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QlIMJ'PJ'P' of the Hand, Characterized by Developmev:t ol Nodosity on the Flexor Tendons of the ~'-Jn_,7erc an;-~ inhibition of Their Mnver,~ent-- Ho 1850, pp 1h2-161. Tr 6C-4- Sai 11~~a Jan '41~12 Uve of the Telluramtor in GrCJ~aud on the 1959 Smmr Expadition., by Jaam4w Nottarp. GODAMP rp-.o Vail of wiscanin (WP) Sol I. agwohyd Apr 60 ii / -7, 9,~, 7 7 Nonbeck, Charles de. DEVICE FOR REDUCING GUN RECOIL BY MEANS OF EXPLOSION GASES, tr. by P. C. C. 3 Nov 60, 2p. (4 figs. omitted). Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 80, ph$ 1. 80 61-15018 Trans. of German patent 53,856, cl. 72, patented from 19 Apr 1890. pub. 6 Oct 1890. 61-15048 1. Recoil mechanisms-- Design 2. Explosion gases-- Applications 1. Nottbeck, C. de 11. Patent (Germany) 53 856 111. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. CM= el'tdwAcel Swvl~ (Unannounced) Echo smylvesoors for raw-wire Connections, 17Y H. F. 143yeri H, 9 pp. GWM2 _psmWhlotj, Sienew-ftloke. EffA 6o-iG;8a scd Apr 62 'y q.--2 .1 / 1-9 voi. iv,, m 6 Present Repeater Stations. Siemens and Halske .A. Go System, by W. Deutacbmann, H. Nottebrock, C-2 pp. IMUMIg per, Blektrotech Z., 23 Dec 1926, pp 1-514-153.9, 1539-1544. SIA Tr 57-818 373 J 911 Sci - Electronics Sep 57 BriV1339 or Driven 22SUa., by Noinrith aDtbWmrmk. ommu,v latent no 932A"6. Dwk at ommom a o at arneis, ' Aug 39 63-10216 Nottm-Ernst G. CORROMON PROTECTION BY CHENUCALS IN 1. Nottes, E. G. PETROLEUM PROCESSNG. Fr. 1. FUNDAWNTAU U. Title- Fundamentals OF CORROSION AND CORRO!AON INMBITORS. [ 19 Aug 621 14p. 22 refs. Order fi-om SLA $1.60 63-10284 Trans. of [Erdbi unJ Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochen-Ael (West Cermany) 1962, v. 15, no. 7. p. 538-541. DESCRIVrORS-. *Corrosion inhibition, Chemical co m pounds, Vetroleum, Refineries, Corrosion, And- oxidarim, Fuels, *Amtnes, *Acetylenes, *Benzenes. (Metallirgy-Corixtsion, TT, v. 10, no. 2) Ofte cd Tedmical Senim 63-10285 ]~=,-s, Ernst G. cimMiciN PRoTEcnoN By ctiEhacALs iN 1. Nottes. E. G. PETROLEUM PROCESSING. Fr. U. TESTS AND 11. Title- Tests... MEASUREMENTS, PROCESS CONTROL AND APPLI CATION. 118 Sep 621 19p. (figs. omitted) 8 refs. Ordez from SLA $1.60 63-10285 Trans. of [ETWI und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrwhemle (%Vest Germany) 1962, v. .15,no. B. p. W-6431. DESCRIPTORS: OCorroslon inhibition, *Pmroleum, Refirwries, Test methods, Corrosion. (See also 63-10284) (Metal:lurgy- -Corrosion, IT, Y. 10, no. 2) Offin at TedmkyJ Serects Midrivemm of tho Vft-UMI 03rJL*NP Of the R Chwo 04 the am" a the 0*0 Cabot bjr A. 0. gptZgR6. ~ pp. jltWrM.v Vwj M*s I Xblm., X6 5,P 2962. c2m IkI DMIC 62 210,207 Spra7ing the Gas in the Ascension Pi7)eg and Gas- collecting Mainzq by A. 0. Notyeb, V. P. Mikbno, 4 pp. - I RMSIAN, per., Koko