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SMALlYing Light Surfa*e Pbroes at Bea., by RRr's Q9o_zl_nmkl - pp. .., We=er DobrU.. 32 G&EWM,, bkA Die VftvWg=g von KenVfachiffen In See, 1962, PP 108-135. Navy Tr :!419/Whirs &-o IMW - GerumV ma Q35, 75/ Jul 63 SOplying Submarines at Elea, by Ham ostrzinsm., Wernem, -r-abrig, 2 pp. GMWAS., bks Me Vers=Vmg von KemTfachiffen in See, 1962,, pp &.6%. Navy Tr _*3.8/biehips 819 MN;r - "--==y bal 935160 imt 63 RequIremmts of HDdern Wartwe on Supplying Fi&ting Mdpa and Craft., by Rww_.2ttrzzias.M We=ier Zbbr;Egs 18 IV. GMVMj bkj, Die Tersargumg van KmVfseldffen in sea! .1962, IVP T-h4- 3697 Tr 341T/Baffldpa 818 ME ax - Ommmy till .1.35,749 J=l 63 S. G, Nalafihnikov, E. Yu. L'lvovu, by '~.V. Ostroborodova, 5 Pp. RMSIAH, ptr, Zhur Tekh riz, Vol )0M1, No 9, 1957 ~pp 1925-1930. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phya-Tech Pbys Vol 11, 140 9 Sci-Phys s V ~d- PUZ JF Researches on the Gamma-triazinos. The 149tlVl- diunim-triazines, by Adriano Ostrogovich, 23 pp. FmU tranclation. RUMIANI, per, RMU&oa- of Sclenoem, Byebarvati, Vol XIVP 1905" p 49. S.L.A. Scicmtific - Chmi8tz7 Rep,6- cha n 'he Cjwara-trjc--i?,' P~. a.%* a] 0 'L J- lue and Its Tranaformation Into Phonyl- ioV~- '~-mlazine, by Adriano 09trogovIch, 5 pp. FuU tranalation, RUXUMt part vol 1T, No 1, 1929, p 521. S.L.A. Sclentiftc - Ghmdfftz7 917111 Ai* 55 Researches on the Gamma-triazinos. Action of Nitriles on Cy=o-Ouanidlne. (S~mthasis of Hathyl-Imino-thio- triazine. Syntbussle of Flwu7lamino-bydroxy-triazine, by Adriaw Ontrogovich, pp 32' 4, 5. AM traneUtion. INALWj per,, "awn? VW.L Z~ftp LW .#j T%J.L A.&AI I-W.L A No 6, 1929-1930, pp 2490 21-3-217, 843. S.L*A* -7 ScieutMo - Chmistry * Ing ap i If - Aug 55 by Ad:,i=3 O.-Ac-'rogovich" 16 pp. FaU tmnalation. RMWUN, per, Bul-l-.3oo.Sci.Bucb=aBt, Vol XIV, 1905, p 288. S.L.A. SciOntific - Ch9mi8tz7 Aug 55 Researches on the Gamma-triazines. Phamyl-dio;T- triazine-'and Derivatives, by Adriano Ostrogovich, 9 pp. FuLL tranaUtion. 3TALIMI Wp kW-2UM-LtWz, Vol LXV, 1935, pp 229 pp ;215P-241. S.L.A. Scientific 1-7r1 49~ '00'/ 1149' Aug 55 Researchas on the aanm&-tri"zinea. On Mzthyl-Anido- oxy~-triazine, by Adriano 0eurogovich, 4 pp. Full translation. ITALIAN, per,, ftz~aWa. Vol 1MVII, No 1, 1897, pp 222-228. Scientific - S.L.A. t Aug 55 Researahes on the Gama-triazims. Matb71--cUo3q- triwime and Derivatives,, by Adriano Ostrogoviah, 15 pp. FoU translation. IMI&vj, Per? IA2bftg;Lt*-Iv# Vol XLIVP No 2, 1914t pp 562-585. S.L.A. AM- Aug 55 ifiw Researches on the Gaima-triazines. l-L-tbyl-dio2;5- triazine, by Adriano Ostrogovich, 8 pp. Fu32 tranv2atlon, ITALIAN, per.