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!of lWAL tonoaadjas ko T va w 164M. 434"A 8a! 8elect4n-g a Rational Method of Puriflying 2~-nc Mectrolyte of Cobalt, by 1. Altai Yu. S. Press) 6 pi). I~w per., TBvetnye Meteilly., Vol II., 14~ 2, 1961.. pp 38-42. &mrcer, 641 263,751 ccaa~ ra oce VAKOCOW solng of Cop.Wr&Zlzlr_. bY A. D. *4&nW, ,tG Boa Tovatwy Newaurr, T~5entxal 7) Th" F-YdI:'q,,,ute-UUrgjCaj Treatmttnt Of jjigh Sili.ca Z:L lei 'Cone cntrW6esp by A. D. Ymyant,3, p. 1.p p terp T vetnyy NG 3, 19~;B 16 ) 47, e 14etal.1y, jr0j. XXXII DSIR LLU RTS 1594 sci Pun/ met Oct 60 tw mtl* Pap La tan OY Ao D- WVWUv F- L Dog== (Z0# go he took 0OWUe OUSUdum la .9 Bob-.-- vita ! t4ld Coqpwmu ABLU4034 :59 i7d ThIL- imp~ltanee and Rc~le of Subalinical and otj~!~Forms of Poliomyelitis and Their Si fiel de in the De-velopment, of the id*ic Process, by 0. V. Barqy=., I. iio~bkam 11 P.P. Zhur Mikrobi4, L!pidemiol i j voi No 1 1 iq6o2 PP 122-132. pp Sci 195,141 U"3e 6,11 Ithe thick Ehbrjo, Aldolase Reaction in the Dlagw is o Disease of Virus Orkgin --Preliminary Cc=un; by A. M. Ananik*~any 0. V. Baroyan., 6 ppe USS"I pla.~., Voprooy Vlrueologiy, Vol IV No 3 33 -335- Pergaknon PraaB Jun 60 1 l7importance of the Spvad of a, artr&U of Pollawalitis Virus ammgst with Imoulated Pn"nsv by 0, V. Ic, N. Gailonakeyal, 7 pp. Rm~w, per,, volpr virwa, Vol Vo No 5,? 19600 Pp 532-5380 pp OS-2- a "rA ; Am 61 11he emi6ation of~tbb Vaccine Strain of Influenza virua 146t Contacts With Vaccinated Persons) by L6 t 0. v V. M, Boi0toviskiy) 4 pp. maldi RUOUN., per., Voprosy Virusolog) Vol VI) No. 1961~1 ~P 54,1-590- pp Sci Oct 216., ii-L The Suia4poxl Outbreak in Moscow in 1959-19W., b-i 1 1 As F 0 0 Voi Berenkoy 9 pp, RUS31*0 perk', Zhur Idkrobiol E-pide=iol i Tmminobiol, I =CI Vol -:1., 146~ 4., 1964 PP 72-79. pp Sci oct 62 216)o63 . I ; The iad C r! tAw lwu Unumm Pandmic 'g, 1957t by 0. V4 Bat I)AVIC 13 OP 61 Im SO 609A. pp 804. .801 *d mar 59 f3,644T AU~7 AMA* or *Mwlmtlm Amin-t 46 AA. 00 Volk 1w 0. V. suwsnv Ak *A a& was %I XMI so U's DI boloo CwC,'P2mO* DWIng tbe~ Twatleth 4 '? pp. ,m 'Win am No 6, W7s pp 13o- PorawAft IwtLtute advJ . M- 1004410 I i USSIAN04mr,p Op Pi 3 11- I - 140 n 59 ~ . c-l' Yellbw Favor,, by 0. D. 2.