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Frogressive Changes m in the Orienting Reflex in Han During the Development of Sleep Inhibition, by E. N. Sokolov, 11. P. Paramonova, 9 pp. RUSSLU4, per, -7hur Vysshey Nerv Deyatel imeni I. P. Pavlova) Vol XI, No 2, 1961. PP Sci may 62 5 195,553 ToSee.I.Ve Bxa=ftatiou of the Reaidual Rea-ring of Deaf Childrm,, by S. N. Sokolov., B. P. Pftramonava, 15 pp. M81M.0 bkj, Ostatodwyl SIuAh u Tagoukhikh i Glukhousaqkh Deteip Voprosy Iscl"ovauiya, RezvItLya i Ispolezovani7a Stmkhovogo Vosprlyatiya u Tugoukhithi i G Detei,, Moscov,, 1957. CIA/~= X-3687 Sci - Ned SOP 59 i TT-62-28745 Paramonwa, V.I. and Matermra, E.A. I i.y7rvCr-r;y)r- i 'im m,mi(x-,PNF DANS LtCIIANGE! 1. Paramnnwa. Ir.). DES KINS I~T_ALLIQL-ES %UR LF-S StIRFACES DFS 11. M-iter"va, F.A. SILICATES (Zrucheme V(xJor,~Jnc,.!,, v Obrncn,.~ Ill. (-NR5-1*11 12 i"1 In,, Na Silikamv ,Hh Prvvcrkhnas~- TV. ;-'.-~mrc Nariorml de 1.1 ;t~h% )f the lovi in the Callm zh~, ,,n Silicn-ti- _Surfact-). 2"p. (foreip-n tc-a includc"D CNNS-VII 1~ 01-A.I. ~rolll OT~, 1, W fw CNIN S2. (10 TT-62--18745 ill-Ex-mch -if P,,ehv(ivcdcnic WSSR) IQ40, Hydrogen, Mni~;. Silicltc!~, (Chornistry--Inorpnic, TT, v. 11, no. 9) E-- C- Use of Ion Exdhange to Study the State of a Substance in Solution. VI. Complexes rormed by %42 Ru(IV) in Solutions of Rydrochloric and Perchloric Acidss by V. 1. Paramonova, R. F. Latyahev, 6 pp. ROSSIM, per, Radlokhim, Vol ir-'~No 4, 1959, pp 458464. 9079523 0 la 'on as RK-59/4.19 .1 Sct - Ob" Aug 61 The Sapectrophotometric Investigation of Acetate Solutions of Uranium (VI), by V. I. Paramonova V. B. Kolychev, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Radiokbimiya, Vol 111, 140 5, 1961, PP 5882-588- AEC-tr-4581 PL-48o Sci jun 64 26o,869 Polymerization and Specific Ion-Exchange Sorption of Uranium (VI in Acetate Solutions, by V. I. !~~a~,-V. B. Kolychev, 5 PP- MSSIAN, per, Radiokbimiya, Vol III, No 5, 1961, PP 589-592. AEc-tr-4581 PL-48o Sci jun 64 26o,863 n. Ow of the Pree:Udtates FM-Aed 1060 by ft"tAng 7~, . - c ureDyl ftits with Nam.. by T. I. PUMMOM.. et". mmma Poo am awsm Xblu" so 9$ imil PP 0674-wk. MmraGowmh M Ltd. Bei - Cbm 0059 9 4~,, Z/S d I Li Bw App, cation of Ice Exchange to invastizatiod ar t1w State of a Subetafte In SolutUm- II- 3xpwIm=tal Pbrforamm of the rat-bad of AbsorPUM' CarwMaj, by V. 1. Parm=mc",, 4 pp. IMURP part zhur moorg 10"s Val 111j, 1958, rp- 212-21k. AZO Tr 3617 Bel - Chem WAY .519 APPlioaticin cKf Ion Bigebmw to the study of the StilLte or a Obterlal In SavjUon. In. Study of the Fox" of Xguteme or sloolm in Solutions or BUIpburle and Ferchlorle AcIde, by V. 1. ftrammmi et &I. A, "r., mw moram aft No lp 1958, Deasqarft Lm. S~e 7A~) iC- /13,.1 90 ~4`25/11-, Sep 59 ~94~1 The APP34tatiOU Of Ion ftchange to the Study We thip State of a Substance In Solution. T. Th-- Bt4y of t1w Procaw of Cmplex-Fdrmtkm by Z'Areoulun In NIU-1c: Acid,, by V. I. Paramamva, A. M. B=Mev,, 9 pp. RUWJAM,, paro Zhur Rem-S MAng Val lilt 19506j, pp 215-221. ABC Tr 363 Sol - mw 59 StuCi-la on th!