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iplaWAY1310 on Gana&.. by I ftrdin. $641, Xq62 i4l~-39- cl t23t All 07 334.,259 ftse at Us OR Ferrous Not&Uura cc its arm* in 1wig"'t by I. 0# rim M1660 lb 32P NO"Wo Iwo Pill i4&*PiWeis' *tAUUr - and Physi.c-06tism-icul. By ads~ ch lothods.. OLIVA b7 I- P. Eardin,, 336 I)P. Tn* ZW'Ututs Mutallm-gii iwuLi A. A. a I 3p %&U*Pgtya,# Vat&Uuvedmia., Flziko- on 6D.6ia7 I Rv, Wayz, of Intensifying 111. P. Bardim. Rviijslm~ per., Iz Ak NaSt SSSR2 Ot-del Tokh Rauk, BTST 2081 15 t77 at the LM-8gl*r pig Voll Combigoo,by I.. P. nit' Omsk No fox sci, ,kpr 61 g Now Methods of intmoifying , by I. P. A~~ 3 pp. .. par$ MoUllurg., No I.. 196D,, pp 4-6. Act& Hatallurgica 4 ,j 'I ;i i /.s- -3 A./ 7 i i J !of In O*X Pftd*OtIMv (VY 1. P. Sardlno AX Ms 1955o pro SmON"d fW 2t by lUted Wgdm pwiWAS fro MW (Dwdb~3A)' -is Jim 1059 Utilization of Oxygen in the Converter uction of Steel, by 1. P. Bardin, S. asy4v, 14. M. Shumov, Efshtein. IA11j; bk, Primuierdye Kisloroda v Konverternorp. zvod.stve StLal-, Moscow., .1959, 264 pp. pp "'Ci - Min/Met fi-pr 61 OY-3000/10) The TI~L~d Bardiup 12. RUSBIXN~ bl~ 1959j. 3 1;,1jailurgical Base of the USSR., by !.a F, shilmlwv) 49 PP. I!~zvet,"yp- Mtali=kaya Daza SS,I'R, 276o USSR ZCDn Techublogical Metallurgy /V, 3' W Jum 60 Die,tileinhii4ttenindustrie Ostsibieiens, by I. P. Bardin, (u6publ tr) - 1-41-i-t ~J~ ii RUSSIA]( to 6FI;MM,, publ in Die Presse der Sawjatunion, No 116~~ 19516- iDu 641 Institut fuer Dokumentatic,n Ubersetzungsnachweis Berlin .9 W$84 Unter den Linden 6 Apr 6 45 Obourt in the hmh of Mast Ywimees r on oxnan IdWd RUsts, by 1. P. It Ak Sank 088R., Cl&.dal %J& Nsuk, ab 20 ab p pp 74h sawT Brutchw 4299 $9.60 fte Mijamlicral Gooyhysice Year; by ft LP,3 ~07 Ilnts;~ngw With A044c I- po 4 pp. rvataka 53 071111 nip ~'Elo AAa-taiA., No I 30 jkm 11957 I-,q e P 'WIC P- '118-9299f4il Naeumh 7 To E"'s ~!RU un SC CT ~4838) I resse the *cas or Local Scientific r I. P. pmosip-9 pp. d ap) Pmvft 9 Doc 1954s CXA#M/0-TO50 I!Muciva 69MM $0 1 9 t andurth utenits Provem for the l~ li 1-01.y0 t, - 1w ~ P. Budit's 7 PP- a ,r'JIA~ ter* 10 j= 1957p bmeasles CIA 90 3 Rand, Corp RM-1922 ties A oc~ 57 The mi-C~ntiuuous Cm ting of Bteel in the German Dem litic~hepulplic, by 1. P. Bardin, per, Stal, ND 5s MY 1955, PP 472-- orI*Ast swumas ft by isotope nrftftp *Woftt- uloi~gsrjp D* Ak Vauk 9M# V4 CWJ No 6P 1 UW'I=3 a it PP i IN~Wy aMt4obW 430 $4.85 I I 14 ~ - ~ oat 0 ly r4ri ~ ~ot iwt ftbeftap bY L : I; .,; MIN' PNOODISIM Wipwits, *3). gm togi W; 40 ftt: ~ W. , il -1 --- Gamous - -p 1 :.34, Aiw I - 73/ -.111-41 U9 Lb"By of the Lam Durim the Yoar.1 or V. V. by I. P. Boom IV. pbrt Vol IV Iv 195~ W it 60*Suoe J,14 Blut 'by L P. 28 pp. RUSSra, i* Vol li Part M.