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Interaction of Medium-Energy (10 100 keV) Atomic Particles With Solids (Energy Spectra of Secondary Ions), by B. V._LPanin , 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLII, No 2, 1962, pp 313-324. Al P Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV, No 2 Sci Sep 62 210,828 'AlkA."Im or nw"l -BUM" br GLOCIM isk h, i ism at Now- AMIM W mw nw 62 Effect ef BULe Saltx on Cartala amiu-Poultiva Prota in Coou)ls=sj, by Jtuvm Paulial 91 ppt WOOMW-W" Orp ftaloto a* Chisle biologlizal Vol xat No 5161 1948s PR 33&3%6 - sci ;o MA 60-UVW im Vol U4 lb 5 O~u-6783) Changes in the Parotid Glands Under Re- posted Exposures to Ionizing Radiation, by A. A. Prokbonchukovy V. V. Panikarovskiy, 9 pp. RMSIAN, per, Arkhiv Patolog, vol xxiii, vo 8,, 1961., P-D 39-43. im 11848 Sci - Y&d 'I q, .Tan 62 Tte Role o-A'j Huma-z-1 lob- cbmAsma in the DaveI;DD:aeejt of Radiation Changes in Salivary GLands, by A. A. rrokhonahW=,, V. V. PanjkamvMdy, 5 pp. RUWM,p par.. Patologicbeakw1a Fizlologiyu i M:45perl Inava Tft'aViYe, Val VI., Do 3, 1962, pp 37-61. Eel - Med rv3v b2 -1) 7 1-1 ",1[ i I W11INIVII, ~ 4 1,111 ~; 1, ZZ M DatGatIOU of E Atom 1n CO-O Flaw in the PrWence of Ibleculw Hj, by V. V- Azaty=.* V* V. Iftnjaovp A& Be Nalbandiwo RUSSIMp perr KiMtfta i TAtalIZ., VID1 np ftr/Apr 1961s, p 995. Navy Tr 3066/APL T-e53 sci - Rao rap Par 62 An AutaimtIc Instrurmcnit for Determird-o'-, 'LL, Permpability b",,' ;~mer of Various Materialit by A. S.. 2---.:-4inj, 3 pp. .WSSIM. 1, per, Zwzod Lab, Vol MV, Ho 2 19581 PP 236-238- Instru Soc of AmeT Apr -7ertq Measurewnts of High Frequency Slectrodelese Discharge Parameters With Two Probes,, by L. Blberman,, B. 9 pp. 2=10# mo per,# Zbmr 2bkh Flam, Vol 3=j, M1,j pp 2247. A= Tv 2851 Bel - ftflem Apr 57 ft/"X j/- 7, 01 Nhc-~"Der ol- -,;'eatulias of the lhterar---ion i..,~r rmer~~ Ata-aic Paiticies With Solids, by B. V. f,anin, 41 vp. KOBS-KAIT, bk,, 0 Rekatoi7ifu Vzaimodja,jct--A-ya ktcmrW-lrla Chawatills Srednlikh Mie--EiI (10-100 Fov, r, Tverdyat Telami, l9bO. 0,00,4466 jOU Tr-4695 114"946 Sai - Phyr- Dcc Gi Emission From Metals jpduced -y 10-100 So m daily T~:qj 1 'ev ~onqp by B c V, , _E~~tdn 6 pp, RUSSLON, par, Miur Ekspor i Teure-~ Friz, Vol No 1, 19615 pp 3-10. A:W Sov Phys - JETP V02- xiv, It, Far 62 A jj:~i4h 1130tope- Separator for Heavy Elewouta, by L. A. Artaimvich, G. 1. Shchapkin., V. V. Zhukov, B. H. Marov, S. P. Hvdmimov, A. F. Malov. A. A~ 'Nikaliohrf~, Bt V. Panina B, G~ Brezhnev; 14 EiSSLUt-, par, ktomaapk Enarg, Vol IIIp 10157., PP 483 J.91. ABO Tr 316o Sni - Physics .Apr 58 Salt Discharge From Sails and Determination of Leaching