-, Stat-- of lRadloactiva IL',obium --*a MUle Acid Salutionu by Mazwo of Ion L4;cbaxkge and Mnlyals, by V. 1. Paramortava, V. B. Kolyahavj p 101V, R'MSL%H,, per Zhur Haargmn Kb4m., Vol 1, Do "W 19 56, in, 1 -3-904 AM-Tr-4509 ft-1 Apr 63 3 7 9 . , 's .!,! " I 1xv-, " jvq, I P7. ---- - lon Exchange Stuctr of the State of Zirconium in Sulfm-ic Pr4 Nitric Acid Solution5s by V- I, Paramonova. A. S- Vowodskiy, 7 PPT RUSSTAN,-per. Zbdr Neorgan Kbin. Val 1. No 81. 195-60, pp. lct5-1911 0 AW.T-r-45F?q sci J41e I 9,P 6 Apr All 15stras jUl-Wou Coaarence an Radlochtmlatry,, by V. I. ftra-wac ffnq LQ Do ShsydUaj) 7 PY RISSIAN,o Per.- ZhIw ftorgPn Ed*.- Vol 111, No 7o 1957D pp 1706-1703- AW-tr-W*7 sai - Chemistry Dee 6o 15-t11 e a f FN 84 Interaction of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions and Alkalimetal Carbonates., by V. I. Paramonova, B. P. N1kW Isk:typ 5 p. mmm., pws zhur Neorgan rhimt No 5g 1962,, pp.1026-XV1035. a CS Sel Jun 63 233AM V. I. Paramonova RUSSIAN, per, Radiol-zhimiya, Vol I, No 4, 1959, pp 458-464. *British per AEC 18 Feb 6o I I Use of Ion Rtchaqw:-+Oo 13tww Vm auto or ..Ato,r In SolUtiong b7 Vs Is ravam=mam.- awl"# per.* aw Mas Vol us so 30 yp 523-531* IMP act my 60 A"K 0 A< x Paratnonova, V. 1. LMLISATION DE L'ECHANGE IONIQUE DANS L'tr`UDE DE L'9TAT DE LA SUBSTANCE EN SO- LUTION. 1. BASES PHYSICO-CHIMIQUES DE LA METHODE DE RECHERCHE SUR LA FORMATION DES COMPLEXES WAIDE DES COURBES IY AB- SORPTION 11rimenente Ionnogo Obmena It Izuchenlyu Soato),aniya Veshchearva v Rastvore. 1. Pizilto-Kh1ml- cbeside 0snavy Metoda lssledovanl~a Kompleksoobra- zovanlya a Fornoshcbyu KrIvykb Pogloshcheniyal tUse of Ion Exchange to Study the State of Matter in Wtition. 11. Physical -chemical Bases of the Method of Investigat- ing Complex Formation with the Aid of Absorption Curves) tr. by M. Kefeli. 28 Apr 60 1201p. CEA Trans. no. It 899 (text In French). Order from OTS or SLh $1, 60 61-23815 Trans. In French of Zhjurnal) Neorgianicheakoll KWr-[Iil (USSR) 1957, v. 2. no. 3. p. 523-531. A translation in English in available from LC or SLA (Chemistry- -Physical, IT, v. 6, no. 6) (over) I. Paramonova. V. 1. 11. Title- Bases... Ill. Title: Fiztko- KhImicheakie... IV. Title. Physical- chemical... V. CF-A-tr-R899 VI. Commissariat i I'Energie Ammique (Prance) A Sltudy of the Reaction of Solutions o--;' UrdV--# S---Itt, =d Scdium 1~y~oxide, "by B. P. Mkoll I sk-4y. V. -r. M. D. Morachevelmya,, 10 pp. RUS"SLUI, perj Zhur Neorg= Xhim., Vol 11, "To 5, -11571). 