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I" .- ~ .1 Cmeretiono in Black Sea X-On- bUIXICLe bY I. I. Volkcffl E. A. Ostra-u--M-D-V-..- 4--pp. RUSS-LAN,, per., Dok Ak Namk SSM., Vol CXVI, No :td/bec 1957P pp &5. ConmultwAm Bureau Sol Chem Aug 58 4 9) The D10exibution of Fearrous Sulfide and Hydrogen sul- fido in the Bottom Deponits of the Northwastem -Part of the pacift an 10 UA )y od no OY, ; 11 V, - RWSUIOP piid~; TradY IZOt OkMolo Vol XMI,, 1958., pp 77-85. CIA/PM X-4174 Set - ' Geopbleicis Apr 60 The Use of Cirinnnic Acid in AnalyUcal Chemistry. C.-mmunication 2. Sepprntion of Titanium, Zirconium. And Thorium from Manganes, Nickel, Cobalt, and Zinc, ty F,. A. QstgpAW, I. I. Volkov, 6 pp, RWSIARv par, Zhur AnaUticheskoi Khimli. Val XVII, Sw 4, 1962, pv. 4,51-"5. CB SCA 'May 63 On the Forms of &aMw Compoiands in the Dattam Da-posits of the Marianas Trench, by E. A. Ostxou=v., L. S. Fomim., 3 pD. EMUS., per, Dcok Ak Zwk SSW., Vol CjXv , No 2., 1959o PP 385-388- AQI Sci jun Q 100, s- z~ / 7A On Some -Now -Metho-de of-Chemical -Analyzis With the Aid of Pyr:Ldiw., AlphawPleolinq, and Hezawtbyl- onetetramine,, by R. A. Ostroumov, 13 PP. R=IM, per, Zavod Labi Vol XIIIj 1947& pp 404- 410. AM VIM Bcftntific - Chemlistry jan 54 CU/M ~ ~1111' I j Use of UnTamic Acid in Armaytieal CherlstrY. 5. Precipitation of Uranium and Its $a - AL tion From Mganese, Nickel, Cobalt and Zino., by B.A. Outroumov. I.I. Volkov. RU331U, pei~--Zhur- Anal. Rdm- Vol. 19, No. 2. 1964 pp 226-220 OD 118/MS/2927/J Sci - npp T7,vestiya Sovetov Depixtatuv Trud~yashcbihhlaya SSSR, Vol XLII, Ho 7-1 (126913AF 5-' -.j ATIC Ir.L-).74/!II 3 c i - A. F, t r 11f, Juji ,.Peiccc;m 4i"';6 F--v Facts Out of Ccwmws by 0. oatroumov, 4 pp. IMLASSIPM RUMV3v up,, Isventiya, No 183,, 1 Aug 1958., p 2,0 Rml 60 AF ll&TIM set 4 Swe Res Oct 58 9l,/ '066 ~111~11! ! -..* F 11-11WIML, OSTROUMOV, G. (Deceased), Electrochemical Lab, Lenin- grad State U. Deter,mination of Transference Numbers in Sodium Tetra- borate Glasses Zhur Obshch KhimI Vol XIX, No 3., 1949 (Mar) Consultants Bureau Translation C' t . i~hod of Mcasurirz Im-PILUe Vcl-~08,# bY , A. ostromov', A. A. Shteinbarg, 5pD. 1 N--mis X--r,, 10'ribm i Tekh Ekslw,, Do 3,, 1963,P fp 85.~. MBA .;)41S 1? '91 U't ~" 64 On the liscamnim of Wavitation Destniction, by Go A, Ostxm=v) 5 py, MISSMI, per., Alo2st Zbur.. Vol IX.. No 2, 1963, PP 198-W4- Amr Inst of Phys Sov PhyB - Accustics Vol ixg NO 2 S S ci - tlov 63 Tha-avy clo lkagmtiu IAixiug of K,31tu, by f~- A. 44 pp. MYSSIAM, bhj: riiziko-W+.-zmtich--nkie Ormovy Mp-s-laitnogo Penewshivaniya Rasplayov, Moscow., 1960, OTS 63-1L002 Sme.Pt 63 Dependence of the Sedimentation Rate of a Suspension on the Solution Velocity~ by G. A. Ostroumov, 4 pp. RUSSIXT, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XX:U, I-,'o 5, 196o, pp 6n-6i4. CB Sci 24 jul 62 2o4,0-13 Ostrpumqv~_G. A. THEORY OF MAGNE`rIC ?MXING OF MEI-TS, by 7- Lerman. 