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Pz-06AAR Audi ROHLOS of Metal Powders,, by A. 1R. Nik4PltWWV. N"IAN, POrt, Po"Ikkaways Notalluroya, VO! I11# No 1# 1963# pp 42-47. HR S981 Sci-x/m Ang 63 p0oum of 1writwiftl Voters md NU*UWW# A. S4 *NOW# bko grablow TenrltowtWorM Vad v *a- pro"$ lowswo 'got 3% ppo 19z, 4-`~ Of co-,TDacts een ona Dans' by A.1, 7T po-osl-L-Ovn~-,- CB Pwderoj, b~r A. r.~ Mkolayov~ i-Iu3Uj;wj3I par# 15 Vys3hikh Mhobtiykh 7.4-fader-iy, fzarnool I'let., No 2" 1956,F vp 113-lzu. 12-15 (Li 2o. 6d. Set - luxAml z1w fty 59 Ilea, ~11 W4"w Of QMM"dy sauv at the White swe by A, P* Lqj*gU"V. BE"= was Ipp I*" MW TOO )a 436 Um ArArUs riamAir, Wapsetta nealaUs (pan")J, of tbO *Alf Of 06W Ih thS Wdto by A. P. 1"o~W 2L W. 4 1~ Toprow mp Vol vp 955" pp nomwies an am ~ at onawk ft. AM&POM OMMU. Aswus UK% ad ftb 6k rt"WREUX on v4wt P-mbles and B1010V of Id"""cIll F~ram the WMte Stop by A. P. Zkole7wo 14 PP- allma, per.. TWosy Mi, Vol XVp 1955P PP 5T-82- risheries Ran BD&rd of Canaft sua station soul= ILC. ftl ftb a )Ws Tmnsfer in DIstillation In Wetted-WAU Colt=ns, by A. P. Nikolqevv 7 PP. RMSIM, per, Zhur Prik Xb1m, Vol XXXlp No 5, 1958, pp 711-Tis. consult&Z" Bureau sci - Chm jun 59 (o 3 Fundawntal Ruleu for Compilatibn or iaoooop 1:25,000, 1:50#000 and 1:100,000 Topographic Maps, by A. S. Nikola"v, S. Go Sudekov. 6 RMSIAN, verp Ceodeziyu I Kartograriya.. MaY 195T, pp 69- 76. Call NO QUT5.0852.. 1956.. No 3 ANS LLb Tr Unit set - Geopb" .Tun 58 D~: - 14 10 USSR Qualitj Steel Metallurgy, by A. 3~ Nikolayev, 12 RUSSM, mo per, Stall, Vol. XVIII No 11, Moscov, Nov 1957, pp 987-991. Us mislix-L-868 FT t Germany, v6lstd., Rimanis,, Czechoslovakia Econ Ferrous Metarl,:r,,~v Problems On the VOtOlled TnVeStigatiwn (0 Of VIC SCISIRIC ChNTACterlstics of Soil In Naturol Layers, by A. V. Nikolayev. RUSSIAN -per, Trudy Akad Nauk SSSR, lust Fig zemii , No pp 167-216-. Dept of Navy &.PL/JIIU T-2231 Set-Ear Scl Mar 69 376,341 Acueptor-rponoa, Coneeept:i Applied to actraction, by A. V. Pikallay-ev, H. M. Sinitsy-n, S. P.1, Shubixna-, 5 vq- PoSSIAR per, 72w strvkt Milm, Vol 1, go 3s 1960t -pp 319-3123. CD sci /./- , P, A pf 7 sep Q Action cs Substances cm vi-,U2-cs, 'Uy 1. 1. yamnskly, A. V. Rlkolacv, V. 2. Karacccv-,., 32) pp. Full tmnsl-lition.- MSSLAO, per, Trukv Vscopyamorgo Institute Eksperi=a- trAI'moy Vaterimar-li, Vol X37-, No 1, 1952, pp 23-4,10. USDA Tr C-eientific - Medicine Aug 53 CTS/D17M 1he Prc ""f-It as a fleat Bource in t'ne wl-orldnr of Vaterialc.:, by 1. D. Kulagin, A. V. 1;4-ko-lzy--,.,, 12- pp - IRESTAN, per,, Svnrocb -Proiz, No 9, 1959; PP 1-4. Brittsh Welding Res Assoc Sci Aug 6c) 1,,2 2, d 7,-~ The Behavior of Trace -Amounts of Ruthenium During Extraction,, by A. V. Nikolayev, N. M. Sinitsyn. RUSSIANY bk.