* Gazetta Chdm. Vol nVII., No 2, 18970 pp 416-429. S.LwA~ Scientific - 09,07 Il-q- Aug 55 Action of Acetyl Chlor'LdG on Amtyl B-Wa--et. by A&-Jaw CIS Vic j, 4 PP. Vv-1l travalation. ITALIO, per,, ggn. Ching Vol XL1, No 2, 1911, p 70. S.L.A. SciOntific - CbmdfftT7 Aug 55 RMWCbe~ 00 the Y-ftlazlGesp No XXIV. Contribu- tion to the Study of Melawlw.,by A. Ostrogovich, 23 pp - TMUNO p4w,, Gazz Cbm ital, voi Lxv, 7 556, 1934. SIA 329T act f Chou Aug 58 7'0. j-~~-7 ReBearahes on the Gaima-triazines. Some a171-amino- bWx1roxy triazines. Benzyl and Styr7l-amino-bydroxy- triazines., by A. Ostrogovicth, Virgil Galea, Fun translation# MALIAN, per, Gas.chin.Ital., Val LIV, 1935, Pp 357-3661 367-370. Chemistry S cientif ic - J11111"i-S C-Ipr-%v ON- S.L.A. Aug 55 Some New Derivatives of Guarql-Urea, by Adriano Ostrogovich, 7 pp. Full translation. ITALIAN, perl GaggehimLItal., Vol =IX, No 1,, 1909, p 540. S.L.A. Scientific - MOSLA17 Aug 55 ReaGarchaa on the Gama-triazins. Preparation of Various Amino-fWdroxy TriazineB,, Etbyl-amino-hydroxy Triazine, bV Adriano Ostrogoviah, Virgil Galea, 6 pp. FuU translation. ITALIAN, part Vol LXV9 1935, pp 349-356. Scientific - Aug 55 Reseurch9s on the Gaima-triazines. 7"he JI'mino-thiol- isobutyl-triazine., and the Corresponding Amino Deri- vative, by Adriano Ostrogovichs Virgil Galea, 5 PP. Pull translation.- ITALIAN, per, GH,c=.Lta:L,, Vol 1XVILI, 1937$ pp 664,-668. S4PL*A9 Scientific - Aug 55 e, Reze=ches, on the Gamma-triazine. Syntheses of aryl- amino-thiol-triamines. Syntheses of Two Aralkyl- gynin -thiol-triazines, by Adriano Ostrogovich, Virgil Galea, 1M c grP A, 1-1* 10 -pp. AL11 translation. ITALTAN, pft, AnLfiwad,nul, L24cej, Rand,4_1 101,fia,mat, e nat.P Vol XI, Ser 6. Vol XII, 11 1931,, -,p 3208p pr, 162. 1211, 6K // S.L.A. Scientific - chemistry Researches on the Gama-triazine. Syntheses of the Ethyl and of the Prop7l-amino-thiol-triazinee; now data on the metbyl-olimiln -thiol-triazine, by Adriano Ostrogovichp V:LrgJI Galeaj, 6 pp. Full translation. ITALUN, per, Atti- agead. nazI. T-Innei, Rand.. class soi-Fis., nat, e mAt.,, Vol XI,. ND 6, 1930, p1012. S.L.A. Chodstry ScientMe - IMU50 Avg 55 Researohos on tho Gamm-triazinos. Ga=a-triazine Derivatives Synthoses of the m-to3,y1-, p-tolyl-, and benz71-diamino-triazines, by Adriano Ontrogovicht Gh. Ghmorghiu, 13 Pp. Fall translation. ITALTAH, per, bE*chIm~Lt&9kj Vol Up 1930, pp 648-64. S.L.A. Chcndstry Scientific - 0~41 :?6f A~' Aug 55 Researches on the Gama-triazinse. Sy-ntheses of the Iso-butyl-, and of the iso-amyl-diamino-triliminea, by Adriano Ostrogovich, MI Gh. Gheorghiu, 12 pp. Full translation. ITALIAB, per, Gdm.Cbjn.