 131 135( 1 97~ ). I~SA 0 Iftw4ralm. L. AsmeoU 4nd Biologioal ?Amwerowts. Sote Ito. 2. MUOVZ ANUU MIUM R MrCRORTOMA, VOZ 22, No 6, 1971, pp a#.-M NX 73-14111-06B MAMkUs K.irA"" PC INFLOLNCL UF CHLMICAL LOMPUSITitiN AND TEMPERA lUkE ON OXYGEN SULUBILITY IN MULTI I /- . .,. ~ . - /- / I / I/ HUTNIK, NO 6, 1913, 267-70. 40 ~ ~. TC-H T-2 1-065 8- 14 lamut, Ye. Feasons for lAbor Turnover Fescribed. 6 pp KOVSKAYA 11APA, MOSCOW, 9 Wt 1973, p 2. JP,T,s 60891 WVov, N. nannbig &ployses Call for Work ImTwmemmt in nanrdng or~sattmso ? pp NARODNOYE KHOZUYSTVO LUSETANA, Alma-Atat Jar, 74, pp .56-62's ii-,Rs 62,457 Man, J. The effect of the microstructure on the embrittlement of low-carbon steel. Part II. San L, MATERIALY, 1972, pp 309-323, v. 10, n.4. VER VR/116/72. man,, :. The xffect Of the miamtrdeture an the RAbrittlemmt Of I&V-Cwbm Steel. Part 1. wm 11MM, V. IOP no 39 17M# Ps 261-M ~01 ~ b 1 '-5 1 ~~ZL ~Oah IDF Robabilitationz of 'Underprivileged y(j)uth Related# by Rafael man, 8 pp. F19BRFW,,- per, Bambanob t Tel Aviv., 13 DOO 72., pp 18-19. ommo - No- tTPRS 58512 , ol n il s (m ido ~,'ho 11.1ourt Nnrtial, by namo-lin! eh, 701 Aviv, 7 MP-r 7.3, ~~.ilitlary Courts, by flaftel )0-o' zmnhanoh, Tel Avlv, 1);. Mlar 73, J j Man., Rafael Guide for the Reserve Soldier,, 13 BOUJKNMI Tel Aviv, 11 Apr 73P PPP9-*7 JFH:5 JkIl 73 Pra-*Obilisation Eduoation Possibilities in MF by Wool man-* 7 pp. HEEM, per, BUNUnah, Tol Aviv, 23 MaY 73* pp 18-19. JPRS 59323 JkIn 73 Manabe, T. Study of ceramic coati a by plasma jet. 0 -MU ussult Of. 700 19670 P v0 Pe 1078-1032 NTC 73-11485-13H .11 1 " ..i ;.. /, .I.. , I Cata4sts for Hydrodesulfurization, by Kurita Manabu. JAPANESEq per, Catalyst, Vol 11, No 2, ig6g, lop 1-16. *NTIS TT 72-53040 MANAKOV. K. N. //POC!!VENNYE PFZIII'fY PA POLYAPNIO-1 SEVI-7.RF// - . / / 19 ~~ 9, V- - - - 11", - .. . ~ Water clution of inor~7,?.nic matter in the n orthern taign fom-sts of t~ie 'rola Peninsula pi) 104-117 NASA TT 7 1S~121#f! wArkmov, 56 //V&'-THIK 5VIAZI// ,,/,,,o/1974*V,a,,o,NO0099 pp 0032-0034 Ways for Waing lAbor Itoductivity in the Padio Industryo 8 pp ints 63651 -11 Manchav, Dimitur Rolling Stock Capaoity Reviewedo 7 pp. 1, MELEZOPUTETT TRA7TSPORT, T974, Pp bf,'-6-7- JPRS 63412 of Bulgarian Railways .1 Sofia, ~To a 7.. 8, 9, Dee 74 V; 6 - Metallurgical Properties of Iron-Ore Pellets, Hardc Without Firing by Treatment in AutwJvm, by V. G. Mar4d.nskii, et al. SrALI, 1972, No 9, pp 777-781. BfU710957 April 73 MANCIC. //VOJNOTEKHNICKI OLASNIK// ---/12/1971, V--- -. Tyne IIA2-T,10,5010 diesel electrical unit 8 T)p pp not aiven AR14/FSTC-IIT-23-1737-73 T)IST7RIBUT011 LIMITED US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ON LY 1,1 "1 : L,VXIC, WMCILO //VOJiNuTF.*l IN I CK I(IIASNIK// --f-411,11.1 , Diesel-Electric Power Unit Ha2-V.',;C-s S010. 13 pil I I ) A101/1-STC/Irf-23-0516-7Sf ~.Isnczallr, ~azimierz Control in T-Arge-Scale Systems, I )pp. I .~ R TT TOMATTrI T TFUNTICTIC-TIKI, Id'araaw, , , CT!r.-TTI IM A I I--- Tol 18, 76 2 1 lv,(3-14 P7 M--TST.