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Anedys-J.,- o-f %';,he Fine Structure in the .5andz; SiCI Moleculc, by 1. E. Ovabamiko., I. Yakutin 3 PP - RUISSIAN, per, Optika i Smektroskopivv, Vol VITT. 6: i5,6o. Optical So,-- U1, kme~c. sci Oat 60 F,lectronics and Safety in D~gineering Wor'l;, by 17. 1. Crvchc--3Rdlio~ 4 pp. U RUSSIAN, per, Vest Mashinostroy, Vol 110 7, 1961, pp 77-80- Sci 22 jim 62 200,035 Gar. cnv!dersat.e rje~,ds m' the (Pr-l-Ural)., 'a , . y a. F. _qjww"irane A. 0. PPgt,v.hnv pp. 6 WISST,111, l,c.T, Wnlvr Nefti i Gaza, V-1 PI, 'in 1(-.A, 1960. sci Aug 6.-S Some Problem of Mking a Powr Directional Relay BaneB on the Hall Effect, by V. G. Daroguntsev., N. F. Ovotmrenko. RUSSIO, per,, Elektricheotvo,, No 9.. 1961, pp 57-63. Wz M. 3580 sci - Slectron, , a /, '16 / Jul 62 Surface RnOrgY and SuTfacO pro&-esses In, solids$ 11 - ju. Gaguzin, oveharenka, 29 plj.! by Ya. j No 1/2. RUSSIAlim 11mrs Userek-h r-jz Nauk. X Vol "1"I 19620 pp 293-3281 AIP Sov phys - USPEDII Vol V, No 1 Oci 213,584 IS Oct 62 Exemsm Vaeamic rip Formad In B=s In ftaparation o:r Zino (in a ftmtem With a "Vacancy Source"), by Ya. 9- Geozzlaj, If. X. Ordbarmko, ~ rp. Rusn"s nmr~ ift w"1 I art&UP Vol ITZ no 3, M, vp 4io-'JIF6. perown Imt SOL - minAut. SOP 58 -7 f, 1 -7 6 Self-Healing of Surface Defects on Crystal at High Temperature., by U. R. Gagpzin,, W. N. Ovacharmiko, 5 13p- RUSSM., per, Dok Ak Nouk SRBR.. Vol CXXX., No 3,o 1960, FP 537-540. AU Sov Php-Dokla4y Vol vo No 1 Sci sep 6o on zxcess Vacancies cenersted in Brase During the Evapamtion of Zinc (In a Ryutem with a "VacELncy Sawce"), by TOL. R. Cezvainp N. N. OvcbsLreako, 8 IDP RUBSUN., ;arp Flz motal I Metallow, Vol IVt 1957, p 4oo. CIA/PMIX.2991 USSR ScientMe 4,f1, 177 Tnvastlgation of the Causes of Diffusional "activit of Defomed Crystalline Bodies. 2. On the Sin- tering of Electrolytic Metalo In the Light of Model Tests Data;p by Y&V; E. Geguzin,, H. N. 07charenko,, 6 pp. RUSSTAN& per,, Fis Metal i Metalls, Vol VT"T., No 5., 1960,, pp pp ///3, 5?fP, Sci mar 61 In"AlSettan of Certain Procansen TWdna Place on %ba Surfm* of a Metal at NISh TeMerature. I. 31stural Roughwas of the surface of a Pal"r~mtel.. by Ta. S. Gepislup N. N. Oftbaremko. U= RuBsvjj pars, is A mauk Sms Mel Takh Saukp No 1,p 1956,0 VP Iw-U8. cano 3m act - Fbys Apr 59 fl7l,, ~?5?9 Drvestigation of Some of the Mysical Processes Wob occur on the Swfaoss of Crystanine BodLes at High mv v- 6 5. The Process of the Spontaneous Bm2log of Defects Latentionally Created on the Surhm of PolyarystaMns, Coppew, tV Ta. To. Gogusin, N. N. Owebarenko, 8 pp ROSSIO,, per$, FLz YAftl i Metanov., Vol IX, So 41, 19600 pp 5W577 pp Sci /51/, 024V Nay 61 y ~Iweatlgewjioa Of-the -G~ - of DIfIftwion "Activity" in Crystalline BGdioa with Distortions. 