=.-, Vol MIT, 1932, pp 317-332. Cbemistry Scientific MENTESWIT4 - S*L*Ao 7 Aug 55 Researobas on the Gamma-triaziums. Now Derivatives Aryl-imino--av-triazidinsm, by Adriano Ostrogoyich, Vittoria Bona Median, 16 pp. ALU trausk tion. RALIAN., per, Vol LIX, 1929, pp 189-198, 19~8-200. SeL.A. Cho Saientific - &4 Aug 55 Researchea on the Gama-triazines. PtC1,4 derivativea- ESA -abloroplateatess by Adriano Oatrog&ich, V. B. Median, 6 pp. Full translation. ITALIANp per, Gag,chim.ItaIg Vol LXIV, 1934, pp 792-800 SvLsA* Scientific - If 110. ',1 111 ]EM Chemistry Aug 55 Researches on the Gama-triazines. Syxrtheseo of Phenyl-Biuret and its Transformation into Benzyl- DioV-Triazinest by Adriano Ostrogovich, Ion Tanislau, 7 pp. FVU translation. ITALIAN., per, Gaz.9him. Vol LX-TV, 1934t pp 824-832. S.L.A. Scientific - '.GbGv&1= M-~=-A.Mxwm to; ?//v, 1;?// Aug 55 Aotion of the Amidines on Cyam Guanidine, by Adriano Ogtrogovioh; 4 pp. Full translation. IMMLN, per, Mi.accad-nad, LJzgRIA Mez,,~ ca-ASO 0 W&,,v Vol XX, No 5v 19299 pp 182-186. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry 71 Aug 55 .6tudles " tte Ficldoi Tr"zimcs, by G, ustrogovich, 0, sina".4cus 38 PP4. MURIANg rs stullil st cArcetarl pe Uiiatc Mi9ca-va-Vils No M. Ohi pp gwr. Tfur"- 6 766 FrD-Tt-p6S-M Gs c ~,/, C- . G Sci - Phys Nov 66 Symmotrica Triazine CorapmmdE6 1. The unsaturaw (mmy aromadc) cLvlmcter of tjle a-Wazim Ringi Ito BebsVW In the presetwe ct orpoomagradwn Compatmdj4 by G ostrogovich and T. Si=mesm. RUAMMM, per$ ~~ Egamrs SdLn Sor Stunt Vol VU, pp 69-97,19W. scl-chem July 65 Effect of Drain of Thermionic Current on the Tezaper- ature Mode of a Semiconductor Ot Cathode, by A. A. Ostrokukhov, 9 pp. RUSSIA1,T) 'per, Radioteldl i Eleh-tron, No 12, 1961. AIM, Sci 205,4og jul 62 Tr 65-11u3 Dec 66 316,611 O.n the Poljmverizat- ion of Isoprenej Div-inyl and- .U'Mathylerythrene Into Rubber or Into Its Homologues, by I. Lb-trani-slengki , 33 '~)P- Y RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Khin USSR, Voll XLVIII, 1916, pp lo7l-lu4. SLJ1 59-10759 Sci W:!c 59 Vol 2, No 4 Mch=Um of Conversion of isoprene to Rubber and Beta-lbmraue to Rubber-Formation of Natural Rubber in the Sap of Tropical Plants, by 1. Ostronenelenzkiy, 5 pp. EMUN., perj. Zbu FU KhIm Vo3,, XLVII, 1915, PP 1941-1947. MA R-1018 Sci MW 58 /,7 2- CImOgific4tio-a mad Rub"Da-m: I. Ostromai3le-makiy: 20 RUSSIM, par ., Zhur Upshchey Khimii, 19. V01 IM71, PP 1374-il-ol. - SLA 59-lc697 sai Tv , m 6o 5 on tlie con6-oncut-io-m of a !