i XhIm., No B.. 19% CTRA Sci ?eb 62 If 4 ?14 - 3~ Special-itatums--of- tbe-Coldng-of-Coallas FT-rm the Eastern RegLow., by A. G. Ncttychp 4 pp. R=um.. pert xou i mdm,, ND lo, 196o.. pp 26-3o. am Bel - Apr 61 #11447, ~ /(0 1 63-14532 li0jr-old. Erich. IVOWNETMOIAB ITLOTA-17ION CELI_ 119631 191p. 1. Title- Flotation cell Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-14532 2. Title: Iloncycomb cell 1. N6tZold, F_ Trans. ofG erman patent 807, 262~ cl. Ic, gr. 4. R. Patent (Germany) 807 262 N 572 Vlb/.Ir, insued 28 June 51, pat. from 2 Mar 5% granted 19 Apr 51. DESCRIPTORS: 017location (Separation), *Machines. Design. Construction. Operation. 'Me invention involves flotation cell, especially for the flotation of coarse grain. characterized by the cell has a hexagonal form. The cell ctytrIM~ formed as i.-ubular columns which are formed as ad- mission-and withdrawal parts for the flotation sludge and the flotation oroducts. (Author) (Machinery. Fabrications and Acceagory Equipment, Hue W Tachwca 2-1- TT, V. 10, no. 9) 1 of the PurMcatlau of a Salt by Zme WItIng Observed by Namm of Radio- actlye Mftcatonp by Po Mw# J0 Pmdy and A. NZIni'll - 5 p pwa camwtw -A-- 0 Vol CCXLIvji lb 9s 25 Fab 1957# py IM2-1214- SLA 57-3170 Sol Avg 58 qhe Project for the V. I. I=In Hyd-mc- electric Station, EiiFs Bicaz on the Bistrit-a W-ver, by Plemmider Ale=uftr Dlaaam,, 22pp. -OROATUM.. rer, fte getica, Vol MI, No 12,, 1960, Yp M-536. JMS 1V%7 BEL= - Rmaula OV Neon fty 6 8~117EE (NY-4092). The, plarniag of Hydroelectric Power Plants During the 1949-1959 ft-riod, by Alexandru Moarescu: 6 pp. RUMOMN, per, !Cnergetica., Vol TEII, No 1, 1960, pp 12, 13. JPRS 5644 Fair - Rlm=i Econ - Fuels, px power OC t 6o 102 VehIcle Operation on all Kinds of Soil, 1w T. IbuVicire. Fim=j, Pers Im de L'Aubo, Vol 36, No 11, 1963.# PP 30-W GDAT -r. "') 0 (L U 1,4 1 n e - Sci. - Jul 67 335P020 Attzopt to Tireat Chronic Pul=narv Tubercu- loob With Stre~tccyciu AeuocistAd With Potassium Iodide an& the Nothylic'Antigen., by 11. Now4ou* G. PsUlerj, P. Guilbaud,, Be Choveloup A. Place-Verghnegpq pp. FM=,, per., Revw do la Twmrculosej Vol "IV go 10/n0 1952j. vp 3.010-1013. 00 Scientific Medicine CTS/M liu; Diffeirentlal, Daternii6stiou-1vt l,'Oxygon in:-YAtals bY, ~,Bnminatidn]~Redthation"~ byM.'DurwO., -Fi; Nouyrigat.- FMWCH,, per, Revue do-HeUnwgie, Vol LVII, SISI 1796 sai minl"Is sep 61 Ilst 109 The Relatimship Between Circulatory and Res- pi7nitery Indices in Employed Adolescents During 7hejir Development, by ~4 Novae M. flubac. RMSIANv per* Gigiena. 7'ruds i Professionallme zab(slevsniya, Vol 7, go 10, 1963, pp 1 21. SLA Tr-64-19241 SCUB01 Jul 66 303,816 7M, t;4, Anti.