3. The Problem of the Dif- fusion "Activity," of &Uctrolytic Copper, by Ya. Ye. aeguzin.. G. 3. NovaleV; H. D. Oveharenko, 5 vp IWSSM, per, ns Mwtal I Metallov, Vol IX, No 1, 1960, vp 62-0 - pr SOL jun 61 The Energy of Formation MA 1bgration of Vacancies in Gold and Plati4G-, by B. Q. Lazarev, 0. N. Ovcb~~p 6 Iv. , RMSIM., W, Zhur Mmpw i leoret Pit, Vol XXKVI" No 1 (9)o pp 66-67. Amr Imt at FAp scw FAW - am - - Vbl Ix a (300 No 1 Aug 59 P3, 9 e3 OnIhe Influence of Holes in the Crystal Lattice on the Electrical Resistivity of kLetals, by B. G.IIMTezarev.. W 0. N. Ovcharenko, 5 Pp. RUSS= mo perj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol C, 1955, pp 875:Z78. AEC Tr 2313 Sai - Minerals/Metals 0-2e-1 /?/ aq Rlwavatlon of the Effectiv=ess of Extractloa of Fatty Substmmsp bv Ve Be RU3SIANO pers 1962p Vbl 4 , NO 6$ JV 21-13. RT5 2441 (on Loan or Purcbase) Aug 65 1A L. 2330792 Oxides of Nitrogen in Fuel ftees and their Dateminatiou., by V. G. OvcU=Wm, R. IF. :Zovpakova, 4 pp. - A 5 RUSSUN.. per, Koko i XhIm, No 3, 1961P PP 21,,-. ;# C2ftA S-C 1 14 ~" - 3 7 -~ / sep 61 H t"Ju. ~p pli zI Beta,JZrousitiow lu Weakly Deformed IhAcIel., B. D. Kmatantiuavp V. I. OVOLvenkos 8 3?p. ItubsM, iper, Is Ak No& SM, Ser Flup Vol =VP No Ti. 1060.. n 919a-%'tf 4 -ell sep 63. Autca"Atic Gas Analyzer for Determirding Inert Guses in A-rmoaiap by S. 1. Krichmarp V. N. 0,.,ch--rerJ,,o, A. 1. Yoffes 3 pp. RUSSIANj, pero Zvxod Tab) Vol XXV, No 2: 1959., IYP 213, P-14. InstnL Soc of Amer *A--#? C Sai Apr 6o .L AM 314atrG%bn'mdQ UMthOd Of Uw DIBUDAtion Tram Silver Crustj by 1. 1. KornbamalWp V. F. twL RMUN.. verb Tovatr4m anany.. ][a 4, 19581, Vp 34-43. D8ZR ImOlog LibruT Vidt IL Us AW 19 t6~ 0 1w ;0. TL. AV "Mo. "m -mm whim. 0 to Iscef rp A4 716 LoDS-Rap,ge 2~!opugntbiun of UIV (jrLt:LaF-hcirt waves'), by Ye . OV'ch&rOnl,'-O., 5 PIP- RUSSIAN, per, Radio, No 5., 1957., pp 22, 23- JM 6265 Sci - Blectron Nov 6o (NY-6450) Bhe Aosortment, of Fabrics for 196Z, by Angel Ombarov, 8 pp. BUIDARM, per, Tekstilua Prmishlemost, No 6, wov/Dec, pp 2-4. ipas 1.3492 Mhxr - Bulf-mria &0n I Fa, 3~ / Apr 62 w"m fm ~Wwlw in eAmmiTy WMAM IN:RMW,o, w wt. 4!mkm* IV. a"NSKIP 12 pp-, DUUMIAN i fX-F4 KM 3TOWSM I STATISTIMO ND qj, im-PP'Na. ~ I ipm =kl6 WOOMMA am m 63 tow7w 010 BY n 0 um%,% 'o W5~pw 