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1098. Pan-ov, D. Concerning the problem of machine trans- lation of languages. Betxac*htungen Uber das Problem der ma- schinellen Ubersetzung von Sprachen. 1956o S. 35, m. Abb., 18 Fig., 8 Lit.-Ang. 0 Mesh. Knigal Moskau E r 0 1wrov"aft or X..wuaaa stroam a 9-~- claqwbou" =~ ~~~ f iE~ 31. V. tv MWMM~ IrpSgill ft.L 110, a 31 "W J, IV 50 . o"Amerlau Aft 68 36eim /73.v A~ IV 0 V On the Reasons for Anammlaw Low of IMeatrom out at the Oem Plm~q by Tu. A. AwbOMWQVp D. A. P&Ww. EMZW,t zPtip Pxnwlnt JIO- 23#235# 2-QQP 21 PP- Nd .0 Qbm AW-U-540 Agr 63 4o1 i~ 9 731 Tbmwmc2sw NmVwtlc TrLPS * by D _A. --Paww, V. 2 1 somedibo. RML4x# VW# Mwo"s 31 lb TO W9. ft" sw~f-173 sci - Nuallm "Um Sep 59 (0?009111~1 *# r, 1: 4 - m C. , ~ ~ -3 1// Aa) IC17-5 -,~, 0 -. ' ? .L?6.* -2 /j --0l ------ ----- "uma & Diffw=ut lznd Distribution In Uw Aratle W In Autwatlas* by D. G. Famor, M)BOMp yars. Intomt By4l Sovvt AnartlaboakVa nawal"IyUs 1092 SO 90 VP 5-8. Vaiv Ot Weacusia (mw) CP,77 Set - Oloplam 11300 Aw 6o Teetonle Chwacteristics of the Awgins of the Pacific Platforaj, by D. G. Psnovs--4 PPO RMLWP part Dak Ak Nauk sms Vol on, mg is IL957,9 PP 157460. cousatents Buraau Sel - GeWbys ftv 59 f7 /a.r./W/ W/ It Types of Structum of the Ocamda Part or the Terrewltrita QmAj by D. 0. PaqM__ I I m As=.* pw-.p ftk Ak Nwk Be'=.. To' T., No 3.- 1961.7 Im US-in. IML W-,5m.h 1962 (10,062) ftl - 2MM& Z-IPW ftl & AftrM. Jul 63 Types of Stract=e of the Ocewle Pvxt of the To~~ CruAg by D. G. Parjov. B=Mj. lwj lbk Ak Swk D&UMP Vol VP No 3P iTat vp !Is-=* aL set'AMA l9ft (io.Aa) (UM) ftl - mmd% MU*tb Sol & Aaftm Jul 63 -ucM rLooR STRUCTURE AND THE POLAR BASIN: THREE PAPERS, tr. by E. R. Hope. Dec 62, 27p. 89 refs. DSIS T 359 R. Order from NRCC NRCC C-4274; C-4275; C-4276 CJL.~' Trans. of Priroda (USSR) 19P [v. 411 no. 7, p. 92-95; Moskovskoc Obshchestvo Ispytatei Pr1rody. Byulleten'. fOtdc-I Geologicheskiij (USSR) 1957, v. 32(62) no. 1, p. 21-37; Akadernlya Navuk BSSR, Minsk. Doklady. 1961, v. 5. no. 3. P. 118-121. DESCRIPTOR: Ocean bottorn, *Marine geology, *Geology, Arctic regions, Earth, Lithosphere. Contents: The origin of the greatest world-ocean depths (trenches) Tectonics and origin of the Central Polar Basin Types of structure of the oceanic part of the terrestrall crust. (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 9. no. 8) 63-12800 1. Panov. D. G. 11. DSIS-T-359-R 111. NRCC C-(4-n4-4776) IV . Directorate of Scientific Information Services (Canada) Office Wlwjmkw se"kn Types of Deep Faults on the Bottoms of the Oceans by D. G, PAnovv 3 PP '!!- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geolog, No .0. 1958. Amr Oeolog Inst 801 '/ Z4~ /X10 :?~ Formulas for the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations by the Method of JO Differences, by D. J. I'anov. RUSSIAN, bk, NLL (Loan) Sci Jul 64 ,T- ME PSYOMM Or WA AND TUMICAL PWMWS BY Ai. N* LWff OWS Db W. ~~ 23 PP. MMIM MM* VMM FILOBWI It NO 8,v 1969# pp;m. A. JPIM 17357 XK JAN 63 "loolk Man in Atxtapn- c Sy D. A. Osh-:M, n, Z,i j stems of Control, by- D. PI. 2~- ~'Iqyj- 12 -op. RU122=1, par, Voproay linowfii, No 51 igfi: pp 4-1 JPRS 10337 / 7 7 oct 61 P. P. = T~oymoklyls TIwmUtIng Machine, by D. YU - pa; - a am=) mmogmyhv Pern~- Ykwhina P. P. TEMpskoWA, 1959J. pp I-W- JPHS 3532 Sci - Ris Oct 6D Cit-5 (DC-1525) Automation of Translation F c"O Lavacaft-M to AUQtl*rj- D. YQPiWz, A. A. LyUP=V, 1. a. jbdftil~s3k pp,, IMMASSI RMZU# LM9 PNWLUts A"MatisaUl" povoweds 8 01IMP T617* vi DrOM, MWOOV., 10o, vp 1-35. us JM/bC-3r;q S- j-ye 71 Certain Problem of Autowtic Translation, by I* Xt Bellskaya, L, N, Korolev,, I. S. Mukhin, _p. Yu. Panav; S. N. Razumovskiy; 20 pp. RUSSIPM, per., Vest Ak Vauk SSSR,, no 12, 1956., pp 24-33. ATIC F -TS -9118/V Engineering 17 44 / - Mar 57 / (W-3901/20) The Translation Machine of P. P. Troyanskiy, by D. Yu. Pa4ov., L. IN. Korolev, 15 PP. I RUSSIAN, monograph, Perevodnaya Hashina, 1959, yp 41-51. JPW 3771 sci ;- Misc Sep 60 (DC-152B) - - - - Automation of Translation From One la-,Zuage to Another, by D. Yu. Pa'nov, A. A. Lyapunav, 1. S. MWWng 34 pp. UNCL RUSSIAN, bkj Sessiya Akad Nauk S&M Vo Nduchnyn Prableimn Avtomtimtsii Proizvodstva, 15-20 October, 3.956, macaw, pp 3B1-214. JPHB DC-379 also LW Translatimis Bu-110tin Apr 1959 (see AftomtIzataiya parevoft 9 MAY 59 odnogo yazykn nn drugay, pp 1;L5 (rm - 29 29 M) Wo=stion on Automatic Traaalatioa., by D. Yu. RUM$ 40 pp. MMSM,, bk (pbotoatats)-p Avtomtiqbas~& Perevad.. bloaww., -1956,, pp 5-w45--. CIA/FW Tr 629 Sai - Engineering, romhInes Mar 57 CM , t.~~q Bearma a L -amislum"'fi-on,; b.7 0 fmtor- "210 ppl. A=&-odi ftl&l P-MR, 1956. 3: 7., ho-&a = aci Waal -MIAW~ History and7Deve-lopment of Electronic Calculating - Machines, by D. Yu. Panov. RUSSIAN, bk, Konferentsii "Puti Razvitiia Sovetskovo Mathemat Mashinostroyeniya. i Priborostroyeniya, Plen Session, Moscow 12-17 March 1956, (VINIII, Moscov, 1956). eV-30 John W. Carr III University of Michigan Apr 15, 1958 Sci - Electronics MaY 58 Tnuatslatioa, -by -D. - `L`U~ 'Paa~ RIBSIAN, bk, Avtmatichaskily Perevod, USSR Acad of Sci, 1958. pergamon Press Sci - Mise Oct 60 CIA PH 242 -F3 9 E5 Autc=tic Translations by Do Yu, P&u*%,* MM HMZWO bk,* Avt=4%cbvuUy Perevods Xoscarg 1958s v 69 pp. For I"t 16.50 Sci - Visa my 60 Mter. -7 71 7 C4bmL Ptsomm M OKWIMMIC !STMWF ff loolloo nwimmolk 9L V06 ~!