-A and Anti-B Iso-Irmme Antibodies and Tneir Role n in Blood Transfusi-on and in Pregnancy, by T. M., Novachenko, 7 PP. aIzSZIIG) PCZ*., Problemy lematol i Pereliv Krovi, Vol Ir, No 2, 1960, pp 29-34. pp Sci Oct 60 o The Stability and Free Vibrations of a Cylindrical Sbell., by !!. NoW ._Ai# 5 pp. POLISH, W., ByuUetin' Pollakoi Ak Nauk, Otd, Nj Vol ITT., No 1, 1955j, pp 11-15. 9071190 Cousultants Custom Tr sc i - aye 0-1/41 ~ I sep 6o 1c27,, IS(~ StudX of the Thermal and Chemical Aat:Lvatioa of ThImm-Catalysts at the SynthesiB of CO and 821,v by by, A.. M. Bubkirow.. Navak. BMIrAN,p no perj, Iblu I 2*kh Toplivs, No 10, 1956s Vp .12-36. Tech and Oaw $45.OD Sol - Ches A1 17 ~2 Jul 57 j 2he It" of Cn*4ftdsd Ifeb StIfrenws, b7 R. qk ChwaUs, A~ Imak, 9 pp. por, Dw 91603311"t to v bl. X, w0 3.0, 7 MY nP. JPP i37-?Rf.7 MA 9M~rO AM (Do-5965) prcib3 in mma"Mdm WcWk smetv in Power PvcdvaWcu An the 2blidpnvemlear PUnj bv Aniadu 4m!~~ 23 IV. N , 11 ~ 1 11 TI USE Omr (09M.0 pwo swam VOL xxo no go va, Wim. im 22M0 Mir MI-081cfelft Ewa Hmp 62 WalreSuide FftqLnucy Dimmisdustor4, by P*-Xq"kq RIMMAN. s!d.!T=.m XXV, No . ft obsor,, Vol 6# 1$640 pp 353-361. P109=967 MD41T-66"OIS7 A Sci-Elecer -4 IEI&ctr E*Sr Fe"7 313,939 Th-:, Meautirement of 8 Voltages, by B Rovah,, urge :pp. CZIDM, per, glektrotechnicky Obzor, Vol Xr-M, Ro 13, 1950, pp 281-286. CIODDA-1127 ScLentific - Engineering CTO/DRX Engs Digest, Vol XU, No 2., Feb 1951 d :6 .2 'F Production of Loy. Te"ratures, by IIiMWXK DOZ50 Imovaks. H~NGARIAHq pairl, FiRikai szeals, Vol XII. No 7, 19620 pp-206-219, 9669631 FrD-7T-63-265 Sci-Piws Aug 61; Vbb C06tQlYtU ACtIV:LtV Of 5=0 XMtUrGj Sinceam Idnerau and Parbicular3,y of Kiesel4uhro Uced as a Cataljot In the Syntheale of rr;m *4%w NOPWA& erA OydrogMt by A. X. BaobkL-"w v. 1. swoks S. M. Laktav, v. v. &azoikin.. 6 pp! IMUW# no Pers. Uft " Tekh TwUvas No 3.9 1956.. jyp 38-0j, mml, tb xR-igo6-56.. AYM-=. 1101 - Tabu Iftb ign CM/4L. OrystaUogmphy of Germaniump by G. Novak, 9 pp. RMSUN, per,, Zhur Tekh Fix,, Vol XXVII, No pp L66i-m?o. Amr Dwt or phr Bar pftw-T*eh Phys Vol Ila so 8 set - pb" JUM. 58 -R-Q-Zolai at Bw DmUM by 1,ydrogmatUa wp,,b ad" Goo 1u the *MubWg Ow Wwks, by No Xonak smA H. Os Ugblcb. onw-sp per* IL-Wwtaff4hma P, Zwo pp I 308-3164 11 1. / -T-24" Sol 4a 58 6 ~/, -,o 9/ WS DeUniLmUou of tba Spet=c gtafma of umtwat", 1w I. Izakom, 11 MN&. czami. Pwl %"jACk-_ EMM, Vol 17* 1963, P2 W11-9u. MUWT - 3,953. 7- ~ A/ Ott 333iW ln-(~sti<ion of Intermolecular CouplirZ IM Polyethylene by Infrared Absorption Spec.!tros- copy, by 1. i. Novak, 3 PP. per.. In Atlz Fauk, Sar Fin, 1 )MITI, No 9., 1958,, PP 1103-1105. Coltunbla PT~-clli Sc:i Dim 59 /O/j ammuVia" WEL am MY ~Mwaa IWZ4 a VOL Ity. ND 61-22120 Novak, Rusek, M. and janak, 1. OPERNTING CHARACTERISTICS OF MGti-TEMPER- 1. Chromatographic analysis-- ATURE GAS CHROMATOGRAPH WIT11 FLAME Instrumentation IONIZATION DETECTION, "CHROM I". [1961113p. 2. Flames- -Ionization Order from ATS $24.95 ATS-1614-30C 3. Title: Chrom I I .Novak, J. Trans. of Chemlickel Listy (Czechoslovakia) 1960, 11. Rusek, M. v. 54, 1). 