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~i il 4 Mallofto 4puast by A.,, A - M:WLWIGV R * I ohd4 a*r,. OD op U 0 64.t pp jMik-t 04 ~ ~10~ ~ livo ~l 4r~ Ko pmt. 4.1 IV, 1.6 of Cj`;e!,[lu!AL:.i -,kov, 20 RUIS61 sc i- ljov flan-Operator a iabit of Traci init Pbv~tg 'PmrL,-,$tq tq G. V. Sukbokollskiy, 10 Pell :,roblew Omhchwv i lnzlmempy L4 IT~igq. aborY4686_6__~~ 6- ,pr 6!!l f~!obleiiWof!: Ivirift cation of HeaV Water by the bn D;6,10ge by Lin Flon-14ran, Dya 3hy..,nung, 16 JIUS.W14,.rA IIft 1(m 02hiffv( zh,10 V, I IT 1 2 a 1964. P5D6 Dept'oflavy CINI Tr No 2Y.43. Oct Ivanov, K. 1. THE DIROON 0 .TH E INITIAL ACTION OF MLECULA ,OXY ~N ON HYDROCARBONS Or VARIOUS STRUCTURES IN THE LIQL70 PHASE. 196 2112 Qrdur fr b 613 $ll An- HINW Trano. of nwoo. Pri blemy Okisk-alya Uglevodorov [Problam~ oTthL Ox dation of Cartms, Moscow 11954. P. 12.4. 1 : 1i, ~ I ' I I L)ESCRIFYIYJ Ls: 'Oxilgen, Oxidation, Hydrocarbons Liquids. 62-12673 1. Ivanov, K. 1. 11. Title: Problt~ms Ill. Title; All-Union Conf,rence on Probims of tht. Oxida- tion of llydrocnrbms IV. ATS-~ iN5811 V. Ansociatud Tcchnical Scrvictf;, inc., Last Orange. N. (Chcrni86Y_1_0rp,ijt:, TT, v. H, no. k 62-12675 Ivanovi K Q,I so ilL, V. K. , and ' y V. zhahovst'~ PERo)abE' ;fORMI� WRING AUTOXIDATION OF 1 .lvanav, K. I. 11- Sayinova, V. K. CERTAIN KIX&NE~ W CYCLOALKANES. [1%21 111- Zhakhovskeya. V. P. 17p. '~ i : ' IV. 'ntle: Problems ' order fron S $26 ATS-34145811 V . Title: All-Union CAxifer- ence on Problems of the Trans, of no 0 cmy Okislenlya Uglavodorov IZ Oxidation o( Hydro- [Probl'm$ it; Oil tion of Carbons, Moscow) 1954, ' ~ carbons : 11 ' p. 124-09, ~ V1. NTS-34N58R 4 V11. Associated Technicsi 01irif kibn, *Peroxides. Hydrocarbons. DHSCRIPTORIS: Services, Inc., Fast Orange, N. J. (Chematr~t--~Orgajsi TT, Y, 8, no. 5) Kamneva, 1, A. 'AN INVFS-I~,ICWI0W ~OF TETRAL 'IN Order frwi~ Cf'!; Trans. cd Problems )'p I DESCRIFT-614 Peroxides, k(Al (Chetnjstry~-- and A. 1. linin, L Ji '114E 0XIDA110N PRODUCT14 ' ll'I'S'l9p 6refs. or M I'. 10 62-iS759 of Carlms, Moncowl 195 4. ones, *Terralin, *0xidation, H, Ki-tones, Carbn-xvIlc wldq. V. 9. no. 10) 62-1875q 1. Kamneva, A. 11, 'Wniin, L. % Ill. Title: Probler office of jt:hnic~,l strif-t, /C: (;m the F-roblem of Acute Hylothermia, by aarli RUSSTI roblemy ostroy Gipotel-Irdy, "'Ciscol.", 1~570111 F DD 3 "D 87 I J! Thiu,~ of Acute Hypotherinia, by P. 14. st ,I Ov Rd:)C IAN j~ Problenly ostroi gipoterniii, R~llp iz .11957 *Pargamon Irist I bleh of Pat'hogenesis and Imunoloj~Zr in Ya 1grialit Tumors, Collected works of L. A. Zillber edited by G. V. Vygodchibzov. [ k I. - Pe t- JR~ Le 14t amd j b1c, Problemy og- Medgiz, Mo 1,5, 5,C1, 268 pp. .......... .. .. A nalyz j I :$ Of i Coa,,iuni.C:ELticni3, by V, A. GannaWn !lit 5- 9 65 M- C, c A ug Dvirl :-ji; I a. I I llf.