- ~ =*WM for Utow=Cation of the C"AA :by t. P. Butiny L. K. Yeflm%,, 59 ywl MRSIA bk ~AIX7-1957)* Vol. paft: IU thO B)Aht FWMC*p OM 1. 14ft Nauk 19,,16. lMdwr Tr No 1934 fectlof coke Ciroulatiou ou Coke Conaumption iii Bla't Furnacess by I,. P,,--ALrd1Ap..A4-Wr,** 'lit per, Iz Ak Na" SSSR& Otdel Tech 10~ 86P950 Brutcher Tran 3621 7 - Is Sol 10 M"t by RUSS PWI= so* am, owa Tom nm*, 116 in vp Bmtober tr so 3ft *h.2D cur-~P~Dblt~ls in the Field of Automation, by 1. P. 14!Oh, Zavod Labs vol mv, No 6. 19581 Imtru Soc of Amer Sci 3 30 Im4naft 0t to is bm cho3rm #SOON mew (NY-1.471) l Of rou Oris 6 C14na j, the Depee of Their Prospecting l~ " ,nd Theili 0 pigta Characterletles, by I, ?. BaAins r rialm u .7 ppa IF33D ;SIAR~~ IM-10 Iz Ak Hauk 5=,,, Otdcl 7'ekh Nauk g"* 195 A pp lbgjug., US JM/NY-L-70 Sci I~i /met May 58 ANOUNI Cbmdatry and the MW -tow 1940p by 1. P. lard awed 1100 Vol zo no 1A, 1"I. awwwr Ir so 2619 *1.00 IIII, ! , ;It , r. ' 1* 106-CUrrI4 ib VW BOO Of the M88t' ceo I/ ps: 1~la'. me Th. Ostroukbov,, AM, o per, ~is *k VM* 9=8 Otdel TOM buk, t yp 12-0014 WaUbW Tr 3525 f0 55 m (NY-31M). 1~ Vlovich Urdin Mth Birtb&y),, 6 pp. per, stav, -no u, 1958~ pp 96.1-963. 60 atro4uctory Rewt*s on OpenIng the Conference n Phose Diagram of k*taLtic systesop b~ P. Bardin 4 ppv Owl. WSIAN, per,, 9bur Peorgan Xhim, Vol Ill.. D i Her 1958j. pq 554-556. 74?1, 0,6 ATIC F-M-9531/V -;IC:hem Val -b &LA.-% OLO The U9 oi RoUting Miaro-Diso Moo- tiods In larographia Assaysisr YAiD SLy kovv V. S. UwWanko, 3 pp. RU I r, Zhur Au4 Ibis# Vol XIV,. No 196 J'i -21. I V. s 0~ 1M MM~O Gold on a RotatIng ilie~imbs by No B. Barftu, pip 0 :p Zbur Anal. Kbis, vol nv,, No 6, 4m. CB Sol p so 6D~ / z 7" 77S j by df the noble Metals, 'r,,- N.X. ?ohauitgng 31*L , X0. P ~rdizl- a 'Iric. ~ N , vier IZbtzi Azma 7hint Val, 171 No, Z, 1"9l 471-1 1 i i CB 60 Pole phi 6' Deternimtitou of Platlum on 6011d by N. .8. bardiu, 'ru. 6. loubm, pp. Pull tr~nslstioa. RMS b*,perp Zbw Awl 41u$ Vol Xs go 1955n~ W10. CM C CoDoultents Bumu Scieuto "rtIm"Way 3.2, 0 Mor 56L%, rgp~jc Datemination of IWIadium on Mlid- des~l by M. B. Bgkrdin., yu.. S. Lyalikov., G pp. wa xhim- vol Xil lio 6: W410 per,, Zhur J ~4" 1956# pp i A-~W-7i~9- Consultants Bureau SO. - Chemistry i 1 15-:5 /)7/ 57 a Detendmation of Platbam cc Solid das, In, by M. ,B. DU&Uo Mi- S. IMaikovs pw zow ~Ami xbin,, vai n, No t, C, reta Sol 67 Aug Ary M aAtri. Titration of PaLledlum by Means bf C Aaii!Or nic R'eagents' Using a Rotating Platinum 9 lec: M. D. ftrdln and YU. S. L"11kov, 6 Ma Zhur Anal Mdo, Vol Wo No 3# 1957o VP V,39r' AntWOU amomi *Pat 1963s 37-W, 3M %2 ~toru$. ~mul Anutos, Wout by N. IDevidovicli, .15 in use oNty i, ~Ilm A I A I~Lj, per, Aviatsiya i Koswnaytika,, No 12, I C~s 0 93189 TTD-ST-63-12 JO "d 2639927 Ing I ngth ot o*e at Variow (a gb c L. V Uzutwta NotLu,&. MJSS) 'AN Tr*dV p 58-66. A. AMi;1P. VOL 11, 3-960 SOL - It 6~ 71, rylpt t eat4l .43 the tivaluitit"t of a lit. ut U4 Ubc Cbmtrodas U i~atdIOA* .4, it, 16INI, ti !.;C9 0c all j;J~I vuxlc two imur T lime' lkd.