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Separation of Alpha- andL Beta-CrystaUina,? Proteins of the Crystalline Lensj, by V. I. Orekhqvich)~K. Fe Firfarovaj, M. P. Cheraikov., 12 pp. RtWIO,p bUio per,, Biokhimp Vol XIX., No 1,, 19541 pp 45-49. zim Sci - Chemistry e~~ rv CM 70/-Tul 55 ~),L A Th6 Enzymtic Hydrolyeia of the Crystalline Protein on Skin., by V,. H. Orekbovichs A. A. Tuntanovskiyl K. D. Orekhovich~----- --- RUSSIANp thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Hauks Vol-LVII., 1947., pp 475-477. A.s.R.u. Tr 11/3/5/340 Scientific - Biology CTO/DEX X? c~~ cmractarlatier; Of th'2 sobtfole of the (Im"tallinei t*ns, W V- 14, K. r. 71rftwavaj. V. 0. 6--pylter., r6y-Ais, p,?r. UkreAn BIPICnim Vwrs VOI W ly 1955, PF 353-363- CIA 9033&J3 Pn-dv Chcm 58 C. D44:;r,=j.-M 040 slid TbLoiw Quantitative Ekatia in -Thio !4,oteia., by V. N. Orelghovich,, V-. 0. Shpikiter, . 6 PI) - RMSUD, per,, B2.,.!-him, Vol XXM, no 2,, 19589, Consu:Lu---*-.s Bureau /7 / Y, Sci - Chem Jan 59 Investigatim of the lmoorpomtion of Amin AcIft 3Dmto FI%ftIns In Vivo and In Vitrop by V. ff. M=ap mu P/686p Pooes"indo or matnum- UUMI oomforen" m palmosm Umm at Atoode Ibmw a" st omwva,, 8-aD Aug 195% vol in. Sol - maciew Phial" Apr 57 IntKUKU Cm -- 'UN cTA 1-6b9.9.3.62 KLtc--ation of Anim! Ticruc;'!F-"t,,-ir;n in the 11roccss c-~ the Dovelopment of thlirrant No-o-plasm, by .L.N. Ore~:hqvlch,, 3a pp. Full tTanslation. RUSSIAN., per,, Biolkhimiia (reprint), Vol V. NO 3, 19hr), pp 331-337. CIA./FDD/-A-767 ScientifIc - Yedicina., microbioloay 7.5 Apr 53 CTS pracojjxZeins. Classification, Yfetabolism, Action of , -. -,-Qy~-IC4, V- 0, ChPiUter, ProtetnweG, by V. N. PZ-Vkh V. I. Muzourov, 15 PP- FRM , per.. bill Soc do Chimle Biologlque, Vol XLII, 10 5-6p 1960, PP 505-518- rm 4-3$-61 Scl - Iftd JU 61 15-X 3 i~$- 0 b. . ,=M016 414z--ti= of tbe P--.dio23rtic C=nve.-3ian Of Sodium Nitrate In Aqueous Alkaline SoiLitiona, by V. A. Sharpsti., V. D..Qreklov, M. A. Proskurnin, 9 pp. RTMIM, bks Action of the Ionizing 'Iradiation oz the laorgewle and Orgmic 1+50tems, Wscovp 1958j, AcM of Bel USSR., PP 3T-42. AM 3389 Bel - Chou 7~ 46/'--y ww 58 Content of Carotenoida and the D Fertili- zation Process in GVnaecia of Different Age in Tbmato and Potato MM Plants,, by L. 1. Orel,, G. B. Smwrodova, 7 rp. RMBLU,, per, Bak Ak Muk S=p Vol =0 No 2., 1.9%j, Vp 4W-4M. BLA 6D-Ift3l filet reb 62 /py/" L'F/ Vol 4, No 9 Mect of PoUen Age on the Fertilization Process and Embryogeaesis In Tomtocs., by L. 8 pp. RMSTM,, per., Vsos*Uwm. Akad ft1'skdftaz. us* im"d V. I. LMIMS D*.