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Effect of Comjression on the Porosity,, Catalytic Propertiesp and Chromatographic Activity of Bilica Gel,, by L. Kh. Freidlial, L. F. Vereshchagin., 1. R. Beimrkj, 1. U. Ilumnovp R. Yu. Sheinfain,, 5 pp. RMSIANs, bimo per,# Iz Ak Nauk 38BRy Mel KhILM Nauk. No 5" USSR,, 1953, PP 945-950. C. 1 .90?,r / 0 o1 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CM 64/jan 55 Effect of Very Higb Prewoures on the Cata- lytic Activity of Aluminum Oxide,, by L. P. Vereshchagins L. X. PIreidlin, A. M. Rubin- shtein iaA 1. U. " 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Is Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Mim Nauk,, no 6.- 1951j, pp "-818. Aspac Tecb Serr Rf-129 SOL Avg 58 Effect of Compression on the Properties of Debydrogenation and Debydration Catalysts, by L. F. VeresbcbWinj L, Kh. rreldliti, I-YP. :MMnov., S. G. Kulikovp 6 pp. pun translation EUSSV3j. bUw per Iz Ak Sauk 860 Otdel Xhim, Nauk No.1p VMs, -CTA 6 15U04 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chevd9tz7 02 A Asdoo CTS a;/Mar 55 v DiscrimInatlon of Rank in Plant Commities, by M. Ifuuata,, M. Kitsudera. JAFAIMU,, per Japan. B12IWcal Journal of Naralfamen4s Uxdvcrslty. Vol No. 10, 19a, pp 57--b2. CSIRO/No. 7421 17;7 - R e.,,- ozO 79 sci - Jul &1 333,935 DIAcrimination of P--nk in Plant OommmMiel, by U. Bwatm, N. Mitsudera. JAPAME, per,--jaM- M1229acal jourrml of Nw~a Wmen's -~, No - 10, 19W, PP 5T- 62. AlKersit bGMINO - 7421 A/ L)19-2,q7-i9 Sci Auz 6T 335-56T 62-25440 Nwmerov B. and Gizhitskil, A. qMWUfel&F-THE GP.AvrrA-nONAL OBSFRVA-nONS IN THE GROZNYI REGION IN 1928 [AND] DETER- MM71ONS OF GRAVITY ALOW THE SEVERNAYA DVINA RIVER AND M TRIBUTARIES IN 1928. [1962] [161p. ACIC RR-4D. Order fimen OTS or SLA $1.60 62-25440 Trans. of Akadendi a Nauk SSSR. [Institut Teoretl- cheskoi Astronoraii . Byulletan' 1929, no. 23, p. 21-28. DESCRUTORS-. *Gravity. Determinatim, Terrain, Rivers, Gravimeters. 1. Numerov. B. U. Gi2hitskii. A. In. -TIrl.: Determinations ... IV. ACIC RR-40 V. Aermaurical C-harT and Ufformation i:;enter, St. Louis, Mo. (Eanhfr-;IeDces--Geod=y, IT, v. 9. no. 9) Untn 61-19500- Numerov, B. COMPUTATION OF GAUSS-KRUEGER COORDINATES. 1. Title: Gauss-ir-rueger Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 28 Apr 61 [171p. Coordinates 2 refs. JPRS: R-111-N/13. 1. Numerov, B. Order froin OTS or SLA $1. 