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4c GA signs Dm,t A-mommod-I cc 17 Xv A. VA.. P. T&bWm* XMISM6 -poll #bdmtm JIM& sma- FOX 113014". Emma Old IN" Asio 61 THE ROLE OF SEPARATION SURFACES IN THE DELAYED FRACTURE OF METAI-Sp BY 1. A. ODINGp V. S. IVANOVAj, ET ALp 12 PP. . ..... -- RUSSIAN, BK., ISSLEDOVANIYA PO ZHAROPROCHNYM SPLAVAMj, MOSCOWs VOL IV., 1959j, PP 3.12. JPRS 17370 sci M/M JAN 63 221,078 A New Law of Creep Rupture, by I. A. Wing, V. N. 4 pp. FOMIAXO per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Val =n, No 2, 19%.. M 222-. Awr last of Phys Saw Phys - Dokl*A~v - Vol nij NO 5 Bel - pb~vw ja 59 cy/1 7 9-~/ Tba Prowss W YAtAl Fadlure as a Pasult of U TwterseAnn Cif IM a] estJA=, by 1. A. -OdJtRgt pp. MWIAH., porp Is Ak Vauk SM, Otda TmMi Emit Pmtul:L TaoUvo;. No 3., 1960.. pp 3-16. Bmexe Dft 60 Al -f- I" Effect of Creep at Elevated Temperatures on the Internal Friction and Elastic Modulus of Metals, I. A. 2~inEU et al. RUSSIM, per, Metal Term i aura 1*tallov, No 12, 1959; pp 24-31. HB 5005 Sci Aug 61 2-3 St-seength au! nactiecity of 1~1,tcase bY 1- -" :* v, 4-1. oaminvv,. UNCLASSIr= ---- ...... RuSSM3 per, Pr1r&dap No 3; 1958- Navy Tr .'900/TG-230-r-3 ~ -~ -.r- sci - mn/mat 0 -r C', p F ,,:_ ", -_ f NOV 58 7 6 ~ -14 1,76 Thermal Diffusion in Matals, by 1. A.~~n 8 pp. RUSSIAB,, tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol LXXXVI, NO 1 1952, pp 67-70~ 4 C / A? 6, 07 -S' 7 7 7 ATIC F-TGG-9350/11LI Sci - Physics, Min/met Mar 58 6 (;.) ~ -9 -, : '~ The Role o2 Surface lAyQrs in the L*ng-Tim Rtwture of YoWs Under Cxwep Conditions,, by X. A. Oding, Z. 0. 7ridmajo 3 pp- Awnw,v POr,- 7AVOd IALbp ft 3,9 1959P PP 329 -3.111. XMtVU Soo of Azar Sal AVr 60 THE OW" IN SOW FIMICAL POPWICS OF' XUALS VAINQ HIGIA By A,. 001 L. Li MMI#Ao 44Wo MRAWMITA FO DWOMOKM V&AV#M I NOT WTAUAMI I IMI A. A. DAI IWAs WL VIS, Iq% pp 3.160 KI WH 1"0999 fttipe of Metals, by X~ A, Odirfg; 16 pp- RUSSYAR, mo per, Zavod Lab,, Vol MI!, No 3; moscaw, 1957p pp 350-356. us imiuc-L-no Sci - blin/Metals 61 p16 TW DiolOcatloU'Theory of Metal Fatiguep by 1. A. oding... 5 pp.. RUSSTAN,, thri'ee-vAD per.. Dok Ali ftak B&Mj, Vol CVj No 6, MDscowp--Doo 1955,p yp 3238-440:0 w4ftu-8652 sci resales; AW 50 CBS/= Ust of ftblisbad Works an4 lb"uticus of I. A- OdiV49; BU-6ness and Ductility Of PLUOym ftsed on *617Mema, try XL_A. Odj"v SwumMat Yt. RMUNO "tolrbl, by AX Ikuk OM, 1.956o, VP 7-15Y Sei - Al Oat 58 Application of the Dislocation Theory to Mat Resistance Problemsj by 1e A. 0".~ LMMMSIFIED HMIAN, bk,, Ottisk is Mmly-fka 11saUd po zhomroohnym 11 Isda A, M SM 1957 Dolotheno v InSt Wall in A* At BIWIM& A* M* SM V. P 1957P IPP 320-398. 