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Blood Volume and Total Hemoglobin in. the Karakul LwDb., by ffikqVzk&yaj, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,g parp Dok Ak Nauk 5&MRs Vol CXXXV& No 4, 1959o PP 953-956. ADS Sci - Bio Oct 59 Photomatric Determination of Sm,-,U Amounts of Thorium with Areonasos, V. I* Kuzueteov, 1. V. Nil~ql ~I~a. 8 pp, per, Zhur Awa Rhim, Vol XV, No 3, 1960, pp 299-3050 CB Sui / e' ~( -75- Aug 61 ye ? ?Ilot--atrie Uranium rotoxmination rith --it-li P.eagaritj, 1y Ve To Yuz*notsov,, I. P-.) RUSSTAN, per 2avod lab;, Vol XXVT,, No 3g 1960, pp 266- T-13 a f. 6 - Q (2 'j, Sol- reb 61 Mie Structure of the Solar AtmDaphere in Active and M&Eitarbed ftglonso Immiza n of IbVxogm arA Faliun, by R. A. Gmlysyev, K. 1. skayn. 10 FMUNj, --?Iwp Astrm M j, Vol XLP No 3.- IS63o pp 433-445. Awr Iwt of OWs Sav Astron - AJ Vol V:E, No 2 scl Apr 64 The Polarization of Coronal Emission Lines, by Bo Ic lfogilevakii,q G. M. Nikollskiys, K. 1. Moll skaya,, 19 PPO Russian, per, Astron Zhura Vol XX=,, No 2s. 1960# PP Z6-245 Alp Sov Astron - AJ Vol IV, No 2 Sci Nov 60 Scme Nvw Data on the in Compounds of the Type K2(PdL-+), by =d L. Ye. F~ekm, 5 pp, -HUSSEAN., per., Zhur Meorgan Xhim, Vol I, No 2, 19560 pp 220-224. AM-tr-403 PL-4x 8A Jan 62 Preparation of Slightly Soluble Compounds of Quadrivalent Uranium Using Ronaalite, by A. A* Grinberg,, k,_E. Nlkolakaya,, -G. 1. Petrisbok,. B. V, Pt:Ltv.wI aw V. I.-Pliluo-V ,P RMTAN -Verj Zhur Anal XhJ-, VOI,4=I-, No 1, 1957, Vp 92 :1- Consultants Bureau sci - ohm &,a? CA 71, NiJkol~~N. 'IM-CRALaD FAUNA OF THE U.S.S.R. (C] IAI-(-,I[-',rjll)E.,k) (10W'ts1dy Fauny SSSR)-rr. by A. Mrron and Z. S. Cole. 1963, 593p. FL-4SO SmL Order frT)m OTS $6. 00 61-31220 Trans ' of Opredelltell po Patine SSSR, 1932, no. 44, L576p. I DESCRIPTORS: Olnsecta, *Hymenoptm-a. *7hxmomy, Morphology, Growth, Parasides, Ecology. Pale- occology, Distribution, Economics, Bibliographies. The keys containod tri the volume, compUcd on the basis of female morpbDlogy, cover more tban 4M genera and 1. 200 species, moody PalearctIc In distribution. Some genera and species - unknown in the Palettrctic - are also incli-W when It seems likely that these may om day be found there. 7be different (Biological Scienres-Zoology, Tr~ v. 10. m 1) (ovez (A-Mm 1. Tide: Chalcidoides 1. Nliml'sksya. Nt N. 1[. -1we: Chalcidoldca 111 .PL-480 Stal (61-31220) IV. National Sclence Foundation, Washington, D. Q servion by I&ans of Inhabitors, by 0. A, Petrova, M. H. -aixQlL,l-lm3m2-. RMSIW, perj, Byul Tekh-Ekon Informtsii, No 9) 1960, pp 69-70. BentA 991 sci Aug 61 J6 -?, /C -? 47 A; 301 Alk *20 RUN Vd A ReiT slap cles of Pamaito mf I=dld r Claacftdoldem)s by -34. N. V-'). IMSE1,; , 7ar mita Sti-cam Zoa Ihst At"OA Ul , ParL r,aa- rim ulams Vol =; :L95,3; Pp 2""a-2-P4Z Biel & -&..:.d UIne Existence of Eury-Lona. Anygdali End. and E. schreineri Schr. (Hymenopterao Chalcidoidea, Llurytomidae) as Separate Species., by XX m. ii. Nikollskaya, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per$ Eatomo*- cbeskoye Obozreniye, Vol XL, No 3. 1961, pp 370-372. AIBS Sci Jul 62 2o6,443 Tba 01=ies Of the omm PtAwovtria lres~- (Mmmoybam.s AphelwdAme) in the USSE6 by M. N. MJWIIO~ 3 ppo MMM., Wo jhtawlm Cbcm.* Vol =TMq Fj 2.0 1959j. iv 467-469. AM38 Sol - 1-6.:rlyl am 61 Equilibria in the System U02(103)2-'-'CI03-E20, A. E. laygin, 1. S. Scirnova,. W. A. Mkol I abWe RUSSIMI, per# Zbur Neorg Xhim,, Vol IV, No 7., 1959, pp 1674-1676. Cleaver-Rum Press Ltd. London Bei - Chem Jan 60 0-21/o4 Determination of a Functional Political Ethic,, by B. Nikolayevskiy, E'W. GERKAN, per, Ost-Probleme, Vol XV, No 24, 29 Nov 1963, pp 751-753. 4?J;RS/DC-10259/'SPECIAL EEur - Germany Pol Jan 64 lixter-sive AIr Showers of Cormic Ra