~ 41 ------ - --- ii,..xty,by r0. B, tebedev.. T, ;1, pp FU$,ST '119 p9-6 Problf-V Ffiredachi Infox-nntfAl No 2,, *5 -9 J416 359p, Sci 11jisc infonut-lon Transmission Wo, st i- 1~ P-mu--zp - wr pp. TIV ~~M:l Mj~ ~Icj; F,~rgoj,~M Feredmd3~. 1(61 96'j~~ -ie Process of Selectin- t.")e inimrr, Mechani,i; ii~td on t$1 L; Int-I "Iedliate Relays, by jr. Dimber of La, 14. 1,;0 ~U,SSM~ I ~,bbl e,,ny Peredachi lc)6o~ Ir') 4 - '90P7 I DS7- 7( Mar 62 H I H~ I constrmum or cmtact, tw thoa qt by Vs~~ IP41 nWd,, 22 pp. bli voi Vol: ViTivoll"i I)C-6( )701 w of Desieniiw, a CoutAtetleso Machine illCr,,:Oe Synthesis ce Switahing Circuits.. 1,7 0. A. Ogmovt et alt 31 pp. M.3=p blix, rpobleq Peretiact-, Informtsil,, v0 1963j~' pp dil t'b-- Gmtnot, Cow-le4V Of Boodecm Furactions,; b~lf A. J',, ft-15kanael'abVap V. G. Dazzxv-,, ct al,. rjp bko Pi SIM Y= FrobloW Peredoqh 62 h' Ito (DC,6670,) cc the Comlexity Of IN dim.- dt: by Chng Tmua-liana., 44 pli. Pftvdmhi Won3atai pp (DC-66,10) Lt b.Ul 017cults HIM FvIT =,,trIc Pmc-U'-i=s 04'Plued XAGjqj. by T. L. M"Yatrova; 29 pp, Tm~ t$ Rwob3AW Pe=dacld Wormtsii., JM 13461 SOL Ctrm AP!L" I(e 11 ~.Upc Oil t t' Ordinary Ste.-J), Iosition o .1 Flows~ lklith -1, Limited Aftereffect, by N. P las I e31ilkD ~ 6 pp Russrl~ol'~ pe:11, Problemy Perodachi Informatsii- DID 9 v-161j 7042, 968002.1 FTD-TT-62-1383 Apr 63 Imu of Mdtichassmal Comiamictitiaras, Prck 11 All ~Rkhoalu, 27 pp" p S-23. MtD.TT-62-386 sdt 2n gv neir. (6 -the (;6'01 l6try, I df Roalun grunctions vild Self- corra-~M,I-pg C: liew PrOTO tho Point of Vier 01'1~ %-tCo Hrlan~,c;q~ Pra G, Dr. Povarcup G p-P. Prdj)IO)q- p". Wighl Z'U pap jfift Big No 100, ITP, r-TT42-W thle 4 ctastTuction of Bonbinary Error-Correcting Codivili ~mnd the Bound of tht) Namber of Signals in 1,110141~ by V,, ". Outianul. 9 pp, tusl.: No porp. PrOble 1~10 ptil 19,610 OPT 48, 9678?,1.14 ~ FTD-TT-52-836 1DDTIFI~1&41TION OF SPATIAL OBJECTS, BY C v0 4 Fkl 13 PP RU: AIIj[ PERpIeROBLEMY PEREDACHI INFOPHATS11i N ta t~'l 19'61-) pp 49-560 FTD-TT-62,-750 Sol PHYS JOL102 11 2o4,44o Sygrems With 266p2O2 Tr a sliSlli n of Infornation With Additional Noise) by ib 1. tbbrushin, B. S* TaybE&ov V5- ws~l r oblemy Peredachi ZformJ',,fii, "' i6~, !10 J.41 19(1~, pp 21-42. J6 S/IX,-1Q,)58/3j.-,ecia!. Sci Eled 110V 14 of Coy 'm "~ij ov 15P U63P Mi 7-, -71 Wo' US kit (i, 13L of [a Pattern Recognition Method I .146t"nic computer, by IM. LindIv, per'. Probigm !!!reCUk&hi 0 n 0 No 16, '1964, pi, 48-56. -332 Oct Eloc bigr 1.6 ~67. al)ili io si,15 y N, A* Ayngorn, r2kcodi'ag of Internal states of by E, B, YerWiov. 