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lavestipti of the (1jp) Reaction la Zinc; by R. W. - B, S. ratner, 6 iva MeMaj, uD per., Zhur Eksper i Teoret nzj, Vol J. so 1j, ion imp pp 2D-26. Amer Int of Phys fty Ph3m s, WVM Vol Vp 30 1 sci - ph" SOP 57 Investigation oi the (rp) Reaction in Nickel, by E. M. Leiki% R. M. Osokina, and B. S. Ratner, 2 pp. -------- RUSSL42 per Dok Ah. Hauk SSSR, Vol CII., 1955, pp 493:494- " AEC Tr 23o6 Consultants Bureau -10S Sci - Nuclear Physic Miuerals/Metals Chemistry Physics Pop FWA. ww" -M, a T ~ W-- 08 The Results e Prophyl=tic Heazures Carried Cut in the Gurlev Oblast' and the Problem of EracUcation of the Natural Fazal Ocaurrc=e of Plagie in the Area Between the Volg% and Ural Mvers, by Z. Z. Osollmher, 6 pp. HUSSIM, per, nm*r Mtkroblol,- E~pidemiol I lmn=dbiol, Vol =U, go 9, 1960, pp GQW 53-59. Sci Feb 62 Of- )evelopment of Thermal Power Plants by Jan 0 olsobe, Li pp. CFFICM UBE OZZ MECH, per., Yeda a Zivot,. 'No 11,, 1960, pp 674-679- im 9180 EEur - Czechoalovakia COPYRMM Econ Pay 61 .2 swm*.Kwu*Ub-- - ObUgtj W A- V- 09mgms T sp. I VMBVitl3* gn$U*o W4 VOPMW -- NWM I ralezbmbh Zmal 1%T, jW 7T-aD- ow now Apr t 62 19106W 9's- OscUUMAins or a Idwe Vibratcv as a fkttdm Prom**, by V, 1, GaorU, PWO vftwl~w TjAn4vjgjpd ia;w Qigz-om _.jdggLo W& w- OR 210,p 196DI, pp 171-193* Juno 68 A Limit Uwon= fo.- Flo-u-3 eL SIxfI1=- by G. A. RUSSIA3, Pwr, flleor4a VarayeuntgivLe! IL jo* PrIvi, Vol 1, No 2: 1956), PP 274-02. Soo for IrA & Applied Math fkd HOT 60 --,3 -2~ '7 10502 US-4 US-5 S. M. OSOVATS, 1. M. PODGORNYI- Energetic impulse discharges in gases Vestnik Akad. Nauk SSSR 26, No. 8, 106-108 (1956) $ 1. 80 (ph), $ 1. 80 (mf), 60-17373 - English Euratom Dynmic Stabilization of a Plasm Loop, by s. N. -!isaywts, 3-1 pp. Hussm, rpt., Doe 3960. Am Tr-haft Bel - am pb7a xky Q /V/ 3*7 TnVE!V,tjSRi..40j.j of mg~i Carroat E~se in Conicml Members, by S. A. Bor--unov, D- -7. Orliaskiy., 8. 14. C!sovetQt. 9 p_o. RUWMp par, Mar Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Ah wauk SMR, Vol =MI (9), No 3, 1959, PP 717-726- AV sov rh~m - JMP sci - Phys Oct 59 Study of Various States of Compression, by S. M. Osovets, et al. RUSSIAN, Conference an Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Salzburg, Sep 4-9, 190"i, iaA-a-18/294. *AEC Sci Jan 62 Vft FUN (FDD 25516) Activity of Cultures of Desulfurizing Microorganisms Isolated Prom Various Deptba of the Black Beal by L. K. 0snits p 7 PP- !i ~IQM , RUSSLUI., bimo per,, 14ikrcbiolj, Vol XMI., no 6, Nov/Dec 1949, pp 525-527. CIA./FDD/U-7402 WSR Sci - Biology., geophysics CTS 73 Oct 55 Abrasion Index of Coal and the Weex Resistance of Metals Used for Coal Crushing, by 11. V. Sokolov, V. P. Osokin. RUSSIAN., per, Teploenergetika, No 11, 1959, PP 37-41. DSIR LLU RTS 1582 Sci - Engr oat 6o Servicing Aircraft and T-lieIr -Powerplants, by -ju. V. Osokin md Ye, V. Rozenovich, 6 pp. fWSSIMj mocograplat Tekhnichaskoye ObsluzhevaniXe samoletov i ikh silovyl~ ustanovok, Uoseav, 1946, 463 PP, Enel to IR-360-55. CIA D 256205. AF 671159 USSR Sel Aeronautics AceWl Collulooe Gals an OpUakily AaUve MAsuc saltutal for MW twestLiptLan of Bbr*mmo In 4t NOW$ WWoRbU Omftr 2WX CIM W04;bt,. by D. N. OWMm and L. S. Mb Osm?AtAkiyo a p 'rA'W .