~~ ,TP-Rs 61413 Apr 74 Mandai. S. Application of electroBtatics In the textile industry. SIN-1-GAKKAISHI, v. 23, p. S202-8211, Tfw~- NTC &B 73-10604-IIE may 73 NmWalyw. Kh. Experience in Establishment of Associations in Armenia Rolated. 5 PP .MMW-Nqgl AMM, Yerevan, No 12,1973, pp 41-43. ims 61587 Handel, A.B. - - Optimality Criteria in Problems of CurreTlIt planning of Petroleum Refining. I(HIM. TEKIINOL. TOPL. MASEL, Vol.1.6, No.11, pp.25-9, 1971. A.T.S RJ-5851 2-Jan-74 Unel (NP-ir--1949) Pattern of the nuclear electricity generating Industry In the 1970's and 1980's. MANDEL, H. Translated by G.H. Wheelhouse from Atomwirt.9 Atomtech.: 18t No. 1, 18-24(1973). 14p. Dep. NTIS (U.9. Sales Only) $3.00. 10B energy sources; 181 reactor economics; 18J reactor fuels; 18L reactors-power; translations MN-80 NP NSA Mandic , Miro Economic Aspects of Distribution of Petroleum Derivatives, 15 PP. TIAFTA, Zagreb, No 9, Sep 73v PP 489-497 7M-60314 Nov 73 ',, -Ihimitor Taw of ~'ea Conferonce, Sea itesources lAscussed, 6 I)P. ,v ; -. C) 10141,11~,, -,'Iralla, 'To 6, '!ov-i)oc 73, 7717T r)-171:17--- 7'~, ~)1835 Tltn '111 24-Jul-74 Oncl (AEC-tr--754M, pp 30-34) behavior of 2-amino-Az- th i a z0 i i re an d no-V-d ih,4dro-l , 3-tb i a z iiie i the ii) A mm a I i nn or q an j ~rrr .A N~Mr, I Y TARA SFNKrj A M_ FED OSEFV , V ",IN TS a URG, Z. 1 - ; NZ,,,~ ASO VA, 1 . V. (Moscow Stat(~ univ.). 1974. Translated from RadlabiologiVa: 14: No. 1 , 247-29( 1974 NSA 6 - J Li n - 74 jq" I (A t r- - 7,,4 9', , p p i-, .:?d,J i och roma tog r a prL i c i nv P I a ~; - t '- ~w ~- v p r -, i o f A F T , f-, J A PT i n I e mamma I i ir r n i s r. I iri i5olated turor coils, 3 n i , . a qu e ou , ', 0 u o n '5 . N. A N D? U C I N , A . : T P R A S F. N ~. 73 A . J 'J [K I? A -Q D V A , I . V . ~ I' E'D OSE E V , V . M . (Plo9cow State Univ. 11173. Iranslated frow Ridiobiologi~a; 16: No . 4 , ~,13- 111.5 A "':A':*"-,YCl;i. A. F. I rIPP.OT,OIr',IYA// I / i 1) ~~ r) , VO 0 "12 1! - - - - T,dIIucp.c-.- clf' flood wavrs. of mountain rivers T-)r. d-if ~- f" -1 1~ - t, 1 4 ? 7 ~ Tl S , TT 7 " - 5 11 A 5 -, 7"' MandxhgaUdxo,, R. M. Aotfon of Awleal amWwt& on offopring and deveZopmnt Of os=l charwUri8tim. WORM SAUK GRUMSKOI SSR, SOOBjTCZWZYA VoZ 65, So T," 1972, pp MEW NTC 7344443-06y, 14ANEA I GTIBORGHE I. HERA SOCIALISTA// -409/1971~pV ---- tTTOO18, pp 0038-0041 Current Situation of Fishbreading industry 6 pp. JpRs 63481 11 j"lanecke, G. Synthesis and semiconducting of some complexes, structure polymers Part 1. Honomeric 4 nitrile groups. .'-4kKR.O.NJUL"QLAjZL CHEMIE., NTC 73-12020-070. properties and of the porphyrazine- prepared from them. dithiolate complexes with 1968, pp 36-61, v. 116, ?,Avwlioo 0. B. Combwti4n lisohmtfew of Amwniwn and Hydmxme ScUff 9 OOREIM I VZM. 10?2,, ppo S&-57 Amlpl%YT-23-623-74 144ASM "0 //GaM= X VZhTV MtWZALY rMr#UOO vQwymxo;7i&Z Po aamm I mm. 5-10 orm 19"11 ,I*dhmim of the awkwtion of ammim old hM&MiSi4W 04ttO,, 9 pp;S#lw?d#o PP S3-S?aAZR1Pr"IQ3- MANENC, J. Influence of manganese on the hardening of martensitic steels of the "maraging" type, Conf.on Manganese, Paris, 1969. (CRL/T. 4000) I ~ . ( t ~ ~' -. I ~ Manesci), 'manca Tm-proved 'tandard of PROBVIUMF P130110MICF, 11 - TT) . .,ti 6o946 'TP 1 ~, Living 'Irged, 15 -PP., Richarest, ")eP 73, ,Tan '74 Pjanescu, Manea Present, Future Development of T'omania Discussed by Manescu, 32 pp. ERA SOCIALTSTA, Bucharest, No 160 Aug 74, pp 8-20. JT1RS 63201 'Tov 7) ! I . Manescui NicoUe Economde. Teabdosl Cooperation k1th Developing Countries Uscuased.