00-0P Tr Scheme W (L 3.12m. Sol - Famics Jan 59 7Y, ?96 Creep of Austenatic Steel UW&r Complex Stra2lip by 1. A. Oding, G. A. Tul."ftw, 11 Pp- MSIANj~ Pori, in Ak fm~*'Wsao Otdel Takh ftultv N* 10 19580 PP 3-10. AEC 3465 i,61 f2 sci - min/met Jan 59 An Investigation of Relaxation Creep and Stress-to-Rupture Tests on Armco-iron and M-IT Steel in Cyclic Temperazure Conditluns, by I. A. Oding, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Seminara p:~ Pruchnasti Detalei Mmobia, Vol I. No 2, 1953, PP 3-30. C 1A q 0 6 0 q.~ I fr%e' Coop Tk~ Bch 154 LO.88. (L1.88.) Sci - Nimrwas/wtaim, PwSics 30,73 Crwp of ftdular Cost Imp by V. S. Ivamns I'* Ao mma--k~ NMI", lors MR Ak Awk SMO Obdol TM Nauk.. So 72 3'W'o pp. OP49. u, fth - lb 3%7 4e-50 ki . xuviwmu 44016 5-4- Neue Geisetzmesal&elt der Zeitstandfest4*eit, by I. A. Odingp V. B. Geminov. IIUOIO'6-1D- G&WN, Dak Ak Nauk ME, Vol =UIj 1958j, pp 222-225. 0 Web Verein Deutseber Risenhuettenleute Dusseldorf Breite Strasse 27 GernwW Apr- 6o ~j The -Process of Damaging of Metals in CreLps by %. V. V. Bu:rduksklys 1. A. zim.- RUSSIAN, mo per, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR, CrWel Tekh Nauk., No 5. 1956P pp 147-151. B P.SLIB-Gy Tr 4 Scl - Mn/met 3-6,.096 Dec 57 On the Structuro of Austenite at Higb TT=peraturep by 1. h. 0dirgy M. Go Losizwklys UNCLASSIFIED RMIM(s perp Is Ak Vauk SSSR,, Otdol Tekh lauko No 7, 1953,o PP 1035-1043. Brutcher No ,scientif; Lc - mu/matal 1)y 1. f,,. Win.-, of Aur'U'Mlitej -5 ticiec-mo parp Dok ILk Mulc S=.- V01 Lv=~.. Fo 2, 195.1, PP 275R-2`13- USF Tr 5p 7b Mim-ral CTSYM 'Displacm=nt of Grain Boundaries in Anaealed tietal, by 1. A. Odin6p U. G. Lozinsky, S. G. Fedotov~ vt~p RUSSLUIj, thrice-m per, Dok Ak Hauk SSS-R, Vol XCIO RO 11., 1953;, PP 75-~~ 3 NSF Tr7A us SR Scientific - Mineralu/metain &I Bp 53 MS 4 ~.'r-IrDWAtiCn Of Efftetive Streimes in a Rivq %5pccimm SubI'acted to Creep and Rela=-ticn, by 1. F. Lepin, 5 V-P. RUSSIAN, pisr, 7,rvDd Lub, Vol IV, No 't, 1958, pp E45-848- 4 Instru Soo of Ame.- Apr 6o A VOLOUJOVA, E. if. Relaxation of Austenitic Steel at Room Temperature* DMADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR, vol 71,, 195o,, No 4, pp 659-662: 15!Z words. Prutcher No 2535P Critai-Iou of the Relaxpatiou af Steal and Itt; AppIlcation., by 1. A. Wing,, V. Z. Tseytlin, 7 pp. RUSSIM,, per, D*k Ak Vauk SS$Rp Vol LXU, No 1950,, PP W378M. CU/MD/X-11,38 Scientific - Minerals/Metala 7e CTS/DEX Raising the Cmep Streath of Mtallic Alloys by the 1--k-thod of Cmabinecl Ibehanical and Thermal TrewWeee.., by 1. A. Wing., 2. G. Fridr-m-n. M-,S7AN, per. Iz Ak Nauls 8888, Otde:L Tekh Nawk, Metal i T*Puv, r-0 5., 1961T P? 75 (7. M M- 3QG Sci MR/Kewas -011,1669 Aug 6a An Invactigation Of Relwationp Creep aud Straza-to-Rupture Tests on Ariwo-Iron ICya-It Steel in Oyalic Teqaratwe Conditionap by 1. A. Win, UNCL RMIUMPOr', Trwy aftinam PO Prochnoati Dwhaiei Kaahinj Vol I# 1953P P 3- Britiah Iran and Stwl Ind (no number given) SOL - Ian/&t ~~, sop 59 Breakaawn in Yetals under Creep Condition-': by al- MOSUW, tbrice-m -per.. Dok Ak Rauk SSSRj, Vol CMg, No 1* 195% VP 77-W- Co" Tram Sebme Tr 220 Scl - Ulmorals/iktals" Mwsics Jul 19% z A` The Effect of Prelininary Loading Upon Relaxation of Armco Iron and Steel -IT, by I. A. Oding, Ee No-Volosatova, 13 PPY (AF 2905195)---- MOSIAN ~w , Mm~wVoprosyilashinovedenia, Moscov, 1950, Pp ~11 452: AM.; F-TS-7507 Sci - Engineering, Feb 52 CTS 4 33 Modern Ideas About the Meebanism of Plastic Deformation wid Fracture During Creep in W4etal.s, by 1. A. Odinj. 