1963, 44p. 9 refs. PL-480 Comm. Order from OTS $0. 50 63-11002 Trans. of mono. Fiziko-Matematicheskic Osnovy Ma toogo Peremeshivanlya Risplavov, Moscow, t960 163V - DESCRIPTORS: 011loctroforming, *Uquidmetals, MUtures, OHydrodynamics. Metallurgy, Theory. Electromagnetic waves, Propagation, - Magnetobydrodynandca. - This book contains an electrodynamic part, where the propagation of a travelling wave In a half-space and in a finite candLictor are disLmseed and the distribution of electrodynamic: body forces Is derived. a hydrodynantic part, dealing with the optimization of stator current (Metallurgy, TT, Y. 10, no. 3) (ovei, 63 -1 t002 1. Ustroutnov. C. A- U. PL-480 Coami (&1-11002) M. Nationil Science Foundation, Washington. D. C. W= d hCh" SWWk= AEC-tr-4r,09(p.263) Uncl. ON THE MIXING OF MOLTEN METALS BY A TRAVELING MAGNETIC FIELD. G. A. Ostroumov. Translated from Voprosy Magnit. Gidrodinamiki i Dinamiki Plazmy, Trudy Konf., Akad. Nauk Latv. S.S.R., Inst. Fiz., Riga, 10,58, 303(1959). Original published in Stal', 11: 999(195"-') C-34 P NSA N-4 a Under the Coaditious of thQ rirce Cczavcctio, l1rcb-lem, by G. A. ()3trounicv 233 PP- RUSSIAN, nono&?aph, S-,rc.)->m9r--ya irconvakt,--fyiL v Uslov~akh Vnutrmln-:~.,; Zuflaclli, Mos cov-Lee nip -21, '952, HASA, '1s-1 1407 sci jan 6 o Val 2, 11.0 7 T:J~ Tc--m~ermtlk= Of a Horizonte: W:izo 17-c-i-tc-6, by Altvimating bV: G. 'A. C;stroumovg RUS31AN., M= Tvkb Piz, I-l'ol XMIM., NO T; Amer Lwt of v-hys sov F2673 - Tech Pays voi in, Ho 7. Sell - Pnvs 1 5 9 Sme Aspects of the Propasation of ;Modarate- Strength Moak Wavesp by G. A. Ostroumov., 5 pp RUSSIM, per, Must Zhur, Vol VMs So 3., VP 344-349. AN &m Phys - Acowtics Vol Vnlp No 31 ion 63 233.,872 -Thaory of ThervAl Prooosses DirIng Uquld Draulng oi- Wim.MmUr StWy.8tat* CocUtEms, by 0. 'A. 7 MB,SZAX;, per.%.Zhur T~kh Piz,, Ak ftuk sssnp Vol XXIX; No 2v 19"s yp 23S~-2W. "W 1"t of sov MYO - TV" lbys V036 1vt No 2 Scl - php 7 :-7 On the 1WIt-SxaLt4Mm ot W&U Auto-OsciUatlons La a MU-CarsyLog Chum". by G# A. Ontroumv,, 5 pp. 200SMi, pw Zbmr 2%kh Plaq Val XXWM, no 6, ~VA, mw lut at ftyl sov lbo - loob toys Val Ills no bibrr~nadzr L,=t oolams~ctlou r-wr a hnrr".Xca~aL Gylin~nr. fl, A, r zSSMIf m l3eTt Zhur TaLrh Avsp Vol XXV j, no 122,p 56 pp W20-2730. In Amw last of P14m EkY7 PIWD,2tCh PhYS Vol I'l 1~0 1.2 ,Cj -5-j 7 q Rov 57 Oscroumov, G. A. ELECTROSTATIC CONVECTION IN ELWrROLYTI U. 64113p Order from ATS $14. 