Norms,, by P. I. Panin 7 pp. =!!j-- RUSSIAN, per, Pochvovedoniye, No 7, XM1962v pp 31-K38. Scripta TecWca Sri Jan 64 1q q / 70 Changes in the Percolation of Saline Soils During Leaching# by P. S. Panins 5 PP. RUSSUN, per, Pochvovedeulye, No 5p 19599 PP 48-53. AIDS Bel /g,' 4-3 9 Mar 61 ------- - -- -- --- - --- - Chemical Properties and Water PewmeabilitY of Sodi= Carbonate Saliuiwd Soils on the KarubaM Plain . A2erbkydzhan SM By P.S. ~!~ A.N. Aristarkhov, pp 8 RUSSDN, per, Pochvcvedenlye, fio 6, 19629 pp 12-21 SCRnylk THMICA Sci Oct 63 -2-L4 I - 0 LA -JL- Belt Release by Chloride-Salinized Soils With Leaching, by P. S. Panin, 7 pp. RUBSTAN per, PO avedeniye, No 3-1, 1963, pp 86-96. Scripts. Technics, Sci Oct 684 268,195 1-1--l-1- - .-,I- .-- -1 r-aic son woups of the noungwris aiA the Mjoining ,sian Sban and Altai Mmmtmlwo bV P. S. Pan1up- 6 pp. -L-J.9=,t Pws 701hVINGAMUDip ]b 3v *%,v PP 51--58- AM hn 61 25 Conference 6a the Bataral Foci of Diseases and Problems of ParasitoloW, by R. Ya. Panin., 4 pp. RUSS101, per, Vest Ak Nauk Kazakh SS-R, No 11, 1959, pp 90, 91. 2532 Sci - Hed, Biology Apr 60 7 imcmalzted Long-Phup Order in SoIld Ca . Al SmUztlcass, by V. R. PAnim, V. P. radius, " al., 5 pp. RMIMs Per., MmIn FIS Mmrs, V01 VMs 203s. pp 2D6-e-)W. - Sol - Pbys Aug 63 _.? f e1 _??,9 fb%ergy at'Dafarmtlon ot Sald Soltution p by T. E., Fntdz aKK- V. 06 Kuevaka~7up 6 pp~ SA-va pir, YU Na-WE I V;-:fUals Vol Vp !~4 --"a a PP 210-2Z. I~ers=m Imt - min/96t 58 112 / Ch the Pole of ENternal Stresu in Sof teuing During Plastic Deformtion., -Dy 14. B. bb.1colpa, V. E. Paninj V. F. Sukhovarov., L. P. Abrawto -A:--b'.-k&iAiyev, N. A. Shcherbakova, 4 pp. RUSSIMI per, DoX Ak Reak WVM, Val C.U11, No Pp pp 219-221. Amer Inst of Phys Sov ?bye - Doklady Vol in I NO 5 Sci - phys ;7 gFg Jul 591 Superstructure of Aluminum Broazeq by V. E. Paain~ E. X. Zenkova, 4 pp..,, SIAN,, per,, Dak Ak Nauk SS8Rj Vol CXXIX., No 5, r 959s pp 1024-kO27. Amer Inat of Phys Soy Phys-Do Vol IVO No ra-ay Sci. jul 6o railwm of an Earth Dskm at the Tizw2 Whea the HydretUatric Fawi~r Stutioa Reservoir Woz Balmg PMed,O by Ve lo Panin,, 1 p. 0 pe-rp ftaw.-q:tiks Y=covfs Cel. 1957, pp 26,, 29. can no 7?.*; E57.- .1957., no 10, Rug. Tr. AM Lib Tr SPA - Gsovbyzics Oct 58 ,7 P"146 V. V.. 3wevold, 0. L, IvabboOD, 1. S.9 Md lodwwdcU. S.A. I-&AT INVEMOA7M OF THE RIACTOXIAO RIMIMM or XrZM6 Ordw how OC ULOD rfuls. 49 Ab"iyu Neak ML I Bob bknUw- *0 1 OWN* Mist l9w NK Go P. 00-OL Tr-64-22 L F*" V. V. IL DWOVOW, 0. L IL healumbe, 1. S. IV. bWbWMW. S. A. V. 5 , 'M INIMMOMMOM coarskum IJWL I Lomas abdowe MOW v Monkh TT. v6 IL w6 3) gift" 40 T awo~ -20D 572 Field 11F 1. National Lending Library for N NCH Science and TechnolojW, Paolo V V - lodkovsIdl, S. A.; Novitskaya, R.M. Boston Spa (England) E itVi ING AND SOLIDIFICA-11ON CHAWNCTE11- METAL ISTICS DURING ELECTROSLAG REMELTING. 