$, Val m=s SO 1,, W 11-14. 9M332 srA 6o-iW32 USSR ]DO-Ou ftp 61 Hearth Method of Coal Gasification for Power Prcd=ti= Puxpmes,, by K. I * Xaladtsev,, I. F. Oral'abeakop 21 SmIm,p pf3rjQ"#ae=yumW TqaoteMmichcSldv T=t. 1952.1 NO ap pp V-18. M& 59-18Vt2 ftt Feb 60 Val 2j, no 10 Reseafth on a m Rated Gas Producer for Osw TorbUw - PlAnUo by M Jp Kolofteers. 1. F. Or*14cbonko. OM memo to so us 1956, un- (um) M640 set - rmixj mw Ana r5/ Recolverm Of 'the SoUnd ACCOMPBUI=mt of Tele- viclon BmOcauts, by'.K. Samoylikov loGinart, 4 pp; (b) A StMigtt (Toned BF) necelver,jQt_N. Orelki~,, 4 pp; Cc) The Megob=eteir by S. jurfIff-'T"P.P. UNCIAMMED Full translation. ROSSMS, perp Re~dMDj. No 12, Dec 1"ll, pp 48-52. ATIC F-TS-7812 USSR / 0 Selentific - Electromicov sound., televi Io recelverni mesobmeter 146 Principles of Automation of Stereophotogrametric Processing of Aerial Photographa, by N. F. Orelkin, .IL5 pp. RUSSTANIj per, Zhur Nauch i Prik Fotograf i Idnematogre-f . Vol V, No 2. 1960; pp 114-12-')~ CWFDD XX-904 NUT REMSABLE TO FOREIGN N."MONAU Sci - phys ~.ov 60 USIB BMRNAL USE ONLY Theory of Boundpraffing q%S- Fmlls at Oblique InaldMnW, by L. OM=r-.- GMKU,, Vw, Akustische Zattechrift.. Vol M., No 3, 19423, VP MMIW 81-2-04- WC LLbrSZ7 Ottava, Hof C-2395 Bel - Pbra Ayr62 . ~ w " -,- & -,-/- I- I: fit ~;pj- !I !I I: Of.'low MWOOL'. Isms"% ND *9"m 3,;* po ca &)kaw of ovablating ter ottatial lumoom of Procipitrataft from coo-, - ips C%4m" (9"" Am on" ftm the take ftwoR by A. ?. ckwsww. Va. V. crart. -fta Y's IL 1.5 ostpoms, va TO shvAr"s VP. vw* Tkift aw"MV GOWI*Idm*w -io me Lug 1064 go 101-21%. ins owl 2044ow I k i~~f - 64oi )I Portrait of a Hebrew Soldier, by Yalakav.Orepstein, 5 pp. MUM;, DX np, Davar, 16 J'ul 1961, p 4. JTRS 11731 W/Ref;t Africa - lareal C-- a , 7 IR, ;? '03 .r O:kr, I;rl .Arsevlc in the Cimmerian Iroa Ores of the Amm-Mack., Sea ROO= -by' Ef--'th-%qAm Russrmo per: Ge~i ~pi.No Ip 1963j, 17P 87-98o ScrlptL.Tedmacs MY (W-2 ; ot. r meDw aiDv Detected., bY.-A-.,Mv&h&,hcnkovi 3.Pr.- tRUS.9:rJjl v .0 ~, ., !aP, Sove rloto Xmcav, 16 oct. lg:zc) p 2. aw 30"- tisap, I-Mi Ila. ~5-3 7 M%r 60 The Dievelpluent of Sleep aa Loaa Cooliua Of the spinsal cord (in '9elation to the Milhanism of Spinal Shock), Iry F. A. 0 6 pp RMIM,v per, Fiziol Zbw SM Inmi I. M. secbenove.. Vol XLVI.- So 10j, 1960j, vp 1230-1235 PP sci Apr 6L Meet; Ot S'%"L---Ulau-n-glaay~ Ionic Cor=titution of Prog SknIzital V=Qlv Per:VusmtLh,, by q. _&.