9S AIS-03Q73R Trans. of ZhJurnall EMperimlental'nol) I Toorfedcheakoil Pizliid] (LISSR) 1954, v. 26. no. 5. p. 585-597. DESCRtMRS: Elactrolytes. -HM tiansfer. Electrostadca, *Thermal radiaticn. T17-64-12430 1. Osmumov. G. A. U. ATS-03Q73R U1. Aswclated Technical s=-MCCE, Inc., East Orange. N. J. Vaysics-Thermodynamics. Tr. v. 11. no. 9) O"k. f T-WW $.-I- Eesults of 1,1easurement. of t1he Electrical Conductivity of Insulating Liquids, b-Y G. A. Ostrownov, 3 ioi)- RUSSIAIT, per, Zhur E'ksper -J Teoret Fiz, Vol No 2, 196i, pp 441-414~. AIP Sov Phys--TMP IT Vol XIV> 40 2 Sci 12 jun. 052 193, 916 Some lbn&mdyamdcal Phenomena Accompanying the passap of a Current Through Iamilatiag Liquida., by G. A. 5 pp. RUBSIM~, m per,, Mur EkBper i Tdoret 714p Ybl XXXy No 2p Jft 19563 pp Fc- D Amer lust of F4sles Vol M., No 2 Soviet Physics, JETF Sci - Ybyeics 416 JL,or 57 Ms / -on -Oaexmelectxic O~etionjv -by A.- G. - WwoumDv, G. A. OstrotMDV 5 PP- ===7.ZA FMUN.. per, 7.%2 Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVIj, SO 3,, Mar 1956, pp 636-639- A mist Of pbys &wlet Pbys-Tech Phys Vol Is No 3 SOA- - ph"Ics Aug 57 -hz A-sit-ated in ~!!igrctic Pield, by G. A. 3: C*trouammv. RUSSLAN. per, Stal, l7ov 1958, nP 999-10C2. Henry Brutcher Sf-A - Tr r A'P r 5 9 ObservatUm of 23actroamductive Ocav",tion An lUctralyftsj, tw 0. A. Ostrmmmwm-V-,,- RMUM.0 blm pwj, ow mow I sew ftz* V02. IMIK,V IV ANWIMS Imt at posses SCL T-he=y of amt Tmusmumlea in the btzedy Wcate in a Round Vwtical FawaW (bom) WIth 8q;apwttlm CC Yomed amd V'rm L&Ed-yW CommUms by G. A. Ostrouwv, 9 vv- IFJSSL4X,, Mar Teich 7Val 201, No 68, 1950, p2 7 ~757- Lybe 4~-. m only in the Ihmalm crigiml attac sai muomm so 5i/aW W.Itt T' P A lai2entitative Optical Method of Observing Thermal and Diffusion. Phenomena in Conditions of the Tuo-Dim-ansional Problem wd Small Deformtions of Nearly-Plane Surfaces (Grating Method).. by 0. A. ostroumv. RUSSIM, Dok U Nauk SSSR, Vol 71, So 5., 1950,, PP 887-90. 1 Sci Museum Lib Do 50/0099 - L*ndon y ~ 0/ Sci ft.u..Wtb*mt1ca BANO for "Bo*tic Nixlng of meltas, by I-& A. astvaunwo mmmo 1960. am 4w ii963 Dept ocr cameave ftl 7 aw C2 on the ilydmdpmi-m of Mmrtric Djacb=Wsp by G. A- IV. V), 2 RUSEMMS ywp pw 91kh A*j iral = .9540, IV 1%5-xa9. AW Tr 9627 Sol- .ft lbySIM 44 -v;r/o w 5C-6fm - -- - m Investigation of Transient Processes in Limar Circuits by the !A--tbx)a ol loci., by 0 - V. Oatroumv.. 9 pp. RUSSIM.q perp Maktricbestvos No 4.. 1958., pp 22-26. pp Sci Feb 61 / 3 ~, '0 1 -" :~ The Calculation of the Absorption of Oxides by Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid, by M. A. Ostroumov, 7 pp- IRUSSI-AN; per; Zhur Miim Prom,, Val XVII, No 12, 1940, pp 16-18. SIA/R-2489 Sci Apr 59 - -- The AireraXt exo Aloft.' at Does the Staff Do?, by 9. H. Do-tr-Q-=ov,. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, psr, Vast Voz Plot&, No 11, 1960, 9662461. ATIC Sol Jul 61 15- 7 / -.