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2he &ricbmmt Possibilities of Fe-Ii Orea ft-ga the Regions of Mokra Go= and Vardiste, by D. Ompet.. W. Cerkp 5 pp. SMYRUM Perm BUdaruXo-fttAIwskI ZborrAkj, IRO 13 19%- 9MO19 oTs 62-:L9467-i PLAW Sal - pmvmet o j,-m 63 On October Revaution Anni-,mws.-.ry,, by Ochab. roLm; iQ., Tryt-ma Tudu.. 6 mov -t959. F-RID Ddly Reviom 12 - Poland ft 0 Mv. 59 3 3peech by Edward Ochab ) Politburo member and Central Co:i:.iiTM--e-secre'LarY, at 12'611 Central Cor.-mi"Itee Fle-aim on 2-6 Feb t33 -'3 Jarsaw, Trybuna Ludu, 28 ebrua~,- 1 oland Daily Report Suppiementu _-Z La-~t Euro-,-e '!o 13, 21 63 rc-3.8 #y.,,eqmSjDj3 Values of the 1W Trmd1tion, by ='~7ar4 MklQb 1 16 PP 0 PL"TMII p=,, 710= DrvSI,, No 12, lim"Civ., Dee 195tsp rev 3-U. US v-P-M L-13,91-D Mur - P0101A Pal Jazi 59 :7/ (NY.5091) Economic Effectivenesa ef Interrayon-Telephone.- Link Automtion,, by A. 1. Ochakova, 10 pp. RWSiAN,, per., Vestnik Svyazi, Bo 11, 1957. im 7o26 Sel ju 61 ~7 VI'57 On tbo ftpeodeme of t1w Total Attomustion coeffic Is the Sea* by YWO Yoe= RMIANO, per# GIdw"%UbwkI)* Isslods TaWy Instlituts Oksawleol AN SM# pp 3S-40, JM 3"16 Sci - ES/A 306*5" The Fci~ee of Grwrity in the Ilrmiraj, by- B. !,. Ocln,,~~viskiy MRSTAW, per, Tz Gosudar Qeogrnf Obscheotva,- VdL No 3,, 1936, PP 3W-356. ACIC Sei - Oeapbiys oet 62 SL I -a ) 9 ?g (Wavity in the Kareaian &:)A Mortharan lUstrielts. by B. L. ORL=~v ~. RUSSIZj pw, Iz Qomulw Geograf Obschess-tva, Val LY.V.E , -No 3, 1936, FP 35T-366- ACIC sai - Geopave & I i5/ 980 Oct 62 G--avjmL~tria Work. in the Pwairt by B.* L. 0-2ha.Ter,3kiY- MBSIM, pSr;~ U NaUk SM. TWl2hLkSha.VS NOEVIOEM5LY& Zks.p&aitsiya 1932, Vol 1, 1932, PP 384-389. ACIC Sol - G--qgws jun 62 a a.?,, 17 a 34-20*$4 .: F044i 2016M - -1 I I 7btrwdynoMiC Analysis of Beat Exthunger3o by S, Uchoduszkoo WLISH, per* ArcA h!!t= R*SM Val no He I* 1964S, PPnr-n HMA TT F-10024S ) - U, S, GOVERNWM USE -ONLY SCI-phys a NOV 66 3120297 (ri-4693) Spurious RaUation of Short-Wave Transmitters, by 1. 1, ahumlyanskiy,, Tu. D. Gusarovq N. A. Ochekalenkoj 13 PP- RUSSIO, per,, Ventaft Svyaxi,, No 4 (241), ig6o. JPM 5428 Bei - Electron oct 6o - /a// 10 a5- Examples From the Historical Development of Steel abaping, by W. Ochel. G~j porp Otabl und Simon, Vol LI=, 8 Dee 1960,, pp:1852-1%3. 31612027 8*P 61 11st UO Im miveraut of t1w FTf4otionation a Coal Tar in '"'Ontinucr-le, Plp-a Stille., by 1. M. Frosaetlic-7ich, Ya. A. Avcm, A. a. X Oonheret, 6 pp. 1=51=;; Per, Kok-a I XhJm.~ go 10s 1957, PP '105-38 &i thu Lib Tr 58/0334 Scl - 1.129M "~y s 1!