1965, 15p (foreign taxt included) 10refs. NLL-hl.5593. Order from NLL as A1.5593 Trans. of mono. 11),plarka Skall dlya Fasonnogo Litya. Naucbn.-Teklm. Obsbehestvo Mashinostrolt. Lit., Tr. Vses. Nauchn.-Tekhti. Saveshch, 1963 p240-55. ~~Ill C~ .. ist, Ali ~-, 6 . ,Sd**W MWW,ft IV T. V.-PARID6 IL J06 aft"Skly. 0 ; Nkm . VWvAVlWWSo*dWhNsJ6jMK Bra; s"Wime AM 60; .. , Dovelopma Cycle of Usph"trmbylum Ponti- 37 coX& Lubimov, by Xg,- ~mla, Russim, pars, POTOSItx, Selvskokhoxia"t- valwyAh Zu"ggxh KatakhStafts rol III,, lvba*~ pp *CF,31T, TT 67-S1240 Nov 66 Rxperle*ft Vith ltdwtion Furmces, by V. V. Pauln. FMBIANj, per., LdLt Prols,, No 12, 1959p p 40. DM M.2363 Sci sop 61 (NY-4531) Scientific Conference on Problems of Parasitology of Kazakh tan and the Republics of Central Asia, by L. Ya. J**94_ -3 pp - RUSSIM., per, Zoolog Zhur,, V61 XXX3[X,, No 1, 1960,, pp 478y'479. JM 5376 Sci - Biol - Ned sep 6o bevelopamktal Cycl* of Elaphlostrmgylus ?paticala, Lubivwv, by Va Yao P&aU* A.F PIP* RMLAN,, per, Parazity Solsskokboz Xuakhstana pp 341-6a. CF$n IT -67-S1240 V, pp Sci . 849 Jun 67 3260039 ,,, J%b me . slaft 1-w-fin Low-Temperat-are Catalytic Convernions of High-Nole--ular Naphthene Hydrocarbons from Petroleum in Presence of Natural Clay, by A.I. Bogcmolov, X.I. Panina, -5 P.P- RUSSIAN, per, Zhti~ Prik Xhim, Vol X)DrJII,, No 12, 1960, pp 2757-2761. Sci CB 17-z' -?41 6p oct 61 The Dielectric Perwability of TWo-Liquid Systems Consisting of Polar Couqments, by Oe- At, Osipovs, M., A. PaBW4 et. all, 7 pp* - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshdi Khim, Vol XXXII, No 10,, 19610 pp 3153-3159., CB sci Sep 62 gxlj'74~ Dielectric Parmenbility of Binexy lAquid Byatew- Con- taining Associated Componenta,, by 0. A. Oaipov, 14. A. Panina; L. %, laiapertp tv Vp% RUSSMW# mo per.. Zhw Obahch XhLm SSSR, Vol M,, no 4, Apr 1955, Pp CIA C 39500 conmatanto Bureau ScientIfIc - Ch=iatry nay 55 OTS/DEX Spantmne= LeLttice Daforinatious in Ferromagmetic Trwsitions, by X. P. BaUvv N. X. Pani-,-, 3 pp. XMIANs tbrice-MD perp Dok Ak NEA SSM, Vol Cn, NO 5j, NoV-Doo 19%9 pp 965- Aftr Most or Phys J~ IF13Ws ':]Do~ll vol x.. No 6 Sai - Mysics g Oct 57 CA the -VOMVU=o AW ftoklft - Uo bVmkod ftsh and C41 in -Bpmt in on" poww"Wo tw Y. 1, ziwutm" ftr o"Mmamm impelusbe )s W36 Dot or Istomw Floh aid laUiUfs SWOI" saw ftwe" st f*miv nabowi" Aw 615 3%0074 61-20734 i~inisset. Maurice- Lapierre. Jeanne. and _r'.7nF._,, Edith. ON THE r,,Er;IOD OF ACTION OF AN IW~RJNTrY LlPG'ZC ADju-,,AN-r: VARiA-noxs OF CHOLES- TFROLE.1,UA DURLNG MWUNIZAT'10M. [19611 7p. (re!s. 4 tables ornitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 6 1 - 22-3734 Trans of [Revue de Pathologle Gbn~xale CE Compart-el (France) 11951] v. 51. no. 629. p. 411-414. DESCRLMFORS: *Immunization. *PftarmacoloZy, *Cholesterol. 