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To ~Trac.4,,ng System of Alternate Current,, 1-v Ike sIs Barandbuk) Ye, Le )(ovarskaya) 10 pp RiUf~SIANII e-F, -IzVyi-sh Ucheb Zaved,, Priborostroy., P Vol VII;~ No 3., 3.964... im 26528 Sci Oct 268,,2oo *Oft for is stmkgpwm Mot. eatic Use of Gmm-Globulin hi Falcteri.,~ by S. Barandum) R. KiPfer~ 23 pi~- (M~MUI~j per, Schwelzerische Medizinische 146dbeni~hrift, Vol LKWIL No 7, 1957; pi) 155- SLA 59-15730 6", i Jhed DLIc 4 ljpm,~ in arrhaa!,.. Together With a Contribution to tb6 of So-CaUed Zesential ftoprotAdnemla, by B J. Asbwjold, R. Bianchi) 24 pp. mamp *r, Schvelzerledbe l6exUzInische Vochenschr Val XCj 1qo 91, 1960, vp 1458-1M7. s= 4-5-61 -3 u 0: USO A;"141 ti of4ma-Mobiain i~ BacterU by S. Ilipftr., et al D2f 23 23 ;p P PO~,, SObRlWrlgCbg YA4 WONMSC.4rift., No 7.. 1957.o 9p 15,q-IW oci Vbl ?00~1*0 40 VM&IqWWMd IIJAWW eat ` u -b vaw ILL t. Pot* 4i C.- ~-4, 11 Ail ftatures of OmmawLL Zxtmotion, (;Ivan by Has Action, by I. I. Starik., Yu. A. DOk Ak M* GM;, Vol CZ6.. No 1961) 05 IV4~.f JI-4-r r*4*o f(* C&Uwum aw womufto iv T. Pk--, 353s714 ~ojW tiom for the Fotmtlon of the Aim-.ticw gis $4001 of Ctxb fvm the. 19s9v 1960 pso 196~~ 1 Cowtatins In the Pint Year of Life,, A. S* Igarasenkm.,W, S, Khokhlin. 26 pp. AU44tAN ~psro, jMtZ W 6S.2", 40 Vol 16,, 1964 NAV hM ran-423-69 Se Dec 9 397t361 Of! Cho "Ool se 00 am ""k is sip saiawmang au 67 Tho esvi S of Surveys on Young Cod and ha&ock la: t ~c B, eats Soo. Dving the pcrlod by~ A. 5, 1 ixrauenlwva mpkc!~W-R, Sci BI rpt, pp P-67-275. Libravy Fisheries Ron Rd of Canaft Biol Sba, St. Andrews, NB /Vz- Z. Oct M Ute Ii in ~b A. 8- tih of Surveys an Young Cod and Haddock t~,nj-s Sm DurIng the Itriod 19W -1959 30TW plebal lay"Uptio" in 34"P "OOW., 19W., pp 967-W5- Dowt Ot maber1w OWI Ift ND *5 sai 60 i I! ta Ill' a tributo:~Qn of tZ.,e Rojefiry-az 0-~- WSR., VOI CrIUAIr 'No 2, Amer r, Inut of RLOI 9,~i COO i8qh of the Abundance of Year-Classei Of Cod and addw k in the Barents Sea, As Made From a I . : I Qu*m'ita~ ve Survey of the Young Flab and From the CorW cia, Fishery., by A. S. Beraneakovs., RUSSIAN.. Trudy,Poliarnovo Sauk Issled Inst morsibvo yboovo Kboxialetva i Okeacografii., No 10, ,7b 11 '4 1957, pp 5 -77. Dept of Interior QH301 02'T3.. No 222 8 c J. Bioil MCC C-3093 1K. AP~ 62 DO 14" Kursallov of Cy-olopentadierwlides."i lpmtskay Z' 11. Par _41 nes. 3 pp. i-e-r-a--Ak-lauk MRR Otdel Khim Nnik pp iho-W. CB 'Yet The R6604 N. X. MVTII~s pp uq sci Avg of Bwall"ridinium Chloride with anyllitIh,=,m ty U. X. Kweawvj, talMs V*:N4 Betainas 6 ppy, 195 j. DOIL A Mak AM# Val CM No 1#1 au e M PL 1z and Cleavage Reactions of Quat&ry j oni Salts, Communication 9. Reaction bf'Qua mary Amonium Ults of the Type [R-OL. -NJ; With Secondary and Tertiary Alcoholsk 1; Setkina, fis X, Baranetakaya, Do N, Ku Ban 6 pp. Puil tT ~nislation. 