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AdAw laymm, j1drij. I I.. I I I . " C ~ ON THE 44 GASWIbAi fiON,! AND 1. Oda--hadmidw , JUCW 'IN IM A~ SME IRCW OF tp. (9 11, Ondii*O 4 Aft. 1. MIMSIMW H. R. Rymmmm, M Order 'S Trans. ofol Uf V )1952, Y. 88 i0erammy 1 p. iopo-, (no. 45/461 Fun-wale hAav don thm the combination of the frm suitable kinds of ore prodt~ction on-ri coke C with the~p do"! ng of ilun-,CWM offiers . I hg c nieftd of mok- - ins M~vi aiv b~ the iubsti6don of Ima PI is mfimdtaO6Q* mot am- b i dderiWy tb C m of lffodk ximg,,~w firing. h6 v luabie~ y,-products are reebrered. Its" to no e9mmat 0 &W'tbe I~w PrO&MOd to . g PheOW. free from I~r and r'' in4wasks. By Uslog ps-md fines and iton-are ft IMM kon-Ccifn Is made. and this:# whe 3! Immel In the 7*$M prWUM, gl"I (MINNOW-F", TT, V. S. Pigironandkod &s. 40.4 CmcerAlt ProductIms anificatim, =A ~t* p Ift Cow fbr Vw Praftetton Of 104 Bid R. ftrkin& C - Xpamp 9 pp 0 Vol LXXXMI# So pp SsLoA. Tr 1637 7y 4w 57 A 4w Sink and Float Process of the Firma KJ~clmer-Mimboldt-Deutz A. GO at the !33tein- k*Ien-Verbundbergwerk,, Waluum, by H. Barking,, PPO YM, per,. Alucksuf 1950J. PP 798-8w. sell AI* 5 Vol XXUn-XXXv II,, No SIA 3242 G. lilarl&udaryan,14 Yro. 574-5W, brioso pe WWI LO 107 NOV 57 I colIng , pperties, Of I coal UN p Flulers ::~k" 4 agmtaffcbms Vol ZMIIIp No 7181 tr Re BD-1 (DC - 3889) Insti es ,6f Postgraduate Medical Training (IRT), t4t by .19 5 PP- RUSS Yclopedia, Bol'shaya Neditsinskaya ~,L Ya, Vol 11.. 1959, PP 583-587. opedi JPRS 3666 USSR! Biog,: Aug 601 'Cap jor to YaTotitualnop by tgbp Tat uto to 6.0 106. WW40er Tr No 1922 4&Cbmbtvy Oc liomo~rsvoplen.,,, bv ii, c. AO, N. Vruml?,. Khtr. fig, F J De. c ln~l -taxii dinumstwes by Sam Tym )Tj by R-k 0019b a by ACA-d C 1. Mw. IMA&SVM EMS t ce-mo per, fauk S.M. Vol =VM, No 14t 338th K= Cooe No .301 Kedicius fun& ft A A Send i ChEunbe K. 1~1. ~.) f I towitic Device for the Treatment of Bubble- 11 Stereoscopic Pictures, by L. ~rkov~ Id, 1, , et al # #l' ,lL ~ ',- ~"' 0 '. -harwell.-Tr-IW7 Orim 004 sa g) PIC eveloix nt Nuclear BmO lowo by Porkov, M. 66011 cb., 3 MW?,,I'Per4! Dok Ak Sauk SMq Vol CXXXV.L,, No .960, 1050-142. 