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The Application of Neutron Diffraction to the Investi- gation of the Structure of Crystalline Sabstances, by FaU tranolation. RUSSULN t*w,,. Uspe-kh Fix EMAT Vol MM'M, No 3, USSR, 1949, PP, kl,3JM. AEC Tr 1288 Scientific Nuclear PbWsIcv Am 52 MS D= The System K20-V20~ln the Region KVO-V2051 by V. V. 111svion0vt R* P. 2~.e~rov -E. V. Kildisheva,, 6 pp. - RMSUX#. pw,, Zbur Mecrg Xhimp Vol 1,, No 4. pp 77-782, 1956. Assoc Tech Serv 47JI& Bel - Chen Aug 56 7d, ~lq ? A Method for the QQantitative X-ray Determination of the Concentration of a Solid Solution of Carbai In Apatite.. by R. P. Ozerov., 3 PP, r%Us8VX,,j, per,, ZavrA lab, Vol XXXV, Do 5j 1953, Pp .977-~. 573. Instru Soo of Amer Sci .tgk- 6o The System K20-V205 in the Region KV03-V205, by V. V. Illarionov, R. P. ()7.erov. 6 pp. RUSSI", per, Zhurnal Neorgan Khimi. Vol 1, 1"0 4. 1956, pp 777-782. ATM-Tr-4565 PL-480 Sci 3.7 y F-3 mar 63 V, / c4nis-tall Chemistry of the oxy-g-en ccmpoumdz a Vanariiump .-anostenp a7ad *al4Tbdenumj, by R. P. 0--e-rov. RMIPS, par,, Uspekh maims Vol ]=vv NO 8.. 19552 pp 951-04, * 35; 7 Tech an& cc= Tr $MI.00 Selentifle - Mmlstryj MWILU/=fteU Chemical Reactions In Vanadium Pentoxide - Potassium Sulfate wA Vanadium Pentoidde - Potassium Pyrosulfate Syste=,, by 0. X. Boreskovp X. V. Kildisheva, V4 Ve Marlowvp R. P. Omerq Full translation RMIM,, per.. 2hur Obabeh Mdap Vol MCEV, No 1, UWRj, Jan 3L9~4-.,-p-p-9--M--C.TA D 151103 Consultanta Bureau Scientific - Chadstry ... +o CTS 66/Mar 55 OA~ J~f7d I -i L t I OPMUTIONS OF A FCRWM UMCM/MT IN WINM By S. Owrov 5 pp. RTJSFUN.. per, Voyemqy Vevtzdk, No 11, 10,63. ACSI 1.3.634-A ID 2203Aa - sai 1 .2 5?2 Yey 63 . by V,00-1-TWA-12 MM ~ IIN~ jw,p. U am OWN-0 ~M NOWN6016*1 onson Una no* rob" Box# "I 70 tast Uto Zwe*Uwi* C"tiftp by Ya- Li- ftLISMolk ad Va A* ONWW ==so* pwao - 4 - - 109L - Oft.-In- 4m HIN&WO s- -- * ZZ ftrt 5wujw -may Results of measuramute of Positive Idn cow4mtratione In the lonwpbwv by Jkaw of Zm Mrsps an the K Third Soviet Burth SwtalUtep by K. 1. Gr4-mwx, V. ve 2m BarWdkba, V9 Do CWMZWp RUSGIM, 1*# lskasabrowwaW 9patM1 Zmallp No 6.. 