25 pp. M* a~R. iftiatut Problem sii. Problem Peredechi Mor 0 ~Alli IV04& Pp JLf-/Vw ~)Ystcll.,L5 01, )r by OyfaCIM-Wip JA -~Cro llxoblo~g uiii A 17* 19640 ,!7 3: i -7, Sai Jo ,TLLL by V, Krikounov, 7 PP. il ftobleaW Perakhvatda Nezhkontinental- c. em'T iAr tlll'lidgi 1 XnC F-TS-9210/V Les fldtic* Acid i*eterla on B. Botulinus and on lactiq,&14 SO.If Food Products., by E. V. lot(~~Iio S. V. MwbOt&revpk,. Full *DO4!tion. Mimi -X4q7 PURRUIP UMs No 3.9 1938o pp 132439t~~ MC, Tr 147.5 Scientlrl:lc Sioloal moicinev (1-hemistryo lactic mcId, botullnual 1.=jpnesjr,.. coy f 53 CM/J= It. n, A dtj Pidb.Unu, PlwieUmuoy I ~Illlltj w1ai, Efft'i'la ivem .111B of' L13c, Ralleving of.- ce c I E.'a Mtlrl-:~U Mu%--r OZ W:5 j, Iwotahem)., by It. D,, -,Md I AnArm, hlnc t P,, E Mb NO A-TIC VCT-504/1 Bet I lo,.- n coo, Stl~to of (W.ClilatiGn 'Plethods of treh of Nwhioe Mwbta Couatx,-,wtionsl~ M IL rhberg. ~V AN$ lVobloW fTocimostol v hwh, Of ATIC K%-504/1 1, 59 ~ 609 lng~ ~ho Yield PoInt Diwive em ltqmt ~s 19*0 IT 89-95, Me )Mop 504/1 i5!~ 6oB jir-3rital Verificatim of -t.,-te supo,,- PO it# ~ Yethod for Solving 8txess Conm-;,- Problems ;tlo~ tV 0. 1. Shlaborins. Iff., Problemy Proc.1mostl v At r4 47,r4 .1. ~ 3 3349 ot tr6udo ',=d Concentradon of tri Aes W.10i z,the Applicadon of r by N PrigorqvWdy, ~n,y I GO T USE ONLY u I Piodmo v A 1 0 1 1062a,!pp 56-68. 9692355 b 1 1~147:1 A'. hys 'a 61. 256s,987 Proi~b)l of~~he Psycholo of SP:)rts, by P. A. I gy Rude H? bil ','Problewye Psikhologi Sporta. *CB per memo 18 Apr 62 Sci ted tal PoyabologLa4 ftWy of SkMed hi,UGD Or.thO Wntr*logroph, by Ya. 40 a w9 60 ~ PX0142 ma!2~1219A W. POO 254-MOO 2B4,*OD1 GsylubticLi., by N. P. I elirlp Flad I sts ionr n; G e roli m$ 0~ 1.4mlittiml Saffity in Spa" li ~jjl Physical and Biological studios I t3i li tjk-~Onorjw Protons, by W;, ElpobAevy Rwuatsiolv= BcZO- :as -Matov.0 Pitichesl'. osl*24 Oki" 0 3,~Ogil JlOS 0 vanix a- S ss I las cm. .2~0t, 1wd E0. h kh Enargy 1964 0- V MA AA 7*, IF Ferrow metailurgy iu But ot Leke UJJva., by G. I. it- )I&ArOv,, DO MY - Iilk,, Problemy ftzvlti;Vm Mernoy VIIRW~M~ VostopiMeyt Oz. Baik&Lj JPRB 10593 en I Oblacti, LV -obl+sa T liroizv F --Ob%i4i - . 1960.. A-my Ift1l) 1w IL Vs W. V vupvl ampter V1. 23 pp. -TONOMY Itanitiva kh ""OT" Nil -13402r6S fto~~3- luts fl~' IM100-tai Devolopqmz!-at- industry and TrI jr..i .'cirt ..ji %,M, toilm~p P03,01? U't! Z, 20 p1. obl Traz JWO 43, pr 11 ACV* o48 Firm.- ',L~-) SR Illy r~ in VMDPAA 3 -2 *4'-vx-.j art 58 ~.V*Iopmijnt Rof ind-tatk-y ar,,;i rokutmilmys ASSFI, by V. F. mma iva ':,110 ATPtj-~ orod ~rntnrrtdc~ pp 'by DavelopwrA of Indotry arA iA05, 9i IN Yokut"kay-P Asse, r. W. A. JFfd L-W(J-D portatirs 39 7 1.4 Fl:i:, ru b t ~f&lri Upic Ccmtmt, ftopmrties and usw or R by D* 11. Trifamr, Ch 8, 19620 61-11431 FRCSLEMS RUNOFF OUNTROL, 1956, 1. PL-480 Int (61-11491) ~L' TE]i Cri VIOJ_ 6: J'S I CK Ir. b0t. Prusimnskiy. 