9 pp llc,14-12DO. AEC-tr-U55 PL-4-8o S jun 61 PST 82 BUOY cC the Adsorptlm of Ions ca Plattulsed Cawbm by Guaglog the Gas Abxmjphere, by A. 1. NowrM, Be F* XJka3 Iskiyj. V. 1. et als, 4 pp. wisarMIS _Ywo mw Pis xblu# Val xxml No 9a APMA pp 2$00-1.906. / W/z ax/ f/ - 4,tA;"c r IN V. P. afusROMM& . . ~ Wadjae,C946016 li '10 10613 T& =y.# m 1o 106-4 ave-ON-M OCS&SMAO - IV~ sma sd-~Sw 2"23 am*$ AtropInev Apo-Atropine and Cholinesterasesp b7 D. Vincent, M. Parants 6 pp. -t--- - Farm. p6r, 0 tog Remdus do Biol# Vol CLv No 2j. 1956p pp k% -447- Dec 58 Zimarizim-bal Research oa Buras (conta), by Karl "r =Ocnndolop Opp,, usm:pmlrm G=Mp per; Vieu Me& WocbMschr., VOI LrV,, HO 14';- 1904) VP 573-579- I;avy 2WX~ZS 482 Sci - IL-d:LOIM sov 6o ) s g~, ;v0/ I,.aseaxch on llu~-, by p. UINUASSIFIED (coutd) pT per, 1--lien Red Wocbermach , Vbl LIV, Ho - 5, 190" pp 62&63o. Navy 2WAMS 1190 SOL - Madicim Noy 60 / 5,qj 7 Reuearch on Btnms,, by Karl 30 pp. (Conclusion). UdMMSn?nD por., Wlea Ned Iloche=chr,, Vol LTV, Ro 3.6., .'L9o4.t pp 676-67.9.. M=AWV= NavyZ48/tacs 491 Sci - 1%dicine nov 6o / j q 1~ 7 91f W-5309) A Now Furnitwe Factory in Dwharest, by A. PerasOLT.. 4 pp. RUWJW.t for# Imustria LUMNIULJ, Vol XI., NO 8., 1960, pp 239-294. ins 9026 Igor - Rummis / W, 4 /1/ Boom j Apr 61 (NY-65m) HATIMTIC$ - A POWKWUL TOOL FM WOMLEVZo By 0. nm"xs vu. TAMIMMS 5 PP. NMI^ P% wm I 3MITTVAt ND to 1900 W It# 13- Jm 14331 .. -.. SCI - NATO AL (a amilou (DC-30W) the Achievements of the Fevolultion and the D&wel*ment Of IWM2AVIM iM Wbrk With Pioneens tv Dwa Pawimp 26 pp. CHDATM, lxrp PedWakl rod., No 7-8s Oct -1961.. IV 208-M. JPBS 22113 Bit= . yugooloru Soo Feb 62 (NY-7126) Self-Adaptive Quantization Threshold, by Yu. I. Par 9 pp. nayev, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, 14VO, SSSR, Radiotekh, Vol V, No 1, 1962, PP 134-137- ims i44ol Sci jul 62 202,930 CatalYtIC-AlkYlstiOn Of-Benzene and Toluene With Fropy-.L AU0hOUj by X. B. Turava-Polv*k3 N. V. Rudenkag la Le Parb=las, 4 pp. RMIM, Verq Zftur Obababi Shins Vol X=,, No lo, 1959P VP 3243~3247o CD sci -. OJ ~q 4 oat 6o 11:3 Study of the Antioxidant Properties L>4~ -Scov,o AD:yhlimluls, Dy G. Parc FRENCH, per, Rev last Franc Petrole Aim Corbust Liqttides, Vol 12, No 3, 1957, pp 304-329. ATS-FJ-1504 Apr 72 N_--s m-- -msmmww . - - -- we,* ftfift~*, E77 33P r2T6 fts.0 sow 61 . 327#%6 t Plant Transpiration and the Production of Dry Matter. An Interpretation In Te=.u of Emiromental Factoray by S. de Pareevaux. RMCH, per,, Annales Agronomiquen,, Vol 15, M 5., 1963, PPI$5-742- CSIROING - 7324 Bel - Jul 67 334,791 (FDD 19r[O) Czechoslovaktan Research on-Long-Radic Waves, by 4 CZECH., Wr, Kridla Vlasti, Vol 'It go To Pkaguep 141 Mar 1953, PP 164o 165. CIA.