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OrdsomA14 IL DHrERM[NA`nON OF THE MELT VLSCOSrrY OF POLYETIMINE WTIM A PEDC917JAMER. 11963i lop Ord= F A-M *11.50 A7S-06Q72G Tram. of Kunststoffe (West Oermany) 1962~ v. 52, no. 1, P. 15-18. =dMRS: OFWYCltbylcw PIANUM ISCUU& Cbemice andymb. Nwfta&a. 63-22949 1. TItIe: Ptuctrometer 1. OnWnun, H. J. 11. ATS-06Q720 - M. Associated Tecbnlcal ServICm, 1W., EILK Orsup. N. 6 4 pftterWs-41astics, Tr. v. 10, no. 12) ONks d Tod,*W OrEhner and Reuter PROCESS FOR WATERPROOFING FIBROUS MATE- RIALS. 119631 12p 3refs Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-23036 Trans. of German patent application F 8, 783, IV c/8k, cl. 8 k gr. 3, appl. 9 Apr 52, pub, 12 Jan 55, by Farbwerke Hoechst A.G. DESCRIPTORS: *Textiles, *Moistureproofing,. Fibers, Materials. The invention concerns a process for waterrepelling fibres, distinguished by the fact, that the latter are treated with soludons of reaction products of one mol aluminum alcoholate with 0. 2.2.5 mots, preferably 0. 3-0.8 mots high molecular weight carboxylic acidand solid or serni-solid paraffin hydrocarbons in anhydrous solvents and then dried. (Author) (Materials--Textiles, T'r, v. 10, no. 11) 1. Orthner It. Reuter Ill. Patent application (Germany) F 8783 offi= d TedwcA S_'k. Nbtbod ror P"&=Ug Blxrt=tfcGG3 Epoxide Compounftp L. Wtbner. K. Norst. moms, Patent so M Mo criTi X=-MM ~,, OJJ3~~ Sul-sw Jim 66 303.,8% Quality Predictions on Liquid Cast iron and Steel Based on Optieal, Temperature Measurements, by K. Orths. aREMN, mo per., AreUv KisenbUtenwesenj, Vol XXVIIv No 5j, 1956j pp 289-295. 'Bruteber Tr 3803 $9.75 Sci - Min/Met ibn 58 Coutributiolf-to-the- Use -cic-mathematicall -StatiaticB-- in the Steel Industry, by 39 pp. GXRM, per, Stahl und Risen, Vol LXXXVM, 1958, pp 14-21. ARC Tr 3M Sal - mathmatIcs Jun LOW "Mr tmms Rubber (Cold HWAW)s by FbLUP orti2l. :yl~ Vm tr om"s 4i-Dsu~ Nhutsobak - Got IVAs, 77 c Am F-M 05%/'v S" - Cb8m&*tg7 oet M6 c"Afox Fiew CoatributAoa to the SWV of Resistsucto of Gmexe-tem to Han, -, Yrom IrTeamIng amd T7nmj-", by lie orthp 8 1v0 perp &M comits lixwrmtioml &-.-a Baltons Pbw azwmo Barnwas, Jun 1963.. (Call RD MF 379397)- ANS Now - Frauce FAM 19 Fab 62 aud TZI..-svinal DiEn.1-c-tit-abo-I Ber,7.--nes and tiaberveitor, llama -Jmc'f dn GL-MO) per..- z naturforsciig, Vol ve, 195c); pp lo', Physica To muin tbo UOAMM saw-to fto" caw": vwo =I $044 cle// Report of the Aaroncmist Chief of -the 1-11obacco Campaign, by 0. R. Ortiz 6 pp. UNW(IMp DeWtmeat of the Valley of the Cauca. Ancexes,to the Report of the Departzent of Agri- culture and DevelopmIt, Pp 37-45, 1944. SLA 3343 sQi - Chem 0,%Ig Tyi,--fo of 1110bacco Grown,, t5y Oz R. Ortist. 