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62-2W57 ryapcv 'At I IC INCLUSPNS ON 1. 1,borymov, P. A. EFFE ]GUE 1 4 HARDENED SbKh15 STEEL rafflel M, tA ~(I)cle.~ k i Vklvuchenil v 7-4ik-alennoi Stall I lc,~) n~' L i r hivanic). [1962][27]p. 'A V ykrafl, dgn Lexl i(duded 2 rdg, !r t-r~m )fi or,~. A $i 60 62-20457 ls.~ of P P11 )$SR) 1.933, 1)0. 5, P. 13-19. MUM S *Ball 1 e~ringq', * Roller bearings, *Steel. Indss", i I 'itic atiguel (mechanics), Failure purposc 10, lie pi Xint %voi-k is to estAblish the re- nsttip', IN NY n tt~ ii ta, sbape. awl namrc of non - 1111C inc ilL, ins at f i~gtjql fallur'b of ))it rdened 115 ba~ll- ng 11 ith hardness lic 61 io 65, r altel ti IT Str Sj a:~ c in' ~al ts, '171, v. 9, no. rAw"Al r&,Mwt Rduer 'IM.! 1-='sbtqxj IL7:p. no 1-5. MA 60-IAMO V611 Leiwir gi "iLarj., ML.~e [if plastilm., by V. K AF-i-673853). 9, u ~~3s li il)L I rib AT'~%'C F-TS-9,782,11 Ap S1.9 r , I -:Al 20332 C, Aarch 68 AIX i*o~w 14t P., Tmt' yaki,vap 265-29C M1404wy Somw I Tywv 1h) doi 11-061 I,fxi on 1~*'iSUt-,t4onSl v 7!': of ~ho Ilo of "a $Beg sol 10.650:pp & i 2 91 k lova 47. 2510635 ;~L or "a MIrvatil6vol 1:rom the .CVOr-1 R'lli'd i" -27. 7 i -'J J t~540 j,y-.Y c j 7 ~j J I rImUe, C-a-sien AI b h. AID M-1-3370- if ~ liqitipmnto OpOt V i0 I tor the Devalt'lpient Or M 0 ure 0~ f Ila, ftilm ai~.da4ry, by $1. 1. Bundstrov, 0 1110$C0119 19lb0s, p1) 54-92, acki volop~ it Of tile ,, .510 fui: : Ii ftin&,6~ m-portint "adtinory 4v T "j4, * I P, 1, ~aurmis tov, 36 Iy. UU., tflly Obora- 1-379 9693312 ow pill tir)a ot BorAhol-a Ti---,~A pad aa~*:~ruc ~,--cmt onp by 0. T Kruglov. IRAzam"'We G"Iluatstp Ugleyj, Dwpt :Ofi xntA.-for aq., sly., 110 lok /.cf L17 - lxfl~iftwljks t 68' Lavrov. 1P (,'Iew DWlu of Tm-terior T117o M7p wo io6 7o0' IN't 159 bl~o K. 14. iiamovIch Dept cd' Int4rior TM V. 17) 3 107 lee 59H PSG LW jof Cwt-,tol of thr. Pr~.esv n!- ~nr- itlOaticia ot Cmlsx WX by 1, A. Ya U" Npt of XuUrlor 591 n air O~J=U,%#g Lcacqtv of Mr., Coal, ead GocifiCation; 1~y G. 0. F V Alf~ sys G&SMImtetyu 71glayl, NO 1) I p I-. -M.M.- 19 11 J D#Vt at Interior Too 257) 110 u9 Gdontifla-Teebacklogloal Informum catt if, Orl.. by Lashinerj, OMSIVL?. r.31ra Uslei" D* of lot Cfttml Rxper stim PkttsburO. hh- go 341 Se ni~ 7 73 IPA 3 L oltqtti6n of tbo Sub-Mmeow SVition 11pi IP.'. Do ~ftlish. RM a AN POO$ assifiketaiya U$l~y,, 191 V* Of ut Coal Res X/ One th* or.4"j,"ettan or &s j".mps punt) tk'VAD "ki Ir lot 21talmn Coal Ras I ftuodom ~of Sum in the Underp-owyl i of ir*Ap by~ Is Fab*)mv# 'T p. SIA 59-16737 vd C67 t wdq trourA 05isiliceticn. rly I ~A. D. q Val ~.Tll MA 9~-18326 ~31 RbF 310P NO (zrm the Pleaults of (~peaiW!, I~p 'en'tot No 1 at Usichawk U. N. lip Dapt of Tuterior Bu. of Muss Coutftl luper