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-e%;.. ~, 4. - a ~- . ~ I C- SO-C-C Com- po--itiocn Hlith the Zimableadee Structure1' Posuible Region of Homogeneity of AIIIBV Type Compoundn)p by B, Fa Ormoutp N,.,. A. aoriuuova, I.- N. I --yeva, N. N. Fedor-5--,a, $p. - AS RUSSIM, per, Iz,Ak Nauk SSSR, SOr Fit, Vol UI-J.'--No .1957s P.P 133-140. col=alia Tech Se.,'- Electronics ApV 58 17 A -~- X103 wid of EvME"MIV, or the S,-pton 1. ve-A.".r6i'am-carb-za Symtsmil h- h. A. at=vichp B. F. Ormqnt~ pp, :;Cr. V02. TY- 1.5n 7 2-957D ABC-tr-4057 Sal - TaemifitZ7 Doo 6o Pur a- ,I -AN 2be Foaumtlm of BID Phwm in the Bilimm-Soran Syst4as by No A. J~w~, V. A. Epelbaml, B. F. an"~~ 3 swe =DUN.* Iwo Zbw sdwg Imap Vbl Ili, 1957, vp 2064M. am X-1w ja 58 (a ?, 9 -/ 4 10 702 GE-1 B. F. ORMONT Interrelations between the energetic, electro-physical and mechanical properties of semiconductors Uber ZusammenhNnge zw1schen den energetischen , elektro- physikalischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften der Halblelter Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 124, No. 1, 129-132 (1959) 335 - German Euratom .--,I , -i4mation -- Hoat of - of Nickel Carbonyl, by E.~I. 3me,gina, B. P. orwnt, 6 pp. -,M traneUtion. RUSSW,,,mo per., Zbir-,Obshah Kbi , Vol XXV., No 2,, 1-955, PP-224-229~- CIA D 151M Consultanto Bureau ,;Oientific - oboxistry A New Type of Chadcal Ccapounds.- "OyaLkyla. by B* F. - Ormmt. b ppa RMTM,, mo pers, Zhw Fiz XblmF Vol XIXI, Ho 31 1945,, pp 167s 168. Sci Tr Ctr HT-3Wl5 Scientific - CbemUtry *y 56 MS/dez A oa the Structure of the Carbide Fbases of. V=is*lipv by M. A, ftwavichip B. 70 ormmt*. RMUNs thrice-im pers Dok Ak Mwk SMp Vol =VIM Ito 61, 1.9%j pp J~%5-1168. limt.cher Ir no 31,14 Sclentiflo - MLU/JfttmU Jan 55 CTS)hu ,,~ OF 610 an do Tkinsd FAwanm* as** *Moos 40 06 t ammakiwa. XL14 "D so 1"4. pi -~w Electrical Properties of Some Complex Tungstee-in- -- - Oxides, by Z. 1. Ornstakaya, 3 PP. I . tirillillhW RWSIA'R, mo per, Zhur Takh Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 1, Jan 1957, PP 130-137- Amer lust of Pbys Sov Phys, Tech Phys Vol n, N 1 Sci - Phys Jan 58 Ornatsldi, A. P. INVESTIGATION OF HYDRAU11C RESISTANCE IN THE CASE OF FLOW OF SUBCOOLED 'A'ATER IN A SMALL-DIAMETER -MBE WITH HIGH HEAT FLUXES. 1196118p. Order from ATS $13.65 ATS-26N55R Trans. of Teplocnergetika (USSR) t961, v. 8, no. 8, p. 56-60. DESCRIPTORS: *Fluid flow. Water. Pipes, Hyd-ulic systems, licat. 61-25720- I - Ornatskii, A. P. 11. ATS-26N55R Ill. Associated Techrdci sLrvjces, Inc., East Orange, N. (Mechasics-Hydrodynamics, TT, v. 6, no. 12) offi- .1 CMIcalbot zoom =a sma Tr=Ter FM am 0 wntw ft low ft taw Resim ve boom* avow".