60 61-19500 11. Title: Soviet ... III. IPRS-R-11L-N/13 Trans. of Ccudezist (LISSR) 1933 [v. 91 no. 3/4, IV. joint Publicaflons Researcb p. 33-43. Service, New York DESCRIrTORS: *Geodesics, USSR. offi-f T.d.J.J sw.4-. (Unannounced) Nunberg, Marian Contribution to the Knowleage of the Genus Magastiginus Dalm. POLISH, Per, Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoologici Polonici Vol, 5, nr. 2, Warszawa, 1941, pp. 25-26. *PL 48o oTs 61-31P62 1~61 Tcchniq= for ObtaInInG Dried Corcartaw og Schistasoma Kwwoni for the Preparation of Antl4anap by J. Pellegrino, Rosa M. B. Nunesp 12 pp. SPAWWH.* perp Havista Brasilews de MUrlalo&La a Doencas T-ropicaiap Vol VIIIj No 2p 19s,6s py wr-W4- SIA 59 -15600 Sci Doe 59 Vol 2s If* 5 s35--lucorporation-as-Sodim Sulfate in =ferant Animal Tismu by 0 2T!RL R. E. Mancini. SPANMj, paper., P/1031j, Proceedings of Intarnatiowa Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Ikergy- Held at Geneva 8-20 Aug 1955p Vol XII. Sol - Naclegot PbyBicz Internati Conf -- UN ciA 1-669.9.162 Simplified Wthod. for High Besolving Fawer orienta- tion Autoradiography by Iftans of Nuclear EMIlr-iOrASj. by C. Nkmes. SPANMHP P"W., P/1030P PZ00"dingS Of 3hte3wational Conference ca Peaceful Uses of Atomic Inercr %1d at Gwwm 8-2D Aug 1955., VOL I=. Mitenatl Omf . UN Sci - Moles Physics crA 1-669.9.1.62 c=parative study of the s35 macorporation by Adult Pat Tillues., an Wdb- Sulfate and as Methionine-si-1p by Ce Nmezp R. E, Mancini. SPANMH# pper, P/1032, Proceediap of WarnatIOMI Conference on Peaceftl Uses of Atomic Emergy BWA at Oewva 8-20 Aug 1955,p Vol YM. Intematl CM -- UN CIA 1-669.9.162 .", /w/ 7 Radioisotope Uses In Argentina in Diqposiap nerepy and Cl In-I wa Mwestliptionip by C. M=m. SPANMp paper,, F/10298 Proceediz4p of ]htemLtjOn&j CwfOrencO on PeacefU Uses of Atovic Itmergy IbM at Genwm B-20 Aug 1955., Vol X. Sci - Nuclear Phoics xml,a~tl- C= cxk 1-669.9.162 AwqpolymcW=dAev of Adultana aftw=u- can= Tiomm and of Tlosue =twmop. by C. _A&zx a. B. *mftia, 27 pp. SPAMMS Bevlvta 22 ]a SgjW4 &rAentbift no P"o 1e as 21claids. Vol M=.- no To as OMMT 1955* mm Tr No 1-6 - M 4 5 s-/ 9, d /4d= Cooperation oe Psmatrooper'UnIta and AirbOrM-TJ%AtsP-by-- 22 c-lev J. Rodrigw3 Plodrigmaj. t vp. (ID 40.5107). MMASSIVIM pan trunsut im. 8PAM9j - w per,,.xiamito. so 570 Oct 1944P Py M~ft 10 GOU F-8742 m5w - Span HIMM7 s" 52 CTS/Du -4gr--Icultuml -Production, by I, Runs, 29 pp. "HUiLtSER, per, Ching-chi Yen-chiu, No 31 L962, pp 1-9. n)RS 15559 F& - China Econ -7/.>1 d' 0/ Oct 62 . (Nr-58W) lev Victarles in Natioual socie-lUt coufftrwmiou, by " Yap 6 pp. CKUUMI per., ftlh-sblh Sbou-tse,, No 19,, 6 Oct 1960.. pp 18-21. JPRB 8101 FS.