7 op~ SPfi3-IBH,, mantwcelpt Ciativation of Tohacco in Valle Dol Cauca$ 143, PP 7-9- SIA 4- sci Aug 58 '71, vaduction cif Activatwo lato W-Luminopbares -ijy :L-U-AiOnq by N. Rilp Go artaons 6 pp. ~,MSTAV,, mo..pwv Zlvw Obsbch Xhim., Vol XXV,, go 9., :-',--p 19.55., 1p 1603-1699. m c hlm5S. emmitents Bureau :--~Ci Chemistry :fun,1956/Dex lu Comnection with A. B;mdi,~ 'c Obeervations on the Articles "The Fartii~.J.ra- tuloa of 0,,:~y&tn in the Foz-inm-tio-~ of Ztnc ~11 lie BIi x "I - po-apliora" end "The Cbemi:Axw of Fomntlcyrt of Lmineacent Centers i-L, 9-~nc by 11~ P-U ond G. Qrt- 40, per, Zh-ur Obnhch IOAm.! VC.1 ~U~T, I~S 1-5157, RP XIO 1730-- Consultants awGau Sci - Cb= Sep 58 Aj'.dirZ Copper to Luninesecat Zim SulfiCep by ff. Ril*., mtut G. Ortman, 11 lop. RUSSTAWj, tbrica-m per, Doh Ak Uaulr. SM, Vol MI, 110 5.. 194%, PP YA 841-V#5- ClAAM/X-1310 SclantIric a KUwrulcA.I-,tal,: CTS/DMI / // ~? 7,14 on- the L-lairu-sconca cf -=, Zinc by I'l. Itill 419 IT. ~.~-JTSSI,a'N, thrice-Lio per, D~ck Ak NaWh SSIMR, wm, iio 4, icl.49, pp 613-737u-. CIA. AM A -1275 Chemistry The Miting or Klml PolystbAeneop by 11. j..grthmwms X. (Mberzeiter- =MO., per., 7- N3-elrlm m A s Vol Ims 19571 iv 106-u3* TIL T5331 Sal - cbm Feb 63 A a 2,., 4 b q- The ldmaurummt of the JbItim Point or of the Flow TVNP"&t=e Of Pbly== With 9k Naltivs Point Aut*pW*, %W K. Ub""Iters El. T. Orttm=,, 16 p. =Mg perp Xunftoffe# 1958, Val nVII10 No 11., pp 525r530. MA 59-eM89 sai Vab 60 Val 2" No 12 Patent No. 503','~ - Reaction (Engine) Drive Device Actuated with Liquid or Osseous Iluel, by Kom-ad Ort- T!!jj pp. MIMASSIFIM OEM". patent, Hit Flussigen Oder Onaformigem Brenn- stoff Angetrioberie Ruckst6bautriebeyorr-lobtung, 17 Jul 1930,, 3 pp. C' M A=C F-TS-9504/V Bei - Ing jul 58 P7 Stra*ly AbBM%1'49 LSP= DOIOV 50 kmo by 9 Bougt lUtVIgb, Job~ Ortaw,, 11 pp. lumms 2". plov* s*1 va is no 3 n lo!+-s* Sol - Phou 14 00 x~ 22 sea 6L 1 62 -14 53S .Ortliner, Ludwig, Horst, andFr,y, Hans Ifulmul. PROCESS TO FABRICATE CLASTOMERIZED PI-AS- TICS BASED ON POLYVINYL CHLORIDE. [196216p. I r~f. Ord.-m- from OTS or SLA $1. 19 62-14535 Trans. of German patent 1, 10, 365, cl. 39 b 22, 06, inierna- c 1. C OS f. , F :M5A IV b/39 b, by A. -G. , appl. 21 Jul), .516, z:ppl. F .md sp--cifi.- -,atiwis issw,~d 2-1 junta 61 (suppl. to Ntc!nt appL F 1,1221 IXI b/39 b, sly:!cificaLion 1,045,08c)) D I ESCRIFFORS: *Vinyl chlorides, *Polymers, 'Plastics, Polymerization, Additives. The process k characterized by the fine dispersion of a solution of chlorinated pcAyethylene, resp. pol~Tro- pylene or a copolymer of ethylene and propylene (insoluble In warer), into an aqueous disp2rsien of (Nlawrials- -Plastics, T`T, v. 8, no. 6) (over) I. 0:-,!111~r, L. if. li~rlb2rv, if. 111. Fr,-,y, H. H. W. Paat~nt 1 101) '05 V . Par,_--nt (Gornmnv) 1045089, Offi- T-h.i-f S-i... RmactjAm to Cam a* NW40 09, Ort*INAU.