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S-122 ID! Changes in Cells of Blood and Blood Forming Organs during the Action of Ionizing Radiation, Ye. A. Pareyshvili, E. Ye. Pulatova, Yu. B. Kheyfets, RMSIAN., bk, I Konferentsiya po Voprosam Tsito- i Gistokhimii. Doklady, Dekabrya 1960 goda, 19060, p 74. Sci - Med 9 mar 61 A 3olution of the System of Nonlinear Alge- braic Balence Equations of Gae-Mixture by 'IUnivac-60' Digital Computing Machine, by N. P!~~a ~ip, J. Petrie, 11 ]pp. CROATIAN, per, Vaoions, No 4, 1960, PP 120-125, JM 11-546 Sci - YAth Jan 62 bt-e Determining the Basic Parameters of AM Smelting Electro- thermic Furnaces, by B. K V. Parfanovich, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II, No 8, 1961, pp 33-37. PS Sci Sep 62 214,476 0'rooolng Qvw of -oWailA MkIgnoopter. Mles lm~ucedj, by *--,--. Be A. Abelevs,, G. P. larfenov. at &Is 5 pp'. FM Cum= UW OSLY RUBMSO, bk., Ukkl"t"Umv ordt"U zemul So 1,3s IL9&j IV Ll&-2M- JCS 6M0007163 im 63 AEC-tr-4445(p.29-34) Uncl. IN OBTAINING THE 102ND ELEMENT. D. M. Parfanovich. (Translation) C-4 P NSA N-3 (NY-300117) The Remelting of Cathode CoMr, by S. V. P"fano~IS!j,, 3 pp. RUSBI",, per, TB"tnyye Net&Uyp So 12,, 1959,, pp 7% 779. JM 2811 usm Icon - Tknhnolagical 20 Jun 60 E~~er2m,antm to -Froducc M-notnt icr2, by a. 0. "~- S. l1brilT~-az. ~.- S. v' -7. = WUV11.7 V. A. Dru'n' V. V. volt.-Ov, t- M. 10-ftel-mikov, 3 17m. RUMSIM-1. per, Dok Ak gauk 2S0, Vcl M, Wo 1, r- 6, 19, 73-- -Vnyn Doklsr.~A'j III, no 3 Sel - PPhyB jul- su JWUimp by M6 M6 Parfawvic4l A. H. weamp VWV am t U, Vol Mtj. lb 2* IW* IV IM-3934 Avor Mut of--TiquS" am," Pbwsuop am Vol zv.. X* I Sol - Rpdas Apr 57 M Qf t~*he !4.ange,Lzer&~ f c.- 1-it-rogen and Oxygen Ions in Photographic -RmulsionB, by D. H. Parfanovieb, A. M. Semehinova, G. H. Flerov, HUSSZO mo per Zhur Eksper I Teoret Piz, Vol XX=, NO 2 (85, 1957,'PP 343-345- Amer Lmt of Phys sov Phya-JNTP Vol VI (33), No 2 Sci - Phys May 58 Intracellular localization of Herpes Virus in Experimental Encephalitis in the Rabbit, by R~ M* Sben., Me L, Parfariovich, et als, 5 Pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Vapr Virundl, Vol V9 No 5p 1960, PP 538-541. PP sai Aug 61 -Investigation of Transminatlen Reactions in thet Brain of Rats Inoculated with Fixed Rabies Virus,, by G. A. Galegov# M. YRW 4 RMSMN9 perp Bya Eksper Biol i Red, Vol XMI1, No 2,p 1959,m pp 6o-61. CG=UltantZ BU14MU SOL SePt 59 6 2 3 Ube Ma-fluence of an Activator cu the Stability Of F Centers Al. A. PuTpumvicb. B. I. Shuraleva., 3 pp. MBIM,, per.. Optika i Spektro., Vol V-U, no 4j 1959P PP 518-523- OGA Sai IIYFI 11T5 Apr 61 U I'M P Ri I Nil vanoma-Instic Prooerties of Tallurim. Stracture the Valence Band, by R.? V. ParfenOev ani A. M. ;arskiy. pp 12 U3SIAN, re-., Fis Tierjow'o Tea. voi iv. xo 12. 