- China 107, Inp Boon V Apr 61 (SF-1224) Basic Agrarian Law Must Guarantee Iland for the Peasants, by A. R. Numa*i , 2 pp. ".~. Z "k DMNESIAN, np, HM Harian Rakjat, 14 Sep 196C, pp 2, 4. jpRs 4402 FE - Indonesia Pol - Econ Feb 61 1W.4, ~4;e- ORPRAP Meat tilrarisf ot ana Pyessure Drop in -Rotiah ZIMB,, by W. Mmer. IINCIASSIrIED Gmomn., por, m-Forachuagah.. Vol XXXIb. 5-39,9 1956: 2K*-, rp- 5-39. A= 786 sai - pbys Nov 58 A fy~ (Nr-4694) From &.Wrience in the Automtion of Stations and Subritations of an Urban Wire-Broadcast Network, by Kh. Le 10mlop 12 ppo RMUR., %wr, Veat BrAzi., lo 5 (242)., 1960, im 5616 sci oct 6o Studies an the Resplratlan of tba SLlkwo=; Part lo DIMniOn or QWgm In tbG R**imtOx7 B78tem O:r -bbe S:Llbfwmo by JL=o RUDOWs 50 pp- ZfAPAM=j, pw,, lgael sbilomio ftekul (VaUatAn of the saricatuml ____ - -tea stiltio9k Vol XIII, so lo Sep 1944# pp 17-390 tine - 95 P UMA& Mrst Results of Meliorative Measurev Carried Out in the Kura-Arako Lav1mmd, by M. B. Nunupercy, 13 PY. RUSSIAN, bk.? PlImmenlye Drenszha Pri Onvoyenly Zssolenmykh 74w3, 1M. ms 60-.51191 Ph-480 Sol - Oftdws Apr 61 POT No 102 W-5000 selmoted ArUaUs on lobw $a Nwth Tletmap by gas" Sulk swa ftmw~ mma gas 1A -Xbw vmm~jp Jwp LEO bms 0=1 lb 2111 molt me; so 572,p 32 x" moo so Mb - 30oz 1A. . ... A" IW-4 n - -auto vwt~ am - Id" Vale" AW jro-.O,. .. .4 bhgaetooptic Properties of Iroa-Hickel and Ridtal- Copper Allop In the Mafrared Pzxea,, by G. So Krincabik, R. D. *Egi sygg 4 pp. RUSSUN, perv Wet Mw=w U, Ser n1, Piz-Astomn, no 4, 1960, im 43-47. mm K-A6 9092870 7 3, Sci UJ',!)1 I! tI arli vi Iufi I" I I J;1'1: H .- and the Iatarma CryEtul Flold of a lvexwm~petic Metal: by G. S. Krlnckap R. D. guraliyo3ra, 7 pp. JOSSM, per, Zim, Moper I Teowat ?1-z, Vol Xr. No 6p 3969, pp 1W-1450. AIIP sov Phys - am voi xv, xo 6 Jtw63 233jW5 Ygigacto-Optlea Resonwee in Nicke at lsfmiw.1 FmVmcies., by G. S. M7:incbU., R. D,, Nur&Uerva, 3 pp. RMIMj, per Zhur Mwpor i Tooret Piz Vol =Vx (95, so 4, im, pp AV Sov Pbys - JMP ftv NY~-1374) Treatment of Gunshot Wounds With the Use of Bicil-lin, by A. If. Berkutov, X. A. Nitreshchenko, 20 pp. RUBSIA'N, per, Voyenno Kedit-Mur, No 3, 1960- JPBS 5280 sci - Red - J, A Sep 60 1.2,.j / ~4 63-16477 ur A t P CTION OF 6W CWT FOR DAILY OD W 1 N M - U R 5 . 119631 6p. AM . mvt. Order from SLA St. 10 63-16477 Trans. of Ecole FrawAso do k4o rie. Wletim dft Anclens Elkves. 