& IV A. P. ammtmmv 2963t No 3,v .Iwo Am Vbl lop 04 JMW low 87 320#53T Artusoa A"t sawls in Ibis 4oll won ft ASU Modw 2Ubnp V A. V- ~6=*MU6 A. IL =04sAms IM jWNW 4 r")kVMnMMjgW v4 9. 196e, lb 68: jo am 6) - mw aw or, 326#5~8 Ornatakly, A. P. THE EFFECT OF TUBE LENGTH AND TUBE DI- AMETER ON THE VALUE OF CRITICAL HEAT FLOW UNDER THE CONDITION OF FORCED CIR- CULATION OF WATER. HEATED TO LESS THAN THE SATURATION TEMPERATURE (VIIyanlye Dliny I Diametra Truby us Velichinu Kriticheakogo Teplo- -ogo Potoka pri Vynuzhdenom DvUhenil Vody. Nedog- retoy do Temperatury Nasyshchenlya). Oct 60 [10p - 11 refs. RTS 1687. Order from LCorSLA mi$1.8(X ph$1.80 61-15007 Trans. of Teploenergedka (USSR) 1960 [v. 71 no. 6, p. 6749. 1. Heat transfer- -Analysis 2. Feed-water--Hest transfer 3. Pipes--Hest transfer 1. OrnatsNy. A. P. n. RTS-1687 111. Department rf S-!Pniffic and Industrial Research (Gi. Brit.) The results are given of experiments on the effect of tube length (1) and dianteier (d) an the critical heat flow (qcr) under forced circulation of water heated to less than saturation temperature. and of the effect of large thermal loads. It was found that (1) an increase S.M-, inl/dfm 2 tobetween Band 10cauees a decrease In (Engineering--Mechanical. TT, v. S. no. 9) (over) lheovy of Clogging of a Band Bad When a CUy Suspension Is FlItered Through Ity by N. Vo takiy, et *I, PMOX450, bk,, Isal"aww3ft Prfte"a Mlmtataii Peakav,, M*Vber =,, 195% VP 49-W? 1.63-2B0. wz ms 2m sai - 2w lopq ?// Apr 62 lWreet of Curve Mwp on tbo Choice of F2Veqw=W it-leatLylty oC a 9(F PbwAm %I M*dvaatim Indicator., by P. F, OnatoWp The A. Wlplk., OD pp. LUBMUp per.9 It V~*~ Udbab Zaved W1138D SM ro Hnzd lu ftdbarastwaysnUsp Vol Ts, go 2,p 2962, pp 25-34- im low Sci 63 229p045 HiGb-Frequency Mov_in_--Iron Instruments, by X P. P. Ornatsk-ly, H. F. Suvid, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel Tekhnil,-.a, No LI, 19061, pp 45-47- ISA 205,201 Sci Jul 062 t-4 ~ ' P3.-ey -1- -. , at. by F,P. Ornatskiy, P.B. Usatin, 31 PPc RMSTAN, pnr. 11IrIbm-rostrnnAn5~vp-, No 3. 3960. pp 7-10. Taylor & Francis Sol Jan 61 11 m,ethods and Devices for an Accurate Indicet-lon of a 900 Phase Shift, by P. P. qe4tq)qy, YU - A - skripat, r,,. ~v. suvid, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, lzmeritel Teich., No 8, 1960j, pp 24-28. ISA 575- 3 ~? 3 Jun Certain Featurea of the Development of Indicator- zypa Electrical VLeasuring lastruments, by P. P. firnatakiyj (Rpt on USSR Prod of indus SquiP, 39). rMSSIAN.. mD per, Vest Elektro-Prom, No 5, My 1957, PP 5-9. CIA/FDD Som 1485 Sci - Engr Sep c,;7 52,F136 2he EfficleDCY in HYP=ViS M4 In the Waking Stnte, bry M. T. Or=, 17 pp. - as"JI., Imr, Pwychaogiscbe Rundsobsuy Vol V, Ro 43 1954, IVP 291-297- ZM 2-23 -Sei - Med Mar 59 - or -.7 90 4L0 , 77S Forest lexam by ftetl". Dispoodtlan " MRsIstamm by D. arve4barge. OMONo Pr PWatwablvo Vol Irrs Ito 15P M52, ir ;U73- oat . 