-- C.-I -1q69-C6ii'j1 ls)~8, pp 271-281. 1 *AEC Sci '- Chem Sep 59 __ --A,4..& Of 0. MM It. it. VdMN4 a 9^ _- . O-A-Mo 4 pp. ----WOAAW- Imors 19 MM-U* - at mwftuaw 64 0. T. Iblams swo. *4 jup IN lp 3-off ODUDIA &a . mom f4ll~ as 59 ~7?, Nikolayev. A. V. and Soroidna, A. A. COLTAWIETPiC DETERMNATION OF 11MUM [Kolorimetricheskoye Opredeleniye Uriya) tr. by G. S. Smith. 12 Sep 51, 3p. I ref. M2108. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80. ph$1.80 61-13590 Trans. of Akaden'tiya (Nauk] SSR. Doklady [19511 v. 77, 11o, 3, P. 427-428. Another translation is avail- able from Fulmer Research Inat., Ltd., Stoke-Poges, Buckinghamshire. Eng. as FRI no. 26. 61-13590 1. Lithium- -Determination 2. Colarimetry--ApplicaEions I . Nikolayev, A. V. H . Sorokina, A. A. III , DSR LLU M.2108 IV. FRI Trans-26 V . Fulmer Research Inst. . Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) Offi- f T-l-" 5-4... (Chemis try- -Analytical, T1'. v. 5, no. 2) Tbe Prtblm ot the awbdW bladV of the solan" I ' t Am I itum at salu in pums by A. V* 1141094wip Car, Atillsm. Mot-S U ?.# Vol mm, So 25j: W*Aao- 4)*Pt of VM7 APVMO Jw=S Do* .77 Fall RUSSTAV, per, Zhur Lual IMim, Vol lr[lt, lio 1, 1952,, P.P PI-33. Coutiultanti3 Bureat 1953 Scientific Cbemistry CT'S!DEX ion of cmvmt ponsity in welding -me D40rwiu" A. v. mikoism. 13 pp- SPOUS, ty 1. D. TrV4 Ion& WvtgLU=S jumi A A- Ift" on do-,514*T "Aft ft:L jun 62 Pff 3W 19T96& The state at " PWIM Gou. (00 the VA400 at go Owasaft bW A6 7, %~Im-ftlmv a- a. fib-&- 0, To Nli~---jvbiUold MUIR" 4-- J. 190 10 UM))* -;79. W up6wt A. I. M=16 wwo MUM Ows %L 224 so 3# Uxp pp 3WN16 84 ~w ohm an " Mo*v. A. V. and Shubim & ht EXCHANGE IMMPIQUE DU TRMnYLPjiOSPV1ATE AVEC L'AC1DE PHOSPHORIQUE MARQUE (150topic Eydenge Barween TrBxjryl Phosphue and Labeled Phosphoric Acid) tr by &L Kefell., 9MAY60[6]p. 2refs. CELA Wsms. no. R 842 toxt in French~ order frcxn OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-23792 Trans. in French of "mual] Neorglanichaskoil Xhirn(iij (USSR) 19S9. v. 4. no. 4. p. 956-[9571 A translation In English Is sullable from LC or &.A mI$I. 80, ph$l . 