1957. so, ISC p. 6S-0. DESCRIPrORR OMSNWW separad-6 ocsr-le.: Machines. omoung mwmmm kraimerm, MsUlbudow ';A7 5C A Tr. to. a& Ma of Tod" rzr'lvaw~ivec; ff-I L2Lul-l~~:n:L::~2MC. voo"muticat,ion 5. 'Jui-and -, H.P. 1. A. rimictOzov 5m, "I --- RMSISVO., "perj XZ A rkullz BMP Can ot4oll M.=,"m nlar- .--I No P," 1963: lo 302-305. OB Sci I ~ 0 ?- --Z-- 15 Jan a -z- ~ wi-6502 Accuracy and Reliability in Automatic Chemical Froces8 Con 1, by I. G. Grin-An, Kh P 9 PP. R=LU, per, EM33eting of the Acad. of Sciencee, Kazakh SSR, No 10, 1961, PP 23-31. JM 11692 sci - Chem aan 6p WSW" olow I=kTm #110i TAvosmal= or Vic wimm-afto Wa. 11. Is FPO Impfas. R 2w MAO WL *0140 W VP lot- 4 No act ~~Mllll 11 milli (Dc-33ul/6) - vow I Been= a WrIter for Al Kuledsh and Ittihad Ash-ftalbj lay Boba Ud-Ma 34rip 3 pp. AlRAM., up (camm"00) IttlbvA aeb-Sbalbip 26 Am 1960., ]3a~, p 4. ms AN/A - Iraq So* Apr 60 00 Stucbr of 01 Aa leal oidl3j. V. - The Structure &i OxoaplWllldine,, by Et. N. ,!Q~r~A. B - Bed3rkov, 4 pp. amin " iperp 22nw Obahch Mdalf Val xXX, go 5,, 19m,, " lrD-1743. Cm ~/, 711 7 fti Aw 61 Study of C!l Alkaloids, IV. Me ftructure of EVItrolwa., . by A. S. Badykm, R. N. Huriddina-v., 3 pp. FMIU- . 2h%w Gbmbch mms Va M; - X, pp IT3&1738. CIB I 16- Y 711 Bel Aug 61 Study of C15 AlWoids. VI. Meavage o- P,rbyllline aad P4byLlldine by Sodium Aizdde, A- B. Badykovy R. N. Nur:Lddlucw,. 3 pp. RWXANj W., mur obahch mia., voi No 5, 1w. PP IT"-1746. 713 Sol Aug 61 NY L"q Several Problevis Connected With the Chemical Disinfection of Air, by Janos Nurideany, 8 pp. HURGARTAN, per, Gyogyszereazet, no 6, 1959, pp 222-225- JPRS 2731 Sci - Wd jun 6o 7., OST Absorption" Spectra of Derivativer, of 4-!T-O,?-- Dkpliau,ylamine m the Role Of M aG an IZOI'atOrp of Optical Conjugation in Dipbenylamine DarivRtives., by V. 1". lzmall'skiy,, K. A. Mirid-zhanyan., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per.. Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Val CXXIX., No 5, 1959, pp 1053-1036. CB Sci oat 6o ~VLI) Treatment Of Tetanus With Preparations Having a Curare.-Like Ef f ect., by A. I Berkutov., X. A, Nuris -Q ,! _ ~hq ~ - RUSSIANo Mo par, Voyemo Med Zhur., No 1, Moscow., Jan 1960p pp 44-48 US JPRS Z641-N Sal 4.Z' jun 60 EXperience in tiie Examination of Sevvice. Ven with the Alm of Detecting a March Peplostitis of the Tiblax by Ye. X. Glaryrin,, N. A._VArtyev- RUSSIAN,, wo per, Voyenno Med Zhur,, No 103 Moscow, Oct 19590 pp 69-71 US JPRS Z10Z.N StOM" spaiww VC063 W S"k t A A I . I . tr6c I - SNOW miumm cmuca INI 1 10 RMMRtlAo, iff Z. 1TRIM. ~ 0 * I V.0 ~ As" W10 *MlMftyh "MMI* 9 Am 1A16 '1- .