'Pi P-P - RUMIA% Rer, Uspekhi az Nauk, Vo_l i Mat N- 3jj 1957; 3 PL-480 1.3 1. k* 61 i 9 aut ic Machine for Processing of Stereo- ph)tos '?!rom lubble Chambers., by L. M. Barkov, 1. U. Mikhin; 5 -Pp. I I RUSSIM11 per, Pribonj i Tekh Eksper, No 6, OP3) R~' 48-51- Bub$1L- eCaht' er With an IVulse Magnetic Field, by' 40 TAP! 0 tramlated from a publIce-tim of* the :Mst Atomle Raergy,, Moscow) 195). AM U=,.Tra= -519 myl tjjo~ of Slow Ir4sone 1z pbotowspue Ow protons MA Neutrow of 4oo by V- V. Alperag L. JL I It Is 002vVichp 9. MI Be NUMINWd, L P. TOPOrWns 6 pp. I Teoret F" Vol mi, WW3~29 per.4 of 19.9~6 pp IOE5-10330 AM lm or ph"108 SOTut rapies, JEV vai m.. No 6 Aj* 07 'CPM 7 10, -- B.. A. AlkolWdyp 101 pvc I r4~*s" ty L. I R $I ~11 U" vp us"m na Ikok, Vol LIZ; 1957j, pq 34~ ~'~ :1 1 1 9 of 111;3utrons in No Ic. ff. r-MIcb-In'. 2 pp. per., Ata-mckya anglr&LYU., Vol I., No 3., pp - ---------- Mt3oc 'Atch f3v 146M.,2 R (5-00 - 1-00) atg la - Naclear MWica of !',lox)#+ Mozons. in i;. . iiii, 11vuelel by .660 nev Prutwir., b:., 4 ._g~xr R. I.;,Gerasimova, 1. 1. 'T-,g"j3TiR&vap K# No YuLhim) B. A. VjJ--j) _j, i TDoret Fiz, Vol MD per,, a FA CXX) pp 4-1 037 Amer Iaut of Plipler, Sov ict PLiyE-'-cr,, JURP Vol III# Va 5 J7 z A~r 5," urer0a of the Oloulm Do= of lout.,,ow in ~r ~' in ~flbwe %*mV U&wma 1.46 to O.CP.5 xv, Vol I.- NO 33 A"Oo f4oh 8v h7= R t&OD .; ILOD) Lftc soaftr pbpioo Xm ot rsoown ljoutrons ~u 16A La, P- VenacUkto-v-,, K. h *wn., ilia" 6 pp. mo per) Atmmwva Vol 11 110 Mom: 2.00) S'~Aoatifliic Ima2eer Phyulco ~h Anal sic Properties of Certain PLanothiazine ivat Oes,, by N. K. Barkov 3 PP- 7 per AWU IAN Byul Sksper Biol i Md. Vol T,, No 9,, ,g(O. 90-W. CE n., e~,'Ue' 06 of Phewthiazine Derivatives on the Act of Bias# b, rppl- a y No K* Barkoy BY a_ *01.103 BLOI I Nedl Vol LY I'M w0 VP * "3 ~4't" 0t Ammothiaziao ri* ivoo c4:, th4 -4419a of Qwaro- lAka,, 30! alg substoces a16 institut 44 2.64 L 2SWpl94 'e rf.,, Ie c ~ ~! 4- CqI cv-arelilke) the Yu 1. it, c. pp. 11 TJ S3 j Pr,~)i:,,*,,Irj~13,,;~4~711,~lroLlrjtia,,iinovogo Ryaclaj (YES !Ao"d' the SUolost gqmtioos for ,y lob or I* voov or Crystal Lattices by prr Zbor;:Obdwh Mfto Vol XIX,, No 60 017 :4. Scill iti . MMMI$%V I" CTS c 6mm.~ Fecilitles -- To the Servi..