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Maldy, J. W) I kb ((., Ud n Structure of the iron-iron oxide interface. Role of residual impurities. MEMOIRES SCIENTIFIQUES REV. METALLURG., LXII, No. , 1965, pp.379-398. BISI 9173 Meleshko, V. P. The System of Cbservations for the First WorlO- widG Garp experiment. 12 ppp Y-MOROU)GIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, 1-bacow, Uo 11. 1973, pp 108-U4. MRS 61249 mr,u,oj. C. 11JOURNAT, N" RIESI-JUI," ET DE PIIY,3IC.0-CiII&1rI-,, BrOLOCIQUE'll -1-11.973, v'0070,.V---, so(jilo firea: Flame tonveraturer, md ~-xt~nguiuhing rq~ 1216-133,s-o"TC 74-11573~070# Malets J. C. Sodium fires: Flame tiemperatures and extinguislAng. XURM DR CHDUI PHrSlqq. Vol 70, No 1, Jan 1973t PP M-133 c. z. Trans 6L>15 Maletskiy, Ve A# Six-Year Progmn to Reequip Petroleum Industry Reviewed. 6 pp, NEFTTANOU PAUXSTMO, z4oscow, Ro 6, 1974o pp 23-26. ipm 62676 Halevsidy Yu. N. Malevskiy et al Performance Reliability Calculation for a Mo- dular Solar Thermoelectric Generator. GELIOTLKHNIKA No - 1 ) 1971 pp 16-20. FSMHT-2F-_f~14-72 ACSI K-1984A I ~i ~~ ~1. - - -;, -, -7.~.~ ./ Maleov, AtSMS Work of Nov Medical AcadaM Described, '7 pp. ZDR&VM FRONT.- Sofias 7 APr 71, pp It 2. 7M .593te - Jul 73 flaUVev, P. I. Now types of OdIrosoopm 215 pp, SOME MY GZRWXOPOV. 1971,0 pp 1-160 ArAMMN28-S86-74 NKUMS T. 116 - I U-14 - aft%do in "Mma - . -I- at amidw I ku AM= a VdLo 2090 low % JWUP AMP W wmg- a 14aloyev" ye. F. Now data on voZoanism in the aimroarpathim maion of the Vk2k?iw DOWDY AKAXAMI NAUK SMR. SAM SCUNCS, vol. 207,0 no. 6,, pp. 77 ==4423 AGI MAMPs J. -Pt ArAlog cowtim end dhadeld 4091"Wrimt Pkirt Mo Romt pmps" to walm ad aritbmetlal evowing. Itamtt" compitim. bfwid cmWatbw " com 1 1, ~- - yj f LM 9 Y. 96, n. 11, IWo PP. 55-101 WC 73-13148-MA C 0 -A-, -io (,:,rcl.t~,, -T'roquzionc I" 'Il"I' 7 YAllch, miloslav GOVMDIW USE ONLY Ylodem Cn-Site Fadlo Comnwdeations Device for Construction Projects. 9 pp L No 10, Oct 19?3, PP 310- POZIMI STAVBY, . I 312- JMS/L 4747 P1411covsky, Rud*3Lr CS Inveotxftt ConstructLon Over 25 Yeava of Nationalization,, 10 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY INMTICNI VYSTAVRk, Pmgue, No 6, Jun 73, " JPRS/L 4671 A f~ 4- ? 'A MALIJEAN. M. //REVUE GENERALE DE THERMIQUE// --/--/1972, V0011, N0130 Measurement and analysis of the temperatures and beat flow on boiler tubes interided to limit tbermal stresses pp 951-963 C. E. Trans 6501## Cracl-clot-n-i on. tjiolators Tiall-4 iirder I-Iay~ 'ry RaJo., A'~APIM, -Yo, al-Ald,.bar, .-rp~.s 59201 of Air- ~&. ic" (~ 'Abd-c.7%-:'-ta1A -1 '' - ~l .,n C'alrc, 17 .'