> --> '5 Processes af Star Formation emd nssion R oduced by 46D Nev protons on Wolfram and Biumuth Ilaclei, by U. A. Perfilovp V. I. Ostromov) 5 pp. RUBBY-0, tbrica-mo "r,, Dok Ak flauk SSSR, Val CIII. No 2., 1955; YP 227., OB 2.-8. Sai. Trm-s Center RT 3149 Scientific - Plo-sics I?bb 56 .3/)"2- /j an Protons, by N. A. Permov, u. a. ivmo7a, 6. Lozhldn., V. 1. Ostrauqwi, V. P. ShiM.DVp 17 Pp. pull tra=lation. RUSSTM., b1z., Omifereace ou Feweful Usda of Atomi Eaer67 AcadenW of Sciencer, USM,, 1-5 Jul, 1955, Session of the Div of Chemical Science.. pp 79-96. ciA/mA-1976 PM 2336 Scientific - Chem:Lstx7 Fies"it *f Urauium Xuasi by F"t Protonoj___W V. 1. tktslp-w pwo Dek Ak Auskp Vol GIn, 16 3p 1"51 vp 409-4u. SL~ f- t / i A.I.R.R. Narw*U i~ 692 SOL - N"Iew mWai" :pp'd2 C2 7" 069, S" 56 M ~ f7 Cascade cf-Farticles in Stars Produced bY 360 and 660 Mev Protons,, by V. I.-Catroumv; H. A. Ferfilov, R. A. Filov, 6 pp, M810, per.. Zhur Usper i Teoret Fit, Vol-=M(9)., No 2.. 1959.. PP 367-375- Awr Iftat Of Phys am pbys - JMTP Sci - pas Sept 59 Disintegmtion of Silver and Bromine Nuclei by High Energy Prototwp by V. I. 2!tzvjwvj, 9 pp. RMT . aD pars Mar Skaper i 2ftrat Piz Vol XEMP No Is, Jon 1957P w 3-13. Amr bast of Pbp am PIWSS Vol VV so SPA - pbys Sep 57 -60 Ciar",n Nizelc4 by t' aud Yu. P. Yakovl,-v,. 4 pp. RIAOSLAN, per,, 2hur Eksper I Taoret Inz, Vol XXXV, No 6(121, 1959, PP 1?ZY-1363. Amer Inst of Phys soy 'Phya - JM vol vnl(35), No 6 Sai - Phys Jun 59 ")6,3 Alpba Ptrticles Emitted by Reavy Emulsion Nuclei In ftm-11 ions Bombarded by High-gaergy Protons# jyjqp by P. A. Vaganor sad V. 1. Ontroumovo 7 PP. RUSSINAj, per, Zhur Rkeper I Teoret Piz) Vol XXXIII., No 5 1957, PP U31-1139- Amr Inat of Pbys Sov Pb"-JM Vol V103), No 5 Sci - Phys Jul is Angiflar CarrelstIon Betureen 7ragmonts czd Charg~--& Particlef3 Emitted in Uranium Fission, by Ostroumay. R. A.- Movp 5 pp. RUSSIAN, par,, ZIr.Ar Eksper J Toorat Fiz, Vol mm, No 6(n), 1957, PP 1335-134o, Amer Inat af, Phya Sciv Phys-JETP vol. 603), no 6 Sci - PII:MicR Aug q8 Determination of the Excitation Encrun of Nuclei by Tracks of Recoil Nuclei of Stars in a Pbotographic Emulsion, by V. I. Ostroumorv. 3 pp. MO per,, RU;BSI",,/L)ok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CIII2 1955, pp A13-416- AEC Tr 2289 NOBSULTANTS BIREAU (Gol no 4 of Soviet Research in High Energy Fission) Sci - Nuclear Physics Production of Multiply-Cbarged Particles on Photo- graphic Emulsion Nuclei by 280-Mev Positive Pions, by N. S. Ivanova,, V. 1. Ostroumav, Yu. V. Pavlov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fizs Vol XXXVII., 170 6(10J., 1960j, pp 1604-1612. Amer Inst of Phys sov Phys ft JRTP Sci - Physics Vol xxMI" (10), No Jul 60 Electycq)horetic