-e of ff avy !L=Otarayo by V. Ye. Parkov, 3 pp. per, Vestaft Ovati, Wo 8.,' 1956. JPMI 7065 r lon of lv,~P;O, TI-t1wei '.e Witil O~Kl~lyl. -mo par,, Zlair Obahch bliplu V-o'l, lk% Tj May 56 CiTS/dM 4vt big T. Val girt ND 2~ Bureau M 671AW 55 Tnvesti i of appolysebriestAcm of Tbree-coWnent I acr;L~,g_the Tbree-Cm- PoWn yo Acrylonitrile - Lucste.9 by S,, 14. Mdvukbft,, M. V. D'=~: MO Zbxr Obeheb Mfto Vol Mi.. No 956p 224~-2*Sr- 00multeat's Dweau Scd -cbm Dee Invesdiptio4 of CopolywirAtion of Three-CoMinient , I r. p. Sys so 1. S. M. Zhivukbin., M. V. I)oxkm Losev pp RIMIAN' mo *.o Zlw Obabcb Mblus Vol Mm~ No 19561;1 Omsvltants Bmseau Sci - 02m De c 5 7 Ra&#on !4~er in a Xedilm foo - the *ncai~~,Um Camp '.-I v0 1. ft*ovp 5 pp. OFtllm I 80ektrox Vol MCP No 3, osami so a of AM". pbik~rlvm Notatitamtes with IK. L. MolokboTich, 0. V. BUiMY 6VD4i pr Zkw Obsbah Xhlm6 Vol XXTI., No 5, m Inve G~i ti of zation of Tbree-Com, meat ; COP*IYMWI systme I Wpollmeorization of the System M,-.,tbyl NO, t Acryloultrile - Myaol PAters ot tbal,1,11ate , 1 la XcIdj, by 8. M. ZhivuMn. M V. Berwva., MetbO I MMs, No 1.956s Cowultants bweau sa - ~bm Dee 57~ : Botm awww" dw Blwk SW ~0 Val LM I 8~0'- ! I ~ .1ZE, "TA11,11. tai 2Xa Z a I r 2 5 0 i I ~ 1~ 1.agrkovslao, W, r,., HE DI R 13L ~1014 T~N 11 FIE BEA 1: ARW 7akonorrie ti Rasp r ) v pf(mt! ateriali ase Ply C, ifNjp. 28 r ~s RTS 14 jOrder fro or SO M Tranq. of L'.irigr.d no. 24, Serlyd Geol(v4i About 1,500 ia iiiples d many of the'-sc,were siP mineralogi~ai unalvsA PRAGMENrED MATERIAL i OF T7HE BLACK SEA Pdaleniya Oblomochnogo ilia Chernago Morva). Jan 61 A. mi$2.70. lih$4.80 61-15382 Vestnik (USSR) 1959 Iv. 141 i Geograf i !, no. 4, p. I I - 35. the liench material were taken; ijectel to granulomel ric 3nd 61-15382 I .Beaches--USSR 2. llcachcs- - Geology I .Barkovskaya, M. G R. RTS- 1561 111. Department of Scivntific and Industrial Research (Gt. Brit.) Offic. of Tcholcol Sof'i"s 0"al-th SCIL'IfiTS ~i~olvgy, TV, v. 5. no~ 8) (K-6166) Aconom#v ao~ Finamme of the RerAlic of Guinea, by N. i'l~rkcwdkly 16 pp. jP A per Doulgi I "it,$ No 9.. 1960.. PP 75-8 A" 92-00 U =/A ino~ Econ Apr 61. Use of the romtioln of Phoaphow bfb Be rpoly Aoid, 101 F. Barko pp. 7 pp* W Aml Kh* Vol XVTT, No .11, 19629 64p 63 Use dfl~hoi~dlectric Colorimeters with Optical CoMO ,n~atio~ in a Differential Technique, by V, F.' i~Lrkoiskiv, 1. N. Vtorygina, 5 pp. RUSSIAN',, pe~~., Zhur Anal Khim,, Vol XVII,, No 1,, 19612#~Ipp 3 -42, CB Sci Oct 62, 214,384 -,,tOft..