6 ojwft too Dv"jQ="TA GUUAP w 16's L6.4.680 P a. INLL im ou"IN VOL. 4,0 w go, 19Q UOR uom f6a, VIIL so %a. Ift F, ", :1 aynzhesls -of- Ascorbic Ac Id - in - 18--la-zed -P-', ant, K(ota, by A.M. Smirnov, K.E. Oveharov, 3 pp- 7T'SSIAR, per, Fiz Raateniy, Vol VII, No 2, 1960, pp 240-242. Amr Inat of Biol SoL Sci / S~4z, Fli~a D-e,a 6D -e Distribution of S35-Labeled Vitamin BI in Various' Part ts of the Tarnato PIwA, by A. V. Krylov, K. E. Ovchpixw, 0. A. Taralmnova, I -if-.,-j---.- N . I . Borisava, PO MOSIO, per, Fiziolog Rasteniy, Vol VI, Tio 3, 3.959, pp 296-3Ce. Sci ja:, -, 6o Experimntal KyWrvitaminosis in Plants, by H. Orobarov, 4 pp. MWIM, perp Dok Ak Nauk MR,, Vol cxv , 110 1957, pp 337-340. Didi Aug 0 74 17 7 About the PCOGIbUUty of tba Application of Color Paactlxm an ftn7t1noWs In Plmt ftasuast by S. V., MA X. S. Oicberov FUU Istigm, RMSIANI, pWr Be Aked Muk 8=0 1950- A10 W 2216 A plvr~-, v~Ir-r-Votbe Acn-leny c~f o. UzS;i, -b- RUSSIAN, per, ticad ijaulc SSSR Vcr;t, Vol 211: No 3, IQ It., PP 33 -86. CI& D 432348 55 USDA Scientific Biology W-.r 56 Incre,msing. t1he Yieldo oT the Co1vton Plant by Bud Removal and inhibition ot Shoot Grosith DarinC the Autumml Fariodv by lu. V. Rakitin, K. E. Ovchf.-rov. r%USSI=p porp Dol: Mk I-Inuk SSSR; Vol L=# I Seep 19510 PP 117-119. 511 reMA- Usm Trans 285 LISSR 6:57 Economic - Agriculture,, gvDwtb sil=aators Scientific - Biology.. growth st1=3atarap plants Tm' Effect of Adanine and Ificorluinic Acid G-ri.T.jtr, ar4 Prcductivity of Cotton, by Yxt. S. wCharov. UNCL RUSSM, per, DOk Ak Nauk SSSR.. Vol W.. pp 933, 934. - DSM LW IL 1297 (loan) Ou the V. 191,80 Sci - almm) Dial Iq A-pr 6o EiTerLmezitsil Vit=La DefieLency in Plantr, Iaduced by White Streptocida,, by K. R. Ovebarov. K. L. Povolotskaya pp. RUMIM., bizo per., Fiej. ftsteniy, Vol IV,, No 2., 1957P pp 117-123. Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci - Biology Jan 58 About the Possibility of the APPlicatiOn Of Co1QT ReActioa on Carotinolds In Plant Ti3sueup by E. V. blduitekaYa, K- E- Omherov, 3 PP- RM- SUN., per., Dok Ak Iftok SSW) Vol LUN,, 1950, m '179, 780. Am um-Traw-108 Sci - Pbyo' Apr 60 Ila? Ef.fcct of G-"orrth Substa-aces on tbe F-mit. 'Porl:atiou in Strawbellry (Vrarxla buebarica) , by K. Z. Ovc~~ U. K. XizkovokaL-.. RUSSIM., per., Wc Ak Noult SSR, Vol MX; 21 Jan 3.948, Pn; 585-586. 44A - UM Trm 253 USSR Econ=ic - Aplcult=aj Gmwth oubstances Sclootific - BiolojW# orovth subotances Cn Via Intanaction Bet-vmea Vittmins ra2d Croiezb Stl=ulators , by Yu. Kolek, WWjX-X K. QXq~M-Wolr, 5PD. HUBS1,11U., per, IrIziol rastenly, Vol X, No I., 1963,p)? 