-Ii-.,:tu,-ro of' Acul--ic and Ethyl Alcohol into E~-whrcme, b~r 1. 0 -~yj S. S. IrClebasinsk.-Lyp 19 pp. - --- ---- - a'LJSSlt,Tr i., p-r, Zhur Obsheb laiim, Vol XLVII. 193.5, PP 1509-1-5-06- SLk 59-10680 Sci Dec Vol NO 5 SyntbeaSs of Hata-al Habber by V-V of BeU- muranw; AftTeemil by 1. Cstmmdelenskly and F. Nosbaovp 4 pp. - 8 P=Xw jar Zbtw fts Zblm4 Va X=,p 1915P pp 19'AZ3:L- MA Ir R-n9k soot A& 58 67, Od j Mbobudm of ths Pmms of Rdbbwtjp bw LLC ky- - m.W. 15p . A. 19L PWO To 4T, I** UA O~a-30208 Env -NFWNW Avg 66 3070699 RM Mbtbod of lbt Of Rubbwo vlth --- In Absv~ of saxwp by &At ~-W -~.--%.A A awask VWOJN!HLNA no SNM zbtw.1915* To 47.9 W 2462mM7. XA-"66%-,30W j -ft '. J. 0 ~, --- ~- tv*ta too sm comatmu at R*Aw: the emastle point" =a tAw. wood I I , A to # bv M4 '10", 1 =am% Nwo aws M, so absbah nwaxql5p V. 472 jop- lbd4)Ai. A&M664-3=6 - WL-A6 pon-A.-.2 I J. S. OA new-k~ vmwvAmwwwA6 Avg 66 30797M uw at Wamm"a RdAmmv bV I. I. omtow" 0 w9ov gn Ag -Nda Obobah nW. 4 Ifto 5p VOI* 4T# no AAWAPiM"t, SU64%6&-30007 J. A . O'J~t4 O&Lld~ %&-A, Ph&-A.-'E ITIV monwglmwm6 JOB 30TO74L CoastdUition of IMbber, by I. Ostr-lift'l nakiy, 5 P-r,.' MOSLAH, per, 7-hur Fiz, Kh:Lm,, Vol XLVIII, 1915,, PP 1932-1936- MA 2-1019 Sci MaY 58 ~ Y/ 791 0-11 vacunization of Rubbers) Cntrc)mi,-! Pp. RUSSIgi, par, Zhur a0sllch Khi-m USS") Vol XL'1111, igir;) pp i4hi-14-53- sLA 59 -Ao67c, Sci Dze 59 vol 2 3 tio 4 q!wo JIe-v Rift)ber Constants: '~Ela,:-,tici-Y ',-'c)ii!4 avid. "Dea-d Temperature", by I. I. Kcibm- inzlzaya I j pp ., peer, Zhur Gushch k1him US-7R, Vol ,%J3STjUI 19,15, pp i4oi-144i. SLA, 59-10675 sci Lee 59 Vol 2, hTo /e; Hav 10thods Of Obtaining Brythrew, by 1. 1. 0stro=iolenskiy.. 17 PP- MSIM.- per., Zhur Obabehey Milms Vol XLM.9 1915.,. PPI472.i494. MA 59-1o677 Sal - chemistry NOV 59 14- !1111 -lit Cm tL-_ Coradenestion of PI-coholl-s. mi,-A Preaenoe of Wataer-glim4qtim Oubstmacees MCL On _. _.. A P the ILochmnIgm of 2his Prdaiss 1. Ostrom, 4~2 9 pp, IUMMO per,, 7-1m, Cbah M21mj, Vol XLV7:xp 1915, pp srA 59-io678 Smai - Cbes" try Na7 59 -2,F .ioa3 of Ubt- i~L-ju r w j U-stromisleaskiy, pp. RuSSIAR. per, Zhur Wahchey Kbim M. SR . Vol 1913) pp ik,lp.-1494. V/ 59 -1067Y sci - Chem 19 Dee 59 -01 2. 