~; /) a-.v 58 - -M -50 How We Are Improving Long-Distame Telepbune Public Service.. by F. M. Ocheretn~y, 7 pp. RMSIA'Nj, perj, Vestnik Svyazi., No 9j. 1958. im 7014 SCI 9;7/ ad 61 IT-1 ol 1'.L-W r.L-JU -- pov.,Dnto~ by V. A. Oche MWIM, per, Zhur Neorgan Millm, Val V, NO 7,. 1960, Pp 769-773. jun 61 R"M"Utftum cg Ifts steMs emplax of a zd=t mat rmdvmml a 1 ~ m v agp ~ at a j bV A, 0. Bugpm wA T. A. -Odwrotw *I~p 5 qp. amum am am nwrom Mai, 3b 20# i9cas W~ pp - 96 04 - of 8kd &a 63 3Y.;Z, 2 77 1 C al by A. 'up Now Da;a cc ithe Pseudosw*1a of the LISSks by V, G, odbgv* MUM# par* Dak Ak No* SSSR Vol CXXIIIO N* 40 19540 pp .4 u m 3861 W -1w (MLY V. C- , 0 0- h SCA"HAT ScL Jult 67 r-ld out IL .Sop 64 a66,943 On Thiazole System Amim-n-Oxides., by Eiji Oabiql, EJMInl HsNWW,,,p 6 pp. JAPAMMp per) Tabja&W Zaa-ehi Vol 1xviii 1947) pp 34.- 35 - C AM Tr MI chmistry "n 57 Ecologitul Studies an a ClupeGid Fish Argentina Sevifasciata Kishinotqe, 111, On the am. vy wilat =r4 P P JAPAMSE, F.Ojr,,78Ul;CtiU of the Jagunese Society of scientific F1021"O"Res,. Vol 1910 lie 9a 1994. Pr 30.972. Dept of Interior DC'P/OFP A--.%-Feb 1970-H0 6 On lAwn C) f) L P-R Ul/11411 May 70 1-coloLical StudieS on a ClLqvoid Fish Argeatinci semicasciato Klshinmwo, 1, II)e Relation Uetwev U;ay- MgU-oad Body Weight, by Ochiai Akira, 11 12p. JAPANMEO per, Bulletin of the J U Aneso society'. Of 5dootific Fislorlos, Irol 13. No 4* MZ, 141736-1390 Dept of Interior RCF/OVF A-56-Fob 19,70-N0 5 On Lomi 0 Scipio-, May 70 ClOs'stficatton of Tertiarny Amine-N -oxides,, ~y EIJI Ocbtal,, 30 py. JAPAMM j, per 8 Yakupku Zassbi., Vol LUX,, No 1p in* 1949, VP 1-8. 21H Scientific - Chemistry way 1954 CTS/DU / A/ 1.5111,71 C-2 Ins, ya, PD Blau ilag (T,9 60 Effects of High Pressure Applied During the Solidification of Alloys. Part III* Fatigue and Wear Properties of Al-Si. Alloys$ by M, Ochiai, JAPANESE& perv Mara3m Kog7o 2iintau �hjkgngho Hokoku, Vol 12# 19639 PP 517-522. NTC 72-10362-JIF Apr 72 AEC-tr-4482(p-1701-20) Uncl. EEASUREMENT OF UNJERGROUND WATER BY USE OF Na". [T.] Ochiahi, [S.] Kimura., and [T.] Takahashi. C-23 P NSA Second Japan Conference on Radioisotopes, Feb 1958 N-5 0 ---------- x cxO t. -6-~ zba)ctite vu-x., 7;_Zrni~t Imr. ce, tic I -is I's odwiake-vo Zei't of ':kItry' I,J:?L TTWIS Wo 1143 L 0' ocv,; mj; kov F'cl-4!aterials patg Ge 365,70 (ny-3457). The Xffimt of Dlfftrent Typo of Imizing Radiation on PU&Mcim- CaUdatuM., by G. K. OmblaskMap 15 pp. - mmvii, W.