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audance of ftIts in tbt Fued State 90chimehyatt Ir. P. Barsawyokly$ pp. RUMO;: zhur prit Xhing Vol =t go 12P lMo pp 1755+17594 Covsuhsats Bureau, Diff A -A, Gu~l RUgS in Natuxal Quartz that Linderwent ffetiang bY pv, E. Ya. Va.: I r$ Dek Ak Nauk SSSRj Earth Science, sl~ol CLIII, No 1-61, Nov$ Dec 1963, pp Amr Geol Inst sci 1 id ;65 Los c Faurimi in the Western -13 4 iWiltia- wrldi. Filittowag 1-p, t,.,4r 10 r4 (fly-362-1 tati DistributliOn of Bottom Fauna In the Wor,td Oce., Abyssal Areas.. by L. A. Zenkevich, K. C:et ~, 41. 0. G. M. Belyayav., 7 pp. RUM.TAY, Dok Ak. Nauk S&T y VQ1 C)MX; no 1, 19604 P-D i83-186- ipAs 2675 Sci Ge ya ma~ 0 ~iilll Gro sc !It; Syn#bme~ by tT# C 0 Barvatrtinip 9 0 P61184k U YP 0 or., . Arch deft Cir Vol XEMIP i Jun ~v Ammit Nw WOO ~p7o W 4m Zo The Iff*O Of COUS100 on Fmopborm *UtdLim., 10 ~, rAN J ver, slomiu, vbi mcrip SO 60 Im I burvau AO~ wromppmat Dry FILIM Frcu ftP=bnmtc- ogre" 3 AW TV On 41cl 4, i041 Now fts6lts in Steel Analysis b7 Means of the : I H QUan+-OvaLo Apparatus., by W.-H. Barry, Dzh.M. Korrol, PP, RUSSIAN Zavod Lob, Vol UY, No 12, 1959, pgr~ PP 153 38 Instm boo or Amer Sci Jan 6 nx-&e tilb* Of o"tbit #ams' Is ow westera Berl u Zo Sonmovat US pp. Tv, Dot. "t *$at .0".46w IMIAKId i Apt Hubs I ~ i taller,,,Trakto-IAdek und ibre Verwondung., :.954.. 1 1 bY V. fe~ Baisebev, G. V. Chinitsch Transl~ted .irom the Russian edition, 1951. 1 .1 The kffeA of Ethana Anine and Some of itis on Pbo Activity., by G. V. r ,820JOOLMA i to Vi Dars.1wa, 4 pp. R mowxiA, Vol XXIV, No 6., 1959, 1070-1M3. CmDultbuts Bureau Jul, oil a Lead ICooo*At4*t*s In fteed Salts,, orl ~ T. ~l Uu,, A. V. Ijushlook"a'o V. P. I'jj~ 5 PP - p klo i~r, Our Pea Im", Vol xmno No 21 i0 P ~ 3T&383 - P lb Ili. wi Ole -"XA-3.0 Jklicotm~v by V. D. ky~ 8 ~ky ca Nola T PX" 27 sw 109 ACSp 1$ 0-83& Old Aoronsoles Apr CIt Meas ent Pulse Generators for the Investi- of Vie Transient Characteristics of Sad - =111,c~' or odes By 1k. idulms, L. Ic Barshauska-- [p/16 Ly pe,~ PribM i Tekh Tksper, No 6. 1962, pp- 849$ Sol Aug 63 Isk Barsbay, A NOMOG" 'FOR PENDING THE CORRECTIONS TO DIRE S TO CURVAIURS IN GAMMA] 10 0 PROJEUrN THE ELLIP~011) -eO TI-IB n . PLANE..Tr ~, on liet Ceodesy 1925-40. 10 Mar 61 141p. I ref. ~S: R-144-N/15. Order fron14, or S" jni$I. 80, ph$1.80 61-19064 Trans., of Get~ist jpSSR) 1936 [v. 121 no. 3, p. 53-55.. A - 61-19(*4 1. Geodesics- -Nomographs 1. Barshay, S. Ye. 11 . Title: Soviet... HI. JPRS-R-114-N/15 IV. joint Publications Rese-arch Service. New York Barshiy, S. Ye. F6RMIJL � AND MENT be, TTIE ~ Trans. ~lpnj Soviet 1, I ref. JP~S: R- I 1~ Order,, OTS I ) Trans.: of Geodezli p. 23-29. DESCRIPTORS: *k (Matheinitics). hotAInced) C14EMES FOR RIGID ADJUST- m.Esr GE0j)ETIC FIGURES. odesy 1921-40. 