1961P IM 63-1-00- am it IF404 801 oat 61 Lut 9 us omit only I-Jeasuremnt or the Cmeentration of Positive Ions in the lonospbere by Ion Traps cc the WaiXd Soviet Harth SateUitel by & 1. J Jxlngauz, V. V. Bezrukikh, V. D. Ozerov,.. " pp. MWIAHO MM bkq Iskix"tvemye Spulmild zaa-f j, No 6o, 19619, XP 63-"- 14 1/ Az 3 Awr wtooroL Soc T-n4w m Cadaft'6e Fos Oenter Sci - Ocogbys 3ep 61 Study of Xaterylawtoxy IOnIzed Gas: the Eaergatic Electrons and the Solar Corpwoular Emission Uslng 7bree-Zlectrode Marged. Particle Traps an the Second Soviet Coamic lbaketp by K. I, Grlngc=, V. V. Permakikhj, V. D. Ozerovs at al., 8 pp. MWIM., bkj, IskumotVannye ftutalki Ze=34, no 6., 1961, pp 101-W7. / e0 Z "/ Awar HOUCIML EO-- T-R-36D AV Ombrmv Bee Oenter Sci - Op Me.. OMpbys Sep U Freedom of Conscience and the law, by A. Zhdanov, V. Ozerov, 6 pp. RMSIM, per, Nauka i Religiya., No 9, 1961, Pp 72-T5. JPRS 10399 USSR -7 -j~ 7 '7 -7 Soc Dec 61 OMAMP",-OMM UNJUV~ Of A. 0. fMOTENKOVo f. 04 *WWI 14 pp. WSIANS Us; WOUSLAIMIAM I 4WOMT TEMs, SWMIK re GIOADM IWO"To MM96 idechadsm-of Rudical-Forruadmn-Utm-Ethanot Sduttow of Tripbmylamine Pro= at 770K Are EVowd to L%b4 by N. V. Vereln, G. A. OZerova. RUSSUN nilk Vol ,9644V Vp 6 nw. AV Mm* 16413. Navy Tr 3819 APL 7"1 Sd - phys AM 64 261,198 cx: Pro-Planting-i-reat-mozic. now ~hca Seedsp by G.-V. Ozerov, 14. A. Ozer=* RUBSIAN., per, Dok AR ftmk WSRS Vol L=aiij, n lbr 195-2# PP =-3140 61i P.-i-t-A V= Tmm 299 ZF Economic - P.6ricaltwep It"-vagyz (rubber) Scitutific - Bio2DIWp kolc-sapz %rubber) In M*ILU by X. 19 60vm IL IL =a%. - Milo lliviwmt porp 111"'t VfA VIP xo hP iqft,~ 966-7M, Ain 6R WOP%13 Problem of do DintributLon (it Mercury In Modern E"aft, by N. M Aydit0yan, N. A. 0 Ot al. 10 110 RUMMS Ow. lug& I -a Q-tal 80M Nfr -- Efum" CAKA=m, 19030 pp 5-11. JPRS 2393t Sci - Ear SCI Apr 64 253.772 on th Onathe Genesis of Mercury-Antimony Ores of Southern Fergana., by N, A, Ozerovas 11 pp RUSSIAN., per,, Geokhimj, No 3., 1960 GS Sci Aug 62 214,649 y for wo 7, 1959;- Of 638-64L gmri nt Factors for Sirve Plates in a Recf#ic&Um Colum, by A. A. Moskov, N. V. 5 pp. TMBIMO Parl , PrIk Ibis- Vol ==Is No 11, 1960 Vp 29)6-25U. m SOL !~?, Sep 61 ttuk-m~ & I a V., Vo (kw-"*Vm* ?"It NAM Xv 1b t6 I-w-ts, 7-e o /4, The Iron-Palladium-Silver System, by A. T. Grigor3rev, L. A. Panteleimonov, Z. P. Ozerova 4 pp. A RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg Kh'in, Vol V, No A 1960, pp 2395-2402. 3A Cleaver-Hume gess 17e, "~/ Sep 61 Results of Laboratory, Measurements of the Elastic Properties of Rock., by M. L. Ozer- skaya, 12 pp6 RUMIM, per, Prik Geofizj, Vol XIIp 1955o PP 93-106. Assoc Tech Serv 71J17R Sci .2 Aug 58 7 / / w (1-.P--'-U64~)q) Oil YnteE;mtion r- the Output Voltage of a Receiver in uIr Determimtion of the Position in T-jie a Wealk Pulsed Signal, by Yu - P. 0,,.