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17-64- 109716 lan'ya i Ka z~n. A. A., and Terckhtn, E. 1. C~KLCUI-~ E 1:~.(JUENCY-SOUNDING MiASE 1. Van'yan, L. L. CbRVF~ BY Ii TR S,SORMA,riON METHOD. 11. Kaufman, A. A. (1964190 5rt~, MI. Terchin, F, 1. Cirder frorli r,,i SLA, )r FTC $1. 10 TT-64-lOq76 Trans. of Pri kh Llay-a- L*Iizlka USSR) 1961, Do. .10, 103-1 I'l. ~ (Ear-Eh Sclen ei -i-GeW s,~ TT, v. 12, no. 1) SaIlkh RAPID'Af OWILTR or um. ~ 113 IURH IM3];13 ~ I , rLL-, Ord r,-Itrlt km N P. ZV-z 1.1 :ULA71NG ITIE DFYUI OF dULJUI-PRLc;hI-S1APED i3RAVj-~-AjjoNAL FIELD, A'V,-83Q69R (ussit) 1901, no. 31, 63-17762 1. Salftav, A. G. 11. ATS-83Q69R M, AssodataLl Tec],AL;al Services, Im., East Gma, Off" of Tect6of Sed,,, 111E HOLF 11 Tiff 11963110. OrdLr'frm 1; $16 Trans. (if Pl~lii ljadn.~, P. T)ESCRI.Iyr(~h .1:1 'Wei 0(- M~tkc Lt syn ,om nala, tra ini qsion,! SMISM74 wrrHOUT WIRFS LS FROM T1IF WMM OF tPACE DURING DRILLING. PLTS-51(XBR COf i-,,'Iika I ~LISSR) 1962. no. 12 Surface% 'Horeholes, VrIcal equilkwnt, Sig- *Well 10goti& 6) 63-17334 I. ritie: Boring I .N)Iyukov, F. A. 11. A-rs-5io68H 111. Aosociated,rechnical Services, Inc.. VAR IAI 10 WATER TS ~Cr op I E 96311 Orde'i f -cx i .1f, P Tranp. P. 190- 0 DESCRIHORS. cab, V461:111, (Earth scloces'. 11 F. IN ATS' lkili Dobomin, Y. M_ CTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF Q RCCKS UNDER TlIE INFIAJ- jb FORMATION PRFSSURF. .75 ATS-6 sQ71 R yal Geoft[Ilical (USSR) 1962. no. .13, M~l Lkk (C6109YX "Resistance (F)".-tri - lmiii inatfoh, Pressure, "Geophysicti. Fology, 7r, V. 11, no. 1) TT-61-?21c~l 1. Glumo-~, 1. F. 11. Dobr~-nln, V. M, Ill. AT~-64071R IV. Associated Tennical Services, Inc., Fast Oranp.#-. Office ol Ircleflical Services 63-225~ I O:rl~v, an~~ ;i naev'~ It. S..' Z EFFFM lov, L. 1. RDEN PRB~SLIRE ON '111E 1.01 0V E1-i-'&1T C 1~1 REA shvIrrY OF CAROONATE ROCKS. 11. Gimaev, R. S. M. A-l-,-6.:;Q7] It Orderfr P11 1M 5 ATS-65Q71.1t .11", Associated '11-ClIllical Services, Inc., Trans. r Sit) 1962, Easi Orange, N. J. ikliat a if (Us no. DESCIR11 i1 I I - K.-S: Ee minerals, "Rock (Geology), ~ ~ Ni I-ofidi g thani;c' i -~Ctl ic31 properties, ' ~(Ele~: i(jal), Wlight, Prefuqure. *Gcophy i (Earth SJ1 ( TT' Ces- v no 10 10) O . . , , fte W Tecknical Servicts 1 q Kal-vla Order': P. and A. V. LOGMNG MAGNEnC 641 ilp A7S-6~31L awflz I (LjsSR) 1962, no. 33, ?fl kj~ft. Mgpedc properties, Tr-64-12404 I .Kal'yarskaya, V. 13. U. Lmukfl, A. V. M. AIS-64Q73R IV. Associated Tachaical Services, Inc.. East Ora%C, N. Office of Technicel Services On', t i Sej Ai d~0 thi (AD :by~ t RUS lk~, I pp~ Lh. OTS T11 6 3. Sci E-4ith May 6P ation of Low Intensity Waves With the 4justable Directional Reception Method A. Ryabinkin, V.V. lZiiamenskii. 