* % Vol 55.0 110 IMA nuL afta 3006 ir 40054a7, MA "646-lkm /-/ C; &140K ja 66 ut Ob W.,ft 19 lbiiw Aar OW Uypoglucemiming and Anti-DIabetle Action of Citric Acidip by L. Cannavo, G. Ortolavaj 3 P. ITALVSI por, Sociata Itiliam di Biologia Spermn- tale BoUattlnop 1939.9 Vol nVi, No Us PY 740-741. SLA 59-00C69 Sai mg 6o Vol 3'. .- no 1 ga y Vross Peristance of Staplaylococci to Ex-jthramycin and to Carbomycin After Exposure to Each of the Two Antibiotics,. 1. Uy L. A. Sauroj, L. W-to-aa pp. IZA=I.. per, Boll Soc Ital Biol Smear, Vol XM, No 9/11., 1953, D-P 1739-1-1411- N331 Scientific - Biology CTS 70/Jul 55 The StatiatIcal Aepact of Road Accidente of Va.rioua Road Surfaces, by C. Ortt. DMV,Hj per, Wagon, Val I=j No 5, 1956, up 117-118. DSIR/28189/CT WE - Netherlands J-'r 7~L SOC j Feb 55 3,4 4 - ~~5 4 /'T -4,1 9 -1 ~ SPEECH BY POLITBURXO MEMBER OUTLINES COMMUNIST PARTY POSITION ON GOVERNMENTS'S TEN-YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN, BY HILARIO CLAUREI ORTUNO, 26 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY SPANISH: NPI UNIDAD, 1.8 DECy PP 61 8; 8-15 DEC, P 6; 15-22 DEC, P 6; 29 DEC, P 8; 5 JAN 1963, PP 61 8. JPRs 17793 LA - BOLIVIA POL MAR 63 224,o40,' GRMGB AMOOMM AMMMS _90MMM Does Splurorldane Affect the limfectlosity of the GrippeV virus?, 14 pp. GUM, Arch- 000. Virmfo"chuag, 4 (3): 256-262, 1951. X-611 matiaml Imtituus of &&I.#& ftUsaft, nm7land ,q-~/ o-0 Nine atm awa Exchwo With nectrgau Mkikarl by A. ortvado .M&fmb"S No ho 1960p pp 1380 Dwms "rp I (SION17) ma B-&FA4 ID 91639W Sai .6 liectim A6 %, 9,/,y g oct 60L Certain Results of the Drilling Operation b1------ 1956, by S. A. Orudzhev. W-- RUSSIMs mo perp Weft Khozp Vol XXXV,, No 1f 1957., 10P 10-18- Tech and Ccm *W.00 ~,o 9.K7 Sci - ftg Aus 57 lwl'easl"G the QuaUty of DrUling Work., by S . A. Onib (Ov-,j A FMIM Aser., Neft Khoz., Val No 1. 1956.9 pp cc= Tr F7 ~Z/? Aug 56 Ab3t CIA/D 1.97081, S-238/6o (DC-3638). Diagar-st4ic Errors in Endocrine Diseases,, by qr.!j4zov T. A. Aliyev) Sh. K. Kuluyeva, H. D. Azayeva, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Azerbaydzbau Medit Zhur, No 1, :L960, PP 30--*- JFM 3W7 Sel - Ned Bey 60 J 6 1:11~4;1 I fi,!aq FIN` I I c)-? in the TAving Qrgenis=., by A. Bo=igaom, 101 - J-IAT;[M, Der., Giora di Dioebim, Vol V, no 4., Jul-/Aug 1956, pp 22,33-277- mm Tr 9-ie-6o Sci - Biol / zov 6o t lme~giuary Frtaquency Responses and Their Application in the SynthesKis of the ParameterB of Li~-car Dymamd c Systems, by I. A. - OrarL, .11 pp. 7JSSW;I, per, Ay-touat i Telemekh, Vol Y-XIII.