-~,~jjunr v, 8 pp., Urusoleglyp Vol UIj, Ao I., fte F,1:4 11 pzqptwlmds of the t !I oaf obealm TA"s MONO"# 0. To sent Test AIL *USAN*M Vol I'VIns Po 529630 wx Bed Tfie PI do ot Daimea Pima$ in tm sami Of A mati it an And-reauunt ftaw, by 44 314 - ui ro pf Vol No I-41iiI L PC ww1um at ftfa-sov" sm"b"Itle VINWOWYO To, m0 X0 f h0006 Int Oin Co=otUn Idth Cb1crine-Allm4l. lis 'Abacoiw to tim MAW by *01; 00 140,574. S.L.A. Tr 103 tFVliWA6:'bV the I~Aoml Jklada Service, by r1a 0um P. a Rows-oft "u4dza do WuKoloqig f T& Mj Ro 20 pp 26747L# tb onvoom or a"" in wat" by toad 0t WOO at Now* and Of best v bv XJ4: ftwbft am V.P. HMO 1b M36MI, cm 64 lb~ 320s,407 Tj ",rtogmpby., by -Itzrio 3wm=t~,;~p SPAM% ~Ilatroduuciou a Ila Urtoeil%fia7 S~A JOEU!, pp No CA 51t0 C05. AM Ub rz' IA Oct 56 T.rlbic tesiono of the Feet Due to Acquired Pat,ologyl' of the Cauda Equine (and Ute Medullary C L. Barraquer-POTe,, V. Bwch-Ollvesj, %rr mer-Bordair, 5 PP. BPOXSH,~ per., 14ed:IcIneQinica.(BarCe1Om),, Vol PP AM Tr So 1130 3dj 79*/ Spie; If to Hedic ine biology Tr6~phia 1~010ns of the Feet Dom to Acquired j patbI61og~ of the Cauda 2quine (smd the Medulla" Come) 5 PP. SPOIISHj :IpeT) M~j#ine elinica (Barcelma),, Vol 1952, Vp NIB I!r No 1130 el~~if ic!~ -Medicine, biology fit, All, Vol mv, UMber Tr 221 tic IRS/# 4.J 16' cc Osumi ReGamnoo I fAM la"I at NWGM7. P110 ing J. p. 37 it- .we ot IA AMLMV Lls MJbuft*d64D"-2r.1 "g9eM923 13 Xr .7 ~S 6%ot qAtcal seson"Co Mal" t* 6 Level at Mercury. PIRr xq"wIx~at&-' iA*ulta,, by J. P. Lo Jawmal do "iqm at 1e Radium., ftwaxNa 044,-ftv IAng CSV AMA ^&I watw c =t at to tbe tev*l of Mercury. Acm ftd4m~t F&rtA 1: Tii;ms by J. F, 23 at 1e ftdtms L* Jounal do rAPIQU w Ai.-oa. gaign 12 pp- io a,* io Tot 1110,20 V ~ I ! I ; I I p . I *"to* It 0 Rcd~ ~ =r w at= b.-2" Vol CCLVU 196,v Jul 6P 2840451 From Recombination Center.,: :reated in i by Fast Neutrona, by Nguyen Van Doag, CW-A" . ... 3d9., poro JWrul of Ilsetrmics and Omtrol j Tj~! 19 1-9591 pp 985-288. ABC 3CL-T -34-9 13-5; ~3,5 ;77l, 7 lpoc~ not (DC-3570) TAKEO P,910VI CE OF CAMBODIA.. BY J:.BARRE., 5 PP. FRENCH W, IREALITES CAMMIENNES, 20 JUL 196,,,.., p 9. FE CAieW I A ECON., OEOG SEP JPRs 15013 210s278 (DC-3570) C Y ILES~~UP THE MEKONG RIVER, BY J~ N ~BARRE,,, FRENCHt! NPJ~EALITES CMMIENNESt 18 mAy 1962, P 6. JPRS I.AO13 FE CA~BW;4 soc) T~Iip SEP'62 210 :27 Conti-ibut the Theory of Nuclear Selfpropulsion by J, J. OLD - -et-.01 20 ppy (AF 1138257). UNCIASSIFEED -IMMONGE', vl~-Ir Lawi' V`0' Contr Ibu LIVU A L'Autv r~) Ulf; B 1~ 0; - ud, iLire Oct 1957, 11 pp, e- /4 6 ATIC F-TS-93711/1 Scl Nuclear Phys ma r Inves lgation on- Ionic Prop-alsion, by J. J. %rre 32 P11) (AF ~11138257) - UNMA5BlFlW FHEN(',-~.. rpt, Ressi de Contribution a la Prop.ulsion lonl~uel, 21, ATIC F-TS-9-375/V Sci Obys *r 54 61-10880 Barre Ia. Ha M.-J., and Desinerez. RESE NE, POTENSly~A11P NPN- L Rauwolfia alkaloids-- I I iA QL.Ruz (LA Resirpiline. Ales olde Physiologica) effects H' r se~~ et n6 tran4ullblaW. Peb 60. 