1t73-1183. 111. janak. J. IV. ATS-161450C V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J~ (ChemiErry--Arialytical, TT. v. 5, no. 12) (2,100--y-Ith) AgriCUltural Production Zoning Problem, by J. Xorall;2, J. Igo-vak,, M. Pejoa.. 22 pp. CZMH, pert Plamovane Ewpountvit No 12, Prague, 1958, pp 904 -919. MRS 1345-15 EEur - Czech Econ - Agriculture Mar 59 Vy The 1l1& Taipmtvo MabWty of tbo Tvo Vagwislm Car'b$fts., by J. Noftk. GMKNP pwo Z. ph" Mmi, Vbl umms 3.9108 po 5%0-!46. 1 MLS-963 a" Avg 19 9-V1 / 3 7 (NY-1452) The Sixtieth Year - of Acadmiclan Bduard Cech,,--;. by V. 4;j!!!4jL 11~r vyr-Itblop-Ro. Mink%, C=12, qu-per,,, Pestovani Matsmatity, Vol LXXVM., No 2,, Pxe(pe,, 29 Jtm 1953., :PP 185- 194" US JPRB/Nr-L-211 Sci - Hiscellaneow - /AO a Mrr - Czechoolovelda Biqiwaphic mmumomm 11 fif NO . iNt pimi I -'rhe Machaz-Asm of -t~N,;! Tharml Dagradadon of prv.,, by J. Novak. GIMM, per, M=atoffe p Vol Lp ~ No 5, :Lc,)60,p Pp 291-293* colao Set - MW Alre 62 AV4~P-Avl;l 1e co%TcyaW &m gromoss pieces de fmze, by 41. Novak. Czam, per, Notgdk, Vol V,, No 9, JL955,, Vp 267-270. cm iv. 3526 Sol now 61. 62-18937 Wvak, 1. THE MACNE Whi CARBIDES [PT. 1 1. [1962] [271p. 1. Novak. 3 refv. Order from SLA $2.60 62-18937 Tram;. of Z[eitschrift fUr] Phys[ikaUsche] Chernfiel Leipzig (Germany) 1910, v. 73, p. 513-546. DESCRIPTORS: ohlapesium compounds, *Carbides, Water, Chemical reactions, Decomposition, Tempera- ture, Acetylenes. Propynes, Quantitative analysis. 71be present Investigation proves the existence of two distinct magnesium carbides, MgC2 and N192C3- which Is the first and thus far only instance where a meW formi, two simple carbides. This Is &.e more Interest- Ing since both carbides. when decomposed with water. furnish two different alkynes, acetylene and methyl- acety2ene. Both carbides can be prepared very easily, (Chemistry-PhysicaL Tr. v. 9. no. 8) (over) Me td WV6' (DO-4563-) Ve Are bdldlng Coaprati" and laterprise ltamlug, by Ne lwr4u,, A. Ekeuwrj, i Novak, F, iknaAr,j 56 pp. MICUT VU a= - L~ CMOO npnographj Stay1m Druzotevni a Podultm lbtyj, 1.960, PP 3-Q- 63M JWW Undmieft" -11 5- '4 1- M FIrst Working Conference of Czechoslovaki Statisticincr in Prague, by J. Novak, 5 PP- UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, qu per, Caeppis pro Pestovani Matematiky, Vol Lxxlx~ Uo h, Prague, 30 Dec 1954, PP 379-382. US JPRSINY-L-50 sci -. Math rzy 5B ft~ld NeUkods In Ike AW49JA of Matas and KW&ml FWr IftterlaUs V32o c Determlnstlm af C~wlws In AlUp ~l Minena Hav ibterlals,, by J. Dole=a I J. sm is pg. czame Dws ow"tift owdm3AT mm 0~~'o Val, Mrs IMp IN 261-003na w1mu. AW TrAW ad - Kim/not t4 r 61 Determinatlon of Titanium In the Presence of a Small Quantity of Lron In Ilarlm Tltanate, By J. Novak. M Arand. clomp AULWx. Vol 7, 1963, pp 250-154. 