- No 7, 1962, pp 890,--)O0. ISA Sci m%r 63 231-979 Synthesizing Vae EiemeiYcis of Linear Auttz,-.ii~~,,ic Control Sy--tems, by 1. A. Orark, 8 pp. RUSSM, per, Avtamat i TOanekh, Vol M, No -12, 1959, l.5-94-16o2. Instru Soc of Amer Sci Aug 60 Computadon of Na=ad Modes and Frequerxics of Veldcles as Bem and ShaU Under ArbiamU Botmdoxy Condidons, by H. Ory, et AL GERMM, xM Be-Faftnunst dex EIgg sfo=en st und F bei FlggZ= ale E!UMd]bm Mund ale scme mft B RAndbeffirgara-0% Berlft4 19641, 30 pp. *NASA TT F-9366 Sci-EEW itm 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY Computation of Natural Vibratlem hiodes and Frequencies of Vehlchm as Beam and SheUs With Arbitrary Boundary CorkUdma. by H&U, im aL GEIOAAN, rpt, 4gKgGbM der gg!ortnen I-f] 0 1 bel Fluidoornern. a PAM= und We DMM TT F-93M Scl-Engr Aug 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 296,327 A.Mcroscopic Study of the Bituminous Focks in the Section of the 10~-er ftsozoic of the CnelyabimEft Graben, by L. P. Nolgins, L. G. Oryev, 4 pp; RMAIS Pero ftk a Ns* 0=0 Vol I rp NO 3j, 1960, pp 6734k6- AaX sci A,v.K' 6(-f (HY-64-5~ Freight raracwtv of "rolfracht" for 1961P 'by J. POL-MRp pw,, Tecb334 i Gos3*dWk66 Kwoka, Vol tT, No 3) 1961p p 92o JPRS 9933 Vkr - Poland 1,6 e-1 0 0 3= Aug 61 The Mnbanlsm of the HydrogamtIon, of Phenol in Gaseouti Phase in Omtact With Mixea Slalml-Cerium (bcide Catalyst by R. DOr., A. I~m -6 9 pp. 2.~ FMCH, parp Bu13 Boo Cbim Be3sas# Vol 1 3.953 pp 3.38-3.52. CYAIFM XX4*5- Wf MUMBAME TO *OF== NMCMUZ Sai - chemistry 41L- Feb 1957 CM/dex 1w MOCRAL I= Oms (IiY-6450) Conditions B*Wedtod in the Tanker Market in 1962p bv Jftw Orwohmaki_. 12 Vp. POLMS P", Techalka I Gospo&wke H=kas Vol Xl:, lb 11, 1961, vp 329-330- JM 13M6 Econ mbr 62 R-900 (re-2056) Shlppb* RVI&Ucm Me 11 mv- Poland and the ftlUc - B"in Countri"m IV 3. Wlerubuckaj, J. Ormwbwnkiy, IB PP. POMU, mo per, febbn1ba i 009podarlm Normu, Vol vm' No U., Apr 1958, adma, PP 10,1-104. vis im/Do-L-663 Egur Poland Eacm shipping NY-6440) Qualty and Plan (M), by Rmigiusz owszechowski.p 8 pp. pmm,t r-rs Arqde Goopoagromp 30 48, 26 NOV lWs P 4- 4 =o 13067 Be= - pwnnd 416e?r 4d~v Ibm mw 62 (NY-644o) NEED FOR PLANNING QUALITY OF PRODUCTION, BY REMIGIUSZ ORZECH 8 pp. 3HES!2~ POLISH, PER., ZYCIE GOSPODARCZE, No 44, 29 OCT ig6l, pp is 6. JPRS 2416 EEUR - POLAND ECON , FEB 62 183,1i4 New Finish of Cotton Goods With Insecticides, by M, orzel, 19 pp. URCLASSIMD POLISH,, per., Przeglad Wlokienniczyp No 11-12, 1959j. pp 602-6o5. A= u-6360 BE - Poland Ecoll Sai - Chem jul 6o T Lramport of Norml Gaup Cara an Narrou Gauge Ids, v# by W. O"oebewski, 4 pp. (ID 