-'FM U-5427 Mur - Czecboulovakla 0~ 71,5700 Sci - Electronica, ridio Feb 54 DmIce for Marking Tensile Test Specimons, by H. Parchon, GERRM,, War,, DEN-Tocbn Berichte, No 2,, 19610 pp 77-79. CRLIT 2022 Sci- MR W?.P i-., -? v y Mar 63 W. teraimire tbo OscijL2Atcr-- (f --it""W-7-5) 1-n- i--h-- Spacti-a cf Iron vzd by G. F. w. P. Puaklnj, 2 pp. Tho-I tlenalmhica. ROMINT., b1= P=... 1z Ak Hauk, Sor r-l--'Vol X-U go !.,, 1955., V&Plit P2Bt9- CI& C 42053 caumbim trechTr 3,~I. 6 31 1W 56 C-rold= T',-~e Relation af the W- c1limtor btren~~.'I'w iur thit Cr,mponents " the Resonsnide-DouPXet of Altur, inum F. FarchevskAX, 1-4. F. Perkin, a ad Coppero b PP. AlIUBBLANj -bina per,,, Zhur Ekspf.T i Tooret Piz, Vol M111., 1955j, PP 379- CIA c 40846. Awrican Inat of '?bysica 57 Best 55 St- New York 22,, No yo 's A.1-53.2 i-P bwrestIption of Thmml Vertical C=7*ntg,, by Paro'havaklyp 10 pp. -- o BrUSM# pw, Not I Oid., go 5j L*niu&-oA., 1958,, Vp 26-29. us jpRs Tr t-6o"u Jan ruaw Gin" pmam; 4f C-V=O-Mb-* ft Ot 40# 8 pj_06 mbA :90 Ak Walk Aw SelfiCtift Of 6 PUMP fOr A ftdrGVjtC-At PrOplJors by S. A. LhLrq_*k -WBBW# -9@r# Sbm4Ak Tradw.. Ak lauk Ukraln SEMj, LabomtwiU OldV&rllabsgkl&., ift 6.. lq%jp pp U3-134. S,4,4 (a 0 -,2 /1 r. 3 JWIAPI. * : TO 23D4PU* 61 on tho Xr4ulsiva Roactiun ol' PILta.5 Eitli Cavity Flowp by S. 1. -i-araiwwovaV,, Q Pp. RU&Wli.l parp Prik Mt i VAkhp Vol Ulls No k,, 3.958m, PY 56-5-560- MA 59-15W3 sci Nov 59 Vol 2p So 3 WON .,Avar(aosirma ame" in the ,~arvico o.,, 41;,utimb by " i*ar*WMld, 6 pp. ir.laiw-i'll pps, ~WmeAga Lo-101-00 Pp 1(6n9 AJ 5A..'Ltms 68 lcqo Zj A-- "I"IT14 "F14,14 If" J~ ------- Parczewski., W. Conditions of the Phenomena of Sudden Rising of 'Water in Small Streams. POLISH~ per., Wiadomosci Sluzby Hydrologicznej i Meteorolo,sicznej, 15,60, 8:85-159. *PL 4-3o OTS 061-31--302 wov 61 Tw FMODUM Or UFMAN KMAWW ADN OMDEBYO, ey 4TAwi sAw pmamm 6 vp. FMISO PM MAMS VOL X1 I I v ND Ip 1*0, PP 2749- im FM - ?CLAM 1EGN AL f4 Me Capab:Mties of the HaUeopter in MaerrMm Wwfwa In Africa, by Alaondre Pardal. 14 . pp PM=t=,p Pwo BA*Awlai, No 147/148p PArIARr IM. Q=A O.Z. 6560/qWA 022 NWA - M'rlca /4 X, Iz --T ml Sep 61 VISIt to the JdUt4uT C=W or Bowmj, by Alexandm Fordap 5 pp- PCFMUB 0.margatavul No U5/236.. 15;r YA r/Ap r I r - qVlk - 0. L 6%01*M 02D wxkgr - Portapi .-,e 4~ ~Pw ma &V 6L %At Mould a SoMer Asalgad to -the Province Of HammbiVw XWwp by AI*xsz&* Poxdal.. 