7 i I $L~SIAA!; b1W per, ~z Ak__Mwk,.._Otda1 Khim- lauk, Xol~, 41/Aug 195% PP 750-755. ciA c 414T6 Consultants Bureau gc~entiftc - Chmistry maf 56 ='~/dex Im Much IN a somm of Im w-so by U. X. IL, TOP b., lir 0 0 WNRWR JIMS11,21a lb pp &d~ Sao 0~,t 61 U W%ft wat IOW Ipp 40-0& od 2670W9 DOC L; t1on of Silver Mlides aad Determlaation Of elr~alvers, Brombe and Iodine Contents, by e, ~r$ G. Btk~ 4 pp. NM 10j pars Mmr Px-1k Mxim, Vol ,XaI., ,.a 4, 12, PP111 794-726. Consultants Bureau 60 A, too MMures ot %drafluoric Acid and V$rogen 110 daid, ion the lbtals Ilobim arA Tantaluaj by lk*vl 6,pp. IM pw 0 Z&w 1.*U, -Vol M= s, No 8,, Aug 19P 103-Me 1 sc~ - C~em Jul 57 Comulumts Dzeau I IL tho of Breaking Dovn Barium Sulfate in Order .to Do~ tt the Barium Ion in It Qualitatively, by J4, 1 :G npikov,0 2 pp. "I . bimo per, Zhur Anal Khim SM.'Vol X1, 0 hp *90S pp 4980 499. Consultants Bureau er Lq,~ itbemistry "7- Mar 57, Ct, ol Detve6n the Bismuth Ion and Benzielerie,, TI mrnlkov,, ation. lil2o per,.Zhur Anal Khim, Vol VII, Fo 40 pp, 239 Consultants Bum-Gla chemlstry Jan CTES/DEX "'out CVCLCS AM Alt WAIK SlOo VOL OUVI v 7,,IP71n. AM Ki I 't i 1 :1 W1,01fliII :1 3.%$)L i ! PA ]k, WL lologicea Aumveis of -60 L!q! A au~awywpq iu Sturlomp t7 1. A.- I A L., D* A Vok OM) Vol *0 1W~ PP 719-7M- "69 %-!lr4! " ~04--~* =ti 10 %w ~ f ~ 5 W. . I ~DA WMA Ims "I a=,# so fit -ugo. AWr b" Or M" ftl V6., 16f BaranoVs. 0. Z., INFLMEk OF D ACTION 1.1.0 PAPAI GEWE iOP GIM' 119611 so rvf~; Order from OTS or Trans, or A adleml Y. 130 [no. ~j p. 41. Vapain, a octinif ferment DNA *& dbcwln, G. A., and Operin, A. 1. ~ UPON THE ENZYMATIC AND OF THE DEHYDRO- RAIDEHYDF PHOSPHATE. LA $1. 10 61-27255 i I Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1960, acids. Acids, Metabolism, eraldebydes. "bosphates, 61-27255 1. Baranora, B. Z. 11. Deborin. G. A. In. Ops,"n, A. I. IV. Translation&, New York ,Ith 'pain indicate that DNA re .tards the tion aldee- phosphate dehydro- the, ignitude of this retardation being IS4313 ctloo the ammut of GAPD - The tion e to 'a full stop wh6a 1. SS mg of (Biological Sciences-810- chemlaW TT. v. 7. no. 1) .A 0 CL *I Techweel UMGON ~ I ~ I 1[! .11 ;I i I I ~:,f, I II I : I, iw'4'uo 40 iwnpm *eel" 11 " Vol k.4 lb 4 277p(A3 194001 ! T. -5 '~': I., VvitributI.Da to the Qwatlou of E-,co',,, E-.Ir wa,~e Propaption Along a Plaama -y N. loO.tskiyj V. a. Baranchuk, 4 pp~ N,- per, 1z Y~ysshilch Vahel; Levud,. K1.70$ iz~ Vol III, H6 4,, !960~ 61 ft Oreadmin Us ftpftn ft Im Um xamt= - aftmeas tmW..,p us 9"W', 10 pro Am6W of ftimumes btAv 7..