2i apr 61 (101p. N/37. SLA St. 10 61-19510 (USSR) I Q35 (V. I I I no. 8' USSR. Transformatims 61-11510 1, Title: Kruger transfor- matiolls. 1. Harshay, S. ye. H. Title: lkyvitt 111. jPRS-R-113-Nj37 IV. joint Publicali(xis Research Service, New York Offim *I TOC6" S.~l fil - 19515 BarshAv, Ye,i TM 11~�ERTION bF A STATION INTO A FixrD 1. Barshav, S. Ye. (DETERNINED) IRIANGLE. Trikus. on Soviet If. Title: soviet ... Ge(xiesy 029-40. 121 Apr 61 [Sip. JPRS: R- I 16-N13-2. & Ili. JPRS-R-116-N/32 N, SI..A $1. 10 61-19515 Order fTL)nn W. joint Nblications Research (USSR) 1938 [v. 141 in 7. Service, New Yom P. 67-70. 1 DLSCRIFIJORS: N;eophyslcal prospecting, Trigonoin(w try, Tbe4y. USSR. (Untinnou ce d Barrsl 1 ; ~~y A RAPID ~VAY COMMJTM LATITUDE. Trans. on Soviim:: ~ es,'J, 1925-40. 3 Mar 61131p. I ref. JPRS: k-114-N/17. Order frqm LC SLA n-d$1.8% ph$1.90 61-191:12 Trans.. aGoode st (USSR) 1936 [v. 121 no. 3, p. 74. 61-19132 1. Gemlesics-Iteory 1. Barshay, S. Ye. H. Title: Soviet ... M. JPRS-R-114-N/17 IV. )oInt MlicaLims Resemh Service, New York omwo of TOAWW sw1hos ~ ~i -1 Z4,?l lWW'Us4i ft"Vol It-ii* pp ikict Uatt In IlUver 3A IV$ 3zov va 218 No 20 Sai NO Lib No P/03 scluo W4 -w pbpus 27 D ices*, 3'5p gailde Ai~oh 9 pp. ~by Sai4i Vol LVO owl AUSSO ------ so AV Tr q/ Th.el0*'0toa#UUlti(! Properties of Zlm Oxide tz -~Ae ~R~~ction or metbyle~w mue. it. moonLag 7rAff of "" Fh0,i,*C*t&I"t8 by Nitro CaVounds,rW 1. N. fiUSSIM aur ns MAMO vca Xxxint No 1959.5, D,,e-r,.,,g. DBIR IM RTS 1537 Sci Che~ SV jj~ ~4' 116: t, inu IMal Fbotoelectric I',ffc!rt, AbnorjyO ~m o, Licb and iSIliuvitiVity iuL silver Iodide, 1):i z t,.rf Zhur LII.$E~ Fiz, Vol ~jp pe r Ho .111P -fr-cw- *7_ 0 Ot SGUMUfto tW L. A. am Oft Ak MISo a Vbl at me is, on-" Sol ph~,* Abst bt The of ihe Slastic D! eformation of Polywr b B;ksbenevi T.!,N. Kbazanovich G. Institute and the Research CIA/FDD X-2731 59-18095 iarsh THE H 1 00FTE IN FLIGHT. [1*1 198)p. F-TS- 1. Barelievskil, V. 9060/V Oi~* 11. F-TS-9060/V ~SLA $B 60 59 ISM Ill T h i l D M r - . or . ec n ca Dmments LWoon Office, Wright- Trans. r oil hom mi owlec w Locie, Warsaw, 1956, Patterson jkfB, Ohio transle from ~R poslan In . Yormlet Y. Mile. DESCR ORS: loopters, Design, Helic*er , rmomt o r 9. icopt nee, Manetive iiability, PH& testing. This bck)k i s des,j for readers hovftig sonle imowl- edge d6v i 1 stion v: gineerft Wt ildanii1lar with hall - - 1 c4 ,pter i . - I kipUs of helicopt in anol k4alliftorn al 0 er night- 6 auth0i used C011011" ianimse