17 pp. QM - pommm, p".. InfauterIA, No 149-1501, COU 02L 4#a= W1 Regime of the Nwth Caucasian Rivero, by Boris Browin, ikurice Parde, 4h pp. Fn=, perv Revue de Geographle Alpine., 1956. ocz Tr A Usm /?z Y/ r7ff GeWapbU What I Saw in the Soviet Union, Rumania, and Albania, by P. Pardt4g, 6 pp. INDONfST' Flarian Rakjat, 1.3 Nov 1964, p 3. JPRS 27JI849 Asia-Indonesia Pol USSR, RUMANIA, Albania Pol Feb 65 272SISSI Mir -igw igimialb Con-anemon-tt:1xig the 100th Araiivc-rsa- of the First CN inteniational, by P. 2a~ ~ed~-:~, &~pp np, Harian Ralcjat, Djak:!~rLa, 28. Se,., 64j, p 3 ORS 272J~7 Asia-Indonesia Pol jan 65 2711-07 61-10705 Pardera, G. ENDORRACHIS THERAPY U1TH NICOTINIC ACID IN 1. Psychoneuroses-Tiverapy CENESTOPATHICS. 1196114p. 2. Nicotinic acid-- Order frorn SLA mi$1- 80, ph$1. 80 61-10705 Therapeutic effects 1. Pardera, G. Trans. of Rassegna di Studl Paichiatrici (Italy) 1956, v. 45. no. 5, p. 1094-1096. An apparent tberapeWc action of nicotinic acid intro- duced Into the spinal dura mater in cenesthopathic thoracic- abdominal syndromes Is reported. (Biological Sciences-Neurology, 17, v. 5. no. 12) OM~ of T*dmica Swvtc" (,.,),-644o) DEVELOPMEIAT OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S ECONOMY DURING HE PERIOD OF THE SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN'.. BY IPIRE PARDI, 25 PP. HUNGARIAN, PER, KOZGAZDASAG1 SZEMLEJ. VOL Vill, t.,o u, ia6i, PP 1265-1283. JPRS 12777 EEUR - HUNGARY CEON KAR 6 165,6L~o Study of the Activity and Division of Work in a Society of Polistes Gallicus (L.) After the Appearance of the Workers, by L. Nrdi. SPANISH. SLA per BC State College Jun 59 $w"Wilma commw COMM on VHPAWIV W IRFA=ILABLJE w #*= fun* PP. MOO%" TUIAN6, wo MW sfts MR 15 JUL 1963o PP I im saw lba CHOICE me smin wsmsl~ w No pmoo ., - 7 lope. iUUM.0 W40 PXM Wt4 7 JULY 19630'Fp 1,0'8- . FrIp"1014 Ioft t= 04t Am 63 im:lwx "Ve "I 1, Italian Cc=unist Organ and Pro-Communist Vaily Disallree on 1129 Points of Acwsation% by Paolo Pardo, 7 pp. ITALIAN, np, Paese Sera. 30 Oct 1964, pp 1, 12. JPI','S 271590 )0, /0 li-E.-Italy Pol Jim 65 272,414 27" -- -- -- ~y v ores, is of Nc~t)jc in spectro'-liamical lmal',-s en-turation. 4c Gone previolls 0-- 1 0 - TIPA3/TIB T 2736 F 2110,3nT rA microsetvIcal m3mostISSUM of tho cryetallia. t'= of W-wt ymme alas., lpy L. 2!~, USCL cm 0 pmro 8"Maty l3val"I vca no, Pral-46, 3,08o pp 176-9M. witimb im acd stool I" U119 Statistical Wthodg in quality Coritrolj by B. Pardubskys 21 pp- per., Pokroky.Matemtikyj lysiky a Astronm1e) Vol 11., 1957., pp 534-543j 668-674. 9080664 AM 57 -45W sci /w/ ~. e, I -Z sep 61 Scae Distributims of Hrrors of Yewurement, by Bobumil Pm*ibskyp 13 PP- C=Mj, per$ Cookoolov Caeopla p= Ppikap Val Vp 1955f pp M-530- AW Tr-MW Sol - FAW. jww 6:L Pf? 05-q R-299/63 The Floods of the PAd River,, by Maurice Parde FRENUI, per, Aquales do Goograaie, PP 787-801. (SF-2814) JPRS WEur - France Geographic Sept 63 Cer-deiwation at Guiacol With Uasaturmted AlcLoln- .4~~ t' ~,, ;", '-,. the 1.17mm-asam of Plimmboric, Ac-~~C., by A, T. Frl~,-t Maur O-Ochca% M3111; Vol 1963j, pi? WI-6#12. CB sc! 64 '99, The Clove or Aromatic Clove, by Antonio Garcia Paredes. SPANISH USDA per NC State College Jun s59 ftdocrinology o:C* EM-laying in the Ban., by J, Rubio INxredesp R8 ppo SPAYMR., reprint Zrom Trabajos del 11 Coaa2so Inter.