7 :4 0., Ute Conderwaticni of Alcahals and AldobNdc~s in Precence of Subs-bai-ices aad c-a the Mr-char-im of Tbis "Procesu., by 1. -.1. iDFst-roDislc'-Tl- Likiy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur G=hchey ICn-im SSSR. Vol X-7,11-71" :Lrl5, p-.) i.494-15o6. SIA 59 Sci - Chem Dee 59 Vol 2, No 4 7--3 Now 83Uthmm 0t RdAar ana Its Ecamlop v by 1. 1. as I ~ Sol 41AMYS 5 V96 WSM5.9 pwo 2w fts mdus Vol ILM9 Imp pq 1910-M5. Sol SIA Tr R-2323 ja 58 4 71 4~~l The Distribution of Ionization Along a Beam of -: Radiation and the Determination of Radiation Dosage With Nonml Ionization Chambers.; by K. K. Aglintsev, G. P. OstrotmAchoira, I pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atn-mmya Energiya, Vol VIE: Ho 1, 1959. Consmttants Bureau Sci Sen, 60 Measuring the Gamma Constant of Radium, by K. K. Agliatsev, G. P. Ostromulchova, E. A. Ehollnova, 3 PP- RUSSUM, pcr~ I=eritel Tckh, No 12, 1960, up 40-41. ISA Sci Seep 0"1 Calibration of *y -Doaimaters by Y#---= of Dia-phra, W.Besm, by Z. P. Balon, R. F. Kallerp G. P. Ostromukhova,, V. N. Tdchin, 5 P.P. RUSSIANp perp lzmeriteel Tekh, No 12s 1959, p.p 4T-50. Iastru Soc of Amer -sci ~7 oct 6o The Standardization of Redioactive Praparations, by r X9 K. Aglintsev., F. M. Karavaev, A. A. Konotantinov, 0. P. Ostrosukhoys and R. A.4Kholnova, 10 pp. Full tr RMSM, por, Atomn--7m Enorgila, Eo 2, lgr-46, p 35. Sci - Ruclear Physica 7 Dec 56 CTS -S. 2-3. 1. 1~ . I." , ANALOGS, M Su I I U~ r, ual ch co r ri~-d oul in 1911 -13. f, 19611 "sp. I I rcf OrLIL r fr,,m 01-S or $3. 60 61-1818.1 Tians. of mono. Kauchuk i Ego Anali'ai, Moscow, 11W pi s. 2 - 3. I)l,s(:jtjp-(,Cjj~s: S%,ndietic I-ttbhcr, RutadiLlIv, PIM!'I'di'lics, Efh~,Ienes. (Un3nnounct.ti) Eaw ~Lbthoda of Freparlng Divlayl,, Inopranas Piperylon.- and Dimthylerythrene, by 1. Ontromyslonak If 0 pp. MOSSLUI, pear, Zhur Rupokogo Piz-xhim,obsbch. Vol XMLVII NO 8, 1915, pp 1947-197b. Sci T-r Center RT-1162 17 4') :/ Scientific - Chemistry Jul 54 CTS Pr=lCm of- It'-c-r Cc=plc-~: PI-0,41ectimr, in Construetion Institutes, by A~ R~ Outropolahiy. ~~SSIPW, Per, Kaft M-10a, Vol V, 1937, Pij 51, 52, Tech and Com $20.00 UM Econ - fueIB ArP 58 49 ir alklommu, per, INTO 2Y.1-IM-3 ING Electron Inelastic Scattering in Thin Film By N. G, NfLkhodkin wW A. A. Outroukhov pp 8 RUS311H. par. Fit Tvardago Tela, Vol IV. No 6. 