62 Geiogrq*V of lomell by _~- _Qmi.and S. Rrmts 340 P- MWAUM# WWI 2963- IPS163101 e. , SC:L-Jbr SCI am 66 303),725 'wr 274AM Pr=osaas in Steel ftewbuzzisIng Bnths, by H* 62migo =MX# per# Atoqpvcdsp Vol V1,f no * 4/5p 196D, Va U9-332. BZ8I 3074 soi - WH ftb 6.3 ~, P, ~~j -, d. -) 54~ t The Occurrence of Blowholes In Castings and Measures for Their NlIndmation, by J. Ornst. CZWR,, per, Slevare=tvij, Val VIIj, No 11j, 1959p pp 433-438. HT 129 Sci Sm kv Apr 6a. T 62- 18303 Ornstein. I.. S. 'Afte-TEMPERATURE. 119621 18)p. (figs. omitted) 1. Ornstein, L. S. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18303 Trans. of Physikialischel Zeitschrifi (Germany) 1931 v. 32, p. 517-520. DESCRIPTORS: *Electric arcs, *High temperazure re- search, Clis discharges, Atomic spectroscopy- (Physics- -Theoretical, 17, v. 9, no. 6) offlu Cd Teck*id senkes Tae Radar Landing System, by L. Orobeyko, 5 PP. 3 RUSSIMs perp Grazhdauskmya Aviatriyu, No 4, encl to IR-1456-56, Apr 1956, p 24. CIA D 52P19 Ar loo6442 MITI g't s-'tl Sci - Mectronics v 'PAL, 40C the BbdO-UI;W 4c Sam St the ]IN 4C tbe nolglop JW P. A. MUSK loMb zklw lbolm 2d% VIL Im Im Nor 2001,136 '.Mhe Deta='-nation of Chlorites and-Hypachloritee in Mixturea, by P. it. Epik, A. 1. Cirochkoi 3 PP- RISSMI$ per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXrlj, No 47 1956, PP 413-415- Instru Soc of Amer sci A-r 60 90 .2 Frim-Apler. of Reactor Operation Control in Large- Tonnage Catalytic Processes, by D. 1. Oroohko X. P. zinovoyeva. 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kinet1ka i Ketalis, Vol Is No 1, 1960, pp 162-169. CB Sai Jul 61 I "W" st.e'p-e; Couviter-Current Contact Fluidized Bed of Fine-Grained jo~aterials,. by D. OrochkPi T. Kh, M~Iik-Akhnazarov, G. N. PolulboL,~x-J.-i-w,_~,- n- OP. 'RUSSIAN, per, KbIm i Tekh llqpliv i Wsel.; llr~~ IT-, No 2, 1958, pp 22-28. AEC IGIS-661"RD/R) Sci - Chem Jun 60 Autocatalytio Reaction Kinetics under Flcw Con- ditions, by A. P. ZinOv'yeva and D. 1. Oroabko, pp. ---------- RUSSIAN. per, Kirtatilm i KataUs, vol in, tv 19Q, pp 385-392. CB sai Apr 63 Step-Wise Counter-Current Method of Contacting Fine-Grained Solid Materialu With Gases and Vapours 111 HcteZ~ogene_solls Chemiczl Processes, by D. 1. Orocbko T. Qi. Pka-lik-Uhnazarov, G. N. Poluboiarinov, 19 pp. RUSSM,, per, Kbim i Tekh Toplov i Masel, Vol Up No 12, .1957~ PP 1-12- AEC IGIS-650IM-An) Sci - Cbem Jun 60 The Problens of Chemical Kiwtics in the industry (Chemical Processes,, C;ynthe5Is),, by D. 1. Oroabko. RMSIMit mo perj, Rhim i Takh TopUva, No 8, 1956.9 Tech and cam $65.00 Bel - Chemistry Feb 1957 MS/dex DLtf T---kn- TOPIA' 4"-53. 