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BrMlaLtov, KOSTARp 910 pery Zh= Mw?er i lecor-et r. Vol Vilp No 3., 2.937,p. pp, 9T,3-,085 tm Tr 601 Scleiltif '.'.o - Physics Oct 1951- cl_-Iz- SOW ftriections on the TW4"nqn Cf Calcite, by 1. X. Lifebitzp wA 1. V. Qbreimov,, 29 pp. WSIIW ps~gjs Ak Nmuk SM..,Ser fiz. Vol IP7,1;:2), 15*8, pp' 65 ~0:!~o vj-- .r,-2i67 (DC4-i6a). Some Ecan=ic and Geogmphical Asp--ctS of th* dity of Tei:uci (Humanla)# by Ajt_2Lre I J&AJ5 pp. IRMNIAN., per,, fttum Vol Up No 4. Bucharestp JUL 1957S zip 57-47. G*O Old/ (DC-4485) Ecological Zoning of Agricultural Plmmts in Rumazda,;. (Prefaae)y JMW by Or. _otmej~auuq 4 pp. RUMMANI, bk,, Zonares Reologica a Plautelor Agricola In IMRs 1960, pp 5-8. JM 654 Esur- Jan 61 MM4 MCMW AND SMIAL LUX FMISIOM M AP41*vmtlvz 1MIAL "WAMINEr w ZIVKO cowmi Co. 13 WSIAN "M~ MARMNI 00,o NO 60 KUMMo JUN 1963p, IA to c ;2 37, .ju, Iv Or--3000) FUMM OF MATIONS DETWE6 STATE AWD amial 3micrig3j, By livxo wMMMICIO #'P6 --------- smim pm wimml Omm., fe 40 Igor pp On AM MA - YUGONAVIA soc - AIN 62 mosom of lu-'t !name, Ln r~v roud'-et' by zitcyou ctn-c-sh'I V, 13 pp. 41WU - Z =IVU, per. TrW-' i tue , ,io Ia. (a,-c) lgr Tq) 26-37. JPR~; 2SCAU ca-liulgarla 4~cou re. b 6 5 275,193 Werk at rumatim at an XIwtU left in CaUlft, Iw 1. T. v Am dw. Malm ywa. Zbw t wm na, voi xcwx ND mus, tr-A. AMW Imt at Mwo off rd" - no Vol v=(35)0 so 5 Sol - rd" Nw ell The Formation of Ultramicroscopic Inhomageneiticas in the Plastic Deformation of Sodium Cbloride, by R. I. Oarber, I. V. gbre=ys L. M. Palyskovj, 2 pp. FMIU# Verj, Da Ak Ikuk SM,, Pays See, Vol QMI; No 3j, 1956,p VP 425- Amr Inst of fte Sw PtW~ "Dokl"y" Vol 1, No 3 Be i - PION Aug 57 variationa ot The VAa- L&UtWW of Poltava, NiZU"ViLs RiCbMWA IUA W&NhtqgtQAv by go 2. P. FOWIM, jar, Ast*cm Zhurp Vol XXW., So 3,p Aaw IWO of Sw AMU= - AS TOIL 1, 3b 3 Sai - Astron Apr i DC-,&-K)7) Some Technical-Ecanade Problms in tha ForgLag industry, by J. 01brich, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Pertigungetechaft und Betrietb, Vol XI ~To 2P 1961., PP 75-78- JFR8 873-1 Ecoz /0110 )) e Y ~ Aug 61 Pmblem of the Stractme of a Sumpot Magnetic Field,, by V. Obridko,, D. lombpa. FMSZW.. per, 302002twe Domme, No 3, 1955, pp 8-54 CSIRD/ No .7692 U, obpafdj~o sci - Jul 67 334,0W The K232 15W.ine Profile and the Structure of the Solar Atmosphere, by V. N. Obridko 7 PP RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol -U, No 3, 1963, pp, 446-454. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Astron - AJ Vol VI, No 2 Sci Apr 64 254,298 MO&WxemW" Of M6 M&9mlUWIO and Directkn or the Magnetic Fidd In the RqOOn of Sum~, by B. & lftbpl6 V. N. IRLWSLAN& per, AffiffiW= Vol XL. No 6, 1963, pp 1013-1015. NASA TT F-49M SCI-Ear Sd & Astran MAY 64 US. GOVERNhWENT ONLY 257,= Excitation of the Ca 11 K Line in the So:lz-- Chro- mosphere$ by V, ff. Obridko h pp, RUSSIAN_, per., Astron Zhur, Vol XXXVIIp RD 6, 1960s pp 1028-1031. AIF Sov Astron-M Vol IV,, No 6 Jul 61 O*Brien, Joseph Lloyd. PIDCE:S� FOR THE PRODUCT10N OF PHOSPHORUS- CONTADMG POLYMERS OR COPOLYMERS. [1962] lOp- Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-16246 IYans. of German patent 1. 100, 297. cl. 39c 25/01. InteniaL CL C 08 f OM2864 fVb/39c) by Rohm and HaaB Co. (U. & ) appl. 8 Mar 58, ajppL pull. and Issued 23 Feb 61, yaL pub. 24 Atg 61 (priority clatmed- U.S. 29 Mar 57). DESCRIP'TORS: Oftlymarization, *Copolymerization, Acryllc resIns, PbospbDrIc -acids, Carboxylic act", Eaters, Rhylenes, Vinyl radicals, Polymet B, *Phoxpborus. A proceas iB proposed for producing ot pbomphorus- containing polymers or copolymeriL Mw prncess is characterizad by the fact that phompboric acid ewers (Chemiguy-Organic, Tr, v. S. = 10) (over) 62-16246 1. O'Brien, J. L H. Patent (Germany) I IW 287 42" 6 2 3 0 Offi- .1 T-Ji.W S-ic.. N Datue~Yi-:dnwUon and Tormation-of (ixidt :,,ayorn c,n Aluminum, by W. D. Treadvall, A. Obritt - MM, per, He1v Chim Aata, Vol XM, 1943, pp 2.816-1=. ANC Tr 2377 Scientific - Chemistry; MinAotgis Feb 56 CTS/dex 31 1~49 W Im utfumico W in VRMKTICN C& f"t,04 004. NICK 1 I'T VOW# *0 'A~I, p iA polat. 1.7 T. S. varsbauskeys* low I& ',trook*V*4 10 OwlAsia ~IhRum WOO A* at 1961 FloOZ62065-V Z7 Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in the Develop- ment of the Problem of Iono-Galvanization, by A. N. Obrosov, I. A. Abrikosov, E. D. Tykochiskaya, RUSSIAN, per, Truay Vses Konfer Med Radiol, Eksper Med Radiol, Moscow, 1957, ~4 AEC Tr 3661 Oct 59 11 ZX" I 3M,M JL Solamlas tTV uttmo. vft Mffiv so 31, (NY-7098) ON TIC STAWS AND PP40OLOG OF Tw SOLVELQPMDrr OF SCIIXffflC KPICAPOI ON PM310THOUPY IN THE njeoc "Kim ABLINWS OF THE WMp BY A# no OOMMOTPIP9 XMIAHm POk ffftl UCMgN= OMIT SOWTAp VOL I It NO 5s 1961 a OP 164M. ipm I" SO JqL 69 901$959 Alloys or Ptutbwilum with bman, Berylli= and AlumirdUm, by W. Obrowki. OMMI, Par-ML%WU-. Val. 17. :L963. vp io8-n2 W. 0 1, n Ow S k1 Sci - Sop 67 339-788 Solid iron ant 1"Iquid A!=~Zut~, by E. Crebbardt, W. olcrci:-,1144. 16NM ti,anclation. 1pr, 11,'pituchrift fur Notallkmic, Vol xuv., 1M,* )Y. 154-ZD. T Brutchor Tram Vc sciont-tric - Wwrals/fbtau