(tqL, ion !of VanwUum end Chmallis "wj D I ~itraticp, F. Bark*v ~~ by tildy) 6 pi?. I SSLUT~ r) i~-ur Anal Khlm) V*l KIII., uo 61 958P Conaultmits ftmau /0 7 b 60 MA .poilAw 6r Sprbe Otilp vith Anb*IU WWII by No 10 fliii)ft~~ V. S* I 1 4 pp. --l *~ *~ uluuwg,. SO ho 195A. Pp 20-M. o"Oltants Sam" 774)6 7T-60-14637 UXWrry TOLIRAKU IN DMDANATOR 1. 111arkaw, P. cl~ LLY IN 004DBAND MC310WAVB F 10 ~Vmia. ROU) I*P) 14reft C~R' SLA Go Ordwitr $11" TT-64-14637 (WON ,"MR) V. S. w 2, P. 67-71. DBBC*,MrbRS: .0111001shm", OCUVAKO' M&dW- FTequency modulation, Z=Z=7 TTO T. 11, 9) f o~ Piv~tiag Plov Disks lu 14DVIrved Fivoted j 11 No -.- ,ow$) Bruno ftrIage (DAB) 1,~W..664. US Dept of Owwree pat"t Office Bel Lib J22 Nov (T) 51~ -Z, t.'*Ww4x, jitria to in the Treationt of Ascites in Oec Cirrhosis with gainfusion O.L* A~k f-utu 0 VIC civic Fluid by N. Barlattmd,, 0 A, A a isund ini,~ 39 pp. I TIALI AIiia, li,41 Clin Ter Vol. 34a UO 3o 19650 iq* .210~22&. 1 4050681 .Plea for ftm and Cost to Work, ~by J. Mathleu, S. Sarlen. Moncuft bViefte Wirts-u. Ver)whrsm NO 636* MS.* a 54 PPO TIL 59 sma. to IWO Be Ao old orx/ M/MK 1.1 fl-lif, 11, 1~' , , - .", ~ "'f ~ I. I i ~ f; I bwas"'r I I it: *~ of From$" TVXMIWS "0 by vo V. "ruto 12, Vu-,MWt No IL* 0 fto ~p - -- -,T, ~7 7 _ , Iowa tr 74 O"ot:! 4k"wo ii . i - 300763 of a UrLjqw Mixed Mv Zat:Lne; br Pbrs VY~~ Ik:heb ZaVed, Energ i .108. JILL IL 3537 "Iltim 62~i maid rac~~ iistics of a Works Transport Sysieik i1or ~it, Large Integrated Stool lqoTks to be t, acd in 1980# by Ca Barlocco, ITALIAqo rp Paper Promted at the lutelmikti= Vofts Trmsport Cwfqmce, ftris USI 3400 Nov 631~ A &A~daW f De=ity for fteml Xgutraw I&icll Co. ~ftcod Bully, IW BM cown I RGIVA udj 2 pp. O=Ptw ModUs, Vol OMMIV=# 19554p MC Tr 31.95 aw 50 A UICIO ilk it~* 4-ovilit "'Ou (Iti~7-1 Iq L 791 A3 a i--,, y4 Pt, Oeete ror lu,rther Increase In the Pro- 6tio: a'Squipmao ror the construction ma- tiall and.the Camitruction Industries, by 1- 0- PO%dt*vlwvo 13 PP. ver.. Strottel I Dcmftbwp Muht flo 6t aft i9O, pp 26-32. US JM/DC-L-915 A tudylof Heat Transfer in a Circular Chm.nel, bly!Kh, Al. Barlybayev, S., V,. Bukhman, 15 pp, RU~SIAN~ per, Iz Ak Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Scriya Flndrget~ No 1 (19), 1961, pp 21-29, 9668338 FTD-Tr-62-1642 Sci -L-phy~ Ap f 63 -e- propu.tl" of mfferent lited fAne-coatipp., V sell- "as 10 ppe E le - Vil 0 wwomber hj"&-UbnuA I S. LA. Tr 52/1951; i ~ -> -~ , F Lao - womeas/mmau .j V~, .7 7 I frOllwato in the ca am b =lag NY. 1 Att SM Mgt/VWtabl* PMduct;- An it tt,m t*r'*Memtlft the SmAcaLsk. jbty~~ 16 by L DAM**, I -OVOWI mobj I I 19M go, 90 M3# PY 33-34-4-- Sol Jully *,7 334-71.0 0 c an Palms I= MA IrVA- ca L of a ftd1w Cblo 14* A? Pp ARM pp -1.5 YO ~62 NYLIv. V, Qwprvoltage at a Porous, Ir~m-Nic'Zo I b1ii I. D. -4beftupp V. 1. shapovalf Tu~ !'