to describe hiell' r design i M to explab, the hokfamental an- a ct h- licopte cithwry. (pubildlei's note) Office of Technical ~mlcos (Engiri6br hg--Ae utical, TT, v. 6, no. 5) - 7-16-61 117 lphotoca ic Properties of Zinc Oxide in the Redl on ot~ -Yiethylene Blue., Ve Poisoning by metal ions ~ b3l" I - 1~ ILa~~ 6 pp. RMWJI per !I Zhur Fiz Ehim., No 2_, 1962) pp 249--259- Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. Nov 62 216 P390 Deveio' nt! of High Precision YR-chine MW TbCls in the jode~4a Kirov Factoryj, by N. M. BarshW' shi*ellman, RUSSI&., Stanki i InstrumetrLu, Vol XXXII, NO 9, 19610 pp 27~,29. PEPA '9~'O sci 2 i)J'-' U 24'..T 62 tbo b7 Ta LUP w igei in,6prt*-* cnaorapiasts, by Pj; ze I* i'am!!!nm a PP. ITS! UA00%4WLY# Vol Vn, OP Amw bwUt or Kol :I* AC, Dal" tho ftrfttion and Growth ct D ~4111 Dds in t CM*j, by B. 1. B&rWakp., E. Z. RUNW, p~r, Piz Matenty, vol vi, wo 1, 1959, 99, p p Aim List of B101 Sol 7, JJI 0 0f Nuclaic AeJAa la the 5,.~Owul,tld Did Domancy of Ardt Crops., by 'K. J, rabkYal 3. 'E. ckni 1" 7 pp. 113".1MO; Plzialog Faut~~Ouii, Vol VIE, I-,It,- 64, Amz! xnet. c:r p1(31 37~4 c 1;ii=~ 601 1 I= of the lAtent Betromella in the mom in Qata" or the Stnluj by 0. UwWd fto 002wilaertp pm~cgp z Awe" losaurt awtour, Vol PWV.L 3b IV 196os vp 112-118. INA6oi7ae 8 V fo 1?331~xv-16g I~Ltlxk4 of Wood-OmIned Plastics for )bki% Large -jDS'*trmwU.4,by L. H. Sbu*sMvskiyl A. M. *2 311PPO I L~l I~r) BmWitel Telts NO Uj, 3.960# PP-10-22- 3~ i svpt inloal (it the Cl o6ilaitll Cha titides, by B. I- c6lurse AcUte HaP& g. T. BA 6ki A, Blymberg and -I'd mo perq VOYOtMO Ned Zhur lit boom, Nov 1958, PP 22-25 ipp-3 1210-1 9/1 OF -.'L050) ~Itnetl~aa of Owbustion of Carbonv by G. A. mak*, Ya. S. Zelldovichs, 23 PP- ~USSONO per, Zhur Piz Xbits., Vol XXV, No 5p 051~.ipp 523-537. JM 49T4 601 11 Chem t 0, 1c2 0 cita~iotl spectra.wd Brightness of Hatwal b uoreocewe of Consi, by L. S. AsMkin., 1 11 1 YM41 Bmklyj 3 Ipp- sea, Vol OXEM, ~rsrx~ I AIN Ultra-Violet Fluorescence of the Formal Elements ~the Bone Marrow and Peripheral Mood of Of sjj aDd %n in Norml and Pathologim! n Ultra-Violet F."Luorescer-ce of Ob We Borib Marrow and Periphal. Blood of Anlimis a4d Yz~ in Normal Conditloas, by Ye. M. T. Drumberig, 1. Ya. B~XgkI M. Kondrat'yeva, pp. R M.YAW, per, Blofiz- Vol TI, No 1, 1961. pp SOL ultjIraVioleli Fluorescence of Bone Marrow and Bl-bld,Celli in Man and Animals in Health and in Pisepe. !2. Their Condition in Radiation Sickness, by I.Ya. ~Arskiy, E. ~. Biumberg, et al, 5 pp. RUSSIAN,' pLr, Biofizika, Vol VI, No 5, 1961. CB Sci, Sep'62 210,475 , I kiemscoIr of Biological Material Under Tcip