* 4 149 7*6 sp v it m 77 CONPlic*t4od Conditiom OW a- umo dp 31 Avg 19561, I ml* ------------- ACS* Is Gm%U c oo orl tfbe Deft'lofflimat of Wohiae Buildiva In the 00 1 by A. lk~Faq R. PetWchov, 9 pp. Oer liarod Ooz K=&Wmtwa, flo 5, 19W, JM-1962-N lcl~a W~h - Indwtry 0 3 7~? (DC-2BOO/6). I i I Thp Huniers Started, by A. Baran /~p , I 2yel I RM, HAITI, np, Sovet Patriot, 21 Jun 1,?59, p 1. I I r;w , '93 J> I i - L') i z, o~ t acd ~Dircctlvev , by iL. Uj,~"-Umw~ b 6r Follilllm~.ntt b.7 51, 0. -r, l6borolk 3umcbno-4lehb i 41 Vol, us6pi 1962p by A. A. Barsnovp 209 pp. ,bk., Atl" SMs YMOW.. 1962j, JMA*-83U 41,c~ UEV~ ji~ 17 As, Sol chf* Oraphlto Ih Anftaidtox by K. P., -Neu2x i On NO;&Uov; No 7, Ralry BroWier 4276 (DC-4W) Instali~a~*ion UbblAl4jl per). Sci Feb 61 if Limiting Resistances in Filters of A. D. Baranov 2 pp. Vestnik Svyazi, No 7, 1952) p 20. im 6719 One"'lomph to Tm WdLur-Wave b! y A. D. DwNwm, 6 pp. VestsM SvMLs No 3 (240),v 1960- i~tron NO* ~O UmUty of Ceramet Tuapten- to Melr OoMm.1tion tU% To %?mtwoj, by N.A- Alftseyova,, st 8 xr*ymw. 1~ A ft* SM OtAel TOM auk$ bbt. i 3#1~959* pp 92::;6. M 9660855. AM UM Al / "00 -VA/ rdi stion and N6zoalization in Machiw.;-- Bu Alain by A. 1. Barawvo V. V. lftzmin., 5 prj g r., Vest,Wsh.. Vol XW . No 71 19!k"15$ 90 CIA 65o549 pp ATIC F-W-9451/11I u ;7 A6' I. Bwawv# et v rx Ak ft* Mp ftwi Tim ft&o p NO 2j, IM* IN 4134st at* and Ton"ity of Cftlmet Tuwtcm- ., ~J'p t in PAUtSCOMP to Mwlr C=position uc;iu~o ikzw ting- , "A by N,A, Alftse;", smi SM Otdol TeM Nauk., Met I uVoi OD 3sil 9s pp 92::i6i CIA. 9660855. AM Imm 641 Not-'! ChM ,171 a or Met&L-Cerwda Solid Alloyo of Owbtda:~~ DepmAttig on. TeupraturQ tft ub 81r,40 by Go So Nrftuwp 0. B. Safonovas mm ~jw per Zbur, SIM Piz Vol XXV0 No is Morris Do Friedmu 45-oo pb"ice The 'VI, lding 01, Ll by P C--~~d-nov', A. Baranov, ll~ Pp" RUSSIANp, per Svaroch Proiz., No 7,, 1959P pp 26-30. British Welding Rea Asso: Sci Aug 60 i ll'--!'~ 1"ur leal r"IN-teut, of Uqper-LLVvf~ Clc-uds) by :ilt VM 3 PP pcr~ bbt t Gido No RD AmmT-V*t*orol Sac Air Combridgu The Cmtor .T 0 N ~t ST,4,i~TIFICATION OF FRONTAL CLOUDS., BY 10 PP. A. m RUS Sl IANp ER., METEOROLOGIYA I GIDXROLOGIYAp NO :8~ JUL~~11962~ Pp 11-15. jpRs 16o)dq scl GETHYS DEC 217.,171 tT- cloudsl iof the Upper Forination Above the European Terrl',O'ryi~'~'the USSR, by A. M. agIgmyp 4 pp. kussi s, PP, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz,, No.3;1`962,1 pp 438-442. AGU Sci Sep :6 210,596 md n- ldbt O=UWM In Ito by A. pp. Pols, T"t VOR n*U.9 So 6v 19%.. pp 40-44. A2M 7 A~ 4~vuftM of Vw las~n:Decree on FAt of the M*w Osoi*W A&Wn4st -stion, A4 Wo b A~I 060d" i Mwtogi, Ib 3j, 14 M Sal' J10A VAIISR .tic) I'l Volt At the Ithftlitma ---- %&r=1 (WogpglWsl Conamse ~t6~ A abilideovisa W WA t ""as so at 1*0 Nw 00 AW Dovurawt of the atimal -bY A. X. 8 pp. 3478 Oct. '41 1A olkwasists ud cbrto- I ftwo Vol M=t Ausuffla =Awo Div an struo As so 30 ~&~to Dwjug: the Patriotic Warp by I *9*41wo I Available OR/000 'Div OW 3wd*& A#, So 4 8"s 'AU"g bF A. V. BusuMs ----No UP -3AU bW the Cblef Book OoMpM Sixth Avnft sm Twk ff OD 93 t LVOSdry d Aldmandr LWI rjgrmmlnm 19646 ub~al c. %N, - / If' 2UoW5 I I ~Cqe, I I C'JI / e I , , /' / (/, 6 :-1 k /~ /7) 0' d ~-,"4 i I p. I , Upoli* .II . . J* Im u VASWOD* A* 1'.. . i0 - *A memo Illoomp I I ~, 11 ~v MI' e a*" I A - v ~(~- t%.