-Ore,shIrwaviabs 3 Ps RUSSIAMp W, ByU gtqwr Bio I Ned, 1959, Vol XLVIX.. No 5.p Yp 8-10. CB 6-01 jan 6o 61-23301 Oreshkln, G. 0- EXPERDAENTAL RUNNING OF BLAST-FURNACES 1. Oreshkin, G. G. WITH AN UNCONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF COOLING It. BISI-521 THE SHAFT AND BOSH. Apr 57 [101p. BISI-521; 111. DSIR LLU M-2780 [DSIR LLUIM.2780. IV. British Iron and Steel Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-23301 Industry Translation Service Trans. of #Metallurg (USSR) 1956 tv. I I no. 3. p. 1-7. DESCRIPTORS: OBlast furnaces. *Cooling, Operation, Tests. Ten years of experience with one furnace with slab (vertical) cooling plates and 2 years experience with another have shown that cast-iron slab cooling plates with recesses filledwith bricks, the plates being placed along rational furnace contours. make it possible to get a better configuration of the furnace Interior through a fundamental change of the furnace lines. involving a considerable Increase of the height and diameter of the Win. f T..h-ic.l S.-ic., bclly, and a considLrable reduction of the height of the (Metallurgy, Yr, Y. 6. no. 7) (over) Naw )btbAA9 of TestIng HLasieVarnaca Sluter for Its UwAma1=1 Pzqpwtdosp b7 N, Z. Plotkin,, 0. G. ftmehMas A. BodOwv. =SIM,* Pws 8WF T4 Vo, so 10* M5,p pp 887, *GrY Bmteber Tr 3A5 SaL a ldnerals/wtaus. modstrv.. zu&mrlng :W'm )by 3.9~6 Blast Furmeo SUck Cooliw-~ by On Orarsh'Idn. UMM WSSUN.t upp PrOm-SkOU GazoUp 21 Dee 1958. DrItiah Iram arA St"I Ind 2295 (L3.) A//- /- /") - ~/,:7 ~ , Sol - sw MY 59 71 d Loq Adjusting mid Operating a Nw Metbcd for Normalizit% aud Surbitizing Ralig at the Dzershinsky Iron aW St4wlwwknp by P. T. Besedin, G. G. Orethkin, A. A. Sorokin, A. X. Karpurdnp et al, 5- -Pi.-- RUSSXAN, perp Stall No 10., 1960, Pp 946-953- BIBI sel AY)r 61 of -aEl~ Tharmi3torP by 10. T. Oresb~I-iny' 4 pp. IMSIM, per, nil Tblzb Piz, Vol Mkli"11-11 No 7f, 1955, pp j.4oc3-i4i2. Amr MrA, Inst eL PhyG Sov Phys - Tech Plwr- Vol =s ITO 7 Sci - Ph3fs 59 '10n the Nature of SpottinesB in a Chrom-e-14olybdermim- .,A,Alum.inum Nitriding Steel, by V. D. Oreshkin. -4RUSSTAN# per, Stals Vol XVs No 1, 1955, pp 69-70, Brutcher Tr No 3598 ~'J,Scientjfic - MinAletals jan 56 =/bzx $1.90 3 1)2 RecxysWUzadon of ldg-Ce-A~-byE. S.-Kadd-n-er, A. A.'Qreobklm_4 12 M RUSM ,AN* pd~,- lmmu Inatka holemum Imwd A, A., Baykovs. Tymm juv. LyieuLuursr- - -.0 .0-* rv .-.