- i2aclonal Veterinario de Zootacnisp Phdrid, 1953- NIH Scientific - Biology Wov 53 CTS The Third Flight of "Courageous", by V. Parein, IIAPP- - ------- I RUSSIM. np, Izvestia., July 9, 1959- 0- 1 9~ 9 014 q ? % Jet Propulsion Lab JFLAI/Trans No 9 FDD X-388o Nov 59 Effect of Different Sluestral Dosm an Hewpoio"A and Sovlval of Irradiated C Strain Mack Mms t7 Be A* rue Be lhoustus, pp. RUSSW, per# Radioblap Vol III,. No 3. ~963j. pp "7-452. AW-Tr-506 sci. Hw 64 213,a52 (SF- 1878) A PLEDGE FOR THE COORDINATION OF SCIEN~IFIC RESEARCH, BY B. PAREMSKIY1 4 pp. RUSSIAN, NP, SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA, 23 SEP ig6i, P 2. JPRS 13788 sci - misc MAY x 62 194,858 il. Rev Variable Stwo fu the Nebula of Orion,, by P. JP. X.Pwenagop 4 Lop. A=M, porp PerommVe Zvosft., v a v n., so 4.- ].Mt'pp 195-196- Bei Tr Cafta 6ci - AstronoW Aug 1956 P.. Kukarkin, B. U., a.-W Flory.. N. F. 1 OF GLO13ULAR CLUSTERS (Sisterna Sharovykh SkopicnilL [196311221p. (figs. tables omit- ted). Order from OTS or SLA S2.60 63-14917 Trans. of Moscow JU. I Gosludarstvcnnyll Astrjonoml- cheskii I Instlitut]. Trudy (USSR) 1949, v. 16, p. 47-70.1 Another trans. Is available from SLA as RT-3979. 4Dp. DESCRIPTORS: *Galaxies, 'Stars, Light. Absorption. Classification. Distribution. Optical properties, Photographic analysis, Astrophysics. A revision or th~- fundamental astro-tatintical data on globular chimera in our galaxy as the basis far de- termining th6*ue distribution In space of these clusters. Thc~data Includes: apparent Integrated photographic mijifirudes and apparent distance moduli of globular clusters; absolute photographic magritudco (AqtronomY--AAtr0PhY"%cs, TT, v, 10, no. 5) (over) 63-14917 1. ParenaM P. P. If. Kukarkin, B. U. fit. Florya. W. F. IV. RT-3979 010W d Todmitm A Revision of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrem According to the Data an Near Stars, by P. P. ~!~na ~-x PP. MBSIU,t W, Astron Mur, Vol M", No RA pp 169-193. Ap 19.F-.- Amer last of Phys Sov Astron - Aj vol n, ito 2 Scl - MW Astron. Jul 59 ~,dj 7 ~7f The Msees of the Ccmponents of y loonis.9 wUch P41cag to the Gl=ts of-the Spherieal Cmuponent of the Galop" by P. P. pa"Emi 3 pp. x RUSSLUI, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XM, NO 1958, pp 289-291. Amer Inst of - Phys Sov Ant= - AJ Vol n' NO g Sci - Astron Jul 59 The Klnemtica of the Various Sequences or the Spectrum-4uminosity Dlagr=, by P 0 P - Part , 3 iv - LnW HUSGIU. Der, Astron Zhur, Vol XXU, No 3, 1958, ly~ilmi 4W-00. Anar Imt of Faw Saw AstTon - AJ va n, No 3 Sci - Antran Jul 59 `."L, n Slynt-c-m a Z Giobula.