ste. Pitubuzrofi.. Pa. qtv, Illn 0 ~7 ~rll Re.;-6:jit, i ilk i I , fladz,( irl'qz No tic 2~'~) ivo I 1-isich'ausl: tQ54 to 1956~ by 0. V... KruE~Iov, j~1-3,6:6 F)671611 VITD MCIL-2-lPita"'j. dj~ ou a" round.Coal I In the Years 1954 GOO VOL tkatolp ugly*, AT14 UM 124-1/1 2 24 1 lFht on the 4'oiairig of VoirtiL-sl and 60j,olti ip a Coal likom, by V - tv. Dept of lattrior TN71, X5Tr go 83 Oi statv, Im nrawsurp- in an Undpr- a" rator m the Charmetcristics of gjr~, ij.qrk Pr6ci by V. s zw. - ox4na~w,- NO ftpt of Interior Mx 1957A No J-53 170n! TIL Dink-,AW. Diluing WWI 'vb"a Use cv', ~r T Or (As Amlysto im V, (1, by iSb J D. C14 Yamlcwt. lo Dopt of latorial, 957t Ito 33 oV 11146~trlc CAii-jrAxL for I voza aba X4 -toil 6f I r NW namih6aaou, *0, A, M m.~Ovtch 0.11311 X11,, Tlo~ 2 TN?j. 19570 NO 114 i6tdr of rwa seam (Kajuation ana of 0~' the Cvelturden Durlug u, o. ;Porei' maseml I Be BID, 1~y la r", pe:01 Pqdzqi=ym GamifiX-atrip Uglel., PP DTb Of ut us Bur of Mines Central FAper 15ft p Pa. Tr 512 "ff! !lcmp Naw :~(Lt.16ns, by H. To aapJX17 1~r,,' Podtomm GazIfUmtolya I ;, la J,55 '' f ET.ol 37 xat M Durve mines Gentz%l lbcpw Sul Pitts ft, Tr 1,133 59 dze' )Wbile %Ationo IW L, jk,, 1W86 i I*Pt Ofm us zur or Wma ft. Tr W5 ti Ali 44 Go OL "d of Coata'olliila (lao I t G? 1 bY T. Below. Gamif ilLatmiya Usley) xol~ ckr% :~2tartor 3571, No 70 isov, Cost-- ra tioll Of Oal3arx f"ErAll GiD :1 6unlf IFIS ~~.YaemU~ uto t1w. worv!-Jll,~si I t; Ok Wirat I DI 'rTVV%U-- b~-` 9~ Devt mv rnt owtwax apper atu FiOass Pa. Tr 513 9i jug a Divcu;;alQr-, Ar4 ell ?Top( Ptun; In I to' ti and lmadb (Be i of umAerzgr=d ademy X(by tie vj~yt of latrorlor 157, No TT- jonp by V- V- tat S MIT DoRt Of W" Tr 5 59 Ind Lecording to wii, cllftb~ry ThOML A-~re:pmtion its,~wo smel aaameation al "d by VA -1 19 1 Dept cc Xst ot xims o a, TV I Zxpr SU r the soutb V. "A"!Somalr of iaterior "Tip 157~ lqo 151 6~ e77 pi of a. the Ualar- ~I.Caiiou4lr~.Osv) by K. M. Leonclqlrz. Am- GatifikstalY& Ugleyj 'V? F557j, No 1.07 Now cxr moototure on the 1Y."rep-n-vA of (6sihe it byl. Z. BrashWIv, 4~1 Ouk Is 33 30 DW qt Uterior TNTj 35T,, Wo IT lea vr;z Tegt pOsXLjts of the 10- BMW Old Of the aetax stat rat(w tax GO Owe CyrI 19 per vca DUO Of Tat 10 Bur of Mnss Contra Tr 525 ~Q odu. of Breveative Sup-w- ~i~ii ;rm 1: 4 Dril3ll* o9 lnt:a* ned Burehole a I I Icc~ ~ ir t Secia, by D.- A. S&olov, A. IA. RIP; Ui .'.I 594.65 ALA 60-23031 167 la. at tdn !a tie U41a awl Selec-Aivil of elm t aiants ror ftUln8 the Space Arotmd by V. G. Saivar-v, RLI~ AN;' 0-57; Dept of luterlor Im7p vs7p ?To 136 i0 r~ ,like,II t AI laa-ligeolgid ClasititiallOY-1 StAtiOT, k Pover UnfttAk-ft8t by-C-K T) -i VDI 3' Do# of lut us Dw of wim Cootml jtq*T M Pittoor Pa4- TV 530 dMI rj Ranitr. Fruip: orzmllls ur. t~-m ~vf the:104 3. ~~r-rLn!ntnll by 1 0, Vvp US :&W, of Hin-ea Am U;i ii klip Ono Quall-ity of the p i Ual: uts ~u 11*4 UiA~t'rouzd Casitication of Oal. lagi"i and Hy~xopalogical 0 4 pi? tra#~t n3 Ari Oi;z V9W. 11P) 4s, 1957,t pp 17-1-9. SU, 59&lwu) 91 Vol !no ir, Iva Ji !tu"-. ~ue ir I d V I ~~,qp 1.. 