-* JPRS 24761 sel ~ m/m Jun 64 261. W9 F,x-eerimental claseificatione of the Capacl-Z,y of Fine Sand and Coarse Silt Fractiona, by N.S. pp. - ------------ RUSSIAM, par, PoeIvovodanip, No 1, 1959, pp 79-85, Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci Dee 60 61-22846 Oreshko, N. A. THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE TECHNIQUE, AND THE 1. Oreshko, N. A. INCREASE IN nM PRODUC'nVITY, OF SRK-CON- 11. MT Trans -55 TINUOUS CASTING AT THE VOLKHOV AUJNWJM in. Tollemache. M. de 0. PLANT [Soverihenstvavanie I Inuensifikstsiya Protsessa (Gt. Brit.) Polunsprenvnogo Llr'ya na Volkhovskorn Alyuminievom Zavode]. Ian 60. Order from MT A'l. Is MT Trans -55 Trans. of Tsvetnye Metally (USSR) 1958, v. 31, no. 4. p. 74. DESCRIPTORS: *Castings, Production, *Industrial production. USSR. olfim.f T-61C.1 v. 6, no. .5) Volumtric Oxidation of Coal, by V.F.Oresblm. RUSHM, pers R,*Iac Fmii Nauk SSSR, W. I - k Ak 1952, pp 135-338 NZWA 0, F. 0 P- e -s ~7 i(,~, Sci - Aug 6T 355-295 -"~7eriodic Fhanamna In Oxiaation of Coal, by V. F. OL-ashko. RV;3STIPAI, per, Tz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Ho 5, 1949o PP 748-759- ELL M. 4838 Sci - Chem Aug 62 -:1 e '/ , -;. , S' Dr-.~estigatlon of Process of Oxidation of Coale, 3y V. ?. Oreshko. RUSSUN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SM. Vol M, 110 3,, iq~,o., Tv 4454W. W.L IL 4837 13ci - Chr--%m ft%xg 6?- -~tf - - /, Procedure for the Determination or the Natural Rudiozattre W=kgm=d of Atampheric Air Duz to Aerosols, by A. Z. Selouaav, Yu. V. Novikov, Ve IN Oreahko, cod B. 1. Poillvodat 10 pp,, RWSIAHj gers 011;*1 Ban, so Ia.. 1958, pp 64-69. gei - Wd Wr 59 (2071-N) RadicactAve Bukground of Atumpheric Air Camed by Aetoools i by -Ar Nalmmove Yu. V . Narikov, V. 7, Oiesblwj.Yj* 1. PoUvod&3 10 pp. RtIMM,, per, Gig i Siknj, No 10,9 1958# pp 17-22. JPVIB 2237-N Sci - Mbd Iftr 59 (2011-N) Investigation of the PUkdloactivity of Water and Bottom Deposits of City P=dsv by 0. rk. Ma", A. Plaiglu !?r~!xo~pA_ q P 6 R=Ms. per$ Gig i Sunpl No 10,, 1W,, pp 28-32. Sol - Ybd xkr 59 71 Action of -;~-radiatlm rrom Co6o an BVdrcphobic Oolloidal SolutIms, by V. F. Oreshko, B. G. Sambryalw7,, H. r~ SallaT 90 8 13-Do - - - - Fuu tamnautloa. RWBU,&., ~ bim Per., XoUjoid 73-,-j, Vol XMi So 5,P Sept/Oct 1955., PP 3W-386. M C 41475 Beimtkilic - Chomistw Commatauts Buvean Apr 56 QJZ/d= ' .3 aJ f(v ~ Effect of Co6c, Radiation on Hydrophobic Colloidal Solutions, by V. F. (>--eshk-o, N.- G. Serebryakov, E. K. Sakseyev, 21 pp. RUSSIMT to FRENCH, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XVII, 1955, PP 379-386- CEA Tr R-643 Sep 59 Study of Da-gradation of s7!~ch DL=ing lbr-posure to Ionizing y -Radiat! --,, 2-a Relation to the lboage Actcdnistered. '.6- 7. F. 2~e ~hk K. A. Kbrotchenko, 3 yy. HMS!:-Aj, Per3 DOk Ak Bauk SSBR, Vol C)D=, go 5, I:- ,~-,O, p2 L219-1m. AIBB sci A3~r 61 Effeot of Ionizimg Gema reAiation on the Struatural Mechanical Properties of St- Gals, by V. F - -Qresbko,, L. E ff. G. Shakbova, I- PP.