Deposition of Strontium Titmate, by A. S. Voevodskly, it. V. Ls~rpum-T~, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kolloid Zhur SSSR, Val M, No 4, 1963. pp 392-397. CB Sci Apr 64 256,850 Ostroumov, V. V. MECHAMCAL STRESSES IN ELECTROLYTIC DE- 1. Ostroumov. V. V. POSMS OF PALLADIUM. ]an 60. It. MT Trans-59 Order from MT MT Trans-59 M. Tollemacbe. M. de 0 pt. Brit.) Trans. of Zhfurnal) Fizlicbeskof) Khimfli) (USSR) 1957, v. 31, no. 8, p. 1812-1819. DESCRIFMRS: *Palladium, Electrodeposition, Maul coatings. Stresses (Chernistry- -Physical. TT~ v. 6, no. 5) OfR" -f T-Wml SeM- )m*ect of Hydrogan on Some 0-,~Acal Propertics af FrOladivm~ by Vo Vc 103TROUMOV, 4 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Mar Fir, Min. Vol. MTV.. 'No 11, 1960, Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Aug 61 DepocItIon of Cappor Fr= Acld Blectrolytoz by of Periodicaa-Ly Reversed Current, by V. V. Cbtroumov,, i. r. PlotaUova, 6 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Prik MAm, Vol XXXIx no 10, 195-8, PP 1520-1526. CD Sal - Chem NOV 59 q 7g, -a-- - Influence of Cel-tain Ovauzlz Organic Substance on the Palled lum-Flating Process) by V. V. Ostroumov., 6 pp. RWDSW Zh Frik XU4 MIMS Vol XXX1j, No 3. 4.0t Cousulta"to BUMRU Sol - Chen Apr 59 .4-g-~e T%iclml DeDosits Formed in the of Oulfo~---ti~d Ilaphtbalono, by V. V. perq Vhur PTilL Y..-nim; Vol XXXII,. No 177, r- Pi,qw;raticm,, Pro_Derties., and MeatrophareBis of Lead Sulfide Bola.. by A. S. Voevodskiy., V. V. - oBtxoumv.,-6 pp. I , perp Kolloldnyi Zhurp Vol XaVF No 3., 19652.. pp 268-n4. CD scl J~xs 6-3 234o,099 Moctrolytic Dopositicz cX PaUndi= Solu-- tic= C=talmlra Cmetic Alkali.. by V. V. 6 j per Zhur PrIk KhIm,# Vol XMaj, ilb 1, 1938s, VP 77-83- emsulteaw B=Oau Sci - Chen Abr 59 Thu Uae of C-t G =amia II.Cid in A~! J~ U~'~ Comm-unicatim. 1. Sepnration of and Cbromim from Irangeneueq Nickel, Cobalt azad Zinc., by Ye. A. Ostroumov I. I. Volkov, 3 pp. RMSIM., per,, Zhur Anal KUms, Vol xv, No 6, ig6o, pp 719-722. CB -72 Ses. .Aug 6). I .I,- 'j., p "~ I," -I,.- in the Diagmais of Nerve Mocauses by Ideww of a Urg-2 D44W Comims-rz, by V. 1. Subtwvt Yu. A. Opmounm, RUSMXN# PW* bmw-~~~ Imeni S, S, Korammmy6 Vol Ljav, No 4, 1964, pp 515-DIV. IPRS 25329 Sci - Med Jul 1964 26.%034 Exptwleuncs With the Diagnwdca c6 Nervous Diseasm ,-r":4-- Usks an l9ecuodc E-Isawl Ural-2 ETuVM conqx=, ~ I bY V. 1. &MkbtWV, Ytl6 A. Cwummov, 8 pp. RUMANvpw#:4~NmmolQQxftm-i vcaL)av. No 4 19646 pp 513-M. J;13 24615 Sd - EWA & Med may (14 259.S57 i-evelopl-ns O-V A r CIE, t-17 Oumc-' a. FILBSIAN, per, Ikht Kom Ak Nauk SZSR, No 81 3-958, pp 360-386. Dept of lbterior SH211s E82, No 252 Sci - Biol sep 60 Thixotropic Alkyd, Resins. 