~, 2, ~ -1 1 Air, 7-1 MiUkov., 9. V. Stu* of qw-distribution unit of mWning shaft fuman on apro4y"Wie MO&Z. 9 pp. SWRNIK MAX19M TRUDOV4 VMSO.YUMYY NAMINO-ISSLE- DOVA2VZr3Kry ZNB?rm -Wwrrl~ M~ IMT&WORT. rAMV Z MMWMM SrALr ~M~WZX~A MmTyff, V, No 251, 39700 pp 304-309 AIRIFTD-RT-23-388-74 Malikov, L.L. Determination of the optimum numbers of melts in converter shop hot metal batches IZV. VUZ CHERN. MET., 1972, No. 12, pp. 165-9 MST 11329 June 73 Malikov, V. The rocket and the Nuclear explosion. 12 pp. FIZIKA V BOYU, 1967, pp 37-47 AIR/FTD-MT-24-335-73 Malin, B. V. Semiconductor integrated circuits of con- verters of nonelectric values into elect- rical. 18 pp. IZVESTITA VTSSHIKH UC,HENYKH ZAVEDENIT. RADIOELECTRONIKA. Vol. 14, No. 11, 1971t pp. 1319-1329 AIR/FTD-MT-24-1797-72 Malinichav, G., J%rnational Wr 'PodshiPnid-706 TLWII(A I NAgM. I-Mcaw. No 5, ~%Y 74t PP 42-k41- JPRs 62730 WON, A. A. TA MIWW/ //7-d~IUT73., V009 #1W10 # p Vibrations and Stability of with Discrete Inclusionsgand pp 29-34 RTC 74-io868.2ow 8helU of Ravolutlen Holes, ~~a ~, I,) ~~, / ~ (; (~ Chief of Paumokoport Trade A"oolation Inter- viove4. by A. A. MaLbAn. 5 pi?. RUMM # pars ]AtL%11=n gumup mmem, 18 Apr 1973, P 1~- JPRS 59230 Jme 73 Winin, 1. Do Study of Orpnization of a Flier's Attention During inatment Flight, 6 pp OMEKa A-BIOL031YA I &V"QXICHESKAYA 11 , Moscow, Val 8, No 2, Mar- 1974, pp p im 62o82 MALIMN, L. K. Hme FmWe aDd Actual Paths of Fish in the River Pool of the RybAwk Reservoir MADHYA W M. INSTIM BIOLOGII MMMI VOD. TRUDY, vol. 22, no. 29, pp. 1S8-166, 1971 NX C-118P March 63 ~ Alinin I F. 1; . i,enin's 106as on the irreconcilability of socialist and !jourgeois Ideology. I I pp lzoscva, lio 4, -72, 1 ~Yy WAL , i NAUM 1973, pp 64 tMu") 60413 Production Collective and Dikor Discipline., by V., Mnlinin$ 7 pp. ~ U, SIAN,, n , Fkonordche.,,qk~,kya Gazetal Moscow, lio 17, Anr 1-73# P X. jn~: 59026 Mv 73 MALINOVSKIY. B. N. /NPRAWAYUSHCHIYE SISTEMY I MASHINY KIBERNETICHESKIY'TSENTRA UKRSSR (KIEV)// --/--/1974, V0001, N0002 The procedure for selection-of operational and the memory units of a bini TsVH at the system and algoritbiic stages of design 24 pp pp 116-125, March April 1974 AIR/FTD-MT- 24-1168--74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U,S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY: COPYRIGHT iNro"AMATION: OTHER REQUEST MUST BE WERRED TO T"## 14Rlinovskiyo Go MaracterisUcs of Local Ware In National Ubeir- ation Xavmmt Zone Dosedbed. 