1962. p 3596-36n. Amer Inst of Pbys Sov phys - solil State Vol IV, No 12 63 .iukw Atoam ot peraouato end Irux"Ito la 4wamoo tw a. Cmwsp Alt pwrotww* m4map Ifts fin Mal Lffect of tit* Jacket of a Charge oa the Relative Impulse of Detonation, by A. K. Parfanov, A. Ya. ApiU. RUSSIAN, per, Vzryvnoye Del*, Val S2, No 9, 1963, PP 103-108. UAV/NIC/TRAN-2799-69 P- ~e_ N 0 V USSR 11i I June 69 384,615 CSO:22979 14 May 69 Report on some Ideas of the Mechanism of Corrosion of Zirconium and Its Alloys, by B. G. Parfenov, I. S. Lupakov. RUSSIAN, mono IDA am of Wdsm"ll. Saw w Spark Chann 1 Bmadening in Air at About 2 x 10 Amperes,, by V. S. Yj=llkov.. D. B. Parzfenov, 4 pp. RMIWj t1wice-w per., Bok Ak Neuk SBMp Wl CXIs NO 6., Nav-Dec 1956, pp 1215- Amer rhat of Pbys sov p3bow TbUAay to vol z,, ito 6 Bei - Pbysics Oct 57 Tlw Umbanism ot Dispolving Copper in Nitric Acid in tb* PreaeU06 of CertAin Mibit=js by S. As I)aextn# as 6 pp. RMBDRa, no per b-Zhur PrIk Xhim Vol XX71,* 31~j~MWAJI, M~""Il NO at IL953P pp SciestIfle - ChamUtry CTS)b= (fj S-*a V. ro I i M F6 I ft 10. M 4 OW An Autowtu vousace ftv t P. 3 PP- by A. MMM,p Pat p9=, 3b 21, i*v BbC: Rem 9 Oct . . - - -- I Why SpeciaUzation, in the Foundry Industry Xd TA Slwad Dmmj, by Vo Partmwwj, 4 pp. RWSYAN.. app Prmftj, 29 Doe 1961. im 12018 IBM- zMan / Har 162 (SP-1873) Steel and Vacuum - In CmVetition for the Lenin Pri by V-,Yarjmov.,. ~ YR. RMIAN, iv, F%,avda, 4 Aw 1961, p 4* JPRB b= IY M NY-3000) SHORTC014INGS AT ORSK0w4MLILOV0 METALLURGICAL COMBINE., BY V. PARFENOV, 7 PP- RUSSIAN,, NPI PRAVDA.. 10 FEB 1962., P 2. jpRs 1441o USSR ECON scl - MIN/MET JUL 62 202,487 Wi"g . by V. fteGwv-,..,4 -pp, RMIAN, perp OrazMan ka" Avimtsiya, No 3-1, 1960., pp 28-30- 967W45 Anc wL-C,6o/i USSR i~ Mil Jul 61 / 5 - ~, -1 21 -->_ (.:I Long-Distame F110ts of the New Paosenger Aireraft, Tv-114D,, by v Parrenov., 3 PP- UNCIASSIFIXD MESM, npp Sovet Avftts*m, 30 JOY 190, v 1, Bml to IR-9"# AA& London. I AF 11&0"5 um d' 9" q z -2., soon - Av"ucm Aug 56 New Kinds of Fuel for Jet Engines, by V. Parfenov. 5 RUSSIAN, np, Sovetak&y Aviatsiya, No 233, 2 Oct 1957, p YA12IC MCL-419/V Sci - Fuels Nov 59 rrom Factory Worker to General Desigmerp by V, Parfenov., 5 PP FMIAX: zip,, Sovetskaya Aviatslyap No 50 (2914), 28 Feb 1958j, p 2. -, I A? ATM IP-TS-9470/111: um Boon itm 58 The Takudl With aD I%keoff Run, by V. Pwrfenow., 3 PP. UNMASS MMUN.. np,, Wmt AvUtftyap No 304, 28 Doe 1957v zwl to iR 1263-58., Aim-ui. Ps U7070 - ma MU - kvistiou Nw 0 lo ;~ ~?-g 7 Cathod-e-Play OsciUographs, by V. pwfe=wt 12 pp. UNCMSIFM -7 PtLU translatiouo JRUSSW, mo per., Radio No PAROMp ftp 1,951m P 44- AIC F-TS-TM$M Scientific - RUctrouics, r*Uoo C*tbod rays Sep 52 CISAU CIA 858M3 Bata= Frm the Cosms., by V. A. -Parfenov, 9 pp. RUWJM.,]pr., Smika i Zbivm., no 6j, 19601, PP 31-33- 9676734 PED-TT-62-119 Bei - spam/sea 13P4~" w - " f- 23 Aw 62 61-22787 Parfenov, V. A. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE MECHANISM OF 1. Parfenov, V. A. FATIGUE FAILURE IN ALLOYS AT HIGH TEMPERA - Il. MT Trans-33 TURES. ]an 60. 111. Tollemache, M. de 0. Order from MT MT Trans-33 (Gt. Brit.) Trans. of Metallovedenie i fTermicheskaya] Obrabocka Merallov (USSR) 1958, no. 2, p. 19-22. DESCRIPTORS: *Alloys, *Fatigue (Mechanics), *Fail- ure (Mechanics), High temperature research. Offim.f Tc61-1 S.M-. (Meta Ilurgy - -Structural, TT, v. 6. no. 7) 4. '1- t i . -, Ve t 1LA 7,1 14 Nype.vaoulc nightj by V. A. Parfewvj 6 pp. - - - MMSIM., per., Duke I ZhIsnp No 8,9 1958, lyp 69~p 70. CIA 649241 A= Ha,-961V sci - Aeronautics Apr 59 7 2-714 XY In the Stream of a Plaamtron, by Va A*_.FaK- fenov) ~ ppi UML. ,L-V uk i Zhizn No 4, 1958, RUBSIM, per Fa pp 67p 68 w -(~ '/' 7 77- ~ ATIC F-M; -9859/V Sci - Phys Jul 59 ~71 1780-N protective 00*tftp af Mot Resistant A3LIwxj, by V. A* Pa'rf - 0 7 ppe zmsy",, pmp met i cbmbous VAtj, So 6m Nomms 1958r PP 33-37- 95 JM Tr L-575-N Bei - Zimrals,, Wattle ^n 59 7f '0 A IV/' 0 Returning a Coamio Ship to Eart-!-., b~r V. A. Pmrfenov. 6 pp. & WUSSIAN, per, Vest Vos Flota, No 11, 1960, 9662461. ATIC a0i Jul 61 15- -21 5- ~L 5- -Particul"Ites Vu Proce"im De-Supture-fir FatIgue fte AnInges A EkUte Temperature. (PecultarItles of Fatigue Rupture Process of Allays at HI& Teoptratwres)., by V. A. Parrenovi, 9 PP. FHKICR from MWIM,, Ver, Met I Worabotka Metal., so 2,, 1958j, pp 19-M. IMVWWU Trazo2st1cm ARC/CU-ft,-" USe of Beryllium Oxide for the Beryllium 1w a at Steel# bW V. A. Parfemov,, RMUM 0 pw,, IM&Uovedeale I Obrabotka auums Val 110 No 30 190.0 vp 17-19. lk--kbw 3737 se I - "INSIMIS T7 Avg 1956 Halzt.tonabip balmmaa tha Am-Ugue =-Nsm6twa aw cre%-- 02 mt Mob Tq am 2790 sai Brkw., W~i A Mg 6 .3 Investlastion o;r %be HWetic Simceptibility of Imm and Hickal Use Solid Wlutlow, by V. V.ftVA0*2D'Vj 7 pp. RMIM# perip U Ak FAwk 8=,, aer no# %I XXI., no 9p 3.957# IPP 13"-M4 - Cambia T*Cb SOL - VW5 - -.0 Jan 59 701 /0 6 Processes of the magaetization, of ferromagnetics in high magnetic fieldso I, Effect of elastic and plastic deforrvition on the law governing the approach of magaetization to saturatim By V, V. Parfanoy V Fo Vorosbiluvp * 9 ~.. - ==U-.W RtSSW, per,, Fis Metal i Metallov,, voi mi, No 3. 1962. P? SOL Aug 63 34~2, Y6 -2, cr M OWWATION Or wilmrivic IwInuls two= xw 7w CB"Tnx us~ Aa VJWZWO a lop. mi"1004.0,% 5m VIVA" 13MM7414 NO I 1*~ op : hirip, -63 (31Y-6726) Sr9O Tarwwer In the Skeletm of NU Dogs In Abe Fam;te Pftlcdny by Yu. D. Partenov, 6 pp. RMUM, Vwp Jbd Hadlolog, 1,16 UF 12, 1960, 1** pp 43-W. JPRS lam Bel Jan W ig ITIC Fm Tfir IffiC W'ljm~mo T#Pi. AftsAw M Wu&L mmsmumu iwamT,, W,3,'!-. Wis. im 1063 464 31, 6-10 P;bcut aaalol, BO lo, 1960. 70W I I- f om RX "hwarlsaftir *00"%IL W-MLA., 9 - NO AW, Sp 37-4. amusm W, - FL4ft so ad;rm of the mincreas 0--p soi2x- Wl' .