1. Synthesis of the Polyamides 11hich Structuralise the Alkyd Resins, by L. E. Ostroumova, T. A. Amphitheatrova. 20 pp. RUSSIM, per, Lakokrasochnyo Materialy i Ikh Privenenic, No 1, 1961, pp 23-29. OIS Tr 64-15900 -/ Z--- (061 Ile 01~( AIV? 0V P Sci/1-faterials Jun 67 5270709 L, ain and Properties or 1-Alkmqye I Estern of nthe t 4 if Uasaturated CgwbcVl:Lc Acids ("Acylala~,, by 1,11. F. Shostakovskars, N. A. Gershteln,, Ya. L. Raakinp L. pp. lZUSSUNp bU3o per$ Iz Jkk Wauk SM, Oida MUM Nauk 3 1 --V- 9520 PP 71-477. amoultanta tEresu UUM Scientific - Chamiatz7 War 54 OTSA= 1611 ;-/ f Thiazoline and Thiazolidine Series. I. Alkylation or Z41id~mllma bV K. K. luzimina and N. G. oat pa ~ HUSSIAN,% perj, Zhur Obehab Xhims, Val XUT'r,, No 10j, 1962j, P~- 3215 -'3a9 aB gla , Sol Aug 63 Hard Gold-Plating# by H. P. Fedotyev., N. M. o8traumova and P. M. Vyach6sIavOvJT 4 pp. Full tr RMI", wo per, Zhim Mk Kh1up Vol XXIA., No 1956p pp 489-h9j. Consultants lhweau Sci - Chemistry Dec 56 = Electrochardeal, Precipitalion of Gold Ccatings WWI Incremac-d Hardneasp by N. 11. Fedotyev., H. M. 03trov wap P. P.. Vyachcalavovp 7 lim- a RTSSLUIp ppz,, Zhur Prik M!jap Vol XXVIII* No 10 MSE, :an 19~4;_p_p_T3_-50. CIA 0 3603 Consultants Bureau Sciantigic - Chemislury =S 66/Mar 55 Co~~ In the Batton Deposits of the by E. A. qq_ 0- 0- pcmimp 3 PPO Mbz-~3, pars lbk Ak NmMk SM.. VOCI =M10 go 2,0 1959., P%w 385-388- - AaI Jim 61 Ostroushka. Yu. I., Buchikh1n, P. 1. and others. 'fff FIU-?,.,- F- IS CHEM[SrRY AND TECHNOLOGY, L tr. by Helen Rasil.. July 62, 276p. 36 refs. Order from 0"I'S $ 3. 50 AEC-tr-4940 Trimr, of mora. Urfl, Ego Khimiyp i Tekhnologlya, MDS,z-n1, 1960. D-E-S-CRUT-)K~: 'i.'*~--,rn, Cnemis',ri, Intiucina. rea-earch, Lithium v,,mjv>jn -~, Chemical anxAy.iit, 'Minerala. Qrc!~, &~!,mrntian, hcc-wery, Productlon, Mcr, flurpy. IF. a rc- e a rt-11 e-, I F... i,; frr acitnT!"Ic trrf'' rncls'lurot-ii; vu-~! ch(mitsta varVing Ir. the '1e:-: of churnlrnry ~-nd c! rare am! disperE~,d elememtE, fm --n~ne-,Ts an,-' teclintcians cnpi~c! in 111thiLun and 'or s!udc-its of and tedinolq,,ical institutea. 1, is devoted to ine description ce main lithium minerals. geochernical (Engi-neering-Cliemical, Tr, v. 8. no. 10) (over) 62-11792 1. Ostrousl*o, Yu- 11 . BuchWhin, P. 1. Ill. AEC-tr-494'~ tj ;iun end !-;,s COT-- 2-1-- c;- LIOL. per, ElUnlya i mc 494o YTIC MMM -or I l7rmtAums IDY -*Am, C a AL 0l A# pop Om IKTSLLTV No It* 1,5a* 4m 171" di. 63 (DC,-,'?G3Oj, Q. New USSR State Standarda for Railroad Clearancez, by A~ B. C*trov, 26 pp. A RUMTANj, per, ZheIezwdo.