19Q pp 3514.1524 Amer Imt ot Ph" SOT'PbW~ - Solid State Vol XV. No 6 SCI inn 63 EFFECT OF SPACE CHARGE ON LOAD CHARACTERISTICS AND EMF OF THERMOELECTRIC ENERGY CONVERTER BY A. A. OSTROUKHOV, Q PP. RUSSIAN.. PER, ZHUR TEKH FIZ2 VOL XXXIII NO 5, 1962, PP 613-625. AMER INST OF PHYS SOV PHYS - TECH PHYS VOL V112 NO 5 SCI FEB 63 221,6o6 _ZT-VI---;, Ele4zon Soattoring during Transmission througb Thin Films I~r X.G. Hakhodkint Ak. Ostroukhov pp5 RUSSIAN, peir,, Finika Tmftto Tela., Vol Vp ffo 10 1963 M41-47 Anw Inst of Phys 80V Ptqo - SoUd State Vol vp NO I Sai 3 LA 4. tirlt4litilliflimi~4wmtuiltitl.~,,-,~-....-- & f--a Incory of I.Ionstatiorzry Thermoend3sion Semiconductor Cathode., by A, A. Ostroukhov,__8 pp. IUSSIAN, per# Piz Tverdogo, Tela.. Vol III.. No, Is, 1961, PP 3-14. AIP Soy Phys-Solid State Vol III S 3"10 1 3cl Jul 61 ExperimenziLl Operation of a large Volune Bluzz Furnace, by M. Ya. Ostroukhov, V. 1. Kholsolkov, lu - A - Popov, -RUS-SIAT-1, per, Metal-lurg, No 12, 1960, pp 4-9. Act& Ylete-Uurgica Sci jam. 62 / I/ q., LOS,? Develo;wnt of the Mwory of the Blast-lh=ace Proceas in the U30p by L. M. Toylev, X. Ys. Octroukhov, 51 pp. R=rM,p bk Sff~&UurgUs- MR (1917-1957)., 'V01 I.. Pekrt 1, V. ms 6o-51iffi pLift USSR 2"m awe 61 Pat no 319 9~-Y/ -.:r f (I- C lhu 14 of Coer)j-~stlon of Coke in a J~Arlkrin, 14. Ya. oatrouWhov- RUSSIAN,. oery 7" 58-63. I TU 3-q 6o The Influor-ce of tho lUaCticu rlombu, C. -tion Process on the Dimanniorls the Oxidation Zone In a Blest i'arnace: by 1!. Ya. Ostrouk-huy. UNCL K-1 per,. 1,-, Ak Vauk SSSR, Otclel T--'* Hault, No 6., 1958, PP 3-6. Bisi 1596 W 158.0d.) Sci - klinfiilf--t Jan 6o Now Mues of the coke Cadnisti(m Process berore tqem at a SIwt Fwmaas by M. Y&. Ostraahm.. L. Z. Kboam " 14 pp. FOSSIM so per.) stall., Tol IM.. No 10., 1956., pp 867:bi. CM/FM X-23n Apr 2.957 CTB/AWX Processes Occurring it, the Bosh of the Blast Furnace,, by I/ p. Bardin, M. Ya. Ostroukhovp RUSSIAIJ., mo perv Iz Ak Hauk SSSR,, Otdel Tekh Nauk, NO 3,, 1954,v Pp 72-81. Brutcher Tr 3525 e S-. E0 Scientific - Min/Mtal,3 Jul 55 CTS Izkcreasing tba '_Cmatlag Rate of Blast Fur- naces, by M. la. Ost-rc,*,bov, 3 PP- RMIMP Pw, lbt&Uurg, NO 6v IM,, PP 7- q. Consultants Bureau sc:L - Im 19-4;4-ritit " 58 ;041 4~ /.,/( .e it,ac6r,mrm. irk th6 02- E i r t--- r --: - c L-:- ~ Qp*ral.&&: on Ozzygcn-Enriched, 'by P. Bared% M. YSL, Ostraulayzm. RWSMN, rar, It Ak revak SM, Otdel Takb riauk, ND 2,, 70b 190s. PP 7-14- 11=7 P-ratcher 4M $9.80 Sol - aw ;7j //7 I O6I2-;I'0um4(yqI YA. ~u otal, vol. 7, 1947, pp. 688-690, No. 8; 2 fig res, I table, 1SQu words. Behavior of Dense '.oke in Plast -~'urnace. 'Rratcher Trans, Order No. 2293, ~2.90. Wwt at ON f1m an do mate of raduotlm ot iron ftsfto. -r& I A. xDwvlz4 IL 14 Oaftvd:Wv. mwmax mr, TMoon 51 No 41 3.9&0 vp "-,k h L) 5" AO,, 07 w mT#Tpe in a6 most rurtace,, by M. Yes gotmukhav, et al,, 3 pp. mwux.. ~. ft"tzwe lbtalu., Vol np lb 91 1961, VP W-63- m od Sm 62 2X7.