- RUBSTM,, per., DoX Ak ?%rA SWRY Vol CXMv- Do 3, 196o, pp 636-6*1-5. CB 1301 06 ORESHKO., V. F. THE OXIDATION OF COAL UNDER NON-ISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS 11 Pages RUSSIAN., Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXTII, No 3, liar 1950. Consultants Bureau Translation S Atmospheric Air Pollution With Radioactive Substances, by V.-.-F. Oreshko, Yu. V. Novikov, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Gig i San, Val XXV, Ho 2, 1960, pp 64-7o. JPPS S6i Med Radiology- JU)-.60 Ctudy of the Effect of Tberml Treatwnt of Coals on-M3&Ir Omidation, by Vo F. Oreshko.. and T. S. Tialiulp 11 pp. I 1=10g, mo par# Zhw FrU XbImj, Val XXVp No 40 Apr 1952,j pp 373-383. comultents B=au 7 ',~ 49 Scientific -- Cbmaistry Dec 53 CTS Splaa VA*ak In Azqbiblaw arA UVtUes, by 7 A. Oresb*.. %7, jV. - RMUNJ ~ pwt Flis MW ~ In I - M. Seebenam, Vol zwp No 7m- 1958, 0 4V-&V. pw~pwm mat sai - *4 iba 19 xd.~ 02 "71 Influence of Removal of the Cortex of the Large Cerebral Bpmispheres on the B12e-Foraing Amation oi the Liver, by A. V. tbzar A. Oresbuk, 4 pp. WSMAN, mo per, Pyul Eksper Bial i Med, Vol XLIj NO 9., SeP 1956., pp 11-14- Conmatants Bmvau Sci - Medicine d Jan 56 Uaftdcd candwUvitys, Boatim of the tionum (pFI) WA Stlator Caotmt In Carebma Tloom In Cronlocarebml IV*wa, bCr 1u, R, oivatailm, RMO.Um, w0 CLAW% Vol V:11, kigip Jan-Fdb lgftm ppo 25-2a* sa/b and 11 -14v 67 sl-n-s; AQ Vae-IT7-' Pr r,j-e5tovas, and 1- 11- A. 1111OL43mvap 6 pp", parD Zhur prik Mdm, Vol =M~ No 1 pp Sci Nov 60 Reoiprocq4l, '01=w1semmut of CmLpoacats iu Ion SzohWo by G- V. Sem"mov, V. A. !~E 4 Fp-. RWODW# par. lkUoid,Zhnr,, Vol XIX9 No 3v 17;7.. C-mo oltomets Bureau Jw 59. Rapid Micramc~Zhnd for the Determination of Halogens n organic Compowids, by N.V. Sokolova, V.A. Orestova, ~A. Nikolayeva~ 6 pp~ SIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol. XIV, No. 4, 1959, 472-477. CB Sci Sep 60 1,326 /J14 ,q Exch=se of Sodium wd CUlaium Ions on SueLlAng Sulfanic and CarbmW31c Resinsj by 0. V. Ba=,=ov,, A. A. Tiwilyev, V. A.. Orestovs,, 6 pp. RWSIWs, par$ talloLd Zbwjj Vol XIX.9 no 6., 1957, pp 730-735. consultanto Burma ftl - cbm ihn 59 p 1 6 '// Compositioriand structure of Rock-Reservoirn of the Lover Cretaceous of the Berezov Region, by L. P. Nblgima,, L - G - Crev, r,. A. Vladimirskaya, 7 PP - - RUSSUN,, p.