11. National Science Foundation, 1961, 145p.. 1) 4 901 Washington. a C. r',krder from 61-11431 fTrans, olil my R ovaniya Rechnogo ,(USSR) lot pt, %V6, p, 107-1$3, 165-174St&s W ~~913, 1.30-247. 1. waterways, &Drrange, C011trol, m atica *"ctlon, &Hydrauhc re- search. Caim I&FI66 i Geology, G4*yVlcI, D&- formation, tr Ion, I-JydrmuILc reservaro, water 0, waves, hls~ 010gy, 1~10ej rests. Hydrology. Coments: I' Basic methtid I for cot Nting channel promses in rivers calli by tir% 'c4al modifteation oi the river regimt, k V..D -yak and K. 1. Rosslatizil oflitt of Tochetical Serylc#; Hydraulics! of icWrtf Otm, by K. L RossinskU (macbanicl. lydrakll c0, TT, v. 7. no. 10) (over) j 61 L )41. Ja u., I. t ~ffi l4mtAry AffalLre am.1 the tV Cal Gen 1 ttf dr4k end C4 So Ke lafying 14 pp, lbsomp Ipp 167-183* (Proillcm ior t~-ie North lrrf-gulprly) 'illptions t,ft[,t rar m w!th 195;~ T IzE. t1tre! ca. Ont. yenr Ord~sr frn: C(~,Incll Tm-mlttloll- 5e~tlon 7, U-S-A- el-whe- nirli3le ar'-Iclt Nac": Innulti -jl. of print 77- ot in J. e puctll: by F, till Tcob~Aemy 5LA. Ll eb Winter scl (I lbw (a, s' at Aratic Sewo by A. JL Umeeytswv pp 42-51. Cabri4pi am Nater WE ~R cuitRE order I TrMu. P. Tbe in diiclisl thdif wallii do 10 AWW S. Lf bp WwwrAL RUNOPP D1 WE rr: AwM OF MM AR C OCUK tr. 6, iirs. (271p. 10 rob. no Tnw. 73. luxt Lc or' i mqL70, VWSO 61-15"1 WSW [IOU] Oft 1. ~~C I ~Cwr*p ~Dmlssd by river disdwgw are, d,,6rC'M'jOMtDdididrwdm, spadood 4c~ ~M " 1~8 ilk "rWo are" d the Arctic ~! viikws ti Owdails. MAO. 60 GBOM of ~ 'L' -11 , ~ hOO&SCOSIM 7M 14 brame1w wtiZe-aww" i~ a" boa callated &Wbg it 1' 69 Swim H*Letkvft py krf driftirg stations. (~kvy HI&V- 61-15951 1. Ocess caTme--Arctle regions 2. Hy&qp,&My- -Arctic regicas 3. lWe. Coutlewital rumff 1. AnUmv, V. & n. "D Tema-73 Wuhhopos6 U C. G S Tr, T. III Ytioat; al the Geolol'ical AS-IL ly otollivmt,ict 4y v0 "lo "'Inks. il;WW UL'~l 143-: 514 by 8, V, klm. FTOV1401rj 1~ Komov6~, N. HEAT ~tlwr,MON 1:0 THE CFWMR OP THE 1. Arctic regions- - ARCTI SIN IN NTER, tr. by M - Slessers. 1959 Temperature (161p. C) ians.~,lJ 1. Konma, 0. N. Ordei LC oi LA ml$2.40. plh$3.30 61-15033 n. "0 Trans-74 i M. Navy Hydrograjidc Office, Trans. tit ob !.ZCVC Womblogm, D. C. Tfl.(USSR) 1958. no. 1, p. 330- IV. 61-13953 canceled eit.advecticin &M the Allamale The (a c), Ocean Arctic in discomom im conumcdol with dai"', in 8, C ca~ttluns. mo Arebluitriiedw] pdbire4,j Irf ~scieto, drifting sMCM is the pour and reo6o jll~dljlly Stalk" lemoted W Sotxborvl OW PrOm lold (Navy HY&OPlode omcm Motract) (Rarth t "~omu. TT. V. 5. ft 11) Churk! "a A 771F DR )p Fkx AND IN , T ~11: ~RCTI 1195911101)'. IlrefR ~ Order fror tC; or S* 1 Trans. o1 prtiblertil P. 337-' MTA arr 1:~_-liscnllted C me" from recovered ;nthe at, I (Earth Sclemell- _0770grafft, t IN 11111 CHRMI. ARCTIC �HAS.Ar. by M. SIOROCTO. iTrana. 