Lj*h~t) b~j~ Z. M. Brmberg, 1. WeL. Barskly., P. E. moroz,: PP RUSSIAN Per.,:1 BlaWks, Vol -TV.. No 5) 1959) PP 595-595- Forgmw Press oci jun 6o uitrl~4,,OuIi411,111=206006 WLQ~p Of the Reg'a" c g1te 1048 DOM jjRrjW a0d POripher&l SIOU ~ by's by's B I. T&. DMklyp To No Ibndrat P 1, 7, p R u RUSS p p0 Dok Ak Nm*'4M.9 Vol ==a Ra 1961 ~~21-152k* AIDS Sept. ~l (NY-5502) ftb 6i Ion of Ultraviolet Microucopy to oJeats', by To. IL Sminberg.. L Ya. NO TBIUWViY&s VOI Iti NO 3) 1960-- JM 7666 Application m! Utravlolet Flumscaucc Micrcuc%-y to the 0- i~dy ~f Liplfication of Coll WaUap by L, ':a. Baz IM. S~ Barftngkaya,, 4 pp& ~,)er, Ir4 Ak Hauk SWRj 176.1 =!X; Na 1" 19591 p Amer Xwt of 'Bial- Sci j= 4o '5668 vice Cone'endrw the Ilse of Diainfection V E9 ~'Qwer, pparatun, by S*DoBoahk:Lrov RL SS wo per Voyanno Ned Zhur,, No 8, tic i coiol Aug 190, V~p 80-84 US JPRS 103o-N 447 hwFivism"W In. the Wthod of MemBur- Lv~ Pro6atLylty la Coustructlon, by S. pp. PW, Um ftndW'i%tv&j No 1; 1961, 167~ :i JPRB F;76 IR MAP study Of, usdneabion durin4 ri wood$ by I. ]Mrs ml 8 Y.P. ion J~ rio n Rwtealio Vol lx)~ NO P-J, pe PPO, of Chloro -finterIng Leaves plast s in the V )f'4vsrgreen Plants .2!t!Lm pp Rijs~c.uo, per, Fitiol Rasteniy, Vol IX, No 4, pp ot 2A/ -069 MLOSM onto"* v pp Vol 11410 1*40 iL Cal Id of Vi0a ac**afte VZO ftu%n and i0 ft" Falwa "d TO j hwokqat 6 pp. pert Vol MV 9 lb 4, p D OU 15M7 ~721 par, Ravoc h-anmEoc ict H qua$,, Vol Vn$ 'No 5t 1962: 543-552, Set 41. alolmea SIA May sv ') f U l Ry-, tie Character of the CelluLu Lasion sp~c I I i Ttro by the Viruses of the APC cal~rs ; 111,~ I Gro andl! Ito Dlagwetic Value, by, G. Berski, 151 12 J p~rv A= do I I Inat Paeteur, Vol #M r. 116 5., Nov 19%j pp 614-6m. M ME- 7-10 Be! vwo b"*GIAA* by G. ftimme eta! v jftj,: A Vol 25;0,0 3AKo4,v q ;101411""" , JT Muse C41,23 orcm VACq.tw 6 pp. riomm So Nv.T 60 or Difforazw" Degreas of Maligtmcy in 0 I S.'ra-zo ASMcdated Wltb Chicken ML3ryonia j *U.Y St. 11039.f., G. Baxski, 1~a. VD. IM Tr 9-6-40 :i,o VI" ;IF Vittorio &-scro- Val O=MUO 0 11953s vp A. ho*do- Aim ~Pationts With Acute Eepatitis, by~i I H A - Blyumberg 3 PP. Rl - Pro-Olww oamtol. i Peral Krovi,, vo~ 21 1939.0 34-36- pp fka MO 9 'NU now Is 11 UL 'W''1 11 AM 1,01 (NY-6117) A OIL "too of W-microrilang to obeervation iNw .1c AC14446vtor 1z tTs Living Cell, 'U' To. Van 1H Per., %it*1ogj4w,, voi in.. io 1,. 1.961. 