~rf~ 19 PP- RUSSIM,, per, Kora Vyvietrivmiys, Vol 11, 1105-51 pp 31-114. C91C99503 0,4 60.2183r3 Pi-48D Sal - B:Lca AYS 1 -1/4 7 xsy 62 4 Possible Causes of a Failure of Tea Bushes, by Parfenova, E. I., and Troitzkiy, A. I. RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedenie, 1951, No 6, PP 322-328. Sci Wseum Lib No 52/o469 Problemz and DLAthodS of Soil-Mineralogical Investigations With the Microscope, by E. Parfenova, B. Yariloya, .i-. RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedenie,, No 12, 1958., pp 28-35- esiRD Tr_W48 //Y Y3S - jun 6o j U* Wftct at the Nopotic- FleM cc the 21"tric amistowe cc zim aA- Oman&= Single er"taft st IAOV Tog am m k ax Wo Part 3, -, 2ran6vwm arftct by S. G. UwwMs, N, No:--MmkbUwrltb MA 2. A. Pwtoomp,- you vg~Wkuw- mmuw,r part Own or I- um t ftso Vol Igo BUM so 10', IMP pp aavw~"M* 04 963/MM 3ft A ~ PV on Usie Wfect of the lUpetic Field Upon the Electrical Be- aistanm cC Single Crystala of Zinc and Cadmium at Low TwTeratures. Part 11j, by B. G. Lawrevo.N. M. Hakhimo- vich., ;~,.-A.,_Pwtenova., 6 pp. locumn?m FulI translation. MIOS b1mo per Vol 1xv Ito 100 USSR, 1939s, pp Na,7 Tr 6661nnL 403 Scientific - PbyaLcs# Zinel, Caftdut Vap 52 M/mm Inveatigatim, Of CIEW Minerals in Soil Colloids, by E. A. X,~rilovaj E. I. Parfenova, 6 pp. IWSST/:A, per, Kollold Zhur., Vol XXII, No 2~ 1960, pr SR-242. CR Sci mw 61 J:5--3 3 / ~? Reactions of Free Radicals in Solutions., XIII. Study of the Nechmism of the Mahibiting Effact of Quizonee on-tlw WtLatian of Polymrizatioup by B. A. Dolgopl.. G. A. Parfenova, 6 pp. RUSSIM, per,# Zbw Maboh, XhInjo Vol 1=11,, No 10, 1957& j?j)L 2M-eM- Conaultmts Bureau Sci - Cbem Jan 59 J%a Rea#tIcnw of Free Hadi"Is In Salutiow. All. IUMUSaUOU CKr th* VACbMUM Of US 10MIUM Action of PoIM~ wd Aroastla Aalwe on the Promise. of the bdUatlan of Mywrlzatlon,, b7 D* Aw Do2gop1wkp Go A. P4rg*wnv 5 pp- aw"up PW zbw WA" xbft# Vol M=S 110 Ila Iwo pp ;WW 001111111111112safte 3=911111au Bel - ohm an 59 Syn-theals of Deriv&vivea of eye-uc R-W-Vntor-vns~ by V. V., Ferek-allin., M- 8, Parfenova,, pp~ RIZSXAN vr* Dok Ak Nauk SSM,, Vol CXXIV., ., ~T r,'o 3, 1959., RP 592-594- Masultmats Bureau sel /X, vs jun 6o -4*hods of Mae-r-Gasing the'Stability of Elypernensitti2ad (.r-fraclwoimtia Fibm, by B.-M. Solavlyav,. N. M. t-~qrfeno7a. 9 pp. UBIWI* Nwich rabograx, vol vii., 196o,, an/pm xxim NOW SIMMASAM TO FURMW NATION= 62 Akl-l IV-5 in INTERM vu MY The Effect or Extremely High Doses of Roentgen Fadie. on the Amino Acid, Protein, omd Nuclelc Acid Content of Wheat Ploatap by 1. F. V"illyevp 3. 1. MaSIM, 3 pp. RUSSM24 per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol CXXK, No I., 1960, pp 206-M9! AIP &w Phys-Ooklady Bel Vol V.. No I aw 60 Se Cbanges in the Redox Potential of Ibtato Sboots Cauzed by X-ra",_b_y_I..M, Vasillev,) - 3 pp. RrA 0. 