-1 ~~ - ~ AWmAlk Wm: tot" ~ Mae - - - - - - - - - - (NY-3000/59). Bashkir Chemistry, Its Plans and Needs, by Z. Huriyev," RUSSIAN, np, Ekonmigheelt~ Gazeta, 21 Mar 1961. USSR Econ - Technological, Chemicals & Fuels 24 may 61 The Chemical T-ndustvy of Bashkiriya, its Froblern-a and Requiremeats, by Z--. Huriyev, 5 pp. RUSS='7,, up, Mon Gar-cita, 21 Mx 1961. JM 9637 WISR z2on b / ~ R j '2 ~' " Aug 61. IDC-492 Local Soviet and Smumda Organs Faee Sew 'Emaks, by Z. 3(,;r#a!j 10 pp. RUSSM, per., Faftl7meya ZbIzu', Vol LIX,, V* Is 19590 99 9-33. 6" POI jar, 61 k4,itily imai to P 4,; A~U611W, 1,*rUVdUs, Jill -28 19LA, v 2&. Oct ,w9r"p" so - 06" (NY-3001/3). The Rephelines of Central Kazakhstan as Resources of Aluminum for the Faviodar Plaat, oy V. K. I;j'o,,ilch.,- A. 11. Nurlypqq~kv, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk Kazakh SSR, No .1959) pi) 3-9. ims-2062-N USSR Econ Dee 59 Complexing Reactions of Antimony Pentachloride. 1. Cwtoxylic Acids, by Y.* 1. Usanovich. A. K. Nuntak 7 PPO Me* RUSSIRI, per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XW, No 11., 1961,, pp 3493-SSOD. CB Sci 213#9A Aug 62 Eleotrical Gonductivity., Viscosity, and Dwaity. of the 4sta= SnBrCAC~I~ c1=8110kOva, SnBr4C5HnCOM, IV * No 9 pp. RUSSUNO per, Zhnr Okwbah, Vol XXX, No 1, 1960, pp 29-37., UB Sci Fbb 61 C12 ON DiQLm,,.Gv,, V. 0.- Hum,10--h-taint. 9 pp. pmswo Per 2;4u-. ftwpu ralim.5 Vol 'TI, F~o -11~ 2IQ57r. on 15'U.-:16oo. AN-tr-hO57 Doe 60 PST C4 The LwmInescance of Mwyame Solutions and Fbwdws at 77OK3, by P. N. & G, Popmai-Ni S. DokwdWbi% pp RUSSI"p pwa OpUft I 6p*tms Vol 319 116 50 X960* VP 593-W C5A Sa /3~ May 61 '1 06ir BlTeat on the position and nwLiale of -Stfb- ctit=nt- an thn fluorcoccenm upact---a or aart,hraquiaona derivatives in frozaa tsolutiona, by D. N. Shiprinp H. A. Schcglam,-R. ja.- tov, 5 PP. ~RVJSWI , per, Iz AL, Wauk SSSH, Ser Fin, -Yol =11, No 'j, 1959, PP 37--39 -Sci mar 6a Coltmbia Tach Luuduesce4we of Uqphthylic andAntbrylic Derivatives of Etbylave, by L.L. Negwmjal R.N. Bur--quklu=tOv e t ai,, 6 pp. RMSIMp rwp Iz Ak lbuk SSM.. Ser M., 1101 MrXj No 6.. 