4, !959, A-Ts Pu-iC,~6 A New Blectrophotogmphic Process Which is Achieved UBing Combinad Blecrtamt Legrars, by B. M. Golovin, I. S. Zheludevj H. T. Tashukeev, I. H. -OxQlmL,- V. ~L Fridkin, L. Ta. MoglavakW, A. S. Antonov, RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Naukp Vol C7X3X., 110 5,- 1959, py 1008-1011. InternmUonal Pbyaical lud= pb"ica RrxeBS Vol U, No 8.. 1960 Sci - FbYv jul 6o 64 Socialist Arab Rosurrectionists, Its History and D&ctrinos, by Yitshaq Oron 11LBREW, per. Hamizrah lichadash (New East). Vol IX, Ne 4 (36) A 19590 pp 241-263, *)J~~P/14Y-9069/SPECIAL Syria-M Political Feb 64 Some Problems of Electrificat--;Lon, by Laszle 23 pp. MMGAFMj per) Statiaztikal Szemle, Vol )OMVIIII, No 6, 1960, Pp 57);-587- JM 5411 Mw - Hungary Econ - Electric Power, Cost, Consumption Sep 60 / -P, .3 -.1 9 --7~ "gl4pir-g-I It! 1 RIM.F.11 I k I . I!, I ~ ; - - z! -6 - -... P J. ~- Baffling Cases of Malaria# by T, J. Oropena. ITALIAN9 per# Revists Media& dal &&a&=, No 2. 1927g pp 291-295 NTC 72-.12035-06E June 72 i I I ~ bk~ IN."-- --- - "a' -(DC-1953)----- Mining Activity in 1957, by Laszlo Ohrenstein, ( L&szlo Orost, 21 pp. MINDARM, so per,, Buttlostikal Szemae, Vol X=p WO 3, BWapest, Wr 1958, pp 195-211. US JM/DC-192 Raw - ameary Won - rwIA ju 58 444-44 J* Crys~ Plaut-ici~ty--- tile slip Pmaess, '03r E. Oromdu, 2-21 pp. GUM40, yerp Uitschrift Physik, Vol MMIX., 1934, pp 6Vi-60. ABC Tr 1770 Scientific - Pbyalco CTS ./f Antimmy-Cesium Calls, by Carlos Morgenroth Orozco,, 13 1V. SPAR=, per, Instituto Iffaeiama de XLectrmica, Apr 19.9p, pp 1W-115. UWIA H-6789 Scl - Electronics Oct 60 T Thm-ma Do-Icing, by J. L. 9 Orr,, D. Fraser., S. U. MUStim, 9 pp. FUU tr FRMqCHP p=., D=M (Documentewy Review of the World Aeronautical Techniqueslo No 29, 1954P PP 49-52- z 1! &~ ATIC P-M-8519/V Sci - Aeronautics L7-'f/ 3 9'1'L Feb IZ7 CTS/DXX Relations of Seed-Dome Fungi vith MortalitY of SwedUngs and vIth DleorderB of the Cariepoldes of RIcep by M. Orsentgo. !!A*, per, Ann Facolta di Agarls UnI Catoli- Cuore Mlltwop Vol XI, No 1, 1953, pp 22j, 23. ASL3B-W39 sci Avg 56 Id .9- The T--q neacenes PrOP~rties Of Saladm-Activated Une Oiddop by L. ra # Nu4w"Idyx N. S. qrpjmm~~ -k-M.a_ 3 PP RMWAX$ PW OrAlm I Openng Vol Us no is 1%02 pp ;7-42 OBA so& mw 61 IT by A~ 11 . N. Orzhans 7aya., ii. 60;ro'Lava, a pp. RUSSTAIi., Dostizhanlya Nauki I Feredovogo Opyta v Sells],= !Choziaistve, No 1,, 1954., PP 78-83, Sol Tt= Center ET-3341 So-Lentific - 9-- Biology Apr 56 LabcTatory DicCnosir, af the To;-.,Ic Variety of li-Ilin. rt~ Stacl:qbcrtrja Alternano, by A. n. Sar!Usov, FuLl tr=sLLtion. RUSSIALL UMA usm CM/D= Sclentifle - Z&w&va ,.? -7 PTO~eoljy-~ic Activity Of Mallig-axat r-0-m-;atiorm F-epailt., 11. Alteratioa of Cleavage ot riat 11ancie Frotains, in the Process -of the Damlopmrit. of a Sarcoma (Report I siven in BlokhIciia, Vol- IIIII, lio Ovich., 7 PP- Fal trawlation. nussiril, per, Bic"limila (reprult)v Vol nis, No 5,0 1938, PP 616:619. CTA/FDD/X-768 SciantifIc - Jdediclue., micrabialcay Apr 53 CTS meAns of Increasing the Effectiveness Of SOiGMiC Work in guibysh:evski PPo ILzhe A"mea by F. V. 0rekovskiY.,GYxw, M-ZSS:EAN# T*eh & Com Tr amw George Ycelker 2135 SPrwe St - ft11Aft1jM& 31, PA- - Oeophysice.0 fuels 19% ms *W.00 In tbm United Ranks# by Qrmmuovo amiap up.. sont Fift, 16 im 1959. nW Dally ftpwt usm Nil JAM 59 /4~1 /L; F z 1-3111t KJW Of a Beatilla lip Heab"ism Swad be OU now Loomayby V. A. OroatakWa cmd 14. S~ Sealverstovst ,p I--rt Tex'-til FUSSIM != 1962j, Vol 22.9 110 12, pp 24-2,9. IM EM 2515 (00 Lmn or Parcbase) ;/ /..Y. ac /~~ Aug 65 "'Z73137 law- MWIM X54ML AN_ &16._ AD,, MCI mix ,A-a r.Vi3stigation of the Dapandenee of the - Critical Heat Load On YM13 Flov Mte; Subcoolingp and mssurap bY A. P. O=IatoklY~ A~ Yl- KtcbfZins PP a RMSIM, per, Vol MI., No 2p 1961; pp 73-79. 920W40 se, . nwa 43i1" al ~ imi 6.3 61-22818 Ornst, J, THE OCCURRENCE OF BLOWHOLES IN CASTINGS 1. Title: Blowholes AND ?%EASURES FOR THEIR ELIMNATION. ]an 60. 1 . Ornst, J. Order from MTf 6 10s MT Trans-129 11 NIT Trans-129 III Tollemache, M. de 0. Trans. of Slevarenstvi (Czechoslovakia) 1959, v. 7, (Gt. Brit.) no. 11, p. 433-438. DESCRIPTORS: *Castings. Offi".f Tcialcul Sw~l-. (Machinerv- -Xianufactu ring, TT, v. 6. no- 7) Dynamics of-Chemical Oonwersions in Plow Reactors With Int4irnal VAzingo by A. P, ZI=w'y*vnv D. 1. Orodbko, 3-0 pp. =WM.k per.. Vdn I Takh 0 TbpUv I IbmI., Val Wj, Ib 11, 1959, ]M 4i-4s. WA 60-18067 Sai Vol ITS So 9 IJ-7, Ibr The Couater-Y-n-niamm of ProlfcsooZ- 'J"='ZOV, b-y- 3 pp. SPAL,EISH., np, 21 Nacional., Carwus, 3 Yov 1959, JMS 3193 It LA - VC.12,eZUejek BiO i4my 6o SE IeFIF (ZiY-3277) XorViiw Alkaloid Production and Problers of Itz Develoigent la Rungaryi, by Worgy Heretag, pp. MMARIM,, perp- Statisztlkal Szemle, vol xxXVU, No 3-1, DAmpest, 1959, pp 1082-.1099. JM-2242 Bsur - Hungary Soon - Agiriculture Feb 60 -TRAMOC nmk Pam =mews",, b.V =111wilmd vll;;i3am, v Iwo, ;Mxm ft IMAT-1WICK UffA 0 IN OF ME CAL ali"Im iwxwv- or tow . ol 7.M, =0 flp"km. I 1 11 UMG- VM xvw- ND S-3v J" 19M I. -&Um~mftlk : - ~ -wwmpwsv ama pay 63 MAW A Problm of Zlow ThrouSb a Fractured Porous Medluj by T. Oroveamo IMM, per, Acad PembUq.U PopulAre MmLine ATs 6&rMv -- -1. Ain, Acau. kc-p. T. Oroveanu 62-12806 QxQxg,P..qq,'T. and Pascal. H. 