01-1pids, Antigens, Antitoxins, Anti- bodies, Penicillin. 1. panissez. NL 11. Lapierre. J. Ill. 1,11ankievicz, E. IV. 71tle: Variations (Biological Sciences --Pathology, Yr. v. 7. no. 5) oM-(T_W..1 61-20734 Panisset, Maurice, Lapierre, Jeanne. and Mankievicz, Edith. ON ITIE METHOD OF ACTION OF AN IMMUNITY 1. Pwsset' m. LIPOIDIC ADJUVANT: VARIA71ONS OF CHOLES- U. Lapierre, J. TEROLENW. DURING IMMUNIZATION. [1961] Ill. Mankievicz, E. 7p. (refs. 4 tables omirted). IV. TItle: Variations Order from SLA $1. 10 61-20734 7'raas of Revue de Pathologie Ghnbrale et Compar6e] (France) 11951) v. 51, no. 629, p. 411-414. DESCRIPMRS: *Immunization, *Pharmacology, 19 4.0 *Cholesterol, *Upids, Antigens, Antitoxins, Anti- bodies. Penicillin. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT. v. 7. no. 5) Off[.. f T-6.1-1 S-i The cytological and Genetic CoxwecluenceG ofo laversion., by Pwit.%,, ReUhard., 80 pp. =WMp rp4,., Die CWtol*gischeu und Genetiachen Kousequemen vou Imersionea. Dept of Modera Lungimgms North Carolina State College sci. Feb 64 Vbm = - I& Ol awn vd NM&% 29-35. 2W4134 sd:!- sm a A"d Sod MCA= 5tudy an the Scralogleva Diagaosis af BrucaLlosis in Hogso by F. InUic, G. ftjztorov:Lc, Dj. PAWLwic, 4 pp. SIEMBIM., yar.. Acts Veterinarla, Vol X, No 1,060, Py 73-79. JPF6 6954 IdIp sci - Had 0 a t CA orwnuhinG or the phosI)hozeac-ence of ora=c c3ma "--y clectzalyto ions, by A. E. 3 pp. I Ak RMBXO,, per, IrAlTmim SSW, Ser Fiz, Vol 17111~ No 1 11959., pp U2-3-15 Columbia Thch Iftr 60 R-2599 (DC-3179). D~vc1or=--at of the EconmV. and Foreign Economic Contacts oft' the People's Republic of China, by Yu. N. Kapelinsldy,, L. A. Kievyantsev, M. S. Pankin, Ya. A. Tteksbev, V. P. Senin, V. G. Sychev, RUSSTANs blrz, nazvitiya Mcanomiki i Vaeshneekonomi- cheskikh Svyazey Kitayalwy Karodnoy Respubliki, I,joscaw, 1959, 560 pp. JPRS 3234 VE - China Econ may 6o 213,619 , .'r iy-5090) The Experience of Specialized Maintenance of Subscriber stations in GTS,, by M. V.,PaDUo3r,, 4 pp. RMSIAN,, per,, Vestnik Svyazi, No 1,, 1957. JPRS 7025 Bei ) 5-,90, 3 ?eP jul 6l On the Tut--Gratic-a Of a Lineex Sccc'a'--y Differential Equatm with a Variable Coef - ficlentj by 11. A. Pan*kin,, pp. MMIM., pors Iz VyssUkb Udheb R Zaved., == mat=atq mmuft no 4 (11), 19.59, pp 222-125. NW P-149 Sol lp$-)Ql Jul ;1 /c, Me Sfandardization of Spring Steel Wires., by H. Siebelv W. Panknin.,, I. ......... 