-Ozhnyy Tramport, Vol ~XLTT, r~o 3, ig6o, PP 10-15. ipRs 62og USSR Econ 21 sov 60 Standardization of Rmilvay Clearance Diagra=, by A,. B, Ostroyt (truns co=unic and elee - I - 11 1 - -- 18 power in Z- t~eVMR RUSSIAN, pert ZhelemocloroshrWy Transportt No 3, 1959, Moscowo PP 87-93. USSR Econ - transt- 66m, electric power Jul 59 ,,.I MfttjnSWjth a Sodium Lw*s: by M. A- ostravebk9up NOW,, peril 9wetot*lmlli~as 7,0 11, ig6l., pp 3-5 ximt Irt Balvar ion 63 MY -5670) Experimatal and ClitticiLl Application of Diaphragmitic Grafts for Plastic Purposes, by G. Ye. 1?!~~ 0. 0. ekdbelkiu., 12 pp. RUSSIAN.. perv Vast Xhinwg Imul, 1. 1. Grekova, Vol zxmt go UP 1960, pp 99-105. JM 7M Sci - 149d mar 61 I k ,,~ 17 "!:C--3771*)*A' On the Prospective Publishing Plan for Sursical Literature, by G. Ye. Ostroverkhov, V. M. Sergeyev, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Khirurgiya, Vol XXXV, No 9, 1959, PP 133-138. JMS 3585 Sci - Med - Misc Aug 60 V. G. and Shilow, S. A. MVRM THAORIS DES AMMONS NUCL90 PMLJM VM D9 LA POMMUT9 D9 Rd&cnoNs D'AM1 SOW WACTION DAGHtM IRXL90- -~ PML6S FAIBLES SUR DES MOL(DCULES A U&ISON DOUBLE (lealudotaxie po Teoril Nukledli'viyu pri Soedluenit VII) (Theory ol Nucleophilic additions. V11. Possibillry of addition In the Action of Weak Nucleophiles on Wlbcuks with double Bomb). 9p (forelp text Included) 10 refs FR-2332. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $0. 80 62-26428 Tra.m. tu French ot Ukrainakii KhImicheakil zhurnal (USSR) 1961, v. 27. no. 2, p. 2D9-212. DESCRIPTORS: Molecules, Chemical bonds. *Addition reactiom. 62-26428 1. Ostruverkhov. V. G. 11. Shilaw, B. A. 113. F/R-2332 IV. Centre Nado"I de Is Recherche Scientifique V. Title: Possibility ... (Chemistry, TT, v. 10. no. 10) Ofts al TockA" SoMm Current ft CooUtionS iu Riadioa Navigati=,, bZ S-_ 19 (MKW. U. traualati= F-R-T,TM., clewrele de IlEleat"ricite-t Vol W, 1706,Ajig, -1950, PP mr, r-=- TCV-4-m selenufte - mectrMicsy raao CIA 80,TL81 j7Un MX h & Sawlet Labor and Wagesp As Seen in Fcur Editiona or "Pollticheskaya Vtonomiys,", by K. V. Ostrovltysnovj. D. T. Shapilov, et elop 9?-". Fun WF3X:IAL USE ONLY RUSSM, bks Moscov, 1954-1959. CIA/FW Sum _V328 MR I~W Econ - Labor , -1-.2X H.-I! M( .111101111TV1 i~9 ]FIF, WEST-KAZAKHSTAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH VETERINARY STAT40N, BY P. 1. OSTROVIDOV. ft - RUSSIAN, PERO TRUDY VM INST EKSPER VETO VOL XXIIII 1959, PP 371-373- 9090903 1. USDA TR V-1787 SCI - MED AUG 82 2o8.,i7o Conce=ing the Survivability of Brucelleae,, by P, I* O~trtovidov, 4 pp. k HUSSIM,p per, Trudy Vsesoiunn A~ed Sellpko-Kboz Houk im V.I.Leninas Vol VII,, 1955s PP 52Y 53- SLA R-2027 Sci Aug 58 Concerning the Sarvivability of BniceUeae., by P. 1. Ostrevidov. Bes M,p per m pg. vn ~~e. ~~vvn 195 pp 52j. 53. 