-.r. Geologiya Nefti, Vol X1, No 4a, 1958, pp 29- 34. Review of Russian Geology Box'! M65, College station Dutd Wveraity Durham, N. C. SCL - aecphya D&c 58 CarbOn DJoXJ do In SUbop*ace Waters, by K.- F. orroulft. 4 vv. Mussm ' Ws Dok AIL Nouk GBOR, Vol CXV9 No 5, Iwo vp 999-001. comultauft BwmM SOL - G4qphym 1349 58 47-40 /I M-" W/ 7-d A=onification and Nitrification in the Soils of Certain T~ypes of Cutaver Areas in Arkhangel'sk Ublast', by Ya. A. Orfanitskiy; M. A. Fedchenko, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pachv-ovedeniye, ',~To 10, 196o, .pp 79-84. ADS Sci may 62 195;617 -pp. T Ne, pr: *0 ox,;r ISA *ATTC Ft'ljr-757A Feb 61 Influence of SplenectaW on Natural Rasistance of WhIte Rats to Piesmodlun Vinckei, by G. Feblanl, J. Or Zi3ji , G. Bonhoure, 5 PP Camt" Bendus Sm Biol, FRMH., perd - - Val mn., 110 2., S" 5, 1958, pp .337-339. NM 3.0-36-60 fti - Ked Dee 60 Rr:fcct of SplenectooW on Malaria in Wb1te Rate R-L-eviously Infected With Plamnodium Vinckei, by G. Fableatj J. OrMl&, G. Banhoure, 5 pp. FMCH., per, Comptsis Rendus Sao Biol, Vol CLIT., No 12, Jul 22. 1k 1958, PP 2135-2137- RM 10-35-60 Bei - Vzd Dee 6o / 9-,T Blood Platelet Variatbow Dur1mg Expdrlmntal Halaris In White Mice, by G. Fablamd, J. Orfila C. M. Pra"s, 4 pp. FMCH, per, Comptes %ndus Soc Biol., Vol CLU., ito 4, 0,-t 4, 1958, PP W, 589- Nm lo-34-60 sc:L - NO& Dee 60 10, 1 /5 5, "~'gJ A 50-IU-Iovolt Ion-Aceelerating Tube., by 1. V. O.-flanov V. A. Teplyakoy. RMIAN, Peri PribOry I Tekh Eksper,, No 2,p 1960s pp 15o-152. 967oo4i ATIC WL 757/1 item 3, 10 41881 Jul 61 /5- 9, -~z ;l Directed Rmiavion or ftruaua from a copper isinge Cr.vatnl Sputtered by Bcmbaramant with Ions uP to 30 Kev Smrgy., by V. N. yur"*Yap N. V. Plashivtsev, 1, V. Orlanw, P* RMIAN per ZbW XWPW A TOWS rLU P V01 XXKMt It* pp gm-M. Amr I=t of Pbp scw fts liki Val Ir Alob so Bei Apr 11 944 ORFANOV I. V-, et al- A 50-kV ion tube lonenr6hre ftir 5OkV * Prib. i Tekhn. Eksp., No. 2, 150-152 (1960) KFK-tr-39 (GF-3) - Gei US-20: English GF-3 US-20 E u r a t o m 1 63-10212 Dowav, K. A., ULLovskii. & A., and Kosarcv, N. N ' ' ONCE7MORE ON A MOVING CONMUSTION CENTER av, K A. -ROUS RE 4p. "'an IN A 1, SERVOIR MMXM [196211 hL11MVskil. S. 12 refs. ~ 111. Kosarev, N. N. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-10212 Trans. of Neftyanoc-- Khoz[yalstvo] (USSR) 1960, v. 38, no. 4. p. 14-20. DESCRIPTORS: Porosity, *Porous materials, Ope- trolcum. *Combustion, Combustion chambers, *Micrmal conductivity, Motion, Velocity, Numerical analysis. In order to study the possibility of extractio" residual tan-viscosity petmlewu by the cr ti- and movement of a cormhustion center in a porc W! jttX Investigations ricre made under laboratory =n which a certain quanIty of supplementary fuel In the (Materials- Fuels. Tr. v- 10, no. 6) (alrer) MO.. a T Great Prospects: New Scienti C 2 s'- abli SI-Lment in Far East, by 11. R'LJSSI,U,I, np, Prour&eitle�hno-Ekonena-t~- Gazeta, 18 Nov 1959, p 2. 