1. IIUWViN. per, Dok Ak Nmuk SMO Vol CMp No 2p 1959s, pp 401-403. Auer Inst of Ph" Sov Pbys - DoklMy Vol IV, No 2 SCI Dec 59 cj.~~Cular -po--lqrl=Uoa of lut-~=~ jiaco--panying irv-Gap-tau-e in Fe'7, by RUSSMU[j, per., Zlrar Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XUVIII, 110 1., 19G0.- Pat) 56-59. Amer inst o--, s c m n ~ p - i -rT-P Vol Xl~ LTO 1 tai g 6 c) ~7 V74/ lu"atlaawm of v2s Damy of 002,44 by the P-Y COlucldOncC blothod, by V p ve Forarmbov., v 0 8 y 0 -424 -P ~Zip T IM 0 am. ftsm vta x3mv NO PO cakab" Teah, Sol - P" Feb 59 ,fa Electrochmdeal Hathod of Meatrolyto Purification the Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations., by A. L. 0 ARotinywg va 09 PArgw=s_,,R. A. Puobkovap PPa 5o R1JSSIAN$ per., Zhur Prik Mdmp Vol. XMYp No 2, 1961v pp. 339-3". 0B Sci Mar 62 / ?4~ .2-18' FROBUQ4 OF J.I~SSJ-tTAGE ATID FODWI-MATIOIN', -Oy Ye~, T. 'eqqy4, Yo.A. Yarilova, 13 IPP- R-tjSSIAN. p~-,r, Poch-vo-vedeniYL., 110 9, 1~60, PP 1-1)- AM sci 17,2-,, '?/~? oct 16 11-11-11`11-1---~IL,.- , B. B. Polynov--The Creator of the Study of the Geochemistry of Landscapes (in Commemoration of Kis 85th Birthday, by Ye. I. Parfenova, 8 pp. RUSSIPIN, per. Pochvovedeniye, No 2, 1963, pp 14-24. Scripta Technica Sci Jun 64 2S98877 som Char a cTv.:K-i--qtici-3oft4e cifv- fil-be I, Colloidal Fraction of the soil, by ye.11. ye Ye.i. Parfenova, 6 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Pochvovedeniye., No 2, 1959, pp 75-79. Amer Inat of Blol S:A '1g _r 'z el s0i 10 Dee 60 C=TRUC;r#ON OF THE MW UXUA PAMMm, BY YDMIY FG)MVICH WOMW.Oo YAKOV PAWMIs, 35 PP. RUSSIA14a SK RDDMIVE PWTAO WMo MAY-JUM 10-14 30~-32* 34%-51. lt~ J46 1"7 USSR ECON DEIC 62 217*295 1~ 0 'Hinn; el~-- '0Y lkylkir, If. 1-11. Sivak) T. F. Parfentev, 14. P. Krorip:, 6 pp. British Welding Res Assoc Sci - Aug 60 On Ylaking Coercive Force Concepts More Precise# by A. 1. Parfentyev,, ., V. X. Kashuarev, 4 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Tekk Fixj Vol XXVIlp No 10, 1957 pp. 2387-2391. Amer Lwt of PWs Soy Phys-Tech Phys Vol 11" No 10 Sci-Phys Jun 58 T/-C boot review Physical Principles of'Magnetic Sound Recording, by A. I._ZEL2QtLey, L. A. Pusset, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, bk. Fizicheskiye oanovy magnitnoy za- pisi zvuka, 1957, 323 PP. Read, Lib Sv See Air Info Div, Lib Cong Aug 58 3kcreasing the DurabiUty of Cr=a Whaelsi, by &WInvers H. A. 2VIkin,, Ve It, SLv"j, 1. F. Parfeatyev m-A N. A. Kropp, 4 pp.. A RWVXj, per, NotalUrg,. go 9p 195T.. Pp *35~ cmaultunts Darema $CIL . Hju/mt Oct 58 7-Y, -t-1 e Study of the Toxicity of Arsenic Preparatiom for Rodento.. by 1. A. Parfimtlev- RUSSIM, par,, zashchiia Ratas i ot Vredeteleip VO.L IV., 1927j, pp 4U4-507. US Dept of Intorior Tr no 195 USSR Scientific - Biology 8~3yDac 54 CTS 61-25628 rx