~i a MON4 VON www, psi 1,9 ND 19k op 1". 5# 1% i M- frAh SO *. ttm- I ou 63 M#567 Numerical Solutions of Quasi-Linear Ibrperb-oIIz--- Systems of Differential Equations,, by D. Yu. FAngy. RUSSUS, bk, 1957. Infosearch Ltd. 242 Willesden Lane London, N.W.10. APr 59 TT-65-63526 Field &C I. CanunonAcalth Scientific Panov, E. and Industrial Research TAXONOAIIC POSITION OF THE USSURI PLOVER - OrganIZ'di0n (Australia) CHA&ADRILIS IIIATICULA PLADICUS GREY ET GRAY (ON THE BASIS OF ETHOLOGICAL DATA) (0 Sistematicheakoin Polozhenit Ussurllskogo Zulka). Tr. by B. B.Ibush. 1965, 22p (foreign teKL included) 5refs. CSIRO-Trans-6963. Order from CFSTI, SI-A. or ETC: HCSI.60, Nil-T)0.50 as TT-65-63526 Trans. of Zoologicheskil Zhurnal (USSR) v42 nIO p1546-53 1963. --- A641i,6. sow, oc ease* now"" 4w .I ~ & so AOM4 1-.r. lb 16.- 416~ 1-1-10 114, iko ~1. aid saw I "L VO a %I ii~~ ,!~'Xl ca ,I" v- 33(1630 M et Panov, E. M. and Kocheshkov, K. A. ON A NEW FUNDAMENTAL CLASS OF THE SIMPLEST ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF LEAD ArPbX . 1196317p Order irorn K-H $7. 00 K-H 10179 Trans. from Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady. 195Z v. 85. no. S. DESCRIPTORS: *Lead compounds, *Metalorganic compounds, Halides. 63-22476 1. Panov, E. M. 11. Kocheshkov, K. A. 111. K-H-10179 IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Chem istry--Organic. TT.Y. 10, no. 11) offi" d T&Cb*A senim Watheg" of QWSVUU MaU at oxgudc Aelft* by N. No - ---- klys 2. M. i!!m~ 3 pp- R==$ yo:rp am mob* map Vol 0 no I., VW,, Vp 25L402- co &d Oct 62 216vM t d in-p pp I-Naptkwl Cowcumb of tho T.Ope ArPbX3,, by V*:E- Ladocbmikamp I.M. Pwwvl X.A. Kocbmwbkov, 3 PP. RMIAN,, per, 11 Ak Nauk WO, Otdel MAn Nauk, No 12, 1957, " AU42 IW - Consultants ftmu set C4 16739 the Class ArPbX-, by E. 14. PenovI V. I. Lodochnikova; K. A. TCochesbkc4, 4 pp. RUSS=J. t1wice-no per.$ Dok Ak Muk SSSRp Vol CXT., No 5; Nov c 1956o PP 1042-1044; emmatento Bweau Dee 57 Dearylation of Ar2PbX as a Method of-Synthesizing a new Class of Ccmpot&ds ArYOX by K. A. Kocheshkov, R. M. Pa=v;p 6 pp. 3jP Full translation., RUSSIAN, b1no per, 3:z Ak Nauk, Otdel EhIm Muk., NO Xx Jul/Aug 1955., pp 711-717. ciA c 41476 4 Consultants Bureau ScientIfIc - Chemistry mar 56 cTr)/dex CoEmounds; of the Clasces Ar2PbX and ArPbX in the p-Tolyl 4eries, by K. A. Ko9heshkovP D m. Par.ov? 4 pp. FO-11 translation, RMSTANp b1mo per, Iz Ak Nauk, Otdel Xhim Wauk Nolt5v Jul/Aug 1955, pp T18-T22. CIA C h1476 