- MIL-t , by 11 B. V. Z'dkawlzinp Iff. P. 40 pp. RUISSIAIJ, miro Trudy GoaudtwsU"-vann%q Aatron lust ima P.. K, Mhternberga,, Vol X-Vis 3,040., IIT`TD- Rci Tr Center =-39,79 Scl, - A.-itroncany on the Nature ot the Variable StarB In the Orion nobulaj, by F. P. FWlg!LoA 2-1 pp. RMS10a, -per$ Persmew*s Zvez~as. Vol VnI NO 4" lgc;o., p0 ).69-181. Sci Tr Center * 76 IkT-wm .57, , / Sci - AstronoW Aug 19r)6 On thrb Fmctl= A(mj C) Glvlug the Dirotribustion of Stars AccorsUng to StaUar Ma5mituden ead Color ladicaso by P* P. Param pp- RMSIM, piar, Astran ZhurL, Vol XM-1, No 1, 1959, pp 182-186. AIP Vol M,, No I Sci - Amtran Oct 59 -5 On the molaous cr~ thfc; Globular Star cluzt-le-Ara, -DII; P. P. P&vn!r -. ,I0 IV. =UTAH# b1m perjp AELrau Zbiw _.p Val XXIV,, No ftl Tr center HT-Y.* Sal Aug .96 M 1371 fdotiono of Long-Pariod Capboids and Galactic Dynazics,, by P, P..Parouago,-41 pp. RUSSIMs. P"P Tru4y OosuWstvormov Astron Inst ImShternbergap Vol XVIs 3,09P PP 71-92. scl Tr Cmt--- ET-3950 Eel - AstrovmW Aug 1S*6 Spiral Structure of the Galaxy rrom Radio Observa- tions on the 21 cm Wave length, by P. n~!~ RMUIP rl Astron Zhur,, Vol XXXII, No 3s 19551 pp Umm No 3033 Sci - AstroneW Aug 57 Plan for tile COMPlex Study of Selected Areas ir, the Mi31y IT'ly, by P. Parenego, (~ IT. Syjpposium on Coordination of Galactic Researcl-,, Stoclcholj,,, 17-22 Jun 1957. .-I ., D./FDD X-259P, Spira! st3metu of the Galaxv ...jg ', rom Far~f o Astromondcal Data, and irixx- -'w-her Cbservationa Neoess=7 to I:n=ea---L- O~w of the SpIral Struetwe, oy P. Paremigo. Flussvilf, per, Tv~ P~ratogo Sweshchaniya j* VOP-l"Osam KOLSmOgonil, Vol V,, 1955, Pp 535-538. CSIRO 3947 301 - mtaonow Aug 62 Pares, ~. and I.-InCOV, 4 T71T NCERN114b 5-(O-h4ETHOXYPH9NOXY- N 1. Pares, J. METI-WL) - 2-OKAZOLI DONE OR MEMENOXALONE. It. 1-3nger, M. (196113p. 7 refs. Order from SLA $1. tO 62-10051 Trans. of Helvetica Chimica Acta (Switzerland) 1960, v. 43, p, 1862-1863. DESCRIPTORS: Drugs, *Oxazolidones. Merhyl radicals, Alkaxy radicals, Phenoxy radicals, Azoles, Ethyl radicals, Urethanes, Urea. Th~_- I) -2-oxazo- Ildone (mephenoxalone) bycondlrisnfion of 3-(o-rn~-th- oxyplicnoxy) - 1, 2 - propncdlol Wit 11 ethYl chloroca r- bonate, followed by cyclization. Is described. (Author) (Biological Sciences --Pharmacology, T7, v. 8, T-W-1 S-)- no. 10) 'm tha Blood C--225 ana, -'-01'-' BadY ye A. plqxc-,% 3 E - Ye - Pul)p- ton-1, per, N-Pd'-ft Rndiolog, Ec 5, 10,5'17 '&T-70 - 11-077 6