~,- prs X*UWAWL nnrml., Vol Mr., ]b 6 low-fto W* - M Avg 63 372-/o-o-C7 T-h.ctuprztwia " m NO) iy -R. W. Ono pp. 6 RUSSIAN9 pare Zhur Ekaper i Teoreer. Pis, Vo! nw~ No 29 1963P PN 444 - 453 Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - jap Vol ZVII, Ho 2 Sci Aug 63 3 q- 4t V4 7 6-31 GGRAPH I C-- DATA-0tN-Cz'E`CHGSL0VAK ELE R I AL-- C ENGINEERING SPECIALISTS, BY J. ~Q~SO~, DR. R. DRECHSLER, 6 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONILY CZECH, PER, ELEKTROTECHNICKY O8ZORJ, VOL Ll: NO 3, 12 DECEMBER 1962, PP 671-672. JPRS 17621 EEUR-CZECH BIOGRAPHIC FEB oj 223:711 7m agi�rtay or mw VLADIMIR LISTs,* BY JAN w a pp. IWILCMIM OUMP VOL Up No 6j, 2100107 SEP (91 MatInctive Festmres of Paaed Operaticku of jailtlLdMwaa Raeoraing Eqtdpment with Buffer storege, by G. 1. Zublyaklnp Go A. Ososkavp .5 rpm XWSMj, per* Pribory I Tekh Eksperp ib 6,p X963o w 73-77. mm sa Aug 64 264j. 414 Faverftl Pulse Discharges in Osseo (98"lan or Va DIVUdan of Pbodeco-SWUMMENCLOMI Sclwumm),, by S. JL,0009!:~!# 2. IL Podamwo 3 pp. Ivan= p Tom Ak Enk WMj, Jb 8# *%,v Im Mr. CIA Z-3h4 ad -0 pbw"m , ~/ (r, q d // Apr 57 ftB/&m Local Wneral Faints, by PI, Badnyaj M., Osovetakiy) 4 pp. R=IM, peer, Narodnay Khoz Uzbek, no 6, 1961;, pp 68-69. jpRs u566 WSR 1009 / 7f, ~ff Jan 62 Me Um of Hl-& FmquencW M-ectromagmtic Melds to Contain and Stabilize a Plawam,, by S* H. peovetep 10 pps EMSUN per.. Atommys Energlyu., Vol RVp No 4y/1963.. pp 283-291.. /Oat CB sa oat 64 67#52~ ~ Vol 'V' ro 21' 1958, fj~ CMOL7jta.1t,% BlarSaU 7s Jom 59 Dyname StECoilization of a Plasm RLng,, by S. M. OS al )k lip RMSIM, per# 2h= Eksw i Teca-et PIZ., Vol XMM., 33 2(8)., 1960,9 PP MM 311-316. AIT STV lbyo-JW voi xn., ND 2 IZ14 p-r- Apr 63. 61-11155 Osovets. S VTM~IZATION OF A PLASMA LOOP. 1. Plasma (Physics)-- Doc 60 110]p. 5 refs. Stabilization Order from 013 $0.50 AEG-tr-4281 2. Title. Plasma loop 1. 0sovets, S. M. Trans. of Dinanikheskaya Stabilizatelya Plaamennogo U. AEC-tr-4281 Vitita [Moscow). 111. joint Publications Research Service, New York A method is set forth for the dynamic stabilization of long-wave instabilities of a plasma thread. The sta- bility conditions are listed. together with the region, in which the frequencies, required of the high fre- quency stabilizing magnetic fields, are valid. (AEC abstract) (Physics- -Theoretical, Tr, v. 5. no. 6) OM- .1 T."-I S-Wc.s =I volammma p3mmulw Sao-. OMWIOU41WL AL 4)tDFIIDM ~*%Mowm ASK 921M .Mao, =261" (2661-D) StMUS Of ClIrt0aftoda Data on the Area of Polandt by F, OsawakAs 43 pp. ==i, IK, D*Ummt&CJ& awgriLfi-CM40 PgLrt 10, warews, mp pp 1-46. 