- TuitalogiA., Vol I.. No 4..1959. =a w8T Bei - Blol mar 6o //e7 ( SY-3315 ) The Difference Between the Biological Effects of Roentgim " and G~-Radiatiou of Radioactive Cobalt on Mummalep by Go Ke Ochinakayap 8 PP& RUSSIANv perg Medit Rudiolog, No 11, 1959o J.-FM L-1195-N Sci - Nbacine oct 6o /SO j W~2 Pratectlva Effect of Hypo3do at Varlous RaUstlon Dwess by 1. B. i"Julaw G. K. OdLinaaya, 6 pp. RwaxAN pw,, Biaris, vaL v, so 4, 1966, " Bel pp Irl. 09 r y mw QL Mmfluence of QqWn Upon the Demainse Actim of Various Ionizing Radiations,, by E. Ya. GMe"kiya 0. K. OchinsUp3, RWBIAN, per, Dak Ak Neuk GOSR, Vol Lx=, No 4, 1953v VP 737-740. CZA MOW a" USDA act - cbm Jul 58 (Dd-3215). Problems of Agricultural Collectives in the People's Republic of Mongolia, by Sh. Bat Ochip, 17 PP. MONGOLIANp monograph, TWh-Ediin Dzasag, 1957, PP 187-205- JM 3454 FE - Mongolia Econ - Sociological jai 6o punds Nmt be ewMilY Agmt In C=traCtiOus by D. RqLd~r 5 VP- MCNOOLMS MI Bodo2wwo Ulm fttCr2 gp- Noy X962s P3 - mo 1%15 .~i 15,3 7 0' M- ummm VADODa" now Oat 62 ( i)c - 7~ "703 ) Speech by D. QjaLAr, representing Illobd W A~m-ch at the XIIV-th ConGress of the llongolian People's Revolutiollaz-Y PartY) 7 PP- - MOEGOLI-Alt-, n-D, Unen, 5 X Jul 1961, PP 7-8. JPM 12086 As ia - - I-IonGol J a Pol - Congress 5 Feb 62 uat Us Acuvoay rm-mataw Plueut;ta il~-Ws izt 20 P-p a Itool-we III* n-valm Loacames., by C. oebirbst) -M- ~- MO=6=.p Vert 9kaM . , Vo 4. W- 25-43- aw 30011 094mumus we aw C~q aGo..Om Facies Developwnt ancl a Sebms O:r 9,,~vlling the ousum oxero Coal Bedep bY To- 0- 00hlm'j, 4 pp. MolM,, per,, D* Ak lauk MR.- Vol CVp ND 5,p 1957m PP 01-994- Consultants Burem SOL - Geopbys 5058 7e, 4 x1d Solvation and Polymrisation of Dicyanoaaric (I) Acid in Aqueous Solutions, by 0. E. Zvyaginttsev, 0. 1. &Lkharov-Nartsissov., A. V. Ochkin, 3 P:P- RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 1, 1960, ,jP 131-138- Cleaver-Hume Press London Sci aep 6o On the Cbsracteristic of Atypical Fowl Plagws by P. M. Svintsov,, A. Ya. Fomimq I. I. Ochkims 13 PP- HUSSIM,m mo perj, Voterinaripp Vol XXIVj, So 3,, Mar 2,447, pLD 7-10. 'USJOA Tr ;,10-22- USSR Sclientific - ftdicine ?/*/ Jau 54 CTS Ochkur. A. P. ELECTRIC LOGGING FOR DENSITY. 11961] [101p. 2 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27256 Trans. of Voprosy Rudnoi Geolizild (USSR) 1957. v. 1. p. 62-68. DESCRIVrORS: 'Well logging. *Geophysical prospect- Ing, *Rock, Density. A new method at geophysical exploration in boreholes is briefly described, electric logging to determine the density of rock. Initially suggested by M. M. Sokolov and developed-under his guidance by the author with th assistance of N. 1. Karabanov. The method is based on the exISEence of a definite relationship between the scattering of gamma radiation and the density of rocks (Earth Sciences - -Geology, TT, v. 6. no. 11) 61-27256 1. Ochkur. A. P. 11. Translations. New York OfR- .1 Td.1-1 S.M..