2023992) POLMj, per, PmezUd Kolel - FIrsawasovy, RG 5, VAY19% it pp 149-151 0 ACS, 1, 0-7189 mhw - P61MA 3 ?j 4~ jr/ ROOMMA Oct 56 M/dex /0 " I" . rw4mv 3740" Ox=xwelloul =I Treatment of Steel for Msh Stm bV Ya. M. Potak;p Yu. F. Orzbekbonk:fl et al.,, 5 ppe EMIT^ ywo N6t&l I Torm Obru Vatsuovp NO 5-6j, JL9ao pp 2-8. Aeft MetaMrZten sci MW a 253j530 Electrochemical DasaltirIg of Sea Wrtex, by M. Or2herovskii, 0. Zimkbarcbuk,, V. Z-4-ionUko. RUSSIMP perp Ybrskoynotp Vol xx,, No go igGo, pp 24-26. 9077521 anvis D. Friedmny Inc... 0-112 Sel - Geopbys jui 61 Oriberovoldy. M.. Zekharchuk, 0., and Z4LgQrUYIDD. V. ELECTROCHENCAL DESALTING OF SEA WATER, 119w) Sp. Order from PADF $4.50 bW 0-112 Trans. oZ Movskoy Flot (USSR) 1%0. Y. 2D. no. 9. 24-26. ERDLIFt -7- -2 61-12737 1. Sea vuer-Desalination 2. Elacwodm=doxy-- Apphemnous 1. OrAberowsur. M. U. ZAkbmrcbid4 0. M. zagwwybx6 V. TV. kfDF 0-112 V. Orle&nam, Morris D.. inc., West Now . maw. (Economdog-Cbernical. TT, v. S. no. 9) Possibiii~- of DivesstigatinC. X the of Sezaconductuor 1.;vtc2--i-als by Us-in,- Probe lic-thods, by 0. D. O=-hevsIdy, V. I. Fistu-11, 1, pli. RUSSIAH, per, Zavod Lab, Vol M-III, 11o 10, 1961, pp 12-':)?6-1239. Sci 200', 73c, jwL-, 62 Meawariag the Thickaess of Coatin-p b- l4esmn rtf +,ht~ 0 X-Ray Phatoeffect, by 0. B. Orzh~y~14y, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zavod Lab,, Vol XXVI, No 11 1960, pi? 73-76. ISA sai Felp 61 The Conftativilty of p--n- Junctions -in -the Reverge DirecUon, by V. 1. Fistull., 0. B._~p~qv ~, 4 pp. MWlAN, per,, Fiz Tvwdogo TwAs voi ii, i79 9, ig6o, VP 2214-MT. AIP ftv Ptqs - SoUd State Vol III so 9 Sci Apr 61 " /,/ s;; I g , Facing Tile From Waste Plate Glass, by V. 1. QER~2vskiyjp V. I. Vanin, 4 W. IRMM., per, Steklo i Meramiks., Vol XVII" No 5j 19601 PP 35-37- CB Sci ,Tul 62 210,803 The Production of IMlished Glass Plates in Large Sizes., by V. I. Orzhevski , V. 1. Vanin, 7 w - RUBSTAN., per., Steklo i Keramike., Vol XTU, No 6, 196o, PP 13-18- CB sci jui 62 210,819 N1111.11T41-M!"T P11 ftserves and Perspectives for Tmeressing P.-xAuetL=- of Ferrow Metals,, by P. QuAsm, 6 pp. XMIM so per,, Vopromy ftm# No 1) Jan 1958y pp Intl Art# & Sol Preen Vol is No 3, 1958 ten Jul 58 7 ~; to -7 064W 1 MINT FIN IN 9 MIl m IN EUIN- ide neat --R,:: c a ster I ua L! 0!~ e s by Yv- B. Omomichieolm-yz4 ipm 61 OTY-3ooo/h-i) . Proviae Rustproof Steel Pipe for Thermal Power Facilities, by Ye. Osada, RUSSIAN, np, Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 7 Mar 1961, *JPRS USSR Econ 4 Apr 61 vm. im" Men F3~oduotion of Thin-Val2*8 Seamless Tubes in the UK, by Yu. M. MWj,�W lktvayev,, Ya.* E. osada'. 9 pp. RUSMN.. pwo Stelo No ;9ft, pp 429-438. Mron.