6-1 tau of COWbt*A Limimmecent Phase- -Axly+-Tu. No rime" ic W, Taitologipp vol int No il 1961. JM 9339 apt 401 64.1 '~Atr~'iiollll Oju*'resimnoe Microscopy of the i Reg C oneuts of the Done Marraw and Pcrip~erail blowm b~,Z- M. Brumoberg, 1. Ya, Ba T! m Kowratlyeva# et all 4 pp. T 1 rj Dok Ak Ibuk SMO Vol CXXXV) No 61 iq6q 1 pp AIP DOVI PIWe - DOk Vol Y, sc,6 sci 1 15'f 4117 Jun: 61 lint u violit Flumseades of Cellmp by Ye. M. ItTi rg, 1. T&. Lks- M. a. sbudel Avis ro Voit.olq9tras Vol Up No 5p 1960v im -tam t ~dft Sol W~ I ~trs~ilolat fbwnwceam cof CrystaU of Aruatic H. :pruubtrg,, AM Act6 I by 1. Yo. Apkly. 3 IM-P Ipor,, Biokhia,, Vol MMIJ9 So 51 Im.0 PV -Tr - DArM I-Jjrclor With fipctif,!.c-, 'UNCL US.L~ Lendknw Librurv iv- HSU BONN* I I i p , AWL ~ 0' , ft- iot ~ - I 7d-M& TWM I I ODC~Lv I ii 1 0/ I p / i Sd *10*1 i rp4v mu~a - (NY-3000) PLANT CONSTRUCTION FOR LARGE-SCLAE INDUSTRY:BY l.,B RSKOV, M PP. k__ RUSSIAN: NP, STROITELINAYA GAZETA, M FEB, 1962. JPRS 14005 USSR &ON ~UN 62~ 157,715 Heat-Registadt Butyl Rabber Vulaeuxisates, by ~, P.1113arskova, V.. E. Bresler, et al. 3 PP- 4,--- i I RUSS~t per'!!! Kauchuk i Rezina., Vol XX, No 9. 1961 53-5.6. jphoto~h mic, Color Reaction of Cyammide and Ferrc anide ~Iy Buchanan GeoFjS!~-,Dqrskyj, b pp- RMAN, r,, ew Chem Vol XLIVO No 21jo .1931s 363- t SLA 59-15787 59 2, 110'5 atep~d At%pWw in Wwkars RnMed in the 1! 6t Mmaidt" CODUWAU AltrQGlYCOl by N, Tw- k W IAVMVS Vol Uvt No lol 1954: ITAq, SIA 57-9695 IG AlIg 7d, 8 to tft6to of Rydrogen r Pb ft 1,014 by lkrto', lkrsotti 24 pp. t A M. LOW's VOI UII-t NO: 2~ SaL.A. sciadt ta lbdicine CM &/Aa 55 float Somme$ to Due. 72 IYOW QMOMC Nodad ter Caloviattr4 the tips Hat 8, 1 VP 3"Z flow post"$ tm stp4e pace (DC-5223), Appli, Resesj, pp HUSSY, tion!1of Mathewtioal Met1tods in Economic h anj Planning; ~y N. M. Oubia, V. A... Be.reuk, May Vestnik Svpti) No 12., 19601 PP '4".8-30. im 13163 tbet name pi mw T"bolp 11 A-lI lot 3b Li's X9631 vv 2T40. an son 4-91 (NY-5217) A R f tim Bwk by P. P. ftyagluz output lloi~ set In the comawdestiom lndmtry.. bY N Ini, P. P. BimWwvs, V. A. B.arsu.ki IPW, Vestaik OVY99ip No 3j, 1955. im 7086 Sc:i 5-T 3 P/ 61 tba MoUr Transport of MWaj, The U of ~ 6=wnwe in Le A. *KUVV*klYo 15 PPS by V* vwtwug "aij. No 8.9 1957. (W-wh) at AM04*28 at Pm*mrum Adso sk 74" - .061ow it 1w T. 'j* am-=14 6, P. mobdj4 VWM gqam4 N& 32s 2054- : I I im I" i 04 I *44 -~ic, Icc of Bv,xz; iL~~Dix-i tel) From :3,,,,,~.,3j-,jjiGton: '.L co2A, ", 1. Y, ~l - )2. ,u l3lill-,~ iu, 13 Folu 196 U3: -R Pol Some Prdbleni6 of the Geochemistry of Boron, by Bexsu l~ .9 13 PP* V~j L. r!',,, Geokhim., RUSSIO pe No 7) 1961) Geochem Soc Sci t 62 0 c 216,,297 4 Is~ Linear Programing) b-y A. S. Bars .ov. ~~MAN~ bk, Chto Takoe Linefnoe Pro-ra-mmirovanie. D.C. Ifeath Co., Pub. 285 Columbus Ave. Boston b,' MISS. iell- Meiii~lt)i: NSF 1 111) Dee 00 is's OCT I TAL I NVW- WQ BASIN I*p PF 9w-11. 212s 153