27 pp. RUSSIAN,p per,, 1z A. Nauk SSSR, Otdel Telth Nauk, No 8., 195h., pp 110-118. Sci Mw Lib 55/2239 Sci - QmaWWWy. Minerals/metals Engimering Theory of Matal Failure under Cyclic Lead-.Lngp by 1. A. Oding. RUSSM, per, Metallovedeniel Vol 110 19559 PP 1-8. ASLIM-M4 Sci Avg 56 'Me Problem of Strength in Machine Construction, by I. A. Oding, L8 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Otdel TeIrch Nauk,, 110 12, De c 1949., pp-177,-- 1707- NACA N-3875 Sci - agineering Feb 52 CTS xA unpubl. rpt. available on loanA only ~j ~' 6-2) 4 Deformation and Failure in Tbermal Fatigue, by 1. A,. Oding, Yu. V. Kostochkin, 4pp. IRLUSIAN, per, YRtallov i Tern, Gbrabotka metailov, No 4, 196o. Acta 14--tallurgica Sci jul 62 204,047 Oding. 1. A., Iyanova, V. S. and others. THE THEORY OF CREEP AND LONG-7WE STRENGTH OF METALS. PART 1. TKE RIM METHOD OF TESTIM MATERIALS IN RELAXA- TION. 1960. OrderfromES d6 10s A51 1644(pt. 1) Trans. of mono. Teoriya Polzuehosti I Dlitellboy Prochnosti Wkmllav, Moscow, 1959, chap. 7, p. 331-367. Available from MSI X 15 with chops. 8-9. as US-1644(pts- 1-3). -----61-12238- 1. MAtah--Test methods 2. Title: Ring method I. Odft. 1. A. U . Ivanova. V. S. 111. Title: Ring... IV. KR-1644(pt. 1) V. British Iron and Steel Industry Translation Service offi-f T.Ch.1-1 S-i- (Metallurgy, Tl', v. 5, no. 8) The Effect, o--,' Heat Treatment on Relaxation Creep in Austenitic Steels, by I. A. Oding, Z. N. Patropavlovskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, The Testing and Properties of Neat Resisting Materials, 1957, pp 61-80. imL m. 41,6 Sci - May 69 Some Problems of Plastic Deformation and Phase. Trans- formation in the 3: Light of the Theory of Dislocations, by L. A. Oding, N. V. Geminov, 14 pp. RUSSLO, per, Trudy Inst Metal-lurg imeni A. A. Baikova, No 3, 1958. oTs 6o-51087 PL-48o Sci jun 6p PST 386 Otk tb* Maoory of *tal Fallwe In Cyclic LDadlug, by N. A. 0d Ing. RMIN pw ObtelloveftoU I Qbralotka mrtauor, no 20 11M. 96 4-7. m.. Schow Tr 217 Bel ulawrala JUL 1956 T 5-17 See /P "T11c; 31 ri TESTING FIRE FR(*4 TANKS, BY V. ODINOKOVI - I. VOROSHNINt 5 PP. RUSSIN, PER, VOYENNYY VESTNIK, NO 1.. 