!v' Pr:D: M-bl.T., V0.X 19591 8.'27--832. CoamItMato Bureau c. c OIY -5503) Cpi:~, *re~ao 6 Uw Str*Mtb of Polymers and P,Q lk ,yor" . terioU, by 0. M. Bumuevp V. L. 10 PP$ 40V9 per Plastlabos" Mossy, so 8,. i-960, PY ine 7476 ma* 61 An Ivproveo VAtbrA of PXOPSrtug 1.1 -Ibmdro3WT*V IVIAi7S. I a, "". Am IOvs P~,* Wd bw OM# fth Vs No 3a l9as VP parimental Invitsti,-iRtIou of* '-Ri.-equanay- lboori Ica! bland Zo. Q mvido-if Kl~j'~ trans with Prelirdn"ry Bunching, b3 0. A, Banie~,~Ov' A. Komflov.. pp. 10. per,,, ladlotakh i glektronika, No 6: 1961.- A IEE -56- Ily .~V# t Tho Tiotop'JIPro'blem In *Sucto*,drodpabdou, by A. A. 115a;#as V. V. Gopeor, 9 pps 10 t*rv Duk Ak lauk SSSR., Vol WOMI, No 5, '19Wv PP 1.041"W43o im 7787 do"tur6l Gas elpellne Administration$ 64MLO'b ova 1.11. algalong 7 Pp. tly f.i jmftal. 2MMA fmashlemaLl, No. ll. 1967, pp. 17-20. JIF*S 44412 Lad.Mvil and, OU &W., ol, by S. 1. Pwmin., 52 voicows is*06 Bel Tv Center RToI26h scidat, Ific Inglm"ing Pd'I~tiza~ion of Cosmic-Ray K"Neeons, by V. B~ I i, V. P. Kanavets, B. V. Morozov, 4 pp, R7JSSIAN..''per,, rhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,. Vol 'AXXTX. 14 (101p 1960, pp 06-9WO AIP Sov phys irrp vol xn , lio 4 S .TiL6 61 An Investig ion of the -,"MICiarge Exchmge I Scattexing and the?r-f p---> Reaction in the 55-1.5 BeV/c Region, by V. V. Barmin A. G. poigoL'nko, et al. 5 pp. WJSSIJ peris Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVI, No 1 1 4 ~-p 142-147. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIX, No I Sci- Aug 64 265,247 Nos 0~ Prod'Ilction Jz a Ituclear Coulomb Field, by 7~ vj Bra,4!-,1, Krastnikar, 5 pp. Rtj$s AN, per, Zhur Mmper I Tooret Piz, Vol 19D~!41 19Uo pp 1.223-1230. ..Amer Inst of FbWs Vol TV%$ No 4 SHP 3 Set A 11 I Compensation of the Papatle Flold"s ii nt in a Protot Spehrotron for r .~saues. by V. V. Barwin, 0,. 1, Byshava, . tat, ft~bw7 Uft Now., ft 4, 1962P lit the Me+,Jlod of Second Differencvu A pp ' atio i of for I tt,6 Me"urement Ofiyujtjple Scattering in a Projoal,6 B4ble Chamberp by 1. 