80 as 60-10939, 17 Aug 59 13]p. DESCRIPTORS: Butyl radicals, Mosphates, Radio- active Isotopes, *Exchange reactions, OrhosphorIc acids, OLAbeled substances. For abstract see Technical Transladons 3: M MO. 61-23792 1. Nikolsev, A. V. U. Shuhins, S. K M CF-A-tr-RS42 y. CanmIssariat i l'inergia AtornIque (France) Offl.. f T.A.1-1 S"- (Chemistry- -Inorpnic, W. v. 6, no. 6) All E.Verlmmt on the FMaration of a Magaesite Sorbent and the Removal of Silicate From Water for FeedIng HI& Presetwe Boilers, by A. P. Nowt, A. V. - - NaR~5=- RtESWj, per., NylowwrSetikep No 10j, 1958j. " 42-M. DSIM LLU RM 1543 act - Chen, SW /,p Y~ yw/ / oct 60 The Extraction of Cori= by Trlbutyl-Phospbste, by at &L, MJ83IMm rj Mur Mewgw Xhim, No 1, 1958, pp 160-IX. Infosearch Ltd. Scl - Chem B059 52 /' 7 (0,391 -V .Extraction of a lix~ure o-~ Radicacti e IsotoTies I-Jith V,Gtezs of Dretylphosphinic Acids, by A. V. 1lik-u'layev, S. :',. Shubina, 3 PP. "RUSSLM, per, Radiokhiin, Vol n, ITo !, !c)60, PP 3-6. AEC-tr-4576 FL-48o Sci jull 062 PST 565 205,438 The Extraction of Nitric Acid With Derivatives of Butylphosph-l.nic Acids~ by A. V. Nilcolaye I. Slnituya,, 8, H. Shubina, Vol CXXV11i No 3., per.. Dz~k g 'J~j 9 578-580 Sci Aug 6o 1o2 i~ rate -y-traction of Ruthenium Nitrosonit Vith Est/-'ra i~~f Butylphasphonic and Dibutylphosphonic Acids, by A. 11. Nikolayuvp U. M. Siaitsyn, 4 pp. .I-- ~VSSIAH,.per., Dok Ak Hauk S.%M. pp 117-119. Consultamts BLLt Sei .Aug 6o Eal%nco of Y)i,,cct Carrept Weldi ~,'Oni ~-n (.~anec T."T T, 1 -1 1% 1 y C: NO 11, PP 89-91. ATS RJ-206-9 Sci - Chun Dc c ,elel- 7rl IsmoriewArate of the UQZ(N~))2-XW03- MOAC9")2-ft Sy0two by A. Ve Wl.koi- ay~rp, A. 0. luriv~. MM M~m - Plwo sbur - , a IMILP VOL M', NO it,. Aii i566* PV 1037-203-~. AM F4*-"/,F Be& - Chm 4p*,t !P.7 ;~Fp Avg 59 The !~'Iutual Effcct of' Rare Eart-h !:;lCiTaents Du--;-ini~ Extraction With Tributyl Phospha-ktcj by A. V~ Nikolayev., A. A. Sorokiua., 4 pp. per, Doh Ak Ilmik SRSR~ Vol CX-YX 1959, PP 341-344. CB Sci oct 6o 1,7 j- // / 17 -,-, On the Isotopic Exchange o:r Tributyl- 'Phosphate With Labeled Phoisphoric Acid, by A.*V. Wi~ol"ev, - - - _..P. M. Shubina pp RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol IV, No 4, 1959, PP 956, 957- SLA 60-10939 Sci am, vol in, no 6 Sep 60 oxest zVoemovich zvyagLutwr (on the 6m Amtvuvftv at His Birth &n& the 35ft of BIG Scientific Acftvtty)s, by G. X. Voltkmdaho 2. - Cb*MVSYWo A# Vo NMWIQW* 2 PP- so VWP sks Mb VOL 10=0 No 2t I=# 30 19"p NPIAj D 1%" Scientific - Cbmdxtry 020 6919= 40r7/ .11 1&3 4`11"1 . ocne,ilt f9ft", "I" ........ --J,-- n~ I&S:Lc m!!emlcu tidy ol A. V. Nikolayev A. G. Kurnakova, 1. 1. Yk Yakovlev 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgwm Kbi% Vol V, No 8., 1960, pp 1832-1839. Cleaver-Hum Press Sci jul 61 Protective - Mus A. V. Nikolaevi, 7 PP- 711 JAN, per Vest Ak Nauk SMM Vol XW,, Fo 4-5, 13P 57-94. =0 Sci Mmn Center RT-447 S.