75. 61sim. 1*41.90 61-15952 ims](USSR) 1958. no. 1, -ning buo" cast two the arctic CIS beginning In 1949. and 5 years. A (Ilagram shown thel rr. Y. i. no. 11) 61-15952 1. Occan currents- -Arctic regions 2. Buoys--Arctic regions 1. Churkins, N. A. 11. HOTrans-75 Ill. Navy Hydrographic (Xf ice, Washington, D, C. I 'j 0" of ,f"6" De~te of the Arm of Arcile Too relAaft E on i I * , I tba ro%*:Lgn IW$Qarob by B. AL Swellev) 7 hwr Noteorol Boo AF CoOridge Res Cauter F*b 1? 1, 195;6~ py 341-345. Ifte "a ftsum of Coordimt" for the Am b D. A. bropiteav) M amblaW Mmwa.. Val 1., 1958Y oi DVb D*wior oa U54 so .16 # In. the Ar*Uc Oomtkp by D. A. ev Probiw Bevem, Vol II, 1958P sel Dept bftirlor Ga u% m) 67 hi -A Tbeo~, o,,, tbe JPXtablished Ice Dri-I "t and Computation of t Le 'Fean f mua.) TOACDri--vt in the Ceritrvl Arctic El 1: 1 el 'zcn1,,aum. ,B~ 43 1. F A LIZ:)Z:~.L I ill C', *Nn v y Ai 0 - f~,c Dill L1 5 9 /U, A the DrMdug Station N.P.-A 'r, 4 or *-It and Xce Destniction in tug ~itvEIAI j, pei i3mbleu;V "GRO, Tr 2855AIO 69 61 r lie A~tarottc 1:ebara5v b%, rer Prob]Apw severAp F %1 2 AF 1256142 59 ul i ios kausedi Use of the ior ~a irr I!yw I r P, ~by V, B., Kuvayev. ki I So*ni No So, 1964s, R~ -211i pp :jc TT C I sa ION 3421,024 tab k&Wr Shrubs in lia~~ir ~SWitim for Door No 8.$ 1964, 342pO25 ,, 303 pp. jjil~ H F-6146-f!"i iML tONDITION OF T~ :WFFERING FROM bit" ~AU bN RHYTW H RUT i r RAll, C PHALOGRAM.. BY S. ci PIP 3 N 15T p~~ y j R 3K, R '~lilk L STOY NEYROK- p RG I K 9 13 lks.' 487 iF I ;63 237.,715 ............ 2 Ck 14 De--S~J~G 'jr )4~ midink; of a Scientists Ci-1'1-y of t-ii-:, Ei;.: 'Et It'll Of e Acadeir~r ol' Sc-'Eaices USSR, by th 1 0 Russvai1 bk Probielf~,, Sovetshugo G~mdos-u-,roite! c,'-~ra, NO 131i 0 .141 2 236Si TiBb GEW Sep!6 CR rans-1,10504) 6VOLCANIC CYCLES AND METAL- )GEN" 014 ~V Z Ell LYA~ 6hluUdi, N. N. luoTratislat(A by Mill 1erl i Uni 6f 1 Califoini~L Uwrence lta(~HaUon Lab., Liver- Drej fro PrNI �ov. No. 3, 210-'25(1937). IN040ps )ep, "eologk; r, illslati. n~ 2yQ8G AN-51; N by G'i I 19 39 I~v i~ . I I I I I i I se, I , I 1 1 AIW l~~ i I . i STU ~F C' MOIRPHOLOGhCAL ANDANTIGENIC p TIES 101F ORGANS A D TISSUES OF I OGENN IS)~BY B.',V. KONYUKHOV) AV, lqA pp i1 i. Ruls 1 ~,PROBLEMY SOVREMENNDY L6,11' IRA 1199 PP 317-321. J S 163'92 PRR IMED~ scl EC 62~ ANIMALS R. F. PIDRI 217)205 ST DF*7iE PARTICIPANTS AT THE CONFERENCE ~OFIE Ryy ~~GI#S, ~14 PP. RUSS IiAlq !~,t~BQB EMY-BOYREM loy EMBRIOLOGIII LE.1 IGMt .,5 PP 394-397. JPRS 16 )392 Sc MER DE-, ~2 217,206