10 pp VOYEN&:ISTORICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Fbecow, ligy 74, pp 91-98. JPRS 62522 mmmmmo lit Go /Mmm -- - v mmm- xM, ==/I -/-Aq73ov---jmom,w 1"Istift the PRO* "a Houtbows"m virm fm the Almlate of Artiftel&Uy Tuf4ww a4maift Bulls. i cc k so. It PP "alk 711-MO-OM mmmml 7E. HSTammlim x DamHffm mHmyll "/--/1q71oV-vNOOIOs Stobtlity of Motion of a Wheeled Vehicle with ArticuUted Pram,, 10 pp. pp 21-24,Acsr x-2264,FSTC-HT-23-i6Tr-7m MALINUWSKii K.1 PC COMPUTER DISPLAYS I --b ,,~ ~,- k ''. / " MLODY Ir"_'CHNIK, #b1 1973P PG. 43-55 F-)-[C-HT-23-0717-14 Malinowski, Tadeusz Alpine Parachuting Contest 10 PP SKRZYDLATA POLSKA, No 47, 1970 FSTC-IIT-23-2-72 DISTRIBUTION MITED TO U.So GOVT AGENCIES .1 v; kc, v Specifications of Phonetic Interpret&- tion and Storable Description of the Speech Element. Study of the Mechanism of Intensity Regulation of Voiced Goneonantej by To Go Malinnikova. RUSSUNp per# Inglynif o~ ppeeoh SWO& With Xan, 1971, pp 193-201. NTO 72-11305-03J June 72 Malinochka, Ya. N. et al Treatment of Basic Oxygen Steel with Synthetic Slag in the Lddle. METALLURG. i GORNORUDN. PROM., Vol.14, No. 1, pp.10-12, 1973. HB 9059 Malinovsks. E. The automatic submerged-are welding of the pipe- line for the transport of natural gas from the USSR to Euroue. ZVARAME. Vol. 21, n. 3, 1972. p. 73-78 VER VR52/72 0, tromidng New Sorghm 4bride for Northem Cawasums, bgr S, M&UnovWdyt 5 PP& RMIMO np, ~bscow, 17 lar 1973, p 2. i in 58749 APr 73 Malinovskii, E.I. et al Structural Steel Quality Resulting from the Use of Silicon-Containing Discarda in the Char ge. STAL, 1973, No.9, pp.808-809. ffff 12017 MalinowsTA, Ludwl.k Polish Author Criticizes Mao Tse-Tung and maoism, 11~ pp. WALKA MLODYCH, !4arsaw, No 2, 13 Jan 74, P 4. .TIP13,9 61415-- (~T)r 74 nags"$ is oootm.lbuu um 7 0 mlm~ fm .10 :L*O, f ~ Iwo IZT-I" VC rAA32,M NUMMs X& A* IA-W"Pmw-m W- Bow/ ;;-I-Agmj,v-jmno 2"dodsm of bdo famutwo of shwal-sUd4m *Mae aus, Pf 97-3laRC 74-10MI-ObW ,Irodnction, TISO of -adinactivo 'Phosphonw, T) P . ll~ I T.- Pirana, To 1974) pp 217 D PRS 3233 I,taljean, 14. Measurement and analysis of temperatures and heat fluxes on boiler tubes with a view to limiting thermal stresses PAPER PRESENTED TO 8TH 111TER11010NAL FLAME COHF~WjCE, P , 21 Apr. 1972, Uiq~st, Vo-r-'Fj W P C.E. Trans 6099 may 73 Ma3bevich, M. S. lq.~ ) ff Optleal IMStIptims of the Atmwrbft-* frm SoUllutes OFIRMSM USMOOTMtru Ammm. . so OPMMNLIL OW. wumpr,,., 197,, PP- 2-3D3 OIWCW PM150186 Malkovich, H. S. EntInatiou of the Atusopbcrlc Effeas In the Problem of the CAsaIc Study of the Natural Room ress of the Earth by Raisslon Measurements from the "Kosows Satellites". OTSMA ROLI AMIM V ZADACHI IZW=M PRIWWKEI USURSOV ZMCI IZ ZOSMSA PO UMBUNUM ISLE-MIYA, SO SPUTNIKOV 11 XOSMOSIO, Feb. 12-17, 1973, 32 pp. I NASA Tr F &4,977 ftalkavicht V* Sovist Foreign Trade and Toohnima Progress Uscussed, 5 pp BONOYaCWR.&AM 2AMU, MOSCOwp tio 281 Jul ?4s p 21, JPRS 62718 Malkin, A.L. Empirical Formula For Determining The Ratio Of Average Pressure In A Gas Pool To Boundary Pressure. GAZOV. DELO,, 1972, No.7, pp. 8-10. K.T.S. RO&GB 1045 3 1 -M 7 4 t i-71i ~~'7 1 -277 kioluqical effects, of i n ~i - r,, I i Ir iIm I i r. a I i It a In, i -I i s t r a t i oii o f n t - t i p r D t v; tiv r, t MA Lt, I IJ P . M . ; 1.' 