% The Born-Oppenheimer Method in the Theory of Atomic Collisons, by V. I. Ochku , 6 pp. RUSSM, per, kZhx= Eshper i Teoret, Fiz, Vol XLV, Ho 3, 1963, PP 734-741. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Fhys - JETP Vol XVIII, No 2 Sci Apr 64 255,183 CoUisions of V. I. Oc;lk4r P.P. .,uS.Sifui, per, Vest LeaiW&4 Univ, Ber Flz I Mtn) No 1~ 1958, pp 53-66. 6n 9OM33 Air-tr-,4j6l Nuelear PtqR Aug 61 (Nr-4627) New Railroad Freight Ratees by R. Ochmn,, 10 pp. FOLIBNO porj, Prusalmd KoUjw$ Przewozovy,, V6.1- XII, No 6, 1960. 99 144-247. im ?"I Esur - Poland / 3 z~, !~ ~; -Z Race Jan 61 Ganman tiotor-Vebicle Drkving Research and Road-Ux-afric Eagineeringp by Dr- Big. 0. Bode, Pwa Q- 154 pp. MW-W/Dapu:ob* Xftf IRVem" 4A& Muchmig und Strasmavorkabrsteebulk, Vol M.- 2958, Voll MMT., 1959, Vol 1959, Vol CECKI., 1959. ACM B-8027 EI=4-0v=any soon Juim 61 USSR Civil Air Fleet-Child of the Great October Socialist Revolution, by N. Ocbnev, 11' pp. RUSSIAN, per,, GrazhdanWmya Avistsiya,, No 10p 1957, pp 6-12. ciA 60M1 ATIC F-TS-9399/111 USSR Econ Feb 0 (/,o '? In Defense of the Armed Forces of Bolivia, by Gen Ovidio Qa-h*oga 2"61M SPECIAL RML1270/110T RELEILSABILE EIM-9 WATTM ALB SPAITMj pampblet, Army Attache, Saptiago, Mile. -1 HavY Tr 155810HI-55 LA - Bolivia 1411 Dec 57 D-E ENZYMATIC SYNUIESIS OF RIBONUCLEIC A,~--I- (RKJ,-~ [19621 [161p. 38 refs. Order frcrn Slj~ $1. 60 62-16901 Chomie (West Germany', 1963, 72, p. 72-5-231, DESCRIPTORS: "Enzymes. 'Synthesis, *Nocleic acids, Genctici. Viruses, Nucle"Ides, Nucleoprmeiris, C U 2 t J- (Utolop)cal Scicnccs--Bior-herrJ9try, TT. v. 8, no. 9) so-c- A Plapicl Colorlu:titric Vothod Zor "es DeZ~urwiaatimi of NICIM1 in Alloyugp by V. P. Ochating, A. P. SYtscho-4TP 3 PP- GMYPII;. p-or, Z Anal Chem, Vol XC,, 19320 pp 109.1U. SIA 59-153W sci - Min/y-at Sep 59 Vol 28 h10 4 f 7 ii An wn"W" 'M-; I 1~ ,u 161A ~" Becterilam Gracile as the Pathogen of ISIx-r-aking Diseace ftn Wine and Table Grapes., by G* Ochn. UMIUMIN rvZDTA Sci-Biol Oct 6j, -54( , A /0-0 z ? 