'ME PROPAGATION OF PRESSURE WAVES IN A 1. Oroveanu. T. LIQUID FIZWING MROUGH A POROUS MEDIUNI. 11. Pascal. H. 119621 4p. 111. ATS-02P59RU Order from A-S $6. 00- APS-02P59RU IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Fast Trans. of Acadjemlal Rep[Liblictil Populare Romine. Orange, N. J. Instliturul del Mecan[ical Apiplificata). Srudti fail Cercerarl [de) Mccanlical Aplpllllcaral 1958. Y. 9. p. 625-629. tA DESCRIlyrORS: *Shock waves, *Propagation, Fluid flow, Porous materials. (Pbysics--Wave Propagation, Tr. v. 8. no. 3) Offt. of T.cLW..l 3"-s 62-10487 'ME BEHAVIOUR OF ULTRASONIC WAVES IN 1. Ora Martinez, METALLIC MEDIA: ITIE CASE FOR CAST IRONS Il. TItle: Case AND STEEL.% 119611 [29]p. 10 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-10487 Abridged trans. of Instinito del Hierro y del Acero (Spain) 1953, v. 11. Oct/Dec, p. 263-281. A complete trans. is available !rom BISIS 6 10a as BISI-1273 (1959]. DESCRIPTORS: *Cast iron. *Qwt steel, ?Aetals, OVibration, 0151trasonic radiation, Transmission. The coefficient of extinction of acoustic 'Ma= 19 Prro- posodaeaspwificcharactertisticofthil. I..,. determining its permeability to ultransc 1his coeficient has a particularly high i (Mechanks, TT, v. 7. nm 9) (over) Offi-f T-WcO S-i Inatantanaous Spactrogmphyp by J. J., Grzafi. IMCL MWW, per., Rev Mtj Dac 1949p pp 803-806. British Txon emd Steel Ind (no number gl"a) ftL-VIVS Sol? 59 ~;~. ,-- Small Familial Outbreak of Tropical Ulcer, by r)rsini., 9 ppr ;'0RTUGUPSF, per Brasil Wico, Vol LVIII, 1944, go 72-74 STA 57-1518 Sci-Medicine 'to/ 14 li,49-10F Mar 58 Orsini Paola Giordano and jannelli. Uliana. A OF TIM SYSTUA PYRITTUMNE-BENZENE. NOTE U. CRYOSCOM BEHAVIOR. 11963121p. (figs. anitted) 15 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-i8m - 63-18010 I- Title-- Cryoscopy I - OrMifti, P. G. 11. jannelli, L- III. Title: Cryo6ccW Trans. of Gazz[~~ Pica lEal[lana) 1957, v. 87, P. DESCRIPTORS: *Phasestudies, Thermodynamics, Freeziq& Molecular weight. wPyridines, *Ben=ea. Eutectics, 6EXpolemoments, Electric rnornar&B, Determination. 4 (Cbemistry-M)mIcal. TT. Y. 10, no. 6) Me W TOCWCjd sanim Orsino, J.-A. , Iferman, D. F., and Bransato, -J- )C0rffJ0=N OF POLYOLEFIN CELLULOSE. 119621 8p. Order from O-M or SL.A $I. 10 62-16347 Trans. of Belgian patent 575,559 by National Lead Co., LISA, ptibl. 10 10) .59 (priority: USA, I I Pet) 58). DESCRIPTORS: *Synthutic fibLrs, Polymers, *Etliyl- enes, *Cellulosc, Preparation, Catalysis, Impreg- nation, Thanitu-n, Zirconium. 