-Aentific - ChemdE la7 cm1blm 8-5506 (-rc-3w3)- Researob on t1w Chemistry wW, Separation of Rare 2exth Slemnta~(Mctraatlca of oe- and La, Pr and Nd Con- centraten, aryd R---avv Rewe B=th Ellem-nts), by ,~- T. Nikolay-r-a.,, Al. A. Sorokiua3 A. S. Mmlemikov,-13 RUSSLAH., bt, Redkouml'nyye Slemuty (poluchenlye., Pri=aonlya).. 1958, lip 68-73. %MtE;-L-l9S9--D Soi - Chem MW 59 /0/ ~7 SolublUIW Diagrans of thmeMrl and 2horium Nitrates vIth Sat Oftso by A. Go Kurns- bDva., A. V, JwWO* MBIMO pw,, Zhur Nearg Map Vol 13M, No Itp Apr 190j, IV IMT-2036- o Bat - chom !?0 6 Aug 59 (WMM&n to IrMeh AM/CM Tr-R-618) 09 wr Umo Tag lSgT-Vn dd 86461C ..: 'L OR 'Al TOA lwm'si*z emmm 4() all Aq AMUM -0 -V AJUMIR -A -V l=TaT,4z--,wa "ro LqaT=qD m uo ova ems Aq9 AEC-tr-4497(p.339-52) Uncl. SOME PECULIARITIES IN THE 91EHAVIOR OF MICRO- QUANTITIES Of RUTHENIUM DURING EXTRACTION. A. V. Nikolal--v and N. M. Sinitsyn. Translated ~-rom fr-u-&y--fs-esoyuz. Nauch.-Tekh. Konf. po Primenen. Radioaktiv. i Stabil. Izotopov i Izluchenii v Narod. Khoz. i Nauke, ~bscow, 1957 (1958). Izotopy i Izl,ucheniya v Khim., p.271-81. c-4 P NSA N-4 Balancing of Propellers, by D. Nikolayev, 12 pp. Full tr RUSSIOLI, per, Grash Avlat,, Vol Mp No h,, Apr 1957, pp 20-23. ATIC F-W-91245/V %'r-5 -~~ S" Sci - Aerouauttes 0 " - Oct 57 Some Tasks of luorgmic Chemistry in the Seven Year Period 1959-1965, by A. V.-Mikola"v, 6 pp. RUSSIM., perj, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Xhim Nmikp No 1909j- PP 15' CB Sci - ALY 61 Nfloolaev, A. V.. Frolovs, E. V., and Shternina, E. B. STOR]ING OIL AND OTHER LIQUIDS IN CHEMI- CALLY TREATED GROUND. (L96L] 4p. 3 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-201415 Trans. of Zhurnal Prlkladnol Khtmil (USSR) 1945, v. 18. p. 1686-689. -DESCRIFTORS:- *Liquids, *Oils. *Storage, Sand. Iran compounds. Hydroxides. -Permeability. Tests. The impermeability to oil prock to, alcohol and %water of a film of ferric hydraidde on a layer of sand was tested and It was found that nelgbgr of dome liquWW passed throulb this film durbW a period of It= 6 w I I m I s. The ps" of oU pnodme duwjo a dwo-11W malet mass of milk of lime was also Invest I - phted. (Autbor) (Eaginvertsig-Chernica4 TT. Y. 16 am 1) 61-20145 . 1. Nikolsev, A. V. It. Frolom E. V. Lit. Shternina. B. L 090-0 T.Wkno-1 a-4- S~nth-7!sic and TI%reS'l~;a-'jon of Co! )otjn~az of Urallyl I L- L, I M, - Salt's Illith Pyricline Oxide Der4lvatives, by I A. V. ifilzolaev., V. G. TorEpv, 7 PP- Vol LV; T-0 3~, 1962, LJSSIAI-1, pel,, _Radio' ffl pp 289-2)5. CB Sci I-lax 614 AdsorpUcri an DiethyladmdnoethylaeUnLose of TOtal PMtojnB aad Aap=gLnage ftOM MetraCt.6 of B. cad by Ao lao ]jjjjLQljW# p 6 Russimi.o per* Hiokhiz4 Vol )(XMv No 3j, 1962s, pp 467 - 4U OB sci c?