2p. 2 refs I . gerre, J. Ia ypot~ Order frol ISLA', d$1.80. ph$1.80 61-10880 H . Hans, M. I i 111. Desmarez, J. 1. Tians. ~of [ia;b~ de] Blogogle et de ses Fillales). 'to] Rendfui des Seances] (France) 19S8. v. 152 ffnoom3p]"p. 3-534~ Ofh-.f T.Cwt.1 SOM-s --Pharnscology. TT, v. 5. no. 1.2) e tdtlycmic Action of Certain Sulfhnudde riwi,,i 9, by Joan La Barre,, Joan House j, 6 pp. X?=;.l pero Archives l(wrlandaises de Pbysiologie 1e F114'ome at des Animuxp Vol XMII No 3/4, 475 -4& - OTB !jol in, No 6 sLA 6o-lo471 142 Il on Of TMA Film of' ftaymx Use c-, ti for bistaUle layers in 1-kelear Fbysiu, wr 6 I GiTer# Le Jumvnl de fbyvlquo et le Raditwo ,p~jAo 1,1 1954j. pp 4A-TA.. (9668,,ft-5,61 NM/I= Tr 930 a ll~'wle= ftl As Telh AO~ 63 97v af-Lite of T:L.3-La by F. Urreim, pwor, P/M. of Utter- d*11MUM an Pnc*M U96 of Atomic At 066M MD kg 1955s V01 Me latumti 008f -- UN Ou 1-(49,9.162 ose l tivitrp b7 :PJPr P/975t Pnmw"P or liftrMuo"I o 4d P*wohl!Om at Atmle ftera Hold '2D Am 19"s Vol Ix. Lo got ~"r PA"ift cu I-mg.9, it en-Marin, M. dt~-I- 00 COLLOIDAL, WOMB OF, HE PRBSENC9 51UCAja4:TH8] RA OFFIRT1135 of? 1: SIV ED X TTON ~'~ ARNS (Influencla W ]a Pmeencia de Silice C olkoi,dal "ire las Propledades Mecanicas de loo Ailos R-30 lados d! A Igodon). Paper from Congress of Industrial Chernii; iry (no. 3) Barcelona. 1960. 119621 62-16753 Order ro SI-A v i I Trans. It 1111vestilp.1w too e Informacion Textil (Spain) 19m, no. 4~1 p. 285-293. DRSCRIP'l QRS: hreade, OCottoi *!Sizing. Mechismical prol,prilei, FXW~cp. ~Sfticonoompouuds, *Colwas. The inf'luence of mlloddal silica on tl* mechanical prope r~eq of sim J cotton yarns has been invextigated. and theire ~as beef, observed by appliCation of factoral (Material*- -Textiles. TT. V. 9. W. .2) (over) '6753 2-, 6 1. Barrek, A It. Miro, P. Ill. Carrmn-Marin, M. del IV. Title: Congress ... Offict of T90mical Services Studieo on bloenzyme Activity, II. Chemistry of Adenc-sinetriphospboric Acid, by H. K. Barrenscheen,' Wilb~l* Fhl~) p. GE04AN rtial Trans, Biochem Zeit, 10" . , per4 Pa Vol dCL, PP11 2-9-1-304. sLA-6o-lo470 Sci Apr ~.'O Vol III) 1"ol 1w 06: Uoutat du IVIM CoKwex Fm ut Ong"#Aev Val Uv Tdo de I(anel"m 19( D The 6i~a" 'an at IN ~ P*4-35! Amm ft" 8v Wth 2be Aid of Crystal IN4 Vol Im.. 3 Bel ftv~icwj cmmutry dtaftal PASUlts (in the OorAbUlftiUn i add OtWr Hstabir by v 13o04.3 U- I., scl-owaphys F16 i(A T-0 1 !:1 . l~ ~ 111 ii SM& Agp*CW of %mam a~ Pro"Isimt by I :N s 30 rn~ 20 POO I ~,-tm i I "10%. Pero, Llap *MUM"* 10 110 19500 pp PA Tr *2 S 7/ ? --" Y 408 &WI, SunlM