*,'=:dY, 13 ' M- IRMIUMI, tz VM, WO Radiotekb, Vol IV, 3, 1'9061. Jr--Is 11524 -7 ~a 02 C.:-ibiriarisou of Two Decoding M-Ahods For interval C4-Aeg, by L. P. Kuklay, Yu. P. Oze.rsk4y, 12 pp. EUSSI-PIN, per, Radiatekh~Elektron, Vol V, 6, ig(o, pp 894-gol. pp SCI. jul 61 17 -3 0 a .0 OZERWINSKI, Z. Relation between the foaming process the specific suriace of glass particles used. SzkTo Ceram. 15(8):199-201 (1964) (Insdoc T. 11150) I,// - - 4-" imp Series of Voltages for Wavy Colomd Metals mid their Sulfides in Fumd CIO idea of Alkaline Metals, by B. I. Rfttel (S. X. FAmwl)o 1. N. 10 PP- NMIANt so pm, zbw nx min, vol. xxv, x951, VP 118141ft. AEG Tr 3000 SOL - min/metj pbVICS S" 57 TissuD Culture Investigation of Antivirus Pro- s of Actinow/cetes Isolated From Ukrawan Wilioeby N. 14 Ozexymnskaya, N, tu Zadorothnaya, 11 pp RUSSIM. per. Antibiotiki,, Vol B. No 7. 1963, pp 611-613. SLA-TT-64-19293 Jul 66 305,928 Series of Voltages for Heavy Colored matals aW their Sulfides in FUNA Chlorides of A11raline Metalem by B. 1. Rentel (a. Z. Renwl),. 1. N. Ozeryanya (19. X. awryaw), JLO VP- RUBOUNI, so jar, Zkw Fix Udm4 Vol XXVp 1951, VP UU49ri. AM Tr 3000 's .2, sci - min/wt; rasics Sep 57 MUCbAnISM Of 144rOVIatiOn of Pmline, by T). rmjimoto~p H. 0--Wdz. JAPANSES p per.. If= Kamlo, Mdopojium, No 140 !962,t PP 28-30. NIX 10-1-62 sai - cluft 0- 1 ~, Doc 62 , 9 -t? / I,taota :PaUting lke too 4d"mb~~ I*Ucw at tba tASXak-bn* PAW~rV%dr Dftt* the iix*L 14okr of n& adst~coo bCr V, LobagM. RM31"o VA.A.- Cbmm.MmmmAM& 'lama - YA02 W"m !6 19626 pp UZ-1770 SILL M 2m V J, e oa SoAftS Sad M liew 67 (DC-3000) Education (1),t by w2adyaUw Ozip,, 27 pp. y PMMEMS NWO=znik PCU6tpFc=W I Gospodsmzyp =ft 3,4609 pp T41-761. == - Poland sm 3--7 -,~, Feb 62 (DC-4982) Plan f or Developmut of Education in 1961-1965., by WWyelaw OW., 4 pp. POL1816 up., Zielony Sstandar., Vol XII, No 94, 23 Nov 1960t P 3. ims 6geo ME= - polow Boo 14q z Mar 61 Discussion on the Problems of School Reform in People's Poland, by Wladyalaw Ozga, R-a Folny, 7 pp. RIESTAN, per, Sovet Pedagog, No 1, 1959, pp 96-109. Internatl Arts aad Sel Fmou Vol 1, No 5 'USSR Soc Jun 59 7r,z T,7ayc-rs-L_--Ordu Foad, by H. '23 TUPjaSR, bulf Xmra~ollsrl Bulteulp no 98, Ank~, Dee 1956, pp 6-6. can so T3 4, TC 18. AH3 HE/A - Tarkey aw Jun 59 ff~? ') e o T;w, i ar~;L~w a-uszrvu~r, 'r 44, 13 L.,161SIM* per, lz 60"d Yol L.,O too 0, 1961s pp Z48-ZW* IT 66-51056 _vf- ~ici V, Astrun 