~-. or Rmt1fication on an O)ddized Urcoul 6trode, by L 0. ftrdina, P. D. Luls,wtsev., 3 RUSSIA pw D* Ak Nm& SM.. Val CXE,., SID 5j. 1961p OB set 1961 YAW 62 106al Elect ivity of the system Polyvinyl Alcohbl-- Oawioe (00aim Oblori4e)-Water, by I.i co jq P * Do IAAU"t#"V, pp. RUSS140, po~ Eb;Or ftik ZhIMS Vol. xxxin" go icio. lip Sol 61 (*000daml Alrovs an the 4 r1 Wialls, t$, Us, A4 M49 6 P?o -a-am 119WAILL .116 mo 11's ftv 19660 3.46,1 altwity of the hmtal of 1W."ra bvl AWE mm I IN VCLI =t IMP 0 OT. b tH Daum na, R. !A, ~A~ nif So " F ARTERIAL from OTS or SL availablelon loat ~ 1 of UYI'ORS: ~ #Blood hind U nb Jon ofI:::: Ion ofI laj Lire of t te 6: dICROSTRUCIUR11, OF THE OLLATERALS FOLL.OMNIC, III I, C&NINE HND LDM. M manuscript no. S 451-2. $3.60 63-23.848 roin OTS P. maels, -Arteries, 1,,g,. Fes. *Autonomic nervous n, Reflexes, Dogs, t link in the rdlex are of the 'entAdon) has an effect on the ixerals "t develop after n hi the marenifty. The wRH *11aterals underwent con- Lbay affecting the muscle oloRy, TT. v. 10, no. 11) (ovei 63-23801 1. Bardina, R. A. U. FASEB S-451-2 M. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 1). C., IV. S,ripiaTechnica. nc.. Washington, D. C. Oft! of TecWtal Um, ts fol'of. Owdsib's wad as twww N;o 1~40" ot, tho Qlaltrut X"It foir Ow ki I t. 23-sb. UVA wwwwit"Ir No 21)(Q Lice !~A tome ta Concerning the Structure of Tracheid Celle in Callus Tissue of Ginkgo Biloba JI,, by S. Maskaleva, 4 pp, M S. Im., perp Ddk Ak Nauk 1,389RO Vol CMV, No 1, idOP 207-209. bn Applicati or, Ultraviolet Fluorescence Microscopj I , 1tv I ILD UhWe LiPJAMUOn of C0.11 Walla) by !- Ya. PuBlay S*i~BmiInAkEVa,, 4 yp. Hauk MSR., Vol mmx; r0 1; 959., 1) 43 Amer Xast of B-iol Sa Sci 60 Bi synthesis of Lignin in solated~ ~tol Tiomway by X# S. tov;t SLANO, )~dk A Nauk MR$ Vol CXX!Xo Amer Mwt of Bic& Sci 97V Aallvtty Ot aftmole"t ia at A. I.. K. D? D* Ak a" smv v v c3m CM lb At 1958; AM logo It Kel am SCL *Qaco~' am (DC-e78) STATIC,ANDiPULSE PROPERTIES OF FERRITE CORES WITH RECTA~IMLAR HYSTERESIS LOOPS ANDMET"S OF kZURE~ENTj By v. v. BARDiv, 66 pp. RUS~1~~Np B~,,, MAGNITNYYE ELEMMTY USTRoys-rv VYCHISLITELtN0Y TEKHNIKI., SBMIK, mos. 1961, PP 3-30- JPRS 14902 SCI-IELECTRONICS Aha.~Y:sisll of the Static and Pulsed Parameters of ~ I I FerTite ores Wit a quare Hysteres s Loop, by V. V4 Bardi zh, 112pp, RUSSIAN,~per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIV, No 11, 19,6i, pp~15K-1%4. ISA S~i ~64 259t664 sta~li and,! DwulBe Pzq?eruoe ar Ferrite owes lw- Im and MetbWn bw V. 45 pp. bX.