11~ GEOW., per,, Stahl u Moen., '61 LM=,,.No 20, 1952,, pp 1193-3.195. Tn No 4758 Sci - Engineering Pam of a Combat Ordw bf the Coumnder of the TO&WWV IU%4jwnt on the Orfonsive Russian Pariodicalp V vuuvMjjL Iyu AIW 4714 t MWI 7 to Tt-a 0/0-2 idUtary-Combat I M, IR 9 m wtnk r-4490 P., 0 pp/ 12~pOOO If Of Drilling Per Year# by-F. V. Pankov. PtUBSIM11, per, Heft Khoza Val ==.o No 12P 1955., pp 891 90. Tech and Comm Tr $=.50 scientific FOP- u The Construction 6r an Instrument for Automatic Measurement of Paper Substance, by D. L. Pankov, 1. D. Kugusberv., 6 pp. RUSSIAN, perp Bwazh Prom USSR, Vol XXXIII, No 1958, pp 6-9. sLA 6o-14013 set oTs, voi in, No 6 Sep 6o W/ Pankov. G, A. and MAUskim. A. S. ADSORMON OF KITADIENIS FRCM SCRUSIM) CASES WrM AMVATED CARSOK ip IrW Order hm aM SLA. or ffM $1. 10 7T-6i-IMM Trees. ol gmdchoW Kawbk (t=F4 IM tv. 41 im 1. IL 37-4L 1. Pa*m. CL A. U. MaHiddes, A. S. 5 08S J-1-760 Bow We Cmduct Scientific-Atbeistic Propaganda Am=g the xPeople, by I. Pankov, 6 pp. If RUOIISIO, per.. Ko==int Turkmnlistana., No 'd,ji Feb 1959, pp 56 -59. JMS-753.-D USSR Soo - Rallgion, Atbaism c,,r JL-M 59 0 /, Utilization cKr Profil" Metal, by 1. Pankovs 8 PPj- OF 745453). X=IW.v ups Pmm Own fts&Ux no 9g.. 16 ftp 1956j, p 4. AM P-m-gew/F act - ilia/art I'f 9, '(70 my 1957 b*a= y 41M MT. W-Mpb. Pablo Ilk L rvw* �rm A bat" COWIIUTICN OF THE SEXTIOW By V. Psakm 5 ppo per# Voye=W Ventnik, No 1, 2c,,63. AC.Sl 1-1624-A ID 2POIA21 Sol .2,?,7 ' j fill] IN VIPPI 1.,, 11 "111IF7 !, A, Artillery Battalion Attacks While Crossing Water Obstacle, by Lt Col. M. Pankov, 6 pl). IMSSIXT, per, Voyennyy Vestmilt, 14o 6, 1962. Asci io424 P ID 2191532 Sci mv 62 216,596 A BATTERY IN MOVING ATTACK, 4 pp. RUSSIANp PER,. VOYENNYY VESTNIK~ NO 2., 1962. ACSI io424-B ID 2194530 scl 13 JUL 62 202,577 I The 'Value for Medical Expertise of Examin., Ing Flight Personnel with Functional Dis- turbances of the Nervous System in a Cen- trifuge, by P, M. Suvorov, H. G,,Pankov--- RUSSIAN,, mo pery Voyanno Ned Zhur, No 8, Moscow, Aug 1960, pp 117-122 US JPRS 7609 The Quantitative Determination of Live Spores in STI Anthrax Vaccine, by N. A. PanIko 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epiaemiol i Immunobiol, Vol LXXII, No 1, 19061. pp Sci may 62 194,783 Flield--TIable- for---Treatmiient~-W the Burned, by V. A. Parilco , N. A. Starostin --2-V RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 8, Moscow, Aug 1960, pp 96-98 US JPRS 7609 /S 7 la's d oeubreak of Sctrmella In Rabbito I by V, A. Pankov, A. T. Babicheva, 5 PP- RUS-51WT.