27he Imalysis of One 7"e of Automatic Tw3lmg Circuit, In a Uystronp by V. A. Bendersldvi, 3'. V. 8 yp. MUM., perj, RD&Utekh I Mektran.. V01 Vip No 3,p 1960, Pp 502-507. pp Sci Aug 61 /4 25, /J, f Optical Senaitizatice of Photographic Emulsicna. IV. Spectral Distributiou of Sensitization Affected by the Coaditions ftlating While Dye Is Added to the Emuluion., by Yu. N. Gordthovskly,, E. 1. 0zherelyeva, 13 pp. RU83XANj, pers, Uspekbi, Nauchnoy Potografty, Vol III,, 1955P pp 110-118. NOr E~MMAAMIGX NkTIONATB Sci - phyalce jkm 59 USIB Y-9 t o-a Optical B.-maitization of Frhoto- -~nvet!U e,raphic Emulsionso Ve Relationship Batw&en the Byactral Distribution of ftatosensItIvIty aid Light Absorption of GmIlble" fWt*zv&phU ImmIsImm, by Yu. N. GarokbmMkIyo Ik. I. 02benloevat 13 pp. RUSSVS,p pwa Uspekb rauth votwraf a voi m. 1955 pp u9-123, CIA/M XI-520 WT MXASAKS TO TMM XKTIOMW SCI - P"Ics Get 5(.R R y 2:3 1? ow 7dlj do~ro 1 61-23356 Ozherel'eva, Nt N. PURIFICATION OF WASTE WATER FROM A WOOL L Ozherel'eva. K N. SCOtJRM WORKS (Ochistka Stochnykh vod Fabriki M DSIR LLU K 2976 Pervichnoy Obrabotki Shersti~ [19611 [61p. I ref. [DSIR LLUJ M 2976. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-23356 Trans. of Vodosnabzhenlye i Saniukrnaya Tekhnika (USSR) 1959, no. 12, p. 14-15. DESCRUIMRS: Purification, Weter supplies, Sanitary engineering, *Chemical wasM *WoWen 'leg "Textile industry- (Engineering- -Sanitation, TT. v. 6. no. 3) Offf- f T-Ami-I 5-1- New Data cra the Existence of Continental [,or- Ldan Deposits on tlie Hastern Slope of the Southern Urals, by L P. Varlamov, L. D. Ozldgan,ova, 2 pp. C. 111MIAN, -per, Dok A Nat*, SSSR, Earth Sciences Section* Vol CXLVII, No 4. Nov, Doe 1962, PP 893-895. 'Uwr Gool Inst sci Nov 64 268,419 Dstectica of Lemd in Or= by the Trituration Kwtbl>dji by Be Pt OWLUUx#,-N, As Raftenko srd L. K. Ivan=ko., 2 pp. FIAU tr Mlcim-T-M; bl=o per,, Zhu-- tumta, Mtn, "IbIl Tr, U. 3j, VQYIJ= 1956., IPI) 361-362- CIA 9007075 0, Reel NO consultants Sur"u, Sci - ChcAstry 1946 -4107 Doe 36 cTs Deftatlan, of Fluorine in Minarals and Ores by a TrItumtIon Metbod., by JL Pt_2gAg2XL2 PP& ALU tr RUSSM,, b1mo per., Zhur Av^I Xb-tmj. Vol U, No 3, IkY/Obn 1956, VP 363-36h. M 9007075 C, Reel No 64 001multanu an. eel - Q=q try AJJ .11,4 r Doe 56 CM 7-7/ The Nuaber of lootopm As a ftwtion of the Atczde-ValghtA of the MmmeaUj, by 2. P. Ozhigov pp., XIMSIM# aD per,, Zhur Obobah Sht% Vol No 1.s 1953p VP 3-6. C-Z-A _7> Conoultauts Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Detection of Boron in Silicate Ores by a Trituration,Method, by E. P. Ozhigov, V. S. Lozinskaya, 4 I)p. 4--- RUSSIM, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol XVI, No 3, 19061, PP 315-318. CB Sci Jun 62 201,853 050: 18T8-N) Chemists of the Far Eastern Branch of the Siberian Dqxrtwent of the AaadwW of Sciences USSR - to Agriculture, by Ye. P. Oxb:4pv,-5 pp. RUSSIO,, per., Izvestlya Siblrzkojp Obdeleniya Akadmil Rnt SSSRj No 89 1961m PP 13T-139- JPRS,. 3.5,204 Sci - D101W Sap 62 Hlemnt-Analoga of the Periodic System., by H, P. Ozhigov 4 pp. RUS�UN,p no per., Zhur Obabg1h Ehimp Val XM j, No 2., 3.9339 pp 177-179o ~ Consultants Bureau Scientific Chemistry CTS/ M - OZHGIM-IIN, N. The Innueme of Control Methob an the Characteristics of Turbojet Engines Russian Periodica.1, "a-st Voennovo FIOT"--RO 11. 1947 NLUtary-Jet Engines Scientifir.-Mgineering Pmw Plants, Engines Turbojets AM F-TS-6162--R',?, 23 pp. Dot- eta 1950 0~ Uster in tile Gircull-o-"On 'o, ter suipp-zy syz%omu a: t-lao iron oual suol vorlTa, b-- IMSOL.M., 'Varo Stal., go ho. 19A, 379-383. British Iron anet Bteel JrA 985 D:: a8 ~j ~;;n7Davat ive LVa luat iow.. of - Qua Iltat ikaf geacvToawl: fdr .L carriC4 out by Telturatlkin,, a;, P~ Zhur AnaL-Khiz4 RUSS-T-AS, per,, -pn 175-177. a-Maultantx- Cc.-:zentlfic - Chemistry., Datectim of BuIllim Wbou Do Pr--ei= Matal veoseU Are *mIlabUs by B. P. Ozhigovs T- I. VedW=ikm% 4 ]M. MMMS, Mm pmp ZbW Awl Was Vol X-Ti, 50 1i, jawlyo 19%s vp UIAM. CIA OkTo C, r"i 40 surom fti 0 c2mmdAiw 3r 91 91 " j AUg 1956 Periodicity of the k. ieav Typu, by E. F. 0zhirgov, 10 pp. rull tram-Olation. mi.-SIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Yuimi Vol Ulp NO 11, I'ov 1951, pp 1931 - 1939. C-TA -7) Cousultsmts Dareau 152 Went h2nd street New Tork 1% X. Y. Scientific - Chemistry VAY 53 CTIS -?ol6 7, ~., %, of Ecchanical and Wag-n-,jc?40::QntEj A(;--I in the Periodic Syntem of Grours of laotoms, P. Othicoyr 4 pp. trenalation. pLr, Zh= Obab Mimm Vol XXI, No 10, 1951, C -W A 1749-1752. Convultnets Bureau# kW Chadstry Xlectric Reslatance and Magutic nelAu for ZU the 14v (14-90P)., by E. 6 pp. Its Variation in Ifeak Ixon-Nielmel AUoyia in Kbuftmkiyj, 1._2z ~ MWVAI perp DoklMy Aftd. Nwak SMg Ta C7,j ]b 6o 1955.9 pp lfto-IW3. Sel - neering OW 97 S.L.A. Tr pe-19T Oxhipwa. A. P. IrRUCWRAL FBATURM OF THE 00=TAL CORTEX OF THE CRABBRAL MOPMR25 DI VARIOUS BMMGi%L GROWS Or LOWER AND MGHKK AM (0MMmmW Stmd" KMy Zatylochnol Obtand DoPshikh Pblusbsrfl u Ranykh Ekologich--sklkh Grupp Nizmtdkh I Vyaahlkh MM-7w. 119641 [27p] I Irefs FASED Ms no.. 5711-3 Order trot OTS. SEA, or H= $2.60 Tr-64-13306 figs available on loan from 07S Tram d AftMw AssimU, I * $T L OddyPra, A. P. 1L PA1884-711-3 UL WO&WOOM of Amwaftn SKwd" tw gqsd- good ~d' k13. washicalm, D. C. IV. ftr4u Techmics. tw-. Waddsaftw6 D. C. gr W7 (NobsWJ ld~-Mmbw. TT, w. IL =6 son" of Toomi.0 avw. hiflm-me T-TI-the w . - Timp, by A S. DMUdyev. A. F. 0-.-Aova 0 , 13 pp RUSSMN9 per, 2bmr Yjagh NM= peysma. Vol X~~No 3, 1"46 yp 4L7-475. JPRS scl - B & m Sep 64 266,169 Influeace of the Time Factor Upon the Composi-.ion versus Heat Resiztsnce Diagram of Alloys Of Five-Componpat j.41-Cr-W-Ti-Al System$ by I. I. xzrailo-v, L-D i. Pryakhinal 0. V. 0zhi,,gq?Yuj 10 pp. RUSSIAN, bk; Issledovanivn po ZhEM0Pl*0chnYm lxaskvra; Vol VIj, 1960p pp 278-233. 9671698 FTD MM-102811 Sci - Mn/14etaj; Chem 29 Nov 61 Interaction of Titanium Carbide with a Six-Ccmponent Nickel Solid Solution, by NQ 1. Kornilov., L. 1. Pryakhina, 09t'!Vlv 0zhiM1W.=,, A* Ia. Snetkov, 14, ii'- UWL. IrOSSIM, per, Zhur Neorgan Xhim, Vol 111, go 3# Mar 1958, pp 708-716. ATIC FJM-9531/V Sci ftem Jul 59 9/1 Study of Part of the quintuple System Nickel- Chraniun-Tungeten-Titanium-Alumiuum,, by 1. 1. K=Jlov, L. 1. PryaMUa. 0. V. Or.higkaimp RMUXj, per.. Is Ak Sauk SSMp Otdel Shin ftuka No 60 1956P PP W-wa. CYAA-356 Sci - Chmistry 3 )by 57 CTS/4" Waak Parro=gnotism in = Antiforrmp-agnotic CoP.0- Single Or7stml, by A. S. Borovik-Roumov, V. L 2rl~ 7 pp. RUSSIAN per, ZWr Hkoper i Toorat Flo$ Vol XXIX.. NO 1 (71P 1960t PP 27-36& UP sov now-im Vol xn, No 1 soi /64// .1030 Fab 61 Me -Lbawling Macbim "KiSi E2" in Action, by V. Yao Ozhc 6 pp RMIAd,*'per, Vestnik- V~Msj~ Sjja-.O& NO 3, IS=- 64.1 pp 55-57 JPBS 2c)[04 um sci-yath/vp Apr 65 2T(,,662 (NY-6355/3) The DIstribution of the Dam-Earth 39 rlmmts in the EYdrolavis of AIIWu CC Their Oxides With Aumium 2hlocyamtej, by V. & Valltsev, Ye - D. OzUwbwM.. 10 pp. XMIM., perp Iz SlbirskNp Otdel Ak Nauk a=.- No 6j, jL96Dp 59-&. im loola Al~ 7, 747 Sci - MIM &p U Dmoral Factors of Blood With Applications of Mid, by A. A. Uzbelmv., L. B. Ozieva, 4 pp. EUSSItulf., mo par'F#ia Ekaper Biol i Head, Vol XLI., 140 10, Oct 1956' pp 44-47- COnmatants Bureau Sci - Medicine Jan 58 ---7851 J-1493 Two Pages From a Notebook (Hungary), by Sidanislaw Ozimek, 4,,,. POLISH, V biwk per, Zolnierz Polski, Nc 22, Warsaw, Nov 1956, pp 12p 13. /CIA ? 