-921D Supplemautary W-thods of laboratory Diagnania of Bacillary Dysentery$ by N. P. Oatgq-u)Uv&8 A. V. Volostn,ykh.. A. 0. OreehUshlina# A. P. Bam-nov- skaya, Z. Pi Meahcharyakiova# 3 pp. RUSSU11j, perp Zhu HUrdbial Evidemiol I uwa=**~Ol, Vol =3Xp No 20 19580 pp 92-94. Pertpwu bmt Sci - Med Jan 59 Utect at Oxygen labalation on QddLaLag Processea in Cases of IMT PbLaacliag. By Ostroukhmas V. MMUMP mows olatme i nggL%M- -ads m III - pml". P, - - neys M ilp JLY03 NF- 74-9 CSIW Tr 7939 MAR 1970 (DC-5540) ,-r,ffect of the Cooling of the Organism on the Metabolism of Pyridine and Thiamine Compounds) by L. ff. Kuznetoovap Ye. V. L-annop V. A. Ostroukhova, A. A. Rybina., R. V. Chagovets, Pp. RMSIM., b1c.. Vitaminy. II. Polucb--niye i Ochietka Vitawtuov FizlologW i Blokhimiya Vitzmlmov,t Kiev, XIS 1956,0 pp 86-97. JPRS 8139 Sci - Med p3-esej-,,zjt-jr,a olf tha Properties of Wine Yeacto by t-hu, Freeze-Drying Methodx by Z.A. - MSSTIN., per. MikrobioloClyal Vol M9 No 2p 19619 PP 341 - A5. ADS ,2 //, -C/o/ Sci t,pr 6-4 Oa Thex-sweleetric Convection. by A. G. Ostrmmv, 0. A. OBtrmmv., 5 pp. MWIANs- Per., Zb, Tekh Fizi, Vol MI, No 3, mar 1956.. pp 636-639. Amr Mmt of Fbys Soviet nye-Tech Ph" Vo I I., No 3 Scl - Mysics Aug 57 Exparience in the Uee of Dimct Conmetions at Rostov.on-Don Telegraph by A. V. _Og.UqjjW,, 8 pp. RUSSM, par., Veetniks Svy"ij Do 6m 1,963.v pp 21-23. JM 21245 sci - MAC oat 63 2,Y/ - 2-11 (NY-5205~ Introduction of Complex Automtion of We- graph Lizflcs, by A. V,-.06tro!R~,, 14 pp. RMBnNs pw., Vestaik Svyaziv No 4 (193)s 1956. JPM 7069 Sci / 47 ~-O Jun 61 ~ "I, Acmretauumayo by 13. SLMI, par, Nauka i 10-16 & 37 rfD S-782 457-69 alig 69 A. Ostrmrnov.14 Zlii2n$, No 8, 1960, 388,554 Appliem-tiGno of ftdio in Cecdrj'-Zc W=--ork BIjYon-'_1 Polar Cii-clej, by B. A. pstroumovp 14 pp. 111~--- MM, per, Is Vytnhlkh Uchab Zaved 14ViSM SSM po olu lRadictekh., Vol VIv No 3, 1963,, PP 32D-322- JPRS 2ED-32 63 C) am i1rpm ---MRM C~T% 4 1., SKAB'' The Use of Ci=amtc Acid In Amalyttleal Chmistry. Commmicati= 3,, SerAmtlm of Ymillum and GaUium Frm Xw4puasaj. Niclal., Cabaltp and Zinp, by H. A. Oatraumvp 1. 