4 Conzultantis Bureau S.9-, ~- .2 Scientific - Chemistry Mar 56 crs/dex V. I. -Iodochnikovu, E. 14. Panov,, K. 3 pp. RUSSIP11, per, Zhur Obsbeh nim, Vol XXM, A','o 7, 1959; vp 2253-2255. CB Sci Augg 6o synth(wis or Ar2FbX2 Compoundes by E. M. Panov$ K. A. M Kocheakhovp 4 pp. RUSSUHs mo per, Zhur,Obehcb Kbim., Vol XXVs fio 3p MR, Jkr 19559 pp 489-492. d-I-AC 39388 Comultento Bureau Scientific - Cherdstry CTS 74/Nov 55 WX /,~ ~, ~ 01 On the Effect of "Gearing" Code Rings, by G.I. Panov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 2, 1962, pp 196-202. ISA 2123, 2999 Aug,j 62 Determination of Boron in Rocks IW Neutron Analysis, by V. K. Khristianov, and 0. 1. Panovp 6 ppe MWIANq pen My Anal XhImp Vol XII.- No 3# 1957 p pp 362-j66. , e IA -jr, - ~, 2) 8 0 ConwItaimts Sw Scl - Chem May 58 44 rr6 .... - ~ ..'. ...:; - -. . l-..-l--.-------!! ...1 -2-. l%m7rmm I . . . . . . . ~u I -0i j Sj:P~'- "P-L~Lllo View, by it_2!j ~av yo. UP; Kr--rr,,AYa Zvez", A Dc-c 1960, p 2. JFRS e676 AUG. 6-1 Superficial, Shallow Vie, by I. Panov, R'USSL4N, np, Krasnaya~ Zvezda, 24 Dec 1960, p 2. *JPRS USSSR Mil 5 Apr (l WANNA40 by Gumvich. and 1, P. pagov, RbS-SlAili, rpt* ihvzi- 111110 Pukaw two go I*splulktl!z lqrlp PIP CUSTI TT b#-51&14 1. P. Panov lki-vocb,, Ute Xagr ,fty b? 320,213 t2145-11) Tbe Ui2o crz rNo"We LuAto in OOMMMACM-Ims Fluawua Opmt1was by Iv. ftwvo 5 PP- itft*RIW pp 44, ,,, Varp roobtawUs No 10# SQrl% imp im IM-N z&w . nalooda Dom Mr 59 a,' -7 ~? CrIl .0 -,, &V / , , - 1 .1 =1 I The Stmeture and the Pharmcclogical Ac- tivity of the 2-Rydra4lndb*nwzales,, by I- V--P"w# N- P- BeduragIm.- 3 We RML4X,* pw.. Farmiml I rAN*alkol# Vol Up wo 6. lMj, pp 25j, 26. bureau ftl - Mod Avg 58 76 1-yot lanks in- the - Battle of - Kursk - - By Lt Gen of Tank Troops V. Panov PP 7 A.Eamgj"~~ /I--- RUSSIAN, per, VoyenrWy Vestnik, No ~6, 1963 ACSI 1-1614-F :ED 2201421 USSR-Vil Sep 63 3YA lc~ I r~j - . p, 1 -1 if qn~-Jjj !* ill I!Jli!,.! ;U ! vors&tjca of Vwtica Fxs*Ums in Vydr&UUC practurIMO by IL.P. Famawo, X. A. XvanltakiYv at &1... 6 Joe, NMI",, "ro matt amo 1"S" VOL go go vp %-". got - m I't 12 m 59 Drilling of 1r.14.ipl, Mining Wella in the Fields by M. P. Panov. RUSSIM, per, Naft Khoz, Val XI, 1957, pp 47--49. Tech and Com Sci - EnSr APr 58 installation for MAmawiDS Vibration of Anti- friction BeariWp by B. Y*. Dolatov, N. N. 1~!~ 6 PY. UJCLAMMrM RMIM,, per,, 1pieritelluaya T-ekba'-Im , No 4, Ail-Ang 1957, ipO 3T-39. C /A 6, /f, S '? I-' . -'.) ATIC F-TO-9432/111 Sci - sw 7 0', ez .7, 4 Aug 58 ftevUn"k iu the Pzeacmt and the Futurep by P. 00 P~m~ 63. pp. XMIANs bk., &mzdlamk v Nustaysobahem I Bwbmbahema 1958's pp 15-850 im 15M um CIL 1 S., ? 