1962. Ag ACSI io424-A ID 2194530 1. scl 19 JUL 62 203,667 The Possibilities of Using Reutroa-Inducerd Active Sodiun for Lcicating Oil-Coiftiulug and Water- ConUining LaMs and for Detemining Water-Oil Cotr'uscts in DriVe-ftpe JOU COMUtiopap by No Kv Md=enko.P V. P, 0dindkov, Y. B. Shimelevich, 17 pp. 36-3419 Full tmnolation- .4 MSVsff,q b3c,, Conference of the Acadenw. of Sciences of the UM on the Peaceful Uwe of Atmic Energy., 1-5 Jul 1W5j, Session cX the DivIsiou of TechnIcul sciences (.,-, z GPO Ce Sci - Nuclear ~~iea *87 rPm for $350-00 f Morpbologic Ch=sus in the Tiscues Faloving intratissue Mministratica of Radio--ctive Co-Uoidal Gold, by M. I. Smtlalrtov~ V. A. OdLn&&o ~mj 7 -op. RUSSIM, per.. Reedit Radiolog, Vol IV, No 4, 1959, pp 61-63- JMS 2592 Sci - Hed may 60 Repradwti,on of TwWoutial Function With the 131 Aid of Rotaxy Sine-Ccofte Transformerp by A. A. MMM MMM, porl is VysshIM Vabob Zwedunm oom po Razdalu PAborostrapeni"j, Vol Vlj% no All 30630' pp A-57. jpas XPMMD33 Sei ftb 6k o Luproving yhe Linearity of Gyroscopic TachometArs and Tachoaccelerometers, by A.A. Odintsov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchab Zaved, priborostroyeniye, vol VI, No 4, 1963, ims 246:L7 Sci mw 64 359,370 rozoogic i..'3chometen and Tachoaccolerometers th &-ossm--:3 Plakoes by A* A. OdEntsov.. 10-ypw- SIA3, Vv, Iz Vyzeblich Uduib Zaved XVIM MR Fmzde,~u ii-aborostroyani"s, va vr, so pa, 1963. JM 2W,9 63 -a- V - I-x ?-? 0 Present Day Views on the Structure of CelluloaR ana Cell Walls of Plailts, by p. N. Odin .tsev. RU-99-TAUP P--!"", TrudY Ak Fauk Latriyskoy V01 XII, 19572 PP 5-24. HM M. 2594 - sci - Biol Dec 61 1/ 7 -/, q 7? Hypwfina Structure and Inatopic SUft it, the Spectrum of TI I, by A. I.-OdiLtsov, 3 PP. RUBSUN, per, Optika. i Spektro., Vol IXj- No 2.. 1960, pp QPtical Boa of Amer scl Jan 61 Study af the Cmtour of the Cadxduizt Fe-d Llne using m Atcode Ibmp by Fe A. Xbmulerp B. A. XDz2o7s A. 1. 9dlntow .s 3 3w -TOSSIM, lars I flp~s Vol Vni, No 6zp 3-939P pp 721-72 Sal 1-7 v ~-D.r 61 On tile 1'L1"! F~hape in an Atccaic, 1`- Koroley, B. A. -*,,'oz-lov,._A. 1,-0aiatsom- 3 pp- RLT~,S.J* Ontika i Spektro, Vol 'JI, No 5, ATI, 1959.- xT) 'A-7'-579. sociutj Of America Sci Dec 59 /0 3 F367 Science in Eastern Siberia, by f4 Odintsov. RUSSIAN, up,, Izvestia, No 37, p 2, 15Fac NLL ShelfWark-t -MM-.96'7 Holding U61 (1)- USSR Eton Jul 66 307,522 of Ccutrast. ln the Vialble Region of tho Spwtr=., by V. Bo.Ama A. P. Xukms~, 14. G. twr., S. A. IVI.-Va'O V. 1. m Avvs~3~0 AAOimu ~ Tm- R,USBM.p m p=# Zbnr Teft Piz., Vol-M vNO 8, 19%, pp 1499-INM. CO/Ow X-M8 44017f I Ifor 19% cm/am ~ Dzrwmdmatlco-~Of or azoolims obtalm-A frm POUVOIL-4;= O-A the ftwx ROPA21co 1. Glamums of tho Bwlia Aud R=aa&i;o -?at7dlgM DOVWItOp by r. A. Uvv~~,p Be A. Robins6n., K. 0. -Kb. 0. sadawmv Be Le$ a zww MM=p Xt Ak Ma 2W,, Otdtl MAm rmt-%, BO V-57j, 3M Tn-718- Sol - om %W 59- - 96 e) The Effect of Large-Scale Turbnlence'on the Amplification of SouM In a Turbulent -Wediumo by M. G.. odintums 1~ 0. Mposbaftov, 10 pp. MWIU,, per# Zbw Toth FIz# jrol No 9,9 19k9m, p Iml. AIP 2000% Scientific - Physics 414/6 CTSAU CIA - 493145T Capillary Struct=o of Wood and Holocel-luloze De- termined F--cn Sorption Isotherms