4JPRS Sci - "Misc jan 6o In Siberia, by ff. MaLva- 9 To FUSSM., In, r.. Vqp XbommW., No APr 3,957, pp -43-0 Fael to 3Y-1903-571 MYGM-lAll. Re= Dca 5-F - Procedure for the Removai of 11yrogenic Substances IM F~rom Biologically Active Preporations of High Molecular W-eioit, by N. V. Organon, 5 pp. Ga", Patent Application !,068,861-, Filed 24 A .pr i.c,57, ATS-37M4X- sci Mar 62 Vol IV, Tio 2 "m jk%We at sulftsle A"tites %W ze V. Toolley"k IL A. LltBMMV. A. X_OMMWM 4 PP- IMIm, pwo D* Ak- lba ~l Vol IXI ITT. lb 3# x9os, or 57T-S' ftl - as"Pas a& " 7,9 :2 qx-, Cryatal Chemistry and Vinaralogy of Group in the Light of the Crys4v-al Structure of Lomonosovite, by N,, V., Belav, N. I, Organova, 10 pp. RUSSIJ~N, per Geokhim, No 1, 1962. Claaahem Sac Sai liar 63 Notroautwite,, by A.A. CheralkovF O-V. Iru- tetaMyn, N,I. Orpnm, 6 ppe WSSUN,, per, Atomaya Zftr", Vol ll=, NO4 pp. W- 1.40. sci - lue r4ys im 58 1, 6' 0 71 wevossim OODCOXUIM IL paW by A. Ril and G. , W A. Smagal, 4 pp. Orem_M_-2 Gomm SO pw Our tftbah Adms V01 M12 No 5# 1 mj, pr liag7j-514. Aw cmMatlaft BMW SOL - amns'stry -//- 7, 3-/ '0 aw 57 on Gauge -Lransformations of Green9s Functionsj, by, Orjyev&t$7A'(y, X,,V, P61:16arti)ov, 51-p, RUSSIMO par., Zhur Moper I Teoret F:Lr,, Val XL, No 3, 1961., pp. 926-932~. -~Alp Sov Pkws - RIP Vol TTTTs No 3 Sci Sepb 61 )ur Experience in Introfteing Ccuplex webani- tationt by K. Orishich, 9 PP. IUSSIMP Per* lVb Xbous Vol XXM,kllo 7, 1958, ?P 43-49- ois 6o-2il46 (PL-wb) 1 14 7, ~~~ lei ka ~ep 61 X2(L/gw E~ zaa ~KI14TTT-L~ lobs UTAVIM09njL MSIT a-Ta4 v-xtto!4T6 aj; tAss dd 'z46,T MAISMOM Idd ZI 'q*TAQQw4jo ulndv3 A 'GUOT-IMT(MMOO BaTJV' ;! ze iwij the -1 n=stig%tims of the lawaphe Help or Misoiles Wd Satellites, by To Orhwg, GmMax PCX", PWAIO und Terabehm, NO 33., XW7 1959, Berlin. pp 396..t:*., ".397. WMA SC-83~59 Feb 6D 70 7 ; -1 - -- - - bmrsm" . pjpx~mxw;wmp 22 %Wro & I Vio" Am "S*M S . . -,~116hiwwAvw v INW 2WU $m ": a 9 Effect of Solvents on Hydrogenatim oi xhu Beazene Ring In the Presence of Nickel and lyste, by Y. OrIto, 8, Imai. Cobalt Cat& JAPAN=, per , Shokubal,, Vol IVg No 12 1962, pp 5-7. ATS jJ-39GO Scl-Obem Dca 63 Trans. t" 'Frumn of Sul (USSPt vA A 1,5.10-63 1964. For another !Wulng of this jour~l f