84-89. CD sci :~ 23 -Z tTaa 64 C'"-aM"---s in Obtfon Tnclc-r tile, of 2.h-D'cb'-=ofh.auo7,yacotic Acidp by 1u. V. Fahl:tln, K. E. 6~;hramv, E. K. W.-kovskalla. RUSSMI., p=, Dou Avraux sm. vo 6oj, 21 my 1948.. Pp 1073-IOT5. ?.544A UM Tmnu 272 cowmic - Aariculturej, berbicldes Scientific - Blology, bexbIcIdes MD 00) Iftv Cbmica Ibma of ftsbarvest Removal of lAmves In Cottomp by JU* V. ftk:Lttul, K. Te. Ovaharov L. G. Bmiptovas 9 goo PM=# blmo per,, 113dol luteidyg Vol Ili, SO 2p nmwwj- ibr7AVr 19550 pp'177-lft. CI.AjTM U-aM j um scol - Thu !,7,--w T,~chnolcggy in the Rooduction of Dicscls, by V. *Ovcharov, 12 pp. RU33'1'All. -i;ev, Trah-tory i Sellkhoz, Wo 10, 1;4-45- im ii6o5 U&SR Econ Dec 61 on lrc~-a Synthez.1f3 of Invarieut rbz~pad inertial. Syatema of Arbitrary Periodp by V. A. Bodn--r,. V. B. Oirck~m-3~av# V. P. Selemiav, 3 pp. FIUSSIU,, perj, Dok Ak Wsuk S=,, Vol CM# No 5s; 1959., PP 9W-Oft Amr Imt of Phya Sov ft" - DoklcLdy Vol IV$ No 2 scl Dee 59 do go" 4d ft PVdg*m of do vim ft vim-- and IV V. IL "dmmm Val x1m he 10 Is 16 mwqo~ m & Simplified Nonlinear Equations of a Traveling Wave Tube, By V. T. QUk&;&v:. V. A. Solntsev, pp,, lo jwssms pera Radiotekh i Ilektron, Vol VII, go 11, 1962. Sol Jun 63 On the Potential motion of obarged particles, by V. T. Ovu -7 PP. . !h RUSSIANq parg BAdiotel& i Elektront Vol IV, No 9, 1959t PPIT41-1744i PP Sci Feb 61 Application of SiWlifled Nonlinea Bquations for Traveling-Wave Tube to the Design of Type-O Tubes, By 'F. T. 2Eq4UMyj V. A. SoIntsev. pp. 10 WSSIAN9 per,, ReAlotekh L Mektronc Vol V119 No 12 1962. AIZZE- J!~/ Sol jhn 63 On an Fqua+Aon for Paraxial Optics of 11-ligh- Current-Dwisity Glectron Beam, by B. T,. Korndlitain, Ve To Oveharovj, 10 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Radictekh i -Mektron,, Vol Vv No 7v 1960# pp 120W. pp sei Jul 61 Tha Tbeory of FormtUm oJIF Meettron by V Ta per., rw4jotekh i laaktax-cuj, vol lip No 6p P.P W-704. PeT&MU Imt Sal ,nc,v /9Z (Hf -3098) On the Theory of Inertial Dmqea B~mtemo With an Arbitray Period,, VMch Am lawarleut 'With Respect to the Object's lieneuverLuSp by V. A. Boduer, V. P. selms"To V. To. onaftrows 15 PP. RMIW,, per., Is Ak Muk SM# Otdel Tekh Naur., Nuargettka i AVtOMMaj, 110'ro' 1959p VP 11-18-- I It aM 2006 SOL - Aw 6o by Ovchnrolra 3 'Vest R7 pp 11-2-2. jr-lis -TA On the Threshold of Spring, by Crvchirmikov. RUSSIP14, np, Pravda, 23 Feb 1962. FBIS ',4ire USSR Pol 18 may 62 1vmom;0.Tfwv"wm4pr CWITAL summw w AV WCNIWQJV4 go io'r 1"70 0=0N% MIS* 4k JIM lain (03 Wave Functions and Electron Terms of the Molmilar Hydrogen Ion,, by A. A. Ovehinnikov, A. D. Sukhanov, 4 14)* IWSSIM, por, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Physics Sections, Vol CLVII, Ao 4-6. Aug 1964, pp 1092-1095. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-DoLlady Vol Ix, No a Sci 278,52a !Lir 65 no an 0t Icat"L Id VS lu the 23 and Vs MA alwAsatim or the Tratnim P"Ca"t by A* A* .0049POws SLD*iyo 12 lip* MOB=# pwo 29 Ak ft* SMp WWI Takh MW&s Td6 ICL'hwwwts, AD 3a NW.0 Aw i9as iNp 77-839 JPBB 26336 HOOL Oct 267AA The Infleunce of the M%terial Composition of Uranium ores on the Scintillation Elpectrum of Their If -Radiation, by A. 0. Gramma1mv, A. K. Ovehinnikov, Yu. P. Lyubavin, et MUSS SIAN 0 ., per.. Atom Eaerg,~ Vol X., No 6, 1963.. 967P-112 FrO-M-61-'20 Sci - Phys 22 jan 62 SF-1325) - - M. I. Barsukov., by A. K. Ovchinn_ikgy, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Zdrevookhraneniye, No 2, 196o, pp 97, 98. jpRs 4357 USSR Biog Feb 61 (DC-4525) Hydrogeochemistry,, ltq,Tasks and Wthodsp by A. M. V. V. Kraslatseva.. 14 pp. RUSSIM, per, Iz Vyaahikh Ucbmb Zaveds Geol i Rauvedkas No 4s 1960P VP W3-111- JMS 6301 scl - chea Doe 60 FIVE YEARS OF OPERATION OF THE PERMO SLUICE, BY A. V. OVCHINNIKOV. RUSSIAN P&i REQiNOI TRANWORT., VOL Ill., 1959, PP 31-34. ACSI 1.1636 ID 2201426 USSR ECON 14 AUG Q 2o6,,291 4TON Ni~'(-ANIOITE DES Hr-SIDUs mz-s J.(VIV; A FiRITF Udaleniva ()garkov KcIlche&itmNTh Pc-chei) (Mechanical Elimhu- tinn of from Ivi-ite Formic"). Sp. (foreilgii ,C)LI includi'l) CNIB-VI S6, . Or&,r fr,.m OTS, ETC or CNIIS M . 10 17-62-2871,01 Tnin.~. i7, FrenJi of Rumazhiuva PronivshicnnosC (USSR) 11160, v. 35, no. 4, p. 16. Fra n~. in I-,Lxi n ih i ~: ava i la ble from Ol S, ET(- or CID ; I . fit-) -J so, CID o 2-110, q). qag,,, Selmration I ~V Ch I TIP' 1: 1 11' ,11. A 11. 567 Ill. C~nne Nminwil ~lc h RL-cht!r- che "Civillifiriv,-, 1"Iric (MetAlurp, F]" 1'. 11, no. 8) En-P. IT-0.1t:~ M-5596) The Effect of Vitamin h Upon Coronary Circulation (Mvperimental Study),, try B. A. Ovehinnikovo 19 pp. RUSSM, perq Arkbiv Patolog,, Vol XXII,, No 11., ig6o,, pp 38-63. JPRB 7713 sci - bbd -~ 91, may 61 / 3- '?.' a Ovchinnikov. B. A. 11-11H EFFECT OF VITAMIN B UPON CORONARY CIRCULATION (EXPERINIEN-RL STUDY) (Vliyaniyc Vitamina B, na Koronarnoye Krovoobrashcheniye (Eksperi mental *noyc lssledovanive)). 13 Apr 61, 19p. 16 refs. JPRS: 7713. Order from OT-S SO. 30 61-21609 Trans. of Arkhiv Patologii (USSR) 1960, v. 22, no. 11. p. 58-63. DESCRIPTORS: *11iiamine, Vitamin B, I-leart, *Blood circulation, Blood. 