19 pp. Pirikladnaya Geofi zika, No 34, 1962, 03 6i 326,768 Trans P. (Earth ~~k 'rr-(,A-22Q27 J~: 111611-PRECISION GRAVM 1. 14emteov, L. D. 4G tN' 1* SEARCH FOR! OIL- 11963] 1 1p 11. ATS-92Q711 R A TS ~1 A7S-94IQ71R 111. Asixxisted TechnIcal Services, Inc., 1-1~!! I 'Iya -,of z JYW) W.1~90 1962. no. 35. East Orange, N. RS: i sr *Geo aw physical pro ring. t I x s! . 0 pmen !~'~~Pology, Tr, V. 11, no. 3) el lochokal tervicts HU1 a fo A mite ;Rum lb-37* ,re - KulilLovlc~f` wrad Bu~uldaries l4eviis o DiGital Ccl"T~ f :)f 15" lub 1,3e bj Acdb: U) Elec,~vric LObGillo'-' Mtu-a- e r ilcipArLaya [12 -1 J. 44 ft at OWN Omitationa ts by to Tole V00810vt 10 3040., ariz APPLI 1963, Order Trans L'e'Anl Dr-%Cl Pi P.~ S, CDniir, Thit, I rpecha engine engine steady their i P. i N ~14 PI M) I NAMIC!;, tr. by AlIxert Barouch. , c S -P -94. 9 r 480 NA. A; NA,4A Tr T- 5 62-11032 M )0. -4~ sil Niechanica, *Hydrodynamics, 1,0, !Equations of motion, Fluid f low, 14~4,t-y. -1:11ence. Gasflow, Friction, d ~Cuss~il I dotne of the problems of fluid i, iich ~i - 6equently met with in the es ;,nn f1vari0s machine assemblies and 81 in t i I )ns. The aLitbor examines the i: tlsteail: flo~w of, lir4ufjs and gases In pipen, IX [from t~els. problerns of (he determina - .1, r:tiyd" lies, IT, v. 9. no. 12) (owr) r 62-1 M32 1. 11 . IT-480 NASA (62-1111.32) 111. NASA 17-F -94 IV. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. Dfflc~ of recMIC10 smm!S I I d Fluid D.YnarAics, by 1. P. Ginzburg, 258 pp., ie ka. IA bk,, ..ETajodaqA-Gjdrq NASA -IT-F-94 PLAN to 6~ Appl.i!d 36tic Hydro&ynamics 139 Irp, *s9j;o&i(U-vdij=ika;, 1956 I= P-W-9981,, NOV it, 1:10~; of GA~Ilftin Is Method to the A ~' 0 r 0 0 steadmiss of the Flow of a Is s Id by petrot. Matexualka i Plekh 61 N" 61 19,40 vp 3 -11 114 U 11 s LL On t-'-.L. .-,~xtdc Gi i ',A 4 J. n, Brov.1 "n-1 V~- r :1 L I L, U, OL) D uk' ~JI)6cd Basin Vl~:L it r 6p a j rd': Ll 1-T 3-T i ierA,. 1 qr ate of. the Theolry of i6t t MJBBL M zi Irp Ne&t '701 IT# go 3,, 31 ........... ... act Tr Center IRT-239 sc*~V, I ~ ic "Ice 11 I : I 1 11 . . !!I I I I I EMUS of p1lastie midias by I . P OVIO I I pl~iL I I 61% 0 pp ~w Vol IV$ NO 30 3380190 ~IT ~ 11 ~: 1 ~ I ! ~tre i, U& on A Rigid Wedge., *o, m pp 141k Mat:1, Wkbp Vol IV, NO 5-6, 19kO. Spas.. l�-3i41j sci, Trans Center RT-278 M&*caw Put ftm lbi ja jbmq by Vol 6j, 01-3160 vo "Amw~ 0 6 i bf U~es,r Strain Burdening,, by ta, A. ~Yu pp scie thc Vol vo No is ig4l., Sci'Tr Cavites, HT-3" Obors~lcm 51% till 19 Lp.65-022-4 Bel T)r ontar 1.X: !Lq liltiii: ci lUtboatUs On B4 (11 .1!",al tions M t~ I ~,, E UWNCLAS RMISIA 9, ;'per Sci pl,)~,Sic Feb 6a: -in's Method in the Calculus of Varia- heory of Elasticity, by T. A. Perellman. Prik Miatemat i Mekh, *Navy/APL Vol V, No 3, jg),,j, pp 43 of 80114s, by L. M. Xacbanov, ;r# 41k Mki IJWsbs Vol V# No 3,, 1941., 18 Bel -Tt Ceattir Rr.2& ph"Ies I i lit w' PlAkoticity to the R611 ~n~ 90r1 is, by ICIII N. Sheircbenko,, 20 pp. Russ, ~ P~i X... Prit Lftt- iVOCIIt Vol V., No 3,, 1941 Bei Tr 4entor RT-348 Scito tfioi ftsice It t6ft#,1- IS666& -iii flie Theary of La)~i ~ b Y7 I JIL. G. Loytyawskiy. NO 0. ~l Bier, Prik Mat !*kh, V*1 S, 1. 2 7 jul e) 8 the Aoundary 1941, n*dwin %*SiLlio TtwbirAo,, 3i I b *SLAMvi *kh Val Vp 3 ii 41 AVC F-45o,7476 Doe 1951 CTS Anli 90661 to the 8o'c'alled A#jj i4tiL. bf'* Iiii'k i Pt 6uril Reiduction to Ordinary Vifferential 41 r4u 'ib C. V. Kantorovich. ~ijs No jr ikl Ma Maekbi, Vol 60 19420 pp 40 A8C !A L- its-578 P1 ~s ell* Sh P. 11 i. Vol,~ *x lity of Thiu Elastic Aniso. f Vad4ble Rigidty, by 7j'Nc Z-3# 1943 pp T07ISO. ....... ... . mmsti~-. -plastic cailat Las I' Iva 6TA' I I mekbil Val VI I .1942? 184 L 'Sol Trmi Center .3cient a *8~06 4m IMS/M I IISSI kiej 113.6 Ofii~stic4i%stic T-arsionp 'w, pp. '.0 pir,, PrjkA&tm"J MekhAni ,Vol 2Y 3., 19400 pp 241-246. SCX Tr Center RT-1955 ?97 lc~ - Hatlu'smtics Jaa 55 CTS/rjlg( I Li it to Strem'z in a Rolled 'Oyl 0 Bb ht~#o rp. MCIASSIMD T" i v I Prik, Atmt I lbkhl Vol VII *0 Sol Tr Center RT-1791 65- scWt :'q Metes Vftwo CTS k t~he thwl, of stability of c6sesis 50 VP V L b 1"Am SCL "eui Lib go 52/1087 A. DWOWt"uv Vol vis so 6p ma vvwrl6 of a Sdiii-l-ointto Plate Lying, E D~: E tlic ~Cufx~iubnp by 0. S. Sbapl-ro. -J~6 1 I~o J*r, Ppliftad PM T I FqIPNR "I c1 31, Tr 46 .9~i mtIf G~Ophyqidb C"m 65/Feb 55 TT-63-20579 .~e'~ ae ON SPF rNT NDrnQNS OF ~STVILITY OF 1. chetaev, N. G. ROtARY O~, A A0JUCTI LF.~ 1196.4128p ror~in~ul a Atte, re Ordir't Tl,~, A or ETC $2.60 TT-63-20579 Trans.i o 03 I~Iadn 1943, V~. DE RI S. *No ctlles,~ Stability, Rotation, Ve- locit~' I'i'' ics, ~ ~'( I kl~ I rajecorie,-, Complex variable 14:1 1- '4 i~ I ~t-t, Pamal dIff(-rcniia) t,quaijors, i i_ I Different 'ua!lan . i (Fngineeri~'~- 'Ordn TT, v. 11, no. 4) Office of T-hrilcof Services Jt~r of lth~~ Vi.sco-Plestic F).c,,y in o by A.. Yu. XrbIInsI:-A'-y,, IUSE I I?iik RAMPMat i Hekhaaika, Vol VIAX,, T~o r~o, I Of W, Sci Tr Center RT-1080 5c V tIL'O: f i,o+Yquio /9 ~4 ilia .5 /,L et, t 9 S7o 's Ru .pp SIC ;on,: ent )to and invariant te o,10 1~~trfb'es; 1b.y Means of Iterations, A. S., PrikAat i Mekh, Vol Hip 1943: 3; Av 9 Brookhaven Nat Lab i1A. MathematLca D=irirla at 0- apa:~.