&'. stial Institute sep 61 scl-atuad Z"" 306M CwL= ULmdam m a "Xdxg Afoat Md ~ ftr mmmp 1w V. V. VWSIJ4 0. A, ------------------ 5 vPO WMM# 9w# ft*U I SwaDas VGL =Up lb go w ca ed fts ce 210#345 Joau Roblusm2a MW 2"Nuou tit Capital,, bly I. osaddbm&at RMIM., per, mWoomps- aboucalks I ---avawe otwdmiyas No 3s, i9-60. ntmmU ArW & &d Pro" Prob2ma at Boomamift va- MCES so u um 101413 so= ~y aw 61 Ilie Theory of "D3.1anced Orrovth" (On R. Hv~rro--"F, Pwz!~-- Towards a E~rnamia Economics), by lt-Qr-adchaYa, 7 PD. RUSSIAN., per., Mirovaya Ekon i M--zh Otnosheniya, No 3, 1961. Interrrtl Arts & Sci Press Probl of lzao-.amias voi- iv, No 6 USSR &on ,Tan 6 2 Cozwevning coaterw.-Oryl t"genis Theories of Ecuacni-; Dj-a=icsp 7 PP) XMIARS, W# VoVlW3F Ekonom=p No IlDp IVAp pp 91-102 Ivitermatl Arts and Scl Freau Vol it BO 3.0 USSR P.Con APK Mr 59 A Detalled Geograpldcal Field StiWy of Solonets Camiplemes In the Dry Ste3ppe Emej, by S. V. Crolovenkc, V. A. Yegmwam., X. P. ~s~p 13 pp. RMSIAN.. pwp Vent Noskon&W Univer"tatas ser aeogref.. so 6p 1960s PP 33-39. Boviat-oeognww va n. No 5 Amw Gftwwfb4m3 Om 15-015w1- aw 61 (NY-i83o) INTEGRATION AND COORDINATION OF PETROCHEMISTRY, BY 1. 20S~A~DCHEN~ V. KLIMENKO, 4 PP. RUSSIAN,v NP., MON GAZETA, NO 13., z6 mAy 1962, PP 14, 15. JPRS 14789 USSR ECON SCI - CHEM AUG 62 2o6.,931 0 POSSIBILITIES FOR THE PRODUCTION RF RAW MATERIAL FOR PETROLEUM CIIEIAISTRY AT THE PETROLEUM PROCESSING PLANTS OF THE USSR, BY 1. R. OSADCHENKO, V. L. KLIMENKO, 21 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, KHIIA PROM, NO 8, PP 1-7- NLL TR BULLETIN VOL 4.1 NO 21 Lq62 USSR ECON juti 62 1 o56 Ts a 7,:r-!;ra-a Zve,-dla, 20 2) 6 20 ll:u:~- C'-)D f7 A Therapy of the Deep Forms of Pyodermitides by DR,Dsadchiy RUSSIAN., MO per Vo.-.,,enno lied Zhur, llo 7z l,losoow, Jul 19599 pp 88-90 US JPRS(IJY) 870 Sci - Nedielne Doe 58 PartialpatIon of an InteroceptAve Cmponent In tba Machwdsm of Altered Mee jerk Upon M2tr&vvmcu)Wr AdxduUtratlm of Hypertonic &autlmo by L. I* CsadcW4, 5 pp. TMBW# POrp NpI ZbqW Dial I Meds Vol XMIs No To 1953v VP 35~-39- cmaultants BMW Sol - YA*d Mar 59 f A .4-a1 The AcUou of Carbonic Acid and Dmocalm ou the or the n0ocwAl ibsicnt by L. 1. 6 RMIM, per,, Aml nkqmr Diol j *A,, vol ILX.. No 4, Apr 1956, pp 10"14,b MY 57 CM Changes in Reflex Motor Reactions in Respowe to ratravenous or Zatra-Arterlal Weetion of a Chemical Stimulants b_v L. I. Oaadchiyp 5 pp. p1mlas per, Bya Zwper DWI i Had,, Vol XLV,. SO 2v 1958P pp 309m 33-3T-- Consultants Burmu Sci 14*d Nov An Experlmantal Toweertigation Into the Piercing Prooess, by P. 1. Polukhln, V. I*- Osadchii. R=jUp pwj. jrvaftVa V"ddft Uebobvylth ft Zavkftll MKMMWR MwWalwl"ai No T., IW, tk 9%& pp