* Oft# 11 1 APA go MM d' m a Prlmm- P01.4 lbb 310 Sed As hb oc a av MIL -0 Am A116 M 614 aw Paread Y. C. w,4 others. cc COLIJ ON F PROBLEMS ~IN PHYSICAL CHEh tRY. 61 approx 48* oldril h orn PP '50 Tran6. t0led Czechoslovakian mono. (Unl- versky n. P. - n. d. =61 11DR61 physical chenUstryt. Quantum me- chanks Atondo Structure, KhUde theory, Reactloa 1. . kinetics Gases Thermodynamics,'LiquIds, 6311", na" -lies. ~ bianical eqtdlfiwiuni. Electrochemls- try eculai tiucturs, Phytical Oropertles. ilepropertim CzwbDslwWU (Chelnl~try- -rny$Kw, I A, V. 1, Ift 2) 1. same. I U. Cerny. C. M. Papmon Prm. kr. Now York omee A T"+,Ww So Wo 8 1 t -.66 of the MeWlation of Substancas 'thrOZ,'W.:Lwves;Aft~r Follar AWlication, by Go, V. BarLiqv., E. 1. Ratner, 8 P. HUSPIt ~T) FITA0109 ftlsteniYo Vol VI,, 140 3, lq%~) -332- Sci Jan Alm Fgniutl f Lignified Call Was) bY M S - %ral ft~s 10 P. HMsIAM Iper, Fitiolog Rusteniy, Vol VI~ No 3x 19590 Pp 336-546. AMIS Jan Ome lets m Invertase AetivIty of Isolated Alfal .100t4, A. M. Sml=ovp V. I. lafo*v" pp. PW. D* Ak N=k SWp Vol CXXWm No 2p 462-463. ADS ~ci Siol Oct j"!jf7-.T' flatten. Bruteber Tr No 3054 Jul 53 ere/an Price $1.90 ta*! bf the Reliability Of fill by V. V. buftsho iv pp Psrs -TANOOks I=t ToftW Kikh I Vych T6kii 81A Tr R 57 ;11 ~=O: us ~ 7 &.Am 7 ~- I Ift 30 J. Bardolle 3009" i ... .. ~ w1k46 i 091~64 ii eiddaim of I - - 6"s i 4*1 1 u i I Fo 2*0104 4 Vol 1# J. BC, k do I le U ?3 326070S An I4~ tro~j Dirf~rw%jon: RtwV of Oxide nim Formd on ari n,Rqrftsp by jou Moreaus Jow Sar"lle, 3 P. pow 0 195,50 Tca COIL, No 5:t MA 594.%L'9 Rai yar Val no bv,631t~,.; ati Zw; of U6 M6obwdm of the oridatiem ofv lorys als of Irony tW Joan Bardolle, Jaoquos R!WO~ 1 per Ron~-.do Metallurgi!o Vol ZL Ix pmy 91, 1"2# Op 611JI-4WOO Navy Tr .1"/ML 583 SOL ;4"W8 Die Ts The lvar~ Reaction. by DAor Jq~wovsky, Zdanck ih pp "retyl VOIL VI'v So 52 2951. Ozalwj I per, tMNRgL-j* TP pp 36005 AM F-TS-IOIM/V Feb 501 'DO 9C the multe ftPosits ot **guy$ -D ae~ualii~;t by. k3 M I M6, pas Is Ak *MAk S=# aer Oeolp Val xxir, %'I, Moscows Sep 1957) pp 3-18, US JM/DC-L-%5 Soi - A for Mea=ing the Redox Potential Pr6t 6rt s of Sedimmtary Rockep by Do BardoMyt M. E 6d., er Geckhim IAN$ No 3., 1960 I'M, GS 6cri Aiig ~62 214,648 (Br-185T) 19 i~i- NO I ~ I ~i zac~ lbr ,4 tbeft" BNoms by Gyordy Pardosqp --: --- A.A pwo b -- . zqpap Ta =IV., :0 ~ ff, 4 ff~,, a AM mw Af 7.. /P -Z I lu ftwd'7 Mgft Alloys - 2beir SIM00.9 C*ms wA Prw"At4oup by a. Da6rtm 9e ppe 10 parmrief No 580 1948, p 1478. tol of Root of x#**w vs, ion for Difftei of 5 In Alpha- A00 0; AP butdOWL # 5pp. I I P are sciwaifica U 19 6 pp. 200 to Ntl. 9 *4 t. ;;. Stand. IV 70-59047 at~ Receanh on ArtifIcial Jkro, by C. Cis Riserm Sol 9 Rleootm,, Oct 19Z$, SIA 57-1351 Sel No .941P ll'o es o~A the Species of the Geaua "Goz;rOy-~,i 11:Vnic".1 tr. Colim-biao by T. -B. 