~ 6 pp km,~ Buchareati No 43, 18 Oct 1973i PP 18-19,; JM 60656 ;AVI&Pfoh,q A. 1. Stability and weight optimixation of minforood spherlout ,shells under external proesure. 12 pp. PRrAUDNAYA MsAwnup Vol Pp No I# Aan 2973, pp 20-26 AIR17TD-RT-2&83&74 Manevich, L. I. Statistical properties of the load-carrying capacity of smooth cylindrical shells. 8 pp. PRO13LEMY HADEZHNOSTI V STROITEL'NOY MEKHANUM-, JUae 1968. pp 182-167 AIRIFTD-IIT-23-235-73 Yknevich. Ve Plmed Price Doterydnation Confridered Fasantial in SOCULlist Boonomr. 7 pp EMOMEMKIYE NAUKI, Moscow, No 3, 1974, PP 27-32.. JPRS 62851 ;,hnevich, le. L. L~Ioscow 5 4~ ymposiwr. ConsiOiqrs Usp of CF*!A Labor RGsonrces. 5 pp VNMAK AKAD~-Olj NAUK SS6P, AOSCOW, NO 3, 1973, PP 85-88- imis 59643 Mangbondo, Mokende Makanda Kabobt Institute Tries to Impart National Realities, 5 PP. 7 .AIRF, Finshasa, 26 Aug 74, pp 36, 37, 39P 40. Tffs-6 3116 ~TOV 74 Mal I ill i n pM. L. CUMPTES RENDUS AC NES SCIENCES, Vol 151, 1910 pp ~79-283 *NTIS-I'T-74-53117 Ma IN I VILD9 A. 4T, IA,V*cnm VOOR sac= =M==// ~;-/-A9T2jVM90jl-"-g The Med of Oisaw on the ftsical Waking Cqpwdty of Atb2stMp IV 441JMPM 7440#14W Afanita, M. D. Qwmtitative suromW dotervdnation of oxi&mts in the air. GIGIMA I SAMMY& Vol 38, No 3, 1973, pp M-80 NTC 73..14835-133 Ybetin in UFA Discusses Mtvddpal Serviees, by To. Mmlkop N. Utkinj 5 pp. RWSIANj, np, Pravda Moscow# 7 Apr 1973P p 3. ms 59178 Jm 73 Structural Materials for Fabrication of Ship Reactors and Steam Generators, by P, A. Apko 113 pp. KONSTRUKTIVNYYE NATERIALY DLYA IZGSTOVLENIYA SUDOVYIW REWORM PAROGENERATO v 1969, pp 31-570 59-1080 167-179, 187-195, 208-210. NAVY/NISC-Tr-3385 May 73 Mantkovskiy, V. Lagging Grain Elevator Construction. 6 pp SEL'SKAYA ZHIZN', Loscow, 7 Jul 74, p 2. JPRS 63031 IflIore Pxtersivo ",se of l4i~ed Trading Companies to "romote T~xportss, by !~Zicolae Manescu, 6 -op. RONVIIA7, ni. 3, Viata Fcononica, F~acharest, 2 Mar 73, Pn 1;- 10. os' -"abor ,-,esources under the Londitions oi an(! ieclviological 'devolution, by iuv~cti, 6 pp. -vL_ per. ~Joaccw, ~lo 3. -ar 1.973, pp 65-33. fjkiw 59000 --ay 73 Manfredo, Fernando Press Queries MWators on Banana Company Rogu- lations, 11 pp Uty Radio Libertad, Fanam, 2234 GMT, 5 Sep 74. JFRS 62999 '~.!,anll, ~Ivan Iltioc 7.1idlands, TTighlands Offer Great Potential Tlealth, 5 pp. f"T,,, r 'PTTIOM, , Tlanol, 29 'Mar 74, pp 4p 5. TPR~, 6197) .Tul W~ NQ*v V, V, An In"Itiptim at the bbawU(m of voter mucules Idth an S*rOsn mwfaon IW the PA MtMd Rom Asm Nm am j~ gam, vt 212v M 3p IMo VP- M-673 m Chr. Hoffrogge Und R. Mann An American Institute of Aeronautics and As- tronautics Paper No. A73-26103. MESSTECHNIK, No.1, 1973. WF-IILB-TR-1-74