5-4 BOW oat 6e INF-10) Alkaloids of Viwa Bwbaceu W.K.I., by p bgro I* qpFaImp No 4buovs K: Iftmn"' at al, 5 pp. UUMUM, per, MM DoklW ftl4ul*M JlkadefdU Nauk, Vol XXV, No 11 1961, pp 39-41. im 11124 Sol - B101 '.*7 Doe 61 Si~nvUovs'kj- IrJSSIM,p bkj, ormaiaw k,, iq%,~ F!p 1-232. JM 161M usm Glog mbv 6-22 Panov. P. Ts. And N)yanov, B. 1. LISE. OF INFRARED RAYS IN T013ACCO CURING. 119621 lop. Ordur from K-11 $12.50 K-1111433-c T'rans. (i Tabak (USSR) 1959, v. 20, no. 4. P. 50-52. DUSCRIFFORS: Vrblkncco~ OAglng, *Infrarad radiation. Cultivatim TT, v. k no. 4) 62-17572 1. panov. P. Ts. 11. Boyanov, 0, 1, Ill. K-11-11433-c IV. Krcsyc-l1(k*cr 1c(ence Library ASsoclAtes. Detroit, Midi. 'A.' A; 00%.. f T-L....j UFF101-VOW OF IMPOWIND mmolsmw INSIMPIM.0m WAw or Avammom in imam., BY 3-~ 0. ftoi is fp. cm APR-63 Lffiaat of Mans-Oxydtallimatiou wonditions on the QuaUty of Amonium Chloride Suopensiona and Crystalsv by V.I. Pgmov, N.D. Mitkovich, 3.1 pp. RUSSIAN,g parg, Zhur Pr1k Mdmv Vol XXXV3, NO 14 19W, pp 705-716. OB Sol Fab 63 Anaioraebitectonics of the Stomach in AdenoumcinmR and in Som Beagn Tumm=,p by V. I. Panov,,,B. L. Fralfel'dj 4 Vp RUSSUN, perp Vogrosy Oukol., Vol VI, No 2j, 1960, pp 30-33 P? Oct 60 No of ML11d ProUgLeal.. by V. Pawwj 2 p. . ..... I - I.. HUBSIAlp Aps lavestiop Jan 7., 1960 lntexmtloma Arts & Be& Pmas Sodat stgulghts voi n, io.2 mr 60 lle~ oe~eC2 x ZupprezaluL- Hatural Osaillatiom in NbnU=ir Gombli-*d System, by V. 1. Pawvy 17 pp- fussiAmp bk. MMW bMLqEi&qno6tl v SivtapWoh AVtomat Trud, iLl~ Real-o-ni-m- - J- snui~~o 1964.. pa 255-264. Plonorr5w-v sol/Blectronics Mee Xnj~ July 68 f.rrolct off Satw- ~,Iaisturo T?~rn 11,4wti llrci- ,,,fjrties~ and Upon the Cae;5iorx ill -die 'vheol/ V 1 2 UtS%14=0 by RWSIAI9v par'o Vol xxlx, NO IT7=;s, Pp 32-43. UY FST-C SX-S-75-416 of a thta Fetm-al StAqp of Aratoringo ly_op by V. W. F=ov.. RUSSIM,, per,, Veat Voz Fiotm, No It 1959, pp 16a22. 64-92,,.3~2 ATIC USSR Mil Sep 5-9 Radiogmphs of Haemligiomatu of the Crari-it=- Viecerale, by B. Ye. Frankenberg and V. P. 5 yp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Onkologii, Val V, 14a 2, 1959x 188-192. Pergamon Preso sci 4~4 7 ~k:? rab 6o Stretipth and Ilarduess of Mloys LC-TaC-Co ard 1-iC.