47M sun 4WO9 Apr 59 F-xperience in the Use of Coal Centrifuges at. Kcvzomoletr. Central Cleanlmg Flarit ,., by t J"- A. T. Rybulko) V. G. Kapustyanskaya, A. 1. OsovskiY4 3 PP- RUSSM, Peri, Koks i Mlimi No 5.- 1960. Coal Tar Research Assoc Sci Nov 60 /~~ -:~ -3 -3 on a Class of Nonlinear 6elf-~,-djuL-tir!!- jIiItu,.a-tG-rs ~~-xtn :~.djustment with Respect to Phase and 1 riplitude !--eopon7ie,-s hy L. K. pp. 13 i"USSIAN, per,, Avtomt I Telwalthp Vol XXIVS No 3, 1963, pp. 369 - 3e2 ISA 2 ,-ci -2 Lj Oct 63 -Sir n a a, "Oli with lipspact, to the Phase Response By L. 11. Osovskii, pp. 10 RUSWTAN., per,, Avtomat I Telamekh, Vol XXIVI, No 2p 1963., pp. 172 - 182 lu Sai -2- L4 19 Oct 63 Communal Action, by Jorgo Cock Qspina, 4 pp. SPANISH, np, La Patria, 6 lqov 1962, P 5. jrRs 16544 LA - Colombia Pol Dec 62 Tobacco in ToUmap bry J. R. Ospiuaj, 19 Pp- SPAME, (Spaniab Mnusaript)s 193B- SLA 57-i-2W scl Aug 58 17 / 0', 2 -?~ Relation Bet-wean -~he Filler Conte&. oi a Sadime- Butadiene Rubber Stock and Its Visco-E-lastic Properties, by M.D. Husinov, A.A. Pozin, R.I. Osplvatp N.S. Ilin, 3 PP. Res Assoc of Britisb Rubber Manu ,, per, Nauchuk .1 Rezina, Vol 'X=%, No 5, RMSIAN 1960, PP 21-23. Sci Jan 61 Y Thl SUW-1~1-at Rltd- thG StCel ind-L"Stry, by L. Osse. SPANTISH, per, Animrio Brasilaira de '-Pcoraomin Floreatal, No 9. 1957, pp 3-2,5- CSMO 3814 LA - Spaln Reon Aug 6a _2 -z~ 7,, --2-Z 0 Transfer of Seisnic Energy in Anisotropic Media, by 1. 0. 00001 OAO=M, 3 PP. RUSSIM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, Ho 2, 1962, PP 181-185. Amer Geophys Union Sci oct 62 P-14,o4o Reflection and Refraction of Plane Elastic Waves at the Boundary of a Liquid aud Solid AnisZotropic Body, by M 1. 0. Ossipov, pp. C- RUSSIAN, per., XX Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 12, 1961, pp 1768-1783. Sai Jun 052 200,284 2 Reflection and Refraction of Plane Elastic Waves at the Boundary of Two Anisotropic Media, by 1. 0. Ossipov~ 8 pp. HMSIAL,'T) per., IZ AX Hauk SSSR.. Ser Geofiz, 1,10 5.. 19061; pp 649-665- Sci AGU / 7 a" oct 61 WMEY9 A. (Kharkov) Stal, vol. 9,, 10 figures,, 1 table, 700--ward abstract-, 1939- Tanadim Hl&~W-Spmod Stools. Bratcher trans. Order 1b. -1017j, $1-2D Features of the Vdriation-of-Propagation Velocities of Elastic Waves in Anisotropic Media, by 0. 2-S-Sqff) 5 pp. RUSSL41i,, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 1, 1962, PP 3-10. Amer Geophys Union Sci oct 62 214,025 Moscov - BWadp by V. Loolp , 3 rp. !~rj IMWUN,, app lzvextiyap NO 1653 A ja ig5g,, 9660839 'ATIC -ML-332 um . Pal 1:. /505 /Iva I-i way 61 T -1 I 61-19363 Ossipov, V. land others]. F. R. KO-,L)DV HAS RETURNED TO MOSCOW; I .Communism-1raq MOSCOW - BAGDAD; 73iH FIRST YEAR (F. R. Kozlov I .Ossipov, V. Vozvratilsya V. Moskvu; Moskva-Bagdad; Pervyy God). 11. Title: Moscow... 16 D'-c 60 [121p. MCL-332/1-2. 