1. Ovchinnikov, It. A. IL JPRS-771:3 111. joint Publications Research Service, New York Offi-IT (Biological Sciences- - Physiology. TT, v. 6. no. 2) Lot Ue. Raise tho Yield of Light Potrolem Products iu the ExiPtIM Refineriesp b7jjj6_QU_hUmikov, A. H. Versabobagins, 6 pp. MIMASSIVIED VI per,, Neft Khoaol~ P010 RUSS TAN.. 0 # 1954P pp 53-57, Sna to IR-195-550 AFOIK. CIA D 191052 AF 65" USSR 7,?7 may 55 CTS Increasing the Accur"y of the AnalyGia for Determining the Fractional Composition of Gasolinwi. by B. I. Ovchinnikovs 11. 1. Zhiryukova. EDWINs per# Neft Khoz Vol XXXII, Ro 12., 1954P PP 15-53. T$ch and Comercial Tr 2135 Spruce-Streets Philmdelphin 3, Pennsylvania Scientific - Fuels CTS 75/Deec 55 R/, Stabilization of E ectron Energies ins. --- N --Y. 0 v Synebrotron, by M. V. Karpov,, 9 P. Ovchinnikov, B. S. Ratner, 6 pp, RUSSIM., per,, Atounaya Energiyaj. Vol 11., No 2.. 1957., PP 14o-145. Sci - Nuc Pkw Consultants Bureau im Experivental Investiiption of Injection Effi- ciency in a Betatron, by V.N. Iogunov,, B.P. Pnh ~111011_ws V.D. Rwamms 8 pp. I I BMW=,. ler, Atomosyn Rwrgll.. Vol II,, So 6s, 1957o pp. 525-532. Consultante bureau SOL -! Nuc Phys Am 58 I ---- -- i -=a 11 1 mrsAndw 40 wams ft do 149dwa ban as ocom "tAw=b ,a I ~ .. a OMY L a 1804, 0 04L - __ I VNM"O up . . 1 .1 $4 - an* sd/AWM 4m" ia Predicting Ice-Coverage of the 14-T&CM Seaj, by I, Ovabinnikov) 4 pp. -1 -MBIWO perp Meteorol I Gidrolp vol v., uo 4., 1939.p Pp 89-93. Navy Tr 861/E0 151 laientific - Geophysics T ;u1 CTS/DMX Electrical ProspeetlW for Pyrite Dtpoaita urder an Absorbing Surface layer., by 1. K. OvohLmmikov, 11 pp. RUBOXAM& perp U Ak Xmuk SM& Ser aeofizj, No 4 1957P VP 471-478. persawn mmt Sci - Geo0vsj, Doc 58 (NY-5231/liTl) An mllW ftuOy of the PeAS=Ck --!r -- - r,'- -c-tron Bem ft=uzg~i m -waoictle Vadulator,, !q N. S. Zinchanko,, I. K. 8 pp. RWSlW,, 3perv Iz VysnbM ttbob Eaved., IM SSSRs=RmUotekbL,, Val 1110 ND 11 1960, Pp 69-T6. JPM 7378 Sai Apr 6L Helium in the Natural Gas Jets of the Urup chalcoffrite Ddonits by, M. 0. Gurevich, I. M. OvehinnibKwil 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, perj Dok Ak Vauk BSBR.. Vol CVII1, No 1958., PP TTL-7T3- ConsultwAs Bureau Sol - 069pbra Jun 59 -3- 0 A Davim for 3bu3&-UV Owlaw arftWola rowe"", An Z**qow owfomvft~, tv V. Z4 JolAds ad Z, Z a- ~VW# 39C4 W& .7115 ift 42 VP lab-1w wz M ;Z-j" (am Umn cW ;aVbaW,l AM 0 ;?