62-10347 1. Orsinu, J. A. IT. H~rnnari, D. F. M. Bransato, J. J. IV. Patent (Belgium) 575 559 (Niaterials-Textiles, 717, v. 9, no. 1) Offic* of Tedm" Serd"I (NY-10) ME TFARS OF WM AT 7HE RADIOCHEMICAL LADMORr OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR tOVY QUICA4 INKISTWO BY ~ a ovw AuQuyj, am= "no-A pp. MWARIANO Mo WXAR MMMM LAPJA2 VOL XV1 Ip to Z* 1952v PP 71-73- JM 14,30 SCI -a CHM 2W,,130 EOMMIC SIMT1011 OF IM FISIEMMIS COOPEFATIVES IN m"m" By AM-0mr, � pp. . WJNQMIM,p "Mo SMATISUINAI SW",, VOL Xx NO ~ko 19*o FP W&WO CON,%, 9 -on" (W-5395) Toolmiaal Prftmos In the ffidpbuilding Industry, by W. 9! ~DS*Uk~ S. Zabialloo J. ZYdovo,, 7 PP. POLISH" w" adowntatwo ak"twes Vol V., NO :L960, pp 94-97. -JM 71453 Fjw- Polud am 61 Varlatlow In the Dymmic Cberacuristies of Pro-ftmmed Coww*W ftwimwp by G. OrU. 11MMi, P&Wj, FoUrth DonaMs of the Fedontion - 40we d* I& Ps 1962, Popw so 26. van 249, y TO so 286 AvaiLWbU on LOM M.T 3 Mar 63 Study-of -tlie--Spermatogmesis-in -stic Aulmis p32 an a r,, by R. _Ortakyog Using vii" PH==,, paper P/38L,, adlaW of Mmternat4orml Conferemm an POOCOM Uwe of Atoodc Imergy Bold at ooneva 8-20 Ang 1"3p Vol XJX. Thtemsti cont __ TJN fti - Miclear Phplos / g.6 Apr 57 crA i-W.g.iQ Mexico,, Springboard for C unism in Amarica , by, Carlos Ortega G., 21 pp. UNCUSS31?MD *464 SPANISH, rpt, I%xico, Trambolin delCommuniamo en A-wrica, pp 1-25. US JPRS/DC-L-82 IA - YOXICO 6 0 Pol - Comunism Mar 56 Obtaining a Nov Variety of Castor Beau (Riclaus Ca=wdrA L.) by EWbr*lmtlcmg by Do Go '"Ibeme SPAK=jp =A Imum A00SIOR Tmuldst" St warth 4brollm mte Colup YARN RALLOON CONTROL RINGS FOR RING SPINNING. [1961] [131p. (13 figs. omitted) 4 refs. Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-14059 TTans. of Melliand Textilberichte (West Germany) 1952, v. 33, July, p. 598-601. 61-14059 1. Textiles- -Processing 2. 'Tbreads- -Measurement 3. Rings - -Applications e Ott 1, F. Offi- f T-d-i-t (Materials--71'exti1cs, TF, v. 5, no. 12) M4911111M!11.151-113410 Ml . : 1111111A. I "ill `T!t) an Antibactft-MIJ. propgrtlw of rw by S. V101 10.0 Ho 12,0 pp 5613-6B C) k 7-,e-,~_ 50w 368s482 The Relative Intensity of the ZrO Bands as a Criterion for the Temperature of M and S Stars., by Fo S., Ort!~berg, h pp. RUBSTAN, pw Astron Zhur, Vol XXXVII, No 6, 3.960, pp 94 -ion. AI? Soy Antron-AJ Vol IV,, go 6 Investigation of Converter Flame Spcetra in Nzw Blowing Methodp by K. S. Gargarj, by G. D. Krivu-lya,, F. 'S. qE~S~~ V. I. Trofimova., 4 pp. HUMAN# perp Zavod Labp Vol XVP No 5P 19591 pp 573-576, Conaxatants Bureau //? ;?Y3 Sci-Chem j j~m 6o A New Method of Reducing Astronomic Coordinates and Its Application to the Method of Equal Elevations, by N. A. Ortenberg, 5 PP. RUSSMN, per, Geodez i Kartog, No 9, 1960, PP 21-31. 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