0049/T.D. 942) ',j . t1l 0 Ll It K s Ci - Aug 67 339.942 (DC-596-5) Rc-.r ![~W- s of Czechoslovak 11- r Drills 02air C~x-ratind Characteristics.. Design Har"m and Ctmip=tkve Foxfonjamce., by Jarcmir 42XQA. , I-Uiin Jaros., at al,, 7 pp. WVEEMOU USE OMY CUM,* per., kic~y., Vol X. No 1.. 1962., pp 4-9. jpns 13486 Sci - Engr la - q,6..5- AI-T &2 1 A'7.r WC, FOX= of Omersh* cC A&Timatural Lcad, by jor-cf lPvakp 22 13p. WF=CAL UUE CM,XM, par# Pljmovvm ZosqW=Itvip Vol XIVp 30 124,1964 RD U080=56 JM LIL-76 Foul ?194 Feb W Conference of the Czechoslovak Surgical Society, by Josef F22Yq4----q pp. OMOTAL USE OMY CZUFI, per.. 11,;-zhle4y v Chl-rurgil, Vol 1, No 1, 1961, PP 67-72. JPRS 478T cmnmlm 8*1 - Red /4~,2, 7 ~' 0 Aug 61 QuaAMOUVO AnD3,VMS by GM OSOMMI&I Oaast&QM betmM the AWD=b of Cbroca,- tAsmobed stawtowe and taw moodtuft of the A no "Ou curv*,, byt 41bmr 213 Vp* 9# 2965v 35OtW The Sixtieth Year of Professor Janko, by Josef Ncrv.WL,, 1 P. CZECH, qu per, ft4p Casopis pro Festovani Matematiky Vol LXM, Do 1. Prague., 31 M .ar 1954., p79. CIA/FDD X-2859 Mw - Czeeboslovakia. Sci, - mise ---mum Dev:'Lee for Wrainishing Energy~Losseo Caused b Friction of Rotsa7 FasmenUp by Jowf Novakp Fxeziz Herles, 6 pp. rmim., Patezt No ,446,,865. US D#-ft of Commeme Patent Office Bel rAb (Wft) Bed - fts 5 Jun A SPUL LIWM ANALVIIM FOR SMVING TW MWMI PROUK W OTAFM IKLIXA* JOW NDVIK* 11 PP. QWUMNW WE ONLY Mos, pgp* Wow"m 03=o VOL XXI I I it No 9,* 1^ PP PWA. 41, JPU 1743% 3C1 ILLCMUI C3 63 22ttm T I -entmeat O-J.- cancer , by J. j. Novnz , J. lia. I, C.-il-li'VI, par, Casopir, Geskeho Lekarnictva, LXIII', 1-090., pp 264-20S5. SLA 160-18570 9~ "CA J un 62 4, P.To 12 TT-65-M39 Field 20L N'ovak,J. CONDUCTOMETRIC DETEMUNATION OF THE THERIMAL STABMITY OF PVC. 10p,2refe. Order from SLA: SLIO as TT-65-13,39 Trans. of Kunststoffe (West Germany) v51 all p712-4 1961. MR 664 Stme Bobxvior or Pam oafts and G"eous mufturelcotr J. P. Novsk. CMM# Wp Cbmalelm ldjdW,2 Vca 58,p 19ap lop 3.471-14W.- akwit 66 310s.359 '1110 StudY Of FiOlcs CrW Ehtomemoses, by V. SkuhraVyo K. Nm4k 5 PAMSIMs, per,. Entoologichoskoye R)oznniyep No 4s 1961p pp 807-814, ADS gnpTI6 Sep 62 AMAIcaUca of lwe*Uc=ea to Dateralus, the AUvAmwe and Dualmace cC InveaUx by X. Novskp Ve swinvyv vm~alff ----J1 pwo Zoacowkker Ame4prp Val CLUp No IMP 1957P Sol - Ila 60 TRi 62-173 Role of the Nervous System in the Changes of "Metalholic Rewtivity" of the Irradiated Organism, by L. Novak, A. Vatsek, M. Pospishil. PMSIAN, rpt, Effect of loniztng Radiation on the Nerrous System, Proceedings of a Symposium, Vienna, .5~q 15-9 June 1961, pp 449-459- 14L~ Sci - Med may 62 Role of the Norma; System in Cbaugeo of the "HetaboUi Reactiv:LW' of the :UTadlated Ozpmiom, by L,- No7&, A. Vasek., IL PoepMgdlj 3.2 pp. RMXAN.v pqpem.