1~; " .~'[, 17 ~: T -, i I a t e . I f r o p p 17 q - 1 S ',i ) C 13.1 t c l r~ D-1 ~ :1 ~y 9 t v i y e v n e h n i kh i vrut r~nr. ikh v r i I i , t ii , Mo Merlit-ina, I '~ 72 Malkin* Ve Bs Changes in the E2eArourdiogram During Aoute gypoxIA and Thoir SiUdficanes, 10 pp USHICIMUTA 40_LWI7A 1 AVIAKaMCEL-SKAYA 31U, Moscow, Vol 8, No 2, ftr-Apr 1974, pp 54-61. JpBs 62082 Malkin, V.I. Raising the resistance to stress corrosion of high-strength carbon steel by meams of iron deposit. ZAS11CITA METALLURG. 1972, Vol. No.0, pp.691-3. VISI 11728 24-Jul-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7548, pp 114-120) Transport and metabal igm of cesium and potassium. MALK I N A, R L~_. , OTLYGIN, V.A. (Inst. of Biophysicg, Moscow). 104. Translated from Radiabiologiya; 14: No. lt 92-15(1974). NSA I* motIldn p L* Sho DrjtW of Fafrlg*nmt " vith Synth6tir 7A*Utos MM 11210im 11* ...- ~=Rw- st 100 P. 12-16 WT W.W-4~ i-Allcov, A. Importance of Fwal i-arket Grawing,. 6 PP PLANUVWE MWAYSTV0, ~~Oscml, No 7, JulY 1973, pp 142-145- HiRS 59()6o MAL#WVI D. A. /)Uwm- Axam z= smj um conwz// ;:-/-A974#v=svms Mrom SplwlUds ox Udcaton of the Promemi of Diammb in Y*Alm limberUtep PP 1176-n79vAM t'~PLKOV- M. //\IOPSKOY SBOPNIK// - - / - - /1971 . V-- --- , TjOr"99 I 1;on:t rcvici-7 the functions i mprove the training, T,p 35-36 NAV?NISC/ONI/ffT--30 27-75C)l ITALKOV, M.A. //NAI)CHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIY INSTITUT ANTIBIOTI- KOV. MATERIALY 2-Y KONFERENTSTI MOLODYKH KUM- YM LENINGRADSKOGO INSTITUTA ANTIBIOTIKOV// 4-5/06/1964,V----,N----, Comparison of different variants of the colorit" inetric method for determining RNA and DNA in the Mycelium of Pen. Nl~*,grlcans Thom,,4pp pp 49-52,AIRIFTD=Hf--2j-96q-740(l mmitkov, V, Coments an Toaching of Social Sciences to MM.- tary Fmonnale 3 pp mwmu zv_u , Moscowp 12 Apr 1974p p 2* A JM 62000 "a 1.1 a- 'Y' "~Iwoyl Tnt.erviow ''ith Almod Ren ',alah, 6. mn. Lisa' WILV AP:'T If -'-A'~Ti l PnrI3, ?l Jan 7)~., pp 12-16. .7 ..Z ..T~ W, '7 1 T Ll I .,l r"! I malso 0. J. fttbo"jawafil down in bed rwt P . "my = . ammm I-eq. BE ma W, VP. ffiwi TT 7 1%39 U09% T~u Q* A pndbb -,&" at 10 at *dm ft a* fu tae-or -a* am IOW -, ,.ii-, "- " ~ MM IIA .--,W, ~~ ~ ~~ - A-,.. .', F .. .'l ~ - -IL. - I ~, Imm; jW3vp"4x#-,w -JP -~ ~-IV~TLW" IIALMEYSTLR~ A. K. IISOPROTIVLENIYE ~11LSTKIKH POLIMERNYM MATERIALOV, 2nd EDITION, REVISED AND EXPANDED// --/--/1972, V---- jN ----, The strength of rigid polymer materials, 486 pp pp 1-498, AIR1FTD/'r1t-24-475--74~~ Ist IV ------ Successur the Survey I)Atcry-Thc htellijoix~',' jlu pi) Encl. M 0 "92 OU13 73 [ASTIUBLi'lloN LIP-111TIA) TO WVT AGENCIL~ ONLY#l work of ktrty Xonth Organizaticts lkmieweds by Ijddgpo__A*j!4~.e"a. Ltdo Orlando Doodagom. 