1963., pp 747-7521. CTT sai j,un 64 .0 Ob.. 869 Luminescence Spectra of Anthraquinone and Its Derivatives in Frozen Solutions, by R. N. Nurm*hametov, D. N. Shigorinp 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Filz Xhim, Vol XXXV, No 1, 1961, PP 72-79- Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Dee 61 l3ifluence of lt;he Position and Hnture of the b'ubzt:'--tuent on the Spectra of Anthrnquinone Deriw-tlves in Frozen Solution,--, by D. R. ShIgerim; N. A. Shcheglova, P. N. R. s. Dokunuchin, 4 pp. RMSM., per, Duk a- Vauk. SSSR, Vol W, No 6, IQ , lp 1242-- 558 Amer rnst or phys Sov Phyz - DokUdy Vol In, 110 3 Sci - Pbya 4'~'l d Y"2 zac'~' Jul 59 of the ReFjults of - Electrical V--asuz- -meats on a Geared BloominZ-Slabbing Mill %jiub Current Converter Feed and Field Reversal Control, by W. Nurnberg, Part I, H. GIERMAII, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LMI, 27 Apis 1961, pp 579-589, 661-669. BISI 2253 Sci - Electron '/"0 7~ oct 61 Analymis of Electrical Operating Vests on a Tandem Cold Rolling Kill, by- W.-A~wqberg. OMMU, per Stahl und sen, Vol LXMI 23 Nov 1961,2 ,, .6a-i6'32. DMI, 2582 sci - Ragr 19~41 / 7d rmy 62 list 133 The Bebavicur of Large IMectric Drive Motors Durimg the Reversal of the Dlrectlon of Rotation, by-W. Nurnberg. GEMWI yer., Stahl und Risen, 14 Apr 1960, pp 514-520. BISI 1798 Sci - Env / 9 / r Wider Use of the Leading Experiments for Exploita- tion With Turbo-Drilling, by V. A. Nurahanov, Mm Sh=cvn, - eUSMAH, per, Neft Khoz, Vol I-V, 1957, PP 1-5. Tech and Com $40.00 Sci - Engr L/O / '~ -Apr 58 2i= To Accelerate the Time for inatalling Derricks -by -i-ndustrIal ~~tha&q, by 7, V. A. Rurshanoy. RIBSIM, pmr, Feft Ehom, Vol 7-:-.-, 195,7, pp 8-14, Tech eal Com $6o.oo M" Econ Sci - Engr Apr 58 ?"M : H-W .11,1,1 1!111 -Rea olnticu-of -the- German -Heredity-Soc ing Delayed InjusW by X-Poys., and its Connecluences to Radiation Therapy,, by L. Nurnberger, 15 pp. GEHM, per.9 Strah1withemplep Vol UV,, 193P# 'PP 700- 710. 3.L.A. Tr No 452/195,'i SOL - waiclue Jan lm cr*ex !I WrMflf MO Uze of Bor= and of Dqpoulto C=t4LninG Dorctx)p. vM"ll Llyplstm in !mvrcrv,4-f, th-- YiCM c--l nu,--r ccmtcm" of Sugar Beet in Wostmm Karsakhatan, by ftudy'fsex ftm po Mikrosl RIZA 1955: Otdel Biol Bu&, Ak Vauk !&tvjmjs,.v WHi 19.56., pp 359-361. Co-op Tr Mew 471 (22s. Od.) ion 59 i To Organize an4 Uninterrupted ani Steady Drilling, by B. A. Furshmnov, RMSIM, Per, Smft Ithot. Vol V, 1957, pp 4-6, Tech nd Ccm W-50 Sel - Emgr APr 58 / / 5-.41 r7 W / / " Ir-he Ocupli-cationa St Well DrIlliDg in the Ural- '4ozhskiy Regions and the Efforts to Solve Them. PIMELI-71, ;-er, Naft Khoz, Vol VIII, 195'$7, prp 8--1,2 Tech and C= $50-00 Sci - Hngr ppr 58 LO L:52 J;~~j ~ 'i 41 1!;Dq 11-?4 Iw gloom IPA AM *100 $04 Treatment of Patients with Thermal Burns by Means of a Biological Film, by