1.9 1;ritloi UiAw of Burcbale8 With Prel;suro iii &xd CQa! by v, Krein-in. pbezeftMt~M Gazidflmtsiya Ugley, Vo Dept of Interior Bu of mjxieu Central Exper Sta 111ttsbuGh, Pa. Tr 5 57 Gaill 110 130 the Problam I'iL oZ Racif C-aAir.A 411er~ll;aura Gaofficalhimo by 1. A., petp dw UF ti, r 19 of Int tm,:our of Mims C4dral Uper Sta Pitts N Tr 535 t~ !r, M I UVI' 16t ikdl!4-g&Amd Gas aenarators by lOkkldrUI*UA41,FA U4 li, '195 IV 1*0 or Atterlor Lt Bur of Him Oputral RqMrlment Station ft. Tr 316 MIN 5 i joidj~~Aci I *tbods of Pr*ventive Super- vt I ithe,DriiUng of Inclined Boreboles I Im A, *a~ Oaam by D. A. Sokollw, A. A. r of pp. r 119 59,-65- SLA 60-230'U sell 9 .7 A I ~,,,V2 2~ ~rll TIhe' :hn: 4 U 6af IfertAim), And u dasli ~of Cuuj~ V. S. 'Sia-il'acv , RM:Z J 11 190 - , C-l A59 fl '7, '~-S'7. Alti Sal ~Ue~ d0!6 1,112 t#dning the Economic Efficiency Oanfi~auon Orcoal, by NO er' pp'. P6dz Gas Usbw.. 2:957s No S~A 5p-ICP06 4t UVA If Ofti. Tb* samosto Ad u in ww'U.G~ or cosio by mu UR. (34=) N.Wr S*i u AM K. r*pt au (e Ildner, CeuLral Uper sta PIttsburoa, Pa. Tr oi, -mo J;r 4 ~T.0 f;~r i J),Jiat~ of Obtvdnimg HIGh Ctaorific Gaz 0 p t roo" irication of Coal, by Yqr,~ Pod,za M!'y& GazisikazoiYa wey, Dept o1' Interior Tlre~ AIR " V mo -Vt Merlic. A0.1ttalIna of the rlovmm~,, of 1a C(M X ltiCil2 COUtirot.., by D. V. Lavrov) K. 1; D6pt of hitarlor W7. 957. No 105 7 7 ~ov rf-7- MC4 : t M016 1 jk;, '*in ths~Pkoooism cif Eftids-rgmtwd Goolif -ticiii., by,,A.,4. 40skim, T. 14. Suhotin- ok RMI $1 Rd l r4i ill *c0ams" Gazif Ibktal3ft %ley) ip ftpt of Interior 7p 1 57, Wo 69 me ffn4 101 tile it, I~Uvlli WN%hOKl Of Ct"'J'jVIUG ~Wk, Utf) GaIllf1datt'60 Of Caul) by i's L, Ka 41, L -,,Do t of uturior Im.1-No 99 liusri oalrollin the Converoion af C~w bi a 14) wil l4atur Va:pur Viien ?roCuicAnt, ms I'a wn Undo, rcr ouxid. TCc( A ~l I. Trif C'nov, V.. P.;,, )Illr.~ odum. A, "a-zUU4~4r-. UY'Aey) NO 12 mciii 1955'' in 35-38. Du of' Kiwo Central Emper Sta PittOtir,:4~b.0 Pa. ipg at's t~; t~f) Worgmund 4g,olfication Wocoss in o ceneratm tit the to Yushno 0a p. aStatidn, by I., D. Win, V. V.- or iy~i WS a OaziflamtsIr lUalei; llq~ V:Fvt or zilt Us Bur ef minelm Coutra). BxWr Sto Pittsburgh Pa. to 343 En' Pil I Ra~ulta 01" Test On Ifolined Directei IBM ell)lcl V4~ 00 STA 59-183(A o lry -1 1 -vo 0l Iva 1~ j of U.JA Pringipa PoLetws an the rrvooas 14 No I ;Uel of the Y.Uzhan, - Gazifikataiya Uft P*t at lhtertor V7, 1*7j go 147 er 00 or 131.0z tiic,~ (wA Stat* tri I Mou VolLd, 1-3 I omsific;,p La i C~Majap,;,Up of ;RwrIA"ll the wk Lis 140 the Kitzbowsp by I. D. Yud:lziy Ain Interior f 0 Ts 7m 15'rp NO t 4j -pp ii7 i I! I I I Axinee of -",phe ru. Oct Iii SLA 59-3%.W571 ep 0l: I"trl* C=aat r-Dr r1ring 74Y&WMQB.