5 A). SEANISH, np, BAVMs 3 APr 110t p 2. JPRS 3W AY 73 '!ALOF.ri,qEi/,,ll. ,,'AU.V,:.'.K,')LOCIA POLSKA11 73, VOO 4 4.0 -~W C.~'J'(,Ctl 0"' 11f) j))'0St(l(7ZMIdin on 'd "lectrobioZogi.caL phenomona in t;ie boo~ated tat . ~y 0l e t n'* lv!~, ,pp 1"Milve M. IlGrIfIrOLOGN POLSI(All -1-11972,VO43,NOII, Effoot of prosttVlm&n AR(PGAJ) on the oontravOlity of the mt nWom*Wum. pp 1289-12#40sre 74-10220480 WOWIM 11. Electronics in the Anti-Air Defense System :17 pp. VAZDUHOPLOM GLAMR, Vol, 15. No. 6, 1958, pp. 719-728 AIR/FTD IHC-23-0625-72 _~ricc ,.',ontrol -Koasurcs Analyzed, by Antoine por, j~~,tw~ba, ]~,,razzavillo 28 Apr-" May %loVO A. F. mon pm-=ial foewing of beam of Aarged Wtieteft in the medimt plass of ms awleymotrie maretid fietif for an arbitrary Pangs of *triatims of partiete nma" DOKLADY AKADENrl NAUX SSSR, SOVM7 IVYSZCSL V' 2"NO W. 3,0 1973j, pp. 556-569 AIP MaIM, R. V. lVdw* Me toclaity of dimiret eAmet by modijIting "ration. AVtMMZLNAYA (r TMXIMAYA) PRWSHLSINWT No ?a BE, P. 5-6 YM 7343207-219 'ZLJOI! , .1 . 1: . Acc-Ac-rat(,0 ;-Irplication of 'o'cicatif.1c ltotm~ss hi Induntry i'lannc(l., 5 pf) i,ioscaw, Ib3~, AW, 197.3, P, 10. 60017 M4LUV I V. v ., i~b )4L) I (jAA f jo;~4 1 N Pk I N I I Nu NEL~ A f I VL: S Ov VAf~Y IN G 0 t p4s 11 y MA f . o I h Zu I j . INA Uk. I I. - -'il- I LU. KUNF . . .( Ij-17 ~L p I. L'PjA I I I~KV I >Kt ' Ubt 5J F ') f(I-H 1 -1-13-17 ~)4_ 7-) Malovitskiy, Ya. P. The Arkhangel'skiy submarine ridge in the Black Sea DOKLADY AKADEMII 14AUK SSSR, EARTH SCIENCES, 9ECTION) Vol. 208, no. 3, 1973, pp. 679-792 AGI IIIIIEtItarp, Allan 1-1. Review of Polish-Panish Trade 7-Toted, 13 PP- I EPTIML -,ACjMTTIU'T7, Ularsaw, 1973, pp 2-3. PM) 61172 An, r 7~ 1 M~v K. ip ol, I R Andids of MoMdtfM IS TWI am= I Irlpism To 900 lop pe 636mw NO Maltese, P. Liquid-Vapor equilibrium in the system hydrogen chloride-1,2-Dichloroethane. CHIMICA E LITNIDUSTRIA, v. 46, p. 1317-1321 1964. NTC 73-11058-07D 27-Jun-73 Uncl (GST-tr--72/15) Remote control system for an ton source at the preJnjector of the LINAC 1 100. MALTSEV, (GESELLSCHArT FUER SCHWERIONENFORSCRUNG, bWk~~TADT (WEST GERMANY)). Jul 1972. Translation of. (INZH- tl-62). 8p. INIS. NSA 0 Maltaw, I. G. Pam mipp4 system for the prainjector of the 1-100 1i Aftelentor. USSR. GOSUDARSTVESM KOMET PC) ISPOLZOVA= MWFI WE-H-GII. INST-M MW WSOKM MWIL IM. NTC 73-10583-2DG my b MAL'TSEV, N. //5a'SKOYE, STROITELISTVO// --/-/1974,v---,No(ll, pp 0004-0006 Construction Tasks in Lon-Black Soil Regions 8 pp jpps 63819 I-Alltsev, li. Agricultuml Constructions in 1974. 