9CIPSO - JL- TIM4, A. Korrosim Und MetallBehutz, vol. 13, 3 figures, 1900 words; 1937- Corrosion-Fatipe Strength. Bratcher Dmns, OrcLer No. 551, $2.40 Investigations of the System U308 - ZrO 2$' by Loonbard Oebs 20 pp, GERW,,'perj, Z Naturforscho Vol xMp 1937,Pp 215-M. ABC Tr 3286 set - Chem Sep 58 71 7104 J, Soil Moisture Content, Stowtal Aperture, and Transpiration of the Oil Fd-3n and the Peanut, by T. Warmer, R. Ochs. FBMH.. pers Oleagin-aux, Vol XrV., Lb 10, 1959j, PP M-5W- CS3MO 53-146 ftl - Biol -? d - -95- ja 62 , /' -~r SnTnt W. OW-VTF-APTH, C. ZI-PTTSCHRTPT PMALLYMUt vol. 359 7 fligures, 3400 wor4s; 1943. DIffuslon of Tron and Aluminum and the Result- ant Tntermetallic Layers. Brutebar trans. Order No. 1668 $5.10 I Chlorination of Uranium Oxides, by G.. 3angp, W. Op _jt,koLeldo at al; 18 pp. GERM, per,, Atompraxis, Vol VII 0 1961, pp 332-336. ABC-tr-5904 Sci-che" S ~~- .2 Sep 63 1/ ilcPToccsSin,:,' -Fuel Flezents for Fast imecders, by N,, (icbscureld. GEIVid?, rpt, YIPI,'-BS2 14 pages. EURPM-581 July 69 'Piclaageur'separateur by IV. Ochsenfeld. K GER14M to PRENCII, 1963, pp 218-221. pour experiencos d'extraction, per. Kerntechnik, 11o1 V, no 5, Reverse Translation CEA-A-1675 Sci Jan 65 bibrL=tloa *.?Toothed G-car Tmnamissi-onz, b.*,,, QuWerz Ocneduszcop 10 pp. UM-L&WIFED FUU P=8411 bim perp Meclwuik Val MM, Uio 1/2, pp 17-22. YAvy Tr 730/BuSh-LiPs 532 ftlentific - Engifteriug., medbed gmrs Mar 53 CTS Sd--Amt Apt 64- , -.6 - qEnll". !-~ -- -. of 11-12 Acyxi i7a v. A-u Bjenic-ho PoIjej, by S. ColJc, f*-~O pp,~ rjQr., Arblv sa FulWp:vivzudna ii-aulw., -.v,, so 49, iq%~ pp 6o-8o. MS 62--U75513 PL-Ift Sei ; Afiml jen 4 72 Sm Neatrca - PhooW totwatIou In Solidep by .b. aw"J, 0. olamoor.0 'a pp. Pam- pir,* Vbl ivp ]b 21 19590 Ipp U9-as. AWD-tr-la!M PIAW Sol aw 6e 193#202 Fas- yielt' rc-as, by t 01 poLIF,-Il, perp 14tiaconilm, Vol Il~ !'1,, 1957, P)? qo-~F4473 AF,C-tr-4140 sci - phys Dec 61. (RY-5760/3) Present and Future oC the Produotion of Pure Reagentap by Worgy OcskaZI_8 rp. IMiGARIM,o per, A Xngyar TudomwWw Abademin 252idai 54amoWok Osztalym2ak Xb&l=anyej, Vol. XlV.. No 3a 1960, iT 369-376* ipm W10 Sal - Cbm A-Lia 61. 16 Psychology, Collects. of Soviet Work, N, O'Connor, RUSSIA14 I bky /:?& /. ;Perg- n Press A119 59 g sm a , current Problems in BloastronaatAcs, by P. oatewitmj, D. CrIatian. FMIAH,t PZMT-a-556 SCI Dac 64 270,42D Sd -~ SNM 2d a AsbM Aw", . 366AX Dda, Ryohei and Yarnarnoto~ Keiji. F7WM-YLA'nON OF AROKINTIC COMPOUNDS BY THE 1; 2 ADDUGr OF DIMETHYL-FORMAMIDE WrrH CYANURIC CtnORIDF- 119631 8p. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16381 Trans. of [Nihon] Kapku Zasshi Oapan) 1962. T. $3. no. 12, p. 1292-1294. DESCRWMRS: OFormamides, Methyl radicals, *Cyanogen chlorides, *Benzem derivatives. AmInes, 'Banzaldehydes, $Pyrolles, *Aldehydes. Naphthyl radicals, 01ndolas. 