$. ftxxwdtnp of a eppoolum ca the Wfeeft of Imizing RadilwWon an the Nervow Syotemj, Vienaa, Ame 5-9, i961, vp W-459. 9089568 AM W-5190 EkA - bW -2.9 7,,-1,76 pxg Ise -9-parimmtal TorJuAques; AutomtIa Recording of aarapir;wWry NaWbOUSA as Qu Lie-rdx or Z.),.kv ReivetIvIty,, by L. Nova., 3 PP-- MSSIO.. W,, Vislol Zhur WSR Imal ]~- M. seehemam). Vol xLv,, no 1959p pp 494-496. pp Sol wow 9 MEN UIHAPR~Mr 0421-~N ap ~ak STEEP-SLOPE FILTERS WITH MAXIMALLY FLAT ATTENUATION CHAIXACrERIS-nC WITIRN THE PASS BAND. [1963114t). Order from ATS $16.$o ATS-27Q67C Trans. oi Slaboproud% Obzot (Czechoslovakia) 1961. v. 22, no, 3. p. 153-159. DESCRIPTORS: 013arv]-pass filters, Filteas (Elect rorr-agnetic wave), Attenuation, Electronic equipment. 63-17132 1. Novak, NI. 11. ATS-27Q67C 111. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Fast Orange, N. J. (Engineering-1--lectronic, IT, v. 10, no. 1) Met d T 3d S'EVIM IAXMAI-LY.VLAT ATTENUATION RESPONSE FILTERS. [1963] 15p. Order from ATS $11. 00 ATS-711`66C Trans. of Slaboproudy Obzor (Czechoslovakia) 1962, v. 23, no. 3, p. 155-163. DESCRIPTORS: *Attenuation, Filters (El.,ctromapetic). A-63-12919 1. Novak, 10. 11. ATS-711`66C 111. As%ociated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Enj~neering- -Electrical, IT. v. 9, no. 9) Cffks of Tathakif Sarykn A True Story of a Forest, by 14. F. Novak, 10 Pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Lesuaya Byl, 1962, pp 16-17, 176-:181. DC-12717 J-750/67 308,447 Nov (16 OUR ECONOMIC DaIELOPMENT AND THE NEED FOR ASSOCIATION, BY DR. mijo mm, 8 pp. CROATIAN, PERp EKONOMSKI PREGLED, NO 9, 1962, PP 705~,712. JPRS 17652 E:EUR-YUGOSLAVIA ECOM, FEB 63 223.,386 00 t ECOMC, DEVILWMff AND TIME MEW rOR pAmclai.ou'r w in; Na woxt 8 FPO. 01CATIAMP poo Boom PNEMMP NO 90 I,fKt,o W 7c5w7l&- im I" a IA a n3 63 ft3v386 l,cr-- v," 1855) SHIMMILD114 IN-YK CZEUM DOUMTIC R04KICV BY 141105 4Pp. jq~a awl-0 set M~fflclw MOM, VOL Vlj ND Itip i.963ji PP 3 - Jm 13863 we ~, cac"ONAMIA . cm I WAY it 19TP336 A Ccuitribution *to t6he Evaluation of Ybasimments of Compressor-Bladi Cascades at IIJIgh Subsonic Velocitless'.by Otakar Novals, 15 pp- CZEM,, port St"JrAcky C"iss, No 31, 1962 pp 273-288, 9684844 Ffl)&TT-63-Ift sci-phys Aug 63 P I ff On .'e in th~ Sys-l-lem of f'ol- bile Y'l-ve-year PIan, lby Gtojmr Novall..1-3-17 pp. CZ.-DCII -c-c- 'Finance a thvei~, llb '0- ii o-458. p J-vp,q- / , cz,3 ch :)74P Y!c o r L Dcc 61 (DC-2bOO) THE INTRODUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF COOPERATION AMONG ENTERPRISES IN YUGOSLAVIA AND ABROAD, BY OTMAR NOVAK, 15 PP. CROATIAN, PER, TFHNIKA, VOL XVII, No 6, 1962, PP 1115-1119. JPRS A597 EEUR - YUGOSLAVIA ECON AUG 62 205,797 oy' A~-tp-"jo E! L Is, ScLc.,:os,!- c i,iLx-c-v;Fo-L IPHI.ot:ii, by 0. I