7 pp SaISILOIL ~;LWITki'STV0, Moscow, No 1, Jan 1974, PP 1-3 - JPF.S 611+31 Malltsev, V.N. Toxic Effects of Bacterial Endotoxins on Or- ganisms. ZHURNAL HUROBIOLOGII, EPIVIAOLOGII I IMFIUNO- J , No. 8, 1968, pp.37-42. fffC'--ff'f '2 3 - I S S 6 - 7 1 MAUTSEV. V. V. //IiNOGOUSTOYCIIIVYYE ELEVIENTY I IKH PRIMENEIIIYE) SBORMIK STATEY,// -4-41971. V----,N ----S Possibilities for the construction of various types of multi-value addersfrom mixers, swithche and spectrotrons, 6 pp, pp 289-295, AIR/PTD/HT-23-1023-74@@ malltsev, U. Training and Wucstion of Soviet Serwicem Dimussed. U pp jgWIST Lqqmmmm UL, MOSCOW, NO 80 Apr 1974, pp 9-16. ipm 62-133 MLPMVAt rP. 1187MMMAYA Aff"AffrU r )WCW SOORUSHWZY11 -1-129710 V.,moooss Nonlinoar evoillatim of a &.ohftwd objeet durtmig rmdom &tea* *ffeeft# 14 pps pp 48-53,0 ArRIPM-W-23-2049440f NAMMAs X. N. IAMKM- I SAWAUW/ "/-/lMvVW3SvROM* tmPludlon of mwU nwmts of t1talm and TFx in bidooma WMA&I in the pmeaft Or * rwe wxft slamostop 31bp Tap All 8102 ad a mabor of otbw alopfatus, Vp 6T-69,wc 74-lo282-o7m Malltseva, V.P. Investigation of the Elongation of Polarized 'Wire in the Presence of AZO Compounds. FIZ. KHIM- MEKH- MAT., Vol.9, 1973, No.5, pp. 107-108. H3 XXXXX 9271 StuUes an TWIstso $=e CoLluloom in Tablets vith VWM24 FAdial Strength. on N7, 17s pp 236-240.WZC 74-108V*-0660 Maly, V. Physico-Chemical Conditions of Some Reactions In C-H Ironmaking Process. HUTNICKE LISTY, 1972, No.12, pp.833-837. BISI 11388 HLIyarav, 14. Prosecutor BlAmea aficials For Boonomic Luses, 5 pp QEU~jj, i-lioscow, 31 Jun 74, p 5. jas 62-895 mtlygin I A. Centml Asion Cma CmatrucUon Reportede 5 pp Q-OIAS RODY.1, mloscowt, 31 Apr 19?4, P 3. JM 62409 Malyeglin, A.M. Cimni,cs in deart kate and Hood prcs,,ure During Prolonged Cranio-Cerebral 4 '1, ~ ilypothermia GICOESKIYU NAUKIN, 18 1 OIX, No 5, 1971, pp 36-41 OAC,')i-K-4749 H 0,-d a T. 1. ftMUt,i loo a 4 Rod ft lowtw=l 311 - A Dmw sm m 0=4 gm ME Vd, M w. 4# F*rMyv WMp JF, 797-M Malykh. V 0 Successes of Chemical Fiber symposium Outlined.. 5 PP KOUCWKIL, VOLOKNA, Floscowp No 4, Jul-Aug 74, pp 78-79. JPRS 63077 MALYSHEV, A., # RU MATCHINU UF OUTPUT PARAMETERS OF RADIOISOTOPE 1HERMUELELUIC GLNERAlOkS RADIATSIUNNAYA TEKHNIKA9#6/171(TRUDY VNIIRADI ATbIONN. TEKHNIKA)158-163 ~STL-HT-23-0209-75 k*lyshev, K. At. ftBe Work Pardoning of kutenitie Steel& 7 pp VURO-PROmylys NEUMNU9 Smy., Moscow, 1973, pp 3-12. ins 6105 Mayshev, G I. Transmission of *droacoustic Information Under the Conditions of Iftatibeam Propagation. 7 PP MISY L~M TWIUY VSLSOYMNOY 5HKlLY-�Rff-?lAM PO STATI�jjCMESKOY-QIP"U5Tl-a, Moscow, 1M. pp 109-U6. jpRs 62571 Malyshev, S.I. AKADBMIA NAUK SSSRI Vol 43s 1951s pp 83-114 *NTIS-TT-74-S3290 Malyshev, S,I, IZVESTIA AKAD. NAUX SSSR (DIOLOGY)o Vol. lp 11947 pp 53-74 *NTIS-TT-74-53301