0 7 - 7 EEur - Hungary Pol Sensitivity ar the Selenim Photocell to Red- Colwed Solutionss, by D. Ve OXIWVp K. V. Flerav# 3 Iv. RMIANO 3w v-w*. an PrIk XbU6 Vol 10 * No 2,p MR# MAM# pp 2D9-211. CU 1) 93*75 .... DUMU scientific - Chemistry CS 691jun 5.5 ", 40000, A$44 ~e - :~.rfcc~ of C02.10idz C~I t - - - -L. :I,. PCL:= -Cy 04 Photo- r:O'*O:r-'-r1etxIC pmalysls;, by K. V. Plerovo B. V. 4 pp. Vull translation. RUS37P21, = perp Zhu-- Prik KhIm, Vol 7-%"V,, No 6, Consultants Bureau CbeMIGtry Dec 53 CT3/D-L7-- OZIMOVj, B. V.,, Leningrad Institute of Vne ftefrigera- tion and Dairy Industry A Simple Fhotocolorimeter to Determine Solution 6on- centrations Directly in Test Tubes Zhur Frik Khi-mj XXII[., No 2.. 1950 (Feb), pp 1'(1-160 Consultants Bareau Translation ,~/ C~ ~, 6 07,DlrOV, B. V, BRIEF 0019,01ICATIONS AN OPTICAL COMPARATOR. I pages. RUSSIAN,'Zlmr Prik Khim., Vol XXIII., No 4., Apr 1950 Constiltants 'Bureaa Translation / /j , j7 _/ 'IF Ad!-JO17ption of Cations by Baeic,ate -R-t-cipitut2., by N. E. BrczI=,-c,.m, S. N. Ozirauer, V. N - Rozwnava, 3 PP - RMIM., per., Zhur Fir, Khim Vol XXXIV; No 8; 1960, -pp 186&1871. Cleaver-Hume Press jun 61 H&chmnisu of Chrawtvgr&VhU Separation of Onees in Therml-Displacemmut Aus4sisj by K. 1. Yanovskly, S. N. OzIramers Lu Plet-abafts 7 PP. RUSSUI,, per Zhaw Prik ndj4 Val ' . ~, 110 5 S. 1960JO pp GUww. cm act / 0 C,9, (v .5 0 Apr 61 Y The CalibmtIon of Surge Voltage Measuring Circultim by Heam of a Square Wave Discharge Iw#A"as by H. Uatap ff. Bookers X. Ozb3~m, 29 P. GWM, pers M2, HIek Zeit 1958s val Lxw.0 90 16; PP 553-560. N= TT-811 Feb 60 iv Vol 2 2 110 10 1.1 IFF I t ~fflt I i." I. fl-lill. Tha Invest-l-imt-iou of Ybdlxwb-~ Borizontal 513:ba=t Eicbm in the Ocean Using Padio- location. Obsermt&= of a Flxmtlnz Sion by R. V- 2!!~~ 3 PP- MISSIM: pert Dok Ak Mw3k 9M,, Vol Nol, 1959.. PP 63-65- AGI Sci J~au 61 7 012 the rurn-ume at x"Im of DtLrrftvut DIESMI=w in the Diff"Ica p"Comp Iw R. V. Ommidm,, 2 pp. RUSSIM., perp Is Ak ftak SMj, ftr Goals,, Wo 2, IW, vp 672,, ST3. AN I Geombre Unim Sol - O"Ibys On the Rate of DIselpation of Tmebulent Phergy in Sea- O%wrents an& on the Dimuslon2boa Univernal Constant in the "4/3-power lawn; b7 IR. V. Oxmidov,.3 pp. RUSSDN., per I& Ak leuk SM.. Sor Geofiz,, No 8, 1960, pp 123t.123-10- AW Sci Apr 61 1.4.1. SrIg/ A GeneraLization of the Tbeory for Ekman'fs Smeteady Puxe Drift Currents in tb-- Cese of an Arbitrary Wind., by