'Re.l-J-u ci. Ayllik[p per, Actas COW Sudwwricare Vj%j., Apr 29s 19581, Pus 133-141. STA Abol~A thei' ficieacy of the New Selections of ~r nguisi Cotton Obtained in Peru and Con- cerpling "~,e Methods used to Develop Them, I by X 6dor6 Boza Barducci. USDA pe:r NC State College ~cUa fkr for the Calibration of I;Foftlvoftm by Dsxducclp,~- De. D. sattts 7 per# Alta Prequar.,za, 701 XXIV,, hu 1955's pp 238,245. SrA Tr 57-ZI43 ~Jml Ab*,16 ftij - A Pri=4 ReSin Acid of tb.- Olecsresin of lt'iw'~Cmz~v Pine (Pinus Oilveatris),, by T. I. Y, 1. Move) 2 ppo 44;d -ZIkkjIcc~-m pero D& Ak KRuic SSSR, Vol rIrf-, Consultantr. Bureau Dcic 1.71'! hftia Of t FAISin, "do and prqw"es of Rosin Cal 01 InAr Pilme mummims by P rm~ 6 pp, nm PrIk ftftp, TOI P ID Lc ,)6D; pp CS & IM:L *7 MR Ol MIN xqt)mt so g), 7 4"w7p #02 ~Trr I fi~, Dys :1. YN A., L. BANS, #A L. V. CHERkA YBJA THE C4U q'GIT. ON OF DOMESTE TUI 4TUIES DE FRO?I TIE 00~1,8 ON P NIE? 8 p agog MiSSIAN Zhijt Prik Khim., Vol XXIr[., No 2,, Feb 1950 Cohsultants Wreau Translation KY BAMYST~E : Y, ~A COMPOSIT iNfl d?ACOINAERCIAL SAI&M OF DRY-DISTID',ED ',are- STDVE TURPE *5 PMKILIN,,J"Zhurl~ Prik Khim Vol XXIn, 'No 5, may 19;0 Consaltants Bureaa Translation ,Ibyd~jcebietic and PalustrIc Acids -- Cc,,-ponent 11 Lrt~,,'Jaf the Oleorealn of the Common Sqr?ce (Picen ~Cell~jz Link. )p IW I. le P=dyabev, Kh. A. Cberche I,, por Dok Ak Nauk SMj Vol M. I.. No 6, 1:8 957 pr 959-960 Ct olation of Pure Dextropimric AcId FrOM Silveotris Oleoresin.. by I. I. (I. 130koloy: 0. 1. 4-9 "; 0. 10,, per, Zhur Prik Oda, Vol VXI. No 4, pp 6C9-612. Consultants Chem 59 Ir the Of tas TmTutiw ftvwum of Rob rrm the in at tw &da pt= (PLUS pithrua =U ikk.,p Plow Btw&niczii am is, T. Roma,$ 3 Zbw Prik XWmp V93. MMIj, la n2 11094.7". lot mm Damn in Ai. 1* 04 Nato m at cf 4MvMc Ad& 1* ''-1 11 )% i0W ~. a -4 .11 9- If V. It Igo I -- thw, ... 0' ilw~ dhoh9b =1 am 9!W IMM4 Vol .I W",~ Rp ~'-ro ~- Owilw* 1! _ i an a 19590i oat rizaUm of Rosin,, by 1. 1. Bardr.3hev,, 0. T, Tkacheaos Zbtw PrIk Mdas Vol 1= p No 11 o chm~~- al ~,aposition of Turpentine Obtainc~d by ?Ostl~u tivall Distillation from Pine Stamps aT ter a lbo-Wand Yeare in Pont Depocd.tu.. by lJ,-3ar-dXsh3-i, 7 Ail'.. Pkriglm.. L.V. Pmaanj 5 pp. RUSSET, Or,, Zhur ?Kk Khinj Vol XXXIV, No 2, 1961, CB 301 A?a zz,g Mar Of 90 COMPMnIon Of Dry-DIBUILIod ift rm the 8"14 or Korma Pine kor. (Pirnu#" imovis stAb. at Zucc)i, by 1. 1. Uvarove, xs mw I am mkv Dino Vol XXX.- No 7v 19571 pp sci - Oct