-360999 , ff,( -T, ),2-7 , e~v C', b, /)'q,/ J,/ A 4,rlaf D"WIPtUs or US lk%Wal Vat4M In the bles" of tba ftv - an 9 Ito tw IL 0. WAMI o 1. IL . r. I I ': # pro ~Zmv Iwo D* A .am& ~& VU I r TWIS ED 5o Ims vp '=-. Sol - a F to j" " f Y, .071 LL3-1-1-j'attice ~-L-142wti"l in L,:j-I. V. cwg~Lilmiitcvs C. 10 RiVaNleve .,L*!ssli~,,., 14~3r, ,Gf Zil klyika cit, s-114 -L- V. O%tc-v-% i N m i kov i:~~t (16 3G6,450 Meat of the Degme to WMch Bonding is Camlent on the qpirx-Lmttice llela=tion of an Octabadml Complex Wit.b ome Vaguatic E3Actrm.. by I, V. Owchinnil=vp 5 py. RussViN Mer'. Piz TvexdoP Tela., Vol Vs, No 7: 1963P PP 1887!lbj3- Amer Mut, Phys ftr PbWa - W11d State Vol To So 7 801 Jan 64 Tim J?w"Atiy at ftmuto &A Gumet of mn*mt tillmew tv Lo at & A* so ahwa NMWP PWIP ak SSIUL Vol lot$ No 1.0 19A it 11 a eawt de WWYIUL ,y 1. t,-) I - I -~ .- I SdAw sai mw 68 M. W. per, No 195119, PP T04-710. G--o'zh:.'m 00c: 61, 62-16421 Ovchlanikoy, L. N. and Shur. A. S. fM~H OF INFILTRATION SOLUTIONS UNDER 1. Ovchinnikov. L. N. PRESSURE (IBaledovanie Infil'tratsit Rastvorov pod 11. Shur. A. S. Davienlem). Ji96211591p. (foreign text included) 12 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 62-16421 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Geologli Rudaykh Mesrorozhdenii. Petrograt'll. ?wUnealogil I GookhImit.- Trudy. 1956, no. 6, p. 57-72. DESCRIPTORS: *Geochernistry. Solutions, Metals, Vorous filters. Marble, Semipermeability, Prea- sure, Ion exchange. C With the aid of special apparatus, the filtration effect was studied for the solutions CuS04, CaS04, N19S04. MnSO NiSO4, Na2S04, CaC12, and NaCl, filtrating throuX a marble filter under a pressure of 2. 4. 6, and 8 atm. With an increase in pressure there is also OfR-.f T-6-1-1 S-1-- (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v.. B. no. 9) (over) Some Pcolblercz of Yjagmt-ic Mine:L-alization, lay L.N..Ovchinnikov, 14pp. RUSSIAitp per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geolog, No 4, 1959, pp 22-39. Amer Geolog Soo sci /j --~- IfI7 Dee 60 Deterrdx,-~Uoas of the abzolute CZc 0'-" Z"e ore depositz c,.' the Urals, by L. It'. Crrcrjjn-rJ'-rv; AIPP - RMSIAN.. p~-r. Geoldiim., No 6, 1958., pp 545-552. Geochemice-I Society Sci Dee 59 /40- -3 spa lmla&snn OC Qd*WO Or *WwbeU ftUlda to ft"Lb Paumwg br a. P. om"Witov, - . - - I !A ~ 20--.X%6# L jW ~~ 0 (1-1c, ~/, I - fti A 11r 333s cm *,, f, I j4 67 The Causes of the Differences Observed in Wheat Seeds Developing in Different Plovers of the Spikelets, by N, N.,Ovchinnikov.. N. M. Shikhanova. RUEOIAN.. per,, DA Ak Nmuk SSSR, Botanical Bei