R. V. Ozmidov, 3 pp. XUWTM.. per., Dok Ak Nollk SMj, Vol CXXVLTI, so 5, 1959.. PY 913-916- AGI sci /,ryj 6 Y7 ,7= 61 O:a the De-Dendence of the Coefficient of Horizonta-I IN~bulent Diffusion in Wind-Currents Upon the Relative Depth of a Water Basin, by R. V. Ozmidov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geoftz, No 8, ig5g, pp i242-i24z~. Amer Geophys Union Sed Aug 60 (2222-1) Ze Calaulatica of a Tuv-tulmt Noriwntal DMmim of A&dxture fiVots In a sea,, by 1. T. qn~~vj 6 pp. MSSIO rjo Doklady Aksdudl ftut S=j, Vol CXX, so Up ~51rs PP 761-763- C5'T,f - tf. / It JPW L-671-N Bel - porw"Ca m1wr 59 Y~~, 6 The Phagocytic Index as an Index of the Special Features of the Reaction of Sensitized Dogs to Hypother,Aaj by I. v..ozmiaova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur 14ikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXKII, No 1,, 1961. pp Sci may 62 194,794 hy -10. 6`3 On the Role of Cortical Action During the Process ot the Adeptation of the Organism to Chilling, by V. 71. Ozmidcrva, 13 Pp. uniAssmED IISSSIAN, b1mo per, Zhur Vysshey Hervnoy Deyatell- nosti, Vol V, No 1, Moscow, &m/Feb 1955, PP 88-95. US JM/Iff-IL-102 Scl - Medicine Or. of, U!---C-lcr 'dio Seven-Year Plan, by N. -p-D. ----------- RUSSIAH, Ter, Plmi Khoz, INO 7, 19.59, r") JPRS -2107 -N uss."', Ecca. -- Do-chnological ladustry j)o-,DL 60 Ila s-47/60 The Institutes of the Department of Biologiced .L Sciences Prepare for the Decomber Plenum of the Central Committee of the CaumniiAt Party of the Soviet Union, by Ozol, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, I% Ak Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, No 11 (148), 1959, PP 5-10. JPRS 3362 Ho", h 7~ Sc.' - Med, Miac jun 60 ow -1 by FA LXZ=Cl no k ad I. od 4k um An JIM" hlutwl-~~ of Jug!&" asda aw otbw sPedoe of wine% * A. & 0004 4 W. RUSSM,p pW~ 'XIMMINUMP ININiM mrsidu dMOW4" m.U6- - --7 -d F- AWTT Z-1 Ix Nowlt Tbro Unuen" or wamt Smduopo tW A. X. Oaa A. F. Zuvblns 4 pp. "Wi"o PWO -ViAng" AMEMAMM" 20 :Rp--w 'Ji Ocsnx TT 6&30W Feb 60 11 ~q - ' k-Y --; ~' ~' , , ~7 Dyrozics of the Phacocytic Function of G:--nu-locy+.ez in Different Methods of Radiation Therapy, by A. S. Ozol, 13 PP. RUSSIAN, per, k4editsinskaya Radiolo.miya, Vol V, i4o 4, 1960. PRS 5016 Sci Aug 6o 7 7~7 Tetit:hydt&dc of Strontium Diboiveze SrB204- 4H20, by Ya. K. Ozol, A. F. levin'sh RMTMp per, Zhur Noorg X121M., Val No No 7, 1959Y PP 1587-1589. Cleaver-Hum Press Ltd. London Sci - Chan jan 6o