SM 299T Sol - SW m 63 3, 663 ft- W.t P- 914L40 M Am 63 =%w Mv nqup.!a3at at 'Cas clitle ~~bin~zlz pollins P-l"t,, bor ~ PP.' RMVIN'r np 7--roe"iyat 96 eept 19620 p 3. JM 1621 usm am Nov 62 a I ~,, t, 7/- Productivity of Photosynthesis in Crops Sowed PXter Harvest, by H. F. Sokolcm, E. A. Osadcluxt, 3 pp- RMBIAN, per, Fiz Phatenty, Vol V, No 3, 1958, PP 278-n9. Amr Inat of Blol Sci Sci - Biol "1 59 9 /1 'r/ r Moddmization of-Asothe-r-m-al Cars, by 6. 1. Osaddiuk, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zheleznodorozhnyi Trmsport Vol 45 No 10, 19638 pp 48-51, OTS TT-64-16024 Sci/Engr Jun 67 327,690 4 Hodernizatim Of I"rml pers 2awlo-l)=* T~,,-rtp smAR.-c-4812 scl - July 2,967 ftrap by G.I. Osadchuk. Nt. 9 10s 1963j, PP 48-51- G. I- _ 0.5 Iq D CA Ul< 334-703 THE MOTOR TRANSPORT WORKS UNINTERRUPTEDLY, BY T. OSADCHUK, S. YUSUPOV~, 5 PP. RUSSIAN., PER, TYL I SNABZHENIYE SOVETSKIKH VOORUZHENNYKH SIL., NO tz, tq6t., pp 68-72. ACSI "go8-L I D 216A59 scl 19 JUL 62 203.,685 S the principle at Wtarial Incentive in CoUeative ft= ProductimF by 5 ppo MMIANj, per, Vopmy Mwooodkl, So 2j, 1959. msbuImtl sad Sai Press Vol n' so 2 Aug 59 1?30, ? C 7 (Dr.-1645/2) jp by On the QU.-Uon of EaUtIons Betvmm Fjolkhozes and bi%chln*-W%etor Stations, by 11. P. Osadlko 3a .94,Salectod Follticea Translations fr`om-95-vl%t jam-nalu 0 MMIM, qu per, Vestnik Nookovakogo Univorsiteta; Seriya Bkommiki, Movofli, Prava, No 4, Vioseow, 2.957., ry .17-29. us jm/m-65 030 DO-i645/a U3SR 40, g,26 Econ Tho Irfec-1w, of Turbul6ucc* on Ueat Tr--maf or irrcm a natPlAt4*, by -*W~ Ll4;rw=--p T%k,cbl S.-ft., Illroywm Kb=tsm, Hiroleb-4 03&IM. JAPAI=j, P=j jo=max of Japan socict7 of Macbmutcal rvglnGsrlugP Vol Xixt 30 liB, 19532 PP 12-t25. oxA Tm 1441 set - &W 77# sit7 w0 0 stud.ies in Active Carbon.: 9 - 7he Sbapes and Proper- ties of Iaotberml Curves of Sorption,, by KaiUka JAPARMj, per, J Jap Chem Soc, Vol LVI(I), 1935s pp 114-123- TPA3/TIB'Tr no T 3926 Scientific - Chemistry, carbonp properties., icotbermal., sorption Index Aeromutucls 7 Studlers an Active Carbow 3-- SorptiOn EguUnl= of Orvuic vap=s In Cocomt SbsU Marcoals by Ttmm= setumop Numilke 080= j"AgMa, J. am. Soc.s Japmm XX pp IM-Uas 1933- =3/= TrO No T 30 Scientific - Cbmdst" /~U 73--0 studies a, -exie Dynamcs o-f rruitiLdcrdbial Agents on Colistint by Osamu Kitamatos Kazufuto, Fukaya. 15 ~~. JAPIMSEt pert Jouinal of Antibiotics, Ser Bt Vol XVv No It 19620 pp 7-10. SIA TT-64-18649 Jan 67 317,987 sma `,-~Kamplea in i;he of RadloisoLcIA! Soikrces to C'-qv*Ll Eagine--ringt by A!LirB Ar::lCIIUij Ozm= Y5 d 32 -pp. P~ -?-,Z p-er, Frocagedings ot the Powth Jap"- C=Perceqe or, Hadloisotapea, Oct 10-12 ISUO q2aT&~ scd - pbys Jui