% t V . sop %490 62- 24 4~- I I GROUNTK AN' y F 1. Itiran:w. A. V. (J.' NTRIC ACT-, ' 11. TVA- 41416 Ti, rth-rjf'. Kk,novif. 11) Juk F;! 6 `lairf, %ja, Tro lis -'reli'llnulloOCKS011 lostiltutj J, (:)):J1 ,~1)401PWM. lli J. tht.~, rof~%( '10T., 'Y al:l V * C I i-r iv 1 rat. 11)4~)rpwjr. . f floo, of) .0 J~ F.;, of , "'o. :fig :;v; J, Ativ !11, Oill: ' * 'filIr "'111 .1 Aul fj "'ll TF. v 0) wall 62-24466 Bat iLov. JAIL V. and rechet ovs, T. A. COM PAR'k EVA A71O N OF METHODS FOR 1. Baranov, A. V. PR LiPARA OF) TRIC A CID FROM, NITROGEN If. Krechetova. T. A. , OXIDES. OF BUBBLE CAP ABSORP- Ill. Title: Kinetics TION, tr Bertha Klenova. 19 Feb 62, 12p. IV. TVA-3982 I'YA 6 refs. ~ T j982. V. Tennessee Valley Authority, . Ordor tr TS orl A $1.60 62-24466 oin ~ Wilson Dam, Alit. Tranf;. of; K) imfikoj]"Telthnollogicheskill lostfitut) Daeoropetro sk. TiWy (USSR) 1958. v. 6. p. 99-109. DESCRIP',M SNi~~c acid, $Nitrogen compounds, ' Oxides, i~t ration Towers (Chemistry), Bubbles, Absorptik Re 11 kinetics. .. : , ~ :c T C ~ s~ , 6 #~~ 3 t) e, The m4o of slns bubble was applied to the , ~ . study of ~h relation of the coefficient of mass trans- ter to tein rsture~j rates of gas and liquid flow. depth of bubbling 1~yer, diameter of nozzle or gas bubble, ' ~ and c r~en rationo~ nitric acid and of nitrogen dt - " " 0 ' ~ Offico of T-101cal SW-0m (EnSine4tri g--Cb ~ Ical, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (over) ; (SF-2273) ON'TH ~Su' A* Vo OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY.9 BY ECT v p p BA, 11 I~N, PiR, VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGIly VOL Vill, 1,19 PP 92-1000 jpfts Agoi USSR i soc"', AUd 92 2o8j,851 gwd Ma4a, the A v v Sol 11 61 rburiwt~ IA cutinp -vax Px~cass, by V. I. lvmwv, 3 PP, p Lit Pmimw No 3s .1961t pp 19-21. 'BOMA pi U]IOLABBVM Wo *440; No ZIP D" 1951* ~4# 45- WOW asp radio, television$ outs a9 UMw Wc*k "W : I i ! , 4u4, V-- . ~ i - vz i , i Rai: i~ 325o478 i i - II IrAt~c4 or 1printod IHDatb Provapa" Wasures I 16 tbo .4 it bi-D. 1. ~0~- i 1"', , I . i limp: S~rp *Ioaw j6d Zburp No 3p Nbsomy i Produtdon Adaptability of Plasti.c Products, byf Z, F. Oraz&~ev, L M. Baranov, at. al, 86 np. I*Xl?jk RUSSI bk~,~ Tekhnologichnost' Konstruktsii lzdcliy Iz Plqqtmass RDI 4141 1957, P 98 pp. 9679271 FTD-TT-62-249 Dec 62.~ use arl ft Us Sfttnp bri Weak DO'l Ipw left. ?b vp 9~-Mm tat,10~4 StAtistics: of IfthAolecular-woight Chaiu~ by 4s No Barm'wv:"# 10 to Pxvlotskiy, 3 pp. RMS pe Ook Ak: Nak SSSRt PlWsics Sections. VOllC It Ii, 4-6, Aq 10640 pp 1077-1079o Amo.r last of Phys SO Phys-Doklady Vol He No 8 la 2780524 qr 9044 solut1we In Ob Qoroojl IW S. V. Duvams N. A. wet va= No 2.0 pp AV &W Phys-So3ld Staft scl (DC-975) zu ivi-30ape Map of the 14ml