0`11lopheimm. *AnWwo, Formyl radicals. As one of the mznerous adductB formed by dime- thylforrmmlde, Coold (AWw. Charm U 91.6, 190 has obtained its 1 1 2 adduct with cyanuric Worlds. It was dWpow"d th eff-edw- When --I (Cbmistry-OrprAc, Tr. v. 10, am 7) (0-0 ~ 63-16381 1. 71de. Adducte Z 'ndm Cyanuric chloride 3. Mile- Dimethyl forinamide 4. 71tlL- Furnmylation 1. Oda, R. H. yammenoto. L 5 813 oft d W*Ad Imp" St-jAies on RmpIA jA_Li_tro Sercosing To.-to for AmU-T=or Substanaes. T4,* "Zw% act "PAPM" Mothoft.l bV Tmo%whi Yammoto, Mumt7m j, I 0t all RIsbIvkAj.,Akir.u Ode JAPAIM., pwi, Gam., %I UTM, ft 1957, pp 397-3990 NM 2-7 Sci - Yad Wr 59 7P3 Ada-D. R EACTIOMS OF PYRIDILS AND RELATED COM- POUNDS WMI ALKAI.I. 14p. 7 refi. Order from M. or 1--rC $I. RS 62-26045 Trann. of UnIndentilled japonene article. 1960. DIW.RIFTORS- 'Pyridine derivatives. "Chemical reactions. Potanslum compnundR. Hydrates. 62-26045 1. Oda, D. $woe bat) ONW..4 Additioa Compound of H-PhmWI-Glyciris and juinadic Acid: by D. oda, 6 pp. MAME, per, jourma Of the Ow"Tical society of Japan., Vol L==, So 5, 1961, pp 630-632. NM 2-37-62 Sel - Ned Apr 62 &~pcrjzmnt-ta -r-fm=eatic D=W Dae So MetAal=lze by M. Oda., S. Naito. j.kPjMCM per, Sc~~ Igaka, Vol M"s. Bo 2, -105h, PIT) 14"73--146. Dec 62 Recent Survey of Antiti Antibiotics, by M. M Oda, 12 pp. W- JAPAMR, perp Jwrml Farimt Aeon, Val XM-, so 6, 1959, pp 252457. EM 2-0-62 /f/,, '1'46 :~ Scl - Ned Apr 62 S~ailbca~-:z of Condenalat, Ion cnd Synthesea of JUL~a Polyme-ra CoataininC Two D-ifferamr, Litli-agei; by Payaddition or by R. et 3.1'. par, I,:cbum---hi Kwgc-lm, Vol XVI, 11059, PD, 260-266. &TS jJ-1855 sai - Chen, Jan 6o s-,%rjj-,..'jvGvs or CondenDation Polymers ezd Addittou Pol3r-ners. Ill. S~mtheses of Polymers Having Regallarly Repeating Grou~,:)s by PollycandensatIm (Pzu-~ I), by R. Oda2 et al. jf,PP---ME, per, Kob-aushi Kasaku: Vol XVI, 1959, 1 - 't pp 266 ATs jj-i856 So i - jan 60 Stud ies on the Preparation of Acrylic Acid Frm Maleic AcIA., by Y. Ogeta., X. Tsunmemitsu, R.,,Oda 7 PP. JAPAMMS, per, Bull Inst fts Cbem Research (Tokyo)j, Me= Ed. Vol XXIn,, 104, Vp 281-283- CIA/FDD XX-378 NOT RELWAANA TO F=Mfi KnIONALS SCA Jan 58 IAC MCKRAL UU ONLY synthools ce TatmIlu~30homphmile Acia and Fo3,VmV.r=o-Phoqph=lc Acidi, by ff. At---fsbls PD. JAPAMZ.p pw;p MWO bMpft &adds Vol M# No 12., Dw 1"3* yp 9P-971. zm 2r no 5-22 IT7 SIS Avg xqs6 M/dw 10 953 Fr- I ODA N. Analysis of zirconium and its a-Iloys Analyse du zirconium et de ses alliages Jap. Analyst , 7, No. 11, 742-749 (1958) CEA-X - French E u r a t o m ftMb=IC Atdd-fanalfthtde Reldwo by R. Odsj R. Iftba. JAPAN= pw za~ swku zam"Ip val 64j, so 4,* 79hv ;; 741-M9 ATS-A-3-75 If 1!