--/o,; 3 6,1" Jul 63 A U91 ilq~!!i I Itil: 11 If 14 INT ff, !Ln SolutiOn and in CataUti,- AotivitY Of ksPU'A- -ev, P. 5 ,0 St t the Adsorbed a 59 SGP-0e- 031MV, poor$ Bj*kbjw&7av Vol YJCM# NO 1962,'PP* 843 _ w CB Sai Aug 63 The Adhesion of Dough to the 5urface or a 5olid, by 13- A. NikOIJAYOV, R. P- Glukhl>va- 5 PP- Russim. per, Kolioid lbur, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 14-961 pp. 180-185 CB Sci /4p fF e --? ? mar. 62 Altemuon or the str=um a-xechwdc~i PropertLeo of Broad Dou& IW xechanlcl~l Treatments by B. A. !2!Lolwrvp L. S. Segwwy-Ay&,, 8 Romulkil ~ P,wr UUMN wwwo Vol vlp no 6" vor-Doe ig*p pp ks54&. m D im36 Sclenufle - owdstry im Col= ElLastic-M tic-UniAm Properties of Dread Dougb,, t by S. A. witita-Z. HM*N, Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol xes m K No 4 M53j, Pp 595-590. Co-op Tr sch 74 1. 12m. (ke #at 54 CTS 1q, Sm lorluenm of the Ommi-InadlattM af Ube" rlour am lu qnuivs all fte XL"u4_rAQxvAlG_stAww P"Partl a of 02ntm Pmbdmp on Dmubf, jp ad sUo am Mn Qm"IW at Vw BrwAp bV B. A. =M&M*vp NOMM.. -Nor#. %Dos' VOL Va lb 5j, loso I& MKI ikd - 31mal S(d AM 63 VgNt~k.'!. A. HY hl_U~TROCBMOSIS. Apr6:1. Iv. Ord-r Irmy, CB $12. 50 Trs,ts. of rf,~,nu. ji%grtmwnirs~cf 9 Porwshchru LiCk!!C.Senvc_%1, t.Clingrad. 1"V. 94p. , OESCRIMR.S: 'Llit-ctrclusinvosts. R&Ilt%md bridr-11. Railroad tr&c-ko. Gonatructloqi, Sollst Civil I. 'nIlt: tilf CIT1111: F t Nlkulmr~. IA- 11 Clyl I J If An.( I! IWVT Irr. Ne. York (F-mgIn"ring- -Civil, rr. w, ii, no: 2) B.- A- JAlkoleVwr., 193 M?. WSSMjl bl:.ft k1l D"~Vllmyv 3,96)p pp i-147- %776.141,: J~ll 62 MIMMIC wallk CK ATWC SHIM by 06 vi LOOINUD'o 11.400 VP folp. AN Tr-61-25114 P. TO 4., BID AND COURSE OF MALARI[AL IN- 1. Nikcdwv.*L P. AT N FECTION IN HUMANS W. Himel. tr. 16 Aug NX 23p U. Hadoom bwumfts of (tables ornitted) l7refs Health. Bethesda. Md. Order from OTS; SLA. or EM $2.60 w-ft-28i.14 Trans. of Meditainakaya Phrazitologiya I Parazira rnye Bolezrd (USSR) 1939. v. 8. no. 2. p. 191-206. DESCRIVMRS: *Plasmodiun4 *Diseases, Man, Pa'rasites Parasitic Infections. Commmicable diseases, Culicida&.- *HemospDridia, *IWWsr1a. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology. 7L v. It, no. 3) Propeller for tije -AlrplAne A,,f-2, by D. HLkoiayev, 4 pp. URCIASSUMD RMSIM, pe-r,, Grazhdanskaya AvLitsiya, No. 10.. Oct 58, pp 24. -~ _,-- /; -, ... , - ~; -.