A, N., Zerkutov, K. A. Nurahchenko RUSSIAN, mo perj Voyenno Med Zhur, No 8, Xioscow, Aug 1960, PP 68-70 US JPRS 7609 / OY 7f HS DC-5135 Tiesic DigIferances Between the FAM Pen3esta "Development Plan" and the T-Ir, a a the KMS Da-V-01OPMent MnaWinty by N=aUhud. M-M-W-SIM., nP HarIM RWat.. 9 Dea 1960, p JM 8223 FE-Indoneals fti Jun 61 I Test- Flight of "Sikumbang 02". by Nurtanio. UNCIASSIVIED IWOMrMp parp.AngMes, Vol JXO No 3p VAr 1950s Zncl to IR 190-582 AAO DJ&Mrta. AP 117T021 FS - Indoneelm R Nil zm 58 tk i i i - 6 5" I PoLlution of the Atmospheric Air of the City of T IaBhkent mul Ways for Its ]Reduction, by Sh. Yu. Shami zayev.. D. Kh. AuuUayev, 14 pp. FOSSIM, per, Medit Zhur Uzbek, No 01, 10,6D., 1~P 'YD -2' 5 2 tim 9863 Sci - Mad itu,g- 61 Me Real Part of the Elastic p-p Fomard Scatterizig Agplitude by L. S. Azhgjrej and S, B. _QM3LIhev, 12 j3p. IRUMIAM, rpt, Joint Institute ofor Maear En-neareb, P-1188, ABC-)W-W-1033 Sal - pas %t 63 Trip-la Scatt"crizvg, of 660-mav Pmtons. 1. heac mtnt. of the Dapolarimtion Fammater D(900)~ PL Numekin; Id. G. Mashcharyakov, 6. D. Nuruebov, anil 0. D. ftoletov., 3 PP RUMIM psar 2hur Mcoar i Toorst Piz, 'Vol M'V, Ho 6(12S, 19-59, iv 1398-1hol. Amer lust of Phys $*,v PAYS - MP Vol VIII(35); No 6 SOL - Phys avn 59 Polarization In (p-p) Scattering at 635 Mev, by H. Go WscberiWwv,, So B. Numshev., Go Do Stoletov,, 7 PP- RUSSIMp per., Z-Am Vwper I Teoret FUp Vol xxxinv No 1, 1957, PP 37-46. Amer Inst of PlWs Sov Phys-JM Vol Vl, No 1 Flemi. - Physics WAY 5 8 ;7 'Ixlp.Lc L;catteriag of 660-mv Pratma :CI. Angaiar Dependeace of Depularlzatimp by YU. P. Kimm-kin; M. 0. 1-1--shcherYakOv, S. B. Narushev, G. D. Stoletov, 3 pp,, RWSIANp per, 111 &uW I "Veoret Fizj. Vol XWrIIIj. No 5.. 1960., PP 1451-1455- AIP sov itris-JEW Vol XI., No 5 sai i)ec 6o 1101arizatim of 660 rav 'Protow SmUered by Nuclei, by IL G. Mftabe~erlakoy, B. B., Nawbey. G. D., Stolatov, 9 pp. NMAW# =D perlp Zbw Apper I Tooret Fiz,, Vol XWj RO 3s-19%s IPP 361-370- 1 Inst of PbpIes Soviet pbpios-jjw VbI Vs No 3. -or/ ~7 02j-/ Ma 57 1 (EW-1342/b) Stfect ot the AffUcation of Probein M"rolyeates on tim Protein Taming Funstlaw of the Liver,. by 0. IL ww" Vjj 4 J?pe RM~Zaj, WO rArambu-mw" Turkmaistwmp Va'N" No 5,V sep/oat 1.960" pp 'T-19. Bat - Ned Fab 61 t:211 C)f by G, S. 17, sci owl, c mtowt at samttm I& Us Rldi Odualso IW V. A. volkobm4 0. A. Moslat A. A. ~ -.0 - ~ - a a W. MWL%xj, p=p S*vat pe&%W& No 6,. 19",, IV 97-112. laxwoot'l Arts =a ad P"m va is lb 20 see &V 99 94 / 1: