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Investigation% of the Mic-rostructure of the Wind in the Atmo*phere near the Surface. by A. M. Obukhav. RUSSIAN, per, Izves. Ak Nauk SSSA, Sertyn GoOfta., NO 3, IVS-Ipp 49-68. CFS-rl NTT-T35634 Dix, Aug 6S '~' "~/' 1~ ~-' 7 -T TT F-9490 C)b poll, wmqwbw*w* at loaoWm* rAWv W Al IL o"Wrt A. A, TAMW4 33-M!- -- IdEOVA ob I 1~ Pro moomp -Foe 104 1% w 3900 WAS AW lww A. 1A. ObukhOv 394oft at !w nob mw~sr S.Ught Atmospheric Vailections and the AdapbaUm of M-tcomlogiccM Flol ais, by A. S. Mmdn, A. M. 3M- MSI&.. per, rz Ak Nank SM, Ser4a Gw.. 30 11., 390, PP 1360-3X3- Amer mvbeomi &)C AV Comb7lAso Cmtar Sai - Aotmm im 60 61-23082 Qhgkhov~ A. M. i LAWS GOVERNING TliE MICROSTRUCTURE OF 1. Obukhov, A. Id. TEMPERA'IURE AND WIND IN THE SURFACELAYER 11. Weather Bureziu, Washington,, OF THE ATMOSPHERE (2-akonomernosti Mikrostruk- D. C. tury Temperatury i Vetra v Prizemnom Sloe AtmosfeN III TItle: Contemporary... tr. by George S. Mitchell. Apr 61 [f2]73. 16 refs. Order frx)m OTS or SLA $1.60 61-23092 Tram. of mono. Sovremennye Problemy Meteorologii Prizemnogo Sloya Vozdukha: Sbornlk Statel pod red. M. 1. Budyk-o (Contemporary Problems in the )~Lateor-- ology of the Surface Layer of the Atmosphere.A Sympo- sium of Articles. ed. by M. 1. Budyko) Leningrad. 1958, p. 131-137. DESCRIPTORS: *Climate. OAtmos phere,* Temperature Mind. (EarEh Sciences --hicteorology, TT, v. 6 no. 8) T.A.1t.1 S-i- wundamntal Rogularlties of Turbulent Mizing In the Grovmd lay*r of Vtz Atmapbara, by A. 5. MOnInc Av it., Muxhovp 34 pps, RUWUN,p per# ftAy Gearimichaskogo Inatituta Ak NvwL MWO No 24s, (151)r. ~954# PP 2153-le6, AT= P-OM-9295/V 801 - Geophys Feb 59 OIBUKHOV, Pressure Pulses in a Turbulent Flow. Russian, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LM, No 1, 17-20, May 190. TPA3/TIB T-3757 P 21452T M-Le of the Temperature and Veloc--~-,-, 111elds in Free Cowirection, by A. M. abukao-. 3 *-op - BUSSYAN, per., 12 Ak RUA SSM, Ser G,:ori?, No 9. 19Wj pp 1392-12 1396. AGU Sci /5"4 / 7,5- ~l Apr 61 61 - 13564 Obukhov, A. N1. and Chaplygina, A. S. THE CHANGE OF THE PRESSURE FIELD IN THE I .Weather forecasting-- MIDDLE OF THE TROPOSPHERE (Izmeneniye Theory Baricheskogo Polya v Sredney Tropoferc) tr. by T. C. 2. Atmospherc--Preseure Marwick. 15 July 59, 62p. (foreign text included) I .Obukhoy, A - M. 4 refs. Trans. no. 10: M 1517. 11. Chaplygina, A. S. Order from LC or SLA mi$3.90, ph$10.80 61-13564 Ill. Trans-10 IV. DSIR LLU M.1517 Trans. of Akfademiyal Nauk SSSR. Instlitut] Fizfikil Atm[osfery]. T[rudy] 1958, no. 2. p. 23-49. Investigations showed that the variation of pressure in- cludes the transfer of vorticity at the level H700. The Bulyeev method, in which the field of pressure at the level H700 is taken as a basis, may be made more accurate by using the empirical formula for calculation. (Earth Sciences- -Meteorology, TT, v. 5, no. 9) 00m &I TechntvA 3- On t2io -Iffoct of Arebimdean Pomms an the 9-tvuet;mra of tbo TearAmturo Field in a -Itzte-vent f1cmo, by per* All =R, I'd-L 125, !-.'a 6. 1939, pp 12W*ILM. Of F.MIAU T-ZI09 I~zr 69, TT-64-10774 OLv.kwr, A. P. and M"chafloy, K N. ACCUMMATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACED BY 1. Olm*how, A. P. SOUMONS OF MAGNESWM CHLORIDM 119661 13p U. MikhaJLlcw. &L N. cap offlIM417raft M. 6LA-R-3341 OrderfrognM, SLA, or.K=11.60 TT-04-JOU4 TIS" ol Oul OWN) 1932. v. 1. a& S. p6 3D-2L Amodw am& Is avalkMe f~ SLA as A-SUL, 331 lChnalstrr-boupdr. Tr. v. 11, am IS Tr-641-10769 Obukhov, A. P..fthlkhallova. M. N.. Kopopova, V. L, and Bukvin. A. A. 1. Obukhov. A. P. HYDROLYTIC EQUILIBRIUM OF THE SYSITM 11. Mikhallows. M. N. Mgcli/1-120 - M90/2HCI. Preliminary Communicat ion. 11964 1175p) 3refs Ill. Koposovs, V. 1. IV. &*Ttz. A. A. Order from OTS. SLA. or ETC $1. 60 Tr-64-10769 ve" Trans. q14Gusudarim T (,~U!ZR) IV34. 1. r, P. 54-W. (ChCMtKrY--PhY$tC&I. rr. T. IZ no. 2) 7T-64-WIM Obokhow, A. P. and MWAIIM. 16L N. ACCUMULATION OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID BY 1. ObukboVs A. P. f!SOUMONS OF MAGNESIUM CHLORIDIL 11966113p n. MUlallow. )-L N. op OMIU4 7rvft M. SLA-R-3?41 Order lzom On, SLA, or 9M $1.60 7T-66-10"4 Trams. cl K&M WR) 1"A. v. 1, am 3, p W-236 Awaftc U~& is avallew frm SLA " 11-3u1. 2.8 3 3'.) LIS Pwalmr-borywiev TT. v. 11, m 1* offto of Togbolow ewvkm Radioactivation Analysis of Somioonduoting Silluzn by aeans of a 1hilti-Channel Y-Speotrometer, by 1. E. Malmaheva. I. A. Mms1ov, Ao P. Obukhov. 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Xhim, Vol IV, !lo 3, 1960, pp 329-335. CB / ~ 1-'/ 2 -7 Sai Aug 61 A Phyoicoche~ciicaj Study of the Thallium-Selenium- Tellurium System, by N. S. Bubyreva, A. P. Obukhov. RUSSIAN,, per., Zbur Reorgan Xhim., Vol IV, NO ip 1959) PP 132-137. The Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd Sci - Chem jan 6o /,-I -f- gd,3 Pr4mipitatioa or mpesim chicrub fip= Rowvdaorte AcIA SoluUomp by A. P.. ObWdm V. P. Lavrovs 8 pp. w._~# RMIMS PWP am ftft afts'' Tax vt Mal -NY 99W.0me KA 8-33k9 Sol -An 59 15~3 About Uirtaft gmeLMUtift 4kf 6 -,4da of altive tablyals OC ~VPGGW U clawnd ~A-~raes$ P."Iov 4" A, P, tbdftme 7 ;p. 1=411 New- 4v =WUO CAL. I Aj,30rptIc.u 0- uy(L-vcbjorjc Acid by SnI:tftic=" of I Wgwoitm Warifts by, A. P. Cbukhovy M. 11, Ruww' per, xsUl (UM), Vol M, 1932, lip 20-23- MA R-3341 sci Aus 59 A Gamrstar of Bhwt4Dw&tlm P%LUexs 'by 0, 8, IGDIDtQVi, TU. No LaUmaWs Ao So Obuktors 3 pp RWL49.,: VOrp PrOMY t T*31h ftsPer,, No 3o 1560j, pp 73-76 38A 1,44.2 % 09 d~f ac!L~ Yeb 61 Study--of-Pancreatic-and-Billso~y Secreticm-in-- Horses 'by IS,-= of a Chronic Fistulap by N. V. f1curilov, B. M. Obukhov.. 4 pp. RUSSIMs, jpor# Bya Doper Biol i Mads, Val XLVIj. no 7j. 1958., pp 107-109- Oonsultunta B=aa Sol - Mad mar 59 A Semi fjjcro-qmntj%ative Method for the lnd~iridual Detergdwtion ~ of the in r Hamel Fatty AciMI by 01AIListion of Thelv~nrtbyl Rste=s by L. K.' Obukhav.. 4 vp. BMWs biw per,, Zkuw An" Khjup Vol 1* XIS, No 2,, Mur/Apr. 19560 Vp 193-197. CIA 9C*133.2 Co Reel No 55 conaultauts Bw.,Cau ,~L,4 .91 The,----dm4d 1m*SwftmV%v=ft Ow Ilumb-s Agobpftm Ow loft "W16". -AW set- 2WJ3 P. Dul Muthav., by V. B. Yalwv2zv, 3 pp. RUESUN, yer,, jbtallmT., No 4; 1958,, pp 33-34. consultdill'a Bumau Bul %P MD/Not Doe 58 ~7 7, -i;e 14? Y A W. U -11 u' I=t:lc SPOcta-M AymlYzer of Ult-raso-zlic Oc-:,~J ation Racorc~ed During BeimAc --;odelinC. by V. A. 9 -:)p - RUSSIAll., per, It-, Ak llauk- SSM., Ser C-.-aiz, iT,:) 10 3 Pi)- 1510 - 1521. AGU / f .2, 1-:,/ .1- sai by 14. Ac Hollnikmri. V. 2: cr Is Vpsb&k Udeb Wyed, Saargots. No 1.0 1 3,) pp 99-102. 96890% Awr met"MI Sac T-H-409 acd - UP Rv 6 D" 63 OW PhYSiCal ftows"s In the Final Stage of of Solid 01oloctricsi, by V. 1, Dial Le MU!M 1964 pp OFTD NTO.24014"7 L/ V. sci-1110C A Uec OW Avg 67 3268426 E4VOICal FrW850" IU tbb FIIMI StftgS Of *f Solid 9 bCr Ve 19 Obukhem, RUSSIO* Mit bmkz malgimm I 196% Vp 193-197. FIODOW44654 ETTD-IfT-24-1484q sciARt 1.1ar 66 351 * 17B Concerning tbe Bpaxk TeMperAtlxfi~ III- the of Solid Dielectrics,, by V. 1. CIxukho-tur., A. 1. Lislts~mp 15 pp. RUSSIU., per,, 1whenarno Fit Zhur, Vol VI.. go 1, 1963- ipm 19o46 Jun 63 231,,64o lLmroving the tMS-s Selsmoacope (31), by V. A.. -f-bukhav ., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 10, "9r-'9, pp 1513-1516- AGU Sci sep 6o '; 0:2 7 pp - Iz /Ak INaulk SSSR, Ser Geof-I z, ~;,59-; -)p 1625-1635. AGU ZAA 6o p Nigh ftTformance Figures for a Glass Furnace,. by V. T, Oubinin, V,, Mv Obukhov,, 6 ppl, RUSSIP24, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XVI,, No 30 1959- pp 32-37p Ca Sci r Sep 62 210g586 A Mine-f-huse Pwar Source ior F"-amtxulls, by.V, To, ikAhave A, P. jUkhayleaka, =SIAM pers PuLant No 17076S, 15 Apr "630 -------------------------- $ci Mucl Sci Tack NOV Tme Maeative Crms Section for RImt4a Scattlaring of am gXfttmw by Hy&paw Atoms bY V- Iff- rolvswwwv~, V. V. Obwd)ov-OenuOvs 7 PP- W="j, Dori, MW '"Dw I Tsarwt rui, Val zu's NO 40 3962.. PP IOM_IW9. AIP wv Vol xvp no smi. sup chi 214,946 A Thre*-Phase Power Source for Porametrang, by V. Ye, Mukhowt A, P. Mikhayleako, RUSSIAN, perp fttmg No 170765, 16 Apr 1963. Sci Nutt Sci Toth Nov rm "r Circular Sectors~. by V. 1, ifotov, Yu. L. Obukhov, V. Pushtarik,'5 PP. RUSSIAN? per., Prib i Tekh Eksper, No 5,1959, pp 19-21. Instru Soc of Atrer Sci Aug 60 by 7.1. Y-C. at m --ruo-Ta S03 lev--. 11 V -- RUISSTATI, Der, 7Z-,ur '11-sper -T T,'~O-Z:t Piz, Vo' 1-3591 P=cr -Ta--t ct, S--v 7-ayci-=ZF voi ecd. pp:- 6o- Sam (U-2717). an prompsaft MA Man 2, a in the DaracpWat Ot Ist4aml do ZWkMtry IS P02AWds by 30MEM W]Adyn2" KcladSU41, ZbSWdj*W *"Wb*vl=o AW439 0 13 pp. PMM,p pwj ams, Voft I 200b"kA sm"tum" VCOL Xamml ND a 5o 2Ms 19 173476- Am-IW-N Xmw - P62MA Som - FMIR ]WNW* notuml an IW Ang 99 AutoLwtlc Control of the Moicture Content of the Blust Fed to MG Producer GratinZB# by V, M.. Ob4ftav.. 4 pp. Awja,,.-mo per. Stakla I Keramilm,, Vol XITJC,, no 5.9 Noy M6p p 26. Convultanta Bweau Scientific - Fab 57 CTS s-m3163 Tablo of Contents, by A. M. Obukh-ova MM IMP bigo TrWy VMMyU=MW ftUchnoW metleolvio0ebeek"No &Weshchmiyal Vol III L=inwrad, 1963~ 10 241-242. OJM/]M-7978/SPer-ial Doe 63 ConceaUm On and i Al a balant - Of- &aute Molecule ri, In Solution,$ by A. E. LUtI3LdYp E- X- MQWR=j, 5 PP- RUSSLO, per, Zhir bObahch XhIm, Vol XXXULI, Ito 9, 1963, pp 3023-3027. CB sci Aug 64 2&,347 . MA D~0006~. cm- 0 1 WN Ot no ONAWWAds TAltb man AVOU mmmu" or twt Xd&Md"a * A. go Lwbdftv I. IL WA*bWj% 6 no u==s jwq am abotab adp# VaL M=S, ft eip Od ja AmawlatSm and Dapeademe an ae Pmwft-M" 4t Wasaw Awba" ac cogamda. IM Mixtumn at loopudedto Compounfto bar A* E. latswo 1. K. ObuVwmp 10 ppe manows pmp Our abobob Jklao Vbl Z=O, Bb 88, co j4 62 Ver"tiou oC PAWidoa bqpwU" In xelated 0=41 a 11, swum at loomme omwous"a by A. Z* UftUrp I. M6 ONAMNS9 3 jr. AMZW4. sm Zbw M OUR VOL Mwo 3b 90, 196LO 10 MLE90. allwar-an In= IMBtA* sa ja 60 05,009 jVqMmrtj" In ft"tad V mica Was San" $ Wt" ft~o arommu pip* am as R"P va mms 3b 9,p j.9raL. Up XqIL-IM* Biel 4.. JWL 60 Ch-~nvss in the ProDertieB of rhibstsncer, in DIfferent Ceries of Chemical Comnounes IV. Series nf Fub.-ti- tutet, Deriv-tives, by A. E. Lutsl V.;,% U2Qhov;,-,, PPQ RUSSIA119 z)er., ?Au Ob-shob RhIm, Vol no 5 1961., pp - --- sci Nor 62 ChPnP9.' In the PI-OPerties of Subst-inces in Different SerieE: of Chemical Corwomde. III. Serigr of lsonsrioOic Compounds, by A. E. LutrkiY S. Its Gbukbova, 5 PP- 1-4 FUSSIAPT, perg Zhllr Obshch KUM, Vol XxT1,v No 5 1961, pp 4516 r3B rci mar 62 ~-Lj 11 AsBcjc4ution a pp. 13,ViStitll. pert Zimr Obshch 1,hJjm, Vol MVIIT, 'No 9,, CPI Sai Ch.,= t 5 of the "te Cz ct-- OYS i~ UO 'the Cloud of en Electric !Lre.. 1-,,y jj~ fmdnJav'skiY,, A- I- MRVEM-In., E. S. Obukhvla, 2 pp. ALU tranWztjon. RMSTAI-T. b1w per,, Tz Ak Nauk,, ser I?L-., Vol Xj)r, HO Ip p 125- = c 4ao2 Caumbia Ifth lyr I&V 56 MS/d= ITmesUptim of Charaamrbace of Inflow k1o of AI-Zn Anoy Ma=W IntD an Arc 018d)OXV and Cmce=atim DqMmkmm of ithel IntgaINY of Alumimm and ZIM Lirm by ru & obukbovN N. K. Radnevddy, P". B3w 22 nw-I I KU-M Tadiftagoz 1963, m 16 Ipp 43-0 rlFT 5-1509 /,-//7 e 1/4p Sci-DAM Oct 65 .1ischurbw and c4amutratis-111 ISJO audence ol Lae bammity of AlutAniw and Zinc Line.~is 7-.- 5y (bukilm, PI, K. 4ttiffiavskiy. U6SIM., Car, TK~~ Po "inii i ihiu-.. TekMI-01011ii NO 1 1%3, pp, 43:~ !)1w a2 77-"M-f- 0 s 2",477 Interneuranal Connections of the Erterni-I Genimaletc Body of the Cut, by 0. P. Obulchova, V 6 pp. RUSSTAR, per, Syul EMpar Diol i Med, Vol XLV'r, go 12, 1958s PP 87-92. Consultanto'Bureau Sci - ftd jul 59 The TAttle. Town of Glubin, by Tordia ObqkhagA,_250 pp HUMAN, b.k. Four Continents Book Corp 822 Bro~y New York 3., TqY Ifty Go aiddwtion of Hydroc=boua With a High D,-&,Qa at Cormersicn, by L. K. Umikho".1 V. H. GOV dbelrz et Sig 8 pp. IMSUN, per, Ileftftbimi"j. Vol Ij? No 5A 1961s, pp 669-674, 9667803 Msr 63 The Campo~~ition of the Ac-.kdz Forraud by the Oxiciation of n-Xacane !a the ldc-luid Phauej, by L. K._,9aukhova.,, U. Vi. D=uel~, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, -per, !z Ak Hauk SSSR, Otdel Mlim iiauk., lio 9., 1!)60, PP 1.544-15443. CB S c I / 7,2-, / q -;7, oct 61 The Use of Tritium as an IjxUcator in the SLudy of the Dynmics,of Ground Waterv by Ya. B. Finkelsht*inj, V. A. Filonovp V. N. Soyferp M. P. Obukhoyag 2 pp. RUSSUP, per.. Dok Ak Sauk MMp Vol CMp No it IM,P'PP 671-- K Consultants Bureau Sai - Geopysics Oct 58 V6" a V Y Merthod of Catebing the Virus of Grippe in -Whe it-oplet- Fbwe of Aerosol. Report 2. Effectiveness of Catchir-, the Oxippe Viras With Pixfteenokiy's Bacteria Cateher, Vershigom's bwbotage Ayj;amtus and MuLfirla AeroCentr1l'ages by Y. V, Vlo"vetoj S. Ya. Govdamviab V. R. CbWdmm. MWIM, pm., volpromy vinuOlogil, so 6, 196c), PP 670-675- P7457-21 USZOL Sal - VAd 5-3 Jun 61 The Use of Tissue Culture for the Indication of Subletha4 Doses of Tick-Bomee E=ephalitis Virus, bj S. 1. Gaidamovichp V. P. Obukhaval 6 pp. RUSSIMO pert Voprosy Virusologiij. Vol IV, no 6, 1959, PP 678-683- pp Sci oct 60 Method. cX Col2ecting the Grippe Viruc- in a 13rip Phwe of Aerosol. Report I* -rSfeativeness of Collecting the Grippe Vinm by the ,%ppamwo of D'Yakouov and the Soluble Filtem, raae of aelsttzmw Foam, by S. Y&. Gaidamovich., V. V. VID"Vets" V. P. MAIL-bova. ~11 -- WSSM pe--,, Vopmy Vinmljog., No 4.t 195%. PP 39&U 0 M 90IM47 Gai - Iftdiaime lea Oat 59 X Calturar. to Japmese RmcepMlitia Viruses., V. R. oburawaY 6 pp. B and Tick-Borne by S. Ya. Gaid=cvtLch, MMS101 =r Vbl= Virmsol; Vol Y; NO 3; P & P 1960P pp G4%-308. F- Sci P- R Alp 61 lb cativiktion Ge jowsm"a 2 10 VIM In 2"D awbov -XI - CAtums., bV a 14, Y46 V. 36 Oxibmap T im. 7408Mp %or# -- ~~~ - was va VIP No 5;p Vas m .5 ~ 19 son oat Ce 216SW5 4- (PW 26784) Culturlmg Cartaft Aulml Ttmors on Cbicken labr7m, IV V- A. Anantyev, V. :R. .0bukhome6., a A--.& 01 M8UMv so Ver,, Zhur Mrdblol, JAW41" lWomoblal" No 21, 1406cov, Roy 1955, vp 4&56. CUIFMIU-rr9a am Sei - Neftelm, ancolov 31o 33-Z ion 56 c=/= LAD.cwtano-e of proloz.-bed coat=t Md V011= cf thc: material in the of ticl,.-borne cultilre: b'-'- v. A, -pex, vopms*.v viragolog., Vol V;p 2 5 0 Set 'Tw, Methods of Trapping Influenza Virus in the Droplet Phase of Aerosols-1. Erricacy or Dlalknnov'3 Apparatus and Soluble Gelatin Foam Filters, by S. Ya. Gaidamovich,, V. V. Vlodavets, V. R. %V*hava., 5 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Vop Virusolog,, Vol IV., No 4.. lq!iqO pp 396-Wl. Pergawn Press Sci jui. 6o Heat Resistance of Certain Neurotropic VIruses in the LN.7ophile Statep by V. R. Obukhova, 3 pp. RMSIAN,, p--r,, Vop Virusolog., Vol IV, No 44 19,59., pp 483-486. P~~gamon Press jui 6o 0-~, Vitreouf, by V. V. Uninkhov-Deni.sov, T. H. Sobolev, tend in Ah Paulk, Sc:r riz,.. 'Vol Ko 9p 1958, PP 1073-1075. Columbia Tecb Dc~~ 59 Proble~~z of Detenmining the Anticipated Requir C--ments- and of PLanning the Preparation of Agricult-aral Speciali5ts, by V. M. Obukhovskiy. -cr Ak imeni K. A. Timiriazeva., Vol XXXVIII, 19,98., pp 41-46. 9072171 USSR 2xck soc USDA la5~ 171'a1, , oct 6r) Influeme of the Ikilk Density of the Chwee on the SIM= Mechanical Properties of the Cobs., by A. S. Bruk.. Ys. X. Obukhmrskly., E. K A. Vollmrvap 5 pp. RUMIM per m*8 i milms wo 1.1., 1960, pp 2D-3. I C20JL sei j~m x 61 j 5- 7 j 3e 9' Bm Climte of JlmtensVo; by A. mulim., 6 iv. swW-MOMM., per, AwslavIja (Beograd)., No 8.S 19541 pp 82-83. 9099"6 02860-M711 PL4w M 97, Sci - uconz jun 62 Obuljen, Ante The Climate of Montenegro SERBO-CROATL414, bk, Yugoslavia-MontenegTo, 1954) t4 1~ 8, pp. 82-83. ,4p,-, 48o /"'OTS 60-2i7ll 1961 IMPROVING THEQUALITY OF COKE, BY YA. OBUKHOVSKI.y4u,141 PP. RUSSIAN, W NPI EKONOMICHESKAYA GAZETA, No 42, 13 OCT M 1962, P 11. J'PRS 4WW USSR ECON JAN 63 218,74ci QhumovskiL Y. Nt PROE)UCTlON OF BLASI' FURNACE COKE Wrni- OUT COALS OF MARK P. S. [1961] [13]p. 3 refs. T/L 766; [DSIR LLU] M 2036. Order from I-C or S-_~A mii2.40. phq.M 61-13443 Trans. of Ugol' (US~&) 1950 [v. 251 no. 12. p. 50ff. 1. Coke- - Producticm 2. Blast furnaces --operation 1. Obukhovskiy. Y. h-L 11. Trans-T/L-766 Ill. DSIR LLU K20116 OM-.f T.J.W..1 I-A ... (Materials- -Fuels, TT. v. 5, no. 12) Eval'uatilc)n of the intensities af Sei=ie liaves Which are Reflected from a Very Weak Boundary. of Separation, by K. I. Obptuovy 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, IE Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geoftz, Ho 10, 1960, pp 1426-1431. AOU Sci Apr 61 On the Frob2em of the Marim-Down-lem Bound=-.y In the WaR, bY..