111. Title: First... Order from LC or SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-19363 rV -MCL-332/1-2 V. Technical Infoz mat ion Rough draft LTans. from Izvestiya (USSR) 1959. Center, Wright-Patlerson no. 165(13M2) p. I and 4. AF11, Ohio The 3 newspaper stories presented here concern (1) the return of the Soviet d0egation, headed by first derAiry Chairman F. It. Kozlov, from New York an July 13; (2) a Soviet delegation, headed by first deputy foreign minister, V. V. Kuzncczov, which went to Bagdad to celebrate the first anniversary of the revolution in Iraq; and (3) a resume of the reforms that have occurred in the first year of the Iraq revolution. (Social Smences, 'IT. v. 5, no. 11) Fluctuations of Tubermlin Sensitivity., With Same Remarks on the Appewance of Tubermlous Kiningitia., by X. Ossolni , 8 pp. GIRMI.. per., Beitr lain Tulberks Vol IM , No 6., 1926, pp M-899. MA Tr 2627 Sal - *dicuw -:~i Z 3.;2 Z Jan 58 a 3pot lieldling Light, MatalGy by B. Caugald 12 pp. GEMM, per, Lurtfabrtfo=cb, V01 XIV, wo 4-5, 20 Apr MM pp 215-223- SIA 2476 scl - 3--gr J-9, '~2 / "I J rc-b 5AW X-Ray I!Wthoft for the Direct Maaaure=eet, of S~L-Ia--a Components IWItheut the Use of Reference Lines, by E. Oswald, L3 pp. GEtwip per., Z. 2"karAny Vol XXXVp Pt I., Jan 1953P pp 19-21, WA 58-M Sci Aug 59 4b-~ -7 3 M I emsurcrmt of the CoMuettvity Uielectric (rl~ Censtants of biological Tissms and Fluidity witts Short Waves, by K. Ossuald. CERAMI, ]Mr. flachfreeonxtechnik und Ulekuoalmstik., Vol 49, 19379 lip 40-41.), P9442MRS-V X'STIC-Tra m,-1936 K Ossuja- d, Sci-Electr Aug 68 X49587 63-14245 .Qj~, H. THE AMMOMA SODA PROCESS. Order from SLA $1. 10 Trans. of Cherniber Zeitung (Germany) 1907. p. 67-69. DESCRIPrORS* *Solvay process, *Sodium compounds. *Carbonates. Manufacturing methods, Chlorides, *Ammottia. I . Ost, H. 4 4 Office f TrhkW SeMm 63-14246 11. and Broddzorb, T. D =-1,91OS17110N OF DIDITROSE BY DMUM 1. oat. H. SJLFURIC ACID. [1963] 10p. 5 refs. 11. BrodtkDrb. T. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-14246 Trans. of Momjilmr] 74citung] (Germany) k9i 1, v. 35, p. 1125-1126. DESCRUYMRS: *DwomMsItIM 00urose. *SaUuric acid. Tenycraturep Roduction (Chcn-4vtryh Via- coloration, Farrwitation, A 2' 6 7 9 (Chenitstry-Cri;wtic, Yr. v. 10. no. 5) 9ft~ d TKbdCM Critiml Fewaim an EmImian PrVolaw in the Worthara Fjibr,, by Kwl 2tt. G&%Wv I?mr.- Mmawtoff-mmiai, Vol xamp no 19/20P 1956,p w) 3U)-317. ~ c z~ 3 6 ~~, _5 MDrrU Do TrIe4man 0-108 Sol - zlectmaim *Y 59 ,?4~ 03 0 The Use of the Electron Micro-Scope for the Evaluation of the Molecular Weight and of the Polydispersity of tkthyl Polymetbacrylate, by A. G. Nasini, G. Ostacoll, G. Saini, G. 14aldi- fassi~ L. Trosearelli. ITALIAN, W, pamphlet, Symp Macromol Chem Pap,, Milan,, Turin,, 195h., 13 PP- TPA3/TIB T 4455 Weur - Italy Sci - Electronics, Physics Some Pegtaitrities of the Distribution of the iti rocks niul 'llicir C-dochomical Significance, by 1:1. 1. Tolstoi, 1. M. Ostaftichul., 6 pp.