9013125 1- r ~ vsTVe7- I- AIST Sci - Mediciw Oct 57 The, Relationship Batween Structure, Color and Bub- stantirlty of Dyes-Bensamilids Deriyatives, by B. M, 10maoritsky,, B. 1. Ontroirakaya a d D. G. run -tr RMTANj,. tbrice-wo pV8..,Pdk Ak Iftuk SMR, Vol CVTL, No is 19561 P 72, Consultants Buraau '~ 4g-ff Scl -- Cheviistry ,.lel Doc ~6 CTO malyUcal Kethod-,f~or Direct na Acid Azo Dyes,, by B. b1. ()Btr;:kwa, D. 0. Pereya 3 PP. WWDJ,o b1m pw,,, Zbor Anal Shimi V4 XIvl Po 2j. mar/Arr W,, Vp glS-W~. CIA 9W1312 Cs ~ftol No 55 oonfultants bwmau ANN Is -- - - --. -litratim at um4m ftits Vith CoWtarzooit IW V. D. VMLIWdlo~r 1. B. abbmmrmkmpkol 4 IV* . . ... =No% pw* nwr An& xwtmp Val X% ft 4* 19661 W 433-43T- a slid 195o,78T. ow 62 r0ae Soil- Iubabitating lasect ftats i-mjurious 4%-,o the Forwt-7hn rau*s=les In the Mmmlne., by Be Ao Winshteinj ., Es- N. Ootranksym., 6 pp. RMIM.- ver., Natomlog Oms Vbl ==o go 2: 1959o PP 341-347 - AnS fti - 119-4 .- 9 1/1 T Jan 61 Qumtitative Colorinetric Determination of Allvhatic 19 Alcohols In the Ultraviolet, by S. A. Shchukerevs S. N. Andreyovp 1. I. A. Ostrovskaya., run translation. MO~W.' bim w 2bur 4RA xLi!jo Vol 11j. No 6s uMj Nov-Dee 19 CTA 1) 3.51315 W, VP 354-3W- counatwu Bureau 68 Scioutifu - Obamistry 4-12 CTS IM/My 55 L.! ~~ am-mm ou im ribrim I a 51 --- , MIOU14,00"Mu Imm mwvllvm ad-um 4044, SqoctmpWM* A=34*Ls or RL& Pwity ftapten TrIazUke by the a - Rua ratLom *%WA# by A 0. F. wnv X. F. ostam!"P 5 Y9. RUB="# Pori, Zhur Aml lhims Val , No 2.* 1963o IV 34-249. CD &A Feb 64 2 q-q / 1 7c1 -111.-A6 I fill. V IIRN k!.. 1- ]1.. 1- by 0. F. DcGbY=Gra., It F. ITUSSI-Iff laby Vol NO 5;; X60~ PP L-y*r a--) !ZuQnOrc-'I~c Snact a -Cicholn(corple:c CC cit=11 Ifith Sr,d-,= Q.-Zliate)i by H. fl.,~rov~vkwrs, 3 pu. XLI RU-5SM., mo per.4 Byul leoper Blol i Widp Vol NO AU9 .1.9% p pp r,7., 58 consultants Bumu Sci Mad 70 DOC 57 -- - - - - - - - - ClasoMcadonW-BruceU-and-hiethoda-for Tbdr DMCXOUdadxm, by P. A. Ver"Ova. N. N. OBUMEWukyao RUSMAH, per, 2wr N%okftb Epukm" 1~~. Vol XL16 tio 70 = pp 5-M 92M038 USDA Tr V-1954 SA - B & M Scl 268,991 Naw 64 - Electron Microscope Studies on Phage Lysis of Brucella, by N. N. Ostrovskaya, N. N. SolovIev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXXI,, No 11, 1960, pp 4-1o. pp Sci may 62 195~119 s-392/60 0,Y-4c-67 "I Electrophoretic and Immunochemical Study of Proteln Components in-the Blood Be== of Guinea Pigs in the Proceso of Drucellosis Devhlolza--nt,, by 14. V. lspolatovslmya., 0. A. Bakayeva, N. N. Ontrovskaya, 8 pp. RUSSWI, p!!r$ Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol XLIX, Fo 1960,,- pp 46-51. JMS 2833 Sci DEed, Dmmnology A Gti~ple M lethod foil R-wreasiag Uie Aat-ibiotic Actlvtt~r of ActImmycetes Under Conditionn of Sul-I'Llace G~u~i~,, by M. I. IkddiImvskaya,. R. IT. OqtMjntk~ap LO 1. Yarmlenko, a?!R- L. P. Ivanitaka3ra,, IMMIATI,, per3 Rlkrobial,, Vol XXVIT., No 3., 1958., pp 387-389- Amer Inat of Biol Sal Feb 5 9