of Benzane Va- pow, by P. OdinUovj - P. Brims RMMN, per, lz Ak Rank Tlat MR, Vol IM )0'0 no 148, 1959, pp 113-122. CSMO 5239 Set - Biol Alw 62 ~'. Ti I - 0 -;Oj !UV88tigations of the Chemiatry of Wood amd Its Componentz as a 7bearetio-al Basin M for the Chwdaml Technology of Wood, by P. OdInts 13 1V* Hmsum' . per, Is Ak Nauk-jAtvjyzkoy SSRJI fib 7 (IL56)p 1960., pp 193462. JM 10529 sci - Ch 7 VIC/ . wood S"Ukl& kwg. sum Rusumw-, lia LMMAM SSR kM LmMUo26 , pp a WIFE W 24 i omms 0=636-1=4 Rem SO 0- Wa A "d Sel mor. " Swelling of Itood, by P. N. Qgat!~ov. RUSSIAN, Trudy Ak Nauk Latviiskor SSR, Inst. lAsokhov Prob, No 12, 1957, pp 4S-56. *PL-490 O'P.; 63-11024 Sci - Aug 63 Odintsov, P. N. SW E =.G OF LIGNIN (Nabuldianie Lignina). [19611 1. Odintsov, P. N. [34]p. (foreign text included) 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $3.60 61-20833 Trans. of Akad[emlya] Nau!c Lary[ilskofl SSR [Riga]. InStfitUE] LesokhozfyaiBrvennykh] Probierr~ Trudy, 1959 v. 17, p. 3-14. DFSCRUITORS: *Lignin. *Wood, *Hydrolysis, Mecuan- ical properties. Water, Organic solvents, Solvent action, Sulfuric acid, Carbohydrates, Chemical reactions. C 0~4- ki (Materials- Wood. '17, v. 9. no. 2) Dtfwt d T-h.L.1 3-1- E~rdzolysis of Calliaose With S-w,-A3-1 Oluunta;t4~cs Cc Concentrated Sullphuric itc:L(i by P- R. O(Untoov ff. F. YwashchaWtop 9 PP. EW~,SXAjf,, per., Gjdvoliz i Lewkbim Pr=.t V01 XI:Cl:j no 6, 1960, pp 6-7. AEC NP Tr-8~ scl. - Chm mw 62 - - - --!a* lb"a I:W IL&;;tu -ju-aa Zmip,,Mi= W L:4dtm,[w -L'1 ~L am4ft,tv aw onquaj, liv 43. V'4' ZOUD# P. a. 6 0 Zma roar g& 8w gga %Ib"4r%.tX w 493wiM- m W-MG 1--" K!, C."D I QTSC)\j BOSOM= J017. 69 393m763 2 OdIntsov, P. N. 1957 Beinart, I. I. Hydrolysis of cellulose containing materials with small quantities of concentrated sulfuric acid II. (Gidroliz Tselliulosoderzhashchikh materiolov malymi kolichestvami. kontsentrirovamoi Sernoi Kisloty.) Iatvijas P.S.R. Zinatnu Akademya Vestis No. 9, 87-93. nc_~ of a Ij:)"! Velocity of in T_- I;ranitroraethane -Diesel _"uel by V. A, Odlutsov. 4 pp~ Z RUSCS-LW., perj ZI= Pri-I kliim,, Vol XXY-TV, No 5, 15"31, P13 1092-1095. CD qci F ob Af,-cimlc Bv~-,m as Light Source -Col, Studying Spectra olf Gases, I & Odim tsov, 4 p.Tp RUSISTM per, Optika I Spektros vol x2 No 3, 1961., it:P -403- 09- -5-07 OGA Sci Jul 61 5,!: 17 -, D.-k o ~ ~ I -. ag Black Mly (Dipt--z-a~, ISImal-IddRe) llauaua of. -UiA Ifiyawa River 133p-~-- ana the TC.harsmfo by V. S. ~ ~tsav~- 6 PP. i u Ci bm. Ul ~ p-, ,xt Ratw4log obomm-niw, Vol M.. r-..) 2" 19,U, 1* 339-350. sci. / 16 -~// maw 6p- Air-Catch of Insects as a Wthod of Studying the Entomoftuna of Vast Te=itorlesp by V. S. 0dints0r.. 3 pp. RUSSIAN,. perj Intmolog Oboz., Vol XXXIX, No 1, 19603 pp 227-230- AM SOL rob 61 (NY-6606) UIM Of AW0801 Dftbaftftlm by Kowa of COWV*soor,, by T. 9. oUnt&m 6 pV. Tom sevem A--A 4 -- xnftktal=dntov,, TOIL 1p Vp 9184MDp X". an 9"5