~ pary Ymlikcrvodat7o i Zverovodrt-wo, NO 7., 1962, pp 25-27- AEC-Tr-5U9 Sai - Riol I ~3' zz;i-l Y, Aug 63 C-- 55~~- / " Calculatica of the me" square &Tcr Of a We ad Atgle in TriapgaUtimj, by V. S. Paskov# 6 pp. RMIAIP Wo Mwdoll"# lb li, W6j, PP 53-56. Fob - 61 /-;?JOW metbode Of be-WMIMUMS COr-tiCt mterolda- irf-the A&vml Glatra's and Ot Mood Flowing Out of Tbms iW N. A. Yofier"., Yu. A. P!Rmu K. V. Dxn=h4"j~s. 22 ppe MMM, pars PMUMW XtkdokrIWIftL:L I v VOI IIp So 3a 19562 pp loo-iog. MM 3-e ftl - W01WO Wdicine Apr 57 CMB/dez 64-:S~- 7-4/41 Effect of Sensitizing Solution on Overcrystallization of Silver Bromide and on Photographic Properties of Nuclear Emulsion by A. A. Pankova, K. S. Bogomolov. RUSSIAN,)per, All-Union Scientific Research Kino- Photo Institute, No 11 (21), 1957. Sci - Phys Feb 59 *ABC 41'r- -1 Innmwe of It semstfiving SCUMM an the Rearptaulmtum of Saver Drool" and am jai m t 960, q, I?g -t at Madlew Boulsiamp by A* J6 PW*Mv X. S. Boameam., AW UCEL-W -456 a" - PAP A0, my Q Pankova, A. A. and Bogomolov. K. S. INFLUENCE OF A SENSITIZING SOLUTION ON THE RECRYSTALLIZATION OF SILVER BROMIDE AND ON PHOTOGRAPHIC PROPERTIES OF NU- CLEAR E.MULSIONS (VUyanlye Sensibiliziryuyah- chego Rastvora na Parckristallizatslyu Bromistogo Serebra I rut Fotograficheskiye Svoystva Yadernykh Emul'siy). 11960] 23p. (foreign text Included) I ref. O.-ier from LC or SLA mi$2.70, ph$4.80 UCRL Trans-456 Trans. of Vaesoyuznyy Nauctmo-Issledovatel'ekiy Kinofotoinstur. Trudy (USSR) 1957, no. 11(21), p. 49-57. The influence of gold, sodium thiocyanate and sodium thiosulfate concentrations in emulsion sensitizers was studied in order to eliminite the recrystallization of emulsion grains, and to determine optimal concentra- tiona and pH values. A thermostatic method of accele rated aging of liquid emulsion and prepared plateswas (Materials ---Photographic, TT, v. 5. no. 6) (over) 61-15414 1. Photographic emulsions-- Sensitivity 2. Silver bromide-- Crystallization 1. Pankava, A. A. 11. Bogomolov, K. S. 111. UCRL Trane-456 IV. Lawrence Radiation Lab., U. of California, Berkeley Offic. of Tocksical sonic- Soils of the North Mongolimn River Valle" With Special Refennce to the Boro-Gol River Valleys by B. P, Qnw*Ov# H. 1. yankmuls, 7 pp. RUSSIAN: per$ Pochvovedeniye, No 8,, 1%20 pp 64-72. ST Sci g q- 5,7 / 57 of Striations in Ar~~on$ by A. V. NedOSPaBOV, G. I. Pankova, V. F. Konakh,, Pp - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol )DD.1, No 1, ig6o, pp 125-128. AIP Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol V) No 1 6C1 .aus 6C) .41 ~1 1. A. HERBA ;_E_,IXI.S PL-Airrs wau VITAMIN-C coNTEmr (T ravyan4sne C-Vitarninonosy). Jan 61 r 5 1p. 161 refs. L5 RTS 1675. (wder irorn LC or Sl_~ mi$3.60, ph$9.30 61-15772 At-ridged Irans. of Akadjernlya I Nauk SSSR. Botanl- chesidy Institut. Trudy. Seriya V: Raslitel'noyc -Syr'3,e, 1949, no. 2, p. 292-325 and 470-478. 