--7 ~6 zi 6"-Cbom MW 70 4maAr Constitution am Reactmty - Part XIII - The Suuawtice of ToUmm and the orienting Effect of the Neftl Group,, by.K. Iauw,. R. Odas 3 pp. MwAN I per hskt cbm, voi =nT . 1935 Assoc Tech Serv T2Jl5G Scl -Chew Aug 58 P, J'4(0-' Oda. R%lohei and Hayashi, Yoshivuki. IT.-SES OF SOME HETEROCYCLIC C,:)MPOUNDS WITH LONG ALKYL SIDE-CHAINS AND THEIR AP- PLICATIONS AS IVATER- REPELLING AGENTS FOR TEXTILES. 11962115p. 7 refs. Order from SLA SI.60 62-14966 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi (Japan) 1961, v. 64, no. 7, p. 1230-1233. DESCRIPTORS: *Tt,.xtiIcs, *Moistureproofing, *Hetero- cyclic compounds. Synthesis. Alkyl radicals, Molecular structurc. 62-1-1966 1. Oda, R. 11. Havashi, N'. 837 Yr. V. 9. no. 5) I Dffk* of Teda" Smims Propmties of Snev and ns Dewltyg by Toshio alat Klyonbi Taulos 21 ppe JATWMZ-,, part SevW08 Vol mo XOIS pp U0,4M. - S.L.A. ft 374/3-956 Sclw=ic - Oeq*Wgdcw 31tj P- M 7, d2 C&t, Synthesis of Diabloroparabanic Acid and Its UtilizatIong by To Ode. JAPANESZO pero Keffma ragakn Immehip Vol 65P so 29 19629 p 294 NTC 72-11586-07C June 72 INVESTIGATION OF THE ADDITION OF DICHLOROSILANE TO ALKENYLSILANES, BY G. V. ODABASHYAN, T. A. ZHURAVLEVA: 4 pp. RUSSIAN PER DOK AK NAUK SSSR, VOL CXLII, NO 3, 1962, Pp' 06607- CB SCI - CHEM %. 212,134 OCT 6 ynthasis of Fluorinated Organosilicon M-anmers by adition of Silicon Hydrides to Unsaturated Fluorine- ontaining Compounds in PreBence of Platinum Catalysts, y V.A. Ponomaronko~ G.V. Odabashyan; I.N. Lifanova, SIAN, per, 2hur Prik Kbim, Vol )DMT-TI, No 12, 1960, 2751-:2756- Ci CB 172~' 717? 61 organic Fluarasilicon Cempounds. 'Simple Organic* FluorD9111con Rtheraj, by A. Do Ilatrc7l 79 A. Fanomrauko, G. V., -A qj~~"bysu. IMM FWSSIAV, parj Dok Ak Ysuk 6SER; Vol CMa, No 2, 1938, PP 307-310- DuR um (ionn) m.469 So L - Chem sep 59 Symt'"-sis of Organosilicon F-on=crs Dicblorosilnne., by A. D. Peti-ov, V. A. Poaom-aranko, G. V. Qi 4 pp. RUSSTAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol C=, No 5, 1959, pp 1009-1012. sci Cowult=ts Bureau jun 6o FluorosiLtcoorgrenic CmTomds. A Stud-y off the Arlditon of laVichlorosilicon Hydrides to lll,,C-,2- Tatrafluometbyl Allyl Ether., JL D. Petrov, V. 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