In Rocket ftines Using pr 60 -0 by M. Duvaes A. Houtets rPts A%= 1 by Universities f T 19" PIP 1-32. AM Mwoly V 8,20gifterlaso Cbeatistry Apr' IA PC (DC-3001) Oranaimtun CC a M388 Communist by MUberto ftrAwo, 20 pl?. Doomwbw ftUtlcoe, No 22, OQx~~ i2 air= 2458 J* 1 1 1 i T I TO POPU, LAR; FRONT AGAN I NST THE WORTA iv BY F I L I BERtO BARREM., 5 PP - )v USE ONLY VOZ DE LA DDOCRACIAO NO 2103 J~N .9 9;. P 3. JPRS 1 M4 LA tOL* I A POL, MAR ~3 224)1p9 ~Rasrui!issen, hON 0~~NICQTINE [1962] 70'. Order from 1, -H $87150 I Trans. of'Zcitschrift 1916, v. 55, p. 81-1 DUCCRIPFOli~: I)et *01(unical it~alysis Hans. IN TOBACCO AND I S- CRIIICAL INVESTIGATION. 1 K-li S398-d I fUr Analytische Clienue(Germany) 33. *Nicouni.4 *Tobacco, 62-17784 1. Barresgaard- Rasmussen, It. 11. K-H-5398-d M. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Uwmioun(7c~'I, OfPce 9FTedmical UMces I 0 Trr4bgt31KritIG8 in the PrOCL-311 Of NOU L~Uddtflcstlon and 04-colyals L32 ii~v 1 lows 0. 87 per DollettinD 6olla Boa Ital Id oeftwimatalep Vol xxxp m0 ilee-'., ~p 825-62-T. COM 3756, 6i BARE H~ l~~ lowholem iu Special Stee.12 ZBpecialy El e c C S'. 61 Ingots. 3t of ODE=,, vol,24, 1932, pp 108-110j Poolli iror" (Rather poor paper) Bru~*r 94,9 $ ot DIM, hd IWWlcetu* ouji by do tolostitut trane du 7 7' 16p 19611F i?r A-306 rV o,,) 9 0- /~ 17, A 7T 334j,992 jAmld~ !Subitit4ted Ketones,, De-h.vi-t4ves %-j iLlf--ae 11~r~tooa and Processes of jB.-rr6,t.t 3 pp. iPRENO patent 1, 017:7611 18 Dec 1952, by Weac'ome 1voundistim Ltd. siA 6o-14769 i3c i ;!Vol III, No 12 su~kitLted lie Alc'ohols) Derivatives of These I I AledhOAD and Procew; of Operation, by P~ A. Barrett. Fmck) Pat an Language Sv Bu. _,q am oct 60 to uil~ of Aidw Uids, by hvf Auto ]*,a* rull ;o 14; Rao 7~ Vol p acl 46 Z ILI 04 traitowo Probs"s and vig"tive bl! I pig 10 ormil Ago vol walls Wlth Desorlption ftitl" 0t M"tauqu PhL3Lo PWO Bouts BMUerj#.-4a :so W7-gU I= Tr 7-Q3 I VwtlW~ IPLUng of Documante or Fol&i as or i fttA=t $0 US Dept at Oomem fttdnt ornee Soi Llb 4991t) .17s1 f4w Pie Ktlviw,~v cieogaqlaic mutit-ote tuld tle:. ! . ~ coi iL 0- 17 b~tlp BOIStia do la Bmiedad Oeogmfiatt do tmf no JILWA, UM..7 1958. CaU So Gis AM LA -Oeru 5p ~9 11 ii Oig cc 041timm Ot4be Rural. PoPulation. I projeml.t of the D1*4 -of the,Country Dweller, by j0.4 Walo 0348404p, Jose Calvo de la To#-O.i im as Dint 8=114P.