-O, 1. Nikirarm., A. M. Ov 4t. ]RUSSIAN, par, Somtskos gwloglyap No 2. 1961, I&swv.. pp 86-90. bovt Of marim 41 Q83 357 310 5T usm 17-?, eg~? a" Reviews F. D. Momvwpla Book "DovalopmGnt of Co-121cid Chmdstry in the O"M 3 PrP- Full tr RUNTAN., biuD per.. IcUoid Zhurt Vol -MIXt NO 1, 1956, p 126. OTA 99W05 Oi Trio Burbau gsr 6 7j- S Gi W chadatry �-ep-56 CTS si-.1viot uripurt (Y,,. 1;-,xico I-y 'iii, ~ pp WS-~IAN, bk, YerJiegWaik isoltshoy Scmatskey UntsiLlopledii, 1%4, Irp 31-2-315. J211117.'~ 27700 USS11. 901 14~-Ocxico PI) I 3 an 65 272,128 Cuba In the Struwle for Five&kma mid Independence, by 1. M. GbX& JX5 13 yp. ~a RM31ANs bkv Xuba v Borlbye m Svobodu i 1959, pp 8D-90- JPRS 3563 IA - Pol Oct 1-0 Theoretical PrObUm or COMRadat cmetrwtion't by ftyadkOv. Pawl"s rep Vywift, 3X Ja 1959. I= Ollu Report um PbL; 8m Ang 59 0.7 4~v e 74.4 Rdlm of the Polarlmlon Effects at Inelastic Colliwkms of 916mum Wth Atmm6 by G. F. Drukayev, W: D RUIN a . 1Tru&1uw Eta Ak Nauk Latvian SSR Vol 3iE ~Imm mump-55;;W. i~-Aa Sd - Nue Sd 7 7 tKh Msty 61 i U.Azo GOVERNMENT ONLY ii(NY-3510) ftMl~Y COMITTEE SWERVISES 1~ CORRESPONDENCE BY 0 BYUNG--s0o 3 PP. KOREANO W., NUIDONG SINMUNO 29 JUL 14 1962,, p 2. JPRS 15249 FE - KOREA soc, 210,004 PAUtcjr Ocebetto's Arover to the ROM Mdvemity Mroqpj, by Acb111e Occbettoj, 14 pp. rfALXAN,, Swtrjl ftova GenenmiMaj, Vb]. vn, No 34j, 21 oct ig6es, pp 3.1-12. jM 16190 wa= - Italy fbi 440 Jbv 62 121,11 Oak A "M gaily In IM "JUMATMOL Cofmsr moms W:00#us ftow m 46 IP. "Wft, FM OM GOOMIM NO 39P 3 NX lqibo~.fl. to 4XchLnL_T~. and Trc-,u. G. 1710r,Lla.tS THAT ARISE DURING THE LAYING AND RECOVERY OF ARMORED SUMMARINE CABI.r- [IQ61143p. S refs. Order from SLA $4.60 61-18924 Trans. of Eleuxotecnica (Italy) 1960, v. 47. no. p. 1- 12. D=RIPTORS: 'Cable assemblies, Underwater equipment, Marine enSinee.-InZ, Shipa, Oceanbottom. Oceanc,-raphic vessels. Telegraph equipment. Re- covery. *Submarines, Copper wire. Wire winding machines, Armor plate, *Coaxial cables, 'Electric cables. 'Tbe phenomena c~rtjrring during the laying and re- covery of submarine cable are considered from a rnathema0cal standpoint, these phenomena being re- 'rr. v. 7. no. 5) (ovet) 61-18924 1. Occhw. E_ ll. Trogu, G. 194882 The Influence of the GrAinding Atmosphers Upon the Grind:Lng Efficiency, by D.,Qge ~pek E. Eberl, 10 pp. ZMEROVENLW, per, Rudarsko-Metalurski Zbornik, No 4, 1963, PP 385-393- aTs 63-11450/4 YL-48o sci jun 64 26o,887 Auto-Oxidation of Coal,, by D. Ocppek, N. Cerk', 12 Pp, SLOVENIAN, per, Rudarsko-Metalurski Zbornik, Mo 1, 1964, pp 27-38. OTS 64-11458/1 PL-480 Sci Jan 65 272,622