`Op ty A. Yu. gh UMMISSUIS Pp w mial Defo n pilmo Vol VI.Tj Bel TZ, Center "iall 31bysics Novozbtlov, I V band il~le *fi ei. R 62-16104 N THE ERi b 41_ KItRCiIHOFF HYPCMIESIS i. ntlL Kirchhoff H~ptliesls 11~ SHEL~ T k - reslinostl Cipottz Kirkhgofa P~ 1. Novozhilov, V, N~ Teoril Obo 6 ' f &d 6 d i 1 l k). 11,12113ilp. 7 T&S. 6 11. rinkel'stetri, 11. er ror n r 2-16104 I rans. of a%- it ai:emarlka I MckharAka (LISSR) 1 43, v. 7, di ). p. ~-,3-10. I F SC P, . ~Ij 1,qt iliells, Error% Tramit Mcchanic';. f or Ehe l)LII';)! S( j)f ell): jildlig t.he ilt-Accursclefi lincil- t oned in tl.~ A Ce o! ~Ii paper ill(- autlicirs dvvelop a l . 1~,Ory of Olf.lj l:~ i n tic pl~ t 1,~nt of I!it, -~ i 17.~Varh6flFi- M 1 010, * PC!lle rill Nee fit)d e)Jeadi; tw e~rller tr~a-, h e 1 1-14 put I Oied by Bjsw and part ly by ii)tchc,fijV,y, j -, i l- reil i r~ (ibtained IvaO to the colic lu- 77-77-77~-J~ o p-c o duxUg Rolling, by AKe 9 Bci Tr Coater AT 1119 1~ id imil, of OA 410stic Spikoetrically ltuk,' '~j)h~ricai ~Jjell, by A. I. Luylyo. ii Iss 4 prulad mat 461t i 1,101010 Vol VI I ty Flow P7 (";"r Prj It W. i Mekhpni~n, Vol, Ode 4-1 1,f itj ITA~,Gicm '45 ap.L- it a d ~io f Computing tho Vector d Avativesin Orthogonal eL rl r 0;1 : - D ilIL at. f, of imax do-ordinates, .Lyt~j~, IYO-1 ~"I PP 14JI-li"O mj~ 90 i�64 (261) (on Ia=) Ai* 2a7.,Olo y- 54 A"ll bll L 14 i /,uc 7 the General The - ry - f ~,I ic ii it( VAn Shells by A. I&RIMMI Idenveiier RUS PI N, r') n-ik Plate I Meldij V --I VIII, Nf. 1, VP RT f: u clefomatious 1 :S, mm',try., by A. A. Tlliushin,, = I ~ik mat :i Mekhs Vol. VIV.0 10 1944,, I I - SCI Tmua Conter m-556 / 01 ? 74f F;u$4 ia, a L6ngltudluany Jxi~ by G, Vo Arouovj4h, 10 ppe -b' - ~11"-. D Or~ t voi vin, CA 41 AMC F-Ul-7480 Sel Tv Couter BT-942 4 OYS, to tath Nov 51 CTS The 1~ fti U=a iof Svpef~mnic Z. pp. O.Wa, Prik Hat i_%okho Vol VIII, rj sci Tr Cwtw BT-3923 .04" Eqw;t0ions In Ganeral Theory Ir. S. v1seov) 219 Pp. P platerna- i Yacb, Vol, 8, 44 14~5 711' ~.Ciza M- 41 -1bT NaEmrn L. -so 53.,~13-,-AT Pp usT ilt~' p* a Lattice, of Brokm Profiles, by ~rj PrIk, Itkhs Vol VIIIJ 19449. AMC F-TS-7481 104b 52 CTS 06 it unair couUmt, actlUag disturba=es,, 8 JUUMULks I X*Wnnika 19" Vp 1=5 Ooeum JAI) No 52/OM 71- 4 P134ro F-Y) 3 f r Die IC4,Y Wlth AXUI Symmtry and 37 ppo 4 Ir timat V01 VIIID No 3., Sol Mr Center HT-1214. Akl 5). Trans H~ "i(- t,,I~AU6 Uixler the Pree S f 0 1 av Fluid;! or FlniW Depth., by I lof i - rf M. 20 pp. Buss Prik Wt i makh,, vol ix xo 1., 1945 PP sci ~Mno 6euter ia-oW Seidl tic ft6ico ~' C Ts Al .... . ....... ....... Tn' 00 Ubloadl% 'Mmt JIM i I jlmo,p Vol -90 OPP! MLI ]Ima (NOC M1376) cm/b 1 men M99EEM i0oOnectioa With the Defmintions Shells !by A. A. 11 Iyuhin., 17 pp. i~rik ~mat I MAho Vol Ilim No Is 1945., phyloics Bei Trans Center RT-415 /o/ ut Andti 11~i~gro"f~er b 1. N.