- A. D, Dopt of' laterior TR7,0 V,;Tj, Ito LU ~ r 114rauilc D"Uruption of a Bituninotr naraq et iml.;o 21 pp. alml PEA-3 042~yolelp so 20, 19581,,,~-. $LA 59-1513.3 Vo qQ )h cif Uh&rgrouad Gft*ratQrcj loy V, 't'' ~~rodz=AA (umolkataiya ugidy.., 9~4 ftt of Intaior TNTP EYFo No 59 .6w, or -ula Itc*f Darica 0' HIMIJIt.-A of C%mblaing up I~to'l 1114. 1 at; Upichawk by V. fit Dept of lalAtrior TMO rl%lo Ito 103 ri jL14 1 9 lbil ;!trs of the Proamas t~f iladergroarud t ,.a, b:f A. JL. Asro&b. II, t of Tn'terior E,57, No 102 IS14mut'. 1, A. A. ANO 1,41 M-A F 61 -,z'j7'74 Tr,,,,rw~ rA IPI I A ztn 1,~i no. I pr", D! LI.A-, f t. IfIj !C) OCO 1~ Poilitur", O'nie.,111al Cooduc- (~Iemxlcal). tivity, ;SPI qm Dfe,o~ r, it. M*.c :4111 of 01~1 -~40 c6idw-ttylty of coal diseo I ~Y~t L, Sh4t~ a 1) it dt *~Feas6a. bt cufi4, CA higb moN - nwe Milt 6" al co6Jactkhty iiriatim curve , ~u re condw, - as the mdm. t I U~ r I &M, !retidilrig a t1aidnium value V. WAS thal Wal'al k,]Llu4,v ~lx 'by X. F. Dept at Int*rior i I apnuves or ibe woft ..ta~the 6md~rvowd ammestim lie Omb=-Abla M&Ut by M. Ya. I ~. ~ml, am-&Uya JL4 -1. A ~ Is!.* - - 9~:!~ I p pp 309. ~4'n~~t K. ~~'K ES C INV ON susluft I Sri ~f i6 LC I vh~.*o. V,., P, Itfm.10N w w.rito ly, w; mvk* op CM4. %01 8p. 27 Js~koo, iol."X 61-IC028 1!'Iq $MR) iTTO V, S. 06. 61-10729 1. Patroleim-Reccmery 2. comwition-Apoicsthm 1. Arsby. A. K. 11 Yu.,em* V. P. im b ft o MW*so by ILtal c K iLft~ Itt PltAn 1. L. ftrbarov., Ml UYP no Oro 60-16587 io joir 6 #0: kp A 8x N'I 0 K Yurchenko, V - P. X15TRIAL RECOVERY FROM A 7UM $Y MEANS OF , reri. ~A mIS I - $0, ph$ I - 90 60-1699 inIltxo rimento are described flot ''Indu,4 ;~ of Petroleurn CAwporation on by e in Cafiforrds'. 4 r k6kng. ~'Tj V. S. no. 3) i b0- 16959 LPetroleum- -Recovery 2. Petroleum- -Combustion I .Arstly, A. K. 11. Yurchenko, V. P. all of".. of May ol~ I A, Turch:l ri-L U-0-i 54 t1'4 USSR, Part ii 344 1963. DIA 7 91 36 063[~ P(: di 11: f( Lny ~Proopssp by A. A. rtx~a. 454pp. ~k I. kif z F, pSLW1,pci)tazovatel.'!iy-y Prolte-s,, ~cr. IT Tl~ )4-,550 88 i5cl leiruilG #Y Rode', A.! The iiP Gift 14 A*Mir~g Process and the EvAution of 3oils RUSS ~N bk oftolodbrazovatelInyl Protsess i Evaiw' i~~a C~hv 1959., -pp-. 14700, *PL 4-3o SO OT" -21835 Dee 6 li al:- 'A"I'Des artd 1-31mbs for ri: L.! IlodurAlukri k :~ClWall cr 0 on a Gosos4y Active Metals, b/ D. Is p0. I bko pogl"MmIye Gazov Aktivaymi !Mt ,is 173C 966boi -62-1764 TT M 3JL 6