-MC-Ce as Functions of Tonporature, by V. S, fttov, G. A. Mayarson,7 pp. GGAIET"IlViT USE ONLY RUSSIAN, IR 2 704_0634, 31 October 1963. ARmi/rSTC/HT-23-1094-68 ~- S. Nf3D\/ Scipmat Ser.t 09 391.414 0 Lubricating Oils for Aviation Gas Turbines, by V. V. T!IRM Yu. S. Sobolev, 82 pp - RUSSIAN, bk, Masla D;Lys. Aviachionnykh Gazoturbinnykh Dvigateley, Moscow,,1958, :pp 1-82. NASA TT F-21 Sci - Fuels may 6o Olls for Gas Tux'vine EQr I 411es (Lubricants .k,:i ation Turbine ExCinces), by V V Piano,'; YLI. S- ---60C-3.C-V, 46 PP- RUSSD.NO "ok., Maula Dlya nykt.i D,,rigv-t---Iey, Moscow) 1958P pp 44-B2- ATIC MCL-185/V 3ci - Fuels rieb 6o AIL L 7 Viscosity Properties of Petrolmm Fluids in Relation to Their Chemical Conposition., by V. V, Panow, 14 pp. RUSSIANj no perp Noft Doz, Vol XXVp No 10v 1947, pp 45-50. poi Tr Center RT-2645 Scientific - Madetryl Fuels Doc 55 CTS/M or,~ i-y 'In Ls ,,CIA ic"Or2056) Idetalleorgmic Amlogs of Benzoic and 11-toluic Acids, by E, W, Panov, K. A. Kocheshkov, IdjSSIAUv per, Doklg~X Akjkd"!Z Nauk SSSPI, Vol. 550 000 Up Ivbzp PPO Siva-lz'ube CFSTI TT 69*53030 '/ e- , :---) Sci/b&m Fab 70 402,471 (Iqy-7093) Calaulation of Shunt Fbalstame and Q cxf Duuble- ftr Ws" Mow-ViEr" ft-mc%=-ezp by A. R. Mdcmkoj Tu. A! 'A 8 pp. .!P=p WNW.. Verp 1% V~VasWkb Ucheb Zavedp M., SBH~ RMiarixlkaj, vbi v, so i., ig6e. im l4j 515 Doi 'Aa 62 201-901 Tb*0$4uc*t &ad atloy of the M&" irkm*mt of a Valtb-Sdvm*Aw Propollimj by lia. Le P&ROW, Dft* of XOVY (al tr $09 soi-Difth aw Doe 1--- '21 346*639 61-13994 Panov, Yu. L. MEASUREMENr OF THE INSTAN17ANEOLIS FORCE 1. Propeller blades-- ACTING ON A BLADE OF A VERTICAL AXIS PRO- Hydrodynamic PELLER (Izmereniye Mgnovennoy Sily, Deystvuyu- characteristics shchey na Lopast' Krylchatogo Dvizhitelya) tr. by 1. Panov, Yu. L. B. V. Nakonechny and W. L. Haberman. Oct 60 151p. U. DTMB Trans-30D 3 refs. Trans. 300. M. David Taylor Model Basin, Order from LC or SLA ml$ 1. 80, ph$ 1. 80 61-13994 Washington, D. C. Trans. of Sudoetroyeniye (USSR) 1960 Iv. 261 no. 2, p. 5-7. The author presents In summarized form a nwthod and the results of measurements of the instamaneous nor- mal cottiponent of the hydrodynamic forces acting an a single blade of a vertical a3ds propeller. A NACA symmetric blade proftle with a sen-delliptic blade out- line was used In the investigation. T'he results show that the normal forces in the second half of the orbit are generally smaller than in the first half. (David Taylor Model Basin abstract) (Mechanics- -Hydrodynamics, TT, v. 5, no. 3) Measurement of Plastic Saintillator, Light Yieldss by Ao Do Zaitsevav Yue No-Paziovp ~ pp.. RUSSUS,, per, PrVaory i Tekh Eksper, No~ 1, 1961, ppdD 64-66- LU 1471'r 06.Z Sci mar 62 On the Relation Between She Chemical Structure of Carbocyclic and Heterocyclic Compounds and Their Scintillation Activityj, by N..A. Ailrova,, M.. M. x0ton, Yu. N. ~ftnov F. S. Flwimkiy., 4 pp. RUSSIMO. per q Vok Ak Nauk MR.. Vol s No '284pp 311-313. 7 Consultants Dweau Sci - Chem Aug 08 L.,-tUai C;L- t~~a ztt Al :"er"'Pulic lyy Yue 00 ~--Izglrwo is j.)j,?o IU-!LLJLlA, r,,tv 112y. LLVar-,;42t. Zail3TJ~L LuaOLcoyidi Prar-r:;* As.---jLrantiv. Fivik' m 17', 1. - - - - =~~ u yo 9638 Lj~ 355-165o 69 382 v9Sfi ultrasonic inspection of tbe QualItY Of Contact spat and Beam Weldings by S. T. FAmsrovp YU._9. Panm. MM per.. Zavod Lab,, No 10.. 1958p pp 3214- 1217- DBIR LW (10ftn) MAW Sol - Phys Sep 59 Automatic Machine Translation, by-Y. Y. Panov, RUSSIM, bk. *Pergamon Press Aug 59 Ir" of Laballea Phosphomus by the Plant as a Motion of %be DepU of IU Application to the Boll,. by 1. Moep*it A. Pano. 1 5 pp- RMIM's Wp Pod"We"afti, No 71. 1955S. yp 92j- 93- WA R-361T Sol mm 59 ,,-he Hydrogen Bond and the Propagation Velocity of ~.-ound in Liquids, by A. E. Lutaiy, A. N. Panova, PP. -.X SIAN 96 T3 per., An-.ust Zhur., Vol VI, No 1j, 1, 0, .p 126, 12T. AIP Sov Phys-Acoustics Vol VI, No 1 3CL :3 op 60 The Problem of the Role of Primar7 and Bcconnda-.~ Roots in Maize Nutrition, by 1. V. Mosolov, A. V. Vanova, 4 pp. MMIAN., per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR,. Vol CXXI., TIo 2, 19581 PP 378-- Amer Inat of Biol Sai Sci - Biol Jul 59 Application of the PolaroCrabbic. -to the Analyoit; of Unsatumted Orl7mic Ccqp~Lmd3, by A- V- P,,yabcyv,, 0. l~.-IPNmaL. HMIMj, tbrice-co pw,, Dok Ak IW& MM, Vol X03X, No 4., 1954t pp 547-Pg. Assoc Tech 8v RJ-402 'FO/ Sci - abamtrery Aug 1956 " - . I I , , "' - . . ; . . I . L 0 F c MI 11 ! r% ; F '. 1 ~ i The Study of Nematodes of Sea Gulls of the Don Region, by L. G. Panova-. RUSSIAN, per, Izvest Helmintologicheakogo Otdela Trud Goa Inst Expt Vets Vol In, 1926, pp 82-85. INSDW-T2209 SCI Apr 59 kur V. Asa, M. - --- * RUS51AN rip, f=G'Ma~=t& 6 A 25 Jul 1964, p 19. JPRS 26M usm Boon 140V 64 269,534 S'Gudy of the ComDlex Formation of Yttrium. III. The investigation of the Mssociation of kd=2 X 8-oxyquinoline by the Extraction I-lethod, by I.I. G. Panava, x V. 1. Levin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiokhim, Vol II, No 5,, 1960Y pP 568-573. AEC-tr-4578 PL-430 Sci Aug 62 206,401 PST 569 Study of Coinplex Formation of Yttrium, II. Sulfate, Nitrate and Chloride Complexes, by I.". G- P-anova, N. E. Brezhnova, 8 pp. RUSSLUT, per, Radiolchim, Vol II, No 2, 1()60, p.p 2o8-214. ABC-tr-41576 PL-480 Sci 205:464 Jul 062 PST 366 Study of tftm. Complex Formation of Yttriun,. I. Yttri= Oxalates, by MI. G. Panova, V. I. Levin, 11 RP RUSSM, per, Radiohhim., Vol 11, No 2, 1,00"0, pp 197-207. ABC-tr-45-j6 PL-480 Sci jui 62 Ln5.,463 PST 566 k~'i 'IJI'Ll ~L by. pp - Y. 1959, P.uss!;04 sel