1. Vollov, 5 pp. RUSMN, per,* Mar Awl Kblm.,'Vol XVMj, So lp 1963j, pp 52-57. CS set Doe 63 A., J 'Me AWylieation of Oremic Bases in Aml-juaal Chemistry., by S. A. Oatroum=. EAMM., .10 bk. 9 Pergw= Press Bei - jul 63 r- / '? ?4~ a / I oi! Mori= fr= the Rarc-DrxtUi by "Aam- of Pyz-!dJn-- and I~rridine 11itreAtep by R.. A. Ostro=ov, 6 pp. RMIM,, per.. Zbljr Anal Xhimp Val X-Tnp No 2p 1958., pp 201-205. Consultantr. Burea-a Sai - Chem Fab 59 The Distribution of Ferrous Sulfide a-,.d hydroge- Sulfide and 11.ydrogen Sulfide in the Bottom, Deposits of the N-orthwestern Part of the Pacific Ocean, b E. Cstrolunov V. M. Shilov. U of Washington Fisheries and Oceat,ogmph~: Lib Trarisl. oct 61 ft-rms of &jlfu:r Ccmpoundz iu Silt Watera of Black Sea Sediments, by 1. 1. Volkov, "S. A, Osturca:mov. RMSIO, per, Geokhimiyn, So 4j, 195T,pp 337-345- AM RJ-1359 Jul 59 T-he Interrelf3tionship of PhoElPhOILUt; VRn6dj= Ond ()rgsuic Wintter in the SedlmauU or the Black Sea, by E. A. Ostrawov, 1. 1. Volkov. (D 5118-528. NO~jj RUSSIM, p", Geokhftiyaj, IM.. 3)P ATs P.T-i36o Sol - JU1 59 On the Distribution of Pboophorus in Sedimento of the Okbotak Sea~ by P. Le Berrukov, E. A. Oat.roumov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, tbrice-mo per, Dvk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol Mili. No IP pp 142-145. Consultants Bureau Sci - Geopbya '/j Har 58 Tbc- Formation of Allmli Hydroxyscandates, by B. 17, ivanoly-Emins E. A, Ostroumov.____ RUSSIAN,, 'per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol IV, rlo 1., 1959j. pp 71-73. The Cleaver-Huma P;-oc,. Ltd Sci - Chem jan 6o ~1/ OsEroumov, E. A. THE-KPFEJ_G!~T~j OF ORGANIC BASES IN ANAUM CAL CREMISTRY, tr. by D. A. Peterson. 1962, 159p. Order from MACMI $7.75 Trans. of mono. primenenle Organicheskikh Osnovanii v AnaUticheskoi Khimli, Moscow, 1959. 125p. DESCRIPTORS: *Organic compounds, *Chemical analy- sis, Chemistry. 63-12791 1. Ostroumov. E. A. 11. Pergamon Press. Inc.. New York Ill. Macmillan Co., NewYork (ChernJstry--Analytical, 'Pr. v. 9. no. 8) Wxt of Tecinkil lerfts Determination of Thiosulfatec in the Interstitial Waters of Black Sea Deposits, by 1. 1. Volkov, E. A. Catrolmov 4 pp. RLOSIAN, tbrice -no per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol MAIV, No 4# PP 853-- Consultants Bureau Sci - Geopbys X-Ar 58 Iron Sul-ride and Hydrogen Sulfide in the Bottom Deposits in the Northwestern Part 4f the Pacific Ocesvp by E. A. Ostroumov and V. M. shiums 4 pull tr FVB18Tt,N-, tbrice-~mo per, Dok Ak WiLuk SW, M. Vol CV1, No 3P 1956, p 501. Consultants Bureau .LZ.l M/ '3 sci - C-eaphygice -7 Dec 56 am Titaaua In the A Depelts of the Motak Sea, by 2* A* Ostrammv 6 Ippe ran tr ~TAXO thrloe-w pws Oak A Sauk BMO Vol cM,, ft 30 lp 0 commit4ate Imrom ftl - m . -40 '~41 2ft 36-02i - j