61-15722 1. Plants--USSR 2. Ascorbic add--SourceL 1. Fankova, 1. A. H. RTS-1675 M - Department of Sciertific " Industrial Research (GE. Brit.) (Biological Sciences- -Botany. TT. v. 5, no. 12) Ounctional c-hanges in the peripheral motor apparatus of the human associated with paip syndreme, by L. N. .11%nkova,. -~rD " PRI&JAN, per, Byul Ek:sper Biel i Ned, Vol 1,711 No 2, 1962, pp 58-62. GB Sci Jun 63 Investigation of the Glass Refining Process With the Aid of Motion Pictures, by F,. G. Solinov, No A. E&Wmu 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Lrmdlm, Vol ba. No 001 19$90 pp 9-13, 100 CB Sci Aug 62 209,771 Experinental Determination of tIw Volocity of Bubblus in t-blts, by G. F. Solinov, We A. I'mikova, 6 pp. RLISSIAU, per, Stoklo i Keranika, Vol XIX, No 9-10, 062, pp 13-18. Way 64 260,225 Irradiation Effects WO-ar the Intramural Auerbach 43 Plexi, by L.-B. Levinson, Shapiro, 4 pp. ft& in.t" Duodomm ou 1011& and Meisanor H. V. Pank6vs. W. 1. BMW per.* DoU Ak Nauk am, Voi WrAO 3,, SaMormt 195%, pp I+o4-j+o6. Bel - Ned Aug 58 Amer Inst of Biol Sci '16 --- Ifne- Effect- of -Novoembichin-on- the -Production- of ---- Antibodies (Haemlysina and Haemagglutinins)t by E. M. mmmayeva., s. s. Pankova, 6 pp. wm~~ EML45., mo per, Zhur -Mierobiol, 4id=iol I Tmmi iol, Vol xv . mo 4p 1957, pp 25-30. 0 pergamon Press Sci - *diclue j-#7, o? -3-e1 Jan 58 OLMUM "UTWff or PATIOT 3ufru"QN rem o"Ic AWICM$Ao BY VA. V. J~ pr SKI WNTO VOL 3=0 NO ka 19&# 4m l**1 JUL it MOO Prallmiwy Ragults of Test oxi Inalinad-Direated Boraboleigs by V. Phnbmakiyo. 3.2 P. RUSSIMp parp Podzemnffo* Gazifilmtraiya Ugley, 19581 Val 11., NO Is - PP 43-47. SIA 59-18364 SOL Jan 60 Val 2,, No Underep-pa-c-A. Gasification of Coel; Moscow "Podmkot" Station,# by V, 1. Feulkovsky. up$ RMBTM.e pa" Prom-Inton Gazatav 17 Jun 1956. Dept of Interior Tfq~ 35TO No 101 Sol - ftele Nov 59 /a a -~Yo Ullb iMition of Undarground Gsaerators., IVY V. 1. RMBWP J*r., Poftemoon Gaz:Lfikats*z Uglay, No 3s 195Uj, pp 9-11. ftt of Interior T97,v S57., No 191 71~ mw optimm-colAitions ror the orcration of One Oen*r,gtcrs nt the M*89W Area Podsm#SX Plant, by T. I. Natkovoki i-~ MMMAW,, per, FOGSWUys GosifIketelys Utley, No to IM Dot at Ist, go ow or MUD$ 1w or Mmmiums coal Res ID Apr -S 7~ Ja? VVI J177 Euperience With Removal of Hydrogen SuMde Prom Gw3es Using the A~sanlc-Soda M-athod, by V. 1. pga,kovskii, T. 1. lulikova. AMIAN.. perp Gemovoya Prms 1958, pp 19-22. ATS-37=4R PJ-1507 get MY 59 sy a ffr