- 7 pil. 141 ftlicana. Vol A Xp No VP 7e.3 8 L~2~tirt Medicine Aus 53 CT'S/Dr.X "w Awnuso Poutlool 28 Tob 19634 2=1 1. to ,p Vmm Almp 7 Skr 1.9file of IA w vmftva rs my logo" too. law" alftiv,* pbmatudustnts colors& 02*w at Ontax br pp. vopou No* Itftj %x VMS Los oft ear 7 loll 17 to POW RIP I"Jauk M. To% L%Mg go. *dWW Tr So 2427 N. 06 11 0 the CiftofiMrm of Bruays, by C - i~ : I owl rord,, Vol MTII,, Lillev J%1 MY Ofy -Vi 0 r ft stv-uc!turel3) of Fatipe Tests on Airfrawc) calculs -jolm,j aad b Y No 42, PP FRY,Wlip reT NASA TT Tl Sci W.,ro 26 Decl :,I , F e of Al't th T-W', 484-504. voll;~X) 1455P PP TI, E-vol.0M.Mi Of -Jul spat -1 atiorl EY ize Var byll TTRV I C I I Ro-aic" at- i*,;8 -op 761-777. 9; scl Mlj~i,?Atpll TT "ructuxeS th;~ 1-.'.y Fatigue and rs~ by iio tic, MOV, TT t i DY the, F,~,'-itd 8141 Of "I'(35t PUT9 Bill Lj P Vo TIASA F 31 Set 61 v . I ij:3 -7,1 I Be -,!* ol.) of the Oololmblm FaVolutimp by 0 Bm"rop 10 ppo 1 ap, Vos de I& Dmwa.,mla, No *U, XAP p 50 ti knot no the Stainbg of Acid Ita obDx$.dsv cc gaperp by Heinz Glbl,=p J6 Vol XLIIII lg%s AM Tr 2=1 62-16254 Barroni, K eIrb CkiiVerse. [METMM AND CONWOSITION OF sLwrANcES FOR 1. Barrons, K. C. THE CONTR OL 0 UNDESIRED VBGHTATIONJ. [19621 U. Patent 0apan)1xib. 30-8098 6P. Ill. Patent Ospan) pub. 28-4735 Order fr Dm OTS or~~SLA $1. 10 62-16254 Trans. (sta Ing wi&p. Z col. 2. 1.7) of published ifra.panese;p, ent 30'-~(hS (8M8-1955) special appl. 4735-193i. b y The Dow Chemical Co. (U.S.) appl. 18 mar 53, n ofice 7' 55. ;INGV DESCRiF,M RS: 01-Ittrbicides, *Chlorides, *Propionic acids, OMeta llic com'pouads, Plants, Growth, Pest control. a, w-Dic1~1o;o propicipic acid or Its salts are distribut(d 4 14 in a supporti ng metutun. ~ i 11 turf TT, 9. no. 2) ofte Of Techmem Seftft Its owul BOOLWA -or alm .-,tot** b~ 36 MA NUW.ABQ 0 MINI 140 40 (lowitue YOTT 000a tit J-3019 Peace Does.~Ot Sleep, by Mates H. Barroso. d SPANIS~,/np~~ Movidades, 17 Dee 1957) Mayide Mexico City c VarlfAc%Uun of Amino AclcL- (r. 'Pap-Ir a And Pow MacUmpberogram, by T. Jo BDJIMWp E. waftkej, 10 pp. 101.0.9 nov: 56 cts v T. SIGNI I NCE140F THE CHAMUSIN WE CAR- DEAC j'RfOWHD BY PEiPUMN Vnnl 141 SV. or Itr K-k 16.00 K-H 5359-a lanile) et do al P. 391- bEscklFTORS: 49i I oo, ~N codne. lat"atlowlsil do Rwmac Owmim) 1919)1921. Y. 25, fthythm Rwflon Voychol- 62-17792 I Bwr", D. T. U. K-H-5389-a M. Krnp-Hooker Wows Ubru7 Assoebtu, Dwolt, hUcb. CM2 (BIOIOW4~ I so"es-pa"ou, rr, V. 6. no. 6) O"ce of ToAo;cel SoMcos P~r~nal Ilortical Chw~ges .11rowlied -:)~- Vipherio-me D iz~! 6tdnA Pigs. 1)y J. Barr,,, D. Lenys. 2 pp. ~Tqf per, Comptes Rendus Soc -Piol., Vol C',1111, sopi 3PP 3-")59, pp ri, sis., Vin Tr 9-3P;-r-O qr4 to~ Oo Roca i's Obtained With the 4owtovac in the ~0. Of b.. we Be j0 Hit Caml* mmul Pwo wo des ML=wf Val XTS lay 10 pp 4090 p 61 170, 0