~!Vokua, 11 U2 t P 2 py 143,450. PILIJO H, 6-149 th Sci 6~1 Vol IXS 267 3180805 Relat bim: and t~0:9 a . ki. 111 RUSS IAII Vol 9 AM4/ Sept 72 h tetween the Theory of St.-Venant-Levy-Mises Y of Small Elastico-Plastic Deformations, by in-, ;7 PP. Matematika. i Mekhanika 907-72 Pri Ii 3.1 bmA IF kh, VOLIX, e~ 1W., pp 257 - 264. W av~ e Bi f ist& 6; of~ a Solid in Motion ThroiLqh a Fluid or ~ F Firld] *,~h; 1)7 HIP D. iWcbtd HasAnd. rr Na-'ryl 9460,M US*.;:L'L-.)s 345 Dee 51 CTS Fai s ,r ficoltheir San" o by LW Au'! itt ;.c ~IAN' !tma Matematika i ~iod. Vol ~Nd A 194S,'pp 286-2 2. 110246 F, Ff 7 8 A')hy De 67 S47 563 d i ~ ~ iq i . i., ~ . F~~ : 11 f t ~ , I i~. 1 ~, ;~ I of stresses In an Aniwtr~.,j -.;.o llitAl, iid liomopueous Kediuw.. Consisting of E Comected With Bach Other by a lil,iwh 11titing, by P. I. Sherman. F UskAll per,, PAk HM Rate I Mel-,hp Vul DC, Wo 41 -352~' ~5) :347 '74 6 cu!ntl '.tc PbVo icis Sep 55 MS/DFX La 4-t~ons and Stability, of a Circular n 46 sn~l ~th Fins co,~QgRaIMSA by V. 1. S ~U imstika i Mekhmikat 1PT4440Y4 Moto *0 1~9451,~ pp 1339-412' I ~4 C ph.~ S'e t 67, xW 3400387 9hl i4, A i~wtts a r . ............ swi, by 1. V. Mon, 7'. r. Dt~mwt j mmy ibi Xx 1946, Y 7/-r- iol,~ CIO lleltuliwd ),~.Jotioll C)k 4 kWO Ifith a Clyiridl*iczil Cavity -d with Widd, by US!" U-MY Vol UP 11,0- T,~,19-36, 969J 14i) p ftv DOW lbod-on va"S., )~j,*#hj vol I, 1946~ .. .. ...... vp N"r W~jv-glk AV On the Ac' FU21 It J~o su~ Ems, bl* pp 153 'Cielit !a bf tl*! joo*e ce &,,rate MM)oa UWer J;, IDZ !Fine# L~hv ~er,, PrU &t 1. Nekt-, Vol Xs Uss 19h6., Nwy Tl- 665)k& 402 ftsp Me bftUoov, NUd COP 52 MAAM 11T all atesubY Be V. Bul(jokov. 26 pp r,, pmkl&a"ua MateiTatika i i-bkhanik , rr,,,p 116 L jjj~273-290. scq~iu ier.~i ics ~ 1 4-1 1 . I irar 377f903 cau 'ti lof bF Ve is ~e6d ev RWSIC 1, 401 1)k 24 3,946o pp 295-300a ro LL bh Jim 343o29B 19 pps RUSS] Prj-k Mat i Kekh V 01 jl~a No 3v 1946y pp Bci TranS Ccuter Fri-356 ~,o 3 '110, Prik il Vol page 365-86 (1946) t Plane 6~l il plastic problem plastic regions abound cire' ~,,ol in elates and beams, by L. A. Galin. I AEO Trans (avail Brookhaven) AAc!- i~q h - F f17 1i Ik -a Ci entration In tLe Xo1gbbaavhood of an i3e (Surface of a Circular Cylinaer,, by A* vie a Prik Hatemat i Y.Aftp Vol X~ go 24~fiA46 IA- 4813 soi Engi ,:7 4; 71// C74 k! 0 /-F- v-4 A 4 71 I j I -1 1, a, I 5 -616 (1946) ik Ma5! M~ ~M! Vol 10, page 97 ingit ~al %I,brations of barst by G. S. Shapiro. Tr (avtLil Brookhaven) am