1. Penohinp V. . i 1. i.p. Kanayetel B. V. Mar Bar ils V.4 OZOVI 6 pp Pribary i Tekh lgkswp go 4, :!P p Imt Soc of Amer Jul 66 LN i ~e lie V4i lkr ~u,LMLCT,Tj !lc 6. 19 X~.er D-Is Scv!Phys Vol Scil g 64 for the W->77 +Y Decay, by Mja., A. G. lblgolenko,, ct al, pp. per, Zhur Wsper i Tooret Piz, Vol XLV., 3~ i)P 18T9-1890. O-C Blys JETP q 261Z -~,834 sc, I the I Decay W __.V, C 4~t e - ,ch f6r by V., 1 1. J. G. Iblgolenko, et al) 38 RLUTEM~'~per) Mur Eksper i Teoret Fiz Vol XLV wc- 6 ia$,~ 2082-. ,.? ~,,Jj PP Amei Insi of Phys Scvlyhy-911- = Vol 210 5 A~,g 6 5r.4 264,4C)O Decays Ln a Corl,~,Iatlons of e+ a. i Bubtl lo Cbamber, by V. V. 104rmljxl- V. P. 1. Fershiia, 4 P17. i TOOret Flzp T01 L"IV) 41 1 Amer Dwt of Ram, SOV ptws - V4 VU (34) Nov ~i (ny-653)q/4) j5ji~. inflw','nce Of Idiole-Body X-Irradiation on Pmle-In ~6d Water Wta~~ In the B=*fn,, by i C'. N 4 ~*=In4 6 pp. UK-01=, per, Uhmlwkiy Blcd&ft Zhur., a= No 28 1961j. pp 215-219. JPW 9736 Sc IL I-- 0c, (rff-65,:),.L) P-rdblems y''T 73reedlug Ilorses for Meat, by I TJ N. ntsevp 1.0 pp- a.;.i Zhivotwvodetv~;., No 81 pp 1.9 Mai Imporl*onts, cC Ibmt in siberia, by ru. P. barimixi''Imi: go 17a h*kl% Pfttp by, N. A. (*aM*tskiy. XWO14 bk Ye 19541, PP 7-53- M Llb Tr Valt, ICAL~MAWFACTURERS TOUR THE TEKHNION, BV 10, 4 pp. 3ARNA, HEBRW., Wilk HMISHMAR, VOL XX, NO 5610, 15 A6W 196~)"~ pp 4, 5. JPRS 15519 MIDDLE EAST- ISRAEL ECON i . OCT i;g 212)876 Ble -Oor, il~ttons i Stand-&rrd of Living DurIng lul z- ye. aPlaa.. by C4bor Bametbas., Ferm-c 5-me;;- im, GARDW tkikai Szemle. Vol par, Sta ~Ipz R8 583-W~ No 6'~ 19 6 MR? 15306 /.21 pot of SoU= Ummetaphosphate on the Idatim of ~ Agoarbic Aoias Sx= by Ce Blerls 3 pp. nALTU* Pero DOU Boo rul. siol slxr, wit " A a 871. MA/M IM-234 wr mmmGA= To raw= IRUOUM Bat, - mwdstr I y 7 Vap*s A 0. V. W Pp -J.L~L~J.Mo t ~~ df-' the Porw in the Clay;, by milli Do I. BumblobvIlls 7 pp. ..... ...... M* At~ lftuk BMO'1955s Vol 01, NO 4s Sel Timm CMter RT-3388 Apr 56 Ae 't. out DIWr"tlng Uwawpfto Agent and ie Ddlc'Atwo bY Me Be JObUtWo qdp we co amdo 14 we of MIT 20 samoftr.. va n. 196o., AM W-W -60 AP 172 Z Lebonktorles In 1957P bY I - I - Be"*-I, ti=t I ~ M. T. sau"Yo Y. F. qvlrlde3* ed Is 'Pe 2wtvlnp ppe Vw, OtaLlwat ft Bo 1957# PP 1-4- ixnmatmta Du4m tjw ProdkictUn of OArMncomerter by A. lmnhdmmWp 5 13P- lutalbull:10 5j, 1963, pp CU/M XIE-IX31 Sd oat ties 0n4