Sec.. Vol 9 CXII, Do 1, IPP 155- Awr last of Biol Sci JM/Feb 1957 Sai - Biology Aug 57 Pattums in the Alteration of the Chemlea Cor4peeiticet of Subsurface Watws of this Azov- Intban Trouab ana the DistrDntU(m of ladim w3d BrOmIne "*Vein# by no V. Irm 5 Im- TOSSURs per., Is Vyesblft U*b Z--wdmdy, amol i R=vedlmp Val 3n, mo I, 1960v pp 1-34-138. Sol my 62 6t-13165 Ovchinmkov, 0. N. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ENTRY VELOCITY OF 1. OvcItizutikov. 0. N PROFILE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A DIF- 11. DSIR LW M.1841 FUSER. [ 1961] 27p. (10 figs. omitted) 3 refs. IDSIR LWJM 1841. Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-13165 Trans. of P[olizekhnicheskiyj Iftistitin] 1-fening-rad]. Tr-ady (USSR) 1955, no. 176, p. 175-188. DESCRIPTORS: *Fluid flow, Wthernatical analysis. Velocity . Turbulence, *Diffusers, Tests - The present paper expounds the results of S. M. Targ for the case of axisymmetric flow with an arbitmry %elccit5 profile at entry, and it also includes the re- sults of experiments on the performance of two dif- iosers with convex and concave velocity profiles at entrv. The analys is indicates that from the point of %*few o diffjsion losses, it is better to have a convex velocit% profile at the entrance, while from the point (Mechanics --Aerodynamics. TT, v. 6, no. 1) (aver) Axially Symetvic Passlug of a Vortexx Flm~, by 0. ff. Orchinalkov. HMMMi perj,. Is Ak Na* ~q Otftl Takh Nmuk M& i )bob# No 6p 19(*s PP 194!3- MM It P-OL36 sci 6 Nox 62 14Af; 9.2. 7 us am,? am (Ee~/ ~L) - Students of the School Are Conducting Classes,, by P. Ovchinnikov, '.~ /-,) ~ , RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskiy Patriot, 11 Dec 1960, p 2. '*JPRS 'USSR Mil - Civil Defense 3 May 61 ThAL' Renistance of Foula AGx4inat the Virus of Avain Pserudoplague,j by N. V. LlChaLChevj, V. N. Styurlm, T A. Perainw,, S. X, Ovcbinaikov, A, S, Belyayev,,, S. zolorav. 'IUSSIA14j.per, Trudy Goaud NaUchno-Xontrol' Inst Vet Preparatav, Vol Vjp 1955., pp 66-75- &A 1) 472243 USDA SclentiYic - Medicine; 13,1 lql~ Biolov 1 14--1y 56 cTs/dex Measurement and Stabillwation of Magnetic Fjej& by Means of Electron Cyclotron Pasonance, by L. V. DabovcVp 0. V. Shvets, S. S. Ovdiinrdkov, 3 pp RUBSTANj perp Pribory i Tekh EkVor,, Wo 3., 1960, pp W6410.- I erb',, TSA F*b 61 LI -7 "- -L-f Ion Cyclotron Resonance in Dense FUsmasj by L. V. Dubovoy, 0. 1-1. Shvetso S . S. Ovchinrdkov., 6 pp. RUSSIANq perp Atom Jhwgj, Vol V13:19 No 4.1 1960j. pp 313-323. CB /,57-If as-.? Sci Jul 61