~ - A=C ICL,-2/V Sci ? Aero iuu 59 y ~? ~,z 5 -4z On the age of Iron-Manganese ;16"onerations from the Indian and Pacific OceanB, by D. S. Nikolayev, E. 1. Yef imova, 8 ppo RUSSIAN, per, Geokhimiya,, No 7., 1963- Saripta Technica Sci Apr 64 253,601 Concentmtion Sof Tborlun Isotopes In ~km Water, by X . F. lAamamv., D. 13 pp. RUSUAl, par, FauOkbim"Vai, Vol in, no w, 3.961., pp 623-635- PTAW Sal jun 64 260)(366 Concentraftm of thorlm Ikotqns in the Water of the Mack On# by 1. Ye. StuUm K. F. rasamyr D. S. Rawaywi 4 pp. . . ....... . MOSMO, pert Dok Ak Neuk 0 1 ~j Vol C=,, ND 4j, 1959# pp gXq-99L. AOI rei ?(-1- 66,5- j~m 61 The STuthesis of Xyloeaine, by S, V. Zhuravle'r, E. V. nikolayev, 3 pp. RUMIAN, per., Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXX, No 4, 1960, pp 1155-1157. CB SOL fty 61 J to :S-6 co"s @Poo ma tu ftU4W MAt by F. Mtge=# owl, age @go not Amj, ftee Apr 99 Inelastic Scattering of Photow by Iudlum-115 Awl :Lt by 0. V. DDoUnkovichs L. E. lazamu,, F. 7 PP- - XWLW# no per Zhur Upper i Teoret ftz.. Val XMO so 30 29*9 pp 40P6. Awr 30vot of Mouics goviet pbWalm-am Ta M. go 3- ,/ 1, 2W? 57 Effect of the Internal Temperature of a Conductor on the Accuracy of DetermiaLng Its Electrical Resistance, by F. N. MkolAyev-, 6 pp. RUSSUN, per, Iweritel. Tekh., No -1:911 1959P PP 37-39. Instru Soc of Amer Sci sep 6o (DC-2800/6o) Strength of Youth$ by G. NikOlVevi 5 RP. RUSSM., np,, Krasnaya Zvesda'. No 46 (1134-6), 23 Feb 1961, P 3. JPM 8352 SOC ,T~n 61 7e-P:1 In- p RLSSIPIly p(.hr., Svaroch Proiz, HO British Welding Res Assoc Sci Aug 60 Scl,entl.ftc Rz-,,%-,;2,,r(-h Work in tllc- Ch~,A-,!- CS t'-aa 1,00cou Hic4n--, pp. raz,S-IAM~, Per, svaroch Prolz* No 9., 2,95-Y, pp British Wcldim,!~ 'RIes Sci ~-iI23 6o On Vie Scientific Research Work, of Clhinci3e Studerrit-s, by G. A. VNJ=10,TML~ 8 RUB-SUL-4. pev, No -70~ pp 9-11 - B--Itir.h "Welding Res. Assoc Sai Aug 6o Pron-actr, icr Bailding, and Tas'--l'; ~~- ~r G. A. Nikolalyel't 4pp RUSSUN, per, svaroch Prolz, No 4, 19t0, pp 1-2 BIMA Sci May 61 1,:~-A -3 6 6 Devappmeut of Internal Stresses ~beu Welding Thick Metal, by 0. A. Nikola ev, V. A. Vinokurov, Pi - -, A. S. GwAurym, et al --6,- t_ RUBSUN, pm, Avtmat 8varka, Vol LMMI, No 6, 1960, pp a-11. BWM sai 6 - 5~ jun 61 t3- , 3 e ' Researzh Undertaken at the Welding Department of the Buman MOBCow Higber Technical College in 1959, by G. A._A v, 7 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Proft, No 9, 1960, mo 17-20- BWRA sci oa t 6 1 Weldlngp *,by G. A. HiWlsZqvj, A. I. Akulovp 0. N. Bratkovs, et. IW pp* RussTm.p ibk,, svarka,, 196o.. lo6 pp. 9670558 FO)-WL-804/1 Scl - Rngr / 6/ Z/ 2- -9 S Aug 61 b,- y, G. A. -,UJSST kho=aashiUYj? PC,-,, J Bel Vol ITo 3.9 19613 Rp 36-37r - ipBs 10452 USSR Econ 11o,j. 6"t "WAS .4 R, mummy M I= Prom=km YA W6 um The Use of the Radioactive Isotope of Hydrogen, 0 Tritium, to investigate Certain Metallurgical and Metal-Science ~,luestions, by G. !. Nilholayev, B. 1. Bruk. ----------- RUSSI-ILN, bk, 14etallovedeniya (Sbornik Statey), 1958, PP 131-144- 657757-V AEC NP Tr-486 ATIC MCL-3393/III 9 Mar 61 Use of Tiatiom foce a Wicasphic In"atigation a the DIstribution or forogm In TitMl= ZM ZU~=Jt;mq b7 S. 1. Bmts 0. 1. Nikolayvv.. 6 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, UA A lbuk SM, Vol CXVlj, 1957, pp scl - Chan 5op 08 7.3. 7 7 to and Their Es"L-,e:-, '"'y I . N KrugUkova, G. H. Nikolay pp Zhnr Obshob Khim, Vol. Sci choriatry .1 \NY~,64`2~) Frequency Keyer for Ttst of YxIn Line Receivers, by 0. V. A. Udov, 12 pp. MWIM,.. per, V*otnft'Svyazl, No 1, 1961. JPRS SrIVA set 00/ Ang 61 /oPA Pathonlorpbology of the Vascular System in Acute Radiation Sickmass, by IN. Ye. lIP41 Yarygin, G. M. Mkolayev, 12 pp. RUSSIS11, per, Arkhiv Patolog, voi xxni, ft 8, ig6it pp 24-31. JFRS 11M Sci - Ik-d Jan 62 Vie Redwtion of Acetyl=ic Andno Alcobola and Their Estera$'by I. N. ftzarov, IL 1. Kruglikova_, 0. M. 7 FW810, pert n= abeha mLtm,, vo:L xgxj no 2., ig6o, PP'462JA. cm fti Aw 61 76 Synthesis and Transformations of Unsaturated Wboi7lie Acids. Communication 2. A new 14ethod of Synthesizing Unsaturated y-Keto Acids by., V.F. Xucherov,, G,M. nkolaev., 5pp. RUSSIM) per., Iz Nk Nauk SSSk Otdel KhJm Nailkv No 4., 1961, PPo 632-636. CB ZP Scl April 62 it &tuigr of Gall FUN Is -a- 56ack T-100 wing 'roallerso wolud cow V-I*%-Sypw pholtourapkys by V, P. tomm'a a.. S. ukkowev. Itmila.s. irpto PA, bwrt*tltmtbkiy lastL vilAch" a I bma I Tonto- gmlft~ 2= !~Mlkh Menturg U64# ff W-137. J'lQEYZ98U7-V Avu 67 Pwj_,wl_knb rb Zbwo yd V41% 3.~ 19", Al mom Al -Ihk Sri - cooro"ace ourby Sics- Of plasma lied Uke psobles of confirellod none. lucloar I*nclms, IwnIz*Uo4 xuowur with riald, Catlko&, by 8, A* Share"kLys, G. T, AMC MRL,-Tr-ll"(L) X?. J, SCLAUCIour m Ccv~pamtdve Data ror Values of Experimatal Mat 2rausfer Coefficlentop by G. V. HilaLUVev. RUSSIAN, per, EnerGomash., Vol VII, no 11. 1961, pi:) a 15-3B - ZaL M. 3541 Sal - Qez .I- a /' ego jun 62 -":L'an-~er 0-1 Phosphorouz. calcilLa' alld One Plant to Another Tllrcurl,~ Their Rzjct by G. V. J11i:--olayevi 5 --lip - --7-- Ru-"Isil-11.7 Fi7.ilol Rastendli